Keith Moore The Wisdom of God Pt 8 Choosing The Right Counsel

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everybody stand let's praise God again that he is our provider Lord we thank you then we we're so well cared for so blessed thank you Lord we do not lack because you are Good Shepherd thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord praise you lord set out loud I will be a blessing to a lot of people I will have the resources the money and the stuff to put into the kingdom of God to help people in Jesus name hallelujah and I don't care what it looks like right now don't you let it move you I don't care if you can't you don't have two dimes to rub together what does that mean you know things can change so quickly if you'll just hang in there stay with God right be faithful glory to God I know you know we're going on on this Wisconsin meeting in just a couple of days here and they were loading their clothes and stuff and man I got some many nice suits good gracious I cut I got some clothes man nice stuff top quality stuff and I was reminded that for years and years I wore a little cheap stuff and I thank God for what I had but then I thanked him for the good stuff that was coming and the years went by everybody say years I'm not talking about three or four now another five years would go by and I'm still just you know not feeling like I'm well it's not just about having nice stuff I want to represent my office properly right I want them you know and I'm I preach you know that God wants to bless you if that's true there should be some evidence of it in my life too right and and anyway just believing for it but uh I remember when I was going to school I had two little threadbare jackets and you just can't quit you just have to stay with anybody just and what I mean by that you did you just stay after it year after year decade after decade right and there will come a time in this life there will come a time when you will be standing and living in what used to be a dream what used to be a dream I was talking to brother Kenneth Copeland no this has been a few years ago and he took me up in his office and we were looking out his office overlooks his place and man he's got a fine place and we were talking about it how that everything was paid for everything everything all the land all the buildings all the aircraft all the computers all the equipment all you know and he said I'm living in my dream there was a time when he would have just been thrilled to get to fly somebody else's little airplane and now I got the best in the land didn't happen in 10 years or 20 but he said I'm living in my dream and when Phyllis and I are beginning to see that what was just a dream 20 years ago 30 years ago we're living in it and a lot of you are beginning to see it in your life right but it was just a dream maybe not even a dream to you a few years ago well stay with it God is faithful his word is faithful and it will happen for you and you'll see your faith will turn to side praise God you can be seated and if you had turn to proverbs please proverbs the fourth chapter proverbs chapter 4 if you didn't bring a Bible with you we have extra things would be glad to let you use Bibles that is and hold up your hand and use one of ours it'll help you to make the effort to turn in the Bible for yourself let your eyes rest on the verse it's showing respect for the word check up on me make sure I'm reading it right and remind yourself that this is not what I'm saying but it's what the Lord is saying we begin a few weeks ago on the subject of the wisdom of God the wisdom of God we want to continue that this evening and we begin with our text in Proverbs 4 proverbs the fourth chapter and we'll begin at verse 5 proverbs 4 5 starts off by saying what get-get-get wisdom and what get understanding who is the understood subject for these sentences here you you get it then are we just to sit by and hope it falls on us sometime are we supposed to get up and get it well that's one thing that we're doing a big part of what we're doing in these services and series that we're not just coming here to talk about it I hope you're here to get it can you get some tonight I thought if you didn't then either you or me or both of us missed it right because we're supposed to that's what we're here for are we supposed to get something every time we come to church every time we open our Bibles and read every time we pray in worship God are we supposed to get something yeah we are he said get wisdom get understanding forget it not and either decline from the words of my mouth forsake her not and she shall preserve you what will preserve you preserve you from what well yeah somebody said destruction trouble failure loss can wisdom safe your hide keep you out of a problem it can love her love what wisdom and she shall keep you now did this sound both of these sound like protection don't they protection the fool just blares on and gets destroyed but a wise person sees and understands and avoids it stops changes course makes adjustments right and misses the problems which one are you it's not a trick question not everybody answered they're like what do you want me to set no fool are wise which which one are you yeah this is a faith Church you don't check see how you feel are you track record or you don't look somebody else go what do you think am i fool doesn't matter what they think what do you believe as a person thinks in their heart that's the way they'll be believe in your heart and say it with your mouth it'll be that way to you so get put your faith on it put your words on it I am a wise person I walk in the wisdom of God I'm preserved I'm kept in wisdom he goes on to say wisdom is the principal thing is wisdom important therefore get wisdom and with all your getting get understanding can you see an emphasis in these verses what sit on get it get what get wisdom and get understanding get it get it so I we have something to do with this the Lord has given us instructions giving us a charge for us to be take the initiative if you will about this and not just wait passively but will be on a quest if you've been with us we've gone over a lot of things already about the wisdom of God one thing we saw reading later chapters is the Bible said wisdom cries and calls for us and calls for the simple this is hey simple fool dummy simpleton don't stay in your simplicity come here come here I got something for you right cause Baba said wisdom is calling and what else did he say who else was to call then we're told later in the book here where to cry after wisdom to desire it and the hunger for it and of course the New Testament in James says does any of you lack wisdom then do what let him or her ask ask for it pursue it become aggressive and say Lord I'm asking for some wisdom on this and then what do you do Wow we'll just have to wait and see if the Lord decided no he said but let him ask in faith nothing wavering right because if you waver about it you won't receive what does that mean you when you ask as soon as you do you got to say I believe the Lord hurt me I believe I received my wisdom and I'm looking for it it's coming to me I will know what to do I'll understand God's Way in this thing he's ordering my steps he's directing my path he leads me I have an unction of the Holy One I know what I need to know and I'll do the right thing I'll make the right choice now what a difference what a difference then pacing the floor wringing your hands going oh my god using the law name in vain what am I going to do I don't know what we're gonna do what in the world Christians should not talk like this what in the world are we gonna do I did man I hope I don't miss it y'all pray well you'd negate our prayers you'd nullify the effects of our prayers with your unbelieving mouths it's a fact No let's agree with God never Malachi said your words are styled against me well our words can agree with him which is really what confession means if you look up the Greek word for confession it means saying the same thing if he says you're righteous what do you say I sure don't feel righteous brother Keith and if you knew everything I did you What did he say him who knew no sin was made to be sin for us so that we could be made the righteousness of God in Christ he's been made unto us wisdom righteousness sanctification Redemption the New Testament says so what do you say I've been made wise I have the mind of Christ you gotta say it when you feel dumb as a post when you just got through doing a dumb thing that's when you need to get up and say no I don't care I don't care I'm not moved by that that's behind me now I have the mind of Christ right and I do the right thing and I'll make the right decisions then your words wouldn't be against what he said about you but it would be an agreement with him and your cooperating with the spirit of wisdom in you and on you right never talk being dumb never talk being slow never talk being dull don't talk about how would you get in in your memory slipping don't don't get me started on that it's ridiculous is what it is the outward man outward man is getting older and growing older but the inward man and your minds a part of your inward man is being renewed day by day mentally and spiritually and solidly you're supposed to get sharper and stronger and brighter and more brilliant the older you get it's a fact in the word truth I should say in the word and if you believe the truth the truth will make you free from all that that other stuff well we we saw that we must cry after wisdom we saw that wisdom and understanding go together we saw that to grow in wisdom one must be teachable now we've spent hold of services on this and the resources are available out there and online for you to check out if you want to get caught up with us we saw that to grow in wisdom you must govern your mouth right fools just say whatever crosses are mine wise people use their words for specific purposes to accomplish things they use their words as tools instead of just being chatty we begin last week talking about walking with the wise and counsel of godly and ungodly so look at this again you there in Proverbs turn over to the thirteenth chapter you're believing with me tonight I don't have a plan to go long I don't if we get through in 30 minutes and we're through that'd be okay with me but this I've told you before this is a series I haven't talked like this before and so are you believe in with me on this and we didn't just come to chat about it a little bit we came to what get get some wisdom and wisdom is not just information the Bible talks about the Spirit of the Lord is upon me the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord and he makes me of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord but did you hear spirit spirit spirit Ephesians 1 he talked about praying that the spirit of wisdom and revelation right can you get another increase in the spirit of wisdom in yen on you every time we have one of these services I'm getting mine you best get yours nobody can get it far you say it out loud I'm here for it I'm getting mine let me pray over you now and agree with the prayer father we're all before you and we're endeavoring to do what you told us to do you said get it so here we are and we know the scripture says wisdom comes from your mouth and these words are out of your mouth so we're after them and we're after the spirit of wisdom and an increase in the knowledge of the holy and understanding and the wisdom of God so give us all ears to hear an utterance full and complete and precise and got us exactly in the way it should go this evening and by faith before we ever go step further we believe we receive it wisdom and understanding the spirit of these increase in our lives now in Jesus name Amen in proverbs 13 are you there proverbs 13:20 we've read this before it says he that walks with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed does it make any difference who you run with who you keep company with who your companions and your friends and your buddies are basically we're talking about spending time with people is it going to affect you who you spend time with absolutely if you company with fools fools get destroyed for want of wisdom we just got the reading earlier wisdom will keep you wisdom will preserve you what if you don't have it what if you're devoid of wisdom and understanding and you're full of foolishness then you don't get preserved you don't get protected you don't get kept well if you run with people that are full of foolishness will that affect you yes it will yes it will don't think you won't don't think you can spend all this time with folks and not be effective but what if you company with lies people and people it's full of faith and full of the word will that affect you already has you didn't used to think like you do now you didn't used to talk like you do now you've changed I said you've changed people who hadn't seen you in a while tell you that some I'm not so sure if it's good or not no you're you're different you're different well Jesus was different right as he walked the earth and the disciples in the book of Acts were different the Bible said the leaders looked at him and took knowledge in him when they saw him standing up so bold and doing miracles and preaching and proclaim that they had been with Jesus you hang around faith you gonna start talking faith what about if you hear doubt and unbelief all day you'd like for it not to affect you but it does so a companion of fools will be destroyed but he that walks with wise men shall be wise the Lord is the one who said this he knows this and he has planned for you to keep company with people that you're going to be influenced for him by last year and this year and should he tarry his coming for the rest of your life there are divine connections as many times people don't see them because they think well we just hit it off they like me and I like them and we just like to spend time together do you know how supernatural it is that they like you so well and don't see your an emphasize your faults and your weaknesses and your immaturity is an idiosyncrasy zijn and how that you liked him and you just loved them and you just mostly see their good points and don't even hardly notice the other stuff that's supernatural and so many times people think well we do we just look each other we just hit it off and we just have good fellowship no no look again look again and you'll see divine connections same thing about churches I don't know if the people that have told us you know the first time I walked in this place I just knew it I just felt at home I just I just felt better not ever felt anywhere well now don't get me a wrong idea I think that that's a reflection negatively on some other place there are a lot of wonderful churches and ministries right I mean all over the world but there's a right place for you at a specific time and in that place you got a witness and you got Grace and it's because you're supposed to be connected with those people and with that ministry with that church or whatever it is for that season you're supposed to get a supply of the Spirit you're supposed to be influenced with wisdom and faith and love right this is what God has arranged for all of us now the devil also knows this so what do you think he seeks to do he seeks to sever you from these connections so that you're cut off from this supply that you're supposed to get look in proverbs 15 you're there just turn the pages so over 15 31 15 31 says the ear that hears the reproof of life abides among the wise now abide what does that mean live it also means to stay so a why we've already been through this in some detail a wise person is one that will receive correction even reproof and rebuke but what about a food a wise person stays for they're supposed to be hooked and receives the instruction but a fool does not abide a fool does not stay are y'all with me verse 32 he that refuses instruction despises his own soul but he that hears reproof gets understanding and the fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom what's what is the fear of the Lord yeah but what is it it's real its reverence its respect its honor for the Lord and for all his things right all his people and all his things and before honor before you get promoted what happens every time you humble yourself you humble yourself you take your correction you humble yourself you get your instruction you humble yourself admit where you might where you're wrong make your adjustments then what happens promotion and honor are you with me now then what happens you take your instruction you take your correction you take your reproof you admit for your wrong you make your adjustments you learn and grow then what happens promotion glory to God then what happens take your instruction take your correction make your changes right stop what you need to stop change what you need to change start what you need to start then what happens promotion then what if you get to a place for your faith no I don't like that i receiving that all i'll have to take that don't have to put up with that you stop where you are no more progress and if you insist on that you'll start regressing right because he says this many times before honor is humility but pride goes before fall means down right damn now this is not true for three or four people this is true for who say this is true for me everybody everybody I've told this before but it'll be a repetition when I was uh oh I don't know ten years into the ministry I was immersed in the healing ministry for which I thank God it was healing I taught healing in the morning I taught it in the afternoon I taught it went out on weekends and taught it in different parts of the country and it was healing healing healing so and I studied people that had been used of God outstanding individuals from years past and recent and far past and over the years I begin to see a number of these people who were you talk about miracles you talk about being mightily used of God a number of them died young died prematurely and a new that wasn't right a number of them got into error begin believing and teaching stuff about themselves that wasn't right you know you can God can only promote you and advance you as far as your humility will carry you it's just a fact the the point where you start getting huffy you start thinking you're something that you're not that's where everything stops right there and I studied this and thought about it for months and months and it began to weigh on me so much I begin to think Lord these people I can see from their writings I can see from how you use them they knew you I can see that they knew you better than I know you they knew you were better than I know you were they knew your power far greater than I know it how can I keep from doing what they've done it begin to concern me and I came in one time to the speaker's room before a service and it was on my mind and hearts but I just fell in the floor and begin to pray I said God help me with this I I don't see how they could have kept from doing it I know less than they do how can I keep from doing it and the Lord spoke to my heart I don't mean to hurt an autumn 'voice but very distinctly inside me while I'm laying there in the floor he said son your humility is your protection from deception then he went on to explain to me he said your humility is your protection unless you stop right here how many understand which would be more wisdom humility or pride there is no wisdom in pride but a person who really had some understanding and wisdom is going to operate in humility because they're operating in reality in truth and this is what the Lord said to me about these things while I'm laying I don't mean I'm hearing an audible voice but inside me how many know the Lord speaks something to you in a moment of time it takes you a year to try to explain it but he's inside you so he's not limited to words and as I'm laying there I saw and he said this to me he there's some of the specific people that I was so concerned about but I didn't see how they were so close to God and how they messed up so much he said Keith I said I to correct those people I even seen individuals of my other ministers too and I found out later about one of the specific somebody that was privy to it told me the same thing the Lord had told me years before that they had sent a minister to them and told them these very words this is not right you need to back off of this he said it wasn't that they couldn't keep from falling they got to a place where they wouldn't listen to me they refused my instruction they refused my correction how many understand this is being a fool and what follows when you refuse his instruction and correction destruction before you know pride goes before a fall and he said son you have no no thing to be concerned about them you any of my ministers any of my children you begin to get off I'll show you if you're not getting it the first time I'll tell you again if you're not getting it then I'll increase the volume if you're not getting it the tenth time I'll send people by if you're if your heart will be open to it I'll send people by the question is not can you be protected the question is will you listen will you receive it will you heat it or will you become haughty and say oh no I don't want to hear that one one particular person you talk about the dead raised in their ministry more than once signs and wonders but they started teaching some things on in times prophecy and so many people followed them until people thought well that all these miracles look at this he has to know what he's talking about and he didn't see results in one area of your life does not confirm your whole life or everything you say and do and so they started teaching all these things and see God not he in the ministers position especially one that has a lot of influence he has an obligation to all his people that are being influenced by this ministry he can only let stuff go so far and he and in one fellow who was I'm stood at the head forefront of ministry during that time in a certain area internationally known God sent him to this man they were friends he said my brother son so you know I love you and I don't know of anybody that's used like you in this area but now these things over here that you're teaching out of the book of Revelation and about the seals and the bottle he said it's not right and you're misleading the people and you're not a teacher that's not your car here's a man who's mildly used of God himself how many know we're not the only one who has the Holy Ghost and somebody of this caliber you should take heed to and listen but he said no no now I want to teach it and I can do what I want to and in three years he's dead so the Lord will join you two people that will influence you with wisdom and faith but what's the end of me always trying to do get you separated and then he's got some fool friends set up for you right because is he interested in your destruction he only comes to steal and to kill and destroy and food companions of fools will be destroyed so boy you're singing his song right be a fool get destroyed that's one of his advertisements you could be a fool today here I have lots of full friends that you can hook up with and hello boy this is so big I'll see if the Lord let me get into this later but one one way that he works is through flattery he tries to get full friends into your life through flattery and making much of you and depending on how much pride is there is how much they got to work with would you like some more of that y'all see what's been taking me so much time hadn't got to point one yet go with me to Galatians while I'm here let me just talk talk some about this let's see Galatians the fourth chapter and there's a phrase here in a scripture that in the King James a lot of folk I think you've missed the way it's worded but let me give you some other translations give you some context Galatians the fourth chapter the Spirit of God through Paul is speaking to people that got born again through his ministry and if you read particularly Corinthians 1st and 2nd Galatians Ephesians these epistles you'll see especially in Corinthians 2nd Corinthians he got into this a lot there were some false apostles that had come in and were pulling the people after themselves and away from Paul have you read this enough to know that and he says this to them in Galatians 4 he said verse 16 Galatians 4:16 am I become your enemy because I tell you the truth they talking about these people they sell ously affect you now that's the talk the phrase I'm talking about in our modern vernacular when we hear that most folks just what is zealously affect what does that mean they zealously affect you the Williams translation says they pay you special attention one translation said they seek your favor they are zealous to win you over but what but not well another translation says not for good for no good they're trying to win you and he went on to say that they would exclude you exclude them what does that mean the NIV says what they want is to alienate you from us that you might affect them in other words they don't really care about you they just want you to support them so they're making a big deal out of you now but their objective is not your good but it's oh you'll make a big deal out of him now these people these Saints at Galatia Corinth emphasis Phillipi cetera had God joined them to Paul if they stayed hooked with Paul is there wisdom in him is the revelation of the plan of God and redemption if they stay hooked with him what's going to happen to them you walk with wise men every year they would grow wiser and stronger and wiser the devil knows that does he want him to grow stronger no they're already causing him problems right so what does he won't he wants some dumb clueless ignorant right praying wrong and getting no results no confidence no faith not a clue who they are in Christ no boldness no authority exercised right how can he do that got to get them away from Paul you see how the devil thinks on this we got to get these guys I mean he has a demon staff meeting and goes look now we got to every time Paul goes back to this church and has an extended meeting they come out of there so fired up and full of a Holy Ghost and you know what they did they've been cleaning house on us we got to get a wedge between them and Paul we got get them unhooked from his ministry so this thought well how we gonna do it well there's some selfish guys over here is trying to build something for themselves influence them give them devilish wisdom and see we talked about this last week is there a devilish wisdom see the devil knows these guys not just they not just go roll up and go hey we're more Apostles than Paul is forget that guy I know you got saved and healed unders ministry and got out of poverty and everything that's but forget him and come support me they gonna go forget you so the devil's subtle he's crafty right and so he comes in making a big deal out of him you know Paul doesn't appreciate y'all like he should and you know you have you have such a powerful ministry and he's never even let you say a word in his meetings has he and they don't acknowledge your gift and they don't give place to your anointing what is this jealously affecting courting it's like a man courting a young woman but he doesn't care about her he wants her body and that's all he cares about but he knows that angle work did you stroll up and say hey get in the bed with me now but if he'll butter her say what he thinks she wants to hear did you hear there's a devilish wisdom and that's what the enemy is doing in and then Paul is warning them he said said look now guys look at what's going on here oh yeah there they're making much out of you they're telling you all this stuff but they don't care about you they just trying to get you away from us so you'll support them and make a big deal out of him you suppose I still going on today yeah well the devil is using the same same old stuff now go with me please to the book of James and let's review this and then I want to give you another example tonight go to James 1 James 1 how would you be protected from this kind of thing fools eat up flattery wise people don't you know the Bible said concerning Jesus you've been reading your chapters you read this not long ago the people came and we're going to make him King remember that and the Bible said he just left them he just walked away and Airmen their big hip who hip hip hoorah because says he knew what was in man and didn't need man to testify for him but how many know lesser men would eat that up o me King here kid get out of here really you think so fools are full of pride and pride blinds you Obadiah three since the pride of your heart has deceived you otherwise very intelligent people get dumb when their pride is rampaging there's the plan of God right in front of you there's the right thing to do right there but you don't see it because of pride the biggest fool around is the devil he was in the presence of the Almighty he had a place in God he was gifted he was graced he was beautiful and he the Bible said he if you look up the words he twisted the wisdom God gave him so that's where this devilish wisdom came from God didn't create devilish wisdom he created via anointed cherub with beauty and wisdom and then the devil twisted it can you take what God gives you and twist it we ought not to but you can where you holding your place right now good James 1:5 talked about asking for the wisdom but James 3 skip on down to there for times sake James 3 verse 13 who's the wise man and endued with knowledge among you now this is very important he's telling us how to identify wisdom of God let him show out of a good conversation his works everybody say works you show me somebody who's got some wisdom of God I'll show you somebody you could see it without them opening their mouth it's not just talk it's evidenced by what they do their works and they'd even show out of a good conversation his works with what with what meekness of wisdom you show me a wise man or woman of wisdom of God and we can show you what a meek not weak meek humble now meek and humble is the furthest thing from weak and secure that there ever was weak insecure people are the loudest and the pushiest did you know it the most demanding rude pushy they call themself being strong but it's because they're so insecure they don't know who they are they're not secure but a wise person has humility they go hand in hand and they don't feel the necessity to try to correct everybody and straighten out what everybody said about me cuz I Know Who I am God knows me right they're not running around trying to correct everybody or try to check to see what somebody said about me they're secure keep reading but if you have what bitter envying and strife in your hearts when you hear people start talking and they're supposed to be giving you good counsel wise counsel but then you hear them take off on these tangents of you know what so-and-so has and what they did and you just don't think that's right and you don't think and strife you can you can detect strife and you can detect jealousy you know you're sitting in the presence of devilish counsel devilish wisdom are you with me because this wisdom he said is not from above it's earthly sensual devilish wisdom for where envy and strife see him he mentions it again he already said it in verse 14 but he reiterates it what what do things Envy and so many times when people are criticizing somebody about what they have or what they're doing that's what's behind it they just want it for their self they wish that wish they had it instead of him I just don't think they're the right one for the job well who is well I might be available then we can't talk to you Oh your thinking is colored and skewed we're not gonna get wisdom of God out of you right but the wisdom that is from above when you're in the presence of real wisdom of God what is it you have the feeling even if you you could just close your eyes and not try to listen to the meaning of all the words you just sense purity and you sense peace there's a gentleness nobody's trying to make you do anything nobody's trying to rip you from somebody or force you in anything there's a gentleness this wisdom is easy to be entreated full of mercy good fruits without partiality there's no respective persons and without hypocrisy there is no falseness no deception it's real it's genuine and it's owned the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace hallelujah but we just got this what we've talked about so far and operated in him it would have we would be able to three words out of somebody's mouth and we'd know whether we need to hear the rest of it or not right there's counsel coming from all kind of places the Bible said there are many voices in the world and none of them without signification but there's only one I want to hear right there's only one counsel I desire the counsel of God the wisdom of God because he's right he knows the best way to handle it and what to do and what's going to produce the best outcome go with me to a second Chronicles please can you take some more second Chronicles and the tenth chapter now last week we ended up talking about the counsel of a heifer fell anybody remember that a hit the fell the Bible said in those days anybody inquired at a hit the film about counsel it was like hearing from the mouth of God did you know you could be that way I said did you know you could be that way if when people talk to you about things you'd know when to be quiet and not say anything but you'd know what to say when it was appropriate and how to say it and people hear and you talk about it it'd be like hearing God talk he Jr I said he is in you why couldn't he bring influence your mind why couldn't he influence your words coming out of your mouth then why wouldn't it be like hearing from him mr. frensky I just think that smart ain't got to do with smarts men talk about smarts talking about wisdom there is a spirit in the godly in man the scripture said that gives wisdom the spirit of God's in you giving you wisdom well a headful fell used his wisdom against God's anointed and it was his downfall wasn't it well here's another example and this is so clear as to the the difference in counsel in this happening in second chronicles the tenth chapter this is Solomon's son Solomon has just died and now Solomon's son is taking over his name is Rio Boehm 2nd chronicles the 10th chapter and as he was taking the throne and getting started in his reign he called for counsel everybody said counselor 2nd conical 10 in verse 1 Rio Boehm went to Shechem for the Shechem where all Israel come to make him King I mean the whole nation is there represented in delegation he has complete support of the country who's his daddy who's his grandpa day God gave David total victory over all his enemies and Solomon inherited vast wealth and enormous amounts of land and wealth and the first thing what did what's the first thing Solomon did when he came to power he got to praying and seeking God what did he ask for he asked for wisdom God actually came and appeared to him after he you know about people ignore this but you got to back up and see Solomon gave some huge offerings that's what preceded this thing he gave some giant offerings and God showed up in his bedroom and says what do you want I'm said well I don't like that brother Keith you link in there with that I didn't link it go read it this is the reason people don't like it is because the truth is your heart and your pocket are connected people don't like that because it shows up something they don't want to look at if God's got all your heart soul mind and strength he's got all your money and all your stuff it's the fact and Men Solomon demonstrated he said I mean I love God with all my heart let's worship God and boy they had a time of worship and they started offering and they brought lambs and they brought bulls and you ought to go back and look sometime at the thousands and thousands and thousands he spent money like water and God says what do you want he said god I need wisdom to lead your people give me a wise and an understanding heart and God was pleased at what he asked and he said he was going to give it to him and he did now this is what real bone grew up under it's reason I'm saying all this we need to be reminded of this this man grew up in Solomon's house David's his grandpa he we read about the the Queen of Sheba remember that came to hear the wisdom of Solomon and when she saw how Solomon came to his throne and and the ceremony and how they ate and how they set the table and how the cup bearers and the ushers and everybody conducted themselves the Bible said it took her breath away she's a queen she's not living in a hut on the side of the road and she the thing she saw was the wisdom of God they did everything the right way because he had so much understanding how many know there is a right way to do everything there is a best way to do everything and then everything was so excellent and so glorious that's what reborn grew up in now he's taking the throne and all the whole nation showed up and the Bible said in verse 6 well scuse me I'm moving too fast Jeroboam verse 2 came and spoke for the people verse 3 and 4 he said representing all the people he said your father told my Solomon made our yoke Grievous now therefore ease thou somewhat the grievous servitude of your father and his heavy yoke that he put on us and we will serve you and he said to them come back to me in three days so the people left are you clear on what's going on now now Solomon had built some stuff had knee and he had pushed these people for year after year after year and they came and said we think you're great we're so glad you're on your daddy's throne we're here for you could you could you lighten up the servitude so because man it's it's been a long time and all this night night and day work we want some relief so riobamba took counsel with Hoover six he did what what's he looking for what what do you need in a situation like this what would his daddy have done he would have done what he didn't the money was there that same spot salt the wisdom of God well he knew the rote so he called for the counselors and these are the men that have stood in Solomon's presence for decades they've heard him judge cases they've heard the wisdom of God flow out of his mouth and he's appointed them he must think they got some too and they tell young real boy everybody say young they said he said what counsel would you give me to return answer to these people and they spoke to him they said if you'll be kind to this people and please them and speak good words to them I might say today they'll be your servants forever I know you the King I know you the sovereign monarch and your word is life and death in these here parts but you asked us so we're telling you and how many understand as we said this ain't their first rodeo they've seen a lot of stuff coming up they said if you will be kind to these people today and and have some gift to you and say yeah yep okay that's not unreasonable we'll look into this we'll make some changes that's that's fine he said you do that they'll serve you the rest of your life and verse eight he did what he forsook the council which the old men gave him and he took counsel with who his young fool buddies can you see this now God has wise companions for you he's got people that he's hooked you up with but that sometimes they may say something you don't want here but he says if you don't want to hear that he's got some fool buddies for you we won't ask for any testimonies about anybody that ever chose the fool buddies but what will the fool buddies do know we've already talked about this flatter flatter because they care about you no they don't care about you it's the devil and the devil knows this works so what did they do he said what advice do you give that I tell these people because they said II somewhat the yoke that your father put on us in verse nine and the young men that were brought up with these spoke to him they said this is what you say to those people you say my father made you said your father made our yoke heavy but you make it lighter for us and this is what you say to them my little finger is going to be thicker than my daddy's thigh who's he talking about Solomon the wisest man on the planet who had millions and millions and millions in revenue that he was getting from new sources of income and he had peace and he had control and he is building and he's pops up he's and he's young he hadn't proven anything and he said you tell them my little finger it's gonna be bigger than my daddy's Lawrence Big Talk nothing to back it up right and you tell them verse 11 you tell them my father put a heavy yoke on you that ain't nothing I'm gonna put more on your yoke my father chastised you with whips I'm gonna whip you with scorpions what is this this is devilish ungodly counsel why wouldn't he see it they're saying uh-uh hey you got to show them you're a bigger man and your daddy you got to show me nobody running over you you got to show him who you are oh you got to put them down hard and his flat appeal to his flesh yeah I'm tough I'm bigger than my daddy you keep reading the whole nation except for the tribe of his walked the nations split and his split the rest of the time you reading about it in the Bible and this is where it happened right here could it have gone a different way they the whole the whole bunch of them left him all except just a few and they had Wars and untold scores of thousands of people died and perm all in the next generation and the next generation and the next could it have been different if what if he could have listened and put his stupid pride down for one day and just come out and acted like he had some sense and say I understand we have been having a lot of building projects y'all have been being pushed night and day and I don't want to abuse you and I don't to push you to high I will look into this I will get this fixed what did the wise men tell him and this was the counsel of God they will serve you the rest of your life he chose the ungodly counsel and all they had to do was flatter him a little bit stroke him a little bit about how tough he was and how big he was and how he had to put his foot down and show folks he was a real man the Bible says only by pride comes contention can you see the pride is some ugly stuff oh it's some bad stuff can pride blinds you from the counsel of God can can pride cause you to be your mind to be in such a case that the wisdom of God is being told you his coming is right in front of your eyes and you don't even see it yeah so what the Lord tell me laying in the floor there those many years ago what do you tell me your humility is your protection from deception in order to get the wisdom of God we must be open we must crucify our flesh and seek God's way no matter what we thought about it go to Psalm 1 and I think I can close anybody remember the first song he singers and players you know do you all remember that someone I sing it some time ago it's been a while back see if you can think of it I'll lead you here in just a minute Psalm 1 what does it say blessed is the man that what walks not in the counsel of the ungodly let's just stop what if you do walk in the counsel of the ungodly we just saw a man choose it over good counts of what happened to him he was cursed his kingdom was destroyed and split he was dishonored right the loss of human life the list goes on and on and on but if you walk in the counsel of the godly you'll be blessed if you don't walk in the counsel of the ungodly you'll be blessed nor stands in the way of sinners read it out loud with me nor sits in the seat of the scornful this stuff right here could you see in scornful you can see envy and strife people talk scornfully you can you hear the tone the tone scorn Envy strife angry you hear those tones and you see that and you should know immediately I'm not going to get any good counsel from them there is no wisdom of God going to come to me through this this is the wrong spirit because the wisdom of God is what pure peaceable gentle easy to be entreated right full of good fruits and mercy without partiality without hypocrisy right that's how you know you're in the presence of good counsel nor sits in the seat of the score for you don't sit with folk and listen to that stuff do you but his delight is in what you see that's what they had then they just had the law now we got the law and we got the Psalms and the Proverbs and we got the prophets and we got the Gospel accounts right we got the Word of God the Word of God is what he delights in semester that's me that's me his delight is in the Word of God the word of the Lord and in his word he does what he meditates that he thinks it and he talks about it day and night and what happens he'll be preserved he'll be kept he'll not be divided and destroyed but he'll flourish like a tree planted by the rivers of water and he'll bring forth his fruit in his season he will not go decade after decade barren and dry but they'll every time he's supposed to produce how's she supposed to produce they will produce and even when it's tough times roundabouts and other people are drying up on the vine his leaf shall not wither who and not just three or four things but what whatsoever he doeth shall prosper glory to God glory to God the ungodly or not so the fools but they're like the chaff which the wind drives away then God will not stand in judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous for the Lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly Shall Perish is the way of the Lord the way of wisdom and righteousness and godliness and purity and peace glory to God stand upon your feet Oh hallelujah hallelujah lift up your hands lift up your heart begin to pray pray on your understanding pray in the spirit oceany calibre amended gear state sake via de Bosco overland blaming and more cream by their story Cree's diva LeBlanc and knock on door at non-standard Balaji tariffs nestea crazy yeah they start you pray this out loud then we'll pray some more prayer that loud because you mean it in your heart father God any of your counsel that I have ignored or rejected or failed to recognize I ask you to help me to see it and forgive me for it and any pride and ignorance and haughtiness that's hindered me our given place to the enemy's flattery help me to sit and by your grace I'll put it aside I'll put it under and yield to you ungodly counsel people situations sources that have tried to stroke me flatter me jealously affect me help me to see it helped me to realize it and not yield to it not listen to it but only to your counsel only to your wisdom my eyes are on you hallelujah how'd enough thank him for it in the understanding and in the spirit thank him in the spirit to Lord we thank you co tres t4 Adonis fuller a Moscow on quarry brief stay on better honest Adachi thank you for revealing the ungodly wisdom the devilish wisdom the pride the flattery thank you for unveiling it and showing it dango La Costa black of identity a Jota stole Jelena money instead he led a for Diwali blob at the dose was so good of all Tara Jordan Steele Allah blade Avandia known the gone on Dear John diamante boughs the old olive of the club at the le blaze day June Donna mother Gandhi and the Ming's Canterbury embrassed Oh Oh sale a play for the balaclava da covilhã brandy le brain minimum didn't even beat even batik oven Johnny vomit even John Deborah Soddy price t total stole plaster Chando mesh what do you do if people try to flatter you what do you do well you change your subject and if that doesn't work you get away from it right you change the subject politely nicely and and if somebody's got some understanding they'll pick up on that and they'll they'll get off of it if not if they insist on it and keep trying to flatter you flatter you and and and work you then you know they have an ulterior motive they have a bad agenda you need to separate yourself from them at least for that moment and if they keep doing it you just you just find something else to do or whatever same thing what if somebody wants to talk bad about other people to you people that you hooked up with your friends in God your family did you hear me now what do you do change your subject I'm if you need to interrupt them and change the subject right and what if they don't pick up on that then you need that you need to get away right because that's wise you you put yourself in the same position that Adam and Eve are in standing around the tree and listening and having no that one thing led to another and the more Eve listen the more convinced she became is that right and what you used to just walk to it said no quit talking it to me you listen to it long enough he starts making sense to you right because the devil is very crafty he's very subtle he's very tricky but off you'll do this a wise man will do this and if you'll do that you'll keep yourself that wisdom will preserve you and protect protect you and keep you can you say Amen y'all think we can sing this yeah give me a faith answer yeah they work what can you see blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly standeth in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and he meditates it night and day Oh blessed is the man who meditates at night and missing that first part again what winter let's man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly a standeth in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and he meditates at night and day o blessed is the man who meditates at night and day how will he be he shall be like a tree planted by the waters like a tree planted by the waters that brings forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither he shall be like a tree planted by the waters not got tree planted by the water like a tree planted by the waters whatever he do it shall prosper ha ha you believe that we're gonna sing it a few more times the reason I'm doing this this will get in your spirit and you'll go around singing it tonight and tomorrow and the next day are you ready the Bible says blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly a standard thing the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and he meditates it night and day Oh blessed is the man who meditates at night and day how will he be he will be like a tree and it Bible sing it loud like a tree planted by the waters that brings forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither he shall be like a tree planted by the waters like a tree planted by the water like a tree planted by the waters whatever he do it shall prosper there goes singing again then we'll sing the course a few times will dismiss singing that how many believe that you don't listen to the counsel of the ungodly you get the counsel of God from his word and his people right and you walk with the wise and you become wiser you stay with what God hooked you you'll be like a tree planted by the waters blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly standeth in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and he meditates at night any day whoa blessed is the man who meditates at night and day he shall be like a tree planted by the waters like a tree planted by the waters the brings forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither he shall be like a tree panic by the waters like a tree planted by the waters like a tree planted by the water whatever he do it shall prosper you can sing it as you go hallelujah buh-buh-buh-buh blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly a standard thing the way of sinners sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and he marinates it night and Oh blessed is the man who meditates at night and day he shall be like a tree planted by the waters like a tree planted by the waters brings forth his fruit in his season his people flows shall not wither he shall be like a tree planted by the waters like a tree planted by the waters like a tree planted by the waters whatever he do it shall prosper he's up [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 7,814
Rating: 4.6399999 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Wisdom, of, God, Pt, 8, Choosing, The, Right, Counsel
Id: kN2HslAtLKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 43sec (5143 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2012
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