Kevin Hart on Sacrifice, Success & Never Allowing Mistakes to Overshadow Purpose | The Pivot Podcast

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I wouldn’t say he’s actually speaking on the Desus and Mero breakup from any inside knowledge, but group breakups in general. He just used em as an example. Regardless, he still don’t sound like he know what he talking about lmao

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/nino-brown 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

Everybody eats.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wild_Ant_2414 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

The logic here is faulty. Money wasn’t the issue, values were.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Lanky_Chemist_3773 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

As long as people keep thinking that Mero wants excessive more money than what he’s already made and provided for his fam, we gonna keep doing that Albert Einstein joint

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DJNphared 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Start this about 26:00 mins in Kevin was speaking facts about the Boys and culture in general 😢

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CriticismGlittering9 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

kev is absolutely correct

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/phantomleader94 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

he’s flexing hard with the “Jay-Z I have a show wanna sit for an interview?” as if Hov does those regularly

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GreatDayToday69 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
what's up dog what's a good way to math respect numbers gradually he walk in talking just talking all right can we do it what y'all want me here wherever you want to be baby right here oh you put the pillar behind you that them feet can't hit the [ __ ] man I'm a [ __ ] man I'm gonna [ __ ] start that yeah men come in all sizes you want to start you won't know all right nobody's ever questioned your man listen okay I'm ready you ready all right cool I mean he said he ready hey guys don't [ __ ] this up he told you all right this is a big opportunity don't [ __ ] this up okay that big of an opportunity podcast is about to ethics right here all right hey hey bro I've watched your podcast this is totally go I have a podcast I got a podcast I'll shoot myself Heart to Heart what is that it's hard it's a talk show you're a talk show yes not a podcast I'm talking media we kill your numbers well do you own this yes yes well do you have a distribution a media outlet for it no we don't oh that's weird I do [Music] [Music] welcome to the pivot man shoot uh this guy needs no introduction this is Kevin Hart uh man of many jobs we got young Chan Freddy T first off we're gonna get be serious before the show starts because I know where this is going NFL family uh we lost our brother and Jimmy Williams um recently he graduated in 1997 from High School in Louisiana with me he married one of my good friends um from college and she reached out to me and told me how proud she was that we were doing this show and how much it helped and she said she thought about that after Jimmy passed that you should give people their love uh while they're still here so to Chandra and his son to all of his family members we're praying for you guys God bless you all and so we dedicate this show to you and obviously it's the biggest show we've ever done and that's why I wanted to do it here strong strong man um first of all uh R.I.P and prayers to the family um I do want to start off man by by simply showing you guys a little bit of love like I'm I'm doing this because hey I'm a fan but B I love to see uh I love to see us move and navigate in this space of entertainment differently right and we got people that are doing groundbreaking things or you support it by um adding to the groundbreaking moments right like the people that you got coming on your show the discussions that you guys are having not for one minute please don't think that it's not impactful or necessary you guys have discovered a way to be new and Elaine in space where so many are uh that's a big deal so I'm here simply because I love and support the thing that you're doing but also because it's dope so I want to take a moment to give you guys your flowers at the top we'll get in we'll talk but you guys are doing some dope [ __ ] which is why we're doing what we're doing all right and now we appreciate that and this is and this is different for me so we did we were on first take at FAMU yes uh together we both killed nice suit that day by the way thank you very nice man she told me it was tight when we stood out you went snug but it was a good soup by the way a tailored suit is the right suit yeah that's why we was on Stephen that that's what I remember about the family day nice suit appreciate it but you're coming off of really what's historic I was I saw you with Dave Chappelle uh Chris Rock and you've now grown into what is a mega star in many different in many different Medias man I mean you have you know you have shows and you do movies and Netflix series and all of these different things where did that work ethic start though because I watched the the docu-series and it's Laugh Factory and and small clubs and those things that that set the foundation to have you where you are where you got your your foot on your neck and you still ain't letting up um it's the discovery I think it's a discovery of the opportunities that present themselves based off of what you're willing to work for right uh there's a lot there's a lot of talk about what you want to do about what you can do but the energy and effort that goes behind that sometimes doesn't match what I found out early on is I said look if I if I want to do something and I'm willing to actually go out and put the effort and actions behind it well my chances of executing inset thing or on behalf of that thing well they're they're actually real and I set baby steps you know little baby goals not big ones but small ones and oh [ __ ] what I'm saying and I'm doing I'm actually I'm actually achieving and the goals get bigger they get bigger they get bigger they get they get bigger and bigger so I found out that your worst enemy is you and your ability to stay true to the thing that you want to do if you lie to yourself and cheat yourself within you're not fooling anybody but yourself but if you actually get up every day and you got that action and you got that energy that's like I have to go and do this because I'm trying to get here and you know every day you're working towards that well you're gonna get there it may take you longer some may do it shorter but you're not going to lose so I got addicted to winning got addicted to winning and I found I found that you can win more when you surround yourself with more winners I found that putting yourself in the environment of motivational inspirational uh Personnel people that just want [ __ ] out of life it's addictive you you you get that like that rubs off so my surroundings changed my ideas grew my once grew and you know now you're looking at uh you know you're looking at a guy that quote unquote is a mogul um but I'm building and I'm building with amazing talent amazing personnel with all you got going bro that's a crazy thing Brother movies the heart uh what is it Heartbeat Productions all the stuff you're doing man stand up tours and all that most importantly family got kids married do you feel as if something has to sacrifice are you short stroking any of those opportunities I mean you can't it's it's look it's a gift and a curse you can't want the the bells and whistles and not understand the sacrifices that come with it you know some things are going to be a little tougher right like now I'm at a point where I can give my family more time I can be more available but the work that goes into building things sometimes you got to be Hands-On until you don't have to be and the grind that goes with that is one that's necessary uh so we talk about heartbeat right you're talking about what started off as a production company where I was just developing ideas and selling ideas and being a producer on things but it was going to another entity I figured out that I can be my own entity so growing heart beat to the point where you know we're we're a company with a valuation of 700 million now we're we're full-fledged media I'm a media I'm a functional media Outlet TV film radio uh I don't if it's advertising is it unscripted scripted whatever that thing is or that thing may be I now have the ability to Outsource new Talent create opportunities for and make things happen I am now a bridge to success for some um that's different that's a that's the bigger side of the win and that only grows right I'm not that if I don't see Tyler Perry if I don't see Hove if I don't see Oprah like if you don't see the people that have built things and that'll put a blueprint out there you can ignore it or you can go oh [ __ ] it's doable I chose not to ignore it so in doing that all right you got to sacrifice a little bit I'm tired I'm a little stressed out at times but I'm 43. what's my end goal where am I trying to get and when do I want to be there by time I'm 50 maybe I'm relaxed and my feet are up and I'm not [ __ ] working another day and neither is my family maybe I'm building generational wealth maybe I'm changing a narration that's attached to me my household and what's coming after it's all about what you want and what your end goal is you know this isn't for other people this isn't I'm not working and busting my ass for the benefits of others I'm trying to create and change something so that other people coming after can go oh [ __ ] we can either do that same thing or we can go past it even RC started off and you mentioned the people that came before you you know you had the the Eddie Murphy's and the Bernie Macs they're not doing it to the scale in which you did it because they didn't have a production part of it but they went from uh comedic stand up you know to movies and everything else um and I'm pretty sure like us people like to say they had dreams and visions uh you're Larger than Life what were those early visions and this is more so for our viewers right because I'm sure a lot of them want that overnight success and that [ __ ] it doesn't happen that way did you ever uh Envision yourself at this magnitude doing the things that you're doing right now oh you can't you can't say that you have you can you can see success you can want success but what you manifest in what you may get can be two different things right I want to be a successful comedian I didn't know that being a Suffolk meeting would open up these other doors and I could go through this other [ __ ] but when you see it now it changes right but from the beginning and start that way Eddie Murphy when you talk about Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy was not just comedy Eddie Murphy was he was stardom Eddie Murphy was the definition of stardom Eddie Murphy was the comedian that matched the same energy of high-level success with stand-up comedy as Movie Box off like he you gotta understand that that doesn't happen right right like that Synergy and that parallel it doesn't happen so when you see that you're like whoa that I wish I hope Maybe man but you probably can never having the opportunity to do the same thing and be in that same space you're never going to achieve what he achieved you're never going to surpass what he did but you can create a different conversation that's attached to you and as I gain momentum I realize that that's what I now was doing I'm I'm creating a different conversation and attaching it to myself and by the way so the Seinfeld right like so you have you have different versions that some people may uh May realize or may not King's a comedy right like you got you got different conversations you got different things that changed the dynamic of what we do comedy is an event not because of Eddie Murphy but Kings of Comedy reinvented the event Dice Clay was doing it and it was great and Jeff Foxworthy and his guys they were doing great numbers in arenas but people dressed up to go to the king's comedy people put on people put on mink coats people [ __ ] had on suits it was an event because they made an event they had the suits on first oh [ __ ] comedy it's changing those doors are open because people figure out ways to change the locks and open them up again I'm just changing the locks and open up again Chappelle Rock like we you're seeing uh an energy that's constantly Reinventing a thing that has been around forever but if you don't have the talent and understanding with the talent of how to create recreate and move and operate so that it's fun and that it seems new and energized every time it will be stagnant what's crazy to me especially when you start to mention the the guys that that started you know uh I wanted a red leather suit when I was growing up because I saw Eddie Murphy in one and I thought it was cool and I had to wear no shirt under it you know I asked my mama could I get one and she was like baby you can't do that because you ain't got the type of money to do it you know but you look at Eddie Murphy's life and the different marriages and the kids and all Steve Harvey who his wife and and their lives has now become some of the quote-unquote black goals of what people watch but now we live our lives so publicly and if you show if you show the good people want to see the bad you've dealt with different things from decisions you've made that most times especially back in the day people got to handle in their house right if me me and my wife got something we talking about it that of the house it's not something that has to be put on Front Street if I if I say something wrong I set it in my house it wasn't on Twitter so I didn't have to get the backlash of the rest of the world how have you one become so successful despite the missteps that you've had publicly because they're not they're not real you the the reactions from the people on the outside it's not real there's no such thing as [ __ ] perfect right like all right people [ __ ] up people do dumb [ __ ] unfortunately it's the world we live in I myself have [ __ ] up several times I raised my hand proudly I've done a lot of dumb [ __ ] and doing dumb [ __ ] your goal is to get better corrected hopefully not revisit the dumb [ __ ] hopefully you get better hopefully you get smarter some people do some people don't you think jail is there and has that many people in it because people learn their lesson instantly or do people revisit dumb [ __ ] it's not new this is an uncommon but in the world we're in today people go shock I can't believe yeah oh I can't who you [ __ ] yes what right what you get the lifting up everybody's hood and looking underneath that goddamn you want to see the Dynamics of everybody's car everybody's car don't run right everybody car ain't built with the best metal everybody car I don't have the proper uh alignment to make sure that you're [ __ ] uh fuel injection is what it's supposed to be everybody got [ __ ] but you can ignore it or not I'm concerned with how I deal with mine I'm not concerned with the world of opinion of others I never have been so when you look at all that I've been through my ups and downs I'm human I'm [ __ ] human at the end of the day that doesn't justify what I've done it doesn't make it right it means that I'm supposed to get better as I grow there's nothing Doper than an old man or an old woman because they talk to you about life and they experience experience to talk to you about life you know the dumbest [ __ ] is talk to a young person that speaks as if they know about [ __ ] life you don't know [ __ ] you young dummy you don't know [ __ ] I'm 43 and I'm still discovering [ __ ] like you don't that's the benefit of being around the older generation of having a Grandmom a grandpa a [ __ ] Aunt the benefit is getting some life experience and goddamn wealth of knowledge that's the benefit of it so I love that throughout my career throughout my life my mistakes have been public and I love that people can see the way that I've handled them in a way that I've attempted to turn around it's not a secret right I don't need to be a secret nor do I need your approval or disapprove it doesn't matter so when you say how do I continue it's because I realize that it's not real right like we're in a time now where people view social media as the end all be all there's a gift and a curse to it the gift is that it gives you an opportunity to talk to your fan base generate a fan base gives you an opportunity to create material uh push that material and you can do it in a way to where it's all you and if people grow and gravitate towards it great you're building something the curse is if you read those comments and you believe those comments then you become the comments we don't give them about it you're fine yeah you're fine 500 comments of a thousand comments or two thousand comments has nothing to do when you walk outside and you go about your day nobody that you bump across is going to go hey man I'm the one that said this on your page right right it never happens yeah right because it's not real so my process of it and the way that I the way that I receive it is very grounded I have a grounded sense of reality and you know I'm very thankful that if that moved changed I'm in trouble I'm [ __ ] trouble bro and one thing he said two things you said just the grounded part the humbleness part but also don't like that don't [ __ ] it up yeah watch watched it all you know what I'm saying like and then laugh at My Pain like correct me if I'm wrong like once you started telling your story once you started making you know jokes and laughing at your pain that's when I felt as if you took off was that a decision you had to make what what created that because once you started mocking yourself almost it was like oh this dude like yeah I think you took off he's real I don't know if it's real I don't know what what started that but no you're you're you're spot on I mean look self-deprecating humor um is what I feel is like the the best humor right and there's stages I have stages in my comedy career and in the beginning you know it's it's you're introducing yourself to the world and what you'll learn and what I've learned from watching the greats you walk away from anything that they've done knowing about them you know about them prior is great because you know he did cocaine you knew a little math problems you knew it's strong right it wasn't a secret you knew about it he was looking great because of the the raw approach to I don't give a [ __ ] I'll tell y'all I flushed the cocaine down and told my Grandma had it Eddie was great because Eddie told you where he came from he was poor my dad was an alcoholic he's the whoop I had like you you're laughing but he's letting you know who the city is he's letting you know who he is Chappelle unapologetically himself Rock same thing um I can go down the list and not leaving anyone out purposely but using those names as references the beauty of it is that if you choose to put yourself out there then you're making the choice to Simply Be You and have fun being you my therapy is being me here's my good here's my bad and in comedy when I'm on stage I've done that now that it got to a point where my brand got to a place where it was like okay you know I'm I'm low-key turning into the the Family Guy that okay [ __ ] all right well let's figure let's sit for a second and figure it out now I'm in a space where it's like okay I've done that I need to give people a reminder this this tour that I'm on now reality check it's just in case you [ __ ] forgot why I sit where I sit or why I am where I am this this one's just a reminder for what I do right I'm let me go back to a little raw right let me go back to a little Edge but let me make sure I'm still having fun in my craft you got to constantly recreate yourself in your craft that moment that I made a decision to be honest to be personable to put it all on the table but that's because I was going through a lot of [ __ ] and I was like hey I'm sitting to keep this to myself right [ __ ] it here it come yeah my dad all right here's what he did my my wife up well I did this it was all let me get it out and the response came it was an overwhelming response from it so that did help amplify but now you know at 43 20 plus years in it's not about getting to the top it's about staying there how the [ __ ] do you stay there that's what people don't think about like how do you stay there that's the the real struggle stay in there it's not getting there it's the freaking perception from the outside of what now yeah you got the model yeah that's the next step I'm saying like that's the that's the real work yeah so at this point in my career I look back and I go well I've been up here for I've been up here for a minute I gotta I got I need other branches some of my branches became the business the business became my because if I build that well it doesn't matter I'm gonna own everything I do right right I'm gonna own the the space so if this ever does peak down doesn't matter I'm gonna my hobby is ownership now my my hobby is realizing the rooms that I've been able to get into the hands that I shake and the Personnel that I'm around I don't take that for granted are you just supposed to shake their hands are you supposed to make more of those moments that's what we don't do enough of our culture is caught up in the cool our culture is caught up in what we are you don't realize the reason why the other side has worked so long and why they're so successful is because they figure out how to hold on to the handshake they hold on to the handshake they create more handshakes those relationships we don't right we minimalize the opportunity to grow and be around and be a part because we're so self so self-involved you see my and I got mine too [Music] you don't you don't realize right we're real wealth and opportunities are built I now do and my priority is that so the way you talk about me when I made that decision my new decision is to focus on that star's gonna be my star I can't get no bigger again why would you say that what else what else I'm gonna do so I can I can get I can get more artsy I can change and do other projects where people go wow he's more talented or we had no idea I'm not gonna get bigger where am I go what's the definition of more big like what I don't I don't need I'm not chasing that I'm not I'm not chasing a bigger light right not chasing a bigger light right now I'm chasing what's the thing that I can build that will last and that other people can come through and other people can say I I I went through this tunnel and this propelled me to doing blah blah blah how many jobs can I create in here how many people can I employ under here how many life-changing opportunities come from these the thing that I have here how many people am I taking out the hood how many people am I [ __ ] providing uh homes for or putting food on the table how many families are being fed under this the struggle when you get to a certain place is what's my real purpose what am I supposed to do with this I don't want it all I want all the [ __ ] money right I don't you it's boring having money by yourself because you do [ __ ] and nobody's taking your friends can't come they can't do it so if you don't [ __ ] create the things for people to [ __ ] roll with you yeah it's lonely there that's on my circle that group of kids around me they're not Hangar owners spot to earn they're not giving a lot of change because we made a commitment we are a thing that company heartbeat we are a thing I want to change lives and the best way to do that is to [ __ ] build the thing that acts as a foundation that you can keep building on how do you choose that what the thing is no no how do you choose them people yeah because that's what a lot of people you get bread but did you choosing people before you had bread when you were building when you when you were silenced the albino yeah we you know what I'm saying like it was it was a process like in watching a true story and to let you let you answer the question and watching true story and because when you watch art you always feel like there's some truth in it right like there's something that that creative or that that star had to draw from art imitates life and so I'm watching that I'm like well it looked like Kev didn't been through this yeah and it's dealt with some of these things yeah so you gotta you have to pull it from a real place and so don't think about true story shout out to Wesley Snipes I mean that project isn't the project that it was without his involvement um but it's a heartbeat production that's my company like the the proudest thing about that isn't the performance isn't the man look at me acting no I I know I got that I can do that when I want that's a light switch it's the company we develop we produce and here's an example of what we now do damn Wesley came with me and my company Netflix with me and my company I'm in a partnership I'm not a work hire I develop and create content we're a media [ __ ] hub that's the best part of the conversation my circle around me kept me grounded and keeps me sound enough to be able to think about the future to be able to think about the other ideas I don't get to the space of company and Company growth without a good foundation my we 20 plus years in my entertainment career I've had a circle around me I can't you can't get through that so you can't pop that bubble don't exist there's no new added components into my friendship and my wheels I have new people that I know I have friends outside but my real Foundation it's a solid eight yeah when you look at other people that act as examples Brian it's a solid eight whole solid six if you know you know if you're around you know and we know each other's foundation and it doesn't move and that's beautiful because it doesn't exist our culture [ __ ] it up more than anybody else very self-destructive when we get to the places where that Financial Revenue changes what you get oh I should be getting a how much you weak it's very right and that's that's a problem so if you don't personally try to break that chain from the top by Leading with the position of we are all going to be good because we want to make sure that we hold each other accountable we take care of our own but more importantly we grow the data we get into the space of competitiveness the data that our ego is overpower and overshadow the opportunity ahead of us we lose right now if I ask you guys to tell me five bands five music groups that are still together from back in the day you're going to struggle yeah nobody asked themselves why why do they all break up money why do they all [ __ ] break up ain't no money I'm just saying like that's not like nobody sees this we ignore it why are we the coach that is always behind the knowledge in a work it ain't working out we ain't that it ain't I just heard this isn't uh marrow broke up and I'm a [ __ ] fan of these guys by the way the future is so bright for that thing that IP that opportunity to whatever and I see him going back and forth on social media with like what what's happening what do you what why why why can't we ever surpass or overcome the financial hurdles that present themselves and stay stay connected why can't we do that it's called ego that's how you remove it these are said and done in some circumstances actually not in some some instances but but when when people say that right when they say it's easier said than done and the ego the ego is is very present and dominant right you got to ask yourself why why why does it matter why does it matter me and Dwayne Johnson are good friends you know why our [ __ ] works DJ I don't give a [ __ ] about titles I don't give a [ __ ] about number one or number two DJ I don't I don't care what that thing is like what dude I love working with you all right you're my guy I love you champ love you too Kev you want to do this thing let's make it work have my company's producing it you want dope I hope you guys knock it out the park let me see the materials if I can help I can DJ I got something that's coming from my company hey do you want me to include you do you guys want to co-produce how do you want to do it we'll work it out we'll figure it out hold can you sit down with me man I got a show I want to [ __ ] talk to you yeah hey man I got this thing guys I'm doing Chris man you should go what do you think about doing New York together [ __ ] it we can co-headline it let's put this [ __ ] down the middle I don't care okay caveat let's do it you think Dave will come to one of the shows let's ask him Dave what you want to do oh my God guys it's great there's no egos with real success and real [ __ ] moves the real ones right right the real ones there's no egos because collabs are collabs that don't question where I stand and what I am right there's nothing about the next person that's going to affect Rock My World I know I'm Kevin Hart I don't need you to [ __ ] validate it you're right I don't need that I have no ego none I got a [ __ ] tequila I'm not competing with Dwayne yeah it's not me versus him you bring his bottle out here I'll be the first to hold it up I'll be the first to support my guy while I have mine because there is no ego people don't understand that there's so much room for us all but there's this warped view that there isn't this is warp view that can only be one that's the beautiful thing that Chappelle me and Chris on stage there's this thing if they're gonna know there can only be one they're gonna be one great guy no it can it could be a bunch actually that's why they have so many different titles in box that's why they have so many belts in boxing because there's so many [ __ ] great Champions it's not just one is the great he's a Hall of Famer but other people are undefeated too they can't beat Floyd but they still beat a bunch of people which is why they're in a cwcefq I want it digest it you I'm always the one that want to give flowers on the show so I want to give Florida's flowers right absolutely Floyd he always talks about he just wants us to win so he's a good guy he's helped us tremendously with connecting the dots and getting people like yourself on here so shout out champ we love you boy it's about just winning taking the ego out the way we're going to continue to make big moves right because uh you're gonna let the rock know he stay down the street from me okay he used to okay I DM that big [ __ ] but I know sorting through the 390 million followers I don't know many that are busier than me I mean look you look look at us doing this in the house like it's it's we really are busy like you know how people say it but they're not doing [ __ ] right that that Mother's addicted to work like he really is working but he's not stupid like we you guys are moving and navigating in the space where your engagement is only going to grow and it's because of the thing that you built that's that's that's a fact he's not going to ignore that and I'm telling you as a fact him see me on and I'll tell him like it's a dope thing just go and sit down but you're fine it's not that hard like it's like people that understand understand you're not selling him on it you wouldn't have to so I went on on behalf of me coming on here I would simply give him a throw like dude you should especially he's got [ __ ] to talk about so he's going to do it right I think that's just been the dope thing about this about this space and in the same sense Kev like we're still fans you know like like driving over here it wasn't lost on me like I've met you before ESPN a ton of times it wasn't lost on me like this still it's still effing Kevin Hart like period Point Blank but what we do love about this show man is we have conversations especially for our culture that are important uh black fathers is a conversation we have a ton um and the whether people try to speak to the lack thereof or the efficiency of the way that they play their roles you are heavily involved as a husband and as a father in your children's lives and you make the jokes like my favorite one of my favorite things you ever said very Shoreline let me get my flops you know I mean because like I've been there with my kids but you know and and having a blended family and and and now being friends uh with Tori but raising a family with the Nico how do you how do you manage to do all of those things at a high level and still do this uh you you get better right I can I can credit I can credit my ex-wife on gross myself too um it's not about us right it's a period where your fight blurs in to the to the world of raising kids and you got to realize they got nothing to do with the with the [ __ ] that we had right and through the course of the years we've gotten better we've become friends right we had to learn to be friends again um you know my wife Nico the idea of a husband that so I want to move it's a lot it's a lot to deal with but we're investing into this thing we're growing and building this thing I'm a good [ __ ] dad I ain't the best dad but I'm I'm a good dad for real Nair we talk my kids know what I do when I leave the young ones Daddy has to go to work they know why dad's working they know what I'm working towards they know the importance of work um as a as a father especially as a black father the conversation the conversation isn't consistent enough about the good ones people love to hear about the bad ones people love to hear you know about dead don't take care of kids but they don't like to hear about the ones that do and if anything you guys having a conversation here and giving those men their flowers was well deserved and by the way women are [ __ ] amazing you're you're impeccable when it comes to strength when it comes to Value you how about down about now you got that we're never gonna compete that's not it's not a competition but we're needing and we're necessary and if you understand your role you play your role at the highest level you'll see a return and result from your impact from your kids it's all about raising good people my daughter Heaven is in I mean I can't I can't tell you how proud I am of her she's interning underneath my company umbrella not because she was forced because she asked um my son is a representation of I saw what you did and I want to do it my son gets up in the morning he takes his jogs he wants to work out he's [ __ ] 15. hitting the gym at 6 a.m randomly because that I'm just going to go and I'm Gonna Roll with you or I'm gonna go be with you the little ones like kids the sponges what you do what they see they will they will follow there's no bigger return of love than that than seeing that when I see Steph Curry and I see his dad come up to him after the game and you see Dell look at his son with that feeling of yeah and then he got another son he goes yeah like that love of did I did good yeah I did good like it's no longer about you it's about the I did good I'm at that place where I'm looking at my kids and I'm going I did good I'm not at the weed yet you know I still like they're not out yet you know you get to that 21 period then you can say all right at this point it ain't it's whatever you want to say yeah yeah let's do it but you get to look and see the people that you raise what kind of people are they are they selfish are they [ __ ] yeah you know you got people who got kids that are dick heads and they gotta look at them like you [ __ ] [ __ ] like they can't say it but they [ __ ] God damn it just kidding The [ __ ] right like I don't have that like I got good kids they're good people man um you know and I'm I'm trying to do the same thing with these two other ones I'm not having no more kids I'm throwing these balls in the trash I want nothing to do yeah I'm getting I've already had a conversation the only reason why I can't communication why I can't get it now is because of my schedule I have a question are you ready because they they cut mine and I don't give a [ __ ] thing and they burned them no you want to have the look though no need to look hey you can take my balls and you can [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] I don't I don't need balls I don't want another kid I don't know the [ __ ] kid but I'm slapped no you can leave them in there hey I don't give a [ __ ] I don't want another shower you can take my balls and I don't give a [ __ ] what you do you tell me they got to come off all right it is what it is Sir take them off take the balls off I guess you haven't talked to my wife no hey wait Logan knows so my wife we were kind of arguing one day and my daughter knew I had a vasectomy she was very little and she was like Mom why are you treating that like this you already made him cut his penis off hey wait maybe yeah you thought I didn't have one no more yeah like I still got one he's broke it's funny I love that you line it up even with this joke I I mess off a lot not BS [ __ ] and I gotta do actually delivery is kind of like yours because I love your [ __ ] so me and my wife go to a nudist colony like once it once a year we go to a nudist College what's going on yeah yeah we go to a place where like you walk in everybody just gets naked I didn't know if you knew this no I'm just asking you what's going on okay yeah so we go to the nudist colony and you know we just kind of go around you got to shave everything and show out and especially when you shave your [ __ ] it looks bigger because you gain inches from no hair back up for a second I just want to get clarity or something y'all just we it's kind of the question but we we don't get down but we just like to be around naked people together you see what I'm doing bro that's y'all two conversations we just like to be around naked people the one thing to get to me you you hear what you're saying out loud bro I hear what I'm saying out loud it's just like breakfast what's your eating Chad I don't want you know the buffet your dicks by my ex I don't want your dick about my eggs I eat coochie I don't want coochie by my Edge even though I eat coochie and and eggs this is my Kevin Hart delivery yeah I'm still at the point you just saying we just like to be around naked people you don't like to be my negative people be honest with you I have no desire to be around a bunch of people I don't know just sitting there naked that's what I said but some people but the women you like you you better strip club as a matter of fact I'm willing to bet good a good number it ain't a lot of put together people going through this stage I'm willing to bet you no hippies I'm willing to bet a real strong number that you looking at some bad bodies out there and that's that's a fact discouraged steel nipples titties so you just so you just this is a free your free spirit yeah I have a free spirit we're a free spirit got it she likes the tan and it's not like I'm I'm six three but I just got a 6-3 dip I don't have a six seven dick like it's not impressive it's normal I have no I don't know what that means and I don't want I don't want you to keep going it's like no no no you want like a baby I don't have nothing to my knee I've never yeah we can stop right here yeah we're gonna stop I don't think yeah I'm gonna tell you something about as soon as what you should process I have a friend I have a friend named big J uh J if you watching this this I'm going to tell the story you're probably gonna you're probably gonna figure out a way I haven't talked to you in a long time but I have to tell this story so big Jay oakerson it's a comedian friend of mine from Philadelphia that I started out with and big J went through this period where he was interested in swinging there's a true story hand in the Bible and he convinced his girl to swing right he said we should do it and he wanted to do it because the other couple that he wanted to do it the guy's like woman was is that like she was she was great looking like I want to do it because I can get to her like we can it can be great and I was like dude I said you're taking the gamble I said that's a lot it's aggressive right it's not really my cup of tea but I don't know how people live and I don't knock what people do with their lives because that's your life big J said they swung and he watched this guy [ __ ] the dog [ __ ] out of his mouth he said I have no he never bounced back from me he never bounced back he saw I'm telling you man I don't know what you think he is if you get in there somebody got them go double overtime on your lady you may not bounce back all right so you need to think of it all think about the first step you better think about three four and five you see a [ __ ] sweat dripping from his head that's aggressive ain't no going back so you need to ask yourself that on some real [ __ ] though like there's some advantages to height right Shaq was on the show and Chan asked him a question about if you tell me he asked Shaq about his dick I'm walking no no no no no no no no okay he was about 69. oh like can your big ass 69 because he can't so like but I think on the opposite side of the spectrum good questions like you know we get through the good stuff that's Chan yeah what's happening no but this this is for the culture before because as I'm here Shaq can probably struggle but I'm thinking about you right now bro oh first of all why are you thinking about him I ain't thinking about you there's two things not like that listen I'm gonna tell you all this is not and I mean it's from the bottom of my heart you're too nasty okay no no no no no no no no no you need to you need to figure it out okay I got three kids I've been married you need to figure it out all right I don't know where the math or geography is off for you guys but it's Common Sense what do you think if you are partaking in the 69 position that your height comes into play you're dealing with a half space of your body your legs have nothing to do with the 69 you [ __ ] jackass no but listen but okay my friends you are talking about the bandwidth of torso torso to a five foot woman's torso and Shaq's torso it's not gonna match do you think Shaq got a tall torso does he have long legs he has a he has a longer torso than a than a woman your torso and my torso aren't that far off our legs are different because that's what people [ __ ] are you serious I gotta explain I just I know so you stick it you see your leg you see my legs it's a spice bigger exactly right but our torso is the same but look at my head my head is over your torsos are not far off your body and your torso you don't see my [ __ ] long torso yes Michael Phelps has a long torso Michael Phelps arms get past his knees he's a different it doesn't [ __ ] show he's different he's [ __ ] different okay so but section 101 what what about picking a girl up you seen baby boy then reigns with the with the with the [ __ ] squat yeah he was waiting on this all day yeah could you make a squat because I don't know if you could pick a girl up and do that and jump around the house I don't know like imagine if you make the choice yeah at that point you're no longer having sex you're bored you you you have nothing to do with your time you never did that you said I was gonna hop around by the way probably one of the stupidest things I've seen in my life okay I don't know how your knees are I'm 43. I have a hard time I had a hard time yeah he had 17 knee surgeries are you Squad at the age 40 who ain't nobody doing that and if you do I want to see I want to know what needs you guys maybe he had to do it at the nudist colony because somebody else was short out I put a knee brace on I believe I just don't know all I had on was a sleeves I'll be 39 here in a couple months 39 yeah 39 Squad they just look way older yeah we got a Philly pivot man because y'all are in the same territory right now that's his [ __ ] but growing up in Philly like take us back man uh how do we get there by the way but it's going to be great no matter what yeah but you gotta understand you can't let [ __ ] like that fly like he just when somebody randomly says things that that a little out of this you gotta you gotta what do you what do you mean by that you have to make people explain certain things just so you know they hear it you know what I did have a question by that because I got caught up in the squad what um the the who can who can regulate your jokes that's what that's what the whole sex Colony question was who can regulate my job because is it your boys is your manager is your wife because my wife that was the thing when I started talking about the sex stuff on this show when I started talking about the sex stuff and talking about me and my wife and I play kids imagine and I play dog porch and he dresses as a kitten and she comes out and she comes against me when it's raining because I'm wet and she'll come get me from the door and [ __ ] and I like scratch on the door and she'll open it up like an old woman and she'll bring me in the house yeah and she'll have a little bowl of milk like we we have a good time that's not a good time you're sick but like when I started telling those stories my wife got mad and it kind of ran me like she she's the only one in the world that can make me not tell a joke yeah and the sensitivity with with comedy right now he was like I don't like what you're doing you shouldn't be talking like that about me yeah I'm not comfortable with that and so I stopped it for a while is there anybody that like is there anybody in the world that regulates or stops your jokes I kind of feel like you you just could have said that I feel like I do I feel like he just you just could have said Kevin when it comes to your jokes is there anybody in your household or around that can so make a decision you know stop we didn't I didn't need to know none everything he said if I could get that piece of my life back I would if you could tell me I could go back seven minutes and get that back I'll sign up right now right uh listen when it comes to the understanding of sensitivity uh I did Overlook it for quite some time you know um I talk about my family uh you know vividly we we at not we meet I've said things I've put things out there and you know my daughter checked me my daughter's 17. my daughter had a talk with me and she was like Dad you know I'm at a point now where I go to school and I don't want to be the conversation of or I don't want to be the punchline because at school that can go and grow into blah blah blah and it was an argument I respected her for her stance her maturity I said moving forward honey I won't do it and I said I'm I'm glad that you said that because I never thought of it that way and you know same thing with ex-wife son wife like it's it's it's a thing so you got to be conscious of it all um yeah you're in a we're in a sensitive time where you got to be aware of others feelings and you know the context of what you say and how you say it but comedy doesn't die you can still be true to you you can still perfect your craft and do it at a high level you're just more aware so I'm more aware and I have been but you know it's it's unfortunately just within time comes change right I'm not fighting to change I'm not I'm not here to uh take a stance of or do the the unthinkable that's not who I am or what I am um and for those that matter that are close around me you know I make sure their presence is felt when they needed to be my daughter needed it to be sorry it's easy change is that the difficult part the the joke parts or when we talked about living your life very publicly and I think the thing that has made me a a bigger fan of you not just your talent is your honesty yeah right like so many people because you did become the family man right you did become the family man and so many people try to only let the world in on that and now that I'm having an issue I'm going to close up and you and your wife spoke very vividly about the struggles you know you guys have dealt with yeah is that when you do speak publicly about those things you know what I made a mistake and I'm trying to make up to my wife for this mistake I've made I want to be better well here's here's the thing like even within these questions it's it's not groundbreaking to understand that if a man [ __ ] up he wants to write his role right this isn't but not we're not talking about [ __ ] algebra we're not talking about the hardest problem to we we're talking about something that should be common sense right damn I gotta make it right what that's life that's what you're supposed to do that's what you're supposed to do and by the way everybody thinks they're invincible and so they realize they're not right you really want to break it down to you nobody prepares you for the higher levels of success nobody gives you a book you don't get a pamphlet here's Fame and here's how to operate in it I'm a part of a very small percentage you know the crazy thing about the percentage that I'm on is only a few see from this POV well with the other 98 percent you see from that POV well I've seen from both I've been in the 98 and I'm now part of the one percent you don't see from my side that's even yours am I you don't so the POV from the outside to the end well it doesn't go the door doesn't go around completely it's one-sided so why would our fight or argue is that where you get the I I can't believe it like you said earlier like oh oh my God like he stepped out like I can't believe he's like what are we talking about some debates aren't worth aren't worth debating about hoes had some [ __ ] to me it was so great he said in the interview one time he was like you know we are you with a fool from afar nobody knows who the fool is because they're just here because you both but you both look like a fool somebody argue with a fool and you're on the outside of y'all both doing this right here from afar you both look like the fool I don't know who's right or who's wrong so some things aren't worth discussions some things are yeah you can process it how you want okay I'm all right I'll be okay my concern is here I focus over here if I get this right what was your childhood like uh coming up in Philly so many so many other [ __ ] folk for real no okay I mean I want to get into it but it's so many great um so I feel the moment to get into it it's on a great uh entertainers I mean musically Sports you know um from Cunningham a lot of great Philadelphia Eagles team Sixers Barclay back in the day um what inspired you like local Legends local I mean I list is long I mean you said two and I really feel like you cheated us you could have you could have went you could have went a lot further not really not really so two you can go AI you want to go Dr J you want to go Barclay you want to go pay the best yeah you want to go music The Soul Child you want to go Will Smith I mean you can literally go down a list of what's come out of Philadelphia uh Talent um creative we are a we are a city we breed them right we've done so we will continue to do so um I think the dopest thing about Philadelphia just understanding that it's a hard City to be in Period um and it's a hard City to make it out of but we're a city that when we love you we love you when we love you we love you you you you can't do no wrong and in Philadelphia I'm I'm I say this and I mean it there's no Embrace better there's no Embrace better it's a rough City man we're a rough [ __ ] City where's your face your favorite rapper I mean we had a we had a great moment man I'm I'm gonna be honest with you Beanie Sigel Beanie Siegel freeway he was a beanie I don't want to say he was I hate saying was beanie beanie May Philadelphia realize that other people were watching us right like when they signed beans and beans was rolling with beans had um beans created the labor we saw them watch us right they know right like you see the way Meek move now like you know people watch us we we're a conversation of our own we are a we are a breed of our own yeah from style from Personnel language you know we we're a city that can stand on we can be identified are you from Philly look at that beard you're from Philly got the temps on with the guy that's Philly he just got the bridge on like we have we have signature things that are attached and I think you know those are those are culture culture specific things that you don't lose you you hold on to so you know my love for my city is never going away it's only going to grow and I'm I'm defined by that right International Superstar bro World Universe wise Superstar you said it great dad great husband like everything you do your insecurities right now what like what what when you sit chill in the shower like do you have any insecurities right now bro you know you got money like like you're good yeah but what's your insecurities right now I don't know why I don't know why you have to make me naked I think because yeah what are you thinking I was gonna ask you about the Tommy Hilfiger uh photo shoot yeah I just want to help you just just for the show if you're making it if you're shooting draws do you meet up before do you meet up a little bit get some blood flow no I just want you to know that yeah the same question it's the exact same questions can be asked without without any of it you could just say Kev hey man are there anything anything bothering you any insecurities that you're having currently today you don't need the shower you didn't need a shower I was trying to do like when you're by yourself you just say when you're by yourself you just say that okay by yourself have you ever thought it's quick it's easier uh but maybe so that you know as you in this space for you I just want you to understand same question um I don't I don't have I don't want to say I don't have I have to I don't I don't have insecures I mean I don't care enough to be insecure about like I don't like I'm not bothered life is a dude life is too dope it's too dope it is not promised caring about the [ __ ] that you can't control that should have killed you the mind the one thing that the pandemic showed the world is that an idle mind is dangerous like literally sitting with nothing to do and just Conjuring up or thinking all day like we we didn't know the world of anxiety we didn't know the world of mental health and how like real it was until pandemic or little pre-pen it really was like oh [ __ ] oh people are really going through oh this is this is real I don't I don't give myself an opportunity to battle me with my thoughts about me I can't I've never done that into the people that do do that are that are going through that I understand what that world of pain and what that thing can be so it's not a knock to it at all I'm never putting myself in that position I never have so the things that would deem to be insecurities are you know you're talking about Minor I mean I got a got a black toenail at one point I wasn't taking all my socks but then now that gives me the toenail the pinky yeah I don't want to tell you I want to see no I don't want to say that's why I didn't want to I knew you would say hey man listen before amen before before chance try to get you naked I love getting opportunity uh to do this but we understand that the most important thing a person can give you is their time yes and we also understand and not everybody's time is worth the exact same amount we know how much your time is worth we know how much uh your space is worth and for you to give us this time it's truly uh the largest honor of this show um I've been around you before I've never been around you uh in this space I hope that people really understand that we got a piece of of Kevin Hart not just the Entertainer not just the Mogul but the human and for us we are truly blessed I mean thank you so much for sitting down bro it was truly reality check for us and that's dope look I mean it when I say it like I I [ __ ] with what you're doing but I'm I want to see people win I want to see people win and if we can continue to find real examples of supporting one another especially within our culture we can we can really Define moments where like we're helping to elevate amplify that [ __ ] is contagious after a while got no choice but to follow suit um I watched the Michael Beasley episode [ __ ] strong like when you like when you when you're in that environment and you're getting you're you're getting things that you're pushing out but that are real care moments real real gift [ __ ] moments well those are things that you want to see people see more of so uh I hope that this put you in a position to to get more gain more and it's not forced right hey this ain't a chore yeah I'm not like I didn't go do this dumb [ __ ] here we go it's [ __ ] good so shout out to y'all keep it up um appreciate it I don't know uh the world of what you do but I'm gonna or what you have but I assume that this is your sponsor uh good [ __ ] get your money however you can I love the people that [ __ ] with you um I'll send you out of the case just for you guys in life also too one last question though are you gonna actually be are the Eagles going to be good enough for you to get denied walking to the stage again I'm sorry he was over there though he was there I could have yeah the thing is I was only there to get the trophy the trophy went by I didn't see it the trophy it literally they brought it this way and I was turned and I told my wife I was like I'll be back I'm going to I wanted to see the trophy so I can get a picture they [ __ ] walk right if I had been turned this way I wouldn't have got denied because I would have had the trophy there uh she might go to camp this year man you want us to tell him anything for you we got a training camp tour if the Eagles had no problem getting to the stage okay it's Philadelphia okay that's where I was [ __ ] Minnesota that that cold [ __ ] place okay it's a lot it's a lot that went to that moment that hand on the chest it hurt me for a while why didn't you hit him with I'm putting a strong hand on my chest look me in the eye he told me flat out Kevin you're drunk no nothing all right I remember going all right turn around you know why I was drunk because the tequila I was drinking wasn't Grand core mean on it it's not a commercial boy oh boy nothing better than a crystallino that comes from a place of Love Grand cormino celebrates your journey hard work tastes different and me no Lino took me four years to make this we don't know what a crystallino is I'll tell you exactly what it is it's a clear Reposado that mean olino gets them that's not a commercial hell of a sale yeah appreciate it bro we gotta go on vacation together the white repo that's crazy what gives me a different space [Music] uh [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Pivot Podcast
Views: 2,334,408
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Keywords: the pivot, the pivot podcast, new podcast, football podcast, channing crowder, channing crowder podcast, fred taylor podcast, fred taylor, ryan clark, ryan clark podcast, nfl, nfl 2022, nfl 2021, football, super bowl, super bowl podcast, full send podcast, fullsend podcast, Kevin Hart on Sacrifice, Success & Never Allowing Mistakes to Overshadow Purpose | The Pivot Podcast, kevin hart podcast, kevin hart interview, kevin hart stand up, tonight show jimmy fallon kevin hart
Id: _alcE8PfzbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 41sec (4061 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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