Keith Moore Seeking the Kingdom Pt 6 Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

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Matthew six and 33 says Basuki first Jesus said the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you now we've been on this for some weeks when I've been with you talking about seeking the kingdom a lot of times people have focused on the last part of this verse all these things will be added to you and that's mostly where they've kept and that's good to know that and good to believe it and good to rejoice in it but that's not your part that's not our part that's God's part right he's the one that's gonna add all these things to us but it's conditional on the first part it's not just gonna happen automatically for everybody everywhere who's it gonna happen for those that seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness so we should be focusing on seeking the kingdom shouldn't we and so that's what we've been camping on what what does it mean to seek the kingdom or to seek first the kingdom what does that mean are you doing it can we do it more how do we do it well first of all what is the kingdom kingdom is the king's domain the Kings Dominion Young's literal translation very accurate rig translation says of sikhi first the reign of God the kingdom of God is what God reigns over with the king of kings rules over and reigns over and we're to seek this and we're to seek this first now what what is what is God reigning over what is the King of Kings Jesus reigning over many church-going people would say everything God rules over everything I mean you'd find that more often than not and if you implied anything else that be up in arms with you about it but if you say God's ruling over everything that leaves her on the implication and it contradicts Scriptures ultimately God you know he has rights of rulership over everything by right of creation it wouldn't exist except he created it and sustained it and ultimately he shall rule over all but right now right here he's not reigning over everything y'all with me see now I know a lot of people don't like that but I'm gonna say it real loud he's not reigning over everything down here do you know who wants you to believe that God is controlling everything down here the devil so that you won't blame him and so that you'll yield to it because if you think it's from God who's gonna fight God back up to the ninth verse in this sixth chapter now if this is new to you we've we've already covered a lot of ground the Lord's actually answering prayers for us from a couple years ago and before where we saw him to show us what's him and what's not him what's God and what's religious junk and and he's doing it he's showing us and we kept on a series for quite a while called Yuchi and if you haven't got that let me encourage you get get in there and go through the scriptures with us and see if I see if it's right won't cost you anything go back to the word supply or get online download it and we saw that actually God has put things in our hands to choose and a whole lot of things are wrong because men have chosen wrong but in Matthew 6 verse 9 here the disciples asking Jesus about prayer and him giving instructions notice this is you know chapter six we're just in verse 33 notice what got us to verse 33 he's Jesus said after this manner therefore pray ye our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name now notice this our Father we're in heaven now the next verse the what your kingdom come your will be done in earth as it is in heaven thy kingdom come say that out loud with me please thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven now I believed this rejoiced over this for decades but in recent times I see so much more here than I ever saw before that kingdom come and the next phrase describes his kingdom coming how would you know God's reigning over something his will is being done there if the devil's will is being done in that situation who's reigning there the devil not God this is not real difficult what do you say thy will be done what on earth how does God have a separate will for Earth than for heaven apparently not he said pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven now his will must not be being done in its entirety completeness or else wise we wouldn't need to pray that it would be now let me ask you about heaven everybody awake how much crime in heaven today huh how much how many robberies murders huh vandalism how much zero how much disease how much cancer AIDS zero zero how many wars genocide starvation how much you know why because God is in complete control there and his will is being done entirely there what about down here no there's all kind of things going on down here that are not the will of God that doesn't please him let's look at some Scripture Jesus talked about this and he repeatedly said this in the book of John I'm you don't have to turn these turn to these just listen John 12:31 Jesus said now is the judgment of this world now shall the Prince of this world be cast out another translation said the ruler of this world who's Jesus talking about as he told my god he caused the devil the ruler of this world John 14:30 John 14:30 Jesus said neither will I talk much with you the prince which is the Greek word for ruler of this world comes and he has nothing in me the so this world comes but how many understand he's not ruling over Jesus and he said he said he didn't have anything in me and yet he's ruling over the world John 1611 he said the prince of this world is judged three times Jesus referred to the devil as the Prince our ruler of this world go to 2nd Corinthians 4 please 2nd Corinthians 4 2nd Corinthians 4 3 4 3 he said if our gospel be hid its hid to them that are lost verse 4 in whom the god of this world who's the god of this world see many many church-going people would tell you God is the god of this world but the Bible says different the New Testament says different hmm you got to watch out for religious tradition just because it sounds right to you and it's been around even for centuries doesn't mean it was right when it first came out I was right now and just because millions of people believe it don't make it right either he said the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them now go with me back to Matthew there should have had you hold your place I guess but Matthew 16 you believe in with me this morning please do Matthew 16 I want you to notice something in verse let's see about verse 16 down here Matthew 16 and les 13 let's start with 13 Jesus came to the coasts of Caesarea Philippi and he asked his disciples he said whom do men say that I the Son of Man em and they said some say you're John the Baptist some say you're Elijah others Jeremiah or one of the prophets he said to them but whom say ye who do you say that I am you know it doesn't matter so much what other people say as far as high affects your life what do you say right I'm gonna know you need to say he's my lord my mount not just the Lord my lord he buried Jesus excuse me Simon Peter said you are the Christ the Son of the Living God verse 17 and jesus answered and said to him blessed are You Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed it to you but my father which is in heaven now I want you to think what we just read about in Matthew 6 our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven you're going to keep seeing this it's significant my father which is in heaven verse 18 and I say also to you that you are Peter a rock and upon this rock he stole my the rock of the Christ the Son of God I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it hallelujah no the church is not built on Peter no it's not there'd be other scriptures that confirm that if that was the case there are other scriptures that tell us Jesus is the rock hallelujah he's the rock the church is built on but I want you to notice that he tells Peter he said you didn't get that from here you got that from heaven everybody awake Peter got this from off-planet semester do you think there's life out there oh yeah always has been he said back up to verse 17 again he said you're blessed Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed it to you you didn't get it down here you didn't get it from anybody down here you got it from the father who's in heaven you got it from heaven from the father and he said verse 18 let's read it again upon this rock that was that was revealed to you from heaven I will build my church are you his church is he still building his church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it against what against the building of his church keep reading and I and so this this flows together and I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of what heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven here we say the keys of the kingdom of heaven in connection with the building of the church against whom the gates of hell shall not prevail everybody awake does this sound good to you before you even talk about it anymore could you rejoice about this yes this is good now I preached on this a number of times through the years and and I've done quite a bit of study on this but again I pulled over every word of this again yesterday and looking to see to make sure am I thinking right and these words mean what you think they mean keys are like keys that open doors right gates are like gates that would keep you off a property or gates that shut with leaves bind is like tied up or chained up where you're not loose and you're not free and loose is of course free right not tied up not not bound the same word translated loose here is is translated destroy in fact go go to first John the third chapter you might hold your place there in Matthew but go to 1st John 3 thank you Lord first John three and eight first John 3:8 says he that commits sin is of the devil for the devil sins from the beginning is there a devil huh whole lot of church people barely believe it and then you got a few that talk entirely too much about now get the ditch on one side the other maybe either don't believe in the devil or have more faith in the devil to hurt them than they do in God to keep them it's live in fear now the devil is real we just got through reading who the devil is he's the god of this world and some of the derogatory remarks and the lightness that people make about the devil shows their lack of understanding I'm not implying you show him any respect but at the same time to act like he's not doing anything and nothing's going on is a wrong idea he's got this whole planet under his rule and a lot of Christians don't like that but Jesus taught it Paul taught it come on are you listening John taught it Peter taught it then that's not gonna last forever but for right now that's what's going on we're here in first John 3 go over to the fifth chapter and we'll we'll do it like this you said you're believing with me right you in a big rush you wants to take our time and like brother Hagin used to say look under every rock and lift up on every rug look under it and first John 5:19 then we'll look at at that third verse he said we know that we're of God we're of God not everybody's of God and the whole world lies in wickedness the Youngs literal translation the whole world in the evil does lie the amplified says we know positively that we are of God does that mean everybody down here is of God no actually the whole world around us is under the power of the evil one that's why things are so messed up that's why there's so much so much bad stuff going on because the devil is ruling he's the ruler of the darkness of this world now in the third chapter if you back up in 1st John 3 it tells us the reason Jesus came first John 3:8 the amplified he commits sin practices evil doing is of the devil takes his character from the evil one for the devil has sinned violated the divine law from the beginning now you know the Bible says don't love the world neither the things that are in the world if you love the world you don't love the father why would that be because all this stuff in the world that the devil's ruling over is him if you love all this junk you love the one ruling over it and manifesting himself in it he said the reason the Son of God was made manifest was to do what King James says destroy but this is the same word that's translated loose over there in Mathew whatever you loose will be loosed so Jesus was manifested the Son of God to do what the word meant amplified does a good good job of defining this to undo which means to destroy to loosen and dissolve the works the devil has done to undo what the devil has done oh we're getting somewhere now why did Jesus come he came to undo what the devil had done what had the devil done he had brought the whole world under the power of evil and darkness and destruction and Jesus came to undo that how many believe he was successful in obtaining that which we need to be loosed and free from now back to Matthew back to Matthew he said Matthew 16 and what was it 18 Matthew 16:18 he said your Peter upon this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it and the very next thing he's still talking it's like you barely drew a breath and said and I'll give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven now back up to verse 18 that last phrase says the gates of Hell shall not prevail what does that mean have you been attacked by a gate lately huh this gate attacked me now I've heard people try to say that means the seat of authority that's actually saying something that's not their gate means gate look it up translated throughout the New Testament gate believes gate you got to watch about when you don't understand something coming up with something that explains it hmm so much better than just say I don't know I hadn't seen it yet I will see it right and folks are not going to be shocked that you didn't know the gates of Hell shall not prevail what do gates do gates hold things in keep them from getting out and they keep things from getting in that's what they do right they keep things from getting out and they keep things from getting in well what would the gates of Hell be trying to keep in or keep from getting out hmm the whole world we just got through reading is lying in darkness but put that up on the screen again please second Corinthians four and four you'd have to turn there they'll put it up on the screen force the god of this world has done what he's blinded the minds of those that believe not does he have people in in darkness and last the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them is he trying to keep them from seeing the light keep the light from getting into them and from them to getting free from him but Jesus said a very good thing didn't he what do you say about those gates what he said about those gates he said I'm building my church right you know what the church is built out of people who were lost we're lost were lost next time you see lost people you need to think building materials building materials right because when the last living stone is sealed into place by the Holy Spirit now the gates of Hell shall not prevail now notice this I want you to read a couple of scriptures here with me go to the Book of Isaiah please Isaiah 42 Isaiah 42 and 1 you can see this is a prophecy about the master he said behold my servant whom I uphold mine elect and whom my soul delights I've put my spirit upon him he'll bring forth judgment to the Gentiles keep going we're gonna read a few verses here he'll not cry and lift up and cause his voice to be heard in the street we know this very prophecy is applied to Jesus in the Gospel accounts keep going a bruised Reed shall he not break the smoking flax shall he not quench he'll bring forth judgment unto truth he'll not fail nor be discouraged to leave set judgment in the earth and the Isles shall wait for his law thus says God the Lord he that created the heavens he still not to heavens again and stretched them out and spread forth the earth and that which comes out of it he that gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to them that walk therein you don't have to have breath to be spirit you don't have to breathe verse 5 6 i the lord have called you in righteousness and will hold your hand and keep you and give you for a covenant of the people for a light - of the Gentiles what's the devil trying to do keep people in darkness keep reading verse 7 to do what to open the blind eyes and do what to bring out the prisoners from the prison and them to sit in darkness out of the prison house what do they got on prisons doors gates bars to do what primarily to keep them in but also to keep something from the outside from getting into them that would help them get out he and you can see this the enemy is the god of this world Satan that the name Satan means adversary that's what Satan means and it basically means the one who opposes he's opposed what's the opposing what's he trying to to stop well Jesus came to undo what he's done hallelujah and then he said I'm building my church and the gates of Hell the gates that are that the enemy is trying to hold on to on this planet to keep the prisoners in the prison house to keep those that are blind in the darkness he's endeavoring to keep the light out and keep the prisoners in and it's not working he keeps losing them he lost you and he lost me hmm hallelujah go to Colossians 1 please Colossians 1 Colossians 1 and 12 he said given thanks to the Father which has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints and light the Saints in light he's delivered us from what from the power of Darkness and he has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son verse 14 in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins back up to verse 13 again let me read that to you from the the NIV he's rescued us from the Dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves the new American says he's delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved son is that true has that happened to you what does that mean you were delivered rescued out from under the control and Dominion of darkness and you were translated translated means you went somewhere you went from here to over here you know what happened you got out I said you got out you got out out of what out of the prison-house out of the darkness out of the blankness out of the control of sin and death you got out you got out hmm hallelujah and the gates couldn't keep you in how'd you get out the gates couldn't keep the glorious light of the gospel from getting to you and the gates couldn't keep you from getting out Oh somebody needs to say I'm out I got I got out I got out I got a millions multiplied millions are not out they are inside they are under the Dominion and control of darkness they are behind the gates in sin and in death and in darkness believing lies ignorant of the truth tormented vexed looking for answers trying everything in the world you've been there we've been there and the enemy is doing everything in his power to keep this world locked down in this darkness he has a god complex he does he wants to be God he ain't even close but he did apparently was created a magnificent being an amazing being but it wasn't enough for him man you got to watch you know one of the biggest things Phyllis and I talked about this we've seen this over and over and over and over and over and over and over again how people got off and messed up and robbed and out of the plan of God it started off with being unthankful and thinking somebody owes you more thinking you deserve something friend that's that's throwing the doors open and inviting the devil in to deceive people don't know you God doesn't owe you that's why it's by grace it's a gift it's not owed to you they're not with me friends and some of the biggest problems of the whole world people think well I got a right to this and this belongs to me and they they they owe this to me and they say that's how you disqualify yourself from grace because grace means you don't deserve it it's not owed to you it's just something to be thankful for and the devil should have been when he wasn't the devil should have been thankful right for what God had given him money was made but now he decided he should have more because he's so amazing and he still today your memory tempted Jesus he wanted him to fall down Jesus and worship Him that didn't happen it's not gonna happen ever right but he's got this god complex that he and NC he's that's what he's doing right now he's acting like this is his world o he'd tell anybody this is my planet this ain't the devil's planet well he's like good luck it is and it sure looks and feels like it is he is ruling and reigning down here he's got this whole thing under the power of darkness with the exception I said with the exception of those that have been delivered out of the power and Dominion of darkness and have been translated into the kingdom of his dear son Jesus who somebody say glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God go to Luke 4 let's look at the Luke's account of what we read there and they're tied together I should say in in Isaiah we have reason to believe that Jesus preached this in numerous places many times he called for the the scroll the writing of the prophet Isaiah he found the place where it was written in verse 17 and in verse 18 he read the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me and unless you stop right here from first John 3 what why was Jesus manifested to undo to loosen dissolve destroy the works of the devil he said this the Spirit of the Lord is on me because he's anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor that's the good news light getting into him where they are and he sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach what deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to do what to set at liberty them that are bruised sounds like some people are shut up imprisoned did you notice what Jesus said about what Peter said he said you're the Christ you're the son of the Living God and Jesus said I'm gonna paraphrase a little bit he said you didn't get that from earth you didn't get that from here you didn't get that from any man or woman down here you didn't get that from down here you got that from the Father in heaven here's a great great revelation transfer heaven is endeavoring to manifest on earth think about the kingdom come what if God's will is manifested in the earth isn't that heaven benefit at least what he said on earth how as it is in heaven but the enemy is seeking to prevent it he's seeking to keep everybody down here in the dark blind and to keep that light out and to keep heaven out and that's when the next verse he says and I give to you the keys to the kingdom what do you say whatever you bind where on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven he's talking about traffic from heaven and earth I'll flow go to James the first chapter please you go there and I'm gonna read something to you from from Daniel reminds you of this in the Book of Daniel in the 10th chapter you're going to James Daniel sought the Lord and praying seeking him about his plan and about his will and about his word coming to pass and in verse 12 I'm this this is the Youngs literal I believe it is an angel came to Daniel where'd this angel come from heaven you know Jesus is talks about he came from heaven the Bible said the Holy Spirit was sent down from heaven right from heaven from heaven and so Daniel is looking for answers he's looking for the will of God and the plan of God where is that coming from it's coming from heaven so a messenger from heaven came to him to get it to him what he's asking for and he said Daniel don't be afraid from the first day that you did give your heart to understand and humble yourself before your God your words have been heard and I have come because of your words can words affect flow from heaven to the earth verse 13 he said the head of the king of Persia is standing over against me this is Young's literal twenty and one days does that sound like the adversary the opposer what's he trying to do it's not just just about this angel and the evil spirit it's about keeping this from getting to Daniel could he keep it from getting in he couldn't keep it from getting it he says Michael first of the chief heads to help me he got reinforcements and the enemy could not hold out against him indefinitely and here if you read the rest of the chapter in the following he lays out for Daniel what's going to happen and so light and the plan of God came into the earth the will of heaven and it's still here we can read this anytime we want to but there in daniel devil couldn't keep it up right do you suppose heaven is endeavored to get other things into the earth and in recent times and in right now look in James the first chapter James 1:17 you many are familiar with this but let's let's look at it in this light every good gift and every perfect gift how many how many not not most of them not some of them if it's a good gift and if it's a complete gift it came from heaven from above it came down from the Father of lights whom we know is in heaven with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning let me read that to you from some other translations do we have the BB either basic BB e every good and true thing is given to us from heaven every good thing you and I ever got came from heaven Jesus came from heaven the Holy Spirit came from heaven right the word of truth came from heaven delight the revelation the anointing and it was resisted by the ruler of the darkness of this world but if it got to you the gates couldn't keep it out the gates didn't prevail now did they and we already talked about you got out somebody needs to be a little more happy about that look look look at somebody go I got out I got out out from what out from this opressing devilish dominion of darkness and you've been translated into the kingdom of God's dear son are you in the kingdom the kingdoms in you and the will of God is being done in my life to the degree I'm yielding to him right if he's reigning in your life his will is being done in your life it's real simple if God's not reigning in your life the god of this world is there's no middle ground people who think they're doing their own thing are being dominated by darkness and are clueless about it either yielding to the rulership of God or the god of this world of darkness is is dominating in the easy-to-read James 1:17 every everything good comes from God every perfect gift is from him these good gifts come down from the father who made all the lights in the sky did it come from heaven listen to the message Bible this one's interesting here talks about what we're talking about the message James 1:17 every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven does it does it come unhindered No it comes out of heaven unhindered but when it gets down here the enemy tries to keep it from getting in doesn't it does everything he can the gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the father of light can you see that there's their streams coming out of heaven into the earth for those who are out those who are not out are not aware of it nor are they receiving it but you and I are here on mission we're not supposed to be too comfortable here watch it about just trying to get comfortable and living your life it's such a foolish thing to act like you're gonna live down here forever you're here for about this much longer and you're out of here and we're not just here to be comfortable and have a good life we're soldiers on enemy territory come on are you listening we are set to break them out to get the light in to get them out you need to see yourself as a ranger or a seal come on are you listening to me or you know Special Forces what do we got to do got to get them out we got it we got to get to light into him right and get them out get them out and you and you can hear the gates rattling can't you you can you can hear them rattling and creaking while the devil is doing this he's he's doing this he's trying to hold on to this thing he's like this is mine this is my planet I'm god of this world and his hips go we lost another hundred thousand what another 100,000 how'd they get out same way that other bunch got out they we couldn't keep them in we couldn't they got out the gospel got in and they got out can you hit Kern can you hear can you see them in holding them gates don't let him out oh they're all gonna go he's gonna be mad lost another fifty thousand lost another hundred I lost another ten thousand lost lost another three hmm how many understand he's losing folks massively everyday around this globe he's losing folks massively now granted still so many millions are under his control and Dominion but millions are also getting out glory to God somebody say glory to God and you and I are not supplied from down here we're supplied from home base which is above above one one of the grandest things we will ever see I'm convinced one of these days the heavenly City that God has prepared is gonna come down from above somebody say glory to God every good thing comes from above and we're going to see it come to pass - we're just like it is in heaven it's going to be like that day his will is going to be done in its entirety and the glory of God is going to cover this planet lock the waters cover the sea hallelujah and the devil is not gonna be here anymore he's gonna be and death and hell with him but right now gone can you see yourself you got that black stuff under your eyes right you got you got your helmet of salvation you got the sword of the Spirit you're here for a reason what are we here to do Saints what are we here to do what are we here to do we got to get heaven in right and them out just like just like what happened for us go to the book of Acts please were you holding the verse mm-hmm good go to go to Acts somebody say thank you lord thank you lord praise you Jesus I got out man you ought to be able to party and be happy about that all day long sing your song about that I got out hallelujah I got out I was in you were in we are under the Dominion and control of the blindness and darkness of the evil one but we were translated into the kingdom of the son of his love in in Acts let's see I got excited in lost my place you happy I tell you what I'm not quite ready for you to go to acts that's why I found it now but go to revelation and then we'll go to two acts I think revelation one we hear what John says about Jesus coming to unloose dissolve undo the works of the devil he came to undo what he did and the Bible said Jesus said that I give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and the key is you and I are involved in the flow from heaven to earth and whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven anything this trying to keep the light out and the blessing out we have the authority and power to bind up right anything that's trying to hold people down and oppressed and keep them from getting out we have the power to loose the people need to be loosed from the bondages of the any member jesus said about that woman bowed over with the spirit of infirmity he said Satan had bound her those 18 years and he said she ought to be loosed right and the keys to the kingdom are binding and loosing letting heaven manifest in the earth and letting the captive go free that pleases the Lord it pleases heaven when people get loose when people get free do you believe that when the oppressed goes free heaven is happy when the blind the spiritual blind can see when the prisoner is set free glory to God when the broken is made ho when the oppressed gets peace and joy it makes heaven happy that's our mission expanding the kingdom letting letting the God the King of Kings reign over us but then letting that kingdom spread how many want God to reign over the people that live beside you and behind you in front of you the people that you work with we want this kingdom to expand all around us and when we walk into a place we are the light of the world the light sent us and those who are in Dominion if you could hear in the spirit when you walk in and you're full of the holy spirit and full of faith and love and the word if you could listen to the spirit you start hearing this great creak creak creak creak just because you walked in and they're thinking don't tell them about Jesus no tell them don't tell them them tell them the truth no tell them don't tell them no tell them and you don't have to be preachy you don't have to be pushy didn't you say he's real to me let me tell you what he did for me today huh and already shafts of light boom they come right through the gate and the UPS coat that got by me did that get my here yes it got by me did they see it I think they did look at him look at him because the gates can't prevail they can't keep it out and what's the light the glorious light comes in what will the truth do for you it will make you free it can't keep them in whoo hallelujah and it starts and ends with Jesus in Revelation 1 and 18 jesus said I am he that lives and was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore amen and once you know this I have the keys what the keys do lock and unlock the keys of hell and of death that's why you start telling mine I was dead that's why he had to die through death he destroyed him that had the power of death that is the devil glory to God skip down to the third chapter third chapter of Revelation verse 7 to the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia write these things says he that is holy he that is true he that has the key of David he that what opens and no man shuts and shuts and no man opens did Jesus obtain this does he have this well why are we talking about us because he got it and then he left the earth he left he's at the right hand of the Father not before delegating this to his body he's the head where the body he told us whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven are we connected to heaven where the body where's the head the heads in heaven where is it all coming from from the head from heaven but we're connected why can we bind and loose because he can bind and loose we're connected why can we how can we open and get open what the devil tries to keep closed how can we set up what he's trying to do open and no man shuts shuts and no man opens can you hear those gates creak shake what's going on the devil is desperately his time's running out he is desperately trying to control this thing cuz this is his last hoorah of playing God and he's had a run at it and he's caused some damage no doubt about it but it's bout over uh he don't want to hear that someone said it again it's bad over / did you hear him rattle did you hear the cat did you hear the gate travel another 10,000 got out another 20,000 got out got out oh he's losing he's losing folks lights getting in glory to God you know what this is over here it's a weapon it's a weapon you ever seen Star Wars or Star Trek did you know truthfully speaking the reality of God actually has more in common with science fiction ideas than it does a lot of religious ideas it's not fiction but space is real and God is real and light and beings there are beings interacting here that are from offworld I can see it I can see from the life star in heaven a shaft coming down and hitting this place boom [Music] I'm not saying it right and then this thing on [Music] and then light beans all over shafts of light Russia China South America come on are you listening somebody say glory to God did you hear those gates three three they're yelling hold it hold it I can't hold the lights getting in people that are in darkness in parts of the world dark places dark places right here in this country and the light the glorious light of the gospel of the kingdom the good news about Jesus gets in no matter what the devil tries to do to keep it out and if they'll believe it and receive it all the demons in Hell can't keep them from leaving that place they will the power of God will translate them I mean come on think about it translated out they come next thing you know they're over there and we need to be right there with them going come on let's get you suited up come on come on we got work to do huh we got to get some more folks out need to get your family out need to get your friends out right does this bless anybody are you or you stirred up is this true or not it's true this is not fiction this is not imaginary this is Bible light and life from heaven is flowing into the earth and the enemy is desperately trying to keep it out and keep the prisoners in but it's not happening jesus said I'm building my church I don't care what he does and his little gates his little attempt keep this thing shut down play God with this world they shall not prevail my truths coming in and the captives are going for it Oh somebody say glory to God glory to God who acts 20:6 in closing I think mmm thank you master thank you master I'm ready to get this thing on line how about you yes don't misunderstand me there's a lot of things going on around the world powerful ministry and tools all over this planet that's one of the devils losing them by the thousands and scores of thousands and millions and all of us have our part to do how many know you've got your part to do you do don't think well I'll just come to howl ooh you in church take a few notes that's my no no you are also boots on the ground there is something you can do to help make a real effect of getting light in and getting people out and no part of this is insignificant hmm no it no don't let it be too trivial trivial for you how many know a lot of people had to do a natural OTT of natural things for us to have this service here this morning how many hundreds and hundreds of things behind the scene that you didn't see but do these folk or are they in the kingdom or are they doing Kingdom work are they doing something that's affecting the light and getting people out they are everybody can have a part of doing this acts 26 2600 let me look at 17 years he said delivering you from the people from the Gentiles to whom now send you and verse 18 - this is this is what he said them I've delivered you from and I'm sending you to do this are we delivered from and are we sent to to do what to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and when that happens they are delivered from the power of Satan under under the power of God they're out of the kingdom and domain of darkness under God's reign his kingdom that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me not just miss he'll miss hell and go to heaven only but also an inheritance and a part in this kingdom how many know we're being trained right now to do what in the future to rule and to reign with him in the kingdom that shall never end are you excited about these stand on your feet and let's pray over this glory be to God the Most High the father of light our deliverer our King of Kings our Lord of lords just close your eyes lift up your heart in your mind towards him said out loud father God give me a complete understanding of what's really happening on this earth with between heaven and earth in the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness and clarity and direction if I've ignored what you've already told me I ask you please show me again help me to see it clearly of what my part is in accomplishing your will and expanding your kingdom getting your gospel in and the people out I ask it in Jesus name and I say in my remaining time my remaining opportunities and resources I am yours here am I use me praise you Lord praise you know just lift up your
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 9,119
Rating: 4.6893206 out of 5
Id: HVkeelAHL2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 58sec (4198 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2013
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