Keith Moore Without A Doubt Pt 2 No Worries

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and how many a thankful for our parking lot team I'm telling you they check your commitment level on a cold morning like today we do appreciate everybody's ministry and they serve so nobly before the Lord would you turn please to mark this morning mark the 11th chapter if you didn't bring a Bible with you would you hold up your hand let our ushers loan you one of ours everybody look in your Bible turn find these verses with us let them register on you let you eyes fall on them and they just get any better that way it reminds you that it is the word of the Lord we began last week I guess on a new series anybody remember and we were excited about it do you remember that hmm and this was our text mark 11:22 what does it say have faith in God jesus said let's let's pray before we we read this further father we're all here before you this morning those in the room and those outside around the world and we give you all the glory for every good thing we enjoy we know you are a faith God and without faith it is impossible to please you and we ask you show us reveal to us the faith of God show us the and lift us that we may come to a higher place and a stronger place walking with you in faith let there be revelation and eyes that see and ears that hear and we purpose not to be hearers only but by your grace we will be doers and we know as we do it will be blessed because you're so faithful to watch over your word and perform it in our lives in Jesus name said out loud I'm a doer I'm a doer I'm a doer of the word of God mark 11:22 jesus said have faith in God for verily I say to you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart everybody says shall not doubt but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith who said that you know I've heard people bless their hearts actually make fun of believing in your heart and saying with your mouth and having what you say and they wants to forgot who said it to me sir well y'all are just the hey good night sir y'all are copla nights or well this was in here a long time before there was a brother Hagin or a brother Copeland right who said it well I reckon that make us Jesus sites and folks need to watch what they make fun of and what they find fault with this is the words of the master and if you weren't here with us last week we went into some detail looking in Matthew 21 where Jesus said you know talk my speaking to the mountain at being removed and he said it like this if you'd have faith and wouldn't doubt you'd not only do what was done to the fig tree but you'd say to the mountain and he's telling them and us you can do what I did now if you weren't here you didn't get that you might want to go get the tape download it for free off the internet but get a hold of it and believe in your spirit then what Jesus did you can do because he told you to right Jesus spoke two things and they obeyed he spoke two spirits that were oppressing people and they left them and the people were delivered in hope he spoke two fevers and diseases and they heard him and obeyed he spoke to the wind and the waves and they obeyed he spoke to a tree and it obeyed and that's how he operated because that's how God operates I mean from the very beginning God said let there be light or light be and what happened he had what he said can you see this see it back up to verse 22 how faith in God he won the margin there says have the faith of God one says the god-kind of faith' well that's just like Genesis God believes something in his heart he said it with his mouth like B and he had what he said now are we created in his likeness and image did he tell us to operate this way he did right here let's read it again mark 11:23 what just tell us verily I say to you that whosoever is this just a select few ministers huh no whosoever does that that include you whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into sin lest you stop with their reminders of who's he talking to who would you be talking to not God you're not talking to God you're not asking God to move the mountain right you're talking to the mountain which is the problem you're talking to it and if you say that and what else what comes next shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says sometimes people say well you honest believe you know you can have whatever you say well you have to qualify that is it possible to say something and not get it did he say you'd have everything you said no I didn't what'd he say if you would say it and what's next and not doubt in your heart but believe what you said would come to pass right so it's not just saying it's believing what you say and expecting it to come to pass and not yielding to doubt so the title of our series is without a doubt without a doubt wonder if you'd be in better shape without a doubt huh yeah you would what if you eliminated and I eliminated doubt from our lives you know what had happened we would receive without delay and without fail I want to say that again when we noticed I didn't say if when we eliminate doubt from our life we receive without delay and without fail What did he say would happen if you'd say it and wouldn't doubt but believe what you said he said you will have what you said did he say most of the time or sometimes but no he said you'd have that means without fail right and without getting into it if you're not vacillating on-again-off-again make some progress lose some progress if you just don't doubt and believe then there's no unnecessary delay how many that sounds good to you without delay without fail well it's it's reality if we and when we eliminate the doubt somebody say without a doubt go to James one please James one let's remind ourselves one verse five if any of you that sounds kind of like whosoever if any of you lack wisdom do what now let let's no notice a contrast here speaking to the mountain you're not asking God for anything the mountain is the problem Mountain is the represents the big obstacle God is not in the business of big obstacles contrary to some popular belief but he is the giver of every good and every perfect gift wisdom is good and comes from him so you can go to him and ask him for it notice what it says that qualifies it if you lack wisdom if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God which gives to all men liberally you know that's that's just him right he give you extra measure plenty and upbraids not he won't make fun of you and it shall be given him but qualify here let him ask how in faith what nothing wavering are not wavering in any part of it are no wavering now if you study this you'll find that there are times when the same word this translated doubt is translated waver and vice-versa doubting involves wavering wavering involves doubting in fact we said this will repeat it that the word doubt literally means double are two to be of two minds well what is wavering wavering is vacillating between two things and when you're in faith it's got to be one you got to be single visioned single-minded is it well is it not can't be in faith like that will he do it won't he what will I be okay will I not be okay well my needs be met or will they not you've got to get it settled right you can't be back in the fourth you got to get it settled he goes on to say he that wavers is like what well that's where that word is wait wave he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed let not that man think he shall receive anything of the Lord a double minded man is unstable unstable in all his ways there are a lot of unstable people around nothing to think about this the wave have you ever been out on the ocean in a big wave or even in the lake there's a you know a big wave what happens huh you go up then you don't stay up what you go down well that's wavering you meet somebody and they're up they just come from church and they pumped up and yeah it's coming in I got my answer you see them Tuesday in there down I just don't know y'all pray hmm Willie or wony is it or is it not there like this uh-huh yeah yeah yeah ah maybe maybe so I don't know yeah yeah yeah uh-huh don't think so that kind of person What did he say you won't receive anything and that's doubting double-minded see what's the first few letters of doubt do you just like double right Dewey - we've got to change the two to one I don't know how many times I've had people say yeah brother Keith I prayed and I know all those scriptures I know the Bible said by stripes um he but and you know I've read that and there is no but after that have you I know buddy stripes from here but key but and then here go here comes the big spill so my turn there and help me with it first Peter your close by first Peter to first Peter 2:24 224 this is the Bible his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed but huh but what about how come what if know what comes after heal what does period mean in our English language it's like a stop sign is it right is it a stop sign and see we've got too many folks running the stop sign right Christians running the stop sign they just run right through that and it's funny they have all these collisions and problems you got to come by his stripes I am healed yeah but what about an island what about to go stop right here superior yeah but what if keep me you can't you can't have two or three or four things it's got to be one it can't be double I got to be won by stripes I'm healed period that's it let's look at another one Philippians 4 let's see what's at the end of this one Philippians 4:19 419 but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus if sometimes but what about not period stop nothing about the changing economy or political situation nothing about the health of your company you work for our government benefits are people that like you if your parents will help you nothing is nothing no that's in there it's just my God shall supply all my needs according to his abilities and riches in glory by Christ Jesus earth we got to find the brakes on this thing and stop where he stops can you say Amen now go with me if you would to well just stay right where you are in Philippians back up a few verses verse 6 Philippians 4:6 well I'll believe in God together today are you you wouldn't he said verse 6 what be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus listen to other translations on this excuse me one says do the amplified says do not fret or have any anxiety about anything and arvy says do not be anxious about anything the new living says don't worry about anything did he say try not to did he say do your best what'd he say don't worry now this is huge in talking about faith if you're going to talk about not doubting you got to talk about not worrying because if you were in if you're yielding to worry and entertaining worried you're doubting did you hear me via the the word care here you'll find we're going to look at it in some other places but let me give you the definition of it be careful or in other words be full of care about what now no a lot a lot of you already know this verse but it's not what you know it's what you do read that first part with me again how does it start say it again one more time so what is it okay to worry about what does nothing mean huh what about you your money what about your future what about your health what about your kids your grandkids your marriage huh but you know sometimes sometimes you can't help it you know what when certain things happen in your life well you got what you have experienced and you got what you feel and what people say and think and then you got this and you have to decide which one you gonna believe so here's the big question is there could there ever be a situation where you could not help but worry that's that's not everybody could there be a situation where it's just it's too big it's too overwhelming you can't help it if it was then the Lord should have noted it surely shouldn't have just said don't have any anxiety about anything he should he should have qualified it if there are times when you can't help it he could he should have said you don't except of course those times when it's just and some of your modern translations will even add words in and say try not to worry he didn't say that to say try not to would imply that he didn't know whether you could or not he knew and he just said don't do it it is a command isn't it and it is one of the most frequently broken commands in the New Testament and one of the biggest problems is so many Christians they just worry half the time and get aggravated if anybody says anything about it don't even say the scripture are respected this is not an isolated verse are there more than one place in the scriptures more than one place in the New Testament where we are told in no uncertain terms not to worry then what should we be doing we should have no worries as they say down under right somebody said that out loud no worries how many no worries say it again no worries no worry no worried none what if you went day in day out with no worries is it possible it's not only possible it's a command y'all gonna help me with this today I'm telling you there is freedom here this morning in the Word of God there is victory and this is an area where people have been falling and tripping and failing in their faith walk and it's a hindrance to God you get to worrying about something you're in doubt and it's not gonna work you get to wavering about it in here and he told us he said you won't receive anything didn't he can we do something about it can we keep from it is there power in God and grace history yeah a lot of it has to do with getting our mind renewed and training ourselves because so many times uh you know our grandparents worried all the time and our parents did and they trained us too and you don't watch out you're trained your kids to not about what you say but what you do and it's got to be radical changes in our lifestyle and and you know to start with we just have to get on them a crusade about this in our own life that we are not going to tolerate worry in us at the moment you see it in yourself you're gonna jump on it with both feet and you're gonna say no we don't know we don't we don't worry about anything ever no we don't or you can pat you can pine and whine and cry and feel sorry for yourself and said I can't help it I'm trying brother Keith but I just can't help it well I'm not the one that wrote this it applies to me just like it does to you right read it to me again be careful for nothing amplified says do not fret you say try not to know I just don't do not fret or have any anxiety about anything look at your neighbor says don't fret about anything tell somebody else don't worry at all now here's the stuff don't try just don't do it don't do it now we walk by faith not beside and not by past experiences so let's go ahead and make us a good faith confession right now are you ready said out loud I don't worry I never worry about anything at all ever I don't if you don't worry then you are always without a care you're always carefree now this makes serious walking by faith but it is possible and it is the life of victory go with me over to Matthew back up to Matthew the sixth chapter let me remind you of the words of the master I'm Oh read them to myself and to you Matthew 6 while you turn there say it again I don't worry about anything ever I just don't I don't now it would do you well to say that another thousand times over the next month just every time you think about it just open your mouth and say it out loud I don't care if you've just been worrying about something that's especially the time you'll to jump up and go now quit it I don't worry I don't worry about anything ever what can you do instead well we're getting to that but Matthew six let's remind ourselves Matthew 6 in verse 22 the light of the body is the eye now that that has to do with what you look at and they're not just looking physically but what you look at what you keep on your mind if your eye be single your whole body will be full of light if your eyes what single single on one thing so we live in the media age the devil has always been the offeror of other choices huh he is the inventor of the alternate lifestyle from serving God and from everything else and me in the garden this shouldn't have been a choice to Adam and Eve but he said hey look at this this is great this is an alternative you need to pursue and check out and people actually pride themselves in being complicated and complex and and they pride their self in in their ability to multitask and have 45 things on my mind at the same time you're kidding yourself you cannot do five things at the same time well nobody can you ever heard the phrase jack of all trades master of none but people I've had people look at me and go well brother Keith I'm a complex person well what they just get through telling me they just got through telling me they are an unstable person they're always considering everything else I know uh some years ago friend of mine was going to a seminary very different place than where I was going and he were just getting some things I wasn't getting in my courses and I wanted to find out about him so I asked him I said what would you know what are y'all learning about this and now excuse me I didn't say that I said what do you believe about this particular thing he said well in our course such-and-such doctor so-and-so stated such and such and such and such I thought he said but other doctor so-and-so stated others such and such and he said but also third doctor so-and-so he stated such in such position and then also and I mean you know this this thing's all over the place I said okay what do you believe back to this question first question he said well I see some merit in first doctor so in those position but I also see some air and I'm thinking while he's talking I hope you don't have to stand on that anytime soon cuz you don't have a clue what you believe see people have thought because I'm aware of all these different positions it makes me something all it makes you is confused you got to decide what you believe did you hear me and that should be what this book says and forget about the rest oh that's why you're going to be unstable and you're not you're gonna be doubting and wavering and worrying you got to narrow it down to the single I've heard people say well y'all are just naira naira yeah and saved the promises straight is the way and narrow there is a broad way goes to destruction and there's a whole bunch of people on it well I just believe there are many ways to salvation well you believe wrong there's one way Jesus is the only what about all these other religions one way you can't believe it all the Bible's that Jesus said there's only one way to the Father and that's through him now if you're a Christian you believe that if you don't believe that you're not a Christian I don't care where you go to church right one way somebody say one way they're just one way single it's a God's will to heal or not if you're still debating about it and reading books and discussing it and kicking it around well you can't have faith to be healed impossible you got to get settled is it or is it not I'm glad I'm settled on it is it God's will for you to prosper or not or maybe in between or sometimes and nobody knows is it or not you got to get settled settled don't let somebody else you know be settled for you you can't get it for yourself don't take what anybody says me included and just swallow it and that's it no how many members Jesus out in the wilderness tempted of the enemy did you notice what he didn't say when he's tempted and the enemy comes even caught neem scripture he didn't say well now this is what we believe done at the synagogue he didn't say well this is what rabbi so-and-so preaches what'd he say it is written he knew it for herself he wasn't confused about it you got to know no think so no Matthew 6 are you there skip on down verse 25 now I'm gonna read this to you out of the living excuse me the new living I like the way it's worded Matthew 6:25 Jesus is talking right he said so I tell you don't worry about everyday life whether you have enough food a drink our clothes doesn't life consists of more than food and clothing look at the birds they don't need to plan our harvest to put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them and you're far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life I know that may be a little bit different from King James but if you look it up most of the other translations have it that way it's about adding even a few moments to your life did you hear that now can all your worries add a single moment to your life didn't why do it has any mother worried their child well has any daddy ever worried the account full of money then why do people do it have you ever worried a wayward child or grandchild or relative back to the Lord has it ever happened can you do it can you worry intensely enough that something happens supernaturally and people get delivered and healed say that loud worry doesn't work so why do it now lot of times people would say I can't help it what do we know that's not true Jesus would have known if we couldn't help it and he wouldn't have told us to do it with that exception don't worry so why do we do it why would anybody do it or maybe the better thing why are millions doing it did you know not only does worry not work worry makes it worse much worse and the more you worry the worse it makes it everybody say those two things out loud with me worry doesn't work sit again close your eyes and say it worry doesn't work what does worry do worry makes it worse say it again worry makes it worse that's one of the Lord told us don't do it right can all your worries at a single moment to your life meet you let's say me worrying about the church could it benefit you what if I worry and stay up nights and worry about the finances of this church or about the children's facility or the youth where we going to get it where is it going to come from how is it going to work did you know that our society views that as noble he's a fine man he really takes his job seriously he worries about it all the time well he's a doubter and a Bible disobey err I don't think that makes a good preacher a Bible ignorer doubting didn't make you a good preacher or a good believer or a good Christian can you feel how much tradition there is around this I mean people are attached to their worry they're like you talk about my worry that's my worry we've been hooked up a long time I know it do you want to be separated from it did do you want to be without a doubt do you want to be without a worry you got to get serious about it and if you've been doing something the same way oh you laugh it's gonna take some change it's gonna take something radical turn you around that's wise you'll just slip back right back into the way you've always done it said again I don't worry about anything ever I just don't worry that that's a good first start just saying that and keep on saying it can all your worries at a single moment to your life of course not excuse me and why worry about your clothes you ever worried any new clothes into the closet huh no and you never will I tell what you what you will do is make everything worse by worry look at the lilies he said how they grow they don't work and they all make their clothes verse 31 so don't worry he keeps saying it who's talking here don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothes won't be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things now let's just stop right here there are a lot of Christians who actually act holier than thou how about somebody smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer are using the cuss word you know what would you want to know what's really worldly worry I'm serious people get hung up and make a big deal out of some of these things a lot of it just amounts of physical habits this is spiritual this is core did you hear me now we got no business with it worry is spiritual contraband you get pulled over by the Holy Ghost and he catches you with worry you in trouble you're not going to receive anything do not pass go do not collect a hundred dollars go straight to jail get nothing Smitha Oh ten pounds of worry right here in the backseat oh and what are you gonna say as a believer it's not mine I don't know where that where he came from it's not mine now you don't go into line and we found some lies in there too oh no they don't receive anything worry spiritual contraband so don't worry Jesus says it again this is the second time he said don't be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things I mean it's understandable that unsaved people worried that don't know God and don't have faith but it is not understandable that you and I worry just like they do that's not understandable to the Lord your heavenly Father already knows all your needs and he'll give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the kingdom of God your primary concern verse 34 so don't worry that's the third time Jesus said it did he say try not to did he say do your best what did Jesus say don't worry now if you had any doubt about it before this morning that's over you know the Lord told you and me not to do it think about it it's so much more fun not worrying where is no fun worry makes it worse he said don't worry about tomorrow tomorrow bring its own worries today's trouble is enough for today deal with today God will be there tomorrow don't borrow on tomorrow's issues say that loud again don't worry don't worry what's the rest of that little song be happy right don't worry be happy no worries now skip on down to the thirteenth chapter and the further you go the more serious this gets Matthew 13 are we faith people then we're not worry errs can't be both worry is unchristian unfaith ungodlike in fact how many remember romans 4 2014 23 said whatsoever is not of faith is sin like I said the further you go the worse you see that actually is but it is commonly accepted in traditional and religious circles you hear Christians talking about things so and so did you know that their mom was laying up in hospital over there and I discuss their talking him he not even worried about it sorry rascal you don't worry about your kids you're a bad parent you don't worry about your bills you're irresponsible paying your bills and worrying about your bills are two completely different things well if brother Keith if you got bills and they're past due and the creditors are calling I'm sorry but you can't help it till Jesus says I don't think you'll get very far he just looked at us in the word and so we read it three times right there that don't worry don't worry don't worry Philippians don't you have any anxiety about anything don't do it it's a command don't do it so say it again I don't worry ever about anything I don't worry are we having fun yet the Lord's not trying to take something away from us that's good isn't evering to help us Matthew 13 are you there Matthew 13 and 22 well verse 20 he that received the seed into stony places the same is he that hears the word and anon with joy receiveth yet he has no root in himself but dureth for a while and when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word by and by he's offended he also that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the word and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches now we've been telling my covetousness on Friday night they do what choke the word and he becomes on fruitful choke what choke what word we talking about here the Word of God surely there's nothing could choke the word you know you'd barely believe it if you hadn't read it Jesus saying it that there was something that could choke the word out of your life the care somebody say cares cares of this world let me read this to you from another translation he says the one who receives seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word but the worries of this life and deceitfulness of wealth choke it and make it unfruitful another one says the worries about this life and the love for riches choke the message and they don't bear fruit our friend do we believe this is it possible that something left unchecked by us could actually choke the life-giving life-changing Word of God out of our life so that it bears no fruit in us and in our life can worry do that oh it's doing it every day you can be in church you can you can be listening to tapes you can be reading the Bible yourself and get a word that excite you and pumps you and brings life to you and it's beginning to put root down and begin to spring up and then you can go and yield to worry and one translation says it suffocates it it suffocates it that word that is that God put in you that's trying to and trying to produce victory in your life that worry will smother it and it doesn't produce what does that mean you don't get your answers you don't get your miracle you don't get your victory because you worry instead this is serious I said this is serious I mean it you know it almost baffles your mind that something could choke the word because we're talking about the Word of God that heaven and earth will pass away but this word endures forever now your worry can't choke the word in my life or vice versa but it can choke and suffocate and render unfruitful and of no effect good word that God has put into you if you worry because you can't do both you can't believe God about that situation and worry about it you can't you're with me this morning you made a change messages or we have set out to be without a doubt we have embarked upon this path right and now we come face to face with the command of the Lord Jesus that worry is forbidden just like lying just like stealing did you hear me worry is forbidden worry is sin worry chokes out the word man without the word you and I are a weak mass of quivering flesh waiting to fall know that I ever said that is quite like that but it's true when you say without the word you just got through saying without Jesus he is the word I don't know if we understand just how how strong statement is I mean I wouldn't believe it if Jesus hadn't have said it but basically he's telling me worry can choke him out of my life Lord then I despise worry it's alright to hate worry are you supposed to hate yeah just not people you're supposed to hate sin not sinners you're supposed to hate sickness not sick people you're supposed to hate poverty not poor people and you ought to hate your to despise worry and if you catch some of it in you man you don't take it sitting down you jump up on your feet you go no no no we don't worry in this house no we don't we don't worry in this car we don't worry in this chair we don't Lord forgive me I cast those thoughts down and I cast ever care on you and I refuse I refuse to worry because the words not gonna get choked out of me the word is gonna put roots down deep and it's gonna spring up and it's gonna come first the here in the blade and the full corn in there and it's going to bring forth thirty and sixty and a hundredfold and the word is going to overcome everything in my life that's wrong can you say Amen and I will not choke it with ungodly worry can you say Amen thanks be unto God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ thank you Father go go to mark for while we're here mark for notice something in the nature of it you'll recognize it immediately mark for verse 37 mark 437 there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full and it's time to worry when you're out on the sea and you're caught in a hurricane and your boat is full of water and you can't see land and it's night it's time to worry hmm I'm sure Jesus would understand because this is a tough situation Jesus was in the Honda part of the ship worrying because I mean this is bad scared listen you can't imagine him being scared or worried don't you know he's in you he's in you you're in him he was asleep on a pillow I reckon he's wet the boat's full of water and he's just snoozing away why he doesn't worry ever about anything you want to be like Jesus who wants to be like Jesus then you can't worry about anything ever because he didn't know notice they came and they woke him up and what they say Oh get this what they say master don't you care don't you stop right there are they carrying do they have some care are they taking worried anxious care and now what do they want him to do worriers want you to worry with them all they do and they'll get put out man they'll get aggravated with you for not worrying with them and they want to make it you don't care about me issue unless you take worried care with me you worrying with me proves to me you love me that is perverted distorted ungodly did you hear me they said they woke him up he's asleep on the pillow and they're rocking him they going wake up Jesus wake up wake up he says what they said don't you care we're all drought here you you don't care and he got up and said boys I'm sorry I do care oh it's bad innit who why didn't y'all wake me up earlier let this thing gotta get out of hand you can't imagine Jesus jumping up going oh my lord boys did y'all do then why would you do it and be so be unlike Jesus isn't he our example isn't he our master no Lord we aspire to be just like him in every way every shape and form right he never worries so it'll be like him you have to be the same and never worry they said don't you care he got up didn't say a thing to them rebuked the wind and spoke to the sea so the wind he rebuked it he said quit it you stopped that stop it today we'd say in Jesus name then he said to the to the waves that had been bothered by the way he said Shh peace you be still I see people have taken this and things like this and they said in he calmed through the storm he stopped the wind and he calmed the ways why he's Jesus he's God well that's all true but it leaves the wrong impression it leaves the impression he did it with powers as God and that's not true the Bible said he emptied himself and laid aside his mighty waiting power and glory and became like other meaning and he's the one that told us if you believe on me you'll do what I do and even greater things indeed you'll do because I'm going to the Father he said you'd not only do this which was done to the fig tree but you could speak to that mountain so he speaks to it and it comes now this is what you do instead of worrying all can you see what a difference what if this is what you do instead of worrying you can sit there and worry and get upset and get afraid or you can stand up and do something about it speak to it and command it to change and expect it to happen what a difference then he looks at them was he saying boys I don't know why y'all didn't believe I cared about you you know I care about you I love y'all with all my heart y'all feeling better now the wind is calm down y'all ok ha I wish you should have woke me up earlier no what'd he do he turns around looks at him and says why are you so full of fear you know the Lord said to me some years ago I didn't I never thought about that he said if I lived in your day he said some people would have accused me of verbal abuse I thought huh do you remember some of the things he said huh some strong things now when Peter walked on the water the same thing and such a we won't take time to get into but it's such a perfect example of what we're talking about Peter got out of the boat to walk on the water and he's looking at Jesus obviously and then what happened he began to look at something else right do o to vacillate and Lord Jesus and I'm walking but whew look at that what's a bigger than air how a Greg what that is 21:05 foot oh I think that's gonna get me no where's Jesus you can't do both you got to pick one and ignore all the rest so he began to sink cried out for help Jesus got him pulled him up in the boat and what'd he say to him why did you doubt why did you do oh why did you vacillate between two things and see a lot of people we hear that and we of course we give Jesus a lot of latitude because he's Jesus but if that would have been somebody else they might have been at their therapists the next day going I've had it I've just had it I mean I'm always there for him I left everything to follow him I mean we're there early and we're there late always whatever he wants always always always and did you see anybody else get out of the boat I don't think so I was a I'm the only man besides Jesus himself ever walk good what did you see me I was walking on though h2o brother did you see me and as he say good job Peter does he say you and me only wants to walk over no he just says where is your faith [Applause] where is your faith why aren't you down we got to grow up not be so thin-skinned and easily offended and hurt and miffed Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever if he looked at them and said why didn't you believe why did you doubt he's gonna do the very same thing with you and me today if you'll be honest and you come before him and really have an ear to hear there'll be times you look at you go what are you worrying about I forbid you to worry ain't I let you sniffing around go just get up and be a man be a woman and believe God can you say man he looked at him he said why are you so full of fear now a lot of people might have thought they had an answer he said why are you so full of fear they could have said duh storm boat full of waters sinking in the middle of the night drown and imminent to Jesus none of that is relative you might say gotta have $20,000 by tomorrow afternoon to him there's no excuse at all for worried my relatives in the hospital diagnosed terminal to him that is absolutely no excuse for worry it is unacceptable to him now I know some people don't like that but got to come back to this right here is this just me carrying on or is this what he said is this him is this how he thinks what he knows is right and is it the best way is it the only way to get results oh don't misunderstand me you'll be tempted to fear you'll be tempted to doubt you'll be tempted to worry it'll it'll it'll come on you did you hear me it'll come on you but what do you do cast it off throw it off throw every care and fear throw it off and go give him all the cares give it to him I said give it to him so how can I keep from worrying about it would be just like me and you just like me and Rick here let's say Rick had a financial situation that was bugging him and he and I talked about it and I said Rick let me take care of it I'm gonna take care of it brother so forget about it you go home get your now I got this can he go home and take a nap and rejoice Kenny if he believes I can do what I said I would do and I will do what I said if he believes that then he can breathe a sigh of relief before he ever sees or feels anything he can go alright I know brother Keith wouldn't told me that unless he's gonna do it and he can stop worrying and fearing because he's confident somebody's got it that's going to do it and take care of it do you see this this is how you keep from where and go to first Peter I'm closing with this first Peter says this Oh hallelujah glory be to God 1st Peter 5 thanks be unto God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ and that's over all worry and fear and doubt somebody say without a doubt first Peter 5:7 casting oh you can huh do your best a ll means all nothing left out casting all your care upon him where on him why because he cares about you oh these are these are wonderful words listen to the amplified casting the whole of your care all your anxieties all your worries all your concerns once and for all on him for he cares for you affectionately and he cares about you watchfully could I rest could I could I really rest and not worry in the midst of a terrible situation could I do it how could I do it I've given it to him not just in word but I actually have I've given it to somebody that can do something about it and if I really believe that he can and he will I can quit worry oh can you say Amen oh thank you must listen to the living he says let him have all your worries and cares for he's always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you can you see him can you close your eyes and can you see him he's here right now he's ready oh his great big strong hands and arms he's been waiting on you just give it to me give it to me I'll do it I'll take care of it for you give it to me long as you've got it I can't fix it long as you worrying about it you got it I don't have it give it to me give it to me give it to me he said give all your worries and cares to God for he cares about what happens to you thank you Lord stand upon your feet please begin to give glory to God we don't have to wait another moment we don't have to come back and work on this series for another several weeks you can leave all your cares with him and walk out of these back doors with no worries you can it can happen right now watching by internet watching my TV is supposed to happen right now close your eyes everybody said out loud father God forgive me for doubting being afraid worrying I know that with a god like you there is no excuse for me worrying being afraid so I obey your word I believe you I belong to you I trust you I am in your mighty hand and I cast I throw I throw off every worry everything I throw it off for me here you fix it here you take care of it here you have it I don't hallelujah oh thank you lord oh thank you lord oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I've got peace like a river I've got a perishing [Music] my [Music] hallelujah this is a breakthrough day this is a freedom day this is the day lives changed and ways of living changed oh yeah you'll be tempted there will be times thoughts and feelings have come to you but contrary to times past you won't just sit down and dwell in them and stewing them night and day you'll stand up and resist them and you'll say no i don't i refuse to worry here it is lord i'm throwing it over on you and you'll see miracle after miracle and prayer answered after prayer answer and answer after answer because that's all that's been choking the word out of your life oh thank you lord I've got peace like a river I've got peace [Music] [Applause] hallelujah if you would be seated just a minute rest in him rest in that peace father I pray air this service conclude every person every man every woman every young person under the sound of our voice in this place or anywhere in the world that does not know you that's never been born again I pray that you draw them powerfully right now reveal to them their lost condition and so on how you've already paid the price for all their sins draw them right now by your spirit I pray lord I pray also for those that have known you they've known what it is to be in fellowship with you but for whatever reasons they left you they followed and even got back into some of the things same things that you deliver them from and they're miserable they're unhappy there is no joy apart from you show them how far off they've gotten how cold and out of fellowship they really are that they're not okay but that you love them still you'll forgive them and cleanse them it can be better than it ever was if they just come back to you draw them right now I pray in Jesus name with eyes closed nobody looking around friend if I'm praying for you would you respond to God not just to me but to the Lord your Creator if you'd say yeah I'll brother Keith I can't say I know I'm saved if I died right now I don't know what had happened to me if that's you and you know God's dealing with you would you raise your hand and let me pray for you you can leave this place knowing if you're not sure about your salvation would you raise your hand let us pray for you you're watching my internet of TV raise your hand god will see it right there God will see your hand yes yes you might say brother Keith ah I'm a Christian but I see I'm not right at all I need to come back to Jesus if that's you and he's drawing you you say yeah I've been saved but I I'm been right at all I need to come back raise your hand we'll pray for you too yes same thing by internet TV raise your hand if you say yeah I'm coming back to God I'm coming back thank you lord I'm gonna pray God's gonna hear us lives are gonna be changed right now but here's something else you might say brother Keith I'm a Christian but I've never been filled with the spirit like I hear you all talking about I hear I hear you speaking tongues and you talk about power in your life friend this belongs to every child of God every believer has a right to be filled to overflowing with the same spirit you're born again up speak in a heavenly language have power in your life if you say I want that I desire that I believe in that would you raise your hand we'll pray for you you can receive right now it's real simple if you're Christian and you've not had this experience then it's high time you did raise your hand let us pray for it yes yes good all right listen carefully if you raised your hand on any invitation or you should have I want you to be bold but now Jesus said if you're ashamed of me and my words before men I'll be ashamed of you before the Lord if you deny him scripture said he'll deny you so it's not okay to be a closeted Christian you got to be willing to stand up here and now and don't care who sees on the job it's still at home that you stand for the Lord and he said you do that and I'll stand up for you so because of that if you lifted your hand or you should have lifted your hand would you please right now be bold and stand would you stand right now by your seat don't be ashamed don't hesitate if you raised your hand or you should have raised your hand stand it right now to give you heart to the Lord to come back home to the Lord to come get filled with the spirit wonderful I'm so glad you're not ashamed wonderful why would you do something else be bold and understand and come right down here and meet me in the front let me pray for you personally with you finally I'll come right now hallelujah glory to God less same stuff you're watching my TV our internet get up and move closer to the screen it's an act of coming to the Lord drawing near to him and he said he'd draw near [Music] / Chopin all thank you know how to do so glad you've come [Music] hallelujah Corrado you're supported oh thank you no gonna play God's gonna hear someone else coming your separate thoughts dealing with you don't be like no wait to come give your life to the Lord to come back to the Lord to come get filled with the spirit come on oh come on oh oh oh hallelujah so glad you've come brother amen you'll not be disappointed hallelujah everybody reach your hands out this way toward these with love and faith friends I'm gonna pray for you God's gonna hear us oh you got to do is expect him to do for you what I'm gonna ask him to do in this prick SPECT him to do it and what he's done for millions he'll do for you right now father I pray for these just like we said we would or how you love them and we love them with the love you put in our hearts but you said those that come to you like this drawn of your spirit coming the only way through Jesus to the Father you said you would not cast them aside you would not refuse them so we have your word for it that because they come believing they are accepted in the beloved in Christ thank you Lord for getting them here this morning we act on your words you told us if we believe in a heart and confess with our mouth we'd be saved we do it right now everybody in the crowd watching my internet and TV everybody either affirm or reaffirm your faith today said out loud father God I believe in you I believe in your son Jesus that he died on the cross paid the price for all my sins I believe you've raised him from the dead he's alive right now King of Kings Lord of lords soon to come again Jesus you are my lord thank you for receiving me saving me washing me setting me free hallelujah oh thank you lord glory to God he said you do that from your heart and you are saved now that's not all some of you came to be filled with the spirit all of you need to be filled to overflowing full of power speaking in tongues just like the rest of us and it's very easy easy easy to receive I'm gonna pray for you right now and when I do I'm gonna begin speaking in tongues and you can join me it's the easy one of the easiest things you've ever done just don't think about what you're gonna say don't speak in your known tongue but by faith begin to try to express your heart to God and he'll give you utterance and power comes in your life everybody close your eyes say it out loud father God I am your child I ask you fill me to overflowing with your wonderful Holy Spirit I believe that I receive give me a trench anoint me now in Jesus name Oh for more Colin blend my name acid in the lemon duvet like Joe that's it that's it don't think you speak non-believer on the McCulloh for name yes that's it that's it movin in Christ evil in Bronte village don't be silent don't fake just speak Orvil embrace candle I'm wrong the villa quisa t a villain bronzed even a known gene of 80 that's it speak yeah that's it that's right open and be bold the bolder the better I'm bill and graves Neville and that's it Lavery novel and Bronson garland brainy BG they've ready a villain bronze Donald O'Neal and gleams II don't be quiet don't freak just speak oh they'll embrace the undergone dragon delay delay without the vellum rolls to Nick that's it ela don't speak English over a mask an event a place I live wrote doubles it that's it that's right that's it the bold of the better oval embrace gondola named Jeanne most and for and filled with the spirit embolus : Dylan glares Evelyn blonde Nesbo villain clothes did you speak out by faith hey Liv Ramos can develop Rene's d le frog Davila grows dv/dt I've been astounded ambolyn groans demand in de genève odd excuse me oval embrace live in a mask in the name of Jesus humbler ghost Devlin de bras develop Rosati by faith speak a little chilly right the 11th of Acevedo Jill a blinded you speak in your spirit yeah that's right on your insides speak out I'll never even be speaking out on the inside of yourself strong covalent ice developer developer dusted availa credo G a Libra NASA Elif Renault sir in the name of Jesus we receive or thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah open your eyes if you would look at me some of you just yield and real good some of you you know this is new to you so you just kind of getting started don't be concerned all you got to do is learn how to yield better it'd be good for you to lay across your bed this evening this afternoon and don't don't say anything in English but just by faith begin to praise God and express your the more you do the better you yield the stronger the flow this is a life long thing not a one-time thing hallelujah we're so excited about you being here and receiving before you go we have people that like to touch base with you make sure you're satisfied get what you receive before you get away give you some free materials would you turn to your right this won't take long would you turn your right see these folks how do I see some big smiles down here would you follow them to this place of ministry won't take long and let them check with you and make sure you're happy answer any questions you might have Amy would you just go this way please follow these folk won't take long everybody stand up and praise God with these folks shout with them because they've received today oh we're so happy and thankful thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah we were praying for you too watching my internet in TV pilot we're rejoicing with you I know you received there just like we did here let us know email us write us call us let us shout with you and help you on your way teach you about these things there's some ways we can help more than one let us know contact us are we excited today about walking in stronger faith than we ever have before without a doubt without a worry oh it's a it's a fun life when you get all that stuff out of the way then it's a happy time glory be to God well how the loo you preach myself happy this morning what we going to sing as we go Ellis yeah that's good we will not be moved we stand in faith let's go as we're singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] I should be [Music] by the bar [Music] [Music] [Music] that's bad [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 22,101
Rating: 4.7824268 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Without, A, Doubt, Pt, 2, No, Worries
Id: OyRj8BuSYqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 0sec (5460 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2012
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