Keith Moore Seeking the Kingdom Pt 7 Pearl of great price

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Matthew 6 and verse 33 for some weeks now when I've been with you we've been talking about seeking the kingdom and I'd like to continue in this this morning will you believe with me for for utterance utterance is greatly affected by the hearer in Matthew 6:33 jesus said but seek ye first the kingdom of God well let's back up to the previous verse verse 32 he had said after all these things do the Gentiles seek and he was talking about what we'd call making a living or a comfortable living or retirement or taking care of you and your family your housing your food and drink and clothing and all those kind of things after all these things do the Gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things I've heard some people say well you know we might not maybe we don't we think we need it but we maybe we don't need it no the Bible said God knows you need it so then you need it but he goes on to say verse 33 don't don't seek after that don't let that be your priorities and your pursuit but seek rather first what the kingdom of God and His righteousness righteousness now the right just the yes on the in the right that's Old English we don't talk like that today we'd probably just say rightness and we're God's kingdom is manifest you will see what is right being done and everything that God does is right and good and so you seek first the kingdom of God and his right ways of living doing be everything he is and does and has is right and good and if you'll do that all the things that the world's seeking after trying to get and and oftentimes not being successful in getting it even though you're not seeking the things you'll have them they'll be added to you there but they'll not be added to you while you were seeking the things you were seeking the kingdom and God added the things to you can you see this friends do do you believe the words of Jesus is this route true and right it is now that we've said before a lot of Christians know this verse but they emphasize only the last part all these things will be added to you but really like Dave was referring to earlier in the service here that's not that's not our part that's God's part all these things being added to us that's not our part and it doesn't that part doesn't apply to us unless we do the first part who are all these things going to be added to those who seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness so we shouldn't be yeah we should thank God that the last part of the verse is true and that we can count on God but after thanking God for a couple of minutes on that we need to get on our part right and get on doing the seeking first of the kingdom of God and His righteousness knowing that as surely as we do that God's faithful he's going to do that other part well what is the kingdom of God and how do you seek it well a kingdom is the Kings Dominion it's what the king exercises reign and authority over what the king exercises rule over well what does God exercise rule over and control over many Christians and church-going people would immediately respond everything God's in control of everything go rules over everything and ultimately that is true ultimately but if you're talking about right here and now on the earth it's not true God is not reigning over everything down here well let me ask you is he reigning over everybody down here is everybody following Jesus direction is Lord of their life well then his reign his Dominion does not include them at this time now if you'll back up to the ninth verse now no that doesn't sound good to folks that have grown up in church and it's entity instead of the Bible come on are he listening but don't don't take my word for it see what the scripture says is it true or not Satan you know is called the god of this world Jesus referred to him as the prince of this world three or four times in the book of John second Corinthians 4:4 he's referred to as the god of this world Ephesians refers to him and the devil he's acting like this is his and he's doing everything he can to control it and he is largely in control of it through men ungodly men I know a lot a lot of folks don't like that they want to say God's in control well if God's in control its he's got it in a mess huh are we sure that God's responsible for the mess that this earth is in are we sure about this no you can see it clearly solemn said the heaven even the heavens is the Lord's but the earth has he given to the children of men he gave us this and we've messed it up don't despair he's got a plan he's gonna fix it in verse nine when they asked the Lord about how to pray he gave us this widely known as the Lord's Prayer he said after this manner therefore pray ye our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name the way to begin is to understand who you pray into and have some kind of concept of who he is and how great he is our Father hallelujah not just cold God but father hallowed everybody say high-load how how holy and to be reverenced revered respected honored is or be your name and the first thing he said to ask was what verse 10 this is now you're asking for something here your kingdom come your will be done in earth as it is in heaven now there is so much revelation in this verse like all the verses so much but if the kingdom has already come in the sense that nothing else of the kingdom needs to come then you wouldn't need to pray this and if God's will is already being done in its entirety through the earth then you wouldn't need to pray that his will would be done right you just say everything that's happening is the will of God God's will is being done no matter how awful it looks and how terrible it seems must be the will of God religion has taught this it's not true it's contrary to the Bible there's all kind of stuff happening down here that's not the plan of God and not the will of God and not pleasing to him it's because man has a free will and man has chosen to disobey God and the repercussions of that is death and curse in the beginning God created everything what did you say when he got through creating it what did you say about it it's good it's good it's very good how many believe the weather was perfect in the garden huh there were no problems there was no disease there was no no snow sickness and problems now fast forward to the the book of Revelation and look at the end you know when man fell then came in sin and curse and death all of that was not an improvement on God's original plan was it or his original design but then when you look at the end we see God's got a plan to fix this thing there's coming a time have you read in the book of Revelation there's coming a time when there's going to be new heavens and new earth and in it there's going to be no more curse no more sorrow no more pain no more dying no more crying then that sounds similar to how the things started this is always been God's will and in notice this in Matthew 6:10 look at it again 6:10 my kingdom come Thy will be done where in earth how does God have to separate wills one will for heaven and a different will for earth well is is Earth operating just like heaven is right now you not to think about that one too huh well if God has one will and it's his will that his will in heaven be done on earth what does that show you it shows you that his will is not being done in the earth until it's like heaven now in heaven how's the weather think so how many tornadoes the heaven are earthquakes typhoons tsunamis hurricanes absolutely none no no how about the crime rate in heaven hmm crime rate other parts of heaven you shouldn't go after darkness unless several people are with you huh absolutely not zero crime how about disease how much cancer in heaven AIDS heart problems absolutely none none how much lack in heaven people with their needs not being met people hungry people doing with that absolutely not you know why because God is in complete control there and his will is being done completely there and all the stuff that you see down here for all the destruction and all the sorrow and all the pain that's not God's will being done he's not reigning over that he's not ruling over that so how do we get in the kingdom and the Kingdom get in us very simple you bow your knee to the king of kings come on are you listening and you invite him into your heart and your life come on do you believe it and you confess him as Lord of your life and you begin to seek his will and plan for your life and you yield yourself to do what he said his way come on are you listening and if you do that then he will be reigning in your life and we see when he is reigning then his will and works are done that's why he told them to sup would you go into a place and and heal the sick and when you do you say the kingdom of God is here you go into a place you minister deliverance to people that are oppressed get them free and then you say the kingdom of God is here well you say the kingdom of God is here what because it's not God's will for people to be sick and oppressed it's it's will for them to be free and when you see them get free you know the kingdom of God is manifest right here God's will is being none can you see that because that's what's right in his eyes free and healed and and blessed is right in God's eyes we seek what God says is right and so we have allowed God to rule over us and immediately then we should seek his rule to extend beyond us to the rest of our family to our friends to our co-workers to our neighbors how many want to see God actually rain all around you so that his will is being done in the earth like it is in heaven now there's coming a time soon when every knee is going to bow and every tongue is gonna confess and the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and the glory of the Lord is gonna cover this planet like the waters cover the sea and he will be completely in control that time is not yet should be obvious to us it's not yet but it's coming and how many are so thankful that God's grace to us to have the understanding to bow our knee now now and not wait til possibly too late go with me please to the book of your there in Matthew go to the thirteenth chapter please now this 13th chapter of Matthew is just full of revelation concerning the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven you'll see if you haven't read it take the time and read it and every time it says Kingdom notice it and in the Lord is giving us illustration after illustration example after example of what the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven is like how how it operates how functions how weird understand it and of course if we're going to seek first the kingdom we need to understand what the kingdom is how to seek it for times sake just go to verse 44 verse 44 jesus said again the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field the which when a man has found he and for joy thereof everybody saved for joy for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has and buys that field why is Jesus telling us this because this is what the kingdoms like this is what this is what you do in the kingdom verse 45 again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man seeking goodly pearls keep going who when he had found one pearl of great price he went and sold all that he had and bought it somebody say this is the way the kingdom of God is hallelujah let me read the Youngs literal translation of this Young's literal verse 44 again the reign of the heavens is like to treasure hid in the field which a man having found did hide and from his joy goes and all as much as he has he sells and buys that field now he's not sad that he's having to liquidate I guess I'll get it it's gonna cost me everything but I'll give it up for Jesus no no anytime you see in here that kind of thing it's not right that's not the right spirit it has to do with seeing what's truly valuable and when you see it and you know it you're only too glad to sacrifice whatever it takes to get it because it's worth it can you say Amen the scripture says in first Corinthians we've been we've been reading there recently that uh well in fact this turn there first Corinthians 2 you've been reading your chapters alright it's widely known that everybody at faith Life Church reads their chapter every day Monday through Friday and if for some reason you didn't know that go back to the back after the service get your bookmark and join us yeah get sanctified first Corinthians - are you there first Corinthians - it said he was talking about natural versus spiritual in this passage he said verse 12 1st Corinthians 2:12 we've received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God which things also we speak not in words which man's wisdom teaches which the Holy Ghost teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual now what you're going to see as we finish reading this spiritual people value spiritual things carnal natural people value natural things more than spiritual things this is one of the big indicators of whether a person is spiritual or carnal carnal people value natural things more than spiritual things spiritual people value spiritual things more than natural things verse 14 the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God because they're what then does he value them no he's like how many I said there's a whole lot of people think you're nuts for being in church this morning when you could be sleep in the inn or a playing golf or shopping right they think they think you're wasting your time but it's only because they don't know what's important if they knew what's important they'd be somewhere right is the word of God precious is the anointing precious somebody say precious valuable but see the the more carnal you are you don't even acknowledge it you don't even recognize like I ain't got time for that neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned verse 15 but he that is spiritual judges actually that word is discerned all things but he himself is discerned of no man now there's a whole lot there but anyway spiritual people desire spiritual things and they value spiritual things more than natural carnal people would they go after natural things more than they do spiritual things now go back to our our place there where were you in Matthew is that where you read Matthew 22 in Matthew 22 beginning verse 1 jesus answered and spoken to them again by parables and he said the kingdom of heaven is like this it's like a certain King which made a marriage for his son what are we supposed to be doing according to a verse seeking the kingdom what's what is the kingdom what's the kingdom like how does it operate how does it function every one of these is giving us insight into what the kingdom is like the kingdom of God is like that pearl of great price when you find it you rel you realize what you found me and you go glory to God this is it this is what I've been looking for and you liquidate you know Matt it doesn't the cost cannot be too great for you to get it and pursue it and have it sell everything he got lay aside everything you've planted throw it all aside to get this and keep this and do this and go he goes on to say here it's like a certain king that made a marriage for his son in verse 3 he sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden are invited to the wedding and they what now Jesus is saying the kingdom of God is like this so this is happening in the earth right now that the kingdom of God exists the kingdom of God is in us and we're in the kingdom but not everybody's in the kingdom right and God's not ruling over everybody's life but is he inviting them is he saying come all that or athirst come everybody come right he's inviting but are many not accepting the invitation he said behold I stand at the door and knock are there many who are not responding and why why wouldn't they come why wouldn't they come because to them it's not important to them it's not valuable carnal people natural people would they desire natural things more than spiritual things and that's exactly what you see verse 4 verse 4 he sent forth his servants saying so this is this is another opportunity they didn't respond so he's telling them again come on now I've prepared my dinner my oxen my fatlings everything's ready I've spared no expense I've made thorough and elaborate and excellent preparation everything's ready everything said was this a big thing to the to the Lord who's prepared is it big to him now see that's all you need to know right if it's important to him you don't need to know the rest of the details it's just be there with balzone right be there don't be late right be there that's all you need to know if it's important to him if he says it's valuable and he said I've prepared everything's ready come he's already told him and they didn't listen so he's telling them again come come on verse 5 and they did what they did what made light of it now in in the Bible this is the same meaning as the word despise it doesn't mean that quite the same thing in our modern vernacular but in the Bible when it says so and so despised something we think detest but that's not what it means I mean that could be included ignoring something can be despising it because you're treating it like it's worth nothing that's despising would be devaluing counting it it's not even important enough for me to spend any time or make any effort towards honoring something has to do with valuing it it's from the meaning of the word heavy and in those days you didn't just pull out your credit card and you didn't just give people paper if you wanted something that was really expensive you had to get out the heavy stuff the silver the gold and you had to pile enough of it up on that pan on the scale to weigh out what it costs to get that thing right and so the more precious it was the heavier price literally you had to pay to get it well there they're counting and unimportant they made light of it and they went their ways one to his farm another to his merchandise keep reading and the rim that took his servants and entreated them spitefully and slew them if you look at Luke 14 don't turn there but Luke's account he goes in the talk and one of them says I just got some new oxen and I got to prove them one of them says hey I just got married and I can't come this and then wonder if that's going on today why what what's going on to carnal people what's more important business equipment family miss it family yeah because it's your family putting your family first is not the same as putting God first and besides that if you put your family first what are you teaching your kids you're teaching them to put themselves first not God put their kids first ahead of God and you really prepare them for failure there can only be one number one spot right seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you they we shouldn't just look at this from a Scholastic standpoint put yourself in these guys place I know you'd like to think no I wouldn't do that but the truth is most of us have done some of this at some time or other here the Lord calls on you to be involved in his things and for some reason you don't have time you're not available your stuff is not available why would that be true because your stuff is more important to you than his things hmm and you hear this people say well I worship God in my own way I serve God in my own way your people say well I I don't I don't believe in organized religion me neither but I worship God I honor God I serve God in my own way is contradictory to Jesus being Lord in your life if he's Lord in your life you don't do it your own way you do it his way and so you've got people that don't go to church people that won't give they got the things of God are not important enough for them to tithe or put any money into it much less any time or effort they just got no time for it it was well I just feel close to God out in the woods wonderful but Sunday morning during church time is the only time you can pray in the woods when the scripture says don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together you're not honoring God by doing it your way your dishonouring him by devaluing what he said and considering an optional for you go with me if you would to I'm gonna read them to you just one after another Matthew 10 and 40 Matthew 10 and 40 jesus said he that receives you receives me who's he talking to he that receives you that's the disciples right did they do everything right and perfect he's still my Peter stuck his foot in his mouth frequently right tell my Thomas who was negative it could be let's go die with I won't believe it less I see it and yet he says if you receive Thomas you receive me is this true or not if you receive Peter James John you received me and he that receives me receives him that sent me and if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet you receive a Prophet's reward does it affect what you get out of the ministry according to how you receive it how much respect you give to it absolutely and he that receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man receives a righteous man's reward whoever will give a drink of under one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of disciples why because of who's they are because in doing that for them you're honoring him now friend let me let me say this and we'll touch on it further as we go you may not be able to appreciate and respect everything a man or woman is and does their flesh like you they don't know everything they can make mistakes they can mess up but you must respect the place God has given them and the call of the Ministry are elsewise you failed to respect God himself and if you disrespect the place because of a mistake or the flesh that the man and woman is made you're directly disrespecting God I know a lot of folks haven't seen this but is this scripture or not he that receives the one I sinned receives me Matthew 13 57 Jesus when Jesus talked about some things they were offended in him and Jesus said to them a prophet snot without honour save in his own country and in his own house Jesus wasn't valued and respected among his own people did it affect his ministry verse 58 there he did not many mighty works there there because of their unbelief he couldn't do it that didn't say didn't do it he didn't do it there because of the way they didn't receive him there they didn't respect him they didn't honor him in Matthew 25 and 40 won't read the whole thing but you know he was he was talking about if you if you visited somebody in and then when they're sick or when they're in prison or er you you help them or clothe them or fed them verse 40 the king will answer and say and as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren you've done it unto me and in verse 45 and as much as you didn't do it you did it not to the least of these you did it not to me now I know a lot of people say well this refers to Jewish people and I don't accept that interpretation of this passage and if you do if you we can agree to disagree because on other occasion Jesus not to my knowledge never referred to two folks because of their DNA as his brethren he did say when his own mom and brothers were standing outside the door he looked around inside and said those who hear the word of God and do it these are my brothers on the right and when on the road to Damascus that Saul met Jesus and he said Saul Saul why persecutest thou me was he taking it personally and that he had done it to the church he had done it against him he wasn't talking about Jewish people he's talking about the church is that true or not no in as much as you've done it to the least of these Jesus takes it personally how we treat those that are his his called his anointed skip on down if you would to well book a John you're not following you just looking on the screen I guess John 5 and 23 John 5:23 says that all men should honor the son even as they honor the father he that honors not the son honors not the Father which has sent him and finally John 13 2013 20 Jesus said verily verily I say unto you he that receives whomsoever I sinned receives me and he that receives me receives him that sent me if you received the one he sins you receive him if you don't receive the one he sinned you don't receive him our love I respect our honor for God is shown directly by our dealings with each other shown or not shown and we have there's been demonstrations of this I mean you're here you're not somewhere else this morning morning you're here and so many of you have served on teams and you've sown and you've prayed and you've given and you've worked but how many believe if we could take it even another step we could do you believe we could we could me you we could come on up and we could it does this affect our future directly what what happens for those that honor him they that seek first his kingdom and righteousness all these things will be added to them go to first Samuel this first we keep referring to first Samuel and the second chapter now the only reason you'd be sober about this is if he wasn't planning on honoring him right if you've already decided now I got too much going on I don't have time for him and it's tough well that's then you got a right to be sober but if you're planning on putting him first and honoring him you got a right to rejoice because we're coming up we're coming up can you sense things are changing there we're wearing a time and season of transition now out of one thing into the other and and there will always be Christian who are just not interested in any kind of commitment they'd like to come and hear a good message and be encouraged on how to live their life but don't ask for anything else come and go come and go don't say anything about giving don't say anything about service don't say anything about living right none of that just you know I'll come you give me a boost shot and I'll go will be happy you leave me alone I'll leave you alone that's what we pay you for a preacher to be spiritual well but that's not how the Lord sees it hmm that's not the Bible and he said if you're gonna follow me it's gonna cost you everything didn't he say that it's going to cost you everything if you're gonna be my disciple and you're gonna follow me fully but as we were talking and shouting about Friday night is it worth whatever cost said it might be I mean the cost not even worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed and this whole thing is fading so fast how many know that you're in my life is just about to be over I know the heart said this to me just a few weeks ago he said Keith you need you need to live every day like you are almost out of time he said because you are my son brother Keith you think you're gonna die if the Lord tarries is coming about that much longer I know I am you too everybody else in the room huh if I live another 50 years it's gonna come and go like that hmm should we be living like we're almost out of time because we are we are we are I know by the Spirit of God right now there's a number of people in this room sitting right here right now they won't be on the earth next year sitting in this room right now won't be on the earth next year that's not to be not to be upset and scared hundreds of thousands of people will leave the planet today happens every day right we talked about if you're scared of death get our series that the Lord gave us a while back on victory over death and get over that and get free but what if you realize I got less than 12 months on this earth would you live any different would you reckon your priorities might skew and change a little bit huh you might begin realize that's not important that's not important what is important the purl the purl the pearl of great price hmm st. outlet prayed out loud in sincerity father God help me to realize how short my time is help me to realize what's important and what's not important what's precious and what's worthless in Jesus name so bad so bad I'm looking forward to leaving but I don't want to leave early I want to do everything we're supposed to do I want to run my race I want to finish my course right don't you don't you well we must not get bogged down in 10 and 20 year periods of haze where we just get up go to work come home get up go to work come home watch the dishes load the dishwasher unload the distress load the drive I load the drive what's your hair comb your hair go to bed get up and then act like you're gonna do this for the next thousand years because you're not soon and very soon is going to be no more dishwasher no more hair dry come on up here listen your body will just need one outfit somebody else to take care of that for you and you won't even be here I said you own it you won't care you won't even be here you'll be out of here but how many things are missing I'd leave now don't be in such a rush you are in this earth for such a time as this you are not here by accident don't let the devil lie to you you have something to contribute whether you're doing it or not you have abilities and graces in you don't despise them there are ways you can help believers the church the kingdom there are things you can do don't despise even if they seem small there are things you can do and you want to do it with all your might as long as you're drawing the breath and motivate them down here until you get out of here and how many think after you do you'll be so glad you didn't just waste all your time but you did something that mattered and something that lasted hallelujah you know Paul said in Galatians 4 he said I'm reading the complete Jewish Bible Galatians 4:14 he said even though my physical condition tempted you to treat me with scorn you did not display any sign of disdain or disgust you welcomed me as if I had been an angel of God as if I had been the Messiah Yeshua himself he said you received me like an angel of God you received me like the Lord Himself even though now some people have tried to say he was sick in this and that no the man had just been stoned just been stoned and I'm gonna know in stoning what's the primary target the head they thought they killed him and we know he didn't I know God raised him up but we shouldn't assume that all of his wounds were just instantly and completely healed because later on he said I bear in my body the marks will that scars from healing up and so no doubt man his head was probably swelled twice its size his eyes were bloody and red shot and his nose and everything else and he preached to them in this condition and he said even though I didn't look like an angel I wasn't pretty at all and you could have said I can't even look at him he's too hard to look at he said in spite of that you received me like an angel of the Lord why they weren't just making the big deal out of Paul they were making the big deal out of the one that sent Paul that called Paul that are known in Paul they were honoring God come on can you see they were honoring God and in doing so they received the Lord and received what he said are you there in 1st Samuel in 1st Samuel 2 and verse 29 God had privileged and honored Eli and his family and his sons with the priesthood and it was given to them in perpetuity their descendants after them were to continue to serve generation after generation but Eli's sons became corrupt and they changed the ordinances that God gave them about how to conduct themselves and how to receive the offerings and they were having affairs with the women and they were stealing the money and they were just how many understand doing that what are you proving you're treating God's things like they're worth nothing right you're treating his words like they don't matter you're treating us things like there and so God warned Eli to correct his boys and get a hold of them and he didn't do it and in process of time the Lord said here why kick it my sacrifice in my offering which I've commanded in my habitation and you honor your son's above me see Eli made a very bad choice in choosing not to correct his sons and if necessary put him out of the ministry semester that's harsh it would have been easier than them dying and getting judged right later on in doing that he's honoring his family and his kids more than he's honoring God now yes you too love your kids and you love your spouse and you love your family and do what you know to take care of your family but you're not supposed to honor your family above God right you're to honor the poor and bless support but you're not supposed to honor the port above God he said where are you doing this honoring your son's above me verse 30 wherefore the Lord God of Israel says I said indeed that your house in the house of your father should walk before me forever that was the will and plan of God but now the Lord says be it far from me can you lose the honor and privilege in place God gave you by doing what by despising it acting like it's not worth anything acting like it's not important doesn't mean anything oh I'll go if I want to I don't have time now I know I we've shared a few things along this line are you with me do you understand what a a drought our nation is in in this area we've got kids that grew up with parents that had parents that were never taught honor and never taught respect and they don't respect their teachers or they're coaches people don't respect their employers they don't respect their pastors I was at I was at a church a while back and I was talking with the pastor it was important and I got interrupted 15 times by nothing junk every anybody and their brother thought they could come and interrupt us and talk about anything and do anything and they actually hindered what God was doing and I didn't feel like I could say anything to the pastor he didn't seem to see anything wrong with it they obviously had not a clue what they would do it these things are hindered and a lot touched people arose why don't we have meetings like this and why don't we have moves like this and they don't realize they haven't respected what God has given them they've treated it like it's nothing and so you don't qualify for more but the ones the Lord is talking to us about this during week of increase wasn't he same kind of thing why not to reprove us not to make us feel bad well if you need to reproof yeah you can take some but but it's because he wants to give us more but you don't cast your pearls before swine what does that mean pigs don't appreciate pearls they don't know the difference between pearls and pebbles they'll trample them in the mud just like they will a rock they don't know the difference so you'd be foolish if you gave them pearls well God's not going to give us precious things and we don't even value what we got now we'll have to step up I said we'll have to step up how many be the Spirit of God is saying to stir up step up right do you believe that and come up come up and he said I'm not I'm not gonna let people that despise my things like this and got no time and don't care about it I'm not gonna let them continue even though that was my plan I gave it to them but now they've disqualified themselves because they don't they don't value it they don't honor it read the rest of it What did he say be it far from it for them that honor me I will honor and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed friends do you have time for God who in here has time for God I want to know are you sure oh you're so busy you're busy you got work you got school you got sports you got who in here has time for God I want to know you got time for God are you sure how about your talents and skills that God has given you would you use them for the Lord would you use them for the Lord your treasure how about your treasure can you spare some of your treasure how many oh I just will not give him the leftovers we ought to give him the first part is that right first honor the Lord with you substance and the firstfruits of all your increase and your barns will be filled with plenty and you presses a burst out with new wine how many think we ought to treat God's things in a certain way I know back years ago I just thought I was through I'm not through I got a story to tell you if this is important to you you got time if something else is more important to you you need to really look at it don't you huh how many us know fried chicken is not more important than anointed Word in Revelation carnal people not now you laugh but there's a lot of people they will pick fried chicken and a biscuit over a word from God they will and they'll do it every time and not make an apology and their life will be so empty and so shallow and so small and it'll be over in a flash and they'll wake up only too late to realize there was more to life than chicken and biscuits oh there could have been spiritual people love spiritual things more because it's not just a man a woman or a church or a service it's God's anointing God's revelation God's Word God's things I was in a meeting up north this has been 25 years ago and I wasn't thinking anymore about this following about his church that was a thousand miles away and while I'm praying the Lord brings this man to me he's a pastor I know him and he said his his vehicle doesn't please me I thought really I didn't have a clue what he had or didn't have had didn't have any idea does God care about these things or not he does but it's four reasons some folks haven't realized it's not just about transportation and I thought well Lord okay he said his vehicle doesn't please me it's inadequate I thought Lord if you care about it I care about it what what can I do we had just gotten our first little airplane his a little single-engine little small small airplane and I had just got where I could fly at by myself we'd been out of town for weeks he said when you get home you're getting that little airplane I just gave you and you go over there and he'll find out you're in town and he'll ask you to speak when he does you say yes and this is what I want you to speak up sure enough happened just that way I went over there he found out I was there he called where I was he said you're gonna be in town over the weekend I said yeah just act play dumb you know he said would you speak for me Olson I said well if you want me to he said he said yeah and the passage the Lord gave me to speak was in Ephesians where it said and the Lord gave gifts unto men and talks about apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers are these gifts how should you treat a gift from God and the Lord showed me this he said now he said you have this is it I don't mean I heard a voice now all this came up in my heart to my mind enlightening me and I knew it was him talking to me he said you have two watches there at the house I got more than that now thank the Lord back then I had one that was a rubber Timex that I would swim in and another one brother Copeland had given it to me it was a pilot's watch and it was a nice one and I had a little special box I put idiot and I didn't wear it all the time he said you'll come in you'll take that rubber Timex and you'll throw it on the counter it'll bounce off and hit the floor you don't even care he said but that other watch you take that and you fasten it and you wipe it off and you put it in the little box and you put it you got a place right there for what am i doing am i treating them differently why am i treating them differently this one I barely value well I think we paid $12 for it when it wasn't even that was a long time ago this one not just that it was expensive and it was nice but it was also who it came from and and how it came it was important to me because it meant something to him and it meant something to me don't say I still got that watch too and he said you have a special place for it you put it in a nice place and you take care of it in a certain way because you value it and you tell them you tell the people in that church that I gave them these gifts and if they don't value them I can easily send them somewhere else he said in you comfort you tell them that I'm not pleased with his vehicle and if they don't want to do anything about it you will I thought I will he said yeah you will I said okay I will and I brought my check for part of it hoping they would get it but knowing that if they don't I'm supposed to believe for the rest but praise God I didn't you know you're only hearing part of the message I wasn't hard and mean with them I gave him what I believe the Lord gave me and before it was over man that bunch rose up and hey they put him in a very nice very and not long after that they built him a new house - glory to God and they're still there and that place has flourished I mean is and at the end of the service the word of the Lord came to me and the Lord said now you've put him in a new car and he said the next time you return talking about me next time you come back there will be a lot of new cars in the parking lot tell my two people well that's the ways of God isn't it why because it wasn't about making a big day and the man he's such a good man in him as well they didn't care they would have drove an old piece of junk till the wheels fell off but God cares and if you don't honor his things and his people you're not honoring him and if you don't honor him you won't be honored it's not just about preachers it's about believers it's about the church it's about the ministry every part of the things of God those that honor me I will honor stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 7,194
Rating: 4.7966104 out of 5
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Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 14 2014
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