Kenshi / EP 10 - Fight Prep / Ironman

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hey everybody right I'm here from the episode of kenchi so last episode we tried to make great strides towards a armor smithing business or not business but like a way to outfit our own people as you can see Shrek here is cranking out better katanas and we will encourage that initially this is going to be more or less to outfit ourselves rather than to make great profit but the profit will come I hope I hope mr. Chung you are not training anymore you are just standing there because that didn't tell you to Train he is training by swinging his hands as if he has a katana in them let's fix that I don't know it kind of looked cool there we go and now I will speed time up I have some additional errands to run in game that I'm hoping to get done let's check in over here let's do some business I like how they announce it doing business I've never once in my life entered a store and the person working in the stores like let's do some business okay so I'm initially just buying four of these books so that I can research the leather crafting so let's go down to I think it's industry no it is smithing and leather armor crafting and then Ranma I'm going to send I'm gonna train a little bit longer and then I'm gonna send him back to the high village to buy some mining lights just so that we can increase our mining output so these little dummies here can get us up to ten let's see we do have the ability to get even better dummies with six more books so we can invest in that soon getting to the point where I'm starting to get ready for some actual fighting we've mostly just been on the outskirts sort of avoiding fighting but that will change soon so strike you've made a few more katanas we are out of I'm guessing iron plates and you're working now on the black plate jackets good good months flying across the world here to buy some mining lights so we can mine better at night light levels really Drive weapon armor quality they also drive work speed and stuff like that so because we don't own the territory around our house it's the town's we need to buy lights and the thing stuff like that so here we go some radiance lights and then iron plates I could buy him fabrics aren't that expensive although I can't afford it so I'm poor I'm a poor boy welcome human I have a name you know although they don't really have names like I even have a name hi obturator yeah no he doesn't even have a name gets to me to him I am just human now standard human all right so here is our first black plate jacket coming up the line is prototype type prototype quality which is pretty shoddy but if we look at least we have it has good coverage I don't know there's not a lot to say about how bad that is if I'm being honest it's pretty bad dr. Chung going to research the leather armor crafting now even though she's cranking up bad stuff she's leveling up so as you can see here the armor quality is going to be prototype until we leveled up and I might as well level up crafting even bad armor although I gotta say the this stuff has some acid protection but it's it's significantly worse than what she's currently wearing because it's quality typing but let's see what it looks like at least I'll show you what it looks like so this is what it will look like a zoomed in a little mmm and appropriately there we'll put the other stuff on there are a lot of people like crumpled John who really don't have any armor so I could give this to mr. crumpled and you will appreciate it and wear it um hunched over like an addict or something it's kind of funny okay we are border zone let's go home I've really not been messed with by the bandits or anything for a long long time partially because I'm sticking pretty close to town which helps a lot okay I can't afford anything traitor out of range what I'll do is I will quit my iron plates away Shrike will work on katanas again and so we already have a torch at MU and hamat so I'm gonna give one of these torches to beep and that will light his mining up and then another torch - I think rucas usually the one who runs back so I'm gonna give this to green also Green eats the least so he stays at the mining them the longest so now my miners are a little bit more productive a little bit in illuminated that does make for stealth and stuff less effective but you know it's a small price to pay we are going to stockpile the ores we need some more armor plating soon we can put actually someone to produce that that is something we can make in-house but I'm more concerned about food at the moment and then getting that leather crafting station up and running can't afford it can you I am just bleeding you dry alright so we got the leather crafting there's something else I wanted to research oh the training dummies yeah we got to get some more books for that all right we have 5k slowly building their money back up I did this for food items so we were out and I'm going to run down to weigh station for more raw resources or more somewhat processed resources I'm surprised Oh are we yeah we're boxing them now so mid-grade salvaged some of these are mid-grade salvaged we are slowly making some decent katanas and that will be good to level up our dexterity on Dex is a little bit harder to level then strength I think maybe I'm wrong correct me if I'm wrong strength you can run around with a box of rocks that's not that hard right now what you've got you got some fabrics I'm just gonna get the basic and random furniture cuz why not and a shake ton of iron plates and some books can't afford it anymore I think I've done well let's use the blueprints no we already know this one oh well wasn't that expensive could have bought maybe another book or two at most just one more book but oh well mistakes sometimes I made mr. Chung here is leveling up now let's do quick count of who needs katanas hobbs needs to get needs a katana Ruka needs a katana and that's it so then it's really just up to the quality of the katana and then the rest of the katanas i can sell as a trade good which is cool so we didn't get all the books we needed but we did get some fabrics and a whole lot of iron please which will go straight into weapon crafting at this point what I'm going to do is pass these gitanos around we'll go out to Hammett first oh no it wasn't Hamid mu Muhammad Mew Hama has a four seven blade you have a four seven blade do I have something better I have a five six yep so hamat they're gonna get the slightly better blade and then give that one back to Rama those guys are all squared away Ruka Brooker needs something right so the best blade I had these are all the same Ruka takes this one and then gives these no room for that switch this around so we have room there we are get rid of the old weapons and [Music] oh I did something real wrong here who ended up getting that big big thing a nonsense did we just drop it maybe we just dropped question mark yep there it is can't pick that up well you will be able to come on plank you're kind of underground there we go sir Ruka squared away beep needs a crossbow Hobbes needs Hobbes is the last one and then we'll just be outfitting for quality which is great so high quality stuff we'll get to get passed around do a little bit more damage let's look at that ninja blade nope it's less all right Hobbes and yep now to sell off this additional additional junk i have and then chung here has all but one of the books we need for better training pretty good Chung's blade sucks give it to run amount run them on to give a better blade to each other and we'll be upgrading them like that for a bit all right I should have checked the research already known it says it right there it's my bad all right so eight books good and now when we do the let's do advanced training dummies what else would we want maybe clothing manufacturer medicine would be good to it I can wait [Music] farming electrics battery defense hmm I'm gonna do defensive walls just because it's something I'll eventually get for the city for the town whatever I don't know how big I have to be until it's a city but for what we want to build in other words crank anything else out nice four seven four seven bunch of four 7s we still have a bunch of iron plates though there's a lot of people here what are you Caravan drones at this point I can also start trying to save up for additional blueprints but that's a lot of iron plates I'm gonna buy them all forget saving up right one of the things I can do with these is upgrade well we need to get the research done don't we just doing a quick inventory we have one more three nine blade and then four seven might be the lowest that we have which is a what's the four sevens called they are rusted blades where's this three nine that we have is a rusted junk therein lies the difference and then mid-grade salvage alright so we have two more crumble john and green have bad blades and Biba so we need three more next to your blades but we have a lot of plates now alright so crumpled John I can just outfit him now cuz he's standing right here and give that back to run amount to sell we're gonna look cool with two blades on our back Deadpool right I don't know maybe it's not that cool all right there's another decent one let's see these beep beeps probably not close enough all right there we go I do need a crossbow on beep I want to get another Bowman unless you have a better idea for beep I don't know maybe there's a better idea for beep give you the old blades and they actually that trader actually has some some crossbows I think now maybe maybe don't know you know let's go to the general merchant we might have to travel a bit to buy crossbow I don't know we could probably just take one off of an enemy up honestly wouldn't be that hard right yeah here we go this one is shoddy junk bow shoots toothpicks it will do in a pinch I don't have a lot of toothpicks let's just buy the hemp and cotton and load those looms up with some resources buy the remaining iron plates so if I issue right amount over to the looms I have loaded the hemp and cotton in and we're back to training one punch man style training so we did research the smithing for leather so we could get a tanning bench and a armor crafting bench both of these requiring some space I could put it up here it's a tight fit put it out of work so that's the crafting bench and here I think if I put the tanning bench there it will block things up maybe I'll put the tending bench here we're I hope I can walk by that well we'll see run amok gets to build it are you even working on even know what you're working on yeah we are having trouble passing there let's dismantle that one and can you pass your at least know you're having trouble path in there too huh I might need to move let's first move these camp beds because they're easy to replace as I said I didn't really have the most ideal layout in mind when I set all this up let's go ahead and remove this chest as well remove the camp fire and sitting pillow let's see if that can't save us some some space all right so now let's turn off jobs so he doesn't keep pacing crafting leather armor crafting bench and shouldn't be much of an issue putting it here and then the tanning bench I can put over here cloth bench once rot amounts not standing there maybe put it in there as well Joan help out chun-hee is picking up the sleeping bags and researching right Amon has one no he is enough that is the last blade that we need so what I'm gonna do is kill the queue no actually we were in the middle of crafting one more all right so we're going to set this up to not repeat and then I might want some more interior lights I'm really investing pretty heavily in this area I hope it's not a mistake it will help until I get my own town all right so I think we got that extra blade good now this key was done and she's working on farmer this can be given to rod month I think we only need one of those katanas the other one not so much obviously mooching off of squids power grid here but you know that's what you get for allowing me to to live here alright general storage boxes or chests maybe I'll just do a little chest because it stores less but it's small I can tuck it in to near the door this is a beautiful layout by the way I mean that in all in sincerity and then I will also add some camp beds I'll just put some camp beds in around here maybe I could fit one more they'd be ideal all right so we got their beds back got some general storage I have a bunch of iron plates I can put away time to run out to beep in green I don't have a lot of toothpick shots but I will give this to beep and green is me the other yep see ya we need a middleman don't we this to beep so now beep can use his crossbow although beep was already running in with some copper armor we still haven't made the second piece I don't think so also random up had katanas so the last person to have a junk katana was who green okay I was just out there guess I'm going back out there okay now at least I have some salvaged blades or better for everyone which is nice I need one electrical component to upgrade these ezpz we produce electrical components we're just getting them built up and let their turtleneck is the first thing we're gonna want to queue up on that bench so armorsmith there we go another crap testicle prototype this can go to someone that has no armor or bad armor it's all about the training now all right Chung it goes to you and these training dummies are now higher level which is awesome do a little more selling and I might try to get some more blueprints so I have obviously some blueprints already but not for like a full set of head to toe armor right I just have armor and the main armor chest armor and then some some shirts no pants no boots no helmet I might not wait until I have all that stuff to go pick fights now that everyone has at least some semblance of gear I could pick a fight and do okay now ideally I would have better better pants and shoes and whatnot it also depends on who I'm picking a fight with and where they are that kind of stuff and now if I hunt animals I can definitely benefit from the animal skin as well start tanning my own leather and creating my own armor looking her stance she's now still Oh so her weapon quality has gone up a little bit her armor quality has not I'm curious if she is being slowed down by her armor I think it was six eight before I don't think it was doing anything but we're almost ready to go pick a fight I think I'll end this episode just plugging away like this but I'll pick a fight pretty soon so beep Here I am going to have joined them over on that iron resource and then Ruka Hobbes let's look Li bringing Hobbes I will have joined me back in the base doing plate beating making sure that they yep they're all issued orders doing what I want them to do so plate beating is just literally beating raw iron into armored plates we have a few but we're gonna need more also occurs to me I am out of food so that will be in my last action for this episode is to feed everyone a nice meal and I have I guess somewhat of a armor smithing weapon smithing economy now obviously I'm not sourcing my own ingredients yet but it's to the point where I can at least outfit a ragtag band of misfits reasonably decently right at least that's what I was trying to do and instead of taking forever and more to go ahead and train everyone on these dummies which is really just takes a long time I think what I'll do is enact some slavery I'll keep my slaves let's see I'll keep my slaves right next to my weapons storage because you know that's never gonna backfire and we can go hunt first leave to use as like a Fight Club style okay we're armor smithing is slowly going up we're now up to shoddy of course this all can trigger this all can proc and we can get lucky but there you have it another episode of kenchi where I push ahead my economy I hope this has taught you at least something if it hasn't I apologize keep in mind that this is prerecorded so I'm not going to be immediately incorporating your feedback into my videos but I appreciate the feedback nonetheless it has been instrumental in teaching me how to play this and I hope you tune in next time I hope you are having a wonderful holiday and adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 42,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Let's Play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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