Draco's "Tips and Tricks" for Inscryption Act 1

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the following video would have a man rambling about tips and tricks about inscription act one please enjoy hey let's check it out Alfredo uh for those that have been watching the channel so far I have done a complete playthrough of the main series of inscription absolutely love the game I could play that game for hours I have it on Steam and PlayStation 4. now there's one thing that the game doesn't tell you and that's like don't go wrong the game's four secrets so of course there's a lot of stuff it doesn't tell you but there's also a lot of secrets that aren't tied to anything like they're linked to maybe secret that you have to do to um go further in the story or there's just some that aren't connected at all to the story or aren't connected to achievements like for instance there's certain cards that have special interactions with other cards but unless you physically do that you've got no way of knowing that's actually a thing so that's pretty much what this series is going to be I've played the game extensively and I'll be honest I've digged around with it for so many like hours on it like on end I've basically broken the game constantly and I've been sharing photos on my like Twitter and Facebook and it's been hilarious but one thing I will say before I get into the tips and tricks is there's two things I will not be covering for starters I will not be covering any like Secrets or such that would pretty much be Story related so for instance the stink bug as I just said yeah I'm not going to cover that to the dagger with the wolf or anything like that or the um puzzle boxes that you have in blessy's room where you have to match up the tiles in the right way to get five damage I'm not gonna talk about any of that because technically you need to solve them anyway for progression of the story so they're Story related and they're not technically a secret like with the safe code for the stink bug all that you technically learn just by playing the game they're not stuff that you would just randomly stumble across or there's not stuff that you aren't properly told so I won't be mentioning any of that and for the other thing I'll be mentioning is at the very end of this video uh the aura Boris the most powerful card technically in the game and one that you can abuse very easily in any fact of this game I will show you one of two ways to abuse it at the end of this video so if you're interested in seeing like how to make the aura Boris broken in act one look forward to the end of the video because I will be sharing that in detail especially because by that time I think I would have shut up so for starters uh the tip number five limit your deck now at least for the first two runs if not the first three runs you're not supposed to beat the game especially on the first run for those that are placed as a game if you think you can then like drop into a new game Run straight to the safe get stink bug and do all of that you physically can't because if you try to use the code on the safe during the very first run you're going to open it up and there's going to be a pile of meat that doesn't work and the other part of this is during the first two runs at least you're going to go against What's called the unbeatable bear board now this pretty much is just a board where he plays eight grizzly bears that have flying defense which pretty much it's beatable don't get wrong myself and others have done it but technically it's not supposed to be beaten because you physically don't have the ability to progress to act 2 at this current stage you haven't gone to get the process to get the knife which you need the stink bug for you haven't got the thing in the cuckoo clock you haven't got any of that so what you're supposed what you should do in your first at least two runs when you know you can't technically beat the game is limit your deck because for those that are for those that haven't played inscription when you die in a run and you don't get all the way until if you don't get all the way to last year and beat him and you actually die anywhere or just die against slush you you will be given what's called a death card which when saying like after he drags into the Next Room you'll start to make it where first he'll give you three cards from your deck you'll pick a cost from one of them and that'll be the card's cost the next one will be he'll pick three creatures from your deck and he will tell you to pick one of them to mark your card's health and attack the final one will be the sigils which is the abilities the card has now this is where I say limit your deck because you can actually make some really broken cards just by doing this like particular method for instance on the PlayStation version which I can show up a picture of it right now I create a card called the Jade which is named after a member of our Channel now he is one of the easiest examples because one of the prize cards you can get from being a boss is called Geck he's useful just simply because he's a no cost card that's a one by one so he's something that can be played and attacked the same time you play him and doesn't require costs so you can also use him as a tribute which is really good but what makes him especially valuable is that he has no cost so if you get to the death card and he's picked you can literally pick a card like you can pick him and then do whatever card you're making no matter what its stats are it now has no cost so you can if you get in your hand you can just play Down for the attack and health one thing you should do is the wolf if you can ever get to a campfire raise the wolves attack or health at least once uh I don't think at the first two to three round like three Pathways of it I don't think you can go more than like one upgrade per campfire because I think that's like unlocks later but the wolf is going to be something that like if you limit your deck to only a few cards you can actually get the ability that your Wharf will be most likely chosen as one of the cards that gives attacking health so for instance like the card I showed which is the Jade it was a 4x2 because I found a campfire powered my Wolf's attacker by one and then when it was chosen I gave its four by two to Jade which made him literally something with the that's slightly stronger than a wolf but I could just slap him down without any cost which is already great that's like really good to have in any situation but then you move on to the sigils this is exactly where the point I'm making comes across because when you pick when it picks three cards from your deck with sigils the less cards you have with sigils in your deck the easier it is to set up the death card you want because if you say if you only have three cards in your entire Deco sigils now it has to pick one of them and the way it what makes this especially good is if you sacrifice cars along the way to other ones it will allow you to make combinations of effects that are exactly what you want um for instance the best example is of course the Jade one where during a run I on the PlayStation I got the field mice and I got the Cockroach I sacrificed the field mice to the Cockroach which pretty much made it that the field Master's ability is it copies whatever card is played and puts a copy of it in your hand so for instance every time you play The Cockroach it would add a cockroach back to your hand with the field my schedule and the undying sigil that it had the other ability that as I just said the undying one it had the ability that if it dies it goes back to the hands well which is perfectly fine but when you put them together that gives you infinite resources and when you put it on a card like the Jade which was a 4x2 with no cost you literally have a card that's an infinite Army and an infinite resource material because literally every time you play the Jade thanks to its field mice ability it would create a copy of it to your hand if it ever died it would also go back to him but each Jade had the field mouse ability so if you played one you got one to him you could play the next one and then get a third one to your hand and literally if you draw that in your first turn you could slap all four down and attack for massive damage and it's stuff like that which you can easily do if you're limit your deck because the way it works is combining your sigils and making it less likely to have too many City cards in your deck means that you can kind of control exactly what death card you're making now if you were to compact your deck with too many cards that's going to make it a lot harder to get the results you want which is one that like you should spend the first two rounds when you're less likely to have a lot of cards spending those two times making like setting up to making these perfect Death Cards is exactly what you want to do so that way literally you could make your life 10 million times easier come later game a perfect example for a combination which if you can literally pull it off and put on a card is equally as good as a jade which the black goat and the Cockroach you probably won't get the cockroach in your first run because it's a bone card but you'll probably be able to get the chance to get it in your second run when bones are introduced and what happens is if you can give the but the Cockroaches undying ability to the black goat you literally have an infinite resource material which something that's something that you'll see later in this video if you watch all the way to the end um where it's like the black goat can be sacrificed for almost anything and being that it's also undying it keeps going back to hand so you've got an infinite way to summon the most powerful card in your deck but like that's pretty much the long and short of that tip so moving ahead you've got the puzzles now as I said I wasn't going to discuss the puzzles or the certain particular ones that relate to the story but there are some that you may not know actually exist for instance the one thing the game doesn't tell you is the cuckoo clock has a second compartment at the top now if you set your clock to 11 and I mean just straight up 11 o'clock what will happen is the top part of the cuckoo clock will open up and give you a ring when you start inscription do this straight away the moment you can stand up run to the cuckoo clock and activate that because what it will do is if you put 11 o'clock into the cuckoo clock and it spits out the ring you will keep that every single run you will never lose that ring and it is important because when you get to leshi's fight before you fight the final boss in act one he will give you the chance to get Burns which are basically abilities you can get to make the boss fight a little easier sometimes it could be anytime you draw a card for your turn you can search for whatever the hell you want it could be a draw two there's other ones but they're the two you kind of want to go for but but he doesn't just give you these bones he gives you trials just like you find incentives of the rest of the game now one of the trials is the trial of the ring and there's only two ways to succeed at this game this trial which is like the other way is way too gambly because what happens is the trial of the ring means that you have to present a ring just to win and either a you have to have be wearing the ring that you get from the cuckoo clock or B he'll draw three card from your deck like he does with any other trial and one of them has to be either the ringworm or the auroboros because both of them count as a ring if you do not draw either of those cards you fail or if you don't have the ring you also fail because like you need one or the other however if you have the ring like if you get the ring from straight off the gecko you pass and you will never lose a ring so pretty much any single run you do if the ring Boon shows up you just select it you win and you can get to pick your boon so that's just something to keep in mind because it's rather perfect um and it's something the game doesn't tell you about technically like it's you kind of can tell there's a top compartment but you don't really get like notifications on it at all until act three when there's a like little secret that tells you that the cuckoo clock has something extra and that's for an entirely different Secret so like that's just something to keep in mind other things involved like I said I was going to discuss the cardboard like the the card boxes or the wolf knife where you get the um you do this get the knife that way you can progress however the painting is different the painting will like every time you get up you can see the painting and every single run the painting will be different and what it will display is it will display pretty much what your field will look like and it will be telling you to put two certain cards on the field so you look at those cards and if you can pull that off go for it because it will give you benefits the first time it will give you the four leaf clover which basically means that if you play if you have the four leaf clover when you go to any single spot that lets you pick between three cards if none of the three cards like that you want it lets you just try again with a new set of three cards so that way you've got a second chance or something better the second time you do it you get a candle which basically gives you your third life and mind you both both of these two things as well as the next one you keep so even if you die in this round next round you come along you will keep that third life and you will keep the Clover so that's just something to keep in mind the third one though is the important one at first when I played this I thought this was actually a very bad thing but after playing Casey's mod it's actually a very good thing because if you match up our paintings like card set up for a third time it will give you a b wooden carving what that will do is if you bring that to the table it will turn all of your squirrels into bees not only does it make him a one by one with flying so you've now have instead of having squirrels you have the bees that can attack which is pretty good but and they can be sacrificed however they also have the ability to get buffed by the totem while the totem Buffs other things so for a perfect example if you have the bug totem where it's got the bug head with it any other sigil no normally that would only equal the the other bugs in your deck but now I can equal to the bugs that you now have as your quote-unquote Scrolls for instance if you have the field mice ability you will basically have infinite bees to just throw out and just constantly tribute or constantly attack with or he'll constantly block with um unless the creature's flying because they don't have flying defense but what makes it especially good on top of that is uh some of the strategies that I've come up with this is actually again an infinite resource like another infinite Resource One is ironically enough I just made a joke about this calling it The Bugs Bunny strategy if you have the bug the bug totem head with the Sigil of the bunny rabbit which Brady pretty much means that anytime you play a car with a decidual you get a bunny rabbit to your hand that is a good combination because literally every time you summon a b it will put a rabbit in your hand which means you always will have two tributes on your first turn no matter what so you will not have to worry about like waiting a turn to play Something Like the Wolf uh so it's pretty good in that respect and it's not like it's not like you have to worry about getting the totem head anyway because after you get the wooden bee no matter like after that run is officially done if you say if you die and you start a new run one thing you will notice is that you from that point onwards start with the bug head as your totem head you just have to get to a total spot and try to get a body to go with it but you will always start with the bug head now because you're squirrels have been turned into bees which is pretty good it lets you set up quite easily but anyway like that's pretty easy to figure out and it's very much well worth doing uh if you don't want to feel free especially because there is an achievement related to the squirrels but honestly this has like a bit more potential especially because the bees were flying can also make it easier to attack and kill your opponent without much issue of waiting Eternal too because they could just fly over most of your enemies and while still blocking their attacks against you uh next thing though for tip number three is weak made strong as I call it now when you're playing through the game you're going to be tempted to go for the strongest or the like just things that are crazy like you'll see the prize cards and you'll see all these good ones like the all your rule and all that you don't want them if you can help it avoid that like don't touch the great white don't touch the bear don't touch any of them because you can make your value up with the aura Boris and you can make it up with stuff like the like if for the surprise cards like death you could um you can get make your value up with your death cards and you can make it up with the prize cards being like the Manchester or the aura bars when it comes to everything else be it the great white the grizzly bear anything like that majority of them just avoid what you want to do is you want to go for the weaker stuff that are easier to summon but have good effects and use them to power up other stuff for for a few perfect examples is like the ants the answer very easy to collect if you're aiming for them and they start off as weak but the more ants you have on the board the stronger they get so if you have any one of the many strategies I could mention that give you the resources to play more than one ant you basically can give yourself that full on Onslaught like straight off the bat because the ants each gain one attack per Anton Field so if you have four ants they all have four attack which turns something extra weak into incredibly strong automatically but especially what you want to do this entire point is not just to make them alone but to power them up with other card sigils like if you put a certain sigils on the end like the death touch where they'll kill anything they hit that's great because then you're just perfect able to steamroll people or the Warren the warrant of the card that when you tribute a card you play it and then it adds a rabbit to your hand one thing the game doesn't tell you though is if you were to put a Sigil on the Warren the bunny rabbit will also get the sigil for a good example is if you tribute the black goat for the Warren and now the Warren is a triple blood cost meaning that you can sacrifice it for almost anything in the game what did the game doesn't tell you is the moment the Warren Gets summoned then the bunny that gets put in your hand will also have that same like almost anything cost where you can play it down then tribute it for the oroboros or the say if you did go for a great white or a bear you can just tribute a bunny like and slap it right down without anything to worry about so it's you got stuff like that I've spoken in length on how good the field mice is because if you can put the field mice on any other card that's going to give you a major step forward because just of how abusive that ability is and one of my favorite cards to mess with in terms of weakness is the beehive beehive is a beautiful resource machine that you need to abuse what you need to do is you need to make sure when you get the Beehive you see if you can aim for a campfire to buff its Health up at least once so that way it's on like four or something kills and then give it a number of sigils like if you give it the spike symbol you create What I Call The Hornet's Nest where you're creating bees that can fly sure but now that if they get attacked they sting your opponent back and mind you the reason why I'm saying that is because for those that don't know when The Beehive is attacked every time he gets attacked you get a B added to your hand and of course it gets the Sigil of whatever the Beehive has so if you the Beehive has The Hornet's Nest or as I call it where the Beehive has the um the spike ability not only does it flick the opponent for one point of damage but it puts bees in your hand with Spike or it's like if you give it the blood cost or if you give it the if you automatic ability for intimate resources or the undying ability there is so much resource material that you could give the Beehive that basically means that you will have any number of ways to have resources for literal days The Beehive only costs one blood meaning it you could literally play it on your first turn and unless you've got like the world's worst luck getting absolutely nothing because I don't know you've gone to the trader and bought so many pelts that now your decks just full of them you bait the Beehive is literally going to be a great way to give you both resources and if you need it bees to attack with so if you can I would definitely aim for this type of um situation now for Point number two uh planning ahead which symbols to avoid and which symbols to go for now for this point when you're looking at the map watch what sigils are coming up not just what's the ones that are directly in front of you because for instance if you're on your very first run in your device like you're looking at your Pathways and you'll kind of got a like a slight dot like diversion between two different parts if one path gives you the ability to get say I don't know okay get get a free card like you'll have the question mark how we get to pick between three cards or you've got the other way which gives you a chance at like the Beast Angel I'd go with the question mark because it'll allow you to pick which card you get and not just get random crap but at the same time there are other ones which are very once you want to avoid if too early like if you come across if you look up ahead in One path and the Trapper is coming up but between now and then you're not gonna have a good boss fight so you're not going to get the money to pay him properly there's no real point because unless you're getting like I'd say two wolf pets and maybe a golden Pelt from him per time you meet him literally it's a waste of you even going to him or if the Mycologist is coming up in some runs if you see them big ass mushroom later and sit down One path if you have two cards that you do not want to fuse avoid it like the plague because while the Mycologist is good in most occasions sometimes you could come across a situation where you have cards that are you you've made a strategy that's really good especially because you have two of a card that work really well together but if you come across a Mycologist what he's going to do is he's going to fuse those cars together and sometimes it can wreck your strategy completely so it's always a good idea to look further down the map especially because if you scroll forward once or just press the forward button once what happens is you get kind of a top down view of the map you can see a little bit further not not too much but you can see a little bit farther and see what sigils are coming up and if they are going to be either useless to you or just detrimental in general don't go that way for a an even better example is if you go to a place like say if you go to one of the locations where there's going to be the resource person who's going to give you supplies if you have three suppliers and you do not want to pack rat that that's definitely a place to avoid like don't go on pack rats are good but if you can't afford to keep filling your deck with other useless crap don't of like it's no point trying to grab it because say if you've already got something that you've given a pack rat to kind of pointless to go for another pack rat but at least I did like this particular point is kind of easy to explain and move across so that's just a little long and short of it keep an eye on what's Happening and what's coming up but then we move on to the final tips and tricks of this video which is the hidden secrets or in this case the cards that have abilities that you don't know about or you might not have known about now for those that don't know the aura Boris and its abilities it's pretty much the easiest one to get out of the way the aura Boris is the only card in the entire game that has an extra bit to its effect that is not written anywhere uh except for like descriptions of the aura Wars because it has the undying sigil which for any other card when that card dies it goes back to the hand however for the aura borers the reason why that's different is because every time it dies it does go back to the hand except every single time its attack and health will go up by one and that stays no matter what run you're on so if you during one run you power it up to like five attack and health but then you lose that run next time you come across the ore bars as a prize card it will have five attack and five health so you can literally keep buffing it up which you'll see me do like in preparation for act two later on this video but the our boss is the only car in the game that has this ability and it's like it's a really good ability it also applies to a I found out how to do an infinite or a Boris loop with said situations so uh it was a lot it's a lot of fun um the I don't think I did it on my this video I did it on my PlayStation one but one situation I did was I applied the field mice to auroboros and this is one of those interactions where the game doesn't tell you you can do especially because if you didn't know about this interaction you would never know about it the field mice allows you as I said to copy whatever gets played that has sigil so if you put that on the aura boros you basically can give yourself an infinite amount of Ouroboros and why that's especially good is because the aura bars themselves all share the same attack and health no matter how many you have because technically there's only one in the game so if you were to play one and then another one gets down to your hand and say that you then attributed that oroborus for like a mantis God the Bora bars that you just sacrificed goes back to your hand but now both the ones in your hand have one extra attack and one extra Health added on to their stats because they both share the same stats other cars to increase including like that little fun interaction is for instance the Mantis there is just a normal mantis in the game which can attack two different ways and with that particular card there are many cards in the game that have What's called the turn to your witch after one turn of being on the board they evolve they're usually it's like Raven eggs into Ravens or it's usually wolf cubs into wolves there's a whole bunch of different situations with that but the Mantis is one is literally the only card in the game that goes a step further because if you put that sigil on a mantis it evolves into the manta's gourd which or is basically already powerful and it can attack three different ways the only difference is it's going to be even more powerful than a normal mantis God because every other car that evolved just turns into the card with the same stats as the card would normally have whereas this card the Manta score usually has a one by one that can attack three ways with the sigil that a vault like that evolves the card that's no longer the case it actually gets a bit stronger so that's just something to look into like look forward to if you want to play around with that and if you have the bug totem like I said earlier in this video you give it an extra sigil so it's got even more abilities to screw around with but then you have the final thing about this point at the campfires I mentioned earlier that allow you to buff your creatures there is a risk I should mention of them where later on you'll find that you'll be able to start sacrifice not sacrifice you'll be able to power up your cards more than once so like after you power it up it will say do you want to stay on the fire a little bit longer to try to get more benefits now normally on certain cards you would shoot choose to say no because that is definitely a gamble because the reason why they say they offer that is because at random times your card will then just be randomly sacrificed it will be removed from your deck and you will basically have it deleted from that run you can probably come across another version of that card later but it will be gone now there's actually a way to get around this and then make later campfires actually just free Buffs because there are certain cards that have a unique interaction with those campsites if you were to put a ringworm or anything with the death touch ability which for those that don't know if basically is what it sounds like where anything with the death touch if it attacks an opponent no matter what their stats are they'll instantly die uh from pretty much off the attack it's guaranteed unless you're in the cases mod where there's an ability that counters that but in this particular case with the man to with the um ringworm and the anything that has death touch if either of them are fed to the tribes people and you actually manage to well have them done like have them actually kill the creature and you get bones for it the next time you hit a campfire mysteriously all the tribes who will be gone they will like all they'll say is maybe or something they ate it's pretty much telling you that your last stunt had killed the tribe people and now from that point onwards and he can't fire you find you basically get free Buffs and this actually relates to my previous point of planning ahead because if you killed the campfire people quite early it means that you can actually Target and aim for campfires during the rest of your run because you'll know you're going to get free attack Buffs or free health Buffs for nothing no cost no nothing because the trade chargeable are dead so the only risk is gone so that's just something to keep in mind and as I said at the end of this video like you'll see a infant or a borrow soup there's several ways to do this my first way of doing the infinite oroboros Loop is using a black goat cockroach Loop which as I said it pretty much equals and you play the aura Boris by giving the black goat the undying ability of the Cockroach your player squirrel you attribute it play the goat you attribute the goat play the aura Wars then what you can do is you contribute the goat to play the aura boss as I said but then you contribute the arborist for the go and literally you can just keep tributing each other back and forth over and over to buff the aura Boris as much as you do and will please because there is no limit like the only limit to how how high you can raise arborist's attack is how much patience you have because there's no time limit there's no because the black goat only has one blood cost it contributes only the aurable Oris to summon itself and then you contribute the goat to summon the oroboros and thanks to the goat having the undying symbol thanks to cockroach just like the aura Boris is the undying symbol it's basically an infinite Loop between the two going back and forth constantly until you're at your desired attack so it's an easy way to get the ore bars to an infinite power and the other way I did it which I would do on the PlayStation was as I said get the Jade I gave he had the field my stability and the undying so he was basically just infinite resources and I pretty much just did that until I got I had like I think I had the aura Boris with also they had the field mice and what happens is I sacrifice two Jades play Norah bars sacrifice two J's play Nora Boris attributed both our bosses for the J for um for another or worst so that way he got the buff and I literally just kept reading the process because Jades were infinite fodder and you contribute Oro bosses for other borises so you just keep going back and forth over and over again until you got the desired attack you wanted and this is also kind of linked to the whole planning ahead but this is for like an entirely separate stage because the one tip I could give you as a Bove all tips is if you play inscription act one if you can play the aura Boris and buff him up at least to it like probably like 10 attack if not more because that way he's literally something that will wreck Acts 2 and 3 but if you can raise him as high as you can have the patience for per round because the higher he is per round the more Advantage you're going to have during the following Act for instance in this particular like at the end of this video you'll see I looped the hell out of it and power the aura bars up like an insane amount I don't remember how high I made him go but you'll see that at the end of the video but yeah so if he's above 10 attack he's going to be easily able to do like plenty of demolition in Act 2 and act two is actually where there's another strategy to buff him up even further because there's ways to literally abuse the hell out of the oroboros for acts 1 and 2 and then act three is really when you just want to like use him to destroy everyone because he's actually not that hard to get an act through um Every Act is pretty easy to get but still so at least in the end that's pretty much what I have to say I hope some of this has been helpful and or just entertaining at the very least uh if there's anything that you guys didn't understand or if there's anything you guys have questions on feel free to leave a comment down below because I will be watching the comments and I will be happy to answer any questions you guys have but for now my friends hope you guys have enjoyed the video again if you want to see the infinite Aura bore soup that I do for this particular run that you're seeing behind me feel free to watch the end of the video if you don't want to watch the end of the video if that's fine like this is the end of where the tips and tricks is so that's just it's just up to you whether you want to see it but yeah I hope you guys have a good day and I'll see you next time thank you foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: CyberSnakeStudios
Views: 15,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CyberSnakeStudios, Draco, The Void, Inscryption, Ouroboros
Id: a6vImbAsdbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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