KETO BREAKFAST PIZZA RECIPE | Bacon & Eggs on a the BEST Keto Pizza Crust

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hello good morning my name is Annie and I have the popular keto cooking YouTube channel ketofocus I also have a website where I like to share all of my delicious keto recipes it's called keto focus com I also work full time as a pharmacist I'm a wife and busy mom to two growing boys so I like to specialize in family-friendly keto recipes today I'm going to share with you guys a breakfast recipe we're gonna be making keto breakfast pizza you guys should have all of your ingredients set and ready to go so that you can cook along this pizza with me let's get started we're gonna start by preheating our oven so come over here to the oven you're gonna pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees and while that's preheating we're gonna move on to cooking our bacon I'm gonna be frying up our bacon today but you could put it in the oven and bake it in the oven if you want to one of my meal prep tips is to bake your bacon on Sunday if you like to meal prep do a whole package and then you can just use it throughout the week for an easy breakfast another tip I like to put in a bunch of bacon like this and fold it over that way you can get a lot of bacon in your pan to cook otherwise it doesn't really cook as well if you're doing strips you can't get as many in the pan so we're gonna need about 6 slices of bacon while our bacon is cooking I'm going to start making the pizza dough so this is a Fathead dough pizza and we're gonna be using mozzarella cheese and almond flour and a few extra ingredients to provide support I have the full recipe on my website keto focus calm in here I have 3 cups of mozzarella cheese and we're gonna microwave this at 1 minute intervals until it's melted if you don't want to melt your cheese in the microwave you can put it in a nonstick skillet and cook it that way it'll melt as perfectly well that's melty we're gonna move on to the rest of our Fathead dough ingredients I'm going to be using a food processor to mix up my Fathead dough if you don't have access to a food processor you can use an electric mixer or you can just knead knead the dough together by hand the food processor is so much easier the dough comes together super quickly so in my food processor I'm gonna add this is one and a quarter cup of almond flour I have one egg and then I'm also gonna use a tablespoon of baking powder a tablespoon of xantham gum and half a teaspoon of salt now in this recipe I don't like to add any cream cheese cream cheese is just added to baked goods just to provide structure and support we already have enough of that with the mozzarella cheese that we're gonna add and the xanthan gum so there's no need to add additional calories even carbs to this recipe by adding the cream cheese it works just beautifully without it this is after one minute of cooking the mozzarella cheese it's not quite melted so I'm gonna add it in there for another minute I like making Fathead dough a lot of times I'll do it during meal prep day you can double the batch triple the recipe it actually freezes really well so it's something that I always like to have on hand because you never know when you want to have pizza you can use about a head dough for other things too if you want to use it as like a bread replacement some people use it to make cinnamon rolls or some sweet pastries besides just savory pizza bread or or breadsticks our cheese is nice and melted now we're going to add it to the rest of our Fathead dough ingredients you mix this together until it forms a dough ball and it starts to roll around in your food processor so everything is nicely incorporated together just make sure you get all of your dough and now it's time to roll it out I killed the heat on the bacon and we just wanted to cook it until it's nice and crispy so we're gonna take this out and let it cool and then we're gonna chop it up a little tip I have when it comes to rolling out your fat head dough is to lay down a wet piece of paper towel or wet cloth and then you're going to roll it in between the two sheets of parchment paper I like using parchment paper just because it's disposable plus I can leave my Fathead dough on the bottom sheet of parchment paper and bake it just like that without having to transfer it to a different tray and on goes the top layer of parchment paper just kind of smash it down and then we're going to start rolling and depending on how thick you like your pizza I've rolled this to maybe around a quarter of an inch thick if you want it thinner then roll it out thinner if you like a thicker pizza crust then keep it quite thick take off your top layer and now we're gonna move on to our toppings for the sauce that goes on this pizza it's gonna be a ricotta base like garlicky cream sauce so in a small container I have this is a quarter cup of ricotta cheese if you don't want to use ricotta cheese you could use cream cheese that would work just as well too and it's gonna be a garlicky sauce so you could use 2 teaspoons of garlic cloves if you want that's minced up really finely or some garlic paste if you want to turn it into a paste I'm just going to be using a garlic sauce this is a premade garlic paste that I just purchased from the store it's a good shortcut to use if you don't want to have to be mincing up some garlic so we're gonna add just a couple of teaspoons of this to our ricotta cheese and then a little bit of salt too so this is about 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt and we're gonna mix this together this is a super simple white sauce if you like to have white sauce on your pizza now I'm not gonna add my sauce just yet you could if you wanted to you could spread it on but I'm actually gonna be adding some of my toppings I'm gonna put my cheese down first and then my bacon surfer cheese since this is a white sauce pizza I always like to have white cheese which is mozzarella cheese on that so I'm actually just gonna be spreading my mozzarella cheese down first this is 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese and we'll just move that around until it's evenly spaced and then next we'll add our bacon we're gonna chop our bacon up into little slices and if you didn't want to use fresh bacon you could probably use prepackaged bacon crumbs that's another shortcut to some people don't like to use those because they do have preservatives in them all right and then we just sprinkle this right on top another idea you could use instead of bacon is to use ground-up sausage or if you have any leftover steak you could put that on this pizza as well and these are the leftover meats that you have just make a really good breakfast pizza in the morning now comes our sauce we're going to add this on to the pizza now what I like to do is just do little dollops of sauce all over the pizza just because I think it's really tasty when you take a bite of this pizza and you just get like this little area that has a lot of garlicky creamy garlicky flavor but like I said before if you wanted to just paint this on your pizza crust before you add the cheese you could do that too you all right and I like to add a little bit of spice to the pizza so we're gonna add some crushed red pepper flakes so you don't want to add too much it just kind of depends on your level of spice that you want to use this is about probably a little bit larger than a quarter of a teaspoon but just sprinkle that on top all over that's probably enough but it just depends on your taste preferences if you like spicy or not and then finally I'm gonna add a little bit of Parmesan cheese on top just to give it a different cheese flavor so this is just grated Parmesan cheese about three tablespoons of Parmesan cheese goes on to the top so we can transfer this to a baking tray I'm gonna just fold my crust over a little bit because I just feel like it but you can cook it just like this too if you want okay so this is gonna go on a baking tray you can bake this on a piece of stone too if you just have a plain baking tray a pizza tray whatever you want to use it's gonna go in the oven in the middle rack at 400 degrees we're only gonna bake it for 4 minutes because we're gonna be adding egg to this pizza and keep your pizza on your parchment paper too this is going to prevent it from sticking to your pan so into the oven we go this makes a really good recipe if you liked a meal prep or just have an easy ready to go breakfast in the mornings it makes a huge pizza one slice is really probably gonna fill you up that you might do too as well but it's a really good recipe to have on hand because you could just take it on the go if you're running late for work so you don't have to make breakfast so like I said a really good meal prep option for you guys our timer just went off so let's go check on our pizza so after four minutes your pizza will look like this obviously it's not done but we're gonna add some eggs to it so with the back of a spoon here we're gonna be creating some debits into this pizza I'm going to be adding four eggs so I want four little holes to go evenly spaced in the pizza and this is just so when you crack your egg into here it's not going to run off and pour it into your oven you want them large enough so it can hold the entire egg that one's running off these bigger back in the oven we're gonna go for six minutes while our pizzas cooking we're gonna be cutting up some basil I love the flavor combination of garlic and basil and bacon so just take off some fresh leaves of basil if you don't have fresh basil you could use dried basil too or you could just completely omit this step green onion would work really well here too it just adds a little pop of color actually tomatoes would be really good on this pizza but I'm not going to do that today so I have a bunch of basil leaves we're just gonna roll them up just like this and then slice up all right so now there are these little strips of basil that we're gonna sprinkle over the top of our pizza once it's finished baking it's been around six minutes our pizzas finished baking depending on your oven temperature and how thick you made your dough you might have to cook it longer so six to eight minutes but let's check on it so here it is right here this looks really good the edges are nice and browned the only thing is is I kind of want the eggs the egg yolks to be cooked a little bit more so what we're gonna do is put it back in the oven and we're gonna broil it we're just going to broil that on high for a few minutes keep your eye on it so it doesn't burn this is just gonna cook our egg yolks and our egg whites a little bit more okay that looks like the egg yolks are sat a little bit more they look I love this too when you boil it it gets nice and bubbly and that cheese gets golden brown and if you like crispy crust it's gonna crisp up that crust a little bit more now we're here just to finish the pizza we're gonna sprinkle on our basil leaves on top you'd also want to add your fresh tomato if you were doing that I like to add a little bit of flaked salt and just like salty things and I think it looks pretty on top of pizza and then you could also do a drizzle of olive oil that's really delicious the combination of the the oil with the eggs and now we're ready to eat it's still hot the best part about this pizza is the egg yolk so when you cut into that it just leaves this beautiful yellow and you can move it around your pizza so that every single bite has a little bit of that delicious runny egg yolk in it worried like I said you could eat this on the go - mmm it's so delicious you guys the flavors the garlic the basil the bacon the egg everything works beautifully on this breakfast pizza thank you guys for watching don't forget make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel it's Quito focus on YouTube and also check out my website Quito focus calm like I said I have a ton of family friendly easy keto recipes on there thanks for cooking with me bye
Channel: KetoFocus
Views: 100,219
Rating: 4.9373741 out of 5
Keywords: keto pizza, low carb pizza, keto pizza recipe, keto recipes, keto pizza crust, fathead pizza, best keto pizza, low carb pizza recipe, fat head dough, low carb pizza crust, pizza low carb, keto pizza dough, keto breakfast, keto breakfast recipes, keto breakfast pizza, keto meal prep, keto meals on the go, easy keto breakfast, keto breakfast on the go
Id: CgnE1aS0rbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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