Pay Attention Part 1

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well this has been going over in my spirit for some months now and just pondering it and I believe we're released to launch out on this new series tonight go to proverbs please the third chapter proverbs chapter 3 you believe in with me a lot of these things I've never taught before I'm believing God for utterance and an Ordnung thanks guys y'all can be seated I guess you knew that but uh leaving the Lord for things to come out exactly what the Lord would have us to hear and see so that you're not just hearing me you're hearing him I'm hearing him you're hearing and things that may if we've let them get away from us that we get them back again you need to be reminded or and I should say things we've not seen before things that are new to us you believe in with me that I mean I can't produce that you can't produce that but he can show it to us very easily and how many would say that the word that you have seen in years past has changed your life well is there more to see then could your life be as changed again as it already has been over the years and even more so absolutely because the entrance of his word gives light proverbs the third chapter proverbs 3 we'll begin in verse five proverbs 3:5 it says trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths be not wise in your own eyes fear the Lord depart from evil it'll be health to your navel and Mara to your bones now the amplified says about verse 6 in all your ways recognize know recognize and acknowledge him and he will direct and make straight and plain your paths how many are interested in the Lord directing your paths and making straight and plane plane means it's clear to you it's obvious does that sound good to anybody well we have a part in this the verse didn't begin by describing him directing our path what does it begin with well verse 6 now specifically in all of our ways we are to know recognize and acknowledge him then as that's tied to him durand he'll direct and make straightened plane you pass the the BBE says in all your ways give ear to him go over to the fourth chapter here you're in proverbs 4 and the first verse just the next chapter and the first verse here you children the instruction of a father and attend to no understanding Young's literal translation very very accurate the translation says you sons the instruction of a father and give attention to no understanding you'll find this phrase several times in the book of Proverbs give heed hearken give ear to what I'm saying that's how you described it if you skip on down to verse 10 in the fourth chapter here here oh my son and receive my sayings what will be the result the years of your life shall be many what if you don't some have misquoted scripture and left the idea and implication that you have a like some folks will say well the Bible says it's appointed unto man a time to die that's just some rain happens down here in Florida sometimes but the verse did not say it's appointed unto man a time to die he said it's appointed unto man once to die and in fact if you read in Proverbs you reading to cleave zestes you read in other places there are things you can do that will shorten your life cut it in half song says bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days will you cut your life in half what in God's plan you did it but here we see and in numerous places certain things you do it says it will prolong your days it will add years to your life no there's not a calendar date and time that it's a point for you to die Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and when you know click-click when it's up boom your time came not true I said that's just not true this is not true Paul talks about in Philippians he said which one I will choose I don't know I have a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better but it's needful for me to remain here with you what's he saying which one I shall choose I don't know what's he saying whether I stay a while longer or whether I go I don't know which one I'm going to choose see a lot of folks then they wouldn't believe that and yet his Bible read to read the book of Philippians and you see as he continued talking I'm gonna paraphrase he basically said you need help so I need to stay and healthy he is that in other words if it's just up to me I'm out of here and he said it's far better to be with Christ than to be here on planet earth but you need me so I'm gonna stay longer you keep seeing if your if you'll not let religious tradition blind your eyes you keep saying throughout the word he has left a whole lot up to us he has well he said if we would acknowledge him he would direct our past here he says in verse 10 here my son chapter 4:10 received my sayings and the years of your life will be many look at verse 18 the path of the just is as the shining light this shines more and more unto the perfect day the way of the wicked is as darkness they know not at what they stumbled the path of life following the light in his light you have light gets brighter and brighter the path away from God gets darker and darker and you get you have less and less understanding and more and more confusion I mean should be obvious the further you get away from the light the less you're gonna see is that right should be obvious but the closer to the light you are the clearer and plainer everything is verse 20 my son attend to my words incline your ear to my sayings look at listen to the NIV please put that up guys NIV verse 20 my son do what hey that's how we'd say it today well attend to my words that's the same root word as a tent John attend which we wouldn't say it that day hmm when's the last time somebody in normal conversation said attend to what I'm about to say that's not how we talk why would you say pay attention that is the title of the new series pay attention pay attention my son pay attention to what I say listen closely to my words do not let them out of your sight keep them within your heart isn't this a continued description of pay attention for they my words are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life hallelujah did he change subjects paying attention to him includes paying attention to your heart because that's where he is I said that's where he is is God in the believer is he is his spirit in us well if you want to be spirit led you need to be heart aware because he's gonna lead you through your heart not head led remember proverbs 3:5 trust in the Lord with all of your heart lean not to your own understanding if somebody's gonna call you no need and hugging the refrigerator because they're not gonna call you through the refrigerator right no need and hanging clothes around the washer or dryer if somebody if you know somebody's trying to call you and communicate something to you what do you need to have clothes by the phone because that's the medium that they're going to call you through right and if you're not aware of the phone you could miss the call right or if you got the phone muted and can't hear it right and you say well why didn't you call me and they said I did call five times I didn't hear you just cuz you didn't hear doesn't prove they didn't call oh come on somebody somebody alert and awake in here huh just because you didn't hear them calling is no proof that they didn't call all it proves is you didn't hit right and all how true this is with God if you want to be led by him in all of your ways and directed by him and in him making your paths plain it begins with acknowledging him is that right in all of your ways trusting in him with all your heart not leaning to your own understanding many Christians feel hard at God many have quit going to church quit reading their Bible could pray because they got upset God why why wouldn't you answer me why wouldn't you talk to me why did you let me walk into that accident and get taken by that financial scam and and marry the wrong person and have a terrible divorce and all that why why God that is asking the wrong questions completely wrong thinking wrong questions here's the question you should be asking why was there not paying attention why didn't I pay attention well I did I didn't hear anything that doesn't prove he wasn't talking to you we need to learn how God communicates with us and then we need to pay close attention to what he's saying communicating to us night and day is that Alright Saints are you are you okay with this go to the New Testament please to Romans the eighth chapter Romans chapter eight help your neighbor out look over at them and say pay attention pay attention now let's let's pause to think about that why would the Lord say pay attention huh why does the teacher in the classrooms need to say listen pay attention for flight why would she why would he or she need to say that because folks are looking out the windows somebody's writing a note to their girlfriend come on you listen somebody is that right somebody's trying to text under the desk come on are you with me why would you need to say pay attention because we live in a world full of distractions and we have invented electronic devices to multiply these distractions a thousandfold in addition to the things that people have always had to distract them we've got buzzing x' and beepings huh and ringing x' and notifications and huh and if you let it you can be continually distracted and miss all kind of things hmm how many think people driving automobiles on the road should pay attention to what's actually happening with the car where it's going and who's around them is that right you see people bless their hearts in the grocery store in the drugstore forever run over you oh oh didn't even see you were there they're living in their own world oblivious that there is a world of other people doing other things around about them and he said a lot of people are hurt they're killed because they weren't paying attention is it God's fault that they were cut short in life that their life was cut short is that God's fault was that God's choice for them to not be paying attention no it was not he really has left a lot up to us he's not going to force us to pay attention to the most important things in life but if we're wise and that's what the proverbs is a book full of wisdom and that's why he kept on saying I mean if you if you want to take the time to do it it's it's a good study my son do what pay attention pay attention listen take heed to this one this will save your life hmm this will protect you this would cause you to prosper there's no what he's saying oh is that right well see that's what God is saying through this whole book through every part of it listen pay attention this will save you this will help you in Romans 8 are you there Romans 8 I want to remind your if it may be the first time you're hearing of the primary way God communicates with us on a daily basis in Romans eight and verse 14 Romans 8:14 says for as many as are led by what by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God are you a child of God do you have the Spirit of God in you can you be led by the Spirit of God if you're being led by the Spirit is that going to turn out good or bad there are no spirit-led disasters there are no there are no spirit-led disasters spirit-led failures though or not if we had a disaster we were not paying attention to the spirits lead because he would lead you email even if you got yourself into a big mess if we listen to him he'll lead you out of it he'll lead you out of financial disaster into abundance do you believe it he'll lead you he'll lead you out of breakdowns into peace he'll lead you out of chaos into victory do you believe it but you've got to pay attention to him can you pay attention to of the things other than him hmm what give me some examples what could you pay attention to instead of him so much that the news yeah not a good idea of it yeah what else hmm problems right you got a problem we forgot a physical problem you got pain you got problems you got symptoms could you pay attention to that instead of him and we will we won't see our healing looking at the symptoms he's not leading us to focus on how we feel he's not leading us to despair over a bad report if we're doing that we're not being spirit-led come on you with me but if we if we're following him again and again he'll tell us quit looking at that pay attention to me my son pay attention to my words listen to what I'm saying right keep it in front eyes keep it in your heart don't let it depart from your eyes it'll be life to you and it'll be healing to your whole body is that what he said but first of all you got to what pay attention to that not the symptoms not the symptoms not how you feel if all you pay attention to is the latest medical research or the latest drug in development if that's all you pay attention to you're not listening to him if all you're paying attention to is how much you owe and what you don't have and how bad the economy is you're not paying attention to him now we've all done some of this but let's wake up let's learn to listen as many as or what led by the Spirit of God they are thee sons of Gus sons of God can be led by the Spirit of God not head led not feeling led not need led not report led spirit Lee spirit lead come on set out loud I am a child of God and I am spirit lead I'm led by the spirit not all these other things oh you'll be tempted to because they are distracting they will demand your attention which is why he needed to say over here over here look at me back up we were there in 8th chapter back up to the fifth verse eight five they that are after the flesh what do they do mind the things of the flesh but they that after the spirit you could say they mind the things of the spirit here's a great word people whom you might consider to be very spiritual and maybe they are there's not that much difference between you and them they've just learned to pay attention it's as simple as that there is a vying for the mind on the planet there is a vying for mind time and like I said in our generation our generation has admitted all kind of stuff to next level occupy your mind you can be occupied with something 24/7 right other than him and what he said continually distracted but verse six says to be carnally minded is what death to be spiritually minded is life and peace as esse thou keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee well if your mind stayed on him you're paying attention to him you're focused on him we have a choice every day walk by faith or walk beside walk by what we believe trusting him with our heart are about what we're seeing and hearing and feeling in this realm you know I I have to deal with thoughts just like you and when I went to when I went to stand up and say you know months ago somebody's going to give us one time offering 1 million dollars thoughts came to my mind you want to say that you sure you want to say that huh what if it doesn't happen he but do I need to listen to that or if days and weeks and months pass and doesn't happening you don't know how it could happen you can get to looking at something else thinking about come on you see what I'm talking about if you speak to a body part maybe a kidney hadn't been working right what do you need to do hmm well if they say well that's it's dead it's not going to work well faith calls those things that be not as though they were and faith will say kidney pay attention here here's a great truth we're getting into if you learn how to pay attention to him you can learn how to make things pay attention to you but first comes pay attention you pay attention to him because as you as you seek Him and wait on him he'll show you what to do here show you what to say show you how to do it and then when you do faith comes by hearing you heard from him faith is their kidney listen to me live and work right in Jesus name come alive be normal be healed and work perfectly in Jesus name well if you really believe that something would have begun right then just like when Jesus spoke to that tree but you know you couldn't see any change in that tree the same moment he spoke to it it was a day later hours later and they discovered it dried up from the roots so when he spoke to it something did happen but it happened underground where you couldn't see and so when you speak to that body part then you could still be tempted yeah but it don't feel and yeah but this and yeah but the test yeah but the other and so you got a choice do I look at that do I pay attention to that and say well that's it it didn't work or do you pay attention to what he said no he said that if I'd say it knocked out he'd come to pass everybody okay with this go back to verse 15 you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear if you pay attention to the wrong thing it'll make you afraid but you've received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the spirit itself isn't most translations now say Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God this is how he communicates with us the Spirit Himself is not an angel not another human being the Holy Spirit himself in us bears witness with our spirit not our brain not our reasoning not our flesh our spirit you are a spirit God is the father of spirits right now you're looking at me through those two windows we call eyes but you're inside and this body is just your house and even if you lost your house if your body died you still exist and you're still you you'll just slip out of it like a hand comes out of a glove and that's not even the end of the body later on the Lord's going to change it he's gonna raise it up you're gonna get it back and it's going to be perfect in every way but you are a spirit and the Spirit of God is in you and he communicates with the part of your being that's the same material that he is for lack of a better word spirit - spirit for instance this is flesh and I touch Victor saying here that's flesh to flesh can you see that but that's not spirit to spirit his spirits inside my spirits inside but the Holy Spirit there is no veil of flesh between you and him he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit and as brother Hagin my father in the faith used to say oftentimes we need to become more God inside minded we need to be conscious of the Holy Spirit in our spirit 24/7 we need to pay attention to who's in us what he's saying what he's doing do you believe you can the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit go to the book of Hebrews please the second chapter I'm laying a foundation can you bear with me Hebrews chapter 2 hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 Hebrews 2 verse 1 says therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed now we again we don't use that kind of language heed take heed what would you say pay attention to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip put up the amplified on this please since all this is true we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truths that we have heard lest in any way we drift past them and slip away did you hear that language drift past what the truth that we heard King James says let it slip can you let something very important get by you and slip away from you why would that happen because you weren't you weren't paying attention for if the message given through angels was authentic and proved sure in every violation and disobedience received an appropriate penalty how shall we escape if we neglect and refuse to pay attention to such great salvation as is now offered to us letting it drift past us letting it drift past us the further I go in life and walking with the Lord in ministry the more I see this how that answers that people are seeking for they have already heard they have already heard solutions to difficulties that are just bogging up folks is life they already have heard it sometimes years ago now I'm not going to talk much about you I'll talk about me but I've seen in my own life repeatedly that I'm looking for something looking for something looking for something needing something needing something and win by the grace of God I finally got settled on it I realized he told me that last year he told me that five years ago well how'd I get in the place where I'm still looking for it huh I didn't realize he either through a number of things when I saw it heard it understood it I didn't realize it was him or if I did I didn't realize how important it was and so I didn't I didn't focus on it enough and I didn't act on it and the danger in not acting on the light that you have is that in a short amount of time you can forget it you can you can let it slip away you can drift past it and let it drift by you and yet it was your answer now after the Lord's already showed you the answer but you didn't pay attention to it and you're looking for the answer you're looking for something else and you're not gonna find it because he's already shown he doesn't change he's not going to change just because you didn't pay attention to it five years ago ten years ago he's not going to say they're never gonna find this so that's all right where are you I'll just change to adapt to you not gonna happen you got to come back to him you got to come back to him because his ways the best right if he adapted to us true thank God he doesn't our way he's not gonna be better than his what we're thinking is not never gonna surpass it his ways are higher everybody wait let's we ought to pay the closer attention than ever to the truths we have heard somebody say pay closer attention to the truths we have heard lest in any way we drift past them slip away go to the book of James please I'm believing God are you believing with me book of James 1st chapter chapter 1 and 20 - thank you lord but be what doers of the word and not hearers only what happens if you hear it but you don't do it deceiving your own selves what does it mean to be deceived being deceived means you believe something is true that's not true hmm your deceit you think it is and how did you get that way not doing what you heard verse 23 for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he's likened to a man beholding his natural face in a glass we'd say a mirror what happens verse 24 he B holds he looks at himself in the mirror and then goes away and straightway means immediately does what forgets what manner of man he was or his reflection or what he saw and and and how quickly does it happen immediately but whoso looks into the perfect law of Liberty and continues there and he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed or in his doing God is faithful he's good and he doesn't make us wait on him wait on him for answers we need but so often because of carnality and because of dullness folks are not aware of him and too focused on other things and so even though he's revealing he's showing not hearing and it can come on your ears and come into your eyes and you just look at it and go yeah yeah that's nice next and that was your answer that would have fixed the problem that you've been crying yourself to sleep about but you're like oh yeah okay yeah I know that verse that verse has been in there why would you need to say my son pay attention why would need to say that it's not because it's so hard to understand it's because we have an adversary and he is the master of distraction and he is working continuously just like the Spirit of God is saying pay attention guess what the enemy is saying hey hey over here over here over here look at this feel this jeer what they said did you see this agents of his work against us on a regular basis to bombard us with thoughts and suggestions and feelings and reasonings which is why the scripture said trust in the Lord with all of your heart why because that's what the Spirit of God is gonna lead you through your heart and do what don't lean to your understanding why because that's how the enemy is going to contact you to what you see what you hear what you feel reasonings and it's our choice whether we're carnally minded and focus on that or whether we're spiritually minded and listen to him listen to him have you ever heard somebody say I knew I shouldn't have done that huh I want to show of hands has anybody ever heard somebody say that I I knew I shouldn't have done that I knew I shouldn't have gone there I knew I shouldn't have got involved with them on that I knew well if you knew why did you go on and do it what happened you didn't pay attention one of the problems is people have not been taught to pay attention spiritual things hadn't been real enough it was there it crossed your mind you had a sense of it don't go there but you had already made your plans and they're waiting on you so you paid attention to that and them and ignored him didn't pay attention to him paid attention to them we've all done it but how many you want to be spiritual huh how many want to walk by being spirit led instead of all this other stuff it's not as hard as you think like I said people that are really spiritual people there's not that much difference between them and you they've just learned to pay attention and instead of ignoring it instead of overriding it they stop they pause I'm gonna tell my dad I'm not tell my feelings in your body I'm talking about the knowing the witness on the inside hmm and you don't have to know why why I should not go this where faith comes in you don't need to know that I tell folks I told somebody recently they wanted me to get involved in something and and I said well you know no well why I don't need a reason not to do it I need a leading to do it I don't trust my limited knowledge I know I don't know everything that's going on and I don't know the future I want to know if I'm there he's in it because if I'm following him he can protect me he can keep me if I'm doing what he told me to do he's gonna provide for it come on can't you see this but I must pay attention what causes you to become more aware go with me over to the book of Jude or they can just put it on the screen for us just one chapter and Jude put it put up verse 20 if you would you beloved do what building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit this is spirit food and it will nourish you up words of faith will feed your spirit and your faith faith is of the heart faith is is like strength in your muscles is like what faith is in your spirit where your muscles need to be fed and exercised and they get stronger where your spirit needs to be fed and exercised and it gets stronger well the more you exercise something the more aware of it you are anybody ever exercise the muscle that you hadn't exercised in a long time well next day were you aware of it why were you never did any calf raises or something like that Oh buddy and you hadn't done any in 10 years and you got carried away and just decide you do a bunch of them well the next day and especially the day after that you know exactly where that muscle was attached up at the top and at the bottom is that right and you feel every fiber of it why are you so aware of that muscle because you used it you exercised it and now you're much more aware of well when you begin to feed your spirit and exercise your spirit you begin to be much more aware of your spirit and the good thing about that is that's how the Holy Spirit communicates with you is through your spirit the more aware you are of the flesh that's not going to help you to be spirit led the more aware you are of your intellect it's good to develop your mind but the best thing it's going to develop your mind is God's things it'll enlighten your mind it'll come out of your spirit and enlighten your mind but you don't just you can't just think your way through everything people think they can't but you can I know when some years ago I was I was praying about something I had been off and on for days I was looking for an answer looking for an answer and I shouldn't say pray I prayed a little bit but I was thinking a lot I was thinking about it and I thought and I thought and I thought I thought and I thought and I thought days I remember I was in the bedroom thinking Lord and so I just lay there quietly and thought and the Spirit of God inside me prompt I don't mean to hurt a voice but real strong in me he said don't think pray went right through me and I saw it you know from things of God you can see it faster in a split-second than you could explain for two hours I saw what I was doing I was going through my knowledge like you'd go through a file cabinet and I was looking for my answer in my mind and I look and I look through it and then I start again and I've looked through all the files so I start on this side I'd go through there then I start on that side and I go through there and pick them out one at a time and go through everything or any knowledge and understanding that I had and I've been through these files over the last month a hundred times if you go through these files carefully thoroughly a hundred times what might you conclude it's not that what I'm looking for it's not in there and so much of what we need is not there it's not up here you're not gonna find it up there and that's one of the Spirit of God said don't just think he's not saying never think he still might right now don't just lay there and think pray well how you gonna pray beyond thinking thank God for the Holy Spirit thank God for the ability to pray in the spirit in the Holy Spirit now what he's talking about look at it again verse 20 you beloved do what building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit well the more you do that your spirit is active now you're going to become more aware of your spirit and is that good because the Holy Spirit is in you and he's going to communicate to you through your spirit he bears witness with my spirit go to first Corinthians 14 please I know I'm giving you some Scripture but we're laying the foundation and I'm excited because we're going to learn how to pay attention and we're gonna quit missing things I said we're going to quit missing things and we're going to save ourselves so much trouble in the future by wandering around looking for something the Lord already told us we can pay attention to it the first time get it right the first time hallelujah you're going to 1st Corinthians 14 the way the Lord does things he will give you answers that are seemingly unrelated to what you asked him and that's one reason it's so easy to ignore and not pay attention because you think what's that got to do with this if you're full of leprosy he'll say go dip in the river didn't a man struggle with that I almost missed it why he wasn't giving this the respect that he should have he heard it he thought what is that dip in the river I got rivers at home I could have come out I did not come all the way here you tell me to go dip in the river he's not paying attention he's leaning to his own understanding can you see this he's not trusting by the grace and mercy of God he got over and said well let's just go do it and because he was a doer oh come on can you see then he discovered it really was his answer to be in healed of a terminal incurable condition Jesus spit and put mud in the man's eyes didn't he well I want that got to do with being healed he does things like this he says you need tax money go fish and so your head can say I don't need to go fishing I need tax money and so you're gonna it's gonna be hard for you you're gonna struggle and you're gonna look for your answer and look for your answer and look for your answer and you need may not be met come on can you see this because you didn't pay attention to what he said go fill the waterpots full of water we don't need water right we don't need water what is Jesus mother tell him whatever he said just go do it tell me another way of saying that hey pay attention to what he said yeah but yeah but yeah but but how come why see there there is this underlying pride can you see this in not listening I know what I need and I don't need water I know what I need and I don't need to go dip in some muddy river I know what I need now I don't need to go fishing well that's that's hardiness truth is you don't know what you need do you knew it all you wouldn't be there asking for help you wouldn't be in this shape there right what you want to do is be ready to do exactly what he says even though something it'll sound so simple it can be as simple as go to that meeting hmm read your chapter I'm serious huh I know the Lord gave some answers right here tonight how about this looking at your stuff and then standing up and saying some things that's an answer but what if you didn't pay attention to it then you could next year you could be crying because your finances are still not where they need to be hmm he says things directly to you through his words he speaks to you by directly through his spirit and he speaks to you through other people and a spiritual person recognizes him no matter who you're hearing him through our high school you know him well enough to know hold on now that's him and take heed where are you you you're in first Corinthians 14 glory to God thanks be to God first Corinthians 14 he's talking about praying in the spirit and singing in the spirit and he he contrasts it in first Corinthians 14 still breaking this new Bible in uh he said verse 14 if I pray in a tongue what's happening what's happening my spirit is praying but my understanding is unfruitful why because it's not my understanding this prayer it's my spirit some folks have fought this because they didn't understand it what all that praying in stuff you know a lot of people who tried to say well that's not for everybody it's for every believer every Christian needs this what was the Spirit of God telling me I'm thinking thinking thinking it I checked all my files and it's not there what's he saying quit just thinking quit looking for it up there and do what pray how how can you pray if you don't know whoa I can pray and what to me is an unknown tongue it's not unknown to God may not be unknown to angels but it's unknown to me how do you do that only by faith but my spirit is praying while my understanding is unfruitful keep going verse 15 what is it then I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also I will sing with the spirit I'll sing with the understanding also hallelujah when I'm praying in the spirit like Jude says I'm building up myself on my most holy faith I'm praying out mysteries back up to the second verse of chapter 14 he that speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but under God for no man understands him howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries mysteries some translations say divine secrets things we'll see the thing I was looking for with the Spirit of God is helping me is a mystery to my mind what can I do I don't know I don't know how to pray about it that's when he said quit just thinking pray pray in the spirit so I did I just begin to pray in the spirit I don't know exactly what I'm saying but I believe I'm praying about this I believe I'm asking the things I need to ask I'm saying the things I need to say for God to help me give me what I need so I'm praying in the spirit and so I prayed that way for I don't know 45 minutes or now and then I still don't know the answer in my head but I got a knowing in my spirit then I got it I will know it I will get it cuz I prayed out the mystery and your heart can know things your head doesn't know you get excited in your heart about it and your heads going what what what are we excited about because it's your understanding is unfruitful and you said let's just wait you'll see because the Holy Spirit's not in your head and he doesn't bear witness with your head in fact it tells us don't lean to your own understanding but the Holy Spirit bears witness with your spirit is that right the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord searching all the inward parts of the belly Oh friend we have such an advantage over everybody else on the planet that's not doing this we have such an advantage if we will only learn how to pay attention to what he's saying what he's doing in the middle of the night if you'll just get quiet and quit doing all this all this feeling stuff just turn that off push it aside and just focus on him inside you he's right there right now I said he's right there right now and if you focus on him thoughts can come right up out of here and illuminate your mind from him but it can be so I mean no loud organ music or no flashy things going on it can be so simple that you can ignore it it can be so normal-seeming to you you think well that was just a thought yeah but where'd it come from thoughts come from different places thought there's some thoughts that come from out here you need to cast down oh but they're thoughts that come from the inside of you and it's from him it's an answer I'm gonna tell my hearing a voice I'm not talking my seeing anything but I'm not feeling anything I'm talking about it comes from the inside of you it illuminates your mind and you just know you just know how did you know you just know you have an unction of the Holy One and you know all things that you need to know somebody said I have an unction I have I have an anointing of the Holy One and I know and we're gonna pay attention stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 3,693
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Id: UGog4tkVy9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 49sec (3949 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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