2023 ASA Pro Pressure Point Shootdown LIVE - London, KY - June 3, 2023

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in London Kentucky we are at the Laurel County Fairgrounds what a beautiful day we have out here look at that crowd it is hot it is sunny it is getting windy we are looking forward to the great Pro Pressure Point shoot Downs here one of the great features of the ASA welcome everybody to the competition archery media broadcast Booth I'm PJ Riley sitting alongside Hoyt Pro Tony Taza Tony it was a pretty great weekend especially for the weather the weather was phenomenal we've been so lucky the last couple events with the weather so we're out here Tony we're on the baseball field very different from what you were shooting in this weekend I mean just night and day difference literally literally in the woods here it's like shooting down a coal mine shaft and out here you're in the beating Sun you're in the wide open spaces and it's going to be windy like you mentioned it's going to make it an interesting shoot off we are going to pick your brain about what the shooters have to deal with but first Tony we're going to go to the standings for our first group which is women's known Pro what do you see there okay and fifth place with the 411 is Cassidy Cox did now Lots out of 412 Haley grind at a 419 Morgan Reeves at a 426 and pretty far out ahead is Paige pierce with a whopping 434. Paige Pierce setting the world on fire three wins in a row out here in this women's known Pro just ridiculous how she's been shooting but the competition's been catching up for sure they are they're definitely gaming on her they know what they've got to do they just got to put it in motion all right Tony we're going to go to the third member of our team now Brandon Reyes he's going to bring out our archers all right ladies and gentlemen are we ready to begin all right starting with the women's known Pro in fifth place from Albuquerque New Mexico shooting for PSE Cassidy Cox [Applause] coming in in fourth place from Montello Wisconsin shooting for Darton archery Danelle Lutz in third place from Lancaster Pennsylvania shooting for Matthews Holly grind in second place from Natchez Mississippi representing Elite Archery Morgan Reeves [Applause] and currently in first place from Red Bluff California representing BowTech Paige Pierce [Applause] thank you Mr Reyes will take the orange cone and put in a further box all right Tony so for folks just tuning in for the first time give them the lay of the land what's happening out here well what what these archers have done is they've qualified with a 40 Target Round this weekend the top five get to shoot an additional five targets out here in the shootout the pressure pack shoot off round and um they've got a choice to make they got a choice to make the move try to hit 12s and 14s or if they just want to play it safe and see if anybody else makes mistakes they can move forward just shoot tens so we've got five archers we've got five targets everybody's gonna shoot at the Target they're in front of now and then we're gonna rotate so every Archer will shoot every one of the five targets and Tony we should mention this is a known distance class so they are using range finders and so as we score the targets we'll give the distances that they're shooting today but yeah you can see the Shadows that we're dealing with out there looks like Cassidy went for a 14 and I think she got it deer yeah yeah we're looking at a coyote there yeah and our range official [Music] page next up for Morgan Reese at 426 and 16 bonus rings and for her we have an eight for Morgan she was trying to make a move there turkey rings can be very difficult to get to it up in a dangerous area she mentioned Hallie shooting the boar so that is 44 yards Morgan Reeves was on The Links at 32 yards and uh Paige Pierce started on the bless bucket 40. I wanted to give you the distances we're coming up to the coyote next which is the hell Lots 38 yards and an eight bonus rings and our doe here um is it 29 for Cassidy Cox and for Cassidy Cox at 411 with 11 bonus rings starts looking for the 14s right out of the gate she's close on that I thought she had it Bingo oh we got it all right ladies I mean 411 why not yeah I mean she's only got one way to go is up nope she can't go to sixth because she's already out Mr Scott Pierre a range director and he allows Chris Perkins to assume his role as the official umbrella holder today we want to thank Chris and Scott for cooperating yes we have to mention there there you see grind and Perkins there Chris Perkins grind Ally grind she is the daughter of Asa president Josh grind so we certainly want to mention that in her first shoot down ever all right ladies if you're ready no change there we can see the scoreboard is updated now yeah Cassidy has oh yes moved up to Fourth correct two points out of third and Tony this I mean moving here getting to the podium that's a difference of thousands of dollars yes the manufacturers really like those top three places monetarily there's a 12 on the coyote a tally for Halligan yeah here's a look over the shoulder of Danelle Lutz and she got that another 14. second and third place finish she's making some moves enjoys a 10-point lead page was at 12. she's a 12 for Rome page you know won our first three events here she's the one who advocated so hard for this women's known Pro class she promised she would show up to all of them 10 for Morgan Reese 10 on that 44-yard four so that is the longest Target out there tell me the survey says 12 for Hallie wow for Holly 39. Hallie works as a BowTech at Lancaster Archery who also called The Wind of the shop there she will help you with your bows and we have a 14 another 14. yeah that Doe at 29 yards they're definitely liking that down so let's look at it now we have all right agent 456 and 22 bonus screen the second is Morgan at 444 yeah all right let's see is Danielle ready all right all right so we'll start your one minute we're getting the scores there we see him on the screen yeah Paige Pierce still enjoys a big lead Morgan's doing second page just one has won everything in archery that you can imagine and she will still Tony she she refuses to call herself an ASA girl yet says that's not her game but yet she won the first three events this year she's an amazing Archer regardless what she considers herself she says she's still learning the game but I think she hasn't figured out 436 all right so here's danella looks pretty good upper 12 was called oh she called upper 10. for 446. yeah we should mention Tony there's Rings down there the lower ring that we're seeing them hit that's always in play unless they put the cone out in front of them oh we hit a miss well oh no Destiny Cox oh sorry we're looking at the other side of the target so there just what we saw Tony that's the lower 12. always in play if they call Upper only the upper's in play right and they call Upper by putting the cone out 456 and 22 bonus rings 10 for page or 60 for page it's a 10 Tony that's kind of par that's what we consider that in her situation I mean she should just go out and shoot tennis unless somebody puts on a big challenge or hits a bunch of 14s right it's going to be tough for them to close that Gap that was a 10 for Morgan now we're coming around to Hallie Grime on the Dell she did not shoot at the 14. move to your next Target so all right here get our scores updated on the screen there we go okay 466 page appears I think there's now a tie for a third yes yes Cox you ready Cassidy Cox uh shoots a lot of USA archery that's a different format 50 meters out of Bullseye that they shoot but she has come out to play this ASA game and just a couple weeks ago she won a gold medal in the team round at the last World Cup forget what country they were in but it was somewhere in Europe she and Danelle were on the same team Paige hits the coyote yep heads at 12 on the coyote 38-yard coyote now we got a good Breeze kicking up here Tony okay first up that breeze can really change things all right so Hallie on that blessed Buck 40 yards I think she's gonna take an eight yeah eight for him right next up 57. I'm sorry Morgan Reeves Morgan's up and she's at Morgan Reeves on the links oh she's not gonna like that was solid second place lead she does catch an eight though for Morgan 462. our leader Paige Pierce 466 there's a good look at Cassidy Cox and see what she has 12 for Paige Pierce so that is Cassidy Cox actually on that board that 12. is for Cassidy again that's 14 12 12 12. wow 14 12 12 for Cassidy Cox Tony I mean that is all right she is making the move there from Phil well for Paige Pierce well for Paige puts her at four 78 correct yep and Tony I mean Reeves we have oh let's get Morgan's score here eight for Morgan I mean Tony those bonus Rings there that's kind of at the last tournament in Minden I mean you did that 12 12 14 you were just hitting them all yeah I tried to put her tried to put a move on but it just fell short 10 points for a leader would be eligible but that just shows you I mean she was in last place and now she's right there fighting for a Podium position yep she's in third at the moment yeah and 16 bonus rings and third now is Cassidy Cox so we have Dynasty one only one point behind it doesn't look like anybody's gonna make the sixth Arrow unless something major happens yes Tony let's talk about that we shoot five and then there's a special one at the end yeah if anybody's within 10 points of our leader they go to a sixth era you know what you gotta say oh gotcha everybody's trying to get to that sixth yeah that's going to be a Pages basically has to make a mistake here for that part for that for anybody to have a chance if she shoots a 10 and Morgan shoots a 14 she's still 12 points ahead and she might have got that 12 talking about Paige Pierce there yeah she's shooting that she's ending on the closest Target which is not good for anybody else out there definitely a benefit for her so they're basically battling for a second and third Podium position exactly Cassidy Cox yeah this is this is going to set our podium 10. for Morgan all right 472. for Cassidy Cox if she takes another 12 here to jump into second place coyote and Allen got the 14 on that on that links yes she did 14 14 for Hallie Grimes that first served at 471 with 19 bonus rings so it's kind of up it's up to Cassidy if Cassie doesn't 12 the last Target because she leads in bonus rings at 471. all right for Danielle it takes an eight she just had to try for that 14. had to try last here we go I gotta say a 10 here for Cassidy she ends up in fourth place if she takes it 12 she ends up in second so then a 10. I'm sorry she ends up that put turret 471 she's at 471. Halley's at 471 but Hallie leads and bonus rings so we just heard from Mike Tyrell that Hallie LED on bonus rings so Hallie's going to finish in third Cassidy's gonna finish in fourth because we know Paige is going to win it and Morgan Scott second wrapped up but did she get that 12. she really has a close one yeah and so for our the rest of our Podium Morgan Reese Halle grind first time in the shoot down first time that's a typical way to finish that's a tremendous accomplishment yeah because I mean their nerves out there had to be going there's so much going on out there there's nerves you're trying to think about what your competitors are doing you got to remember to set your site you've got to do all the little things or you're really gonna have a hard time well Paige is going to come over here to our microphone and we're going to have a chance to talk to her she takes her fourth win in a row just so dominant in everything here um you know but and she'll be the first to tell you hey the competition's catching up catching up catching up one of these days and she's not a girl that just sits back on our Laurels no I mean she is working and she yes she is she's a wealth of knowledge she'll help anybody that comes to her absolutely yes she um on the after the first day she had a big lead and all she talked about was I need to go out to the bags to work on this um and so you know there's your leader and she was out here for hours shooting because there was something she didn't like that's why and I've seen her at the bags helping her competition with you know small problems and I think she's even had some of them to her home yes she just worked with Hallie Grine out at the reading chute um and helped Hallie do her first Podium finish there in Reading yeah that's just a couple weeks ago so we finally corralled Paige and she's coming over to our our uh interview area here we of course want to talk to her I'm sure her mom Stacy is at home watching shout out to Stacy Paige's biggest fan out there she has lots of big fans but none bigger than Mom of course and there she is Paige Pierce four in a row how did that feel that one felt really awesome every tournament the girls just keep getting closer and closer and there was a lot of 14s once again out there like everybody's getting better and so I didn't feel great going into this one I knew I was gonna have to like really show up and I shot well so did the other girls and it just happened to go in my favor you did what you needed to do when you needed to do it you shot the twelves you know stayed safe I'm guessing that was your kind of your game plan yeah it's hard when you go in in the lead you can throwing 14s if you don't need them so you're basically just shooting 10 shooting 12s and kind of waiting to see if people are going to catch you so it's a lot different you know what I mean if if you guys see me going in below it my game payment would be totally different you know what I mean so play it safe and see what happens all right page four in a row how does that feel I was telling Folks at home that you don't call yourself an ASA girl but you're four in a row here in women's known Pro maybe I'll start to call myself an ASA girl but the only reason I say that is because I feel like this game is so intense and there's so much to learn and it's really difficult and challenging and this morning today's round showed me that so I just feel like I have so much more to learn than until I you know Master some of that stuff then I'll I'll finally call myself an ASA girl all right Paige well it's awesome to see you out here doing your thing congratulations on a great win thank you guys foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Mr Ryan Reed Chris Hacker Alan Connor Benny Barger and your number one qualifier from Voorheesville New York Jacob sleuthard I thought I could hang with these guys and I wanted to prove that but winning after five tournaments but it's a lot [Music] [Applause] the number one qualifier in the women's shootdown Sharon Wallace your first place qualifier Jeff Rainey your number one qualifier Miss Cara Kelly Mr Levi Morgan that's Mr McCarthy [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] archery experience we challenge you to go to your local retailer and ask for elite to demo the Omnia today PBE that's custom bow equipment I'm talking about field testing wow premium archery accessories check out the full line at custombowequipment.com foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everybody to the Laurel County Fairgrounds in London Kentucky we are here for the true ball Pro-Am we've just seen the women's known Pro next up Tony Taza we have the senior known Pro uh that these folks are coming out this is a 50 overclass 50 and over class show these folks the standings of where we are for today's competition there we go run through that leaderboard there Tony okay the senior known Pros have a very familiar face at the top Tim Gillingham I shot a 421 this weekend Kevin Beach is in at 4 18 as is Chad Hillburn in at 4 18. Mike Holbert senior is 417 and Randy Morocco 421. I mean five points from first to fifth Tony this is going to be a horse race this is going to be a tight battle and there's going to be a lot of moving and shaking all right we want to get right to the action Brandon Reyes bring out our archers all right ladies and gentlemen are the contestants for the senior known Pro coming in at fifth place from Columbiana Ohio representing Matthews Randy Morocco coming in as the fourth qualifier from Uniondale Indiana representing a lead archery Michael Holbert senior in third place currently from wapanaka Oklahoma representing Elite Archery Chad Hilburn currently in second from Dry Ridge Kentucky representing Darton archery Kevin Beach and your top qualifier from Provo Utah representing boat Tech Tim Gillingham [Applause] all right all right Tony as you mentioned the hammer Tim Gillingham you shot against him many many years I took a lot of second place finishes to that guy and he is trying to be every bit as dominant in this class as he was in the unknown senior press yes he is yeah he switched from uh he did shoot in regular Senior Pro which is unknown class and now he's over here in the known distance because as Tim has always said he doesn't like archery to be a guessing game yeah a yardage judging yardage judging contest I'm sure you heard him iterate that many times oh man so but um you know one of the great things about this being a new class as well this is our second new class of the Year Kevin Beach Chad Hilburn Mike Holbert senior all first time Randy Morocco won our first two events there's that triple triple look we get yes that is such a cool look that has Lanes two three and four what we're looking at here and so we can see the Archer you know Kevin Beach um Chad Hilburn and Mike Holbert senior that's what we're looking at left to right so we can see exactly where their arrows are hidden and it looks like Mike got a 12 Tim might just or uh that was uh Chad she's in the middle just underneath yeah but we're going to start here on the bless Buck Tim called the upper looks like he's just oh he got there he got it he got it all right hold it oh nope Scott Parrott is changing his mind here there you go you had to call Tony you saw it and that is the 40-yard bless Buck for folks just tuning in this is known distance so we can tell you the distances that Arrow from Kevin Beach looks really good from my perspective next up Kevin B yeah he's on the 32-yard links oh just besides just next to it right behind him 428 we've got Chad and Chad Hilburn also at 418. he called the upper and hit the lower I hate when I do that yes so he called the upper hit the lower only worth 10 points he gets a ten for his efforts and he wished he had kept his mouth shut there's the center for Mike Holborn place with that yes he's gonna move up and he has 15 bonus Rings now and for Randy Morocco that looks like 429. that's a 14 for Randy Morocco now let's look at where we are so actually now he's in second place he's just one point behind Tim Gillingham these two guys have been duking it out in this class they have yes Randy Morocco shot a senior known 50 last year when it wasn't a pro class and won I believe four events yes he was dominant and then he came out this year and won the first two um so yeah all right he's gonna be a handful are we ready on target one yeah there we see Mike going to those special glasses there Tony this is the senior division why don't we know about that you need glasses to see your site you need a different pair to see the target Darren Christian Berry always says the struggle is real it is very real now so as we mentioned Tim Gillingham our leader Randy Morocco now in second Mike Holbert in third we completely flip-flopped the board there's a good look at Michael there and I think he just missed the 14th that's going to be so close Kevin Beach at full draw well that's a long hold Yeah Tim and Randy have been shot Randy calls the upper and hits it Tim hasn't she hit the 14. he wants to keep that lead BJ all right is fearless Target or maybe crazy I don't know well when he when he has his game working he is fearless So Randy Morocco was up first and he got a 12. we were on a different Target there but he's at 4 42. now we're gonna see Tim Gillingham on that links so he opens his lead up over Randy two more points if he got that I think he's got it yeah folks I like being in first place he just he's not afraid of anything if he needs to do it he'll shoot at it but here's Kevin he's got a 10. Chad he said the highlight of his archery career is making this shoe down after falling into the fourth fifth place how long ago was it that you made your first program that would have been 2016. my rookie my quote unquote rookie year as a senior brother to our next targets and let's look at our schools so yeah I mean that's a big accomplishment oh it was huge for me I mean when I turned 50 I mean my wife will tell you I was pretty excited about getting away from Levi Morgan and Danny McCarthy maybe I can be more competitive that's not a friendly place to be no it's tough when you're 47 48.25 yeah so we got Tim killingham still in the lead Randy Morocco's within three Chad hillburn's two behind him so it's nice it's tight and it's only going to get tighter I think I can't see him yeah this leaderboard this one is just changing right left and right we'll start you one minute and it'll change every round because these guys are done they are for sure they are not laying up again this is known distance so they're using range finders Tim's on the long bore Kevin he shoots a center town oh Kevin Went for the 14 I think he's under it Randy Morocco goes for the 14 and is just under it wow he tried to match Tim gillingham's 14 on that links all right Mike Holbert it was inviting because it's only 32 yards yeah he probably could see it real well all right so hope Mike Holbert goes to 447. he's now in second place Randy 14 and a 12 so far in the shoot down yeah he's not gonna like this now eight for Randy makes him to 450. please don't move your cones up until your target score please there's a shot of the hammer all right Tim Gillian on that 44 yard board that's a good safe play so Tim's gonna pick up another two points on Randy there yeah Randy tried to be aggressive and go for it Kevin Beach from Kevin Beach takes of 10 448 and for Chad Hillburn yeah no it just went low on this one that's going to be an eight they're trying to keep in touch with the leaders there and right the 14 is the only way to do it with your behind don't forget if you want the upwards so we've got Tim now 455 Randy at 450. Chad um Hillburn and Kevin Beach at 448 and Mike Hobart 447. Tim's still eating at 455. Randy at 450. so we've got two more in regulation again everybody's doing in 10 points of our leader two more errors like Tyrell noted everybody calculations and you know these guys that are behind they got to plan on having that six there and getting a chance to make another move all that math they got to do out there within seconds you know this is it may feel like it's taking a while but it's not it is really tough to keep track of all that out there and keeping your shoes on and getting your shoes on foreign are you calculating all that when you're out there yeah you have to be I mean you don't have anybody there to do it for you yeah so you and sort of Mike helps a little bit right and all right first up Kevin Beach Center punched this dough when we get to it tied with Kevin Beach 10. but we're starting with Chad Hilburn and he's going to move to 458 with a 10. next up is Mike Holbert senior now you're saying Mike Holbert senior because Mike hobler Jr shoots in the known Pro class his son out here and that's who's holding his umbrella and he takes a five going for that risky 14. yep again typically practice the holbert's own Bowman's archery in Fort Wayne Indiana if you're out there out that way Randy Morocco takes an eight for four fifty eight yeah Bowman's all right Fort Wayne Indiana coyote did call for the upper 12. Tim went for the um 38-yard coyote that's gonna that's gonna look juicy to Tim Bellingham advantage on across the field now this is the one that's just a beautiful shot team for Kevin where do you see that Arrow I mean that is dead center very quickly all right so Tony we reshuffled the jet the deck again yeah everybody's moving around Tim's still at the lead 467. do I have Peach and second back in second place at 462. 11 bonus rings and Mike is at 452 and 15 bonus fruits so Morocco would be in third four bonus range at 4 58. still everybody in for the sixth area but he's in next to the final Arrow all right you gentlemen you ready we got our fifth arrow in regulation we're shifting over here yeah I was going to say Tim is now going to be looking at that 29-yard Doe now he may go for it I probably wouldn't being in the lead but about Tim Gillingham either I was gonna say Tim likes to take now we see that crazy stabilizer set up there Tony we talk about that for folks just tuning in what's going on there not many people can handle that kind of stabilization on their bows Tim will tell you that that allows him to hold extremely steady takes a lot to make his bow move once he gets it in place now he likes to shoot on command so having a very steady pin would really help him when he touches that release off and I'm seeing more and more guys experimenting with those long stabilizers yeah yeah you'll see one coming up in the senior senior prep okay they experiment with the long stabilizers but not that bracket not that bracket so here's Tim he went for the 14. of course he did and I believe he got it he's got it no question yep he's got it 10 for Kevin beak that's going to move him to 4 72. now we've got Chad Hilburn on this links and Chad went for the 14 on that link did he get it and he did not just missed it 466. so interestingly Tony on some of these targets the 14 is actually bigger there is 12. there is one or two Targets that are like that I think the links is one of them I think so Mike moves into 460. and for Randy Morocco came in on him around was nine points Randy tried for the 14 on that be the 38-yard well for Randy Morocco 470 by Mr Gillingham he's still within 10 points however oh yeah this is gonna yeah I am we have a knockout punch for the pork yeah this is Gonna Knock um everybody but we started out with Five Guys Kevin Beach out of the six there each other right now so that was Tim's strategy yeah to try to disperse the rest of these guys there yeah there we have it 481 472. So Randy is going to finish in third correct but he won't get a chance to challenge Kevin on that last hour so Kevin Beach can do no worse than second correct there's nine points behind something crazy is going to have to happen to for things to change so uh Tony so what happens now is we have our last chance archery Last Chance arrow and I'm looking out there and it is everybody's favorite Target The Wolverine The Wolverine it is the smallest Target in Asa it's just it's intimidating I mean when you look at that you only have a couple inches to go high a couple inches to go low and and you could miss the target for a zero so it is a tricky Target always get your blood pressure going and so especially at long distance and we don't know where Scott parrott's gonna have him shoot from but he placed this farther than any other Target it's definitely behind the bore now he is moving them up a couple steps yeah I'm sorry Kevin B shooting first currently at 472. he's coming up nine points behind our leader you're ground judger Tony he moved up about 10 yards 12 maybe 12 maybe okay yeah maybe 10 of Tim's 10 of 10 steps just kidding so we know that boar was 44. the Wolverine is farther but they moved up so it's probably in that 40 rep I would say probably slightly under 40. and uh so this is one of the unique ones we've got that uh dual color there it's super dark on the bottom light up top that kind of runs through the scoring Rings how do you aim at this target well there there is a little like armpit right there in the ten ring yeah about where the black line goes across there's a vertical line which is the armpit and I like to go for the upper on this target so you can sort of hover around in that armpit just above the black line that's where the upper 12 hits or lays so yeah Kevin you ready gotcha all right well let's see Kevin gets a bonus Arrow here probably doesn't have expectations of trying to catch him right but he gets to show off for another error why not Kevin will start you one minute now it's his second shoot down this year Kevin Beach and then after this shot we may get to see Tim show off a little bit too I would expect oh we just got a gust of wind here yeah that gust of wind just hit was he released he went for the 14 and just went over top of it so now Tim doesn't lucky to catch that isn't it for Kevin Tim doesn't have to shoot this target but I have a feeling he will there's no way he's not shooting it the crowd you can get one more shot you can shoot the javelina and you can shoot the Wolverine in the head and some lucky kid will be given that Target ah there you go there you go he gets to present the target to a young man or a young lady out here I like that you Tony and Fort Benning he offered you if you'd shoot the turkey in the head he's gonna give you the target he never even brought it to mind that I could have gave it to a young man or woman that would have been even cooler and he shoots the 14. oh I don't know if he heard he didn't Mike tyrell's laughing yeah he hit that 14 though on the Wolverine that is a heck of a shot he pretty much Center punched it yeah that's great Tim will make it up to some young kid in another way if he even if he'd have heard Mike uh yeah I don't think he heard him he's probably just saying it out there knowing him he's so focused yeah he doesn't pay attention to anything so we'll get to talk to Tim a little bit here Tim has to duck to get under our canopy there because he's about six foot ten and so there he is Tim Gillingham finishing out with the big win there how does that feel you know it feels pretty good actually uh just like the last tournament I just couldn't get anything going I wasn't even on the leaderboard this morning till I think halfway through and then I launched all the way at first so um you know it's new bow here I just new birthday year so I trying to decide which one's hurt me the most well one thing about you Tim this is Tony by the way we seen you weren't on the leaderboard yesterday and I thought you better believe Tim's going to be making a comeback and a run at this thing today and sure enough you did tell us about how your day went today well you know what last night I come off the course you know that everybody knows the lighting here is just one of the you know the biggest challenges to you know to overcome and I don't really ever remember it being this bad and I really come really close to changing over to a six power I normally run a seven power it helps me you know see the the bonus rings and man it was rough today I never saw a single bonus ring but I had a you know a really good group of guys to shoot with so I always had arrows around the 12 rings and I was able to hit 10 of them I still got 3 8 today um but I just kept grinding you know I think a couple of the key shots were I made 249 yard 12 rings that kind of launched me to the you know to the lead and in the shoot off you know that I was just gonna shoot the upper on that Bobcat and I my sight kind of just went over to the 14 I thought ah let's do it oh here you go Tony or uh uh Tim yeah well this is you shoot taking that shot there well yeah I kind of got my own head a little bit Yeah I creeped a little bit I said don't do that you got time and uh you know I can see really good out here in the bright sunlight with this this scope set up and you know made the shot and that was kind of the kicker and my goal was I guess to put the pressure back on Randy because he was set up to you know he could have launched ahead of me if I'd have just shot a 12 there and he'd have 14 that one so it put the pressure back on him a little bit and you know just sometimes you got to take chances all right Tim great round today congratulations back to back wins way to go excellent win today all right thank you there is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the number one qualifier in the women's shoot down Sharon Wallace your first place qualifier Jeff Rainey your number one qualifier Miss Cara Kelly Mr Levi Morgan that's Mr McCarthy yeah Elite is the world's most advanced and Accurate Archery experience we challenge you to go to your local retailer and ask for elite to demo the Omnia today CBE that's custom bow equipment I'm talking about field testing wow what a match premium archery accessories check out the full line at custombowement.com unbelievable done [Music] unbelievable [Applause] Hunter Vinnie La Selva explains why he shops at lancasterarchery.com I'm a patient man in the woods but when it comes to shopping online not so much that's why I choose Lancaster Archery Supply they make it easy to order all my Archer Gear with thousands of the newest and finest products right at your fingertips ready to ship to your front door here's your or tree stand hey depending on where you're hanging out you might even get it before you get home are all your archery needs shop lancasterarchery.com freeze Mr Ryan Reed Chris Hacker Alan Connor Vinnie Barger and your number one qualifier from Voorheesville New York Jacob sleuthard I thought I could hang with these guys if I wanted to prove that but winning after five tournaments isn't it but it's a lot unbelievable bow hunter Vinnie La Selva explains why he shops at lancasterarchery.com I'm a patient man in the woods but when it comes to shopping online not so much that's why I choose Lancaster Archery Supply they make it easy to order all my Archer Gear with thousands of the newest and finest products right at your fingertips ready to ship to your front door here's your order Vinnie or tree stand hey depending on where you're hanging out you might even get it before you get home are all your archery needs shop lancasterarchery.com all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the number one qualifier in the women's shootdown Sharon your first place qualifier Jeff Rainey your number one qualifier Miss Cara Kelly Mr Levi Morgan that's Mr McCarthy yeah Elite is the world's most advanced and Accurate Archery experience we challenge you to go to your local retailer and ask for elite to demo the Omnia today CBE that's custom bow equipment I'm talking about field testing wow what a match premium archery accessories check out the full line at custombowement.com thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the infamous power line of London Kentucky's Laurel County Fairgrounds separated the fields in each of the six Pro classes at the true ball Pro-Am the past two days many archers struggled to find the bonus rings in the unforgiving lighting and terrain others found a different gear and climbed to the top of their respective divisions now it's time to break out of the woods and hit the baseball field for the pro-pressure point shoot Downs who has the medal to shoot through the nerves and take home the title of Asa Champion let's find out right now foreign Delta McKenzie ASA Pro-Am tour we are there at the fourth stop the true ball Pro-Am in London Kentucky you can see where we've been can't menden Louisiana Russell County Alabama Foley Alabama next up we're going to be headed to Metropolis Illinois finishing up at the McKenzie classic in Cullman Alabama that is the stage that we have for the rest of the season and hello everyone and welcome to the competition archery media broadcast Booth I am PJ Riley sitting alongside Hoyt Pro Tony Taza you know Tony if you've watched our broadcast he's usually out there we're lucky enough to have him here but Tony it was a it's a beautiful weekend weather-wise lots of dark tunnels they're gone now we're out here in the open yes this is a totally different scene out here than what we competed to qualify for this shoot off the woods here are thick they are like shooting down mine shafts and uh you really have to have your equipment set up so you can see properly to aim and these classes coming up these are judging classes they don't use rangefinders and when the lighting's like that and you can't see the target very well it's really hard to get a perfect number to shoot the target for it's incredible to watch these folks do that and Tony as we mentioned you know um that we see you out here on these fields so many times this this field is laid out beautifully by the folks from Laurel County and Josh Grine ASA president he's going to tell us all about this event [Music] [Music] he's gonna shoot for me this weekend he is we are in London Kentucky for the fourth stop at the Delta McKenzie ASA program tour and this is the true ball Pro M and so this marks and we've completed halfway a shooter of the Year contests get tight and things really start to ramp up towards the end of the season we're in Laurel County at the Laurel County Fairgrounds which is in London Kentucky and and the people here are fantastic from the tourism Department to the fairgrounds to the local archery clubs we have a lot of help these these lanes are very well maintained for us throughout the year so we get to come in and kind of get just get started with things tourism Department in London they're holding a big concert Sammy Kershaw is going to be in town on Sat on Friday night and so they like to just pull out all the bells and whistles and they really do welcome the Archer Community you'll see coming into this place there's signs everywhere the hotels have signs up so the support here in in London is expected this is the infamous power line this is the best menu we have all year if you ask any of the archers that have to shoot on it that is clearly a joke uh the thing about the power line that makes it unique is that as you see down the center strip here it's wide open the ranges run off of this and so a lot of it you get a lot of backlight here some of the stakes are you've got light on the stake and it's very dark inside the hole is you've looked down some of these as you walk through so there's no Conformity to lighting anywhere on here so it makes it very challenging for the shooters what do you think yeah we're expecting a great turnout this weekend we've got 1300 people pre-registered so on site we have several hundred people that tend to register right before they shoot or before the team shoots so we're very excited about attendance this weekend as well as this kind of marks the beginning of the summer so we we see The Return of a lot of our younger Shooters our Eagles and Junior Eagles that are getting out of school wrapping up that school year and so they're joining us back on the tour and so we welcome them back and are excited for them it's a mentioning shooter of the year one of the interesting things to watch in London is Levi Morgan he is one of the ones leading the pack in the open Pro shooter of the year and this particular venue he has kind of embraced this power line so a lot of Shooters they they hate this Levi's embraced it so out of the 15 years that we've shot here Levi has podied him 13 times he's won this event nine times he's got second three times and got one third place finish so uh that will be something to watch this week as we these do become more important as it pertains the shooter of the Year from going from the power line to this wide open bright Sunshine one of the things that makes London unique because we've got the power line which has you know such tricky lighting if you make that top five so Saturday night we take the top five Shooters and each of our six Pro classes they participate in the Pro Pressure Point shoot down but that actually takes place over on a baseball field on the other side of the campus here which has very different lighting because as you can imagine in the middle of a baseball field with the lighting right above you just adds a very different Challenge and much different than you're shooting in a dark coal here hard to see things go out there everything is very bright so a lot of times it comes down to which Archer adjusts the fastest on a lighting change like that good shot for Carl [Music] all right Tony so yeah we saw the there we see a good look at the baseball field there and you've been out there many times but uh before we get started you can see the layout of the targets there we want to talk about ASA scoring so the third member of our team Brandon Reyes he's going to tell us exactly how the scoring works here thanks PJ uh ladies and gentlemen if you've never been to an ASA tournament uh you need to get here it's a lot of fun uh most you can have with a bow and arrow secondly you should probably know how to score the targets this is one of 20 different Delta McKenzie targets we use on the Pro-Am tour and I'm going to explain to you the scoring so any hit with the arrow on the body of the animal is five points and you'll notice there's a bunch of rings and we'll start with the larger ring that you see here on the majority of the midsection of the body that scores eight points with your arrow Landing inside of that uh this in inner ring here with three smaller Rings inside of it uh what score is 10 points and then we come to the bonus rings so uh there no the 10 points just for the center here the center ring doesn't count for anything but the lower 12 here and the upper 12 of course scores 12 points if you want to shoot the upper you must call that and then we come into the high risk reward and the shoot-offs out here and that is this 14 ring up here in the corner where you slightly miss you could get an eight or a five so it's a high risk High reward but you'll see a lot of these archers out here going for it trying to get on that Podium or win the championship here so there you have it that's the scoring for what you're going to see here on the range today all right Brandon thank you for that breakdown folks don't go anywhere we've got the women's Pro Division coming up next here at the London Pro-Am the true ball Pro-Am in London Kentucky don't go anywhere we'll be right back [Music] all right Ryan Jeffries Mr Ryan Reed Chris Hacker Alan Connor Benny Barger and your number one qualifier from Voorheesville New York Jacob sleuthard I thought I could hang with these guys and I wanted to prove that but winning after five tournaments it's a lot thank you the number one qualifier in the women's shoot down Sharon Wallace your first place qualifier Jeff Rainey your number one qualifier Miss Cara Kelly Mr Levi Morgan that's Mr McCarthy [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] archery experience we challenge you to go to your local retailer and ask for elite to demo the Omnia today of CBE that's custom bow equipment I'm talking about field testing wow what a match premium archery accessories check out the full line at custombowement.com um I wasn't watching your 10. oh I think your arrow exploded yeah the Arrow's gonna have to go in town all right everybody welcome back to the true ball Pro-Am London Kentucky Tony Taza women's Pro leaderboard tell us what we're looking at well the women's Pro class has Emily McCarthy who frequencies sitting at 408 in the lead Cara Kelly 404. Aaron mcclattery is in at a 392 and third Sharon Wallace qualifies fourth at a 389. Lindsey Christensen in in fifth place with a 385. spread there from top to bottom but they're still going to be battling for these positions I'm sure we want to get to the action Brandon Reyes the third member of our team he's going to bring out our archers all right ladies and gentlemen here are your competitors for the women's Pro division you're a fifth place qualifier from Western Idaho representing Prime archery Lindsey Christensen your fourth place qualifier from Townville South Carolina representing PSE Sharon Wallace your third place qualifier from Marsden Saskatchewan Canada representing Hoyt Aaron mcgladdery from Lapeer Michigan coming in as your second place qualifier representing Matthews archery Cara Kelly and your number one qualifier from wasika Wisconsin also representing Matthews archery Emily McCarthy all right Tony five archers five targets they're laid out here on the field and this is what we call unknown distance archery tell Folks at home what that means that means these these competitors have to judge the distance to the targets not only make the shot at a ring that they cannot see they have to judge the distance of this Target and at 280 feet per second if they're off a yard at 40 yards they're going to miss their spot by one inch at 50 yards they're going to miss it by like an inch and a half yeah so accurate judging is probably more important than accurate shooting and these targets we should mention that the maximum we don't know the distance we know the maximum distance is 50 ish can a little wigglework but generally the maximum distance is going to be 50 so it's out to 50 yards correct and I can see a a battle coming here from Cara and Emily yes these two are quite a bit ahead of the rest of the crew Cara Kelly was our last winner in Minden so she is certainly hungry to get back to the top of the leaderboard Emily starts with a 12. she has just been so consistent this weekend as Emily and she's been she gave a little seminar on judging and she said everybody told her when she came up the first number she gave was usually right on and then her process from judging from there she would talk herself out of that number so she said yesterday her first impression she was going to shoot it right I think she gave a couple lessons in judging this she did so that is so we know the the boar we don't know the distances we should mention they were shooting known distance uh before and um just a little while ago but they have moved the Target right they Shuffle the targets for fairness you know in case people were watching the previous and there's a 12. or Sharon Wallace yes so they they moved him around so we talked about distances before but now that's out the window because they've moved everything around 10 for Lindsay ladies if you move to your next Target that's Lindsay Christensen with a 395 we'll get our button down now the boar is still the long Target yes that's the the challenging one so Emily moves to 420. she last season had several Podium finishes just didn't get to the top I know she wants a win this weekend yeah she has definitely had a dry spell she's had a lot of podiums yes and there's that triple triple photo on there no right we're looking at Emily Cara and Aaron mclattery from left to right and each of the targets that they're shooting so we're going to see exactly what they hit Emily Oh Aaron got the upper and called the upper oh I don't think Emily called upper she's closest to the upper but oh yeah Aaron smashed me up here but we're going to start with Lindsay there's Sharon Wallace she's always got that explosive shot there Lindsay for turret 405. with a 10. Emily follows her Opening 12 with a I think it's going to be a 10. yeah she did not call Upper there it is did not call the upper so she doesn't get that ring car is shooting the longest one out there and she's got a tall Arrow it's a 10. yep okay that's now the shortest Target on the field there well great shot for Aaron Man Tony this sun is kind of getting lower over the trees behind and I'm noticing these targets are really getting a shadow they're on the side facing the Archer turning into silhouette targets where you can't see any definition on them probably a cloudy day out here would be better I would imagine yeah a cloudy day is always better for judging too takes away the shadows and things like that so yes so Tony let's talk about that you you play this game the judging game this is now flat grass we were in the woods with trees and rocks and things to use as reference flat grass now it makes it really tough I mean you either judge looking at the ground or your judge looking at the Target okay and this way the ground is all the same it's hard to find markers to give you your yardage so um you really need to know your target definition in a layout like this that you're getting like a depth perception like it's this big usually when it's this big that's like size recognition yeah brilliant yeah so there we have our leaderboard now Emily McCarthy 430 car Kelly 424 Aaron mcclattery 414 Sharon Wells 411 Lindsey Christensen 405. and now Emily's going to be on the long bore all right ladies I'm searching one minute now and I believe Kara is going to be going to the short coyote which would be a big opportunity for her to shoot a 14. and I'm gonna guess she's probably gonna go for that Emily looks like at least a 10. Cara I think got the low 12 on the coyote that's a pretty good oh she might be a little right that's going to be close and something wasn't quite right for Aaron she let down to sort of reset yeah they got a minute on the clock so she's got plenty of time she's got I can't see the clock but it's it's she's got plenty of time at least 20 seconds that often makes you rush when you let down and she may have squeaked the tent out on that deer maybe not all right Sharon's down on the bless buck he's got a town for 21. Lindsay Christensen shooting the links there for 15 for Lindsey Christensen she got a 10 there now we come over to our leader he's currently enjoying a six-point lead looked like a nice smooth shot there solid 10 yeah that's the longest Target so hey yeah she'll be happy with the 10 on that one and it's a black Target so it's just I'm sure she saw nothing we'll bring in that coyote yeah this is going to be a close one shot oh yeah she got it she's got it well for Carl Kelly all right sure she's gonna climb two points closer all right 436. so I want to take a look at this target Tony and hopefully we'll get a shot down there so we see the line there's the scoring line and then well I'm gonna get a shot to the left of it that's a core that's not a scoring ring the scoring ring was to the right of her Arrow correct that's a replaceable core that you can that's you know that's what everybody's shooting at yeah that's the whole construction of the target yeah no that is not any kind of scoring ring so now there's four points between Emily and Kara and then it drops quite a bit back to Aaron yeah still sitting in third right now Emily said she has hurt her back and so shooting today they were shooting uphill on the power line I'm sure she's appreciating the nice flat grass because that terrain you know uneven footing she said that was that was giving her problems she's probably not liking this beating son right it looks like maybe a little wind they're holding an umbrella for wind for her Cara shot that yeah she's low on the down yeah that's a little bit low she definitely gave a couple back depending on what Emily did Emily looks like a solid 10. all right she did not call Opera Aaron mclarry on the bus book and she takes another eight yeah so we're dropping off there Sharon Wallace Sharon wall shoots a 10 to move to 431 and now we'll move her into third place yeah that's going to pass she's going to pass Aaron on that shot next up for third yeah Lindsey Christensen moves to 425 with a 10. yeah you're correct I had the wrong score there there Sharon did and these ladies are really trying to get on in the top three which is what we consider a Podium spot right the manufacturers pay extra money if you end up on the podium yeah and that's what they're all striving to get to we're talking thousands of dollars here it's not uh we're not shooting for five bucks it is thousands of dollars so they want that win yeah that's eight for Cara so she's gonna go to 440.50 so Emily holds a six-point lead yep she's back to six points and Sharon moves up to Third and so in my time covering these events Tony Emily McCarthy when she comes into these shoot Downs she's just lethal she does these shoot Downs as good as anybody we're going to see her husband Dan McCarthy here in the next event but um yeah she's she's a killer when she's out there yeah she finds another gear out here she might really focus I would figure I'd fall into pieces see with the pressure but she's been in so many of these things yeah she just really gets her game face on doe here Center 10 safe play I can't tell if she caught upper yeah I don't see her cone there but I mean just to stay in the ten ring there so Aaron mclarry had a letdown and Kara's got a solid 10 so probably no big change there in them first two yeah Sharon Wallace didn't like her shot oh Aaron McGuire that is close I think she's just a little bit high but second place let's see what the car has here bonus points behind cars on the bless Buck 454 for Cara he's not gaining anything back Aaron next she did call the upper she called the upper she's on the links Sharon Wallace yeah she if you watch her at the end she didn't like it she was not happy but now a 10 for Sharon Wallace I thought it could have been worse yeah her reaction I think she's trying to make some moves there so that basically as we talked about Tony 10 is par right basically you're holding ground this is Lindsey Christensen there you go great shot arrows yeah we will have a sixth Arrow here yeah anybody within 10 points of the leader will shoot us up and so that looks like it's basically her and Cara six points separate them we have our last chance archery Last Chance Arrow it is a sixth Arrow that we're gonna bring out here sixth Target they have a Wolverine I see the guys heading for it so it looks like they're gonna bring it out but we should finish up our Podium here Sharon Wallace is going to finish in third place at 4 41. Aaron mclarry in fourth at 4 40 and Lindsey Christensen at 4 37. there's that Wolverine Tony and that's a mean looking little thing ain't it yes it is that the lighting from that camera there does that way more Justice than it deserves because it does not look like that good in the naked eye not with that sun behind it it just looks like a piece of cardboard out there that's a little better yeah you can see the change the iris there the the former shot that's about what the archers are seeing but we like folks to be able to see it 10. um so now uh Tony obviously this is judging so they move the target to a different position tell folks what's happening yeah right now they brought out a new Target they're put in new shooting position in so they'll give the girls the ladies another minute to judge it and develop a game plan on how they want to execute the sixth and final shot ladies with Emily having a six-point lead Kara could shoot a 14. Emily would just need a 10 to win right and Emily also has more bonus rings so even if somehow they would tie Emily woodwind on bonus ring count too gotcha yep so for Cara it's hey she's never one to back down so she's going to do what she can do we saw her at the end of the video there giving a fist pump that was from last year she shot I forget if it was a 12 or 14 whatever she shot she needed it to win and she hid it I think it was a 14. it was a 14 on that coyote that was to win here last year so she's gonna give it her all we know Cara I know her dad's here and at least one of her boys she's got two boys and she could miss this Target and still get second place yes let's talk about that yeah there's nothing to lose for her for sure yep she can do no worse than second place no matter what and if she hits a 14 like I said she forces Emily to shoot to 10. yeah she's shooting at The Wolverine yeah that's a good look of at what that Target looks like just that shadow with that sun coming from behind it really puts a different look on them targets so that one minute based on one minute them shooting before can you get a pretty good number off that yeah I mean these these ladies have done this so much they probably get a good yardage in about 10 seconds gotcha the other time they use confirming maybe second second judging at and here goes Kara shot if you went for it I think it's right or left excuse me that's a good hit perfect height it is it's the right height to me it looks like it's just a little left and tomorrow ah yes four 59. Emily okay all right Emily has won she does not even need to shoot it I hope she shoots it anyway you win it's over they're telling her do you want to take a shot at the head I'm done here we go they're explaining it so Mike Tyrell is telling her that if she shoots the Target in the head The Wolverine in the head uh Emily will get to give that Target to some kid in the audience so Emily is such a favor in Archer absolutely all the young ladies yeah girls in this no yes she will probably strive to give this target to somebody I hope she smashes it [Music] [Laughter] that's what we like to see congratulations and like we said before it's been a while since Emily won one of these I I looked at it it's been two years two years ago she had three wins during a season but nothing last year and I know she wanted that so you can look at that smile on her face oh yeah that she is tickled so she's gonna come over and eventually as I said you can see kids jumping up and down because she's that's gonna be tough she's gonna have to pick someone to give that Target too she's going to make somebody really happy and some other one's not so happy oh yeah so we're gonna have to wait to hear her and does she have the heads at all we lost our view oh there we go Emily McCarthy congratulations first win of 2023 how does that feel ah it feels still can't believe it at the moment so yeah I'm pretty stoked you led this one wire to wire so things must have been clicking for you yeah honestly um I've been practicing actually at cars with Cara and uh I've been bouncing back and forth between the 34 36 all the way up until the day before I left and just couldn't decide and just went to the old trusty 36 and figured I'd play with 34 again when I get home but everything's working great my my arrows are shooting great and just the shots working so this is a great weekend so Emily take a look at that monitor there we're going to show you on this last Target at the Wolverine walk us through it uh yeah well I added a yard last minute so I was a little nervous I was gonna go over its head but but now you did that you get to please the crowd and give that away to a lucky kid yeah yeah some lucky kid that's a fun talk to you I've noticed it's been a little bit of a while since you won one of these tons of Podium finishes um congratulations on this it's got to feel it feel really thank you yeah I went full year last year without winning just a bunch of podiums here before I won a few and I just could not could not pull it together last year so I'm pretty stoked looks like you gave a couple yardage seminars this weekend I did and honestly I like that seminar seminar probably more than it I don't know it definitely helped me um do something that I always tell myself every day like and I'm told all the time by Dan like just go with your first number trust your number and I you know I always change it and adjust it and then doing the yardage seminar and stuff I just once I set the number and then I change it and then once I realized that I was just I did Kaylee style that's what I keep saying Kaylee just walk off to it judge it shoot it great job all right Emily congratulations first win of 2023 you are the true ball Pro-Am champ thank you thank you so much everyone foreign [Music] [Music] the number one qualifier in the women's shoot down Sharon Wallace your first place qualifier Jeff Rainey your number one qualifier Miss Cara Kelly Mr Levi Morgan that's Mr McCarthy yeah Elite is the world's most advanced and Accurate Archery experience we challenge you to go to your local retailer and ask for elite to demo the Omnia today CBE that's custom bow equipment I'm talking about field testing wow what a match premium archery accessories check out the full line at custombowement.com done this guy [Music] called it unbelievable [Applause] Hunter Vinnie La Selva explains why he shops at lancasterarchery.com I'm a patient man in the woods but when it comes to shopping online not so much that's why I choose Lancaster Archery Supply they make it easy to order all my Archer Gear with thousands of the newest and finest products right at your fingertips ready to ship to your front door here's your or tree stand hey depending on where you're hanging out you might even get it before you get home or all your archery needs shop lancasterarchery.com [Music] money Tim's a center punch five like that it's right in the middle you got to get the numbers right and it's hard to be confident when you're setting your site at least it is for me because I'm setting my sight listening to arrows going crap I got that one wrong too welcome back everybody to the true ball Pro-Am in London Kentucky Tony Taz a senior Pro there's our leaderboard tell us what we're looking at well these are my guys a senior Pro unknown class Jeff Hopkins is leading again at 4 15. Richard Owens in there at 404 Ray young at 403 fourth place qualifying is Keith alstromat 401 Darren christianberry our own Darren Christian Berry in at 399 in fifth well Tony before we get to the action I am so glad you're sitting here because we're going to take a look back at our last tournament in Camp Minden Louisiana at the senior Pro shoot down there because it's a good one yeah it is a good one Darren so folks who may not have ever heard of Jeff Hopkins before he is a legend in this game he is from 1997 to probably 2007. Jeff had only lost shooter of the year one time to Dan McCarthy the Senior Pro shoot down was led by ASA Legend Jeff Hopkins who shot a stellar 26 up score on Friday followed by an even score Saturday from Boswell Pennsylvania he's a shop owner he's an investor he fletches his own lasers shooting for hoyt Tony Tazza Benning champ Tony Taza was the closest competitor to Hopkins but needing the round of his life to close the 13-point gap between them and that's exactly what Tony shot going 12 12. 12. he called up 10 and 14 on the five Targets on the final range got it four shot for the sixth and final Arrow Tazza was just one point behind Hopkins everyone in the building knew Tony was gonna shoot at that 14 with his final shot and so the room went dead silent as he took aim taz's shot broke and the arrow hit straight left of the 14 for an eight Hopkins only needed an eight to win but following the theme of the night he crushed the 12 to take his second win of 2023. yeah I'm ready to go back to the farm get on the tractor and plant some corn and do something else because that was a little stressful out there but good hats off to everybody but uh Tony shot phenomenal out here in typical Tony Tony usually does shoot pretty good so it uh yeah great round yesterday and held it together the day and you know this game's game is ups and downs and all around so it's a fun game but that was a little Annoying out there right there all right we want to get to the action here tonight so Brandon Reyes bring out our archers all right here's your competitors for the Senior Pro division your fifth place qualifier representing Elite Archery from Spencer Indiana Darren christenberry your fourth place qualifier from Waxhaw North Carolina representing Elite Archery Keith Alstrom representing Matthew's archery from Rockport Indiana Ray Young your second place qualifier representing Matthew's archery from Rose Hill Virginia Richard Owens and your number one qualifier from Lacona Iowa representing Matthews Jeff Hopkins [Applause] all right Tony there he is Jeff Hopkins we saw that rewind there you know you don't like to root against anybody but I have to say I wanted you to hit that 14. I would really like to see what happened but we will never know the way this lines up Jeff's got a big lead if he does what he's supposed to do he's going to be just about untouchable unless somebody gets on a roll one minute there's a good look at Darren Christian Berry if you watch our broadcast Darren usually sits here in the booth with me and he is out there and we are excited for him because this is what he's supposed to be doing and he's going to be getting a more and more of these shoot off he's got this left-handed thing figured out he has been working on his game yeah he switched from right-handed all his life to left-handed and now is working for him he just wasn't working got a little bit of wind happening there for a second yeah Dominic bonus Rings this weekend sir Jeff's in with a 10. yeah Jeff Hopkins there uh he's got his son Scott working the umbrella for him Scott shoots in the open Pro division Richard called upper well he's close to it boy so Tony we always talk about this you know these are foam animals foam is playing this is not like punching a hole in paper he looked like he was stretching the line but not quite touching it yep and that's the key you have to touch it which he just missed it so he's gonna take a 10 for full 14. and we have Ray young this is his second shoot down this year and he's got himself a 12. 11 years a pro is very young only 10. probably the quietest guy on the tour he is a man of few words that is for sure great guy he's changed his medications just to the right of the 12. for 4 11. I think dear christenberry made a very bad calculated risk he gave up his EMC job over here with Cam and the replacement is doing a much better job 10 for Darren 409 Mike Tyrell giving him a hard time for making the shoot down or bailing on his responsibilities we're happy to have you here Tony I know you'd rather be out there right now these are your guys only one place I'd rather be at this moment okay let's see if Darren's ready yet so Jeff maintains his 11 points out there and not come back and do his other job uh 10 Ray actually one point so he's got a 10-point lead upon Ray he hops over Richard yeah and Richard's even got his lucky shorts on out here he does have his lucky work done I just love his glasses just above there flips them down need some magnification I give him a hard time about that pretty good 10 for Keith Darren did call the upper on that blessed bucket Tony we've been talking about damn it's just getting so hard to see hey for Darren I know which that's I mean that's what he's got to do out here right he doesn't make a mistake he's going to be tough to count it's going to be hard to catch him so let's see what happens now there's Richards that looks a little high hey Richard looking for another 12. and there's there's two black targets and three brown ones out there and those black ones boy he's close to the bottom of that one I'd like to get a look at that oh that is he's gonna give him that one yep so Scott parent is our judge out there and he says his thing is there's got to be clear evidence that it's out or it's in and that's the way most of us do score 10 for Keith so that's two in a row for Ray yeah making his moves maybe trying to make a run like I did at the last one that makes it exciting that's for sure somebody gets on a roll like that yeah you got a chair for him he's he's one of the good guys out here for sure definitely all right I don't know if I've ever heard him say a full sentence but yeah we got our look here at Tony at the three yeah that sun is just a little harsh on our middle one but it's just a sample of what these guys are dealing with out there yeah look at that Target that is Ray Young's Target there I think yeah we've got Darren christianberry Jeff Hopkins and Richard Owens from left to right there and uh Jeff shot I can't see where's everyone Richard called upper he's just the left just under it Darren went for the 14. don't that's close that was on I can't see it that's the Bobcat yeah ten for Keith now this is the one next up Derek he went for it [Music] and we don't know the yardage of these targets but they are unknown and these guys are judging oh that is so close man until that whole yeah that's eight I think that's the right call there that line is really it's hard I mean you got holes in the foam it just makes it difficult that was as close as you could be without getting it absolutely yep Jeff Hopkins just playing he's just doing what he should do yeah Scott yes 10. he's a farmer from Iowa unless Ray keeps coming after him then might put a little pressure on him yeah he's got the coyote there is 32. now 13 points yeah what's Ray going to get on this dough pushing the limit 10 for Ray young 10. okay all right so there were any points of our leaders all right run through that scoreboard there Tony looks like we got a 445 for Jeff second is Ray at a 437 yeah still in third is Richard Owens then we got Keith at 4 31 and Darren at 4 25. right so at this point I mean we're coming out we got two arrows in regulation but uh we do have one guy with intact that's it yeah and he's gonna keep trying to get some more and Jeff is coming now to the closest Target the shortest Target on the Range I should be surprised if he doesn't shoot at a ring I would predict he's going to try to gun at that 12. maybe to try to keep from the sixth era from happening we got a little wind going on yeah right now too feels like it's to The Archers left to right correct that's what I'm feeling too boy that's in oh Center tent Center 10 for Hopkins Derek Christian Berry old Lefty I believe Ray's got a center 10 as well Richard Owens that looks like a good upper I think he called opportunity he normally goes after them uppers yeah so we've got Ray so there's Ray down on the Blessed Buck look at his shot a good solid Town very young okay 447. next Keith olstroom 41. for Darren christenberry still looking for that 14 ring I think he'd like that he didn't like that too that's the longest Target out there just keep making a lot of money right now for 33 for Darren Christian Berry now Jeff he's got a good safe town there yeah so when we see Jeff shoot again which we will he's shooting Beau called a Matthews phase four which is primarily known as a hunting boat oh at 12 for Richard Owens yeah his lucky shorts paid off his lucky shorts he's trying to track down Ray young now he wants to get there they all want to get on that Podium so there you see Jeff's bow as he was walking there it's primarily a hunting bow it probably would be considered one but he shoots it out here and that's what Richard Owens is shooting as well well he's shooting the face for us big long stabilizers on that gotcha okay yeah so that just shows you you know it's a bow labeled a hunting bow that doesn't mean you can't shoot it as a target bow and we should mention you know ASA there's classes out here for everybody if you're five years old if you're 90 years old if you like to shoot open setups hunting setups uh recurve crossbow crossbows whatever you know asa's got a place for you divided by age Division and everything and so come on out by all means here we go because these are a lot of fun did you notice those rear stabilizers on Richard Owens I did it's getting contagious out there I think it is they had to be 27 20 years their 30s oh man they're almost as long as this bow that was um I believe that was Ray young yeah that was red on the links I just can't see anything on that board but whoever it was went for the 14 I can tell you that because it's tall and it looks like they went for the 14 on the coyote trying now trying to do something here we go Richard he's moving he's trying to get into that last era yeah he is and I if I think I saw what Jeff shot he he is I think we're gonna have three in our final Sixth and final Arrow this is Keith on the longboard yeah he went for it oh man that is close but just a little wide so close just a little tall actually yep there's Scott parent turns around the eight that was a good effort for sure on the longest Target on the field I mean that's half a yard he's trying to get there he's trying to get in that last era he is Darren tried for another 14 and came up a little light yeah a little low on that coyote we have a winner four eight in a row Mike talking about how that would play in Vegas but he's really doing what he what he can do to try to fight back into that he is oh Hopkins took an age there that's going to definitely bring them others yeah definitely yes yes said Tony we are definitely 463 for Jeff Hopkins the 457 Ray young 456 Richard Owens they will move on Keith olstrom is going to finish in fourth at 4 49. Darren Christian Berry 441 another good showing for Darren absolutely with his left-handed Elite he just keeps picking away one of these times he's gonna get up there because he puts a lot into this game so this sucks there okay anybody within 10 goes into the sixth era and um so this is basically a battle for second I mean these guys are far enough behind Jeff and uh second like we said before second and third there's thousands of dollars of difference absolutely in sponsorship contingency money yeah so they both really want that second place and we did bring out the Wolverine again for our last chance archery Last Chance Arrow so we are going to shoot that and Scott Parrott is moving the shooting line he's going forward quite a bit Yeah walked forward he walked back he's still walking out perfect hasn't picked his shooting spot yet asking them where they want to shoot from him he's explaining the situation I don't know they're walking there he is all right that's a pretty good distance in front of the normal shooting and they will get a minute to judge this try to get their bearings straight and again this is your Podium these are the top three guys and Matthew sweep of the event for the Senior Pro class oh yeah so Richard and Ray have been making Jeff and also not trying yeah all right so Tony you are either Richard or Rey well Richard goes first yeah Richard's gonna set the tone I mean if he feels comfortable on that Target he may try to gun at it and try to get a 14 in force Ray to do the same he may be more comfortable aiming at the upper 12 because that's his game that's the way he likes to play and gotcha it's been a little while for Richard to get on a Podium I think it's really important for him to get on there yeah he's got that locked up maybe he'll just try to gun at that for second place so talk about feeling comfortable where you're aiming well you sort of get a routine of how you judge targets how you like to aim at Targets the spots you like to pick the places you'd like to error I typically like the air to the high side so I'll aim like at the bottom of the upper and try to get it to climb into it right that way if you do if you make a rough shot it's usually low right because of gravity mainly you know makes your bow Bobble yep that's sort of guarding against that and to your point of comfort when we're out shooting in the field for uh qualification the 14 is not in place so you shoot at the 12 a lot more yeah and the 14's way out there off of the core line yeah above the color break all right so the 12's an easier spot to aim that's what I would guess he's gonna do yeah because if he hits a 12 Ray has to hit a 12-2 yeah exactly yeah 10 doesn't win it all right he's waving his hand for upper or no he said he was ready but I think he still did co-oper yeah cones in front of him yeah he's calling me upper okay he got his good buddy Joe Pitt out there to hold the umbrella these two are like a married couple blocking that wind for him oh wow he called the upper he's a little yeah that's not gonna do it all right but on the plus side really good really good run yeah Ray has to hit the 10. all right and when you have to hit it it gets a little smaller I was gonna say yeah you start to tighten up you start to think about things you shouldn't think about Tony I shot the team shoot two days ago and the last Target all I had all I said to myself was don't shoot an eight I shot an eight it's amazing how the the mind works so hopefully Rey is not telling himself that Ray has shot really good he shot a pile of twelves this weekend just need to tend to take second place all right it looks like it's at least a 10. that's at least a time I can't see the okay another good finish yeah there it is 10. all right so there well second place we shouldn't we should say yeah Shopkins has to hit phone he has to hit phone I don't think he'll be shooting it in the head no no uh this one there is some Stakes on the line here so yeah all right Jeff so a five to win his second in a row third of the season third of the season the only one he didn't win who won that one I think Little Italian guy and I think he told them he probably did yeah final score he got a 10. yes three wins for the season for Jeff Hopkins the other one was won by Tony Tazza there's his son Scott there probably the only person out here on the Range besides Tim Gillingham who is as big as Jeff Hopkins is his son Scott right and Scott's a competitor too in the office open Pro class man his dad have been working hard to to get them both out there in the shoot-offs so Jeff is going to come over to our winners area we're going to get a word from him on his second where uh there he is Jeff Hopkins two in a row three for this season how's that feel yeah I guess like the song three out of four ain't bad yeah you uh you know this one was not as harrowing as the last one however yeah I mean this one was still pretty uh down to the wire and you guess this game's crazy out there in the dark this weekend it's hard to see and um just uh it's all great numbers all weekend out there for the most part but just a few targets and out here you come out in the light it's it's different it's you're trying to be cautious because you don't want to give up the lead and you want to be aggressive too and you know it's a little nerve-wracking but uh very thankful very blessed and so thankful for my family and all my sponsors and everybody that make all this possible well take a look at that monitor there Jeff we're sure we're showing the last shot there what's going through your mind at that moment well really one to twelve it and it hit behind the pin so um you know at that point I'm like well I'll hit foam even if I misjudge it and shoot low but uh I really want to 12 in front of everybody but uh it's all good great weekend congratulations Jeff tell us tell us how difficult it is coming from those tunnels on that Hillside to this wide open space shooting at them silhouette targets it's it's um I in my opinion this is the toughest place to shoot on tour that we shoot out there the power line has always been a very intimidating factor and no matter how hard I try to prepare for it you can't duplicate that so it's tough congratulations Jeff all right Jeff congrats on the third win of the Season back to back hey thanks so much everybody thank you all right folks don't go anywhere we will be back with our open Pro archers next here at the true ball Pro-Am London Kentucky foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Jeffries Mr Ryan Reed Chris Hacker Alan Connor Benny Barger and your number one qualifier from Voorheesville New York Jacob sleuthard I thought I could hang with these guys and I wanted to prove that but winning after five tournaments isn't it it's a lot foreign s why he shops at lancasterarchery.com I'm a patient man in the woods but when it comes to shopping online not so much that's why I choose Lancaster Archery Supply they make it easy to order all my Archer Gear with thousands of the newest and finest products right at your fingertips ready to ship to your front door here's your order Vinnie or tree stand hey depending on where you're hanging out you might even get it before you get home for all your archery needs shop lancasterarchery.com [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] the number one qualifier in the women's shoot down Sharon Wallace your first place qualifier Jeff Rainey your number one qualifier Miss Cara Kelly Mr Levi Morgan that's Mr McCarthy yeah Elite is the world's most advanced and Accurate Archery experience we challenge you to go to your local retailer and ask for elite to demo the Omnia today CBD be that's custom bow equipment I'm talking about field testing wow what a match premium archery accessories check out the full line at custombowequipment.com foreign so I mean the targets are so dark the lighting's so bad down in there on some of these targets that even if you have knocks and stuff my like my pin is dim as I can get my pen it just washes out everything is hard to see past it's kind of like you know having a flashlight in your face at night time pretty much numbers um if you're leading the target that's probably the toughest because you have nothing to nothing to aim off of so thank you all right welcome back everybody to the true ball Pro M here London Kentucky Tony Taza open Pro there's our leaderboard and this is a leaderboard of a couple Legends at the top we've got Dan McCarthy in at 4 34. we got Levi Morgan at 427 Chris Hacker he qualified third with a 422 our own Nathan Brooks in at 420 in fourth Jason Bennett the second in at 4 18 your fifth place qualifier this one is gonna be a horse race but before we get to that we want to go back to Camp Minden Louisiana last month at our last event and see how this class shook out there [Music] and Levi tied on everything score bonus Rings Levi was holding the umbrella for chance during his win they were buddies last weekend right now they are not buddies they're fierce competitors so you knew the open Pro shoot down was going to be a heavyweight battle when chance Bobo and Levi Morgan entered the arena tied for first they're good friends world-class archers and fierce competitors despite their friendship neither would give quarter to the other meanwhile chance called up her and there's a chance but this wasn't just a two-man fight for the tops only four points separated first from Fifth and after the Five Arrows shot in regulation chance was tied for first with Brandon Reyes just two points ahead of Levi Braden Jones and Ryan Jeffries I don't think any of them lay up and shoot at 12 here I just don't I can't with the 14 in play everyone had a chance to take the win Jeffries was up first and missed the 14 low for an eight Braden Jones took the second shot and he hit the fourth King shot Braden Jones Levi then took center stage and he hit the 14 as well got it there he goes wow Brandon Reyes last Arrow Diplo for an eight leaving chance with the chance to take his second win in a row 14. he wins it takes second after his signature Rock Steady hold chances Beau fired and his arrows hit the 14 nearly inside out that's how you win one right there how is that to go out that feels Pretty stinking good man yeah I had a really good weekend and you know made some good decisions and I just got lucky and judge the last one right I just kind of started From Scratch this year I made the decision that I was going to shoot open Pro and uh I honestly I just been putting a lot of arrows in uh getting used to the new equipment and everything's working great all right well I can't wait any longer Tony I know you're excited too we want to get to the action Brandon Reyes bring out our open Pro archers all right here are competitors for the open Pro division our fifth place qualifier from Zelienople Pennsylvania representing Obsession archery Jason Bennett our first fourth place qualifier from Alma Arkansas representing Elite Archery Nathan Brooks our third place qualifier from Van Buren Arkansas representing Hoyt Archery Chris Hacker from Uniontown Pennsylvania representing Matthew's archery your second place qualifier Levi Morgan and your number one qualifier coming in from wazeka Wisconsin representing Matthew's archery Dan McCarthy all right we have our archers set on the field there as you mentioned there you go side by side Dan McCarthy on the left Levi Morgan on the right if you're Dan McCarthy you don't want Levi Morgan yeah and vice versa no those two guys have so much respect for each other they know what they're dealing with with the other guy and they're going to do all they can to get ahead of each other they are and Chris Hacker had a great weekend Nathan had a great weekend Jason Bennett got in on his last Arrow to get into the number five spot so these guys have all worked their butts off to get here and Chris Hacker just recently went to the longer Stratos and is really liking it that's his bow yep that's his that's his bow he was shooting at 36 now he went to a 40. and he's really meshing with it well I'm sitting on a seven point lead 10 for Dan McCarthy judging distance I don't know how far it is and for his closest pursuer Levi Morgan Center 10 there by Morgan and so Tony we have been here for 15 years as we heard Josh granted Levi has Podium 13 times he's won it nine times and for Chris Hacker Chris looks like he's got a 12 there no he called the upper 10. yeah our broadcast is normally our field announcer again these guys shoot and he worked his way onto the field he's got one he's really close there he called Lower nobody making any moves yet Jason Bennett on this as I mentioned Jason needed to hit a 12 on his last Target to get in and he did and a lot of times their first arrow is just like a gauge and he went for the 14th yeah talk about that the first yeah the first Arrow you want to make sure your yardage is good that you got they judged what an hour ago yeah and uh so they sort of don't really remember exactly how far things look so that first arrow is a gauge now they're probably going to go for it gotcha I know Levi his game plan is usually he didn't come here to get second No so at some point he's gonna start pushing the envelope yeah no matter how much respect he has for Dan he's here for one thing yeah to represent his sponsors first place he ain't first your last the Old Ricky Bobby it looks like Chris went for the 14 and came up short good steady hole there that is Jason Bennett on that bless Buck there that's going to be a close call yeah Dan's looks like he's got a pretty good shot on the links all right first up Jason there's Nathan Brooks shot it's getting Jason's call here he's got the 12. got the 12. all right next up is our leader Dan McCarthy and that's a pretty good looking shot he did not he did not call Upper it might be a little high yeah all right our leaders Levi Morgan wants to start making some moves pretty soon so there you see Levi Tony shooting another hunting bow the Matthews v3x yep and I talked to him about that he normally we we see him shooting target bows but he said sometimes he feels like just changing bows helps kick-start him you know and change things around and he felt like he needed to change picked that one up and he's like man I'm just shooting it really well yeah I could see that I mean sometimes you just need to mix it up and Chris got an eight going for the 14. yeah if you can you know they talk about the honeymoon phase with the bow well if you can keep if you can peek with that honeymoon phase it can be really good sometimes 10 for Nathan Brooks all right so run through that leaderboard for us now yeah Dan's still got a seven point lead over Levi and then after that he's got a seven point lead over Nathan and Chris Jason is at 4 38. two points behind them all right Levi has moved to a shorter Target he's on he's on the coyote and this is his place to make a move I would guess yeah because Dan's on the long bore all right be surprised to see a 14 shot at here by Levi oh here's our three-way split there for and there's Levi on the right Jason Dan in the middle Levi on the right keep an eye on that 14 on the right yeah I think we'll see an arrow go in it everybody stalling a little bit here they get a minute to shoot yeah I think a little gust of wind came across and they they decided to hold off oh he just misleft he missed left Jason missed low and Dan Dan went for the 14. no he's inside the 12. I was looking at them yes I but I don't know if he did not call Upper that was Bennett going for the link yeah so there is a two-point swing for Dan Nathan Brooks that's a Twist that's a 12. and so Tony we should mention you know these all these archers out here everybody sees their Scopes that they're using Nathan and a lot of them have different Power magnification two four six eight Nathan's one of the only ones I know only Pro he shoots no lens no magnification I've known Nathan for 20 plus years and I don't think he's ever shot the lines I think he likes the way he holds it without a lens McCarthy yeah I props to Nathan for that because you know he can't see what these other guys see but now 20 years ago he had Supreme eyesight yes I'm not sure that it's still the case because I know it can happen to really good eyesight I've heard him talk about that it is not as good that's Levi with an eight there him to 455. fourth place Chris is Gonna Wanna make some move here 12. all right so there he got there and now he and Nathan are really good friends so there he's I don't know if you saw that little fist bump there you know all these competitors are really good friends nobody nobody wants anybody to shoot porn right you want to beat them you want to be different than having them you know wishing battle you want to beat them at their best right all right Chris is ready gentlemen we'll start your one minute for sure if Levi shoots a 14 and you shoot a 14 to beat him that feels pretty good I mean I imagine I don't know so yeah dance opened up the lead to nine now yep so he's got pretty good control of this Levi went for 14 and he got it he's got the 14. that's what he needed to do yep he did and Dan waiting there taking his time maybe he was watching to see what Levi did I mean they're shooting side by side so yeah possibly usually I still don't see him going for the 14. No usually Dan does his own thing he yeah he went for the lower and God and he got it Center 10 for Chris 462. next up is Nathan on that links that looks like a center 10 also yep Scott didn't even for Nathan Brooks also Jason Bennett on the wild board that's the long one there and he took it eight on it just can't find the number on that 14 ring yeah 51. now we come over to Dan get that 12. that's a 12. that's a good solid tool yeah Dan looking for his first win of the season next for Levi Morgan on the grazing doe that'll be a good take home for the McCarthy household yeah so their Levi picks up two on Dan got a seven point lead now they got to think about that sixth Arrow it looks like right now only Levi would be in it correct so this is going to be an interesting one for Chris and Nathan we want to watch that shoot down because uh Chris will be shooting at the lynx and Nathan's got the long board that favors Chris in that department all right Nathan taking a good look down there yeah yeah this is the fifth scoring era Chris Heckert full draw on that links he went for the four oh and he donuted it good shot for Chris Nathan Jason left for the 14 on the coyote and Nathan shot a 12 on the boar Levi 14 on the police Nathan didn't know Chris shot to 14. he just gave a high five he's on the DOE yeah taking his time in this shoot down usually we see him Levi shot high on the 14 on the police block Center 10 for Mr McCarthy all right but this is going to be a good finish here when we call these arrows I think this one could be over PJ I just want to see Chris Hacker and Nathan here Levi took a five there on the bless buck Chris Hacker I mean he absolutely Center punched that good for him 476. oh he jumped ahead of us Levi with that shot yeah 12 for Nathan Brooks Morgan for score and bonus Rings oh score and bonus ring tie between Nathan Brooks and Levi Morgan I don't know what they do for that when it's not the leader thank you for Jason and let's see if anybody's doing in 10 points or later after the zero I believe they'll have to shoot that off for the podium 486. so there were so nobody's Within 10. they will have to shoot that off of that shoot off wait why isn't Chris and Dan shooting with intense no they they fell below it oh no there's Dan McCarthy and Chris Hacker yeah those two should be shooting according to my calculations yeah I I think we may have to check something out here we'll check them on the score Brandon Reyes is gonna ask about this but first up so we are going to go over here and have Levi's shoot off here yes we are correcting I thought so Tony for once our math was right yeah so Chris is within 10 points but oh okay we are first so they're going to break the third place tie okay with a one Arrow closest to Center yes and then they'll allow Chris and Dan yep to finalize the tournament yeah it's it's the closest to the center of the 12 Tony so score is irrelevant correct you know all right we have the Wolverines laying down so they must be shooting he's got them in position to shoot it's lo I mean they're in front of the coyote but we'll find out here when Levi shoots he's looking at the board yeah they got the boar and the camera side so yeah little I mean Dan has a 10 point lead but this is some bonus action here yeah yeah so uh Nathan Brooks and Levi Morgan are tied on score and bonus ring for Podium positions we can't have that um if they were fourth and fifth they would leave it alone but we this is for a Podium position one of them is going to take three one of them is going to take third place so we are shooting at the coyote okay that's a relatively close shot so it is they moved them up it was already the closest Target so Levi is going to go first and I am expecting a center 14. I'm expecting some 14 efforts here oh wait no sorry it's closest to the center oh you're right I keep forgetting about that this is the center of lower the lower 12. yes so that's what we're shooting at oh that is as close that is inside out I don't know how you get closer than that they're going to measure it I don't even know I'm not sure his the right side of his shaft isn't in the middle I think it is like in the center scribe wow well Nathan has his work cut out for him that was a perfect shot look at the hole with a dead center yeah that's gonna be a tough one if he would put it in that hole he would tie I think that's his only that's his only play all right yeah and as we talked about with him not having any magnification he may not be able to see that hole he's not seeing it the way Levi saw it through his lens but Nathan's been around a while he knows where it is a little bit of a long haul to have that's a long nope underneath he told that but he did get to 12 but Levi's closest to the center yeah we don't even need to Levi's third one Arrow one Levi Morgan Nathan gets four yep Jason Bennett gets fifth now Dan and Chris have to shoot one more era so Levi Morgan makes it 14 podiums out of 16 here in London that's quite a record that's pretty good okay now some more bonus acts some more bonus action as we mentioned Chris Hacker 10 points behind Dan McCarthy and now they are bringing out the Wolverine for our last chance archery Last Chance Arrow maybe another Wolverine to the crowd on this shot that would be nice of Mike to offer that up Mike Tyrell just giving away targets left and right here we'll see what Chris does here he needs to make a run at the 14. that would be nice if that would be nice if Emily gave one away and then Dan gives one away that'd be great so they're getting they're getting a minute to judge here uh Tony yep they are judging these guys probably don't need a minute they're not good yeah and now the lighting is not quite as harsh oh I see it's a little shattered out yeah I can see it much better than I could all right we're going to start your one minute Chris Hacker says he's ready I mean he's shooting at the 14th that's all he's gonna do I'll be surprised if anything else so he goes after it comes up a little short I don't that's gonna that's a 484. yep so Dan's already got this he's already won are you happy he'll shoot it he wants to shoot it all right here we go another Wolverine here we go Mike Tyrell is making the offer now if he misses the kai or the Wolverine's head his wife's gonna harass him yes that's right Mike Tyrell is saying if he shoots for the head of the Wolverine right he's going to give us we're going to give away the coyote to a young fan and two young kids yes yes Dan wants to shoot a different Target I I know the two of them have won events before but I don't know if the two of them have given away Targets on the sixth Arrow before I'm pretty sure that's never happened oh that's a good view of that Wolverine isn't it yeah shoot it right in the ear I'll bet Dan has never shot a Wolverine in the head there we go got it right in the cheek I think Emily was a little better uh you know in the ear yeah I'm closer to the ear congratulations so yes Dan McCarthy is our champion Chris Hacker takes second Levi Morgan third to fill out our podium and so Emily wins her first tournament of the Year Dan wins his first tournament of the year there's going to be a lot of those Happy Gilmore checks in that little prince heading to Wisconsin McCarthy's are known for traveling in this tiny Prius and those big checks really look funny in there so it's great when they have a bunch of them to take home Dan is coming over to our interview area we're going to get a word from him on his first win of the Season Dan McCarthy first win of 2023 how does that feel uh feels great I mean it really does feel feel good every win you get any win you get better be thankful for it because they don't come very often and might be the last one so uh so take a look at that monitor there Dan we're going to show you your shot on the Wolverine what's going through your head I know you want to do it for the kids to give that one Away really I was just like please hit it in the head I don't like Fletching arrows don't don't I don't want to have to collect another arrow no it's just uh yeah any shot like that where you don't have a whole lot of pressure uh it feels awesome I bet you Dan this is Tony I'll bet you practice that shot quite a bit oh yeah all the time now after the last shoot you went home and recharged your batteries and now looks like you're back as like you never missed a step yeah um you know uh shooting good um did took some time off I honestly just did some fishing and and uh enjoying some stuff and uh glad I did felt good just clear the mine kind of start over um no I'm so confused how I win won this tournament well just crazy thank you great round a huge congratulations to you all right thanks Tony appreciate you man congrats Dan first win of 2023 you are the true ball Pro-Am Champ here in London Kentucky thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Brian Jeffries Mr Ryan Reed Chris Hacker Alan Connor Benny Barger and your number one qualifier from Voorheesville New York Jacob sleuthard I thought I could hang with these guys and I wanted to prove that but winning after five tournaments but it's a lot yeah Elite is the world's most advanced and Accurate Archery experience we challenge you to go to your local retailer and ask for elite to demo the Omnia today that's custom bow equipment I'm talking about field testing proven wow what a match premium archery accessories check out the full line at custombowequipment.com and he got it never played the number one qualifier in the women's shoot down Sharon your first place qualifier Jeff Rainey your number one qualifier Miss Carl Kelly Mr Levi Morgan that's Mr McCarthy foreign something kind of different about London than most of the other ASAS is the lighting here is kind of tricky you know we're on this power line so you're kind of right on the edge of the trees shooting into the timber so sometimes it can be dark this weekend it hasn't been terrible but definitely a little darker than most [Music] way left all right Tony welcome back everybody to the true all uh trueball Pro M here in London Kentucky this is our known Pro leaderboard tell us what we're looking at okay we got some familiar names here again we got Justin Hannah leading at 4 52. Kyle Douglas and Jace Boyles in second and third with the 450. Austin Taylor in at 4 444 in fourth place and Donnie Thacker in at 4 42 with the fifth position well Tony we can only hope that this shoot down is as good as the last one in Camp Minden because that came down to the final Arrow let's take a look back at that one this guy he's big time that's what he's known as shooting for Elite Archery Curtis broadnax moving to the last shoot down of the night the previous five felt like they took only about 30 minutes because the action was so good there's no way known Pro could keep the thrill going could it all right it could and it did Curtis Big Time broadnax shot a clean round to stay ahead of the pack for the most part although Matthew Burns smashed a 14 in the middle of the shoot down to take a share of the lead for one target big time got to 12. through Five Arrows Curtis hit the bonus Rings he needed to stay at the top but he's got you no he's shooting a 14 on his last Arrow put Brent Platt in a position to possibly knock broadnax off the pyramid by forcing him to hit one of the bonus rings to take the title big time wasn't about to give up at the end he called upper and smoked it to take his first ever known project yeah upper 12. and that's your winner right there first win known Pro how does that feel man it's incredible PJ man I I can't quit shaking right now yeah well it was pretty much the same same thing the whole time I had the same nerves the entire time and just I guess shoot through him I guess I I drew back and I come down over it and it was just shaking all over it and I just tried timing the punch right to see how that one played out at the end there for Curtis broadnax but now we've got a new slate of five archers Brandon Reyes bring him out for us okay here are competitors for the known Pro division qualifying fifth from Wingo Kentucky representing Hoyt Archery Donnie Thacker your fourth place qualifier from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada representing PSE Archery Austin Taylor representing Elite Archery from Albany Kentucky Jace Boyles your second place qualifier from Liberty Utah representing Bowtech Archery Kyle Douglas [Applause] and your number one qualifier from Asheville North Carolina representing Elite Archery Justin Hannah all right Tony so Justin Hannah is one of those archers that just comes to London and this is where he excels he's won this tournament multiple times in arguably one of the most competitive divisions we have right yeah absolutely I mean these guys this is always such a tight race on this Open Press always or known Pro these guys are using rangefinders so they hit a lot of rain they do and we will give you our distances now to these targets once we go down there call them because the judging is over good look at Donnie Thacker there pretty tight Race 10 points from top to bottom yep we're going to see them oh there's a 14 for Donnie Thacker 14 out of the gate Donny's got his daughter holding his umbrella he wins the award for best umbrella holder Kyle Douglas there's one here 12. Justin Hannah with a 12. and Justin said you know he was from Asheville North Carolina and he says the woods here look exactly like they do at home he thinks that's why he just does so well it just feels like home definitely an advantage it's like cows a little bit left just in half Kyle Douglas Champs he's in with a 10. 10 for Jace and Jace lives not too far from here this is basically his backyard right down the road Austin Taylor coming down from Winnipeg this is his second shoot down this year he went for the 14 on the coyote the close coyote at 29 yards he did oh yes so that is 29 yards our next Target yeah I think he got that yeah so that's 29 yards to the coyote here we come to the grazing doe which is 34 yards Donnie Thacker smashed it that's going to help his cause 456. and our first Target the Blessed book is 37 yards the links is 40 and the boar that long one is 47 yards so Donnie jumped over Austin for the fourth spot yep for now all right still have a tie for second there on score anyway now the sun is right in their faces pretty much yep you do have some umbrella help yeah you see those umbrellas dropping lower and the targets are sort of shattered a little bit now wind not really a factor yeah whatever that wind was we had earlier it's kind of dead now all right gentlemen we'll start for one minute now there's a look at Austin shooting that PSE Dominator Duo new bow out this year from PSE watches the thumb on that trigger it's coming around he's shooting the thumb button release just pull pull through there oh he smoked a 14. smashed it looks like they got the 14 on the coyote too is that Jay spoils that is Jace yes it is and it looks like a 14. Kyle looks like he went for a 10 on the four and Donnie's still aiming at the blessing and Center punched it smoked he is making a run yep his lucky Charmed his umbrella holder this is a 14 Fest for one of them and Justin called the lower 12 and he got it back to back twelves right he's doing what he needs to do next for Kyle Douglas no cow on the longboard yeah for the upper 14 of his own boy that's that's I mean that's right where it is that's gotta be good [Applause] Austin Taylor on the doe that looks good too you got it all right that's a Full House yeah so Kyle shot a 12 there and still got passed yeah Jace getting or Kyle getting the bonus ring on that boar that's a bonus because you cannot see that Target but all right here we got our three fur we got Donnie Thacker Justin Hannah Kyle Douglas left to right links bore bore doe in the dough Wait no that's the coyote sorry links for coyote okay oh I think he got the 14 it's just out of our view not so good on now the boar is down Donny for a three-peat oh I think oh just over it hi he did there oh that's close man did he pull the line we're gonna find out Dustin Taylor on the bus 476 for Austin oh Donnie Thacker Donnie Thacker this one's gonna slow down his run yep our leader and that's an eight on the left that's rare 484. all right somebody somebody yeah Kyle Douglas shooting at the coyote and I want to see this one up though this looks pretty good to me naked eye Al Douglas that's going to be big if he hits that it was wide open right now oh man just over time that was an opportunity that was just a man he needed that yeah Justin got away with one there that was a six points there we go all right so now our leader at 488 new leaders Chase Boyles new leader Chase Boyles that's what's so great about this class Tony it's it's it's anybody it's a bonus ring fast I mean anybody could win it all they need to do is get hot at the right time exactly and the time is now and the time is now they get hot out here which Jay shot at 10 and 214s so he's on the move he had Justin Hannah now moves to the shortest yep shortest Target and there's some pressure there probably for him to get that one now Kyle Douglas is on the doe we've seen multiple bonus Rings there so good look at Donnie Thacker and his daughter all right here we go Justin Hannah looks like a good executed shock it's a little low oh Kyle got that one he got the dough yep he's going to be tied with Justin after that oh there's Jace yep hey that's okay he's been kind of just sure everything and just just under that one too 484. now for Donnie Thacker double down he's at the long bore here he went for the 14. 480. once you start going for them 14s and missing that hurts there's no turning back no Justin Hannah now is four points behind you either live by the 14 or you go down by the 14th yeah that's I mean that's why that risk reward is out there you know it's a big risk 492 for Justin yeah and Kyle's gonna get this 14 and it's gonna put he's going to go to 494. Kyle Douglas 14 for Kyle Douglas 494 for Kyle yep all right run through the scoreboard now Tony because I'm lost well according to my calculator well they got it updated four 98 for Jace 494 for Kyle okay 492 for Justin and then it falls to 84 for Austin and 80 for Donnie right so those first three I mean it's ready there's two more targets to shoot yeah so there could still be a lot of movement there as it stands now those would be the only three to go to the to the six but we've got one more to shoot and things have changed every shot every Target they've changed several new leaders we're waiting for it Kyle needs to see what he's looking at down there yeah when you move from Target five to Target one they usually give you a little time to get adjusted it's a big move Justin Hannah didn't like that no that's low again that's three in a row he's low on Kyle smashed a 14 on the buzzbach and who's shooting that four they got the 14. that's Austin that's Austin Kyle is in with a 14. oh yeah there we go another really hard target to aim at on that one crazy 508 for Kyle Douglas next up is Jace what what did he do here okay also oh he's tired Kyle having the bonus ring Advantage yeah but and Austin got this one next up Austin Taylor 14. 47-yard bore dark Target smoked it that's going to get him in on the final era right there absolutely I do believe all right yep 498 for Austin looks like Donnie got the 14. another one 494. enough for Donnie yeah he's gonna finish Fast Justin I believe got an eight on that Doe yep so he's at 500 so he had two Shooters Kyle and Jay said 508 right Kyle having the advantage on bonus ranks okay and then Justin handles a 500 that'll be your three and Austin is at a 498. yeah he's gonna make it now he will make it in as well he'll be shooting first and then Justin then Jace then Kyle will go last and know what he needs to do to win this thing now Tony when you're in that position obviously you don't get to pick but right your last would you want to be last if you're tied on score 508 would you want to be last or the one before second to last I would always want to go last okay that way you know all the archers have shown what they got and then you know what you need to do to win gotcha so I didn't know if you like to put the pressure on the other guy well it can work to your advantage if you the first guy steps up there and hits a 14 he sets the pace for the rest of the guys so so we are going to our last chance archery Last Chance arrow shot at the Wolverine so there's almost two battles here a battle for a third yep between Austin and Justin yes and then a battle for the win between Jason Kyle yeah again that difference between the third and fourth place thousands of dollars of dollars same for second and first but and these guys sponsors they really like to see pictures of them on the podium there's only three spots up there only three so Austin Taylor is up first just 14 that bore I mean that long rain that long range this one's behind the bore and they move the shooting target up I bet you it's in the 44-45 range I bet it's mid 40s if the other one was 47 . now okay the whole way from Canada here we go take a shot at for the podium oh we got it he's got it he got it now he sets the pace that's it he's got a 512 with 24 bonus Rings yeah so Justin has to do that well foreign about what you feel comfortable right this is the difference between a Podium he needs to hit a ring yeah if he hits a 10 he gets fourth he's been his last couple shots were low I don't know if he's thinking about that factoring that in his confidence has got to be a little shaky at the moment he wants the upper full call but this guy's as tough as anybody out here absolutely he did call Upper now yep his cone is out that is the easier ring to aim at for the 12 the upper 12. I believe it is so let's see oh oh man that's so close this is a game of so millimeters from my kids I think that's the point maybe that's stretching that line I I'm not down there and I don't have good eyes but boy is that boy that line Looks pulled to me it sure does Scott Paris gonna take a long look at that oh man there you go good shot at that Scott parrot it says it 10. he must have seen something down there well there was just a little bit of area there that's the difference I I know you know the camera shows you one thing but it's not the same as being down there you see different things when you're right up close because you could look at multiple angles the camera can only sees one angle so that 14 guarantees Austin a Podium finish yeah that puts him he finishes no worse than third his trip to the States was successful absolutely that was a big 14. his last two yeah we got Chase he's in a tie with less bonus rings even at it so an eight for Kyle eight or better yep he attend to win she had 14 people are wondering about you I tend to win oh he maybe Jace has a bonus ring no Kyle has a bonus ring Advantage oh okay I think he needs an eight to win yeah bonus ranks either way I would be very surprised if Kyle Douglas did not shoot a center and if he aims at it well he's got Tim out there maybe Tim will Coach him into shooting a 14. he likes to please the crowd I bet right now Kyle shoot the Center 10 and walk off yep ten to win Kyle Douglas is your Champion well there's your Champion Pro-Am in London Kentucky congratulations yep Kyle Douglas takes the title Jace Boyles in second place Austin Taylor third Justin Hannaford Donnie Thacker fifth but we are going to talk to Kyle Douglas over here I want to see if Tim mentioned the word 14 to him at all in that last Arrow Kyle Kyle doesn't live quite as dangerously as uh as Tim does he's not quite as vocal as Tim is either yeah no he is definitely there's a good look at our crowd we had a good turnout tonight thanks to everybody who came out here to watch us it is a great show here when you're live and there's Kyle Douglas Kyle uh true ball Pro-Am champ there came down to the wire how does that feel well that feels awesome I've been working really hard these last few shoots and just missing the shoot off so put in a lot of effort you know a lot of work into the bow and and just making sure that that things were going how they need to and it paid off okay so Kyle take a look at the monitor there we're going to show you their winning shot there there was not a great deal of pressure but how did that feel walk us through how your your emotions there yeah that felt awesome I mean I just held on the black line on him and just made a perfect shot just to seal the deal so it's always good when you can win them like that um you know maybe not quite as climatic but it it feels the same Kyle you didn't let your buddy talk you into shooting a 14 on that on that last shot I'll take a 10 to win over a 14. great job congratulations thank you great win Kyle congratulations true ball Pro-Am Camp thanks thank you [Music] I guess not [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Competition Archery Media
Views: 44,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pk30d4sLlp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 20sec (12680 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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