Keith Moore The Wisdom of God Pt 7 The Counsel Of The Ungodly

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thank you guys singers and players well would you open your Bibles tonight to proverbs the fourth chapter if you didn't bring a Bible with you the ushers are there in the aisle and they'd be glad to get a Bible to you use one of ours if you didn't bring one tonight make the effort to find the scriptures as we turn to them let your eyes rest upon them let them get in you everybody read your chapter this week good good good hallelujah just for clarification on that uh that word supplies somebody might think we'll brother Keith you have you decided that it's wrong to sell tapes and books no I said Sunday no no have sold books and tapes for four decades and will do so when and where and how the Lord directs me to it no I don't go out and say brother Keith now believes it's wrong to sell books and tapes no no but we're taking a step of faith in this area there was a time when Phyllis and I didn't have the money to drive out of town to go to a meeting so if somebody invited us they pretty much had to pay for our us getting there and back and for our room and our eats and we did that for years years just for we works if you wanted me to come speak at your church I didn't have the the word withal to just show up and pay it all up front and ahead of time and so for years you know now I never asked anybody for an amount I never have and never will I have to have this much to come to you or you have to guarantee me this or that I have never done that and I never will but you know the church would pay for me to get there and paid to get me home and pay for my room and that's nothing wrong with that that that's great that's fine but several years ago we got to the place where we said we're gonna take care of that and it's not going to cost you anything for us to come we'll pay you know we'll paint we're gonna pay our own way we've got our own aircraft we'll pay for the fuel will pay for the I people ask me a lot time that comes with brother Keith how much did it cost you to fly that thing here I said don't be concerned about yeah we got that's already done and most of the time we pay for our own rooms and our own eats and everything well because we can and because we our faith has grown are you with me now to where to us it's not a deal and so that's what we're doing with this we're just taking another faith step that we believe we can show this right and I believe they're here how many understand you can be so blessed that you can just underwrite all kind of stuff and it's easier to you then the little stuff used to be I mean you can you can just take and keep taking steps of faith and you know we're we've already begun we're putting a ton of material on the internet that you download for free there's no charge now let's get it it's hitting us for thousands and thousands a month and we're just happy to do it right and we've got it are you happy because we got we've got it we're not behind on anything we've got lots of money glory but I believe one reason is because we're so in we are doing some major seed sowing right and so you gonna have made your harvest and there's no time to stop and slow down increase your sowing increase take big steps and just keep coming up keep coming up keep coming up I don't know what a blessing it is these these two stations are stepped out on already underwritten for the air well we sold prior to that didn't we what about our steps ahead of us we got to keep sowing so that when we get to give to them there'll be just diseases everything else we've ever done by the grace of God we are givers that was a little weak you me this church we how menacing you got takers in this world and you got givers how about us we're givers we'd love to give we live to give we give big and of course when you do that you reap big thanks be unto God hallelujah I could preach about that the rest of the night proverbs the fourth chapter that's uh going somewhere in a meeting uh a while back guys are with me we got talking about it I said you know you got givers and you got talkers anybody know what I mean by that i you I don't tell you these kind of things but I we had more than one person call us and tell us they're going to pay this building off I'm Tom I like when we were three months old and one person very strong about it and what they were gonna do this never gonna do that and how they were going to do it and actually they're in another country I didn't know and when they told me they coming back the next day and they said you know you didn't sound - you didn't seem too excited when I told you that well this ain't my first rodeo I've heard a lot of stuff before and I have discovered you've got talkers and you got doers givers people who are really givers they just do it shows up at your door did you hear me did you know just there it is and you find out that they sent it other folk these people wanted to talk this person particularly wanted to talk and talk and wanted me to come and do this want me to come and do that if I now to tell them no no no I can't show you favoritism because I think you might show some money into here no God did with you to do something do it well they didn't like that they paid him mad and I never heard we never heard from him again and great cuz me and you've been sowing in this thing and we're gonna get all the rewards out of right you got talkers and you got doers givers which one are we Dores doers givers we don't blab about it and talk about it and whine about it and discuss it and just cut know pray about it in your own heart and then when you get your do it do it act on that's where I got to last Sunday when I just made that decision you know I made that step without even saying a lot about it I've been looking at this thing for a year and I was feeling like boy you know what to do now anybody know what I mean by I mean after a while you get to the place where I I did I didn't want to go too long to where I felt like I'm dragging my feet on this deal cuz I'm a doer don't do anything just off the top of your head make sure and if it's God today it'll be God tomorrow make sure but when you're sure don't talk don't play doo doo doo everybody said out loud I'm a doer how I'm a doer I'm a doer of the word of God hallelujah proverbs 4 are you there I'll see if I can teach this cuz I don't know we're on other things tonight seems like hallelujah you're believing with me there right proverbs 4 will pray and then we'll follow the Lord whatever that is father we thank you tonight oh how we thank you for your great goodness to us what blessings we've enjoyed what success progress you've already given us in this family in such a short time and that we're not just always on the receiving end you've enabled us to give and bless others and to so much seed our eyes are on you increase it many fold to your glory rescued open our eyes and our heart enable us to see hear and receive of your perfect word and perfect will tonight and we purpose not to be hearers only but by your grace we'll be doers and put it into practice and we know as we do we will be blessed because you are so faithful to watch over your word and perform it in our lives in Jesus name Amen thank you lord proverbs the fourth chapter and the first verse here you children the instruction of a father and attend to no understanding for I give you good doctrine forsake you not my law for I was my father's son tender and only beloved in the side of my mother he taught me also and said to me let your heart retain my words keep my Commandments and live get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth forsake or not and she should preserve you love her and she shall keep you wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all your getting get understanding get it few weeks ago we began talking about this and studying this pursuing this talking about the wisdom of God according to this text and others we're charged to get it well when you told to get something you don't just lay around lazily and do nothing and wait for it to fall on you right you get it get it appropriate go lay hold of it my granddad called us to the table sometimes and he'd say uh come on boys we stayed my grandparents loved when we were small my folks were working justly during the week and he'd say well peas and poem eat it or leave it alone we ate a lot of peas I like peas and when you're called you're you you don't just sit there at the table and cry and say nobody had passed me the fees there's the piece right appropriate and when it's on your plate get it and when it's available to you get it get it get it well it's wisdom available to us is understanding available to us but we have to get it so we have been and we've been acting on this word every time we come here on these Friday nights I am I am come here to get some wisdom in preparing to minister to you I was after it right get to get some understanding to get some wisdom and so we're not just talking about this subject we are acting on these words in these sessions I'm stirred in my spirit about this are you at all I believe I've already received more wisdom and understand all have more wisdom and understanding that I had before we begin this I'm seeing things I haven't seen I'm understanding things I haven't understood God's given us light on this not just to talk about it but to receive it let me review a little bit for you we said what is wisdom well we said literally it means skillful skillful well how do you understand that well we talked about the three things knowledge understanding and wisdom they are not the same knowledge is knowing something it's being aware of something understanding is having insight into what you know I mean I fly and I go to school all the time and something that I've been endeavored to get more understanding on its turbine engines because for four years now whatever I've been flying I've known how I've known what the engine does I've known how much thrust it puts out I've known a specific fuel consumption I've known a number of things but I did not understand I'd still look at it and go how does it do that are you with me on that now I know this engine produces 2200 pounds of thrust at this temperature I know that but how it does it is another thing that's where the understanding now somebody who overhauls turbine engines they understand how that engine will suck in a bunch of air and spray fuel in there and ignite it and compress it and blow it out and make that first they understand how it does that but you can ride on an airplane and without understanding any of that you just know it does it but you don't understand how it does it like brother Hagin used to say as a little boy he could not figure out how a brown cow eat green grass give white milk churn it and make yellow butter he could not figure that out as a little boy but all the while he's are trying to figure it he's a drink in the milk and he's the heat in the butter so you can enjoy something you don't understand but to go to certain levels of something you got to have some understanding so I'm just trying to differentiate between knowledge and understanding but now wisdom is neither of these and that that's what's you know people talk about going to school and getting wisdom not necessarily you can come back with three degrees you can be a so-called walking encyclopedia and not have any wisdom you can be a so-called walking encyclopedia of knowledge and be a fool no got knowledge and you got under standing into the knowledge some insight into how this thing works and why it works where it comes from and where it's going understanding or between you got wisdom which is divine skills I mean it is it is from the grace of God it is the gift of God grace that he puts in your insides skill of how to use what you know skill of how to use what you understand and he said it is the principle thing and everything you get get it get it if you've read proverbs and I encourage you to while we're studying this read proverbs you know if you just read one a day or something read some of the Proverbs he goes into it he said you know you it's more valuable than me anything you could get in this world any amount of gold or silver or jewels nothing's to be compared to it is it is the wisdom of God worth more than all the money in the world it is one of the most tormenting things in this life is not knowing indecision not knowing what to do not knowing what's going on what to do next that the torment of the ignorance and the confusion and the indecision the Bible calls it darkness oh but in his light we see light and when light comes you know what to do when light comes you no more no longer second guessing everything and wondering should I should and I will they or won't there is it the will of God or is it not all that stuff is darkness we have an unction of the Holy One and the Bible said we know by the assumption all things we have the mind of Christ we're supposed to get up and know what to do and know where to go and know how to pray and know what comes next no no no no no now you will not know that and operate that way by watching eight hours of TV a day our bet is reading a bunch of ungodly publications or by talking a bunch of unbelief with your buddies down at the job but if you'll come in with God if you'll feel yourself full of this word if you're speaking a new tongue and build yourself up on your most holy faith light from the inside of you will begin to come up in an increasing measure and illuminate your mind and you'll know things that you could not have figured out on your own you'll understand things you could not have understood on your own things will happen other people are panic and you'll just be as cool cuz you'll know what to do come on now you know other people will be stressed challenges of life will arise you'll get a bad report and you just look at it and go no no no I was praying about this the other day I didn't know it but it was and I just know in here what to do about this I don't know what to do I'm gonna stand on this I'm gonna say this I'm gonna do this I'm not so this see them and do that and it's gonna be okay the wisdom of God knows the way out of every difficulty and the way through every challenge and attack you do it you do believe now that no there's nothing and nobody that can stop God huh hey nobody nothing could ever come up there isn't there's no situation in life that can arise that you catch God off-guard and he goes huh I thought about that has never happened never will and the one who already knows the answers to everything is not some far-off place he's inside you he's right on the inside of you right on the inside of me so why shouldn't we be tapping into this wisdom but don't just be passive about it What did he say get it get it be aggressive get up in the morning looking for you is defore the day right talking faith saying I'll know what to do I'll make her the Lord is ordering my steps he's directing my paths I'm his sheep I know his voice I'll do the right thing I will make the right choices I'll make the right decisions I will know what to do and you got to say that when your head feels like a foggy morning this is my faith you got to say I will do the right thing I will make the right choices with it when you it's obvious you made the wrong choice the last three times we walk by faith we live by faith let's talk faith in this area and the more in agreement you get with him the more wisdom will flow to you now last Friday we went into some detail talking about well let me let me I'm still moving a little bit too fast here we we talked about how we can increase in wisdom how we can get more wisdom we said you must value is them the Bible said wisdom cries for you and what must we do we must cry out for it we must hunger and desire for him we also said you must be teachable among other things now what's happening in being teachable God is giving you wisdom but the question is would you receive it so there's a lot of folk that God's given and wisdom and they don't want to hear it they don't want it like that it means I got to change it means I'm wrong and they just don't want it that way that I want to hear it and when you're is when you refuse truth what else is there if you reject the truth and refuse the truth you refuse the counsel of God there's nothing left but lies to believe and the moment you do that the devil is going to be right there with an alternative which is not the truth and that's how folk deceived herself but we went on to talk about this last week that one way you become wiser is through association with wisdom remember that proverbs 13:20 says he that walks with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed the English says keep company with the wise and you will become wise you you believe that I'm in this place believe that you hang around wise people I'm not talking about for five minutes a year you you hang around where wisdom is spoken wisdom is discussed wisdom is taught wisdom has lived wisdom is demonstrated what's gonna happen to you you will become wiser you run with a bunch of idiots a bunch of fools I don't care how smart you started out will it affect you first Corinthians says evil communications corrupt good manners it will corrupt you we're going to see that word again tonight corrupt do do not think that you are so strong within yourself in God that you're impervious to any amount and any extent of association with wrong and evil oh it will bother me so you listen to people talk junk all day I won't bother me it already has the thing about it it's subtle I said it's subtle and it happened because it happens gradually you're not you're not seeing it but if you're away from somebody for a year or two and then they see you again they'll see it so it's real simple govern the amount of time you're spending with people in groups of people according to how much you want to be like them right you might say what about me influencing them that's great but are you be honest with yourself who's influencing who here you spend a day with them a week with them are they really getting more holy are you more carnal which one's going on the Lord's talking to some folks right hmm no anyway it is an absolute truth you walk with wise you become wiser now the Lord knows this he's one who said it so he has plans for you and divine connections for you with people that have more faith than you that know more of him than you do that have more wisdom and understanding and knowledge of the holy than you do and if you'll follow his plan you'll wind up at the right places at the right times in your life with the right people and what will happened to you from year-to-year you'll become stronger and wiser right the devil also knows this and so what would you suppose he seeks to do he seeks two things he seeks to separate you from those God has joined you to y'all not sleeping on me tonight are you everybody here help me out no with this kid can you see this the enemy is a divider Jesus talked about this big part of what he does he is a separator he is a severer and here one of his big objectives is to separate you from the people God has intended that you fellowship with because a whole lot of things you're only going to get by being with them they mean let me give you another illustration the Bible said Jesus is the head we are the body now you see my hand moving around here the the direction to make this hand do this is coming from where the head but did it come through the air from the head to the hand no it came through a number of other body parts it came from the head but through the neck and through the shoulder and through the upper arm and through the lower arm and through the wrist what if the hand and the wrist have a falling out and get offended at each other and the hand says oh no I'm tired of you wrist and the rest is well I'm tired of you Han says wrist wrist wrist all wrist in the morning wrist at noontime wrist when I'm sick of wrist and there is says well I'm sick of you I mean you're always exposed everybody sees you and I'm the one supporting you know I'm the one back in you so forget you and the hand says just me in the head that's all I need just me in the head does that work no if the hand cuts itself off from the wrist so much of what it gets from the head is designated of the Lord to flow through these body parts to it can you see why the devil seeks to engender strife and friction and problems particularly between the people God has joined you too because if he can get you and them to get offended and bent out of shape and cut off from each other then he has effectively cut off the supply from the head to you oh yeah you can still go to the Lord and pray and there's some things you can get direct from the head but there's a lot of things you're only gonna get through the parts he's joined you to he's not gonna change it because y'all decided to not walk in love so God is the one who implemented these principles he knows if you walk with wise you become wiser so he has ordained throughout your life people that you were to be joined to in fellowship with and groups and individuals and groups of people the devil knows this so he seeks to separate you from these people and then he has other people he seeks to join you too this gonna take you down the road to destruction with them sinning buddies doubting buddies unbelieving in fear buddies now y'all with me on this the devil has for you fear buddies God has for you faith buddies the devil has for you fool buddies don't go out together and act a fool you can get drunk together you can get high together you can do stupid stuff together you can waste all your money and tear up your car you can kill yourself the Bible talks about fools will not live out half their days you please st says why should you be over much foolish and die before your time there's a whole lot of people that die and think it's aggravating about it if some preachers stood up over some you know young person's casket and said well God and His infinite wisdom saw fit take him because he was lonely in heaven and he he needed another angel in the court no no they were foolish and they died before they turn that's the truth are you with me it's just by the grace of God that I'm standing up here before you because I did some foolish stuff don't look at me like that anybody else ah some stuff I did Rex I had and walked away and I mean you know you turn just the grace and mercy of God but what if we had been walking in the wisdom of God back then then we wouldn't look we wouldn't go through that stuff we would have been acting a fool like that but what grieves me so is to see young people you know teenagers dead at thirteen dead at fifteen dead at sixteen one acting a fool trying to impress somebody doing something stupid they don't not be that's not our kids that's not our youth because we have the wisdom of God and we know who we are in Christ and we got to do something stupid because somebody dared us to we're not so insecure that we have to prove that we're a man I dare you what does that mean why chicka chicka bah but you should just say you look real dumb doing that you're the one plucking when you know who you are in Jesus you are secure in Hill you don't have to do a bunch of stupid stuff to prove that you're a man and you got any courage takes more courage to walk away while people are clucking and carrying on we're going to all jump off that we go to all do this we're going all drive our cars you know 100 mile an hour across the track for the train gets there say well I'm going home hope I see you at school you got fools and you got wise God has given us his wisdom let's get it let's walk in it go with me to James please my my mind I've got enough here for a good book and I know Phyllis and I tell them I just coming over tonight I've gone a little long on the Friday nights but I've told you why I have never taught this this way before I'm sure other people have told it but I've never heard anybody teach it just this way before so I'm taking each step by faith and I'm believing for it so it might take me a little bit longer to get to certain things but you're helping me to get it out right you you're with me we're all believing for this together and so maybe in 20 years the Lord tarries is coming I might be so slick on this I could do the same thing in 30 minutes you know and shout hallelujah but we're developing right ah James 1 are you there James 1 we talked about this already in the fifth verse he said if any of you lack wisdom do what so it is scriptural and it is right to ask everybody say ask ask for the wisdom you you're gonna forget something you don't know what to do don't just pull your hair and go oh you know but it's amazing how many Christians do this oh my god I don't know what I'm gonna do well they're talking unbelief and blasphemy using the Lord's name in vain people think that's a good Christian thing to say no you look up and you talk to him and say Lord I thank you that you're always with me and I'm asking you for your wisdom to how to handle this particular thing and by faith I'm laying hold of it with my spirit I'm getting it by faith and what did he say ask it shall be given to you right he'll give it to you he gives liberally to all men and he doesn't he won't upbraid you and go what a dummy you are yeah you ought to be asking for wisdom nah he's not like that and you gotta ask in faith nothing wavering don't waver and vacillate about it just believe you receive you is 'dom but now going to the 3rd chapter he goes into some detail further into this book about the wisdom of God 3 James 3:13 who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you let him show out of a good conversation of it that's your lifestyle that's your manner of life the way you live his works so that's obvious he's not just how am I talking his works with meekness of wisdom now here he begins to describe godly wisdom and another kind of wisdom meekness of wisdom he says but if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against the truth this wisdom what counter wisdom you got to back up to the previous first what was he talking about envy and strife is there a wisdom that is involved are motivated maybe I should say by strife so that sounds strange to us doesn't it a wisdom that was motivated by strife says don't sound don't even sound right to us does it but read the very next verse this wisdom comes where is there a wisdom that's not of God this wisdom descends not from above well if it's not from above or would it be from beneath if it's not from above it be from beneath below and it is earthly sensual devilish there is brother-sister a devilish wisdom that's one of the name of the series is what not just wisdom the wisdom of God God's wisdom there is a a devilish wisdom a sensual earthly wisdom now now back up again what is wisdom it's skill at using knowledge and understanding are there people in this world that don't even know God but they have a skill in using what they know and using what understand and are shrewd and know how to manipulate well that's a wisdom but it's definition and we're not interested in that at all I'd rather be ignorant I'd rather be a simpleton ignorant than to be devilishly wise know how to manipulate and the scripture talks of the Holy Spirit through Paul talks about people who handle the Word of God even deceitfully you can anything that God gives us stewardship over you can abuse it there there been men and women of God God Greyston with an anointing of ability to speak knowledge of the word and understanding of the word and they felt pressure in some situation and they used it to manipulate people that's bad be just as bad for you to use it to manipulate your husband or off our child or somebody on the job or a sale a client customer right we are not manipulators now the key here is honesty so people do stuff and act like they don't know and then act surprised after they set the whole thing up that's devilish I said that's devilish now notice he gives the the contrast he said that kind of wisdom verse 2 gotta back up to verse 14 where you see that people are in Ving in their heart and their strife motivating them but they have this skill to manipulate he said it's not from above I actually read this it aggravated me when I read him it's well known to nomination if I call the name you don't and they had this whole thesis on something they called divine deception I mean it made me mad that you know be yes some of the people are so simple that in some cases we have to do some things to deceive them it's deception but it's for their own good and in the law are you kidding me any lie is of the devil period he is the liar and the father of it if you're a child of God and you're operating as a child of God you've got two choices two choices only say nothing or tell the truth that's it that's it you don't have to say everything you know you don't have to answer every question you can just say how do some people pressing me about something a while back people some folk impressed me about details about the church and I purposely didn't want to say because it either bragging or comparing or something so they this what about that I said I didn't say they said uh yeah yeah I know I'm asking you I said no no I didn't say what do you mean you didn't say I didn't say and I didn't say because I didn't want to say yeah but we asked you a question yeah but I don't answer all questions you don't have to be mean you're not to be ugly like to get upset you can just go no I don't want to talk about that no I don't but if I do answer something it must be the truth honest there is no such thing as divine deception devilish deception is the only kind he goes on to tell by contrast though the wisdom he said verse 16 for we're envying and strife is there's confusion and every evil work the devil is manifested but the wisdom that is from above now this is what we're getting right that was a little weak that this is what we're getting the wisdom that is from above how can you tell the difference it is pure everything about God is holy and clean and pure it's pure and then what peaceable gentle easy to be intreated you can talk to it easy to be easy to talk to easy to be inquired of and entreated now notice this what a big contrast strife peace man you learn volumes about what's God and what is not just by those two things right there when it's God any anything to do with God any of his things you will sense his presence and his presence always includes peace always he's the God of peace spirit of peace always peace this other I don't care how intellectual how in-depth how intriguing it might have been if their strife in the middle of it you get away from it the wisdom that is from above is first pure peaceable gentle easy to be entreated full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy no hypocrisy no phone enos no fakery right the Lord was ministering to me about this earlier this week about how important honesty is I and we've talked about it we preached about it but I just don't feel like I've gotten half of it out in any area that you that you talk about it comes back to that honesty integrity are you a true person or you fake are you genuine are you phony we live in a world that is full of phony full of it and if you came up in the world then you learned how to do a bunch of phony stuff and you learn how to put on facades and and fake this and that's one of the things that the churches excuse me the ungodly world is so sick of is a fake Church people that live worse than they do you know during the week and they know it but they they put on their religious face actually preach condemnation against them come church time no we must be real if you fail you fail if you messed up you messed up you didn't know it you didn't know it if you didn't do it you didn't do it but you believe you can please God so you get back up and you go on but you don't hide and you don't lie and you don't cover and you don't deceive because if you do the Bible says you forsake you merci and you won't prosper he that covers his sins he won't prosper but if you confess them and forsake them the Bible said you'll have mercy you'll have mercy amen and this is the wisdom of God all this is have you got time for some more this is my first point it is I'm not saying we're covered them all to die but there is a godly wisdom and there is a devilish wisdom go back to Genesis real quickly and the third chapter and let me remind you of this devilish wisdom thank you lord Genesis 3 and while you're turning make these confessions say I have the mind of Christ the wisdom of God is in me in fact let me do it this way you're on your way to Genesis you go right by Isaiah so stop by on your way to Genesis stop by in Isaiah 11 and instead of me leading you in this you read this out loud and confess it over yourself Isaiah 11 verse 2 everybody say this out loud over yourself the Spirit of the Lord rests on me the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord and he makes me of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord I shall not judge after the sight of my eyes no reprove after the hearing of my ears but say this but I judge righteous judgment you don't judge after what you see and what you hear within you ain't walking beside what are you judging by the spirit of wisdom is on me the Spirit of the Lord then notice among other things the spirit read through it again the spirit of what wisdom and understanding the spirit of what counsel and my let's just stop right there that's what we're camping on some tonight counsel counsel this with the Spirit of God counsel you in fact that's one of his names right I mean if you look up the manifold meaning of the word Paraclete that so frequently translated helper in the King James one of those names is counselor you see it an amplified by counselor is he your counselor but when you when you learn about this you won't be running to people so much to counsel anymore you just go straight to the source now what is counsel one word for counsel I looked it up today it's a to advise we use it the same way modern usage to advise our and usually to advise as to a course of action to advise as to a a response or action when you come up to something and you don't know what to do you are not left without recourse you have within you and upon you the spirit of counsel and he will advise you as to the right course of action well there's someone else who seeks to advise you and counsel you directly and through other people and it is a devilish wisdom and it'll put you on a path of destruction and we have to decide which one we're gonna listen to we see I mean from the beginning it was this way in Genesis 3 are you there you remember what happened here from the beginning Adam and Eve out there by the tree hanging around the wrong tree looking at the wrong tree right they had all these other trees had a garden full of trees could have been hanging around there eating fruit off them why is it that the one thing you're not supposed to have hmm the one thing well I could I could metal there had God given them counsel already had they received godly counsel and wisdom see wisdom gives you revelation about the plan of God and about the future had they gotten any wisdom from God about this he told them you don't eat of the fruit of this tree because if you do here's knowledge right knowledge this is evil this is bad I've told you right what does bad mean they wouldn't have had a clue here's understanding here's bad you eat it you die right that's understanding and it's wisdom that foretells how this thing will turn out if you do it they have received the counsel of God it didn't vex them it was pure right it was gentle it was peace it was life and I don't know how long they made it walking in that counseling wisdom until they got to hanging around this tree too much and now they're hanging out here and here's somebody else to give them some counsel or y'all with me now is there a lot of counsel around and there's a whole lot of free advice and a lot of it's worth about what you paid for but where's that counsel coming from here the enemy the Bible said verse 1 Genesis 3:1 now the serpent was more what subtle subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made he said to the woman yea as God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden the woman said we made of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die she's not confused she's been counseled and the serpent said to the woman you shall not surely die what is that that is a bald-faced bare face despicable lie and that's who he is and that's what he is no he's not you you won't die and see here's the wisdom now his devilish wisdom no you won't die see God knows that when you do eat this man you'll have wisdom like he does what's this about she saw it was a tree to be desired to what to make one wise to make one what what appeal to her oh man you'll know you'll have wisdom you'll be like gods they already were you'll be you'll be like gods and you know good and evil and you know he's telling her about this wisdom what a paradox self-contradictory thing to say and do what do you mean this is going to make you wise this is the dumbest thing that anybody ever did on the planet and it was done with the promise of oh you'll be so wise the Bible says concerning the devil let me read don't don't turn there but let me read this to you Ezekiel 28 the Prophet refers to the king of Tyrus and as you read through the passage you can tell he's talking about Lucifer and this is what it says thus says the Lord God this is Ezekiel 28 12 tell them I talking to the enemy the devil you sealed up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty still mud who we call the devil now now he wasn't the devil then full of wisdom he went on to say you were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created until iniquity was found in you nobody tempted the devil to sin God didn't make him with any anything wrong or perverted it was found in him he used what God gave him and twisted it he did it and the Bible said in verse 17 is iike 2817 your heart was lifted up because of your beauty he how many understand he was not made a devil he was made beautiful he was made full of wisdom he was made via in cherub that covers in the presence of the Almighty but he said you have corrupted your wisdom did you hear that phrase you have corrupted your wisdom and I will cast you to the ground and lay you before Kings that they may behold you he corrupted his wisdom the Bible said in the New Testament 2nd Corinthians 11:3 don't turn there but just listen 2nd Corinthians 11:3 he's telling those individuals he said I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ did you notice this when when they started off with this the devil says did God say she said just what God said yeah he said you don't eat it through to the tree you do you'll die simple then here he comes complicating stuff well yeah now he said that but you know you won't really die no not like you're thinking about and what was so simple and plain in her mind is becoming complicated yeah but I thought that's what he said yeah I know it's what you thought and that's what he said but and he got more and more complicated and her mind was corrupted from the simplicity that's what the Bible says we talked about the kingdom of God on Sundays you know unless you're converted and become how as a little child you won't into the kingdom of God if God says you're healed what do you say yeah but now you don't understand see in this cake nobody in this condition has ever recovered you're in stage 5 and you know I know God loves you and you'll be you know we're gonna all be healed if not in this life through death and you're thinking yield Indu man this is getting complicated no no no by His stripes I am healed period period period period keep it simple simple basic yeah but for the Betsy learn to identify the counsel of the devil it's very subtle it's very crafty you believe in God meets all your needs have you ever heard of any other stuff though yeah but now see you didn't you didn't obey God on that and and then this and and and the economy and then this and then that you think yeah how do I believe in that case and the moment you start crunching and scrunch up your face and going god help me he's already helped you he didn't confuse you right it wasn't his direction that confused you it wasn't his word that confused him he's still on his word it'd be real simple real basic my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus that's it it's not complicated that's it faith people keep it simple that's how you get results keep it simple more complicated against it just means you've been listening to devilish counsel hmm oh my thank you Father ah I'm not quite through go to second Samuel and I'm going to give you at least one example here of this and if we can will will unhook and hook up next time I will stay to midnight or whatever it takes if you think well that's I got all I want brother keep fine great we won't be offended you can come back get some more when you're ready there is an example of wisdom godly and the other kind in in this passage here that man just when I first read it there's a boy a number of years ago it itched in my spirit and and today I use these phrases and think about it the setting is David King David and how because of his failures and his sin the kingdom is disrupted and shaken and his own son leads a rebellion against him and actually a military coup within the kingdom and David and his the royal family have to flee from the palace and leave town for their lives and that's what's going on in this right here in 2nd Samuel 15 is that what I told you would that say yes 2nd Samuel is right the 15th chapter now we're told some detail about some of David's staff and some of his advisers the Bible said in 2nd Samuel 15 verse 31 15:31 one told David saying a heifer fell is among the conspirators with Absalom everybody say yeah if L now if you didn't know about you know they didn't just name them Dan and Bob and Tom like we do never but a heifer fell if you're not familiar with it we will see it in just a minute the Bible said asking counsel at a hit the fells mouth was like hearing from the Oracles of God his wisdom was renowned you go sit in just a few minutes I didn't make that up that's what the scripture says and a HIPPA fell was one of David's chief maybe maybe his chief counselor concerning all matters of the kingdom and somebody told him while they're running away a HIPPA fell didn't come with us he's joined up with Absalom he's in he's a part of the conspiracy what does that mean they have his wisdom now look at this David said oh my lord what are we gonna do I mean a hit the fields half the brains of the military uh oh look look what a man a woman of God does I mean before before anybody else can even say anything what does he do he prays oh did you get this now he heard this and he said lord I pray you I'm asking you to turn the counsel of a Hitler fell into foolishness I don't care how wise you are it's somebody wiser than you it's the Almighty right he said Lord I'm asking you turn the counsel of a Hitler fell into foolishness now you got it right there if you got some really really really really really smart people against you hold brother Keith the best lawyer money can buy they got three degrees quit talking what do we do Lord turn their counsel into foolishness because no weapon formed against me shall prosper our righteousness is of him the Lord and the wise one is on our side we'll keep reading who's shy who is another one of the the Kings main counselors and his friend the Bible said this was his friend and how men are your real friends stay with you when you're popular when you're not when you the biggest thing in town and when you got to run away right you're your real friends are with you and hoosh I was there and the Bible said in the sixteenth chapter here if you skip on down to the twentieth verse ii samuel 1620s alum who is the renegade son he says to hit the fail everybody knew they hit the failed you will know what to do ask here the fell he said give counsel among you what we shall do a hit the fell said to Absalom go in to your father's concubines which he has left to keep the house and if you well let me just finish reading it Israel will hear that you're abhorred of your father then shall the hands of all that are with you be strong so they spread Absalom attend upon the top of the house and Absalom winning unto these father's concubines in the sight of all Israel he slept with his father's lives in a tent on top of the building where everybody could see it nearby is that wisdom yeah it is is is a HIPAA fell just trying to get him to do something lewd and is a HIPAA fell he's portrayed as one of the wisest men in anywhere why'd he tell him do this it's right here in the text why so that the hands of everybody that's with you will be what what's he saying there will be no going back everybody will see ain't no going back so they will be with you a hundred percent and they'll know that ain't no way that he and Dead is going to work yourself this is wisdom but it's devilish are y'all with me on this now this is a little bit different but it's the Word of God and you can see it and then he went on to say chapter seventeen moreover I hit the foul set to Absalom let me get 12,000 men and I will leave tonight and go after David and when I come on him I'll come on in while he's weary and while he's weak handed and I'll make him afraid and all the people that are with him will flee and will kill just the king and I'll bring all the people back to you because the man you seek as as is as if all returned and all the people will be in peace is this wisdom it is he saying there's no need in dragging this thing out give me twelve thousand crack troops right now and I'll find him he's shaken he's out of place he's tired from traveling and will come oniy in a blitz and I'll take him out and when he's gone anybody else gonna have any fight in them and you'll have all the people is that wisdom it is devilish wisdom and when he finished that verse for the saying pleased Absalom well and all the elders of Israel they all said yep yeah yeah yeah that's the thing to do but then Absalom said call who Shai the archive now this is David's personal friend who's only back in town there cuz David sitting back he said I'm I'm gonna stay with you he said no you can help me more if you're my eyes and ears in the palace so he said whatever you say and he went back and his his wisdom and counsel was so highly regarded that even though they had her to hit the fell and they everybody thought man that's yeah that's the thing to do they said well no hold up we haven't heard from who shot so he said who shot tell us what to do and verse 7 hoosh I said to Absalom the council that a hit the fill has given is not good right now why he had just seen David and their company and they were just like a hit the fell said they were weak they were worn out they were shaken what's he thinking I got to give my friend some time I got to get I got to buy him some time so they can get out of here so they can get regrouped so they can get built back up so he's saying no that's not what to do right now he said you know that your daddy and his men that they are mighty men and everybody in the whole wide country to do that the Lions of man fighters you do not want to square off of will these guys and he said is to see instead of talk about how we can shake and they are he said they are chafed in their mind like a bear that's been robbed of her cubs he said you don't want to grab them right now and your father is a man of war he won't even be sleeping he won't him be among the people and he was look he said he's hidden there in some pit or in some other place and it'll come to pass when some of them be overthrown at the first and whoever hears it will say there's a slaughter among the people that father out follow Absalom and he that's found in whose hearts like the heart of a lion will melt for all Israel knows that your father is a mighty man and everybody with him or valiant men now what he's saying that everybody in that place is good yeah I've fought beside him he said now let me tell you what do let's let the whole country be gathered together how long's that gonna take this is wisdom with I'm not a draft for the whole nation and we're gonna gather everybody from Dan to Beersheba as the sand that's by the sea for multitude and then you go to battle yourself you lead this thing yourself and so when we come on him in some place we find him we relied on him like the dew that falls on the ground and of him and all the Minotaur with him they won't be left so much as one we won't wipe him out if he gets into some city there'll be so many of us will get ropes and just drag the city down verse 14 Absalom and all the men of Israel says the counsel of who shy the archive is better than the counsel of a hip affair was it no no they're wanting to know what's going to work for them and what did it say why oh come on are you reading this why for the Lord had appointed to defeat the Good Counsel of a HIPPA fell to the intent the Lord not bring evil on Absalom so then who shall he sent word to the priests and said this is what a hit the fell Council and this is what I counseled so you need to hurry up and get out of town because this is their plan did you see here wisdom not all of it godly right and yet wisdom now skip down to something else and you'll see that that a HIPPA fail really was a wise man if you skip down to the 23rd chapter 17 the 23rd verse excuse me 17 23 and when a HIPAA fail saw that his counsel was not followed he saddled his ass and arose and got him home to his house to his city he put his house in order and he hung himself and died and was buried in the Sepik of his father why because he knew it wasn't gonna work wisdom he really was wise just because you have some wisdom doesn't make you a good person can you see this but he really was wise I see what a part of wisdom is you you you're not you don't just wait till it happens and get surprised wisdom sees the end from the beginning and he's from the time I'm sure to be the cat let's see how did it hit the fail get like this and why was he like the tomate wisdom God joined him to David the anointed didn't he he's been around that anointing for all these years and and how many know David's no dummy his self and all this wisdom and all this anointing that flows out of him and in that environment of purity and holiness and godliness a hit the fells wisdom has just developed to amazing heights and there's a reason why he's there after all these years in esteem he helped David he had the right word at the right time again and again and again and again can you though take what God has given you and abuse it and use it for selfish and wrong thing he did and he had enough wisdom to see and know that when they when now started nodding their heads about who shines gonna draft everybody in the country and we going on he knew that's it and he could see them starting agreeing with him as far as he was concerned he was as good as dead right now he could see where it was going he could say he he didn't wait he left the whole deal he went back home and put his paperwork in order and he said that's it and he was right then what long this thing was over Absalom was dead David's back in the palace now went through this because to me you see so much about the nature of wisdom and all this don't you see devilish wisdom you see godly wisdom you see how it flows and operates can we operate in higher degrees of the wisdom of God go to Exodus 18 please I think I can close on this let me show you some godly wisdom something God ministered to Phyllis and I this week I didn't know it being my message tonight Exodus 18 are you there y'all still happy about happy healthy wealthy wise that's us a goodly I don't forget good-looking okay where'd you go to good Exodus 18 in might the right place that's not right yeah yeah it is it is right I was looking at the wrong right chapter but the wrong book Exodus 18 Moses is are we at the same place Exodus 18 Exodus 18 Moses is in the wilderness with the people and his daddy in-law comes to see Jethro everybody remember Jethro not on the Beverly Hillbillies nervous this is a long time before the Beverly Hillbillies and after reading this tonight you should have a different idea of Jethro when you think Jethro you or not think somebody that's what he used to say about rithmetic something buddy's ciphering I forget anyway he didn't do too good in school but Jethro on the other hand Geoffrey Moses father-in-law shows up and with someone Moses family with him and they have a big time they have a big meal they'll sit down neat and everything's great he said glad he came to visit he hadn't seen each other in years and he told him about all the things God's done for him how he brought him out of Egypt I split the Red Sea and how he's fed them with manna and water out of the rock and man they just they had a great time and the next day Moses gets up and goes to work like he did every most every day and the Bible said in Exodus 1813 it came to pass on the morrow that Moses sent to judge the people and the people stood by Moses from the morning unto the evening how long he said how many hours would that be well when the days are long I mean that's more than 12 12 14 15 hour days right and the people stood by to see him apparently he is he's on some kind of a judgement seat or something and people are lined as far as you can see them and around the corner and around the blocks and he's taking them one at a time or two at a time whoever's involved in this particular case and he's doing it all day long and Moses father-in-law when he saw verse 14 that he did what he did for all the people he said what is this thing that you are doing to the people why do you sent yourself alone and all the people stand by you from morning to leavin and Moses said to his father no well because the people come to me to inquire of God and when they have a matter they come to me and I judge between one and another and I do make them to know the statutes of God and His laws how many think Moses was honest about this well you gotta say something about his dedication right but not about wisdom how many know you can be dedicated and not wise I've said this many times the Lord gave it to me years ago it's more important to be led than to be diligent it's more important to be led than to be thorough it's more important to be led and Moses father-in-law said to him the thing that you're doing is not good it's not good you will surely wear away both you and this people it's with you now did you get this and the people - you can't wear yourself out and you gonna wear them out - what for one thing they're all waiting to see it's wearing them out and certainly wearing him out he said the things too heavy for you you are not able to perform it yourself alone hearken now to me I will give you what counsel and God be with you you be for the people - god word that they may bring the causes to God that you may bring the causes to God and you'll teach them ordinances and law and show them the way who are in they must walk in the work they must do moreover you will provide out of the people able men such as fear God men of truth hating covetousness and place such over to be rulers of thousands and rulers of hundreds and rulers of fifties and rulers of tens and let them judge the people in all seasons and it'll be that every great matter they bring to you but every small matter they will judge and it'll be easier for yourself and they'll bear the burden with you what is that that is the wisdom of God now you know the church is growing we got our service teams and Phyllis bless her heart has been pulling the Moses I mean from early to late emails decisions phone calls I helped some but the Lord is dealing with both of us about this and we've already got service teams in place and about what to do and we some things have already begun to be implemented but the wisdom of God is such that there were six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty soldiers I think it was in this bunch just just Millett men of military age you add to that the women and the children and the older people you got at least a million people maybe closer to two if we're conservative and say it's a million which is very conservative the rulers over the thousands hundreds 50s tens we figured up is approximately a hundred and thirty one thousand people he's trying to do the job of a hundred and thirty one thousand people ain't no way right they have enough hours in the day then enough years and the man or woman's life right but see as fine a man as he was he's still sitting there what's your number you can't see the end of the line oh come on now y'all with me or not he is trying to do the job of a hundred and thirty-one thousand people by his self that's foolish I don't care what how fine a man a woman you are that's foolish but he didn't see it oh and he did what he did put the Lord the wisdom the Lord gave him through his father-in-law he did it he put it into practice I mean it sounds like almost the next day or so you got this hundred and thirty one thousand people doing all these jobs and he's got this taken off of him and here's the thing all the people were already there did you get that now I'm not just telling Moses anymore now how much you I'm talking about me all the people and the resources were already there he just didn't have the wisdom to utilize them properly it was already there all of it was already there and what God's been helping us this week I mean revelation to Phyllis until myself of what to do and how and and where and this thing's popping and it's going it will enable us to increase mightily but it's wisdom that here's the thing some of the countries for the people are devastated the most financially starving to death are some of the richest countries resource wise on the planet the resources are there for all of them to be rich but why are they starving no wisdom things are not dealt with in wisdom things things are not set up right I mean it's you don't you don't even want to know some of the stuff that that tons and tons and tons of food is left sitting in the harbor to rot while people die a few miles away because people are ignorant and all their bureaucracy and all the red tape Mahler no wisdom no wisdom no wisdom take 30 days to do nothing all but in God I said in God there's wisdom to eliminate all the wasted time and all the wasted money and and make this thing run like a fine clock right and nobody's overworked and everybody's utilized and everybody's needs are met and everybody's happy in that's the will of God that's the plan of God and there is wisdom of God in you and in me to make it so can you say Amen remember the the widow woman that came and said old man of God the about to come and take my boys and everything I gotten and I don't know what to do what do you say what do you have in the house he told her what to do and how to sew it out and how to pour it out next thing you know all her needs are met see people are praying and begging and wondering and just like Moses all the resources already right there there there you just not seeing them you're not you're not perceiving them you're not understanding them you suppose in your life do you suppose in your life there are resources you're not seeing that's two weeks turned up on your feet we're gonna pray about it we're gonna act on him I said do you suppose or do you imagine that you are already have maximized and are utilizing every resource God has given you to its maximum potential yeah that's a joke close your eyes and lift up your heart before the Lord said out loud father God open my eyes to see the resources that are under my hand right now everything I have access to that I'm not utilizing everything you've put in me and made available to me and taught me that I am not using our that I am not fully using I asked for your knowledge and understanding concerning all these things and I asked for your wisdom in Jesus name now pray in the spirit son you're praying about this Oh Coolio nasty evil a blessed day of a coveted brass dock over there embedded in a Locanda Veneta tossa nombre East oh I draw every a brain as doe Ashton and Ellis tosh.o give us the opening of eyes and they plan a stroke of our NDC to stop overlooking what we've been overlooking to see it to understand it to know how to use it the skill and wisdom to know how also Colley a live lady Umbra batsto Umbra D so Monday last o BD esto by the airtime bandy Ando man da da ice AHA I see that I see that no villain blemishes on Devon combat embrace' Alberta baby ballet fella bossy for the dude or she vaidhi be desi salable avati crows do judo they also saw daylight ah-choo hallelujah one thing something the Lord's already said to us about about you know what we've talked about it before you might have thought it was just some little light thing about cleaning out your closets cleaning out your garages and your drugs wrestler drawers and seeing what you got the Bible said be diligent to know the state of your flops to know what you have where it's at because the Lord spoke to my spear just now so much unsewn seed so many things that are seed but but not being esteemed don't even know you got it you forgot you got it and in order be in somebody else's house that's too weak guys take inventory every dollar you got every investment you got every piece of clothing every piece of jewelry everything get take inventory and as you do god's going to show you so that over there so that over here so this and it's going on its going to open some things it's the wisdom of god for some harvest in the future let's pray some more personal Oh via McCauley place no got the energy more drainage more demand I see yeah yeah Mondale on a lockable asset lmst I saw th doji bears the ended on the Casa de Indiana Carl applaud the RT Edition day live lavaca I'll apply but the dosa so the doji don't know Archie yes listen that listen listen the Lord's answering our prayers right now here's another area of not utilizing the Lord spoke this to my heart not you don't how you say that not listening and paying attention to the wisdom that comes through those I've already joined you too ignoring it taking it for granted not listening to your husband not listening to you I've not listening to you faster not listening to that brother and sister in Christ that have joined you two not listening ah that's just so and so and someone says ah that's exactly right brother Keith I've been telling him he's supposed to listen to me no he's talking to you you're the one supposed to be listening not utilizing not not taking advantage of the wisdom that's already flowing through the mouths of the people that are already around us because we see them after the flesh oh that's just so and so oh that you sorts of now close your eyes look a little closer you hear it's me the wisdom of God is coming out of their mouth to you kakashi I presume Oh Priscilla avi dianella pause Dillon Kampala natal a nietzsche brave the Lambada gone intent on stream develop legend in Tonopah flow Menachem barani president en este o vida de godo idiota AO Takuto a lot o ET de le TT mandolin on tanatos mon develop rody Lockridge alotta delle great deal approved olive road available Dilip ranch get a pristine pristine pristine hallelujah Sarah LA thank you Lord for showing me every opportunity overlooked every resource not utilized thank you for opening my eyes thank you for filling me with the spirit of wisdom and understanding and counsel and might I live in the counsel of the Most High the wisdom of God lives in me and directs me every day and night hallelujah oh thank you Lord less praising thank you lord thank you lord [Music] praise You Lord Oh praise You Lord [Music] well I'm walking in the light of God I'm walking in get in the line everybody say I'm a walk any walking in the line get in the line walking in the light I'm walking in the light of God I'm looking in the boy your son [Music] or getting the life we're gonna sing it as we go and we're gonna not just sing it but do it tomorrow the next day see you right here Sunday morning God have some more good things for us well I'm walking in the night of God my body's saying I'm walking in the line get in the line [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 9,017
Rating: 4.7119999 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Wisdom, of, God, Pt, 7, The, Counsel, Of, The, Ungodly
Id: AxFMK_jMXrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 16sec (6376 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2012
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