Keith Moore Gods will to heal Pt 10 The fatherhood of God

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[Applause] praise the Lord y'all can be seated and if you would turn to Luke this evening Luke chapter 5 it's another healing night tonight let's believe God even if you're feeling good got no symptoms in you body believed God for somebody else in here somebody else is watching my internet there's a lot of people that have symptoms that are needing a change in their body and it is so easy for the Lord to do it we don't have to heal ourselves ain't that good news we don't have to repair these organs or fix these glands or these levels or if we did it would be exceedingly hard we couldn't do it all we got to do is expect him to do it and rest and trust him to do it and it's easy for him easy for him and you got to believe it's easy for him you got to believe it can happen quickly easily right and if you believe that it excites you it doesn't depress you hmm you can't be in faith and be scared and depressed this can't be I hope people look at me and I know what they're going through we've all experienced these same kind of feelings but but it's you know people are coming in we'll just I'm just believing God honey you're not you can't be believing God like that no even God doesn't make you scared and depressed huh why would you be scared and depressed because you believe it's bad and going to get worse and that's why you're scared and if you're expecting it to get worse you're not in faith but no matter what it looks and feels like if you believe God's heard your prayer if you believe he's granted you your request if you believe his powers already at work on you changing the thing that don't depress you they don't scare you that makes you glad even while you're still hurting right that makes you glad even why you still looking at a negative report that's faith doubt despairs complains and is sad but faith rejoices give thanks and is glad you wanna say that out loud with me doubt despairs complains and is sad so what if somebody is down there despairing they're complaining they're sad what do you know they're in unbelief there is I don't care if they quoted five scriptures before they started crying they're still in unbelief right how about faith faith rejoices give thanks and is glad can you rejoice my faith even with tears in your eyes even when you figure out all kind of bad feelings can you push through that and rejoice anyway and give thanks to God anyway that's faith and that pleases God my friend please is the Lord well the Bible said faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word so let's get some more faith tonight let's let's get in this book let's build our self up so we can stand against the onslaught of things that contradict and feelings and symptoms and every other kind of thing Luke chapter 5 if you didn't bring a Bible with you hold up your hand our Usher's have extra Bibles be glad to let you use one hold up your hand real high rushers look around get it to them y'all y'all get the Bible to them and then y'all turn to Luke 5 let your eyes rest on it let's show respect for the word it'll get any better that way Luke 5 and 12 it came to pass when Jesus was in a certain city behold a man full of leprosy who's seeing Jesus fell on his face and besought him saying Lord if you will you can make me clean now this is where millions of Christians are right now they believe God could heal him if it was his will but they're not sure whether it's his will or not and some people I mean I'm talk to people before and you ask him do you believe it's God's will for you to be healed they said well I don't know I hope it is they said well how we gonna find out well I thought you'd pray and if it was his will he I'd be healing if it wasn't I wouldn't be healed well there's no faith can exist like that because faith begins where the will of God is known faith comes by hearing hearing what God said and so uh you can't have faith to be healed and still be questioning God's will for you to for your healing you got to get that settled just like you had to get it settled that it's God's will for you to be saved and then you can have faith to be born again didn't the scripture say he's not willing that any should perish then what he said it's not his will that any should perish and then some people say well yeah but obviously it's not his will for everybody to be healed because if it was they'd be healed and they're not all healed so it's obviously it's not as well for all to be healed wrong you could say the same thing about people being born again why couldn't you say the same thing so well it's obviously not God's will for all to be saved because they're not all saved and if it was as real for a mile to be saved that I'll be saved and they're not no it is God's will for all to be saved it is not his will for any to perish well then is everybody saved no you mean people are perishing although it's contrary to the will of God yes people are not being saved even though it's the will of God for them to be saved right there's all kind of things happening on this planet that's not God's will you know why the reason for all of the pain and all of the terrible tragedies and the hunger and the sin and the cruelty and the destruction that is in the earth the reason for all of it is because man has a free will and man has chosen to disobey God and not believe God and do whatever people want to do and because of that you got all this terrible stuff in the earth but glory to God soon and very soon he's coming back and he's gonna fix the whole this Oh hallelujah he's gonna fix it it's gonna be a new heaven and a new earth and there's not gonna be any curse in it I don't know if we know what that means of that you know what that means that means it will never again be too cold it will never again be too hot there will be never again a tornado or a hurricane or a destructive hailstorm or ice storm every day the weather will be perfecto just right there will be no more hospitals no more cemeteries no more mental institutions no more jails none the Vicodin didn't the bible say no more pain no more crying no more sorrow no more dying no more glory to God this is in our near future soon and very soon well we'll all be out of hearing into this but like we studied last time week week before last I guess when I was with you last we can enjoy the earnest of our inheritance a foretaste of our physical resurrection in the quickening of our mortal body romans 8:11 said it if the spirit of him that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you what would happen he will quicken that word means make alive make alive your mortal body now one of these days this body's going to be changed and no longer be mortal it'll be immortal but while it's mortal we don't have to just you know struggle and then fail and be destroyed this mortal body can be quickened with God's life-giving power how many understand that a big part of Jesus ministry was healing people right Matthew Mark Luke John a big part wasn't a side issue with him well he's the same yesterday today and forever if he was interested in it then he's interested in it now if it was a big part of his ministry then it's a big part of his ministry now so this man says Lord I know you can heal me if you will if it's your will and you got millions of people trying to answer that question right now all over the world Christians good people at home sick in the hospital sick different places all over the world said lord I know you could heal me I know you could I believe you have all power I know you could if it be your will we got ministers of all kinds of denominations praying all over the place Lord heal them if it be thy will now why do they pray this way what scripture is this based on huh where did they see Jesus ever tell anybody it wasn't his will to heal them where do we see him ever praying for anybody if it be God's will or any of the disciples you know in order for something to be scriptural there's something you need for it Scripture right and some foot wanna you know take us to issue about it and think we're teaching something wrong well where's your scripture for what you say you believe you know show us at least one where Jesus said no I'm sorry God's working something out in your life no I'm sorry it's not God's will to heal you for his mysterious reason you can't find such a thing in the scriptures and yet millions believe this instead of what we're about to read right here how many believe that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever and that he's no respecter of persons and whatever he answered this man would be his answer to you well what did he answer him come on help me out now the man said Lord I know you can I know you can't heal me if you will tell me read it read it what did Jesus say What did he say jesus said he put forth his hand and he touched him and he said I will I don't care how many theologians and how many seminaries and how many schools and how many books said he won't he said I will to me this transcends everybody's theories and opinions and experiences and ideas it is written I will I will I will if he's never changed he's still saying I will if he's no respecter of persons whatever he said to him he said to you I will and I could just stop right here and say it's answered for me it's answered for me it is his will he said I will be thou clean and immediately his leprosy departed from him glory to God the Living Bible says it like this he said the men said sir if you only will you can clear me of every trace of my disease Jesus reached out and touched the man and said of course I will be healed and the leprosy left him instantly don't you like that of course I will who said it Jesus now who you gonna believe Jesus so we've been on this for some weeks now establishing from the Word of God God's will for healing here's the question is it God's will for all of us to be healed today now what we've been answering it now if you this is your first time to join us we're already deep into this subject and you can download the previous messages no charge off of the internet you can pick CDs and DVDs up at the word supply at no charge get caught up with us let me remind you or review a little bit for those of you that haven't been with us we have seen different reasons why we're sure it's God's will for all of us to be healed one was God's Word as medicine to a strong spirit will sustain you in physical pain and problems three the original creation we asked the question on which day did God create cancer on which day did God create hybrid blood pressure or AIDS sickness from was not a part of his original creation and number for God's will in heaven how many sick folks you got up there zero number five the origin of sickness where did it come from we saw it came as a result of sin like Alexander Dowie said he said sickness is the file offspring of its father Satan and its mother sin that's how it got here well how could it be God's will for us to have something that is the foul offspring of the devil and sin it's not his will number six we saw sicknesses of work of the devil that's not my opinion we proved it from four different places in the scriptures and there are others the in job it says the devil made job sick in Psalms it said the sickness is a thing of the devil a thing of the devil and we saw in Luke 13 16 sickness is called satanic a bondage satanic bondage and in acts 10:38 sickness is called satanic oppression within why would people call it a blessing when the Bible calls it all these things let's stay with the Bible I said let's stay with the Bible sickness is a work of the devil was surely the Lord didn't want it it's not his will for a work of the devil to be in you 7 we saw we have a covenant of healing 8 we saw the eternal names of gods 2 he still is Jehovah Rapha the Lord who heals us 9 we saw sickness is a curse 10 we saw the various types of healing in the redemption 11 we saw the redemption glory to God by His stripes we were and you are healed hmm glory to God help me out what else did we see oh y'all just too comfortable listening to me aren't you y'all were here now right pause number 12 hi I was the last one one might have to reteach soon first fruits the first fruits of our inheritance now we're up to number thirteen is that right number thirteen tonight we are sure it is God's will for all to be healed today because of the eternal Fatherhood of God go with me if you would to Psalm 103 and Matthew seven Psalm 103 Matthew seven y'all with me tonight we believe in God tonight hmm y'all seem pretty comfortable it's not you're not supposed to be completely passive did you know that you're not supposed to just sit and listen you're supposed to use your faith with me for Revelation right are you with me not pulling on me believing God right for revelation for a knowing I've been to several places so we're gonna drain him dry we're gonna drain even drive there brother key we'll have enough strength to get out the room we're gonna drain him John no no no I'm not the Holy Ghost I'm not the teacher I'm not the source of Revelation just a vessel just to come do it but let's believe God together so revelation we're believing for don't assume you already know these things is there revelation in these scriptures you've not yet seen I've not yet seen oh yeah oh yeah Psalm 103 let's pray and release our faith before we read this further father we all together put our eyes on you right now and our heart towards you we're asking and expecting answers revelation truth strengthening in our spirit and feeding of our faith from you word is only you can do show us any changes we need to make changes in our thinking our talk in our believing anything that's hindered you I've been in the way of you blessing us like you want to are taking care of us like you want to increasing us like you want to will yield to you and we purposed not to be hearers only but by your grace we are in shall be doers doers of the word of God in Jesus name said out loud I'm a doer I'm a doer I'm a doer of the word of God some 103 are you here 103 verse 13 well read verse 11 as the heaven is high above the earth so great is his mercy toward them that fear him that's a lot of mercy as far as the East is from the West how far is that huh I know if I take off in the plane and start flying west and just keep flying when do I stop flying West you got to stop it around or turn around it's hard to stop a little there but you got to turn around you can just keep flying west from now right it's a long ways in him so far has he removed our transgressions from us that's how far your sins are away from you far enough you'll never find them he has removed them they're gone like as a father pities his children so the Lord pities them that fear him the Lord is is merciful on us and he looks upon us is kind and compassionate toward us just like a father is with his child whom he loves all fatherhood fatherhood has come from God who is the great father you know Ephesians what is it chapter three he said I bow my knees to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named don't you like the sound of that father and family the church is not supposed to be this cold institution hmm it's family it's supposed to feel like a family supposed to be a family right because we are family forever right all backgrounds all from every tribe every race every background every language right if you're genuinely born again we're all brothers and sisters everybody who's been born into the family of God we are eternal permanent family so we might as well work it out but good because we we're gonna be looking at each other throughout the ages and we might as well get over ourselves now we might as well forgive each other now because we're gonna be together hmm who knows you know that person you've had trouble with you may live beside in heaven that'd be just like the Lord you got to know that he loves them every bit as much as he loves you I don't care how they have acted and what they have done he's merciful one of the most amazing things about to me about God who he is and his character his ability is his patience which is you know part of his love that he is I mean your patience can be gone I mean shot you're ready to strangle somebody you you you have had it you have you put up with all you are willing to and his has barely begun barely begun and you must be glad he's that way with them because he's also that way with you and me slow to get angry of great mercy long-suffering kind ready to forgive the Bible said and he looks over all his children like a father doesn't with his child because that's what we are we're his children he's our father look in Matthew 7 please Matthew 7 in prophesying about the new covenant to come you know they they knew God as God the Almighty God creator of heaven and earth and they were referred to as his servants so in fact before you go to hold your place in math you go to Galatians they knew God as God creator judge and you'll see them continuously referred to as his servants but in Galatians the Oh what is it fourth chapter fourth chapter verse one actually you got to realize how how excited he was preaching already in Chapter three when he said and this was not written in chapter and verse you know as a letter it all flowed together but in 329 he had said if you are Christ then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise talking about us Gentiles who can't even trace back who our great grandma was you know racism racism is so ignorant because you don't know what you are you hating somebody because of a skin tone you hating yourself you probably thirty percent whatever you hate ain't got sense enough to know it what is complexion huh skin tone skin tone don't make a man don't make a woman any more than hair color or eye color it's just you know you got you got good white folks and sorry white folks good black folks and sorry black folks but the sorry black folks and the sorry white folks can get saved right and become Goines right but what I'm saying is we're also mixed up you don't know what you are and the good thing about it when you get born again your genealogy is easy to trace I am born of God who's your daddy God God what color is he fire he's fire colored I guess that'd be ever cut you ever looked at fire that's every color right he's fire color and how do we get off on all that it's true nevertheless if you've been born again all this stuff should be out the window because you threw your faith in Jesus are Abraham's seed Abraham's our Father in the faith all of us no matter what language what color what background all of us the same and we are joint heirs with Jesus hallelujah somebody say I am Christ I am Abraham sea and air according to the promise oh boy I could say some more well let's keep going he said the air as long as he is a child differs nothing from a servant though he be Lord of all but is under tutors and governors till the time appointed of the Father even so when we were children were under bondage in bondage under the elements of the world you know we kept on this a while back talked about growing up spiritually and said that as long until you grow up and develop spiritually there's all kind of things you and I won't get to operate in we won't get to to enjoy a little children you know you we talked about athletes people who have who at the top of their game in basketball or baseball or football they could not play like they play now when they were three years old right they couldn't do that when they were five or even ten but as they grow grew and developed to then reach their full potential physically now they can do exploits that they could not even approach doing and the same thing is true with us spiritually when we grow up we'll get will be privy to things we had not a clue of God will share things with us but some things you just can't tell a four-year-old they wouldn't understand if you told him they got to grow up somebody are you still growing up even though we're not teaching on the series if I said out loud I'm still growing up still growing up he went on to say verse six be cause you are sons we're sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father the Bible said we have received the spirit of adoption Romans says whereby we cry Abba Abba is like one of the first words that a little child would say we would probably think today daddy Abba so depending on the language it's the first reference to daddy that a little infant would make and the Spirit of God is that spirit the spirit the Holy Spirit is the spirit of adoption he's the spirit who makes you feel like you belong and will you see where the Holy Spirit is really in manifestation it doesn't make you feel excluded hmm he makes you feel like you belong if your yield to it now if you want to be rebellious you're gonna stay by yourself and you're gonna be lonely because the scripture says that the psalmist said that the Lord makes you know the solitary to dwell in families but the rebellious dwell in a dry land rebellious people are going to be lonely people and it's not going to change until they change rebellious people what do you mean people that nobody can tell anything to you know nothing's ever good enough or they can't ever find the right Church every church is to too many hypocrites to unspiritual they don't do this right they don't do that they're looking for the perfect church and if they found it when they joined it they'd mess it up churches are made up of people you're not gonna find a church where nobody ever makes a mistake no besides that that's not what you're supposed to be led by is you judging churches to see if you're gonna put your stamp of approval on the head of the church what you two get in one right and there's going to be some things you like and then basically some things you don't like but if he is your Lord you are to endure even hardness as a good soldier and show up at your post and do your duty and serve your Lord come on now you with me Bo we got a lot of weak unfaithful uncommitted people in the body of Christ today and they just hop from one thing to another and then never stick with anything and they never see anything through and so they are babies now even after 40 years of being born again and they'll never grow up like this you got a stick to grow up you got a stick and stay where you're assigned and you got to be faithful and you got to show and do what you're supposed to do in order to do he said though that the Spirit of God has been shed abroad in our heart the love of God and the Holy Ghost and the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father keep reading he said we are no longer just servants would that verse say you are no more a servant but what a son somebody said I'm not just a servant I'm a son of God he said and if you're a son then you are an heir of God through Christ jesus is my Lord but he's also my brother oh I don't know if we know how big that is we got friends in high places we know somebody I've had people look at me when things went where they said you know somebody said yeah I know I know somebody they think I'm talking about a human behind a desk somewhere I'm talking much somebody seated at the right hand of Majesty on high he is the King of Kings and the Lord of lords he's everything and he's my brother he's your brother do you remember reading in the Gospel accounts how people got upset with Jesus when he referred to God as his father oh man they said you are a man and you're making yourself equal with God cuz you're calling your father or what made a man and see religion disputes this and religion you know keeps God way up here and you we're down here and you are a little ignorant worm and God is almighty and too glorious to touch you and that's why all these religions have all these works and a bunch of them will tell you you can't even go to God directly you got to find some other people to go through you can't go direct to God but it's a lie I said it's the lie the Bible said there is one God and there's one not not two or three or four one mediator between God and men it is the man Christ Jesus there's only one person you got to go through to get to God and he's your brother he's your brother he calls you brother all don't you remember when he was raised from the dead what did he tell him some of the women saw him at the tomb right at right after he came out of the tomb this is before he has gone anywhere he just walked out his body was laying in there cold and stiff and the Holy Ghost flowed over his body and his spirit came back in it and he's standing up there glory to God back in his body they saw him just minutes after this happened and they fell down and they're gonna hug him and they're gonna put that he said no don't touch me don't touch me I have not yet ascended to the Father see he now is about to operate in the high priestly office which was typifies for centuries right in the Old Testament you know once a year once a year the high priest would wash himself and put on his special clothes and he would go into the Holy of Holies after sacrifices had been made and he would he would offer up and pour the blood the blood that could never take away sins blood of animals innocent animals could only cover over the sins for another year and they had to do it again oh but this day this day the spotless Lamb of God has risen from the dead Hebrews tells us he entered into the Holy of Holies with his own blood whoa glory to God to obtain an eternal redemption for us never to be done again there is now no more sacrifice for sin never again which includes your little works trying to make up for your sin hmm now I'll serve God do things because you love God because you love people but not to try to pay for your sins no penance is not in the Bible penance is an insult to God it's acting like the blood is not enough serious stuff but what else did he say to him they're standing there they're about to grab him you know they're amazed last time I saw him he was dead the cornhole master he said don't touch me don't touch me I'm not yet ascended but you go to the disciples and tell them that I'm going to my father and your father I'm going to my god and your God Oh glory to God the way is being made for you and me to come boldly before the very throne of grace and God be our Father and us be his son and us call Jesus our elder brother and him acknowledge us as family said out loud God's my father I'm his child we're his family and this is eternal family this is forever family said out loud he is my forever father we are his forever family family forever this is what this is what the gangs are looking for this is what the underworld crime family is the way they talk about family talk about family but the love ain't there no they say I love you like a brother but I got to whack you nothing personal yeah right yeah yeah the kind of love that people you know crime families and and gang families people that go on and on about it all we're with you with your family no they're not no as soon as it comes between their hide and yours you're out there's only one family in the universe where somebody loved you and died for you and spill their blood for you sacrifice themselves so you can live it's the family of God and all of us now have this love shed abroad in our hearts and we're supposed to be the same way just like him we lay our life down for our brother and it's not just talk it's not just talk somebody say the father and the family he said you no longer just a servant you're a son and if your son you're an heir of God we know from Romans you're a joint heir with Jesus now go to Matthew 7 what's this got to do with healing well only everything Matthew 7 any of this excite yoo-hoo Matthew 7 and verse 7 was it safe asked and what you just never know huh you just never know what God's gonna do so what if I ask him for something well you just never know because he knows better than we do and sometimes he says yes sometimes he says no sometimes he says wait a while where is that where is that scripture where is that verse yet millions believe it meant millions to fight you over it wouldn't they know ask come on tell me tell me what the scripture I'm talking like the Bible Jesus is talking some of y'all got red letters here right huh red letters red letters Trump's human ignorance right red letters trump's religious confusion so mrs. so-and-so it's got three degrees yeah but i got red letters red letters [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] tim but these red letters ask and you shall receive I'm liking this seek and you shall find who said it who said Jesus said knock huh and it shall be opened unto you keep reading keep reading Jesus is speaking red letters for every one that asks receives glory to God this ain't religious this is not what a lot of folks say everyone that asks receives wonder what Jesus meant by that reckon what he meant by that I know a friend of mine one time was teaching and he said it said he healed them all and if you studied the Scriptures he said find that phrase numerous times he multitudes came to him said he healed them all so he said he won't know what the Lord meant by that so he he launched on an etymological a word study and he looked up the words in the Hebrew and the Greek and the Chaldean and the Aramaic and he just did him a study and so we won't know what you find out he said well he he found out that that this word that's translated all from the Hebrew from the Greek and and it very similar in the Chaldean and the aramaic and what it really meant in the english was oh well that's what i thought he meant right he healed them all everyone that asks and wonder what he means by that everyone that asks receives he that seeks finds to him that knocks it shall be open we need to believe this I said we need to believe this we need to believe that every time we reach up he reaches back we need to believe what he said that if we draw nigh to him what will happen he who does draw nigh to us if we ask him sincerely he will answer us right if we seek him he will reveal himself to us and see us expecting that is the faith he needs to do it for us legally can't go in going well we just don't know we never know I'll fill out a bunch of prayers with hope one of them I hit we just just never know no that's unbelief that's that's wavering right and the Bible said a man who wavers is double minded and you won't receive no you got to get it settled Jesus told it like it is he told it correct this is right he said ask and you will receive everyone that asks me receives and what man is there among you if he has a son and his son ask him for some bread will he give him a stone Jesus is asking us a question here's a man here's a father here's a daddy his boy asks him for some bread and his daddy gives him a rock daddy I'm hungry daddy I'm hungry gotta have some bread here boy here's a rock it's to make a man out of here yeah but daddy I'm hungry I like some bread Rock it's what you're getting Rock yeah but I want bread yeah but I know better I know you know I know you're hungry and you think you want some bread but I know better than you what you need you need a rock now we're laughing but I'm not the one who said this who said this why did Jesus say this because you'd have so many millions of ignorant folk tryin to tell us we ain't got enough sense to know we need bread when we're hungry for bread we got all these folks with education telling us God sometimes gives you a rock and you just never know why but you just have to you know if you get Rock make Rock steer you know just do the best you can with what you have to work with because God in His sovereignty and and vast understanding have chosen to give you a rock when everybody knew and thought you wanted bread but God just knows better now you're laughing and smiling at me but do not millions of Christians believe this that sometimes God gives you rocks and they got all these sayings don't they you know sometimes the Lord gives you lemons and so you just make lemonade I need a scripture ain't no first in there about making lemonade sometimes you you know you pray for for money to pay your bills and God just gives you more bills because he's teaching you something no no if a son asked his daddy for some bread and he's hungry and his bread will a good daddy give him a rock no no keep reading come on keep reading if his son ask him for a fish he says no boy a snake is what you need I know you like fish and I know you hungry for fish and I know you think you want a fish but I'm your daddy and I know that what you really need is a snake so here is you a snake boy and make a man out of you now I know we laughing but religion is telling myriads of Christians that God has given us rocks and he's given us snakes and we don't know why but by and by we'll learn all about it if we don't dice the first you know I mean eating rocks and handling snakes it's rough business you you may not last long enough to learn anything right it would be funny if it wasn't so sad but we have millions of Christians that are eating gravel in life aren't they and they are experiencing one thing after another that is biting them and stinging them and hurting them and they got dust and gravel in their mouth and their preachers are telling them God is giving it to him aren't they they're telling them well just be strong and eat your gravel just be strong and be thankful for your snake just be thankful for your snake the only lesson but people are being told is Jesus never said such a thing he taught us this he said if a man I'm not a natural man and his natural son he asked him for bread is he going to give him a rock tell me the answer to him answer no he is not if he asked him for a fish is he going to give him a snake no he is not keep on reading keep on reading if you thin being evil you know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him glory to God let's get it straight you ask for healing God don't give you cancer instead huh the Bible said how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power he went about doing good what's good healing our disease disease is not good for mr. well maybe it's a blessing in disguise no it is not no it is not a blessing in disguise it's stealing from you it's robbing your life it's robbing your family of you right it's robbing your money it's destroying something in your body it's killing you it is not a blessing in disguise it is a curse it is a rock it is a snake and your father didn't get it to you and you don't have to have it I said you don't have to have it you can have the bread you can have the fish a good daddy his son asked him for something and it's good and he needs it and he's got it what is gonna happen Sonny Boy is going to get bread right and Sonny Boy is going to get fish we are sure it's God's will for all of us to be healed because he is our father and he is a good father good fathers don't hurt their children they don't break their arms they don't inject them with disease huh wait you'd never go for that you never in a million years believe a daddy injected his child with some deadly disease and you say why did you do that they say well I'm teaching them something you'd never accept that but people sit up in church and believe that about God don't they only place they believe something like that's in church is he a worse father than natural fathers no he's better he's better he's better good God good healing good provision said out loud if we know how to give good gifts to our children what do you say what do you say how much more will our Father in heaven give what good things good things Healing is a good thing right prosperity plenty is a good thing peace is a good thing protection is a good thing how much more will our Father in heaven give good things to them that ask him have you got a few more minutes huh because they got something else goes right along with this it's the very next reason we are sure it's God's will for all of us to be healed today this would be reasonable what 14 because healing is the children's bread said out loud healing is the children's bread well what if you ask daddy for some bread huh come get a rock huh come get a snake no he does not hand out rocks and snakes is there bread in God's provision look with me in your there in Matthew 7 just turn that over to the 15th chapter chapter 15 just stay hooked with me a little bit longer can you Matthew 15 you know I've told you there's been a number of times that I've I've said you know I I'd like to go shorter and so many times I have good intentions of going shorter and wound up going longer and and you can't go too long I'm sure I have at times most preachers have they kept going after they got through but I had the Lord say something to me recently about this he said you don't know how much longer you all have together and I was reminded of you know Paul there'd be times he was with his people in leaders they stay up all night and on a couple of these times they didn't know it but they'd never see him again right and we like to assume we're gonna do this for the next 40 years but we don't know that right we don't know where the Lord's gonna send you or where he's gonna send me or if he's gonna come tomorrow right we don't know and so we don't want to miss the Lord and just do a bunch of stuff in the flesh but at the same time we should treasure and value every time we have together right and make the most of it and not be so carnal that we want to rush away from the word in the anointing to a sandwich in the news right that sandwich will be there later so with the news and we have the ability to do things that change the news instead of just hearing it after the fact hmm right we do it without our faith and our prayers anyhow Matthew 15 are you there Matthew 15 this is the story of the woman of canaan whose daughter was tormented and sick the Bible said Jesus verse 21 he went and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts and cried to him and said have mercy on me O Lord thou son of David my daughter is grievously vexed to the devil he answered her not a word his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she cries after he answered and said I'm not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel then came she and worshiped him and said Lord help me he answered and said it's not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it to the dogs now there's a lot of questions you might have about how why he dealt with her the way he did and I won't take the time to go into what little I have seen about it but implications are that she was using borrowed phraseology she wasn't coming to become a Jewish proselyte a follower of God she maybe heard somebody else say this kind of thing and he's just looking to get a healing for her daughter and there's a lot of people they just want a blessing they don't necessarily want God they don't want to change their life they don't want to serve him they just want out of the mess that they're in so they can go back to their ungodly life well that's a problem I said that's a problem there's been people I've prayed for before and maybe there were time go on and they weren't responding like they should be and I actually saw this one time there was a couple that was bringing their daughter and I saw this in prayer in the spirit it was like they were trying to get no closer than they had to to God to get that healing and then they wanting to go back they were wealthy they wouldn't go back to their country club life and not go to church and not mess with God they didn't really care about all that but have you ever found out again and again when you're wanting something from God if you really press into God you said Lord I need this and I need it quick could you just stop me and let me be about my way cuz I got a lot of stuff going on today and he'll say uh come on up here boy come here come here sit down right here man you need to talk yeah but God need to be here if you could just touched me is that me in here so I could go you know I got stuff to do yeah come here come here and sit down how many know the Bible said be still and know that He is God has so many times reason you got these problems is cuz you moving too fast without him already and you about to have more problems so you don't get this fixed and it ain't just to rush in rush out I need it give me a let's go no there's bigger issues here that he needs to talk to you about and you need to get worked out he'll say what are you gonna do about this thing I talked to you about five years ago you go well you won't talk about that yeah when are you gonna do that if I just want to be healed I just wanna could you just sent me so you know she's using different phraseology and and we won't go into all the what was going on but she persisted and she worshipped him and she said you know help me and he What did he say it's not me that's not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs what is he referring to as the children's bread what has she come asking for she came seeking deliverance and healing right for her daughter to be liberated from this torment and her daughter to be healed you can see later in the passage said a daughter was healed and he calls it what the chilled the who the children's Brit was she was a syrophoenician is a Canaanite an ungodly person she was not a Jewish proselyte but today you and I've been born again we are the children I said we are the children when the children's got bread and what is the bread the the bread is deliverance from what torments and makes sick and healing from that which has day me deliverance freedom and healing is called the children's bread now I'm glad it didn't say children's dessert children's pie children's cake because you might have thought it was something special that only a few people got once in a while if they were nice enough if no children's bread bread everybody supposed to get bread bread staple bread are you really trying to you know expecially when you say could I have a piece of bread huh no anybody should get bread and that's what she got ahold of anybody should get bread even if you weren't a part of the family which she was not he said well it's it's the children's bread it's not right to take the children's bed and throw it to the dogs what did she say what'd you say truth Lord but what huh even the dogs get crumbs crumbs of what bread crumbs under the master's table now no boy this is saying a lot her daughter is grievously vexed her daughter isn't a mess and yet you know what she says all I need is some crumbs if I could just get some bread crumbs we could be healed ah you know a slice to this slice of this bread so powerful all I need some crumbs and she said the dogs get the crumbs don't think I mean crumbs fall off the table cook the dogs get them so maybe I'm not in the family you know but hey dogs get crumbs I believe a big smile come across Jesus face he said woman woman you got some faith great is your faith be it unto you and hold glory to God her dog her daughter the Bible said was delivered and was healed from that hour well you think there's still bread on the table go go to Psalm 23 I think I can close with this Psalm 23 didn't Jesus say man shall not live by natural bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God his healing bread his healing bread the Bible said in Psalm 23 are you there do you know it anybody know the twenty-third Psalm Psalm 23 what do you say the Lord is my shepherd sometimes I have it sometimes I don't because you just never know no I shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures you know why sheep lie down in green pastures because their belly is full elsewise they'd be up eaten you see sheep you see a cow laying down the middle of the day and the grass waving over their head you know why because their stomach is full they can't eat no more they got too much grass tea he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because you are with me your rod your staff they comfort me keep reading keep reading what you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies this can't be in heaven this can't be in heaven because your enemy's not up there it's got to be down here on the earth it is there a table of God's provision available to the children of God even right down here in the middle of this devil field cursed field sin and disease filled earth there is you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup runneth over wonder if there's any bread on the table what if a son asks for bread would a good father give him a rock no he's gonna give him bread what do we know according to the scripture is the children's bread healing deliverance is the children's bread every child has a right to this bread but you got to ignore the enemies don't you you got to ignore the symptoms you got to know though ignore the bad reports and come rattle up to the day table it's in the presence of your enemies they'll try to distract you but just ignore them and say pass the bread please I'll take some bed please two slices we don't have to get my own crumbs crumbs enough to heal you we can have a whole slice or two I take two slices of bread and I take a big scoop of joy yeah give me a serving a piece thank you but you have to appropriate you can't sit around and sing Kumbaya you got to come to the table and sit down and hold up your play and ask and you shall receive seek and you say I'm seeking some bread I'm seeking some bread I'm asking for some bad pass the bread please pass the bread pass the healing and take yourself some healing take yourself the provision claim it believe you receive it lay hold with your spirit it belongs to you you have a right to it healing is the children's bread somebody say healings of children's baby I'm a child of the king the bread belongs to me Healing belongs to me Corey to God stand up and raise your hands bless the Lord oh thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father glory to your holy name glory to your holy name glory to your holy name hallelujah let's sing God is good you know all the time he's filled with compassion you know that let's sing this hallelujah thank you god is good god is good [Music] all the time [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] Oh hallelu God is good all the time god is good Oh with mercy Oh hallelujah sometimes people think the big problem is getting the thing to change this is not true it's easy for God to change a body to change symptoms that is the easiest thing doesn't seem like it to people but it is what's the challenge to get changed us well how we think how we believe and if the Lord can't get you up from being down he can't change your life are you with me now if you choose in spite of hearing of his goodness if you choose to continue to despair to be upset to be scared you won't come out but faith is the victory that overcomes the whole world no matter what you can rejoice somebody say god is good he's good to me I'm coming out I'm coming through healing belongs to me long life belongs to me God is good and he's good to me he's faithful to me God is good god is good god is good less singing [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] mercy is everlasting god is good [Music] Oh [Music] we're gonna sing that again we're gonna sing it as we go if you're here tonight and you've got any questions about your salvation do not go out those doors not knowing this is too serious to wait another day there will be people standing here ready to talk to you ready to pray for you watching by internet you know write us email us call us let us talk to you everybody should know that they know that they are saved how many agree with that and if you don't get it right find out tonight don't wait'll tomorrow we'll have a great day Sunday I come prepared to stay all day long right we're gonna rejoice in the resurrection we're gonna rejoice in the greatest gift that's ever been given to anybody Jesus and salvation and then we go so to each other and we go receive and we're gonna be a blessing to each other and we're gonna please the Father by loving each other and having being in faith all day long right yeah come on come on and we'll do it together this thing as we go Oh God is good [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 31,370
Rating: 4.7540455 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Gods, will, to, heal, Pt, 10, The, fatherhood, of, God
Id: GiE7hr2OIB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 12sec (4512 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2012
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