Kenshi / EP 2 - Layers of Fog / Birth of a Hive

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hey everybody you brought up in here thanks for tuning in to episode 2 of kenchi birth of a hive quick recap of the rules and goals only recruit high vers limit the amount of combat characters I have in the combat squad no weapon or crossbow crafting but I might relax that last rule and the goals are to kill the slavers acquire animals and destroy the other hives so I'm starting here with little Queen she has purchased a little replacement arm for herself and what I'm gonna have her do is start to run sort of the long way into mongrel anyone that is a veteran of this game will know why I'm headed mongrel I'm listening to all of your input and suggestions but before I do that I wanted to go over some tips so the first thing I'm gonna do is to cook myself up what am i doing cook myself up some more food from the campfire and work on some strength strength training so if I want some more food the best way to do it is to cook what I've already got and for strength training I'm gonna go ahead and look at some heavy stuff that I can loot off these bodies they just got wiped out from the guardsmen some of these bone dogs already been picked over and trying to pick up the heaviest stuff like weapons and armor or a staff for that matter and then after I'm done picking them over what I could do is pick one of their bodies up and haul the body like this and that encumbers me which allows me to train my strength pretty effectively so I wanted to say a big thank you to camel spider he's the one that made the mod to reskin the dead fog Queen into the proper colors meaning that I am fog colored he didn't have to but he additionally modified his mod so that I have a hunger bar so as you see here I actually have the hunger bar that I should have had a tepid one so big thank you to him the somewhat unintended consequence of having a hunger bar is that I'm not going to be able to do the skull repair kit anymore I am now organic I think the holy nation will see me as a skeleton still because my subspecies is technically still skeleton but I got to be careful about having wounds in the like what's going on over here who's fighting who we've got United City okay I don't even need to get involved in that so I won't let's see I am up in the UC cities I want to probably head south to stay clear of the holy nation now if you're new to Ken Xin you don't really know what's going on I'll give you a quick little primer while I'm in transit the things I have to look out for while in transit are like skimmers and things like that that could jump me so the lore of Ken she is this is basically your continent right you have the great desert up here which is the United cities there's sort of a feudal militaristic they all look like not all of them but many of them look like samurai they enslave others they have nobles they're sort of yeah I would say that's the long and short of their civilization they're not necessarily xenophobic so I can trade with them they're not going to be immediately unfriendly but they are slavers after all and they some of their slaves are high vers so I'm not so fond of people that slave high vers I also wanted to before I go into more lore I wanted to say that I had some other tips so one of the tips was mister chiweenie mentioned I should get the guaranteed slave recruit so the last time I freed a slave that slave decided to just say oh I'm gonna go see my family bye so in vanilla kaanchi not every slave that you free not every slave that you purchase is going to join you sometimes when you happen upon proper slaves out in the wild and you you unlock their cages sometimes they follow you sometimes they're recruited here I installed the mod which guarantees slave recruiting any slave that I get that is not a hiver I'm going to release or disband but I will keep my hive slavers that was a suggestion by course of the dark mentioning that would be very cool to have a mass sleeved Pope like enslaved gang basically people that have been freed from slavery and then conscripted into my hive and that's definitely something I want to incorporate another mod I installed John suggested which is the transparency UI mob that can collaborate with the dark UI mod so as you can see my UI here is partially transparent so if I open I guess map is a really bad just example but if I open the inventory here you can see through it which is pretty neat I did have some other tips from you all so another one is I want to address theft theft is a mechanic in this game that basically breaks the game anyone that is played enough Ken she will tell you stealing is way too easy and way too whoa whoa whoa I gotta stop my schpeel real quick cuz I've got skimmers on my bum I'm not moving ooh that skimmer is particularly slow cuz he's probably a baby skimmer or something but no more strength training for me now the problem is right now I'm headed to the arm of Akron and there's sort of a military checkpoint that I'm gonna be forced through so I have to dip a little bit further south into the iron Valley to get around that checkpoint so as I was saying yeah theft I might steal a little bit here and there you know inconsequential levels of theft but I'm not planning on stealing my way through this series because the game allows you to steal basically everything that's not nailed down and you can get really rich really fast which is not particularly good it sort of ruins the immersion if you ask me so now I'm in the iron valleys and the enemies are gonna quickly change they've changed over from skimmers to iron spiders and I have to sort of be careful I'm not in a zone that's particularly friendly a lot of the times when you start a new game you'll spawn in c4 zones where I started as you can see here with this iron spider trying to mash me to bits this thing could kill me in like a shot or two if it catches me I'm basically dead kenchi is a game I would say the biggest feature of kenshi is that can she does not care that you are a player character you die just as easy as anyone else there's nothing special about your character you're not stronger you're not immortal you're not special really in any way whatsoever you have almost every character that you start you'll have low stats and you'll be basically pathetic for lack of a better term and that's the beauty of kenchi you do suck at the start and you can't just fight everyone that you see and almost any of these like robots and skimmers a lot of the natural wildlife of the game can absolutely mince you and mash you up and spit you out and you'll be dead and if I'm in a dead is dead playthrough like I am one mistake here can cost me my life so for instance I quickly just checked fast as this iron spider compared to me I'm 2 miles an hour faster because I'm in encumbered but I have to be careful about things like that because one little slip-up and the series potentially is over I don't think I'm gonna make these slip-ups because I know how can she can be really rough but yeah there it is and then another thing I want to ask you all about is your input so I do have no weapon crafting in crossbow crafting right now but I think Ivers would be able to craft some weapons you don't normally see hybrids with a whole lot of weapons but they usually use like a polearm so maybe only toothpick and polearm crafting or something like that I don't know what I will do is I will ask for suggestions if you want to change the rules or goals of this series in any way I am taking input from that and then what I will do is compile that all into one big list put it out to a poll and you all can vote on it and vote how the goals and rules can change over time so back to my little primer lore of Kenji so I did describe the you see cities they're slavers they're Nobles they're royalty they look down on pretty much everyone else and they don't so much get along with the holy nation the holy nation are a bunch of religious fuzzy-wuzzies they believe that Akron here is their God and they worship Him and they believe that they grew that basically Greenlanders which is a type of normal human if you will is the true and only species that should exist so there are a little racist towards or a lot racist towards everyone else but especially towards skeletons they hate skeletons they're very technophobic there's somewhat misogynistic meaning that they don't believe in so much quality with women it's like Cochran was a man it's the yeah they're there they're generally everyone's favorite villain to hate but they are particularly strong I would say the united cities and the holy nation are these strongest factions in the game then a close second or third strongest would be the Scheck these Scheck are very noble generally honorable hulking masses they kind of look like oh my god what's his name I'm gonna have to google it real quick they look like Garris vac Aryan from Mass Effect a little bit they have that sort of that sort of look to them but yeah I digress yeah they kind of look like torian's their kingdom kind of broke apart so I think sometime in the past the sheykh kingdom was a lot more powerful but what ended up happening is their factions sort of disintegrated and the net result of that is they are no longer as strong as they once were but they're still pretty strong you have some smaller factions like the Western hive so the Western hive is a friendly mostly friendly trading faction that lives around Vayne here they're not so friendly to hive list hive lists are high vers that have been kicked out of the hive for whatever reason or people that are just been exiled and excommunicated so the Western hive won't talk to hive las' they won't attack them but they won't talk to hive Allah you also have the southern hive which is down here they're very xenophobic and isolated they have a queen they're not so friendly and that's probably enough said about them and there's probably close to 100 other little factions in the game so there's quite a lot to do this is a holy nation Caravan so let's not talk to them they won't be so friendly or kind a lot of the other little factions are either small little bandit groups or independent factions stuff like that so I am headed to a city called mongrel which is an independent city it's in the middle of the fog islands the fog islands I think I explained last episode but just to recap it's full of basically insane high burrs that are blueish and cannibalistic all the other high VORs aren't cannibalistic but the fog are cannibalistic and that means I have to be somewhat careful around them as they will try to eat me if they catch me even though I am blue like them and technically a dead hive Queen they are crazy and they don't care now there are ways to mod the game for me to be the rightful queen and for me to be able to recruit them at all but I think having a giant army of zombies at my disposal would sort of imbalance the game and I am kind of looking for the challenge so while I'm down here in the fire Islands I have to be really careful not to be jumped by fog they run faster than I currently do ooh actually that was a fog heavy so most of the fog that you see are going to be a little worker drones but they don't work they're insane all they do is they knock people out tied them to post and get this dude to eat them these are fog princes there's a bounty on their head when you kill them and they're surrounded by fog heavies which are soldiers so the soldiers have these sort of hammerhead kind of looking heads the princes have these more circular heads and then the fog drones have sort of pointy pencil eraser heads they each come with their own stats so heavies are tough they have toughness and attack bent up bonus --is but penalties to everything else princes are sort of Walder royal so they're how our describe princess there's sort of thieves and scientists and doctors there's sort of the educated class of high vers just like the queen actually this queen is basically a prince but female and then you have the drones which are really good at laboring and farming but not particularly good at anything else I would say of all of the species and subspecies in the game that are playable by default game a hyper drone is probably the weakest amongst them and then on top of having really bad combat stats hives high vers are also have particularly weak limbs so if you look down here I've got a certain amount of hit points for all of my limbs lots when you go to the negative version of your limbs so I have like let's take a look at my right arm if I had my right arm hit zero or a little even above zero but let's call it zero it would be crippled if it goes to negative 75 which is the max amount of hit points but negative I lose it it's lopped off so high vers have 75 hit points to their limbs humans here have as see this human has 125 sheykh have like 200 Hybris have particularly easy limbs to lose is I guess what I'm trying to say which makes them not a very tough race so they're very bad at combat by default so I'm here at mongrel mongrels a little isolated independent city in the middle of the fog islands why didn't even exists I have no idea and I'm here to talk to beep-beep is the underdog of underdogs he is a outcasts hive direct drone thrown out of his hive because he was defective so I say hi beep and he asks how do I know my name and he said you just said beep for no reason so I thought maybe you were introducing yourself am i some kind of genius then yes yes I am can I join you I want to become strong become a swordsman you don't look very strong do you have any do you have a weapon do you have any skills he says I have nothing they exiled me from the hive just because you kept saying beep I am defective not good for the hive but beep doesn't give up beep is strong since I left hive I can feel my mind changing the way I think I feel free having thoughts I've never had before I want freedom but everywhere I go things tried to kill me or chase me beep is tired of running time to stab things that chase me yeah you can see why people love beep sure yeah absolutely I ask if he wants any money to join me and he's like money I don't know what that is so I say welcome to the team so here we have beep who is a hive drone as you can see sort of a pencil eraser type head with that like weird dorsal fin and the first act I'm gonna do is give beep my coveted no dachi because that would be a particularly good weapon for beep as he wants to use big weapons in fact look at my little peep now he has a staff in a dot no dachi I'm treating well I'm even going to give him my armor because the Queen's guard protects the Queen now there are some bars in the city that I might be able to recruit some other hive people so like this shinobi guard right now as you can see well he has a particularly strange mask on but he is a hive prince this guy is a Scheck but you can't really see that he's a check because he's wearing a helmet and what I'm gonna do is sell all the stuff I don't need so I guess I can wear the heart protector but I'm gonna sell the iron stick sell the staff sell my repair kit because I am now organic and consider that good there was no one then no one else to recruit there so I'm gonna move on there's another bar right next door when you live in the middle of the fog islands you need a lot of alcohol to stay happy so here is Han boo he is a hive soldier drone and he should be recruitable so let's go ahead and get him recruited and he's asking for five thousand cats and I'm gonna pay it hum boo is gonna get a name here a custom name so as you can see the sub race the race is high of the sub race is the drone soldier drone they're sort of genderless but and honesty they're all male all hives are male except the Queen's and they have bonuses to attack and toughness they make good soldiers but they make terrible everything else so as you can see here unlike the other hive their limbs are a little bit tougher their headers particularly tough but hives famously these soldiers cannot use helmets so they have tough heads but they can't actually protect it which means they are vulnerable to being like one shot by really high damaging head shots the way this game works is armor mitigates damage that you take but yeah it's totally possible to get one shot to the head and that would be let's call it bad that would be bad so here we are at yet another little town there's an outlaw here who doesn't want to talk to me and that's crumble John he's a unique character but I'm not recruiting humans and there's a crazy soldier drone here that isn't gonna talk to me either so I think we've basically exhausted the potential recruits oh yeah see the crows that crazy drone soldier drone is already taunting me a bit screaming Reed which is the noise that the fog make when they're trying to eat people so he's I guess choking I hope that he's a fog I don't know so now I have weapons for Ron and beep what I'm gonna do is buy a weapon for Queen I don't want her mailing because she is our title character I don't want her endangered so I'm gonna buy a toothpick crossbow it's very very expensive so it's basically gonna bankrupt me but that's okay I can make money other ways now that have a few more people and then I want to get the hell out of this godforsaken area so I'm gonna start running on the road to leave mongrel there's not much else for me to do here so my next thing I'm gonna do is to look for other high vers to recruit you can't really start a hive with three I'm gonna need a little bit more than that no I did say I'm only going to get up to about ten Kombat characters the game allows you to have as many as you want up to about thirty generally speaking squads can go up to twenty sighs in vanilla kenchi meaning that you can have twenty combat characters at once I found in my last playthrough that twenty was sort of an excessive number and it made the game easier than it needed to be so I'm gonna lower that number down to ten and I expect that I'm gonna get losses and deaths out of it but that's sort of the point so here is what you typically find in the fog islands is a swarm of fog they all run in about nineteen miles an hour which is just enough to chase Ron down and do him some damage so I'm gonna take control of all my characters and tell them to book it I need to get out of this fog fast unfortunately for Ron they can technically catch up with him so what I'm gonna hope that happens is that they don't catch up with me now the more I run the faster I become so at some point Ron will be able to outrun the fog beep here he's going the wrong way that's okay I can recur echt that alright let's go ahead and run I really want to be going south so it's cued them up to run south now Queen is really much faster than the other two because she's been running around the continent already a bit and she has a speed of 21 which means the fog won't catch her as long as I'm careful about the orders I give her she has taken some hit to her stomach but I patched that up before they can catch me and let's just keep running when you're low level running is like a full-time job until I get to a safe zone where I can fight and lose and not be eaten I need to basically just run from everything so Ron here is getting beat up pretty bad but as long as he doesn't take leg damage critical leg damage his speed won't decrease too much but it looks like beep just took a beating beeps just been captured and they're no longer I believe no longer pursuing Ron and oh no they are they're still pursuing Ron but I'm gonna have Queen try to aggro the one capturing beep and get beep back it's pretty strange for the fog to be chasing me this far outside of the zone so because queen is faster than all these other fog she can definitely run and kite but Ron here is gonna have to stand to fight he just took leg damage and therefore cannot outrun them any longer this is not a good start to a hive but I'm up for the challenge so beep here is in a recovery coma his stomach's been pretty badly damaged the one thing I might be able to do once I get close enough to this fog is to aggro them to get them to attack me come on Queen you can do it all right so as you can see here the fog that's holding beep is now chasing Queen and I'm going to slow down time a little Ron just regained consciousness because a holy nation outlaw came by and started killing the fog that was abducting me that's pretty cool that's fortuitous luck pluck and a whole lot of micromanagement all right so now this fog that's carrying beep is whittled down to just the one Ron right now is repairing himself or healing himself I should say so what I'm gonna try to do is take potshots oh there we go I just hit the abductor in the arm now this is a bit of a game of chicken it's really challenging to get beep back without really risking Queen all that much Ron used up the last of his med kit which is fine we are also right at the edge of the fog islands so as time progresses I go deeper into enemy territory making it harder to recover beep but I'm not gonna let him down he entrusted me to protect him from all the people that chase him so protect him I shall try now if it can piss off the one trying to capture beep the one capturing beep is currently bleeding so eventually their arm is gonna fail them and they're gonna have to put beep down because I did shoot the arm and anytime this fog tries to leave with beep and abscond with him I will attempt to shoot the guy back Ron I'm gonna have rendezvous with the Queen Queen's Guard should not stray too too far all right come on dudes do a little shooting okay she missed that's a right I got the attention of this fog a little bit more shooting ooh nice good hit into the chest when they get hit they stagger back and allows me to take another shot Oh boom boom goes the dynamite the fog is down and beep is in a recovery coma but being healed by Queen Queen would never let beep down I'm gonna pick pick beep up we are not actually in the fog Islands anymore we are outside of the edge of the fog islands meaning that I should not encounter so many fog patrols this far outside should be a little bit more quiet looks like there's a holy nation outlaw that just uh just bit the bullet here what I'm gonna do is heal them because the holy nation outlaw did save Ron's life and I don't like the holy nation anyway so I won't mind saving one of theirs so you're welcome dude I don't how many splints but you're better off than uh than you were before I got to you oh man what what an episode so far perilous dangers ok so the issue right now is I've got some more fogs on me and Queen is not gonna be able to help beep if she gets knocked unconscious so she is gonna try to bait lure them away with her superior speed beep is not gonna regain consciousness just yet he is still in a recovery coma so once you're in the negative numbers it's a role for toughness so for instance if we take a look at beep here he's got a toughness what is his stance he's got a toughness of 5 so about negative 5 he's gonna recover from his coma oh you know what I could do well the fog have already left me I was hoping to bring the fog into the hungry bandits and get them to fight one another so that I get left alone but I ditched the fog we are not particularly in a safe zone as you could imagine and I'm not really paying attention to Ron all that much either which I should be what I really need to do is get them all back together okay so they're trying to mug me of my food so they're not going to eat beep there they're bandits not cannibals so I could put beep down for now go back for him because beep didn't have any food on him and they're not gonna be interested for any in him people don't eat Huibers normally unless you're Campbell all right so queen is 14 speed and as is Ron they are the same speed but yet Queen is holding beep now crossing into Vayne is probably a very bad idea so I'm gonna start heading east the reason crossing into Vayne is bad idea is there are some really nasty animals in vain that would make quick snacks out of me so I gotta keep my eyes open they look like giraffes by the way and Vayne is notorious for having a lot of them and they're really really fast very difficult to outrun you can out like row them on a good day though it is possible if you can't outrun them so what I'm really looking to do is to get somewhere nice and safe where I'm not going to be in immediate danger of being consumed by enemies this little merry band of misfits needs to get to a much safer zone as you can see there is hungry bandits roaming right there they just killed a group of fog I am near high village now the high villages aren't going to be nice to me but I can seek refuge anyway so one of my jobs such as it is in this series is to recruit animals right I think what I'm gonna do is recruit this little bone dog pup this little bomb dog pup I guess needs a name so the regular ponds that you have can very easily be renamed at a plastic surgeon but animals cannot animals once you name them they're sort of stuck with that name and they don't really easily get renamed so the thing is if I want a bone-dry pup I really have to decide like what name are they gonna have and that name is going to be somewhat permanent and I'm trying to figure out a good name for said pup I think what I'm gonna do is name this pup I have to figure out maybe a patron of mine so I apologize for the delay just need to find an appropriate one or I could name it after my own dogs I do have my own dogs but I would be very upset if I named this pup after one of my own dogs and then that dog died that would that be upsetting to me I think it would be upsetting to everyone I'm gonna name you thorns bone dog pups have kind of a bony face I think that's a nice name so one cool thing about the pups here is that when you they'll uh when they level up they get progressively more strong so if I invest a lot in athletics now it will pay off in the long run by by him by this little bone dog pup actually was it her what are you I think you were female oh boy I should know I'll just review the tape because I well I'm aiming to get one of each gender kind of like Noah's Ark so this is a Western hive they are not going to trade with me at all they just won't I'm a I'm high bliss to them I'm actually sort of curious because in vanilla kenchi you aren't supposed to have fog Queens yeah welcome no hive oh no they they will trade with me [Music] I think that's because of the mud I think I'm not flagged whereas they would not trade with beep or wrong okay I don't know what you're calling human I'm clearly not what they have here is some pretty shoddy clothing and the like that clothing would go on Ron here I think I can buy some of the shoddy stuff and put it on Ron buy it and give it to Ron anyway it's interesting that I'm able to trade with them so if you look this is the sort of stuff that the Fogg manufactured they manufacture hive clothing stuff that high vers can wear and then don't so much manufacture anything else I think I'm actually gonna buy this as well that basically bankrupt me but that will make Ron somewhat tankier which might be worth it so let's give wrong the new clothing of course the quality this clothing is absolutely horrid but you know what it doesn't really matter any little bonus bonus oh now it's yelling for me to get out because I think Ron got too close okay so here is some beak things there are the animals that I said are really really nasty they look like giraffes but trust me you don't want to mess with them especially when you're low level they would eat me alive very much eat me alive all right I can put beep down beep now can stand on his own too because his stomach has recovered and he's conscious I'm gonna trade beeps really shoddy pants to them and then if we take a close look at Ron here as you could see he is very clearly better geared than he was before you could see the shirt and the heart protector and in fact I think the mercenary armor is even better so I'm gonna give it to Ron the soldier needs a soldier's Armour so the slowest mover here by far is gonna be thorns thorns is a little baby pup and does not walk very fast I'm really hoping that I can thread the needle and not get eaten by beat things but that all is going to me for next episode because I'm just about out of time so just to recap some of the things I mentioned here if you have suggestions for changes in goals or rules drop me a comment if you're a patron of mine and you would like characters to be named after you you got to let me know because I'm totally open for all of these characters to be renamed other than the unique ones like beep or Queen and if you have any feedback of any other sort like mods I should be aware of yeah just let me know thank you all very much for watching I hope that you tune in next time adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 232,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Let's Play
Id: mXTBP9jg34Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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