Blunt Force Trauma...From Elephant Guns (Would You Survive???)

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aah w what are you doing eyes on me where did you learn that i went and sold that dear jurassic park movie last night you just gotta keep your hand out like this and you gotta maintain eye contact [Music] [Applause] what's up everybody my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics we're back on the range and today we're going to have some more fun with body armor a while back i shot these level 4 plates with a 700 nitro express surprisingly the plate stopped the round but the biggest question was what kind of blunt force trauma would your insides take once it stopped it because just because it stops the round it does not stop the energy that is going to travel into your body so today we're gonna find out what would happen i have a ballistic dummy lab zombie torso several level four plates and a large spread of elephant guns so let me show you what i got we're gonna get set up and get started [Music] oh these are heavy feel really bad for my ups driver he is fresh so if you've never seen one of these before this is a ballistic dummy labs zombie torso it has lifelike bones and organs and these are zombified with green blood i also have this zombified head here which is filled with blue or green liquid on the inside normally i've been using the zombie torsos that already have the heads attached but i do not have one of those today have those coming for some future videos but for today's video i'm just pretty much gonna like duct tape that on there so first things first we gotta get this guy set up there is this little tube right here that's filled with junk it's a pvc pipe that goes up inside the torso i'm gonna set him down on this dial rod which is concreted into this bucket and that will keep him upright for the whole video hopefully i don't think he's supposed to make that noise what is going on here we're having some issues nope i think he's full of gunk and it's not allowing it to uh to go down all the way yeah a lot of extra a lot of extra gunk in there oh come on all right his neck got jacked up just a tad oh there's our problem that was inside the pvc pipe so that just worked its way out the top no big deal it just makes more room for our head and i can put you right there i'm so sweaty all right so now we just gotta put the body armor on him i found another solution for keeping this head on here uh i cut the post off rammed this red rod into it and then that just slides right in here sort of there we go probably still going to fall off but it's more aesthetically pleasing than duct tape so we have our premier body armor level 4 plate this thing will pretty much stop anything it's rated all the way up to an armor-piercing 30-odd six but we've shot it with a lot of other stuff and we know that it will pretty much take everything you can throw at it including a 700 nitro i was gonna put this in a plate carrier and place the plate carrier on him but i decided against that because i want you to be able to see the energy transfer through the plate and into the body so instead we're just going to duct tape this to the zombie torso right here try not to obstruct your view from the side all right we'll have to re-tape it every time but i think it's going to be worth it so before we start blasting this thing with the elephant rifles i need to give you something to compare it to so we're going to take one shot with a very common rifle an ar-15 with a very common caliber the 556. i don't expect this to do much let's go check that out okay well turns out duct tape plate carriers don't work half bad surprised his head is still on here looks like this plate absorbed a lot of that energy the plate did a great job of stopping that round we have a slight bulge here on the back this was here he should have something here i don't see any kind of cracked ribs nothing he looks fine so this plate 556 i mean you'd feel it but i don't think you'd have much internal damage all right we got him all set back up and now we're going to jump from five five six to something a whole lot bigger but before we do let me tell you about today's sponsor and today's sponsor is state of survival state of survival is a survival themed zombie apocalypse game and it's free to play on both apple and google play now on state of survival you're gonna start out with a tiny little shelter but you're gonna need to build that thing up until it can withstand anything that's thrown at it what i like about state of survival is the plot and the awesome heroes and what's even more awesome is you don't have to purchase those heroes you can earn them through the free to play missions in the game every hero in state of survival is different and unique in their own way from their back stories to their special abilities and those special abilities will really come in handy when it comes to defending your settlement and especially handy in pvp mode if you use my code kentucky sos you'll get the free hero rusty and tons of free resources to help you level up even faster so if you're looking for a survival themed zombie apocalypse game or just an awesome game in general you need to check out state of survival the game mechanics are great the characters are awesome and there's always something fun new and exciting to do in the game and on top of that it's free to play if you want to check it out there's a link in the description down below or you can scan the qr code on the screen a big thank you to state of survival for sponsoring today's video now let's get back to it so here is the last round we shot the 556 and here it is compared to what we're about to shoot that body armor with this is the 416 rigby this is a 400 grain brass solid and the gun we will be using is a cz 550 bolt action rifle and if you can believe it this is the smaller of the elephant guns we brought today we're going to start out with this one and then work our way up all right here we go he's going to feel this one oh my gosh i think that went through the plate this video is taking a turn for the worst okay um well uh his head fell off let's start there that uh definitely fell off um i hit in a fresh spot so this ceramic should not have been damaged uh from the 5.56 this is a multi-hit plate but uh that 416 rigby did not seem to care what level plate that was cut through the plate that was a brass solid i brought all solids today because i thought maybe those would deliver a little more punch but i didn't know they were going to deliver this much punch blew through the plate hit mr zombie here and to my surprise blew completely through him also you can see the exit wound here and then went through our table and went all the way through the table so we're gonna step it up in diameter but i don't know if it's going to have as much penetration power as that 416 rigby which honestly i'm kind of happy about because i didn't mean for this to happen i'm really hoping that this next round does not just blow through him i'm wanting to see some energy transfer not penetration so we are stepping it up in diameter this is a 458 lot that is a 500 grain brass solid again i have a cz 550 bolt action rifle okay here we go let's go see if it stopped it [Laughter] thing is smoking there is no wait a second oh i think you went through it video's over folks we're still learning something today and that is that elephant guns with brass solids do not care about your body armor oh that was a brand new plate level four plate and it blew through the back went into mr zombie there's a hole right here came through him i mean i am frustrated that i am not kidding to see energy transfer but i'm also extremely impressed you know what doesn't frustrate me though my new shirt new design science because that's what we do here science and check out my new swim trunks tactical t-rex swimming trunks it may be hot out but if you're wearing these you're gonna be awfully cool i know that was bad if you want to check out the swim trunks or the shirt there's a link in the description down below all right i made a quick trip to the armory and i got some ammo that are not brass solid so hopefully these next few shots don't go through the plates but i do want to let you know that we did still get some results when it comes to energy transfer from these elephant guns the round did make it through the plate but the plate did still try to stop it and even then the sheer force broke every single one of these ribs all of them but since those ribs are already broken how are we gonna know if we do any more damage so what i'm thinking is i'm just gonna turn this guy around this side's a little bit more clean um the back is definitely more rigid than the front there's a spine shoulder blades and the ribs are a little further in there but those ribs do not appear to be broken so now i'm going to take another fresh level 4 plate and i'm going to place it right here and hopefully this time we stop the round and we can just try to measure the energy flowing through the plate rather than a bullet flowing through the dummy completely all right third time's the charm okay the next gun we're going to use is my double barrel 500 nitro express and this gun is absolutely beautiful has beautiful engravings on it if you look here that's a stegosaurus on the bottom you have a leah blueton on this side you have a sabertooth tiger and on the top lever you have a baby velociraptor and the round we are going to be using is not a brass solid and i'm praying that it does not make it through the body armor this is a 500 nitro hornady dgx bonded lead round 570 grains ah normally i want to make it through the body armor it's a weird day today all right come on stop this round here we go let's go check it out all right moment of truth oh it stopped it okay video's not a total failure right we stopped the 500 nitro and uh if you take a look at mr zombie here you can tell that his skin is pretty messed up that was a lot of energy transfer this is what i've been wanting to see today goodness gracious let's check this out this is just mushed in all of that let's see here we hit right here oh okay so most of that force went into the spine yeah we got i got broken pieces in here that's broken bone right there so it broke these vertebrae on the spine there's our entrance and that's a pretty big bulge on the back i would say if that was on the front it definitely would have shattered your ribs and there's a good chance that probably would have stopped your heart oh my goodness i felt sweat by ow it burns ah darn it okay okay i can't wipe my eyes because they're covered in ceramic plating and zombie so i just have to sit here and let my eyes burn it burns so bad am i ah i got one more plate left i'm thinking we can offset this guy just a little bit and then i'm thinking we should put the fresh plate right here on these ribs hit it with something a little bit bigger and see what happens ah my eyes all right let's see here these ribs are pretty good so i want the plate to sit right here so instead i'm going to turn him sideways and i'm going to cut his whole shoulder off nobody likes shoulders whoa that was actually kind of nice on the foot that didn't hurt so bad i think that'll be good right there yeah okay so as i mentioned in a previous video my 700 nitro is currently at a gunsmith being looked over so our last elephant gun for today is the double barrel 600 nitro express and this thing is no slouch it shoots this behemoth of around the 900 grain 600 nitro express and this is a soft point i'm really hoping that it stops this i think it stopped it and i think that mr zombie felt that one all right i finally got the results that i was wanting to see today here is where we hit with the 600 nitro express it stopped the round and it left a very big bulge on the back of this plate so the plate was sitting right here i hit exactly where i wanted to hit this is where all of that energy went and it destroyed all of this tissue broke these ribs this rib is broken that's not gross at all all those ribs are broken goodness gracious yeah that one snapped and then on top of that it looks like one of the ribs or just the shear force punctured the lung that is a lot of energy flowing through your plate and into your body so after seeing this it's pretty obvious to me that if you were wearing this plate it would have stopped the 600 nitro express soft point but you would have had broken ribs possibly a punctured lung and there's a good chance that force may have stopped your heart i also want to make crystal clear that these plates are not rated for the rounds we've been using today so now for the bonus round we still have our zombie head and there's these things out there that are called bullet resistant helmets i don't have one with me today but it's probably going to be made up of about the same material that is in these plates so i'm going to put this plate or what's left of it up against this zombie head and now we're going to take a shot at it and see what would happen if you were wearing an armored helmet i'm all out of 600 nitro soft points so 500 nitro it is okay 500 nitro express with the 570 grain dgx here we go oh my goodness my gosh let's go check that out this is quite the scene so here's our plate uh we hit right here and you'll notice we are missing the other half it's over there so gosh okay it it stopped the round it appears the ceramic broke a lot of it up and then it caught the round and that is a pretty big bulge so what i learned today is if i ever encounter zombies wearing body armor i know for one elephant solids will probably do the trick but if i have soft point 500 nitro or up and those zombies have on armored helmets still game over at first glance it appears that the round made it through the body armor but it did not it stopped the round but instead of the bullet going through it just pushed the armor into the zombie head you know i actually did not have intentions today on completely destroying this torso i was really hoping that we'd get some broken ribs and i don't know maybe it'd have a few cuts and whatnot but i think i was being a little over optimistic but since this thing is already pretty much falling apart i might as well just go ahead and destroy the rest of it right [Music] i'll tell you what elephant just won't do it 37 inch tires phil well we got off to a rough start but i still think we got some solid science in in today's video let me know what you thought about it in the comment section down below if you want to see more jacked up giant cars like you just saw you need to swing over to kentucky customs there's also a link in the description down below if you enjoyed today's video do me a big favor give it a like and if you're not subscribed to kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also be sure and check me out on patreon facebook instagram and twitter lisa all those are in the description down below along with a link to just in case you want to pick up a shirt or some awesome swim trunks and as always my name is scott thank you so much for watching kentucky ballistics i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 2,262,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: body armor blunt force trauma, kentucky ballistics, most powerful gun in the world, body armor trauma test, elephant gun, body armor test, elephant gun kentucky ballistics, worlds biggest elephant gun, blunt force trauma, elephant rifle, biggest elephant gun, kentucky ballistics body armor, elephant gun vs body armor, best body armor, elephant rifle vs body armor, kentucky ballistics elephant gun, what will body armor stop, worlds most powerful gun, kentucky, ballistics
Id: 5cfIAHIdZxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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