Building A Divine Hedge of Protection | Episode 888

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[Music] welcome to manna-fest hosted by international evangelist teacher and author perry stone enjoy unique insight into prophetic and practical truth it's time to feast on fresh manna so get ready to be blessed and encouraged and now here is your host and teacher Perry stone [Music] when my father was living on this earth and just a few years ago I went to be with heaven he always had a prayer that he prayed and that prayer was this I want you to keep my family and he would name Diane my oldest sister myself my brother Phillip and Melanie my youngest sister he would say I want you to keep my family from harm from danger disabling accident and he would pray for a hedge to be built around our family today on manna-fest I'm going to be sharing with you building a hedge of protection around you and around your family I happened to be at my favorite place in the Holy Land and that is Nimrods fortress Nimrods fortress is located not far from Mountain hormone it's actually not far from Lebanon or far from Syria a lot of tour groups may not take the time to come up here but if you ever have the opportunity to view as you can see behind me is absolutely stunning it's a beautiful day but this was an old fortress and I don't know how they did it but they took a solid stone on this mountain and somehow they it was either level when they found it or they leveled it out and they began to build upon this mountain with some of the largest stones that I have seen outside of the walls of the city of Jerusalem and there are literally hundreds of thousands of rocks that it required to be moved up this mountain and you can see at the bottom of the hill right now look at this video footage from actually where I'm sitting and you'll see how they had to climb this mountain to bring these stones here and we were talking about how they protected this now the reason I'm showing you this is to bring into you a spiritual application that I want to talk to you about building your own heads of protection and the enemy attempts to get inside that hedge one of the things that's interesting here is there are archways all along these walls and when you walk into them on the Left wall and the right wall it's slanted and that is so that if someone in the ground is shooting an arrow up toward the the fortress and they have to shoot exact for the arrow to get in there's a very narrow opening to hit the soldier so they would put one soldier on the right side and one soldier on the left and one would shoot and step back and the other would be ready to fire against the enemy as well now when you look at this place you have to say to yourself who on earth could ever conquer a place like this an impregnable fortress built on rock on the top of a mountain with hundreds of thousands of large stones who could ever take it down well obviously it's so high on the mountain that you're not going to defeat it with battering rams it's so high on the mountain that it's going to be very difficult for archers to defeat the soldiers on the inside so when I asked them I said what is the way that they could defeat this place here was the answer the answer was by undermining the foundation of the towers by undermining there are places on the mountain where there are towers built directly in the ground so what the soldiers would do is try to come in at night and they would try to work their way under the foundation because if they can get where the foundation is and go under it and just move the earth under it then what would happen is the building would fall in on itself or the wall of the tower would fall in on itself now the reason I'm sharing that with you is in military history there were two examples of people that work their way inside of a city by working from the outside in in for example in the time of King David Mount Zion was owned by the Jebusites and it was a fortified city what David and his mighty men did was this there was a water shaft in which the water went inside the city but the shaft itself was on the outside of the city and David his men went on the outside the city and worked their way up a water shaft to the inside and this is how they were able to conquer the Jebusites and take the city of Jeb yes which we now know is the city of Jerusalem so everybody in your life has a water shaft a water shaft is an entrance point water is supposed to flow through the water shaft water is a metaphor in the Bible for believers who have the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit goes through us as rivers of living water however every believer has an entrance point where the adversary can get in and up the water shaft so the water shaft has to be guarded but likewise so does the foundation in the time of the Old Testament when the Babylonians were ruling from the area of Babylon and the Jews were there for 70 years God predicted that the Medes and Persians were going to take over Babylon the way they did it was they dried up the river you have the euphrates river that flowed through that area but they dried up the river and they went in underneath the gates they tunneled under the gates and when Belshazzar was having that party in the Book of Daniel the handwriting on the wall occurred that night the Medes and Persians came in and interrupted the party and so the interesting thing is the enemy tries to go after the foundation the enemy wants to undermine the foundation because if he can undermine the foundation he can destroy the building itself I remember a person running in politics that says I want to fundamentally change America now when you talk about fundamentally changing something you're actually talking about dealing with the foundation the funtom fundamentals of football are the foundation of understanding how to play the game defense and offense the fundamentals of baseball is understanding the basics of the game the foundation of the game so when you say you want to fundamentally change something it's not changing just the present it's going all the way back into the past all the way back into the foundation and trying to alter a foundation the Bible says that if the Foundation's be destroyed what will the righteous do and that's how I feel about America right now that our foundations are being undermined but let me stay on the subject as I talk about building a hedge in the book of Job we read this the Lord said to Satan have you considered my servant job there's none like him on the earth I blameless and upright man who fears God and shuns evil so Satan answered the Lord and said does Joe fear God for nothing you've made a hedge around him around his house holding around all that he has on every side you blessed the works of his hands and as possessions have increased in the land but now stretch out your hand and touch all that he has and he will surely curse you to your face now this word hedge I looked this up in the Hebrew it's the word soup and it means to entwine for protection or to restraint in fact there's a word you'll be familiar with which is called Sukkot and Sukkot happens to be the Hebrew word for booth or Tabernacles and it's the seventh festival of Israel where the Jewish people live in booths outside their home and the booth provides a covering for them in the weather and that's why they live under the booth so what the hedge does the root word for that word hedge is to provide a covering or some form of a protection for an individual or for a person now when you look at this word in numbers chapter 33 and 55 it talks about thorns a thorns hedging something in with thorns and I want to read to you a verse in fact I want to skip over that and come down here to lamentations chapter 3 verse 7 I'm gonna give you a spiritual principle here it says he has hedged me in so that I cannot get out he has made my chain heavy now I want to talk to you for a moment about the what I would call the opposite side of a hedge I think of a hedge of something that God invent builds in the spiritual world that's invisible that keeps things from the outside getting on the inside for example the Bible said in Psalms the angel of the lord encamps them that fear god and delivers them I believe that in job's case when there was a hedge around Jobe his wife his ten children the Sheep the camel the oxen all the animals that he had I believe that hedge was an invisible encampment of angels when the hedge was removed I believe that angels removed their presence and that's how Satan who is a fallen angel motivated the sabaeans of Chaldeans to come in to steal the animals from job also a whirlwind came and destroyed the house so I believe that the heads was lifted because there was no angel protection there to protect Joe the reason I'm saying that to you is that everybody I do believe who's a true believer has a sign to them a guardian angel sometimes there may be an encampment of angels surrounding a church or a ministry or a group of people that may be on the mission fields and those angels are assigned to protect the person to direct them to lead them to help and assist them especially if there's any form of danger you know when the Elijah was on a mountain like this and the Syrian army came to capture him he got up and looked around and he wasn't afraid of the Syrian army he told his servant he said look down look down at the mountain what do you see he said I see armies and he said well look on the top of the mountain what do you see the servant said I see nothing he said well you better let me pray for you and when he laid hands on his servants eyes he saw horses of fire and chariots of fire around the mountain and the prophet of God said this to a servant there are more forests than there are against us the angels of God the invisible beings that protect had surrounded the man of God his servant to prevent the Syrian army from coming in and taking them captive God has a host of armies as a matter of fact God's name one of his name's is called the Lord of Hosts and in Hebrew the word host can mean the host in the form of the cosmic lights the Sun Moon and stars but the word can also mean a mass of persons prepared for war especially for war in battle and when God says I'm the Lord of Hosts he's actually saying I am the God of the heavenly armies I'm the God of the angels that will go forth and fight for you and so I want you to understand the hedge that God builds around us and how that that hedge is connected to angels who are assigned to lead us guide us and direct us now back to that verse I just mentioned in lamentations and I'll read it to you again and comment on it he has heads me in so that I cannot get out he has made my chain heavy lamentations chapter three and verse seven God gave me a word and I want to speak this to parents right now who perhaps have a daughter or a son or grandchildren that are not serving the Lord and maybe they're involved with some heavy sin activity I think one of the things that probably brings stress and frustration and at times fear in the hearts of a parent or grandparent is to have a child who is addicted to alcohol knowing sometimes there may be at a bar sometimes they're out driving and not knowing where they are in the lake wee hours of the morning and then there are other times that maybe there's drug addiction and you always are saying to yourself god are they going to actually do something with drugs where it's going to take their life is my child going to be harmed are they going to die prematurely so the only thing I can say is this that you can ask God to put a hedge around them so that they can't get out now let's read this verse again because this is very profound I got a revelation from this some time ago he's hedged me in so that I cannot get out now we think of a hedge as being something like this wall to wear that on the outside can't get in that's God's heads that he had with Jobe the enemy is on the outside Satan is watching on the outside tried to get in but there's a hedge built where the enemy can't get in and unless the hedge is removed then the enemy can't have access but what if I say that I'm living on the inside and there's a barrier set that there are certain places I can't go in certain things I cannot do because I'm hedged in when one of my precious precious loved ones someone that I love very dear was really struggling in their life I didn't know how to pray and you know the enemy comes if you're a parent and if you're a grandparent or if you're just someone that has close friends and he plays with your mind the enemy will say things I tell you some of you have gone through this I'll take your child prematurely I'll take your loved one prematurely they will die prematurely in an accident or they'll die drunk or they'll die with drug addiction so what I think that a believer should do is say this God I pray a hedge of thorns that they will not be able to do certain things and they will not step outside of that hedge of thorns where the enemy can harm them in the name of Jesus you see in the time of Christ and even even today when shepherds are watching sheep and they know that there are wild animals that would eat those sheep they bring the Sheep into a cave at night now a lot of times in the winter they have to build a fire to keep themselves warm but what they do is their work they will find thorn bushes and they will lay those thorn bushes in front of that cave so that nothing on the outside can get in like a wild beast without going through the thorns and also so nothing on the inside meaning sheep can pass through in the night the Shepherd will actually lay down on the ground many times on the inside or outside of those bushes making sure that nothing crosses into the to the inside or nothing on the inside can get out now what I'm saying is simply this that hedges are so important and I believe that hedges are something that God sovereignly does he simply says all right now that you're a believer now that you're following me I'm going to put a protection around you I'm gonna build a barrier around you yeah I know I'm thinking right now even the example of when Abraham married Sarah Sarah was this beautiful woman I mean two times Kings wanted to marry her because Abraham said she's my sister Abraham really didn't live because if you look at the background of what the Bible says about Abraham and Sarah there they were actually related however when when one of the Kings went to take her as white as a wife God gave that King a warning in the middle of the night and said don't touch this woman and God said to the king I have prevented you from sinning with this woman see if he would have taken Sarah and went in unto her and had a child it would have been horrible because it would have thrown the plan of God off completely so what happened is God hedged Sarah in to prevent her from doing something she didn't do but he also heads the king to prevent something from happening that shouldn't happen so there's different kinds of hedges there's hedges where God protects you from people there's hedges where God protects you from danger there's hedges where God can protect you from maybe being in the wrong place at the wrong time so there's two parts of this that I want to say part number one if you have a child who is lost a child who is unsafe or a grandchild and you're worried about them pray the lamentations 3 prayer 3 verse 7 he's hedged me in so that I cannot get out he's made my chain heavy pray that no matter how far they seem to drift from God that they will never be able to go into a certain place they'll never be able to go so far God can't reach them then never be able to go so far that someone can't touch their heart with the Word of God they'll never be able to go so far that love cannot reach out there and hold on to them I've experienced this in my own life personally my family different people that I love even close friends that have gone through things that we said God hedge them in where God will protect them from going too far that would bring danger or premature death in their life but the other thing I want to tell you is this that you need to every day pray a hedge of protection around your children you know we're living at a time that kids go to school and there's threats made at school there's people that comes in coming with guns there's crazy things there's terrorism and the more that this begins to happen we have to pray the Psalms prayer that the angel of the Lord will in camp around about them that fear God including my family and my home and my loved ones and I believe it's important and very significant for you to understand the heads prayer and someone said well how do you do this well you know Jesus even said on one occasion he had a revelation from the Lord and Jesus even said on one occasion don't you know that I can call 12 legions of angels and if I call these twelve legions of angels they can come and deliver me and just destroy the entire world so angels are commissioned according to the will of God and the Word of God at times the will of God angels are commissioned to be with you and you don't even know they're with you God you could have been killed in the accident you could have been killed in the Vietnam War you could have been at the wrong place at the wrong time I'll give an example of this I have a dear friend of mine his name was Bill sheikhs and Bill told me that several years ago he had worked on a degree I may have been a master's degree or doctorate degree was at a university and he was going to have to fly out on an airplane and go to this university to receive his degree but his daughter many months before had planned her wedding and it just so happened that was the night that they were having a big wedding dinner she said dad you cannot fly out on this plane and leave me here at this wedding dinner so that dad said you know what I'll have him mail be my degree instead of getting on the plane listen to this the plane that he would have been on is the plane that crashed in Chicago and killed everybody on board several years ago he would have not even lived to see his daughter's wedding but I believe the Lord heads dimin without him realizing it you know sometimes we to thank God not for what he did but we need to thank God for what he did that we didn't know he did and I know that in my life and your life this probably been numerous occasions when angels were with us preventing us from going somewhere that could have caused harm or danger so there's a hedge not only to pray around those that are not saved I would say it this way God put my children under my angel put my children under my head you see when Jacob was blessing ephraim and manasseh who were his two grandsons that he didn't even know he had these were the sons of his other sons of Joseph when he starts blessing them he says something very unusual he said may the angel of God that went with me bless these lads and go with them I believe there are generational angels I believe that my father had an angel and there had been times I've actually sensed that angel in my own life not a lot I'm not talking about once a week once a month on rare occasions but I sensed him I'll give it more than likely that angel was somewhere in my father's family Pat perhaps with his uncle Rufus thumper who was a powerful powerful man of God who operated in the gifts of the Spirit I believe there's generational angels just like there's generational blessings God is a generational God his blessings are to you your children and to all that are afar off so I want to encourage you to pray the prayers Oh God send a protective hedge around my children before they go to school just simply put your hands on them in the car or before they go to the bus station God hedge in my children with the angel of God and Lord if there's any danger or any bad person or wronged person out there prevent them from reaching my child and then when you go to bed at night bless your house keep your house you know you've probably seen the mezuzahs on our ministry has mezuzahs sometimes and people get those from us and it has the scriptures in and I have one of those right on the front door of my house and I'm reminded when I'm going out to remember the Lord God who has who has blessed me and coming into my house I'll remember the Lord God and so I put that there not as some magic formula not as some trick to keep the enemy out but it's a reminder to me that my house belongs to the Lord your home belongs to the Lord Joshua said it's for me in my house we will serve the Lord so protect the Foundation's by building the strong foundation in the word and pray the prayers of the hedge a hedge of thorns to keep your family from going into places they shouldn't but the hedge of angels to keep things on the outside from coming in ladies and gentlemen I'm coming here to you from my favorite place in Israel they call it Nimrods fortress you can see the promised land from here you can see the border of Lebanon right above us is Mountain hormone you can see you can't see the area of Syria but Mountain hormone is in the northern part of the country as far north as you can go it's a beautiful day I want to thank you for joining me on manna-fest I hope it's a blessing to you let me just mention for about 15 seconds Manifest needs your support if it's a blessing to you we need to hear from you occasionally with love offerings to help keep it on the air you never hear me say that but it's important that this season were in I also have a an offer and the offers are important because one of the ways that we keep the program on the air and pay for millions of dollars of airtime is we produce book types videos and we ask people in North America to obtain those so they can be a blessing to you so the resources material can teach you but also so that you can be a blessing to manifest we're excited about the school which will be coming up soon and I'll announce it on manna-fest the great international ministry school that's coming up and so a lot of good things are happening here warrior fest happens at once once a year prophetic summit all these great things are happening you can be a part of it well I'm gonna go to a break here's our offer but please stay with me as I share with you some special announcements at the end of the program god bless you from Israel I am very excited about an offer that we're making available but let me explain it with the events that have happened recently you got the Eclipse you've got cosmic signs you have hurricanes you have North Korea threatening with war we are in a major prophetic season and I want you to have greater understanding on these seasons so that not only will you be informed that your family will be so here's what I did I went to my library of messages on prophecy and I personally selected six messages out of over 60 messages that I could have selected personally I think these are the best right now word you can't receive and so here's the album it's called unlocking God's prophetic agenda we have the message has the tribulation already begun some people say it has but has it how to release and pray for angels during prophetic seasons we can pray and release angelic help and protection during prophetic seasons how do we do that the third CD is that a lot principle for escaping endtime judgment four out of the five cities were destroyed in the Old Testament but lot escaped how did he do it what was the key here's one I really love the Passover shiney God's prophetic purpose a lot of people do not know that there was a second Passover offered 30 days later for the people that missed the first one so what does the Passover Shamy mean prophetically this is a great message you're going to really enjoy here's the fifth one when God changed the dispensations of time time is on dispensations how does God change it and finally seven prints spirits released by the dragon now when you order the album of six CDs I'm going to include this message called the weather factor what on earth is going on with the weather in the United States this will help explain it so you can get the new album with the six messages plus the weather factor audio CD for a $35 love gift or more to the ministry to help us stay on the air you can contact us at one eight eight eight twenty one bread that's a toll-free number and request of course offer GA 125 God's prophetic agenda package or you can go to and order online a'right me at perry stone PO box 3595 cleveland tennessee 37320 and close your love gift of $35 or more but you must request the album when doing so now this is important you help keep manna-fest on the air with these resource offers so please contact us now so that we can get this into your hand the new prophetic package made available for a limited time thank you god bless you I'm really hoping that you'll be able to get the offer that we're making available because it is a now word and if you love prophecy trust me you're gonna have seven hours or more of direct teaching that's up to date just real quick we're coming to redemption Christian tabernacle tip City Ohio on October 13th that's on the Friday design family ministries on Thursday the 19th of October wise Virginia in Church of his presence John Cho Patrick's Church in Daphne Alabama on the 28th that's a Saturday night and Sunday morning of the 29th we also have our warrior fests that's in our prophetic summit our partners conference and all these great things that our summer warrior Fest so if you have young people start looking for our attender right now what we do we make it available on the Perry stone ministries it has to say ministries Facebook page we make it available there partners of our ministry have a private website that nobody else can get on a private Facebook page so partners we stay in touch with you so we try to inform you of what's happening now speaking of what's happening you know Jesus made a statement one time and I want to give you a Greek word study here I think you'll find interesting the Paul wrote and said in the last days perilous times will come and if you look at that word perilous in the Greek it's used in another place in the New Testament in the Gospels and it's where the man of Ghaderi came out of the tombs and violently he was very violent and that word therefore he was violent and he was breaking the chains and the fetters violently is the same Greek word that Paul used talking about perilous times meaning very aggressive violent in fact in the book of Genesis it says that the earth was violent in the days of Noah so now as it was in the days of Noah it will be that way in the coming into some men so it's being repeated so I want to make you aware of that that we are truly living in the time of the end and I know you say well I've heard that I heard the granddad said that yes but there comes a time when it really is the time and I think that when you see all the activity the cosmic and the earthly activity coming together that it's just one of those signs and ever insisted that that is where we're at and that's what's taking place now this is the reason why you know that we're gonna start an Internet Bible School this is why we have OCI on Tuesday nights while we have warrior fest as why travel 58 years of age is still traveling after 40 years of ministry still of doing it by the way I love meeting people in churches and the great pastors we minister to but I also want to share with you that one of the things that we have been very heavily involved with is the OCI Tuesday night service which is at 6:30 every Tuesday night we would love to have you join us you can drive in via park drive back home at night because we believe that there this is how I feel Jesus said occupy till i come and really that word in greek means to do business those keep doing what you're doing don't just go in a cave and hide don't go in your basement bunker and hide you know don't do that go and preach and minister teach and do business until i get here days of noah was eating drinking marrying giving in marriage and you know we always look for something big and negative to happen is this is the sign well basically life goes on and even it says that i will come in a day the one minute when they think not in the day and hour they think not and so when things go terrible we start thinking he's coming when things go great we forget that maybe a clue there but anyway my time is up and I want to see you next week here on the manna-fest telecast join us on social media god bless you Perry stone invites you to join him for this 2017 Israel tour the dates are November 20th through the 29th with an optional visit to Petra in the country of Jordan call one eight eight eight three two one three six two nine or visit for more information and how to register seating is limited so call today [Music]
Channel: Perry Stone
Views: 107,026
Rating: 4.9158163 out of 5
Keywords: Protection, Divine Protection, Angelic Protection, Hedge of Protection, Prayer, Supernatural, Perry Stone, Manna-Fest, Voice of Evangelism, Omega Center International, International School of the Word
Id: wnyw0Nr9vJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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