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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] what's up everybody my name is Scott and you're about to watch 50 solid minutes of Glorious intros from 2022. I hope you got your popcorn sit back relax and enjoy what's up everybody my name is scooter and this is Kentucky World standalized Training and today I'm going to teach you how to do a weapon disarm like bad guy I want your shoes your wallet or something first a new volunteer I found this guy here out in the woods he has fairly short arms so should be free into disarm all right so first I'm gonna give him the training weapon here you go and uh he is going to point it at me like he wants my wallet or something and uh now I'm just gonna grab it to warm up okay here we go now I'm just gonna go that fast you're making me look bad so now I'm just gonna grab again and then from here you you twist and he should just fall now you just twist and he should just fall down and now you have the weapon and it's just that simple thank you so much for watching scooters Kentucky Staying Alive what's up everybody my name is Scott and you're watching Kentucky ballistics and today we're gonna shoot some slap rounds in my 50b and wait stop who are you I'm you I'm Scott from the Future No you're not tell tell me something that only I would know you don't wash your hands after you poop that's not true are those Crocs there's no socks in the future so you got to keep your feet dry there's holes in the cross listen I don't have time to explain to Crocs do not shoot that slop round why are you wearing two pairs of sunglasses there's so many UV rays in the future that if you don't wear two pairs of sunglasses you'll go blind okay speaking of blind do not shoot that slap round is that a fanny pack glad to know Scott of the future is so cool what do you also like an eggplant farmer as a matter of fact I'm a world-renowned eggplant Chef oh my gosh you're such a loser you know what I came back to try and help you and you're nothing but rude you go ahead and shoot that slot round as a matter of fact shoot two of them what a loser where the heck is Scott he's supposed to be here like 30 minutes ago this is a VR headset we got time to kill I'll go try it out whoa I'm at the Kentucky ballistics gun range this is cool ah nice how do I walk straight watermelons out all right I need this here oh yeah what is that opponent points hey what's going on it's a T-Rex dude I don't want any trouble man no no no no man no no what brings you to these parts oh just about to do some target shooting with my home defense shotgun oh yeah me too what you keep for home defense Single Barrel 12-gauge shotgun the only thing you need for home defense Single Barrel boy what if two people break in your house you need a double barrel shotgun more two Intruders ain't gonna break in my house believe me I know it's always just the one guy same guy too single barrels off sleep you need a double barrel shotgun now Single Barrel is the way to go double barrel double barrel but what if three people break into your house at the same time what are you gonna do then oh no what would you do then I don't know that's why you need a triple barrel shotgun well butter my biscuit no no no no we don't what's up guys hey what are you doing here well I just thought I'd stop by and see if you had anything new well I've actually been expecting you got a few new guns for you I know you ain't got one of these this is a 460 Weatherby Magnum well I already have one of those you got that huh all right well how about this here A 416 Rigby yeah I got that too I bet you ain't got one of these a 500 Nitro Express got it of course you got that well I know you don't got this one just got this in a 600 Nitro Express good solid gun too good lock up good barrels and it's only blown up twice wow what what no what did you just say huh you said it's only blown up twice no I said you've been outside the weather's nice by the way have you seen her 20 millimeters hey hey what's going on Scott oh hey man what's up how's it going you uh here to pick up the Barrett absolutely man I'm super excited why are you selling it oh no reason in particular just thought I'd you know clear out some room in the gun safe okay I guess that makes sense but why are you only asking a hundred dollars for it I mean it's it's a Barrett yeah you know it's a used Barrett so depreciation and all that stuff 100 bucks it's all yours all right well 100 bucks it is then awesome man well you enjoy and uh good luck all right I'll catch you later hey what the heck is this this gun is way too dirty what's going on man how are you I'm doing great hey I really appreciate letting me borrow your 50 cal oh borrow I thought you just wanted to shoot it today yeah man just like a week or something you know this this is not a normal 50 cal It's A gm6 Links like you can't get these oh I didn't even know it did that yeah it's brand new too oh be really careful don't scratch that thing there's not a scratch on it I am gonna take such good care of this how long are you gonna keep it like a week maybe so I'll get it back you will definitely get the whole gun back okay you need me to show you how to use it no I'll figure it out okay would you need ammo for it I I uh I got my own ammo okay man just take take care of it I really like that I promise I will I'll have it back in a little while okay what hey hey dude thanks so much for having me out and thanks so much for the shake this thing's it's actually pretty good um I mean what did you put laughs foreign [Music] who's in here what kind of weirdo has been living in this tent a zombie head eggplants God sucks Scott loves slap rounds Scott loves eggplant Kentucky ballistics can't shoot like a good point I absolutely should update my car's warranty and my social security number is uh hold on hello who's in there Scott is that you what are you doing in this tent can't understand what you're saying I don't understand what you're trying to say Scott I don't speak Klingon [Music] ow you're an idiot next time you think [Music] who's in there what are you boys doing in here you know what let me do this right here now what now there's a T-Rex dude uh T-Rex dude look out he's behind you don't you be peeing on my rug [Music] oh my God [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so this is it what do you think about my new rental property yeah it's pretty nice but uh probably needs a little fixing up yeah it definitely needs a little bit of TLC yeah man uh there are not any spiders in here are there because I'm like terrified of spot no no there's no spiders in here anyways the first thing I'm going to do is probably knock out this wall and then I'm gonna have to do something foreign there are no spiders in here quit blowing holes in my floor I got you sick no no how's it going welcome back to Bob's big boom sticks how can I help you today well somebody told me that you have a 500 Nitro Express pistol I should have known you were gonna come for this thing the rumors are true I absolutely do have a 500 Nitro Express pistol check this thing out oh wow so what do you think about it well to be honest it's a pretty stupid concept but I'd like to buy it fantastic well that pistol comes with a business card to a great dentist and it comes with a complimentary helmet trust me I shot that thing last week and you're gonna need both anyways I gotta go for no reason in particular I'll see you later piece of candy another piece kid that would be scary look at all this cake what are you doing in these parts wouldn't you like to know yeah actually I would like to know huh well I ain't killing I got a new car I got a new gut I got a new guard hey hey hey oh yeah oh they smell so good when you first get them out of the box oh listen to that slide oh I can't wait to put the first round through this thing and now I forgot my ammo what are you doing no no [Music] hey Scott you actually showed up yeah yeah it came on by okay so you're like uh supposed to be like world's toughest guy or I mean people have said that I've got something that absolutely terrifies me I kind of want to see if you've uh you've got enough grit to do it well I do have a lot of grit let's let's do it then am I supposed to follow him okay I don't really know what I'm doing here all right well I'm going in no ah man Scott that's actually pretty good no oh yeah that's the good sack no please no you're a monster who's strong now Scott [Music] ah poor little guy it is kind of hot hey okay we're pretty good about that what the heck hey doc thank you so much for getting me in today absolutely Mr Ballistic so why have you come to uh my office today okay so sometimes this thing happens to me and I don't remember doing it and I'm calling it watermelon time if somebody asks me what time it is I just black out and then they say that I scream it's watermelon time and then shoot watermelons and where exactly do these watermelons come from I don't know and sometimes it doesn't even happen that way I hear an alarm clock going off and then I just black out right right and again everyone says the same thing I scream out watermelon time and I shoot watermelon and again Mr ballistics uh where do these watermelons come from I don't know so I really need your help on this doc I mean it's happening right now do you hear it excuse me the alarm clock do you hear it no I don't hear anything it's right over your shoulder and you don't hear it no I certainly do not hear anything and there's definitely not anything over my shoulder it happened didn't it it did it happened I'm so sorry so uh should I just like come back tomorrow or something or no I I think I'm going to refer you to a specialist um another one that's dust um another one bites the dust two hours later oh no no no [Music] hahaha W what are you doing eyes on me where did you learn that I went and saw that there Jurassic Park movie last night you just gotta keep your hand out like this and you got a maintain eye contact hey man thanks so much for letting me borrow your 12 gauge yeah man any time I hope you have a great time be safe absolutely that you have a great day it's got such a nice guy break this bad boy out oh man it's a little bit different than what I expected 10 Gage well 10 is three less than 12. so can't be that much different [Music] the heck dude well hey there what are you doing with all them tables uh you're having a yard sale yep that's what I'm doing hot dog I know you're saying when I see one that's why I have so many tables set up I'm having a yard sale Amanda hey he's having a yard sale would you mind if I put some of my stuff out there I got some stuff that didn't sell last week uh you sure yeah um yeah sure said you can say whatever you want up all right all right all right we got Grandmama's lamp here I've got Auntie phyllis's teapot bless her heart then I got grandpappy Splatoon oh cluck [Music] so again his name is Scott I met him on the internet no he's not crazy he's just a normal gun guy [Music] it's watermelon time this guy may actually is nobody likes eggplants right said John it's a different guy different guy wrong place I'm sorry I come back John [Laughter] hey how's it going welcome back to Bob's big boom sticks how can I help you today well today I'm looking for something less lethal or is that even mean okay all right I got you 50 BMG Bob EMG Les lethal uh it is Leslie it's a less lethal than a tank no that's that's not less lethal Bob and I'm not looking for a rifle anyways I need like a handgun handgun huh all right okay Desert Eagle that's what you need no no um do you do you have anything that's not a firearm something that's not a it's not a viral what okay oh yeah yeah okay this bad boy right here is definitely not a firearm and it's very effective trust me I know from personal experience what do you mean personal experience Lowe's is the Sheriff's Office y'all still offering that big reward for that Maniac with that bat yeah he's in my shop right now it looks like he shaved his mustache but he's here come quick he's swinging the bat everywhere he's going crazy hey you better come quick he's running he's running ah is this Dr Hyde Dr hightower's office yeah this is it scooter when since when do you have a job uh since none of your business are you here for your appointment I believe you're uh 30 minutes late Mr ballistics yeah I'm a little late sorry okay whatever look just go lay on the table over there and whatever you do don't make eye contact with Dr Hightower he's weird about it okay okay what's up all right okie dokie this doesn't look like a very high quality chiropractor table good Lord [Music] is that you doc yeah I'm pretty jacked up doc I'm hurting pretty bad now it's not there no not there no that's a little low doc uh not definitely not this all right about right there yep okay other than a 500 magnum nope I just love shooting my 500 magnum don't you think it's a little weird that that's all you like to shoot no you know what people say about guys you just shoot big handguns all the time no what do they say they say that they have extremely tiny feet now I'm I don't have tiny feet I wear like a size 15 shoe yeah right dude I guarantee you you are stuffing those shoes let me see your foot no let me see your foot Scott okay I'll show you my foot I'll let all these do it I knew you had tiny feet look at that little foot why aren't you wearing socks that's disgusting you're so gross foreign [Music] [Music] what are you doing scooter hey there's like poachers or something out here the lizard dudes in the tree I gotta cut him down uh no it wasn't poachers that it's kind of a long story but you should probably just leave him up there no way dude he's an animal and he deserves to be free cutting him down all right okay well whatever you say scooter laughs oh you're free lizard dude go be with your family see that Scott sometimes it pays to have a little bit of compassion you trying to one-up me Brandon foreign challenge accepted helmet Cowabunga it is uh uh who are you oh hey I'm a magician well I'm just out here practicing my magic you want to see a magic trick sure why not awesome okay we'll start with the cards I'm not very good with the cards but I'm really good at making things disappear you got anything on you you want to see disappear uh uh well I got a gun never done that one okay yeah this is a really nice gun here okay are you ready for the magic trick I'm gonna make it disappear so we say the magic words Abracadabra out of that and poof it's just gone like that whoa yeah you like that okay now for the second part of my trick I'm gonna pull your gun out of my hat oh that's a Rice Krispie Treat ah hold on one sec oh some flowers oh let me try again hold on one second uh an eggplant are you serious give it a hack yeah you try foreign so hard honey honey whoa it is hotter than a two dollar pistol out here and I forgot my water I wonder if Scott's down on the Range let's give him a call real quick Sarah call Scott don't you ignore me Sarah this phone never works what's up Debbie well I'm down here trying to cut up this tree for you well that's awful nice of you I really appreciate it yeah yeah listen I forgot my water and I'm dying to thirst will you please bring me something to drink well yeah that's the least I could do for you I'll have you something down there in no time appreciate it headed your way w [Applause] foreign so do you think you can fix it yeah I guess well I'm just gonna step outside make a phone call you do your thing all right sounds like a plan yeah is this Taco Bell yeah I was just calling to see if you guys offered any kind of compensation for damage to Plumbing due to the use of your products go okay well I got a guy here working on my toilet and it's not going to be cheap no gosh darn it let's clean these packs [Music] I should just call him foreign [Applause] what's up Kentucky hey uh not much uh just about to film a video cool what are you filming well actually kind of funny you mentioned that that's why I'm calling uh I'm about to shoot some Legos and I already shot Legos right but I want to shoot some with a 700 Nitro so I thought I would see if you cared if I know no no but what if I give you credit in the video no don't you think you're being a little unfair if you copy my video I'll stop making your shirts what you heard me Kentucky butt lipsticks copy my video and I'm done making your shirts Matt I can't hear what you saying the vote I know you're breaking up he's bluffing I've been looking for you I thought you were dead nope very much alive and I need your help you wasted your time Kentucky butt lipsticks you've already had your three wishes yeah but I almost died so that's like a respawn so shouldn't I get more wishes there's no way I'm giving you three more wishes but I'll tell you what I'm feeling generous so I'll give you one more wish sweet okay I need a rifle big enough to take out a T-Rex no reason in particular that's a big wish so those are just like show muscles you're not strong enough to do it uh you're not strong enough to do it and you're scared it's okay I'll make you wish [Music] your wish is look at the size of that thing that's what she said oh man this is awesome I should have bought one of these a long time ago I'm gonna go this way and I'm gonna go this way let's go see what Scott's doing foreign probably doesn't even know I'm watching I always knew they were spying on me oh no play those don't play how do you maneuver with this thing go go go time to go pick up the old weekly supply of watermelon I um no gosh you locked your keys in your van didn't you no I didn't yeah you did yeah I did lucky for you I'm getting this man licking this blitz you know how to pick locks or something you see that there you got to pay no Dude 65 to get your van okay this ain't no big deal now you got you a little more of a breeze thank you hey what's up Brandon what are you up to hey man uh not much just uh just calling to check in see uh when you might be returning my Desert Eagle your Desert Eagle yeah the Desert Eagle the one you borrowed like a week ago yeah I totally remember now you're Desert Eagle yeah okay so so when are you gonna return it um soon I just have to find all of it did you just say find all of it what no no okay so so you're gonna send it back yes okay awesome so or like several tiny boxes what are you talking about uh hey Brandon I gotta go my phone it's uh uh Scott what did you do to my gun Brandon I can't hear you I don't know what's going on right now I'll call you later ah [Music] [Music] [Music] it was just a toy it was just a toys [Music] what are you doing scooter what's it look like I'm doing Scott I'm chopping wood okay why look around see the leaves Winter's coming do you even have a fireplace no what your mom does all right whatever dude you can keep chopping all the wood you want but could you please do it away from my truck trust me I know what I'm doing my dad's a plumber get um [Music] chase the Butterfingers today what nothing I was just admiring your handgun manipulation skills or whatever why are you filming me I was just uh taking a selfie you know day on the Range man I can't even get out here and shoot and peace without somebody bothering him foreign s are so much better than revolvers I only got eight shots out of the damn thing foreign what is this I told you to use the litter box all right let's get this zombie unboxed wow they are really making these things realistic now a little too realistic what's up everybody my name is scooter and you're watching scooters adventures and today we're gonna eat some fermented fish it's gonna be pretty gnarly bro dude it's killing my vibe bro [Applause] oh it's laying my nostrils what Incarnation are you doing over here what's the big deal I hate to throw my crackers in the morning [Applause] today [Music] oh somebody help me somebody help me yeah sweetheart I need you to bring me a change pair of pants no nothing's happened yet but it's Taco Tuesday and I just I want to be prepared hold on okay yeah no no no no where are you where is it true [Music] I'm free [Music] guess what Mr ballistics I got something that you don't got what would that be head lice no why always trying to kill my vibe bro I got a gold elephant gun where did you get that I got it from that T-Rex dude he's my small arms dealer just gave it to me you don't think that's suspicious at all no scooter I'm pretty sure that gun is hot this gun is not hot it is lukewarm at best no not that kind of hot I'm getting out of here believe me I'm pretty excited to try out these blanks whoa that is loud I should have never taken off the training wheels foreign that's the guy what the heck man dude what the heck without this works get out get what no get up mm-hmm welcome to Bob's big boom sticks how can I help you today well I need an AR-15 all right what kind uh any kind will do um don't you have like a million AR-15s yeah but I need one more well I can't argue with that I got one right here what are you gonna do with it uh you know the usual you know some some plinking around you know uh target shooting you're gonna blow it up aren't you no no I'm not yes you are no I'm not I'm not going to give it to you why not you know why give it to me no give it to me no give me it no just give me it no come on I said no no no no no no get out of here no means no two hours later where'd he go what's up everybody my name is scooter and you're watching cooking with scooter and today we are going to make scooters pumpkin pie the first thing you need is pumpkin next you're gonna need a soda pop because everyone likes sweet pumpkin pie oh yeah that's good stuff right there I like my pumpkin pie to have a little bit of crunch so ah you gotta add some Cheetos in there they have a nice texture and they tend to hold their crunch even after being baked and then last we gotta mix this thing up oh yeah that's looking good that's looking really good oh yeah get you a good whip foreign I guess that explains why Grandma's pie was always so stringy what's up Scott what's up man congratulations on three million subscribers yeah thanks I appreciate that to celebrate I did something special for you you did check it out what did you do that for there's not a 3 million subscriber play button so I took the liberty in modifying yours you like it yeah I love it I love it thanks so much hey is that for me thanks oh it looks good smells good it's pretty good [Music] no that's not laughs now where is the sake what in the world boy have you lost your mind it'll buff out yeah buff out I'll tell you what I'm gonna buff you out right let's see if we can get this bad boy sighted in okay check that out probably like three clicks up all right just ought to do it what in the world what's up everybody my name is Scott pre-Christmas cookies Don't Mind If I Do that's really good interesting [Laughter] what's up Scott what's up man what are you doing I am about to test out my new waterproof gun case so it's like completely waterproof yup it's completely waterproof that yeah scooter that's not the waterproof gun case my bad hey w ow you got a pin I can borrow yeah there should be one of my glove box foreign pistol here oh how did that get there you uh you really watched all 50 minutes huh um okay I didn't think he would make it to the end uh uh what was your favorite let me know in the comment section down below if for some reason you're not subscribed make sure you hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any Shenanigans in 2023 and as always my name is Scott thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistics [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 853,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kentucky ballistics, kentucky ballistics intro, kentucky ballistics intros 2022, best of kentucky ballistics, best of kentucky ballistics 2022, kentucky ballistics best of, kentucky ballistics skits, tactical t rex, kentucky ballistics tactical t rex, kentucky ballistics scott, tactical t rex kentucky ballistics, scott kentucky ballistics, kentucky ballistics scooter, kentucky ballistics gun genie, kentucky ballistics compilation, kentucky ballistics 2022, kentucky, ballistics
Id: m8xMbeNTL3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 4sec (3124 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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