Keith Moore Seeing Jesus Pt 11 Satisfied

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let's go y'all can be seated are you excited about good things happening this year now this month hmm why can't they happen now why not why not why not now why not here why not for you good things happen to those that believe well if you would turn in the scriptures to John the fourteenth chapter if you didn't bring a Bible with you we have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours just hold up your hand and ushers will get one to you turn to John 14 we had a good bunch for the first service and I know some people like to come back for the second one too don't uh we're not pulling for that but you know certainly you're free to but uh we're believing God you know we're still that we regained I don't know the exact number but several hundred when we released our faith few months back for our additional thousand and we're still believing for the balance of that aren't we and I will let you know when we get there that will have an additional thousand on a Sunday morning to where we were when we started there I know we've gained you know a few hundred already so thanks be unto God and we ought to be good stewards of our resources shouldn't me I mean it's just as easy to preach to a full house right and so a lot of people that are going to church nowhere and need God terribly and badly and so be bold to invite people and encourage them to come out and tell them tell them you got it we got an early service now and the preacher can't go too long [Laughter] John 14 are you there for some weeks now we've been on the subject of the words of Jesus and John 14 is why verse 21 John 14 21 says he that has my Commandments Jesus is speaking that has my Commandments and keeps them he it is that loves me and he that loves me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him judas said to him not as scary 'it a different Judas Lord how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not unto the world this is a mystery that many have not discerned yet and that is that God is both a God who hides himself and he's a God who reveals himself I'm quoting scripture on both of those mr. the God who hides himself yes he hides himself Isaiah 45 15 says so says you are a God who hides himself what does that mean well the question is who does he hide himself from and who does he reveal himself to and the answer is right here in the passage who does he reveal himself to those who receive his words and keep his words that means you respect them you treasure them you remember them and you do them what about people that have no respect for him well they can live their whole life with no awareness of God to them it'll be like there is no God like God doesn't exist and some of them are antagonistic and heady and intellectual may say well prove to me that there's a god not my job not yours either prove to me that God is real not my job not any of our job you know people tried to do Jesus that way they said give us a sign he said no sons going to be giving you that's not how it works people are saying what's proved to me that God is real and I'll believe sorry it doesn't work that way people say well seeing is believing if I could see then I believe that's not how it works you believe then he'll show you something you say show me something I'll believe and you are going to be cold and barren the rest of your life it'll be like God doesn't even exist as far as you're concerned oh but for the wise man and woman who not only believe on Jesus but will pursue his words and treasure them and hold on to him and put them into practice every day the Lord has made a commitment to you and me that he's going to come to us and show himself to us and reveal himself to us this is big stuff friend this is big are you excited about it at least a little bit put that up for us please in the amplified that 21st verse of John 14 14 21 he said I will love him and will show reveal manifest myself to him the amplified helps define that word manifest I will let myself be clearly seen by him and make myself real to him do you want to see him better do you want him to be more real to you oh if you're a real Christian this is a cry of your heart isn't it I mean this is this is strong in you well for so many that do love him and have come to know him a little bit they've resorted to begging please God show yourself to me please and they think that's the way it does but nowhere in the scripture does he say that he reveals those himself to those that beg the most of the loudest are the longest but we do have this he reveals himself to who those who keep his words if you're hungry for him you're going to have your nose in this book you're going to hear good teaching and preaching right and not just once in a while you know we talk about reading our chapter around here daily and we've said you know make it important do it together with you family you free your friends do it out loud and if you go weeks and you don't have a few minutes for the word you're kidding yourself that god is first place in your life he's just not the more you love God the bigger you are on the word the two go hand in hand you love him you love his work now this is not my idea I'm just quoting the scripture read it again verse 21 read it again what did he say he that has my Commandments and keeps them he it is he's the one that what how can you tell somebody loves the Lord they are a word lover aren't they word lover word Toder word quoter and more importantly word liver word deur right but if you got no time for the word you don't really love the Lord if you don't do what he says I don't care how much you say i love you lord i love you lord if you don't do what he says he said well skip down that was 21 read 23 so you'll know that I'm not making this up 23 jesus said if a man love me what will happen he will keep my words and my father will come to him will come to him and make our abode with him will move in with him that sound good glory to God verse 24 he that loves me not keeps not my sayings so no matter how much you say you love the Lord if you don't do what he says you don't love you that's not my idea that's what Jesus said red letters no need to get quiet unless you're intending not to do his words now we're going to do his words that's why we're on this series right we've been going over his words we're not going over them to ignore them we're going over them to remind ourselves and say hey do we understand this are we doing this can we do this more and so it began in the book of John looking at the words of Jesus and after a few weeks now we've made it all the way to chapter 4 moving right along and that's okay we it's not how quickly you go over something is are you getting it and a lot of us have read these things numerous times and it's not you know do you remember it but but are you doing it and so let's go back to chapter 4 and let's go further because if we will really get ahold of these things and do them what will happen come on what will happen if we do Jesus will reveal himself to us he'll make himself real to us that excites me in John 4 we looked at last time how Jesus met the woman at the well and how he talked to her asked her for a drink and dealt with her prejudice and overcame it and told her about her previous failed marriages and relationships and we talked about you know he didn't ask her about that or bring that up to embarrass her make her feel bad this was something that was between her and the Lord and it needed to be dealt with you know just hiding things is not dealing with things just covering it up and hiding it and pretending it didn't happen is not dealing with it Bible didn't say hide your sins what do you say confess right confess deal with it deal with it confess it lay it out and don't make excuses don't blame it on this one or that one be a man be a woman take responsibility right as many times people start out with a perfectly good you know confessional repentance and then they mess it up little well I guess maybe I did wrong but so-and-so didn't help me in and other so and so really cost me a problem and if hadn't been for them that I out of probably nor I didn't and some people think it's okay anyhow you know some people do that then was anything wrong with it you have it repeated you're not repenting at all and you're not going to get free you're stuck but I he talked to her about all her mistakes and you can tell she's having a breakthrough and then when he tells her about God is seeking those little worship Him in spirit in truth and she said if you skip on down a few verses there she said you know when when Messiah comes who's called Christ he's going to tell us everything he don't tell us all things verse 25 and in verse 26 jesus said to her I that speak unto you m he I'm him Oh is he him what do you mean him he is the Messiah he is the Christ he is the one that was to come to save the whole world and in this in this book you'll see these great IM statements Matthew Mark and Luke are called the synoptic Gospels they're similar many respects John is called the different gospel account it's different from the first three and you can see it right off the bat in Matthew Mark and Luke the story begins with a baby in a manger right John doesn't start that way how does John start anybody know in the beginning not in not in the manger in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and we said the word became flesh dwelt among us globally to God he's going we're back before the manger he's going back before the earth while the spirit moved over the face of the deep the IM was and is in the book of John let me just remind you there's some seven I am statements in this gospel account in John 6 35 you don't have to turn to these just listen John 635 jesus said I am the bread of life John 8-12 he said I am the light of the world can you say yes John 10-7 jesus said I am the door of the Sheep is he is either door John 10 11 he says I am the good shepherd glory to God John 1125 he said I am the resurrection and the life is he yes John 14 6 he said I am the way the truth and the life is he the one is he the i am told to God John 15 1 he said I am The True Vine you know what's good about that you're a branch haha you're a branch coming right out of the true line oh I'm going to know that the branch that's on divine then whatever's flowing in the in divine is in the branch the eternal life that's in Jesus is pointed you for it in me all the life force of the I am is in us ha there's so much we need to find out about this but you can leave it and shout about it by faith even before you understand it he said I am I am the one verse 27 John 427 upon this his disciples came and marveled that he talked with the woman they thought that was strange yet none of them said what are you seeking or why are you talking with her the woman then left her water pot she forgot about why she came she's excited yeah and she went her way to the city and said to the myth come sail man which told me all things that ever I did is not that the crook this the Christ and they went out of the city and came to him these are all the men of the city and if you read the rest of the chapter I mean the whole town came out now this is an interesting comparison in contrast in chapter 3 Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews came to Jesus by night and he talked to him he's the man he's a man of standing an important man he's an educated man but he comes by night in the dark and he's a secret disciple and you don't hear much about people turning to the Lord through him here's a woman probably uneducated who's made a mess of her life probably got a bad reputation but she's talking to Jesus right the middle of the day out into public well and she overcomes her past and she takes off and the Lord uses a returner whole city to the Lord our whole town you may not have the degree you may not know everything but if you'll be bold about Jesus it won't be ashamed you can overcome any past you can be used of the Lord to see fruit and harvest far beyond what educated folks who are ashamed will ever see nothing wrong with education nothing wrong with development nothing wrong with being favorite and being promoted but if you're going to be timid and hide your faith in Jesus you won't you won't be used got to be bold you know who gets used of God what kind of people is the people that show up the people that are not too busy the people that don't have something else going on that's right it's not complicated many are called few are chosen why cuz few respond you know Jesus gave the example of how the master called for his supper and one gave this excuse and he said I can't come I've just bought some land I can't come I've bought some equipment I got it too I can't come I just got married they had something else going on they had a life and its biggest hindrance to you and I do in the will of God is our life hmm too busy and it made the master angry he said those that were first invited they're not worthy he said go out into the highways and byways and get them to come in so they went and found people in cardboard boxes and they said you want to come to the master supper and he said let me check my schedule yeah I can come he had no schedule now the highways and byways they're hanging out on a street corner but that's the people they got in the people that showed up that came there weren't too busy they didn't have too much else going on when the master calls everything or to be set aside right everything ought to be moved to the back and do his will do his plan now you know nearly everybody will agree with that but millions are not doing it they're not doing it well you can't control them but you can control you so Jesus disciples had left get him something to eat and verse 31 they said Jesus master eat here's your food we got it he said to them I have me know in the King James Bible when it says meat it means food a lot of times they'll call wheat meat I know that sounds strange but even grains there all at me it just simply means food if they're talking about meat like we think of you they'll use the word flesh so you just taught my food he said I have food to eat that you know not of his disciples said to one another did somebody bring him something to eat while we were we were out going to get him something and for we got back somebody brought him something to eat jesus said verse 34 now have you got chives on this verse 34 jesus said to them these are the words of Jesus this is why we're doing this right words of jesus jesus said my food is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work that's my food now don't miss this don't look at this go away yeah boy Jesus was spiritual who he was spiritual he lived in another world from us no he's telling us how to live he's our example there is spiritual hunger just like there's natural hunger spiritual desire just like there is natural physical desire and this is a source of great confusion and people are missing in this area trying to satisfy spiritual hunger with natural things virtually everyone has done it some form of fashion but some people live their whole life this way that's why people become gluttonous that's why they become drunkards drug addicts sex addicts shopaholics serious why don't people stop when for every reason it should be enough for too much already why do they keep going trying to satisfy something spiritual there's a there's an unfulfilled thing in them there's a desire there's a hunger and food can't touch it and drink and drug can't touch it nothing natural can fill it oh but when you fill that spiritual desire with the spiritual answer it's so powerful it can make you forget your natural appetites least temporarily yeah Phyllis said in between the services she said you got to talking about that reminded me and when I got filled with the Holy Spirit talk about her I remember it well I grew up pentecostal Phyllis grew up Catholic and when we first got married I was seeking to be filled with the spirit we didn't know about receiving we knew how to tear him and so I did a lot of terrier and Phyllis came with me to the revivals bless her heart she wonder what she got into and because you know the Catholics didn't do like that not to but she was with and and so uh you know revival meeting the service the preacher might get through preaching nine o'clock or whatever and and you'd be invited to come to the altar we'd all start tearing man sometimes I'd start tearing at nine o'clock I still be tearing at midnight sometimes Terry one or two in the morning I was hungry didn't know how to receive well Phyllis bless her heart should be back there waiting on me finally she started praying she said God whatever it is he wants would you please give it to him because and then she said well you know maybe it's me you know I'm new to this maybe I'm hindering him some way so she came up to the altar herself and so uh they told her you know what you need to do is you need to be rebab tized well at that point we're ready to try anything you know we were like and so uh when you got baptized with this group I mean it's now and it was cold but it was out in the pond we all left the church and it was what LEM o'clock at night about like last Sunday cold it was we went way out in the woods this little old dirty muddy pond cold and on the way over the pastor's which good for them they were telling her now well when you go down just believe when you come up did you receive the Holy Ghost just believe you receive the Holy Ghost well she didn't know any better than just believe it thank God and so uh when they went out into the the pond she said when she stepped into the water she didn't even feel it or what felt warm tea felt like a bathtub too and it was cold and when when the pastor baptized her while you still under the water she started talking in tongues and she's coming up oh man the pastor shouted I said in the pond you thought it was a giant catfish out there said well they was flopping and splash it if it's dark couldn't see anything you know and but she she got filled now now what are we talking about if you're hungry what are you not you're not full she got filled she got full she came home and i'm telling you i was there i was there with her for days she didn't need to sleep she didn't need to eat she wasn't hungry could care less did need it glory to God why when your spirit gets full it's stronger than the natural oh come on can you see this can you see that's what Jesus is talking about he was thirsty he asked the lady for some water to drink you remember that he's hungry why did he stop then sit by the well he's probably tired he's thirsty he's hungry but when this woman comes along Jesus was always at the right place at the right time wasn't him and the Lord gave him the word for gave him this word of knowledge in revelation concerning her and oh my that bondage of all her failed marriages and mess of the life she was set free from that glory to God and then she took off like a flame of fire and sent her whole town on fire bought them all dizzy and that satisfied Jesus in his spirit oh come on can you see that doing the will of God satisfies you in your spirit oh can you see it he said I got food to eat you don't know about of course them being natural they thought natural were somebody brought him some food but no he wasn't talking about read the next verse and he describes the thing that filled him up and satisfied him he said verse 34 my food is what let's get it exactly like you said it now because this is the same thing that will fill us up my food is what to do the will of him that sent me and to finish the work is that what will satisfy you oh it is let me let me read that to you from another translation the good news translation says my food jesus said to them is to obey the will of the one who sent me and to finish the work he gave me to do now here's the benefit of fasting though you can't satisfy a spiritual hunger with a natural thing you can dull it and obscure it through excess and satiation gluttony r or drunkenness remember Jesus talked about that he said don't let that day take your wires through surfeiting what does that mean surfeiting and drunkenness that means if you yield to the flesh a bunch it'll make you dull you won't be aware of stuff and it will dull you to spiritual hunger oh there's been times with all of us where are you you're new in your spirit your to go study the word or you are to go pray but instead jate two bags of tater chips and a bunch of fried chicken and watch three hours of TV are you listening now and that won't satisfy your spirit but it'll dull you so that you're not as aware of your spiritual hunger and fasting some people have missed it in this area fasting won't change God and fasting won't move god did you hear me now people are missing on the farm Oh fast for you know 20 days and get God to do this no you're not God's going to be the same before you fast why are you fast and after you fast you're not changing him and you don't need to he's far y'all ready before you fast he's for you he wants to bless you but fasting will help you it'll help you to do while you ignore the hunger or the appetite of the natural it makes you more aware of the spiritual that's the thing that will help you and all of us need to do some of that and not just fasting food sometimes fasting entertainment fasting your hobbies fasting stuff you like to do and just getting quiet waiting on him instead of a bunch of noise and racket and your flesh is wanting to run off and do this we ran off and go shopping run often yak on the phone for three hours or whatever it is and fast it just pull aside and get quiet all the things you'll see the things will become real to you sir are we talking about Jesus becoming more real to us right we'll hear his words are directing us that way he said I got food to eat that you don't know about what's his food to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work will that satisfy us deep inside oh my mom you know aya the older I get because I'm not old yet but I said older that it was I I you know we were able to go on vacation this year real nice place beyond the beach in the middle of winter time that's cool you know it's nice but I'm not there a few days I get tired of it cuz i ain't gonna get any fruit laying on this beach I won't get any reward for laying on the beach it's nice it's great but oh you know we were over in New Mexico last week and it wasn't you know the prettiest place that wasn't the wooden the beach it wasn't no palm trees but the Spirit of God moved families got changed miracles happen and I'm flying back the next day coming away man I like that I'm flying back with my spiritual belly full oh yeah yeah but I won't go down to it I'm I want to do it again I want to do it again Phyllis knows I I can't stay around the house very long I got I got to go thank God for that jet oh man I can be on the other side of the country pitched like a house afire come back time for supper I mean glory to God glory to God glory to God and that satisfy I mean Phyllis the same way I'm not the specialist in like the older we're getting more we develop man we just that way I mean yeah we enjoy stuffing and nice things but you know it really that won't satisfy you we found out it came and it won't but we found out what will oh when you win you're too right place at the right time and you got the right word and then owning comes answers come lives are changed ah ah that's food that fills you up on the inside that satisfies you deep down call it a god Dennis go further in you see precisely what the will of the one who sent him is he gives further clarification my food is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish the work verse 35 say not ye there are yet for months and incomes harvest behold I say to you lift up your eyes and look on the fields they are white all ready to harvest what's the will of him that sent him what's the work that he sent him and all of us to do it's to get this harvest in that's the work that's the word every generation there's a new crop of human beings come up aren't their little ones that are born into the earth little boys little girls and they grow up and they become adults and there's a whole harvest ready to be reaped in to be born again come to God and that's the number one thing that's going on on the planet and every one of us have a part to play in reaping the harvest do you believe it not not just a few preachers here and there every one of us has a part you have a part say I have a part and there is nothing in this world will satisfy you like you do in your part to help get this harvest in do you believe it he said lift up your eyes look on the fields they are white all ready to harvest don't say later on soon no he said right now he that reaps receives wages and gathers fruit to life eternal that both he that souls and he that reaps may rejoice together here in is that saying true one souls and another reaps I sent you to reap that we're on you bestowed no labor other men labored and you're entered into their labors I was thinking about queen harvest particularly which a lot of times what they're talking about when they say corn in King James it's usually tell my wheat not corn like we think corn but the principle is the same whether it's soybeans corn wheat when it comes harvest time let's say wheat harvest you got combined drivers but they're not by any stretch the only ones working you had mechanics working on those combines getting them ready before they started you got people that's got to work on them and keep them up I mean if a thing breaks down you're not going to be ripping and you got people that drive the trucks haul the combines to the field and you got the people at all the trailers and and so the people got to work on the trucks and the trailers and all the gear and somebody has got to make some biscuits and cornbread and beans and chicken because the combined might run off diesel fuel but the driver don't if somebody's got to watch them dirty clothes when they come in right and give them a place to sleep and I mean there are people all I mean how many people are involved in the harvest everybody everybody's doing something that's contributing to it some way and fran thats the mentality we got to have everybody can do something it's not enough for you just to make your money it's not just not enough just for you to raise your family it's not enough just for you to you know reach your retirement no that's not gonna fill you up that's not going to satisfy you inside you'll never make enough money to be really satisfied in your spirit you can never have enough fun when you're retired to be satisfied in your spirit you'll only be satisfied when you're eating that spiritual food of doing his will and finishing his work and ripping this harvest glory to God these words cinders are doing some of this I mean everything that's going on in the ministry here and churches like us and ministries like us all over the world I was thinking about how God has multiplied the ability to harvest you know back years ago a man or his family his boys his neighbor's his daughters it that do good to handle 40 acres 60 acres a hundred acres I mean when you're doing it all with a mule and a steel plow it just takes a lot of time it's hard now the same number of people can reap a thousand acres and God's done the same thing for us spiritually hasn't it I mean right here in this very country preachers used to ride around on their horses with their Bible in the little dusty saddlebag circuit preach I mean take them two days get some word preached to 10 people right but if they hadn't its own that seed you and I wouldn't be here today people you know grandmas and that is reading their Bible to the families and praying by an old wood stove and base that's what Jesus is talking about others have sown and now glory to God we're getting to enter into the fruits of their labors and where is their reap in 10 or 15 and working all day just to get into the next County now glory to God we've got big auditoriums and we got plenty of money in we got cameras and TV broadcast and internet and downloads jet airplanes in the same effort we can reach a hundred thousand that they reach 25 people oh what a privilege generation we are what a blessed people we are to live in this time and this hour but friend we must not let days come and days go and our life pass us by being unsatisfied because all we're doing is living because we're not put down here just to live we're put down here to help in this great can you can you close your eyes and see the fields wave in it can you say all over the planet the fields waving and they're not I mean at first you see their their wheat stalks but the closer you look they're people oh my there people there black people and brown people and yellow people and read people and white people and their millions of a millions of a millions of millions of them and the Lord is using me and you and millions like us oh we can't do everything but we can do our part I said we can do our part it may be washing overalls it may be tightening lug nuts it may be cooking biscuits but it's something we can do something we can do something to help this great harvest machine reap the harvest stand on your feet everybody oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord said out loud father God I believe in you I believe in Jesus he is the one he is the Christ he is the Messiah and he is my lord I am confident the most important thing going on this whole planet is the harvest of human beings to come to you show me what I can do show me my part how I can help with the harvest hallelujah glory to God go ahead and sing the yes nah
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 628
Rating: 4.0769229 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Seeing, Jesus, Pt, 11, Satisfied
Id: 5vLdK_mU_cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2012
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