People Doubting Mike Tyson in Jake Paul Fight Because of His Age

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The jogan Experience they to do it to Mike Tyson Mike Tyson people talk [ __ ] to people are there's some certain people that are just crazy man well speaking of Mike Tyson these people that think that he don't stand a chance against Jake parler that're like this shouldn't even like he because he's too old I like I think you're I think you're crazy well they're definitely uninformed yeah because here's the thing he is 57 years old he he will be 58 when they fight he he has had a long fighting career he he has been knocked out by Massive men like Lennox Lewis and avander Holyfield you know he's he's had a lot of blows and you know it's long you know long past the time where most people ever fight you know the only person that ever fought competitively in at after age 50 is Bernard Hopkins and Archie Moore Archie Moore did it back in former was 40 something for Foreman was in his 50s I believe when he had his last fight was he he won the title he's a grab some whis yeah yeah yeah foran was the want some ice and glasses and [ __ ] uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think foran captured the heavyweight title at the oldest age which was 46 when he fought Michael Moore he hit him with this perfect right hand it was crazy that's uh that's okay that's that Bodega cat that's Mark Norman stuff we got some good [ __ ] though so how old was he 48 so his last fight when he fought Shannon Briggs Shannon the cannon shout out to Channon what let's go champ so he beat Luc aares he was 48 years old crazy crazy crazy and he knocked out Michael Moore he was 45 so he was the oldest man ever to win the heavyweight title at age 45 and you got to realize like that's a real 45 that's not like a 45 today the 45 today is 45 with testosterone replacement and human growth hormone and peptides that's what I'm saying this Mike Tyson yeah he 57 but he got access to everything everything and he's also doing this very unique uh kind of training with electrical muscular stimulation that I've talked to some people that um do that and it it's uh it has massive benefits of rehabilitating injuries and it also uh for a lot of people gives them significant gains when they use it as opposed to just using weightlifting I I don't know too much about the science behind it when Jamie comes back we'll have him look it up but you slap electrodes onto yourself they they they put these pads on you and it's hooked up to a machine and while the electricity is going into your muscles you're doing exercises so while you're getting jolted you're doing squats and you're doing like deadlifts you're doing all this [ __ ] while you're connected to this uh thing that's stimulating your muscles but isn't um isn't that aren't cuz my main concern would be I guess in my head with it's like what if the electricity the timing's off and it and it goes to contract your muscle at a time where you're trying to I think it's constantly contracted and I think you're you're fighting through that I don't know I haven't done it I'm I'm talking on my ass what is uh that thing that Mike Tyson does where he gets connected to uh like an electrical muscular stimulation machine I've seen it in training footage and I know from talking to the guy that uh was telling me about cheers my brother congratulations on your special thank you it's awesome so happy to see you chilling good bourbon not bad this is I think this is the jack car stuff yeah that's not bad no this is uh Bal con Texas pot still bourbon that's legit mhm that's leg yeah this is this is real legit that's legit yeah that's good stuff what were we just talking about George Foreman Mike Tyson yeah they so they he they do this thing where they slap Chuck Zito they do this thing where they slap um these electrodes on them Chuck Zito is a giant fight fan shout out to Chuck this this is now yeah so they they put these electrodes on them and they have them perform different exercises new fit Neu fi T and so they have this machine okay a breakthrough in neuromusc muscular electrical stimulation devices utilizing direct current so it's a device that uses uh an updated form of neuromuscular electrical stimulation to send electrical impulses through the skin to the nerves resulting in muscle contractions and sensory impulses the nme technology mitigates the action potentials of both peripheral and central nervous system allowing for communication with virtually all parts of the body the impulses stimulate muscles and other tissues including contractile and sensory muscle fibers and sensory and motor neurons the stimulation also leads to increased blood flow in the areas where it's applied so I know Tyson was doing that before the Roy Jones fight when he was when he was training I believe he's doing that now too but that's interesting right because You' want to do like everything you can with a 57 year old body to get it ready to do that yeah I I don't think people know you don't lose that much ability you know you have to understand who you're talking about but it what what does change though is your your ability to recover yes right and then your the amount of damage you can take yes that's that's what changes but he can still [ __ ] destroy that guy the thing about the amount of damage you can take it's ALS that's also um that's all it's it's all in comparison to how much damage you took in your life right there's certain guys that as they get get older it's very disturbing cuz you see them get touched with a punch and they just go out you'll see that with like you know some older MMA fighters I saw that with Chuck lell yes where it was like nobody could knock him out and then it was like anyone could
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 955,968
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: yH9IlPYXz9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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