Kenshi Beginner Money Making Guide 2022

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hey so as you may or may not know in order to do much of anything on the muna kenchi you're going to need money or as it's called in-game cats so i've made a brand new zero stack character on the wanderer start here and i'm going to show you some of my top money-making strategies for the early game and just for fun we'll see how many cats each of these will net us and tally that up at the end of the video so anyway if you find any of this useful and wouldn't mind leaving a like i'd find it super helpful and if you have any other early game strategies for making money please post them in the comments okay so without further ado the first thing i'm gonna do is run over to squin in the south here and when we get there we're gonna pick up a backpack okay so we've made it to squin so what i'm looking for in this town is the uh i guess the travel shop on the other end of town uh you can see there's a like on here of a guy with a backpack and a stick and we're going to be getting a a backpack from this shop so obviously we've got the thousand cats that we start with ideally we'd go for something like the thieves backpack but we really can't afford that at the moment we can't even afford the medium backpack here so well you could either go for a wooden backpack or a small backpack uh i'm gonna go for the small backpack because that's gonna be more useful to us uh later on so i'm just gonna grab that you see that gives us a bit more inventory space for what we're gonna go do next okay so my first money making tip is we want to find a ruin that's between squin and add mag now add mags around here somewhere squint's obviously here if we just sort of run to here on the map we should see it appear when we get near to it okay so as you can see i've just got some text popping up saying i've discovered ruin so this is the place i'm looking for i'm just going to run over to there okay so we've arrived at the ruins so if i hold down alt here and have a look around you can see there's a bunch of stuff lying on the floor here now a lot of knowing what to pick up and what not to pick up is uh sort of experience but anything that's got this blue text on it here or yeah so or anything with this green text that's the that tends to be the valuable stuff and that's the stuff we definitely want to pick up so i'm going to pick up as much as i can of that and then see how much inventory space we have left oh and if you don't know you can hold alt and then click on these things to pick them up okay so we've picked up the blue and green stuff and just hovering over it you can see a lot of it's worth a hell of a lot for example the rusty chain mail here is high grade and is worth uh four thousand cats uh when we sell it which is you know a lot more than the thousand that we started with but i'm just gonna see what else i can pick up here all right so i've picked up all the stuff that i think is valuable here uh the water wasn't as valuable as i thought apparently uh but you can see we've got quite a lot of good loot here um and we're gonna go sell this in the town of agmag which was discovered when we got to the ruins you'll also notice we're moving a lot slower now that's because we're over encumbered but that's actually kind of good in a way as long as we keep an eye out around us because our strength is ticking up while we carry all this stuff all right so we've made it to add mag i'm gonna pop into this bar and see how much money we can get for all this stuff that we delivered and actually we've got so much valuable stuff that this guy can't even afford to buy any of it so we're gonna have to find another bar and again uh this shirt is just so expensive we're probably gonna have to go to the general store to sell it all right so we've sold all the stuff from the ruins and we've ended up with 13 257 cats which is uh probably more money you'd have in day two than you would have if you'd spent all that time mining so that's set us up um giving us some starter capital which we're going to use to make even more money now okay so the next money-making strategy we're going to try is stealing beak thing eggs now the area up here is known as vein and this spawns beak thing nests is along with hive villages so what i'm going to do is do a bit of recon we're going to run up here and find out where a nest is we're not going to try and loot it yet because we're going to hire some help before we do that just a tip it's always best to be sneaking around here because if a beak thing sees you it's pretty much game over another hint uh while we're here these hive villagers are a brilliant place to train stealth because there's just so many characters walking around and the more characters you're stealthing around the more your stealth skill is going to go up okay so i found what we're looking for here this is a beak thing nest as you can see it's surrounded by beak things if you've never come across these guys before um just know that if they see you and you're a solo character and you're this low level you're pretty much automatically dead so don't come up to them without any backup but now that we know where the nest is and it's appearing on our map um we're gonna go hire some mercenaries to uh help us steal them all right so we're back at the hub i'm looking for the mercenary captain in here and here he is mercenary captain i'm looking to hire some bodyguards one day should be more than enough okay and now what we're going to do is wait till about midnight when the beak thing should be asleep and then we're going to try and steal some eggs you can see there's like over a dozen of them running around here so we want nothing to do with that all right so it's almost midnight we're gonna sneak on over all our mercenaries are sneaking too in all likelihood we'll wake them up because both ours and their stealth isn't very good um and we'll be ready to run and luckily these guys will take the fight for us and they'll probably all die but who cares we've already paid them and you can see this guy's woken up he doesn't seem to be going for us though but i'm gonna try and aggro him into these guys and there you go see they're all fighting right now i run around the back i'm just gonna go into normal speed and this is what we want these beak thing eggs so i'm going to right click on these hold alt to see them right click on them there you go pause the game so i've got four eggs here i could probably fit a couple more uh these guys don't have them though but that's fine we're gonna leave these guys to their fate uh and run back to the hub actually we'll run back to squint because the people in the hub probably won't even have enough money to pay for all this all right so we've arrived at squin in the middle of the night well early early morning so we'll wait till all the shops open before we start selling stuff okay so as you can see these beak thing eggs sell for 4 200 cats each so this guy should have enough money to buy all of them and just like that 28 057 cats beginning of day three alright so the last strategy i'm going to show you for making some cats is my personal favorite which is hashish smuggling so i've headed down to this weigh station to the southwest of squin where i'm going to hire some more bodyguards these guys are still sticking around from the beak things i guess a few of them survived but we're going to get some more because it's safer that way i'm going to spend a little bit extra and get these guys for two days because we might want to do a couple of these uh smuggling runs okay so the next thing we're going to do just south of the border zone where we start there's an area called the swamp and we're going to head for this like weird rock formation in the middle of the swamp to a town called shark now while you're running through the swamp you do need to keep your wits about you but if anything dangerous catches up to us these guys should be either able to kill it or hold it so you can run away all right and we did run into some blood spiders but these guys made short work of them all right so we've made it to shark now we are looking for the general store here and here it is should be able to get in there before it shuts and as you can see this guy sells a product called hashish now it's got a 105 price mark up here but where we're taking it it's gonna have a much bigger price markup all right so one last thing i'm going to do while i'm in shark is get some more backpack space so if i go to this backpack store here this guy's selling wooden backpacks and traders wooden backpacks now normally i prefer prefer these style of backpacks because they don't affect your stealth as much but we want to make as much money as possible here and we've got a bunch of backup to keep us safe so i'm gonna sell these to him pick up this wooden backpack and then buy these back and as you can see these stack now so i'm gonna go back to the general store and buy some more and as you can see we've now gotten to say insane amount of hashish in our backpack okay so where we're running to is a town uh called flats lagoon in flats lagoon or maybe it's called strange town i don't know it's actual name but we're heading for this area of the map now we need to get out of the swamps this way and then we need to get over the burning forest you want to move in a directly straight line you don't want to hit this road because you're much more likely to come across beat things up here but you still really need to keep your eyes open and of course this is why we hired the mercenaries all right so we've made it to the edge of the swamp and now cut a straight line across the burning forest and pay attention i just noticed some blood spiders here so i'm gonna let them move on before we keep going and we still managed to outgrow them so uh we just get away make sure they're not attacking us make sure they're attacking the mercenaries and they are they took them out pretty easily these uh spiders would have ruined me which is why it's always worth spending the money on the mercenaries all right we're out the burning forest and we're into the bone fields uh this place can spawn beak things so still keeping an eye out there can also be red bone dogs that spawn here or was that some there boneyard walls which are pretty powerful uh so we don't want anything to do with them either and who've we got here band of bones yeah these guys can get aggressive so just don't talk to anyone or get near anyone or be seen by anyone that's the most important thing these guys seem to want to patrol back and forth and see if we can shoot past them now there you go all right and here's flats lagoon and here it is it was called strange town after all all right so time for the moment of truth let's see how much money we actually made all right so we have a grand total of 73 599 cats enough i think to get our character here something to eat because they're quite hungry let's get a food cube okay so that's 72 723 cats after buying a little bit of food and we're just at the end of day four now going into day five i'm not sure how much money you would make spending five in-game days mining copper but i have a feeling it's probably not going to be this much all right so i spent some of that money buying myself some new equipment uh keeping some cats to turn into more cats with another smuggling run of course but anyway thanks so much for watching again put your own money making suggestions in the comments and you can subscribe for more catchy content and come say hi on twitch i'll leave a link in the description bye for now
Channel: Rasengangstarr
Views: 44,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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