My TOP Home Defense Weapons ???

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so for a while now I have noticed that I cannot leave any kind of food out on the Range after we're done filming even something like this entire gallon of mayonnaise will get ripped open and completely devoured by a mystery creature today I brought my lunch and I set it on this table and it was a small box of KFC we did some filming we weren't very far away maybe 50 yards away come back the box is gone we've been searching forever and we found it oh so pretty sure he's living in here you can see my box of KFC chicken it's a chicken he didn't even eat all of it wasteful foreign [Music] [Applause] what's up everybody my name is Scott and you're watching Kentucky ballistics and a question that I get asked a lot is what is the best option for home defense well today I'm going to give you my personal top five Home Defense weapons let's go get set up and get started got some distance on that one I would have been able to throw it a lot further though if I had some fried chicken so today in no particular order I'm going to give you my top five personal choices for home defense first we're gonna have a little bit of fun with each one and then we're going to perform a little test with some drywall and some ballistic gel and see how suitable they actually are for home defense so my first personal choice for home defense that I present to you is the classic double barrel shotgun but this is not just your average double barrel shotgun this is a double barrel 10 gauge shotgun with 32 inch barrels Elmer Fudd ain't got nothing on me check this out that is a three and a half inch 10 gauge double lot buckshell your average 12 gauge shell has about nine pellets this is attacking 18. so that means with both barrels loaded up you're packing a whopping 47 pellets so downrange I have one gallon of relish one gallon of tartar sauce one gallon of mayonnaise and one gallon of Tabasco sauce let's see how they hold up to the almighty 10 gauge here we go [Music] oh [Music] I got two more rounds of three and a half inch double up buck that's another whopping 63 pellets going down range here we go [Music] [Music] I have to say the smell of Tabasco with tartar mayonnaise relish it's not very appealing all right we know that the 10 gauge double barrel shotgun can do a really good job at destroying some inanimate objects but now let's see what would happen if we use it in a real world Home Defense scenario so today I have a rather large block of ballistic gel check this thing out it's like two blocks in one a big thank you to clear ballistics for sending this over to us I'm going to place this behind the drywall this is two layers of half inch drywall with insulation in between we're going to shoot through it and see how much penetration we get into this ballistic gel but why does that matter well most people want a home defense weapon to not have much over penetration but if someone breaks in my house I ain't coming out of my bedroom I'm scared so I need to be able to defend my home from the bedroom I need to be able to make it through some drywall and have plenty of penetration but before we blast this drywall with my double barrel 10 gauge I want to give a big thank you to today's sponsor CF Moto if you're in the market for a reliable ATV or UTV that's not going to break the bank you need to check out CFMOTO as you know I am not exactly gentle on things but my CF motors have held up quite well my uforce 1000 is great for daily chores around the property and my Overland 1000 is great for work and play but I use it for mostly play if you want to check them out there will be a link in the description down below again a big thank you to CF Moto for sponsoring today's video okay here we go oh [Music] so it looks like we had a very tight pattern with the 10 gauge and we definitely had some over penetration I have to say I am pretty pleased with those results now let's move on to my next choice Some people prefer a shotgun for home defense and some people prefer a rifle my rifle of choice for home defense is the Ohio ordinance H car this thing is an absolute monster it is a semi-automatic platform and it is chambered in 30 odd six this is a 20 round mag with 20 rounds of 150 grain full metal jackets let's see what it can do to this 20 gallons of slime you just got jammed okay now for the old drywall test I have one round of Underwood Ammo 30.6 that's 150 grain accubond let's see what happens oh that's a lot of power well I have to say I'm pretty impressed with that we have us a hit right there and then we blew through the back of the drywall then it looks like we hit our gel yeah look at that wound Channel that is pretty gnarly I was not ready to destroy destroys table yet I believe the H car uh kind of helped me out with that I got you didn't I look if you hit the Subscribe button I promise I'll never do it again last time I promise so my next personal pick for home defense is a handgun and I'm sure you can guess what it is the 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum this one has an eight and three eighths inch barrel but I always keep it loaded up with something special foreign these are Underwood Ammo Kentucky ballistics 600 grain hard cast and they are packing one heck of a punch so our targets for the 500 magnum are gonna be six pounds of tomato paste six pounds of chocolate pudding a cinder block and six pounds of refried beans but before I blast these things I'm kind of curious about something uh [Music] [Music] okay here we go gonna do tomato paste first all right chocolate pudding let's see if it does better than the hammer refried beans foreign block oh I'm gonna say that the Kentucky ballistics 600 grain hard cast they really pack a punch that is a lot of damage and now for the drywall test we have another KB 600 grain hard cast let's see what happens so as you can see here we have quite the large entrance hole and then we also have quite the large exit hole you can't really see very well because of all of the drywall dust but we have a very large wound Channel traveling through that 16 inch block so as usual the 500 magnum did not disappoint so my next choice is a perfect choice for multiple targets you know like the scenario where you have a Furby and someone was irresponsible got it wet and then it multiplied so this exact scenario is why my next choice is the iconic street sweeper this is a 12 gauge shotgun with a 12 round rotary mag this thing is absolutely ridiculous and probably one of my favorite shotguns and that is why it makes it into my top five Home Defense weapons the only issue with this gun is it takes a very long time to load it so you better hope that those first 12 rounds out for something once it's finally loaded you just gotta wind it up like an old timey pocket watch all right here we go foreign so you may have noticed that some of those shells were hitting me and it's because this has an auto eject feature it bleeds off some of the gases and then shoots them into the cylinder and ejects the spent casing out the back there is one other disadvantage about the street sweeper and that is unloading if this thing is completely loaded and you want to get those shells out the only way to do that is to pull the trigger so you would put the safety on and then you pull the trigger and rotate the cylinder ejecting the shells each time all I have to say is you better make sure that it is not on fire so the street sweeper did a pretty good job at disposing of those Furbies but I still got quite a few left [Applause] foreign loaded up with 12 rounds of triple hot Buck let's see how it'll do against the drywall thank you the street sweeper is just really something special you know 12 rounds of triple light Buck that's a lot of lead look at all of those holes and look at all of these exit holes that made quite a bit of drywall dust and we made quite a few holes in our ballistic gel well I mean at least the ones that were semi On Target this last choice is just in case I want a silent option Some people prefer suppressors I prefer crossbows if it worked for Daryl it'll work for me this is the 10 point Viper S 400 and I have some 100 grain Rockets ow that bug just hit me right in the eye okay I'm gonna go with with eight two liters here we go thank you all right it looks like we have a soda kebab um oh my gosh yeah we've got one two three four five hooked on there so five six good good all right well it looks like I was pretty close we went through nine two liters um that's pretty impressive and I think my bolt is still good okay now for the drywall test and I am very curious to see what happens right now here we go oh wow okay um I thought the drywall would have really slowed that bolt down but doesn't look like it did much it made it pretty much completely through the drywall and we made it through a little more than half of our 16 inch block of clear ballistic gel on God I ruined my pants and I'm pretty sure I ruined my shirt I'm gonna have to get one more while I still can this is my two year anniversary shirt celebrating my two year recovery since my 50 cal accident this is your last chance to get one and then they're gone forever be sure and check them out there's a link in the description down below so if I had to pick just one out of the five weapons I selected for my home defense options I'm gonna have to go with the street sweeper it is absolutely ridiculous you cannot beat 12 rounds of 12 gauge out of those five what were your favorites let me know in the comment section down below and let me know of any other top five videos you'd like to see me do well that's gonna be it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure and give it a like and if you're not subscribed to Kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also be sure and check me out on Kentucky Customs Kentucky ballistic shorts patreon Facebook Instagram and Twitter links to all those can be found in the description down below along with a link to just in case you want to pick up a shirt and as always my name is thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistics and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 1,121,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home defense, best home defense guns, kentucky ballistics, too much for home defense, most powerful home defense weapons, kentucky ballistics home defense, best home defense shotgun, top home defense weapons, best home defense rifle, kentucky ballistics shotgun, kentucky ballistics 500 magnum, best home defense handgun, home defense weapons, home defense kentucky ballistics, hcar rifle, street sweeper shotgun, top home defense guns, 10 gauge, 12 gauge, kentucky, ballistics
Id: jcx0QmnPzj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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