Keith Moore The Wisdom of God Pt 1 The Value Of Wisdom

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and all the stuff in hallelujah well Phyllis and I really appreciate said again all the stuff that everybody did for double honor days I may talk a little bit more about it Sunday we spent some of that and I'll tell you what where it went to a real important thing and also I got on a bracelet somebody gave me and this ring somebody gave me and just watched somebody gave me all this was during double honor days man y'all just blessed us big and Phyllis has got all kind of stuff and we certainly don't feel like you know that y'all owe it to us at all but we were thankful we appreciate it would you turn to proverbs the fourth chapter this evening and we're going to pray and release our faith and I'm gonna begin a new series this evening and ask you to believe with me use your faith I hadn't really taught this exactly this way before but like always we're trusting the Lord for utterance and direction so just release your faith right now as we pray father we thank you for everything already tonight and all this week and all the good things we enjoy in you and we set ourselves in agreement as touching this thing asking for utterance for tonight for all of us for eyes that see ears that hear a heart that understands asking you for revelation of truth that sets free help us to come up to a higher level in you and experience the fullness of what Jesus has bought and paid for answers to questions and direction for right now and we purpose not to be hearers but to be doers and we know as we do what you say we will be blessed because you are faithful to watch over your word and perform it in our lives in Jesus name Amen if you didn't bring a Bible with you once you hold up your hand let our Usher's loan you one of ours it just helps you better when you turn to the reference and look at it with your own eyes hold up your hand if you didn't bring a Bible use one of ours and go to proverbs 4 proverbs 4 everybody happy are you with me tonight you gonna help me out good proverbs chapter 4 and verse 1 says here you children the instruction of a father and attend to no understanding for I give you good doctrine forsake you not my law I was my father's son tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother he taught me also and said to me let your heart retain my words keep my Commandments and live verse 5 get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth forsake or not she'll preserve you love her and she'll keep you what will preserve you what will keep you wisdom verse 7 wisdom is the principal thing therefore so get wisdom or is there a message here what get wisdom right get wisdom and with all your getting get understanding exalt her and she shall promote you what will promote you she'll bring to you honor what will bring you honor wisdom when you do embrace her she'll give to your head an ornament of grace a crown of glory should we didn't show she deliver to you hallelujah what we'll do all this for you wisdom so that's what I want to talk about we want to talk about beginning tonight and we'll go you know how we do as long as the Lord directs us to but we're going to talk about the wise man and the fool and we're gonna try to find out which one you are now we we're gonna let you do that but the the truth is more in all of us have been both if we've endeavored to follow the Lord for any length of time you know we don't don't raise your hand don't testify but have you ever been a fool maybe it was a little thing maybe it was a big thing but you you want to weigh kicking yourself going dummy Oh ignorant well and then have there been times that the Lord led you and you were at the right place at the right time and you knew what to do and you did the right thing and it turned out right wisdom God is a God of wisdom the Spirit of God is called the spirit of wisdom the word the Bible is called the wisdom of God wisdom very very important and so much of areas of lack and failure in people's lives is the result of a lack of wisdom and just ignorance and and foolishness so we're going to get into this and we're going to believe God because you know they just just skimming along and and talking psychology and and using catch phrases that you've heard other people is not what we're saying is not what we're after we're after the Lord talking to us about this he told us get wisdom right so what are we interested in let's get it right how many with me said I'm gonna get some wisdom he wouldn't tell me to get it if it wasn't available to me right but it's not just automatic it doesn't just fall on you or you wouldn't have this word get right if I say go get some milk what does that imply it lets you know that there is some milk that can be gotten right and it also lets you know we must need some more milk that's wise we wouldn't be sending you to get the milk when he says get wisdom there must be a lot more wisdom that we can have and get and enjoy right and do we need some more could be used to mold who so many things we wouldn't have done and wouldn't problems we wouldn't have had if we'd have had some more wisdom and walked in it and I have it on my heart of course you know out of all so many things in the Bible that we could be starting a series on I just had it in my heart that this is timely right now for you and for me so there's so many things in the next few coming months and the next phase and steps of our life we're going to require additional wisdom and understanding to what we've had and the Lord is always ahead amen he's always ahead of the enemy he's always ahead of our needs and if we will come to church yeah and if will read our chapter right if we will pray if we listen and do what he said we won't be caught behind we won't be lacking you know it's a it's said that among so many Christians if and I'm somebody including the so-called charismatic Pentecostals word of faith people if things are going pretty good a lot of people in what I say a lot of people I'm talking about hundreds of thousands will lay out a church they won't you know they come once in a while and and they miss all these services and all these sermons and all these messages and all this input and without realizing it as time goes by they're getting weaker you know how many have noticed physically you you don't really know what kind of shape you're in till you make a demand on your body right I mean you can feel all yeah I'm pretty good you know I think I could do what I used to do and then you try to do it and you you get a revelation but you're you're a lot weaker and a lot less stamina a lot less endurance than you thought you could do and it's kind of like the the you know the champion he won the fight and he's the champ of the world and he you know immediately he celebrates and and he's eating junk and he's laying up on the couch watching TV 6 hours a day and once in a while he stops in between commercials and thinks she knows seem like there's something I ought to be doing aah click click give me another give me some more junk food and just rock along and rock along and rock along and call him and say hey you know you're gonna be ready for that fight next week well how many know if you're not dealing with something now you ought to be getting ready for the next thing because there is going to be the next thing now people don't like to hear that they're like oh brother Keith don't speak that over me well in life there are things to deal with and even if it's not a negative thing something the enemy's trying to mess with you about you're always gonna have to have faith to believe for the next thing in God to come up to the next level the next vision right so if you're not dealing with something right now you need to be feeding your faith getting ready for the next thing coming up because it's coming whether you're ready or whether you're not and the more ready you are the easier it is if you hadn't been preparing God dealt with you but you didn't read your chapter every day he dealt with you but you didn't go to half the services he dealt with you but you didn't pray what something come up and you go oh Lord and you realize I am NOT ready for this well God is gracious and merciful and many times just by the mercy and grace of God he will help you and you'll make it through but you will feel like you have been beat up and run over and you're barely made it and people think it was because it was such a terrible ordeal but really it's because you were so out of shape spiritually are you with me now but if you if you and I will obey every day will be ready always if you'll obey every day didn't you then no matter what comes up you'll go ah that's why God's been talking to us at the church about that for the last six months we ready ah that's why the Lord's been talking to me about that in my prayer time oh that's why the Lord led me to read that extra and talk about that he's been getting you ready and he'll get you he'll get you ready years in advance so everything the Lord's done here in this church from the first service till now has been preparing us for what comes next he is the god of wisdom he is the wisest of all and he knows what's coming up and he's got us on a course if we'll cooperate if we'll stay hooked and so what you got you got so many times Christians and church members that a layout and layout layout and don't read and don't pray and then something comes up and they come and want the pastors or want somebody to help you don't believe with me and they want you to give them in a two-hour counseling session what they should have been getting through all those services for the last two years and it just doesn't work you can't cram all that into a couple of hours are you with me not so wise people like you will be sitting in your little blue seat on Friday night right and wherever your church is you'll be where God puts you right because people don't fill us an hour talking about this a while back and I think sometimes people don't realize that this is not for Keith and Phyllis I mean you know I he gives what he gives to us for you and that benefits us too but but he gives it to you it's for you this church is for you this building is for you these services for you right and you on the internet so what are we going to get wisdom is the principal thing that's a big statement in so what get wisdom get wisdom well let's begin to define this a little bit first of all what is wisdom like a whole lot of things there's a lot of confusion about it what's wisdom uh let's talk about foolishness and wisdom the word foolishness is the word we get our word from so it kind of all goes together it's morose and several different variations of it and it means dull which is the opposite of sharp right it means heedless heed less and what you see here is the idea of being unaware and not what's that what's the other word you're you're unaware and you're unresponsive that's it heedless when you heat something you're aware of it and you respond to it a fool is unaware now we live in a world where a whole lot of people are unaware oh man have you been in public places and people just run over you didn't even see it because they got something that's important for them to do and they're ably view oblivious that there's a whole lot of other people in the world with them that have lives too and are doing something too now don't judge them judge you right love is aware of everybody around me what's going on them and what they need more than me love prefers its brother and sister well a wise man is aware a fool is unaware we might say clueless The Fool is clueless another another definition of a fool or foolishness is lack of foresight a fool is always surprised anybody know what I mean mother the fool is constantly surprised oh wow I didn't know that was going to happen oh boy I didn't think about that oh oh no surprised The Fool has a constant expression of shock and amazement and surprise oh I didn't know if I'd have known that I wouldn't have done that yeah but you didn't and you did so here you are fool now to us we look at fool as a four-letter word and it's like cussing somebody but but get that out of your mind and people talk about foolishness like oh you know those kids are just cutting up acting a fool they're just full of foolishness no look at it in the Bible under with a Bible understanding you know any anybody can be wise and a fool in the same day hmm it's up to us so of a foolish person a fool is a doll heedless simpleton here's another word simpleton lack of foresight now wisdom is an interesting thing so many paths hurts so many definitions of wisdom and and so many of them you cannot back up with scripture it's just people's ideas and that's not OK but one of the keywords that you'll see that most of the scholars use from way back you sit both on the old and the new testament skillful skillful and there's really you know there's not a whole lot beyond that you just have to kind of you'd make it up and people do they fill in the blanks but I like to just stay with what you know everybody says skillful a wise person is skillful now you're gonna see as we well instead of me telling you let's just go and look how many know there's a book that talks a lot about wisdom huh it's the book of Proverbs and let me encourage you while we're doing this study to read in this book I know you got your chapter every day but you could do another chapter couldn't you or you sit down some evening and read four or five chapters of Proverbs but but get in here and read some don't try to read all of it at once but you know slowly and get it you know let it saturate you and before you read it say Lord open up my eyes and my heart and let wisdom get in me and understanding and reading because God get this this is you know if you said I'd like to sit down and talk with God and have him explain wisdom to me he did and he wrote it down did you hear me I understand if you were sitting at the throne right now and asking God about wisdom he's not gonna tell you anything that contradicts this or it's different from this we must value this so this is God's revelation and instruction of the wisdom that's in him so let me encourage you I'm going to be doing it and you join me and by internet2 and and read in the book of Proverbs and over the course of the weeks we'll read the whole thing through hopefully more than once so get in there and read some of this now go with me please to proverbs the fourteenth chapter we're going to be a lot of Proverbs and that shouldn't be surprising to you because we are on a quest we are on a mission what are we after to get wisdom we know we have some but when to get more right increase in wisdom now in the 14th chapter of Proverbs you're going to see some we're still defining what wisdom is proverbs 14 and I'll begin in verse 1 it says every Wise Woman builds her house but the foolish plucks it down with their own hands how many know that a foolish it's a fool who tears down their own stuff right but have people ever done it oh all the time well they're not thinking about okay you know if I a lien ate all these people who's gonna be my friend are you with me now oh yeah I picture fit and demand my way and I do all this have you ever seen people like that and then they want you to be their buddy chew ya treat you like dirt and then let's be buds well your dumb simpleton you you're not aware you weren't thinking about the aftermath you can go see this over and over and over again a fold like I said is always surprised a wise person is always looking ahead thinking okay and if I do this what's going to happen and what's going to come next and where's this going to put us and the thing about God he's so wise he sees the end from the beginning and he knows where he wants to go and he's not confused and he has a plan and everything he does it is strategic are you always been out you haven't met everything he says everything he does is with purpose and in the right direction and has the correct domino effect and the more you and I who are his children imitate him and act like him we do it more and more and more and were shocked and surprised less and less and less right we're not just barreling through life clueless we have we have some understanding and we have some wisdom and I noticed this where are you 14 we read verse 1 skip down to verse 8 the wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way but the folly of fools is deceit the wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way he has understanding of what's happening the folly of fools is deceit the fool is deceived believing lies the new living says this the wise look ahead to see what is coming but fools deceived themselves skip down to verse 16 a wise man fears and departs from evil but the fool rages and is confident let me read that to you from some other translations a wise man is cautious and turns away from evil but a fool is arrogant and Carolus another one says a wise man suspects danger and avoids evil but the fool bears himself insolently and is presumptuously confident everybody say presumptuously confident now this has occurred too many times among so-called faith people they were confident or tried to be without a basis for their confidence and that is being foolish not being in faith are y'all with me now are you believe it with me can't can you feel what kind of subject this is do you understand we got to have revelation and utterance every second on this are you with me because this is not something people have dwelt on as much as they should have you and me included all the more reason for us to boost our self up in something we haven't had as much of so presumptuously confidence see that the wise man sees where it's going and stops and goes another way the fool just blares on rages and is confident nnessee confidence sounds like faith but here it's being a fool let me give you an illustration I learned early on in our ministry I worked in the with under brother Kenneth Hagins ministry for a number of years and one of the first jobs I had was talking with people on the phone and praying with them and I hadn't been there a month or so and the lady called in just crying boohoo and on the phone and and I couldn't tell what she was trying to say and finally understood that she had just been mugged that morning somebody had knocked her in the head and grabbed her and went off with him and she was distraught and so I asked her you know well are are you okay physically she said yeah yeah I'm not hurt that bad I got a bump on my head and some scratches but I'm I'm you know she said but that's not the biggest thing she said I'm a believer she said I quote the 91st psalm almost every day I'd dwell in the secret place of the Most High how could this happen to me well now let's just stop right here we've talked about this before do you remember this phrase always stay on God's side that'll get you through some rough places always stay on God's side here again it's foolish to get aggravated at God it's foolish to think he missed it huh but did you know there's all kind of Christians that are aggravated at him I talked to somebody today they're mad at God because God you know they asked him to heal him and they say well the God didn't heal me what's wrong what's his problem yes the message you that's it other than you he didn't have any problems no that's dumb for you not now I know we're laughing about it but there are many Christians who think God is their problem their aggravate even if they don't come just straight forward and said they're activated Eddie that kind of miffed at him you know he didn't do that for me why did he let that happen why didn't he do this that is being a fool did you hear me that's being a fool God never led anybody down god never did anything wrong he never failed to do anything he should have done ever ever now people on the other hand frequently fail and frequently fail to do what they should have done so a wise person a person with some understanding is going to say hey I don't know what happened here but I know God didn't miss it how many wise people do I have in here now know no matter what happens you start off on God's side on the side of the word on the side of the Holy Ghost on the side of Jesus Kanaan Lord I know it ain't your fault I know it's not your fault have mercy on me show me what I need to see and we I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit what we're gonna see the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord or the way of saying is the reverence of God isn't that what we're already beginning to talk about see it is disrespectful oh it's disrespectful shake a fist and go god this is not right you're a fool you're being a fool acting like you can judge him you know enough to challenge his righteousness and accuse him of being unfair that's I mean how much more fool can you get that is a fool last person I don't care how bad you feel how traumatic the thing might be to you a person with some understanding and wisdom is going to look up through their tears and through their feelings and go god I trust you you've never failed me your word cannot fail we missed it somewhere we missed it show us what we did wrong what we don't see reveal it to us please have mercy on us and that the Bible said is the beginning that is the start of the wisdom of God your reverencing God you're honoring him that's why people in the world who railed against God are such fools they say one thing that people are not understood you know when they think wisdom they think of somebody with the diploma and a cap and gown you can have 12 degrees and be a fool did you know that knowledge is not the same thing as wisdom there are a lot of folk with a bunch of knowledge that are just fools they can quote numbers and they can quote stats and they think they are so intelligent all day long and people who have some understanding can see right through them they are a fool and one of the biggest fools on the planet is the Bible says in Psalms is the person that says that well let me quote it the some said the fool says in his heart there is no God there's no God now that's the biggest fool on the planet he can't he or she can't even get started in wisdom because how do you start where's the beginning of wisdom the fear and reverence of God and if you don't even believe there's a God then you are destined for fullness and you will remain in fullness and nobody can help you and you can go to school rest of your life and you still be a fool right oh but there's a spirit of wisdom oh there's a God of wisdom who sees everything and understands everything and knows the end from the beginning and you have an option of the Holy One and he'll cause it's this wisdom to come up inside you and you just know things and see things and know what to do and how to do it and people go mean you're smart you're gonna know ain't that smart I got the smart one the wise one in me he helps me out all the time other people don't certain things we did in ministry they said man how did you think that up I said I didn't I didn't just came to me about revelation right well then that's not something I came up with as something he gave me it's the wisdom of God tell me where the wisdom of God begins the fear or the reverence or the respect the honor of God you honor his word you honor his spirit you honor his ministries you honor his people right and and the more you develop in this then your ears are gonna be open and your heart is gonna be open for an increase of wisdom where were we yeah I'm not through with that 14:16 read it again a wise man he fears and departs from evil but the fool rages and is confident I was telling you about the woman that got mugged remember that she let me forget that now the Holy Ghost reminded me though uh and she's upset and she is beginning to get off God's side she's gonna you know this ain't supposed to happen to me and what you know why didn't God let this happen well see she's accusing him of not doing something he should have done that's being foolish and I didn't know I mean I'm just getting started in the ministry myself and when she asked me all this I'm sitting there thinking I don't know but I've checked down inside I got the greater one inside me and you know I didn't say it over the phone but inside myself I'm saying lord help me to help this lady she's hurting what what do I tell her and so she's crying and she's aggravated at God and and so it came up in me I said well you know what was going on that day this morning you know what was going on you you had some business something you were doing she said no she said it was rough part of town and everybody knows it's rough over there I said but you you needed to be there you felt like you should be there she said well actually I had a check about going and I said you did she said yeah of course by this time she's beginning to see something as she start crying quite as much and and she said but but I you know I quote the 91st song and and you know no harm will be followed me and so she went on do you see this verse right here the wise person does what they enough saying this is from Scripture we just read they take our definition the wise person takes heed right oh come on now come on this is so important the wise person takes heed pays attention to what they God and makes changes changes the plants I don't care what's going on so people think so many times you know but I got to be there do you know I gotta go get home itis has killed more people you know it's true get home itis in cars and airplanes and everything else I got to go there's been times I was you know I I fly myself and so I'm I'm doing stuff here and then I go and preach my heart out and stay up half the night studying and get up and fly and it requires a lot of you mentally and physically never the other way there's been times I was halfway to the airplane to fly home that night and I said now go back to the room yeah but you're all primed to go and I got the plane pulled out and it's already and so hmm I think we helped nobody if I'm dead in the morning anybody you know what I'm talking about yeah but we're all planning that's how we've planning this with the schedule if you're led by the schedule you are not led by the Holy Ghost and there's there's been times I just stopped and said you know no no well I'm brother Keith the Lord speak to you know not all to bleed I just had a check and I just all I need right elsewise you'll have confidence but the wise man something there's going to be something come up that you'll get a sense of something and the wise men will take heed to that and avert it and avoid it but the food will do what rages hi get out of the way now I'm a I'm a man of faith I'm gonna go not for much longer that's a fool but people act foolishly in the name of faith this is what I was indifferent to get to are you getting this with me or you you hooked over the people have done this again and again and again and they called it faith but it's been a fool you can't separate protection from being led by the spirit you don't just caught scriptures over yourself and the same thing with money well I'm just I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna put my money in there and it's gonna grow and well you got a backup and we're gonna see this again and again people rush over the beginning of a thing that already got it planned and you know they already got the house decorated and all the furniture moved in in their mind and before they were ever sure you're supposed to get that house wisdom always focuses on the start of the thing are we even supposed to do it then when it's God there's wisdom in it you lift up your eyes then and see where it's going do not rush the beginning when you think you know but before you start you know I've seen this in traveling we get a lot of imitations I'm thankful for that I could go every day and night but uh there's been a few times not too many things the Lord but there's been a few times over these 25 years or so there's been a timer time thinking one time Phyllis and I are flying back from a place and I looked at her I said you know I don't feel like this weekend was the best use of our time I just I don't feel like the people were ready for the meeting I don't feel like they received it that well I don't feel like it was the best use of our time and you know who I blame for that how the people the people know right here did you hear me and there's been a few times not too many thank God but there's been a time or two where you just it was it was troublesome I mean it just it cost three times the money to do the thing and it took you twice as long and it worried out twice as much and you realize I missed it on this you know I have been better off at home are you with me now you understand what I'm saying wisdom that wisdom wisdom has to do with revealing the plan of God and so there's been times from man I had to had to pray and pray and use my faith to get through the weather and it was just a deal just getting there and back and again and again I realized I didn't spend enough time on the beginning should I even go are y'all helping me now should I even go when you spend enough time on the first step when you get that one settled then everything else is going to flow if it's something I'm supposed to be doing then this is bigger than me now right God has a vested interest in making this thing happen because it was his idea I'm just doing when he told me to do and so man he's going to help me with everything the traffic and the weather and the accommodations and my strength and everything but why so many people are so wore out and so many problems is because they don't spend enough time on that first part they just make plans and they blare into it and they get problems and then they go god help me help me help me hmm so the wisdom of God is to look at the beginning really closely and check it and check it and check it look at um you're there close by hmm which one is this now 24 flip over to 24 Proverbs if I don't give you a book name you know what it is right 24 and verse 3 what does it say through wisdom is a house builded and by understanding it is established and by knowledge shall the Chamber's be filled with all precious and pleasant riches whose scripture is that let me read you what is this the NIV illnesses the rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures Phyllis and I've been standing on that one for a few years now and they just keep coming rare things beautiful things this is for you is for you for you but now notice wisdom is in here and understanding is in here and knowledge is in here first of all say first of all first of all we're through wisdom is the house built its back up you know you're looking at the beginning why did we build the house wisdom because we're gonna need a place to live it's not going to be summertime forever see which I mean you know a fool just lays something think well that's 85 I don't have to have a house right but I need a house for it I can live right here in the woods but a wise person says it ain't gonna be 85 forever right we'd be baling hay in with my grandpa at times and and you know these little not not the big round ones we had the little square ones and oh man in Mississippi with 100% humidity you can get mighty hot it's been hot around he's been Mississippi hot here and Arkansas hot and so well we'd haul these bells hey I mean all day long and we're thinking about man it is so hot men is so hot and my pup oh I'd say boy this sure be the snowball this winter these old cows will be so glad it'll sure be eating snow balls well that's what the Bible talks about even an ant right be wise like the head because what does that do gathers its food in the summer hmm God has put wisdom in that end I thought it does not see that ant does not have a calendar he does not know what day it is or what month it is right he does not have the big picture at all but God put just a little dabble is them in that ant and something in him motivates him we got to get it while the getting's good we've got to get this food now and put it up and so man you see them just marching out and marching back marching now every time you see that you ought to think wisdom wisdom they are preparing for the future right because other other animals and insects don't don't have that they just live for the moment it just is what it is of course they're always surprised always the fool is always surprised they wake up in a different world every day well through wisdom the house is built the the decision to build the house was because of wisdom right it's the wisdom of God that you and I have a church family wasn't my idea wasn't your idea but God knew what was coming up we we don't see a fraction of it I mean we just gotten getting started here but he see he saw then from the beginning and that it was good that we have a family here there are other good families here don't mean to imply that but I mean for you and me for us and it's wisdom that the preparation be made and for the most of it we haven't gotten to yet but God is putting us together and giving us our buildings and our lands and our properties and our money and filling us full of word and faith because he knows what's coming up right he's not just he's not discovering everything every day God's not sitting in heaven goes well look at that who would've thunk it surprise surprise surprise uh now he knew what he was doing right and he knows what he's doing and he knows where it's going so through wisdom the house is built that's why the house was built because of wisdom and then let me just stop right here let's open our spirit up and let the Lord show us what is important I'm just touching some things tonight I've already touched a number of things and we're gonna back up maybe and spend more time on them as time goes on let's see how the Lord leads us but I'm just referring to a lot of scriptures instead of turning to them but the scripture says that even though there's much tillage in the land of the poor fools die and are in lack for one of wisdom in other words the resources are there but they perish not because of lack of resources but because of lack of wisdom you know there are numerous countries in the world that really have more natural resources than we do the riches of their natural resources far exceeds ours though ours are great well why aren't they richer than us the resources have been squandered they have not been handled properly and I mean ours hadn't been handled the best they could but they've been handled better than a lot of others so so many times people are thinking well I just you know I got to get more money and I got to get a better job and and I got to get it hooked up with some different people and I got to do this no no what's the first thing you need and the main thing you need right now wisdom wisdom you don't thinking about a man right now one of a dr. Kenneth Hagins board members and back in the this would have been late sixties early seventies he got ahold of her brother Hagins series on how to be led by the spirit reel-to-reel and he listened to that and he listened to that and he listened to that and he listened to that and he had $50 $50 today he's worth hundreds of millions he took that $50 and turned it into hundreds of millions over a period of decades well how many in here's got $50 and a Bible and access to the wisdom of God you got the same God he does I got the same God he does right well then why should we bump along forever broke when it is possible by the wisdom of God to turn $50 into three or four hundred million is it possible it's happened many times before but the problem is foolishness people eat all our seed did you hear me have no vision or convinced I'm poor my momma was born her momma was poor we poll we poll but we proud well you need to be delivered from both conditions right everybody say wisdom see we we really have the resources right now to go far to go very far it's what we do with them it's how we handle them right can can the wisdom of God lead us to be at the right place at the right time to invest the right thing in the right thing at the right time to buy at the right time sell at the right time get in at the right time get out at the right time huh yeah yeah missus yeah but brother Keith I just don't I don't have enough to even get started yeah you do yeah you do you're despising your seed despising the day of small beginnings man if you sold $5.00 and you made 20 and that's that's a big harvest get excited but now don't just eat 220 so 15 or so all 20 right in the right but you need to make both spiritual and natural investments both both everybody say both I'll say it again now both yeah so do the church yeah so do you brothers and sisters yes so do the missionaries yes so to the kingdom of God that's the best investment you'll ever make because it brings the biggest return and in affection not only now but in eternity but part of the way God prospers you is he's gonna lead you to natural investments to multiply the natural seed so there's both spiritual and natural investments said out loud both both spiritual and natural both both so what what do I do well wisdom by wisdom the house is built and by understanding it is established now you gotta have some understanding don't you we got carpenters in the church now if I built the house it might not be too hot because my understanding of carpentry and wiring and plumbing is not is not that hot you got to understand cuz I some people you know they start building them the wrong part first you know and they'd they'd frame the thing up and put the roof on and realize ahead and put the plumbing in yet oops see fools are surprised because they you know they didn't think and people have done stuff like that you know they they they build something oh man I should have thought of that well that's why you don't rush to do it never rush through the planning stages or spend extra time on the planning stage spend extra time on the thinking spend extra time on the praying hmm well how'd you place there go to Ecclesiastes please ask these 10 do not rush into doing the thing spend extra time is this coming across alright I'm feel like I'm trying to say it different ways it's like that traveling thing I was talking about the time is not spent just in traveling the time the big thing is deciding where to go that's the big thing where and when take take lots of extra time on that one should we get into this you know because then once once you got it it's your baby you got the house and now you found out it needs to be rewired and it needs to be replumbed and there's legal problems with the right of way and there's this and that and less understand where the devil's that give me so much no know whose deal is it now if it was the Lord that you were supposed to get it then there will be grace to overcome every one of those things right but if you rushed into the thing and now you got doors open for the enemy to cause you problems it's your fault what's that it was that real estate person not your fault it was those former owners they lied to me it's your fault your fault yeah but they lied your fault they cheated me your fault your fault some folk don't like that well I know we we told about that one a while just a few weeks ago about blaming other people no say it so many times that's the thing people then that's what counseling is so popular it is in this one we don't do as much of it as a lot of people do no because we're late not dead why because people want somebody else to tell me what to do I don't have to pray about it I don't have to be led just tell me then if it blows up in my face I can blame you too well that don't cut it with God though idiot you made people try to make it that way but it's not that way you have the Holy Ghost you can pray you can be led right so if you went the wrong way it's your fault be a man be a woman admit it right ask God to help you out of it but don't blame other people that's why we live in such a sue-happy generation nobody will take responsibility for their own decisions I want to blame somebody else people get so mad you know I saw this big lawsuit that while back you know this people people were at this place and their child got killed well they want to blame everybody and sue everybody everywhere around it did it ever occur to them but or they even supposed to be there did you hear me not some friends of mine I talked to him right after the the tsunami and interesting I was talking to the lady and she said you know we were supposed to be there that day on vacation right there on that on the beach one of the main beaches that just got washed away and said we were all we are set we're all primed we were excited about it the kids were excited about it and my husband said no I don't want to go she said well why and they went back and forth couple of days well I mean every kid's gonna be disappointed and he both of them you know are spirit-filled ministers and and he said well no I just uh uh nope no we're not going and she and she finally just submitted to him wasn't happy about it you say well okay and their lives were saved inspect it that something the wisdom of God I said the wisdom of God and so and a number of people as Christians I'm talking about especially who were there and people get mad well I understand why didn't God spare them you don't know that he didn't lead them the same way right the question is not why didn't God protect them the question is why don't people listen why don't people pay attention that's the question we got to pay attention to our heart a fool is is heedless unaware and unresponsive but the wise person pays attention and take seed right and responds are you in Ecclesiastes now he said by wisdom the house is built it was wisdom that the house even the decision was made to build the house and do not rush past that part look at that look at that look at that we did not just jump up one afternoon and say we're going to Branson and start a church we did not it took us a couple of years to realize that the Lord was really you know telling us to relocate our ministry then it was six months the last six months of that that we realized it is Branson and I found out if it's God today it'll be God tomorrow he didn't change every other day and you keep seeking him you'll just get you'll get stronger and stronger in you right you think you know check it again you can be more sure and then I realized when we got up here you know that we're supposed to have a church now that now you can call me foolish fuel too but that was a surprise to me that was like huh say what I didn't think that was my call and so I spent quite a bit of extra time but I mean yeah Phyllis those I I just shut up and wouldn't come out I stayed in the bedroom I stayed praying that's like God I got to get this straight now right I got a note see how many 10 now is the time we're at that point before you step out before because see the thing is you start into something and you have a little challenge in your finances or you have a little challenge over here somebody talks bad about you somebody don't support your whatever the first thing will happen the enemy will come and say well you ain't even supposed to be doing it you dismissed it well now it's not the time to be deciding there you should have got that nailed down bolted down cemented right before you ever took the step and if you did then you can weather anything you said no none of these things move me I got that settle for I started on this thing right so now the money will just have to come everything I'll have to work why cuz we've heard from the Lord you got it you got to have that part but what I'm saying is don't rush through that part spend all the time and then some extra time check it and check it again check it and check it again now notice this he said through through wisdom the house is built through understanding it is established look in Ecclesiastes 10 it Cleaves st's 10 verse 10 it please s T's 1010 if the iron be blunt he's talking about an axe if it's blunt and he do not wet or sharpen the edge then must he put to more strength anybody found that out by experience if you don't sharpen the axe what's gonna happen you got to put more strength into it and it's gonna take longer but what is it going to say but wisdom what is wisdom got to do with chopping down tree that wisdom is not just for church friend right wisdom is is everything you do I'm excited about this I am God God starting something with us and he is going to give us revelation we are going to see where time is being wasted we're going to see where resources are being wasted we're going to save all kind of time and money and missed problems and we're going to become more proficient more efficient right and we're going to get more done with less effort that is the wisdom of God he's already given us some wonderful things but how many know in the heart and mind of God there are things that we've not seen that we just we just look at and go wow now that is smart that'll save us all this time and all this money that'll get us all these results that'll win more people in a week than we've been doing in a year it's the wisdom of God oh he knows he knows he knows he'll show you you think you know how to multitask God is the king of multitasking oh man he hears all the prayers at once and answers them simultaneously and heals and delivers and leads and directs and protects and all at once all at once you tell us somebody's got it together you never saw anybody as it more together than him he is the king of togetherness no wasted motion no wasted words no wasted effort everything is exactly the most productive and the most beneficial precision profit success what does he say if you don't sharpen the edge of the axe tire there's a lot more strength a lot more sweat a lot more work right but wisdom is profitable to direct listen to the new English translation since the dull axe requires great strength sharpen the blade everybody go right sharpen the blade that's the value of wisdom it helps you to succeed the NA s says if the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge he must exert more strength wisdom has the advantage of giving success the living says a dull axe requires great strength have you ever tried to cut something with a dull axe or just a dull knife you're like sawing the thing and then you mush it didn't even cut and he said be wise and sharpen the blade so everybody say sharpen the blade said again sharpen the blade now let me give you a scenario here why don't people sharpen the blade phyllis got it yeah time why don't you sharpen the blade because it takes time and we got to be in a hurry and the other guys are already in the woods chopping trees see we're talking about this where do you put the time in the beginning in the beginning in the preparation you don't just grab your stuff and run you lay it all out everything should have its own place right everything should have its own place God's universe is that way right the orbits are precise to save it even in a cursed state it's amazing the precision that remains in the planet in your body and this isn't a cursed state it's been messed up but it still retains so much of its precision but the wise man everybody else grabs their axe and most of the woods they already been working and sweats flying and barks flying how menaced and just because there's a lot of noise and a lot of motion does not mean that that's everything people that's making the most noise and not not automatically the people that are getting the most done wisdom will allow you to get more done in less time with less effort now who wouldn't be for that come on help me out just a little bit more now who wouldn't be for that get more done with less effort in less time who votes for that so what you got to do though everybody grabs their ax runs to the woods they're singing and their swing in and the barks flying and they're sweating they're working working working working and what do you do yeah but you're not even in the woods what do you do you sit down and you get your file and you're sharpening that Shh looks like they're way ahead of you sounds like it some people might even look at you and go what you sitting on that stump far get busy you are see this is wisdom lion brother Keith come out of there yet he needs to get busy I am it's a lot of you didn't get that now I know I know what I speak my I come from a line of people with strong work ethic my my granddad he worked herself to leave physically till he broke his body my dad the same thing he worked herself till he broke his body down multiple jobs I mean you did not lay up in the bed and goof off you got busy you did you work in inseong you pulled your weight and there's there's some good things about that but when I got in the ministry and the Lord's diddling me about praying and waiting on him and I and I'm you know I'm trying to take some time and pray and my mind is racing what are you doing you're just sitting here in this chair you're laying across the bed you need to get busy I am come on now some of your getting this a little bit in some of your ugh what am i doing sharpening my axe are you getting this now and man I had to work on myself I had to renew my mind because you know all my training and generations of more men are saying get up boy get out there and get with it yeah but my job is spiritual how do I get with it what's the I could I could book myself silly right I could book myself back-to-back and then I got a jet I could keep the sky hot man I could call him for our got in and said quick turn quick turn how the fuel truck waiting on me I feel like thanks fire ups we go yeah if I hurry up I can preach three times a day in three different states now sometimes if the Lord leads you that way okay but you people get addicted to busyness and they have to be moving moving moving to cell phones and a fax machine and text messaging and the microwave going and if they feel like ain't doing anything and these are people who waste enormous amounts of time and resource three people got there these people who are so busy wastes enormous amounts of time doing things they shouldn't even be doing and are chronically fatigued always talking about how busy they are always talking about how tired they are and it's because they're doing things they shouldn't even be involved in what should they be doing sharpening their axe you got to put your flesh under to do that especially if you've been busy busy busy busy busy busy busy you owe in healing school one day I we had healing school at The Hague administer every day twice a day in the morning session was just just for those that had problems in their body it wasn't open to the general public just for them if you're coming to receive for yourself and this particular week I had like four businessmen who were CEOs of companies it's interesting how it worked out they were there at the same time and I had my message ready and I came and I and I was singing a song or two and and and I had turned to such-and-such we're gonna preach on healing today you know and I started and I looked at him he was sharp they were sitting there with their day-timer notebook open and and their gold pen and they were looking at me like come on let's get with it right I've got a 10:30 and and the Lord checked me he said tell him close your Bible close your notebook put up your pen we're gonna wait on the Lord for two hours today [Music] does this have anything to do with healing they that wait upon their Lord upon the Lord they'll renew their strength what about them that never have time to wait they see the rest of that passage goes on to talk about how they will run come ona and they won't get weary they won't faint well we've got a lot of weary people so what's it's not what is obvious they are not waiting on the Lord they're just going going going going going and a lot of people are doing it in the name of ministry in the name of the Lord and it's not true I said it's not true they're doing a lot of stuff the Lord never told him to do some of its good things but he didn't tell you to do it and one of them told me later he said Oh Missa this was the hardest thing I ever did in my life because he's used to come on come on let's get it let's go let's go I got I got an appointment I got the next thing you got to be here this afternoon come on get him on the phone get it faxed get it done where's that email and say that was part of their problem stomach ulcers migraines digestion problems did you hear me now they're in there cuz they got problems that they can't get fixed with a pillar at the doctor they need healing major and here the Lord gives the prescription wait only I went to the piano I say we said praise the Lord two hours it took most of them the first hour to just begin to get their head quiet I could tell them they're you know they're trying but they're they're like praise the Lord praise the Lord come on No praise the Lord and and see if you're used to that your mind is going all over the place you're thinking about your schedule the rest of the day and what you got coming up what you gonna do for lunch and and who you need to call and see if you if you're doing that you are not waiting on the Lord your minds got to be on him and we came in the next day they made it we came in the next day and I got ready and I said well close your Bible well I could see them they're going oh man not again and we just waited on the Lord all mork we did that for like four days and they got healed they got you so what's the first thing to do you find you stumped everybody's out there sweats flying barks flying you get you acts you look at it you look at the handle you turning it over yeah that looks pretty good where's my file here and get this people looking at you man I've been chopping for for two hours already what you get over here yeah where's your tree well they're still here we're still working on it yeah exactly sharpen sharpen and while you're sharpening you're praying in the spirit glow van anomic Christie fiood st Oh they minded proposed a fire that you turn it over on the other side you're sharpening your sharpening Shakti you know you got it right oh yeah that looks good and you still praying in the spirit you get your axe no Lord what tree today it's whole forest full of trees out there it's a lot of folk been slinging sweat and bark for half a day already and you still talking about you know you see you hadn't got there yet but are you wasting time no wisdom is profitable or what tree what tree and you just praying in the spirit and you're looking in your chicken you heart that tree right there right there yep yep that's it that's the one that's the one let's see other people have been slinging the sweating and bark for hours but you're further ahead than they are and you haven't even swung an axe yet because I don't care how hard you running if you're running the wrong way I don't mean oh never is how hard you chopping if you own the wrong tree so you got yeah that's it that's it I got the witness right here that's the tree Lord now where did I hit it where do I hit that tree that little knot right there right below that yeah I got it I got it all right lord give me strength to do this thing sharp axe right tree right spot how long's it gonna take boom boom same place same place same place same place other place alright focusing on that one spot you hear a crack all right step back cool there good alright it's down yeah I'm gonna go home I still have time to play with my kids another focus still chopping and old they're working all that working but the trees still standing and it's the wrong tree now they're gonna have a lawsuit because they're chopping on somebody else's tree I mean know what I'm talking about now wisdom is profitable to die raped stand on your feet please glory be to God thank you lord thank you lord oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord let's lift our hands and begin to pray praise God we glorify your holy name Lord oh thank you Lord praise you thank you for your great wisdom thank you for your great grace thank you for your great goodness Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God hallelujah what key is that brother he flat thought about singing thank you Lord for meeting my needs go to F please / thank you Father for meeting my needs eating my knees my knees for I thank you father for me my knees or your meeting my knees today everybody say thank you bother me leaving my knee whoa you're me pull up thank you love me my knees for your meeting good day the medicina sprayer then we'll sing this again before we go close your eyes said outloud father god I look to you you are my wisdom you are the one from whom understanding flows I opened myself up to you I asked I desire for more of your wisdom and understanding enlighten the eyes of my heart and understanding give unto me the spirit of wisdom calls me to come up to be aware to know to see in Jesus name I'll look to you I'll wait on you I'll check my heart and not move till I know which way to go and I thank you for leading me guiding me protecting me and meeting all my needs to your glory hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord you know thank you lord thank you lord whoa thank you both thank you both Oh everybody say I thank you Father for me Oh Emme oh I thank you all that bleeding or your meeting Hey we're gonna sing that again as we go but I just a sense in my heart they were coming into a new place and we're gonna quit wasting so much time and effort we're gonna get more done in less time with less effort and less expenditure hallelujah if you're here tonight and you've never given your heart to the Lord you're not sure if you died tonight whether you'd go to be with Jesus or whether you'd go the other way that's not something to play with you need to know that you know so people will be moving around a lot of people be going towards the back and going out but there will be people standing down here ready to talk to you ready to pray with you if there's any question any doubt in your mind about your salvation and your future and eternity don't go out come down to the front and talk with these and be ready to give your heart to the Lord Sunday morning the Lord's gonna be with us he's going to help us have us a good time amen he never runs out he just has more and more and more and we're coming up the wisdom of God's that out loud the wisdom of God is operating in me I live and move and have my being in the wisdom of God hallelujah glory to God we're dismissed as we sing thank you oh yes I do me whoa thank you boy you meenie miney [Music] thank you the [Music] oh thank you [Music] Thank You bother me [Music] thank you [Music] Hey [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 38,661
Rating: 4.6834531 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Wisdom, of, God, Pt, 1, The, Value, Of, Wisdom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 16sec (5416 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2012
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