Guest Speaker: Rev. Doug Jones 01-27-19

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I want you to turn your BIOS if you go to Exodus chapter 20 little strange place to begin I'm sure and you know I'm kind of reminded of the little mosquito that was just kind of you know flying flying away and just kind of looking for a place to kind of execute his livelihood if you will and all of a sudden he kind of comes upon a compound and lands on a little leaf and he gets to looking out there and all of a sudden he begins to realize that he's just come upon a nudist colony and the thought hit him where do I start you know you got so many options out there you know and so to me today it's kind of that way I've got a lot of things I want to say to you and it's almost like where do I start and so we're just going to start an Exodus chapter 20 and and we'll begin here I want you to go with me if you would access chapter 20 in verse 1 this is God laying out the Ten Commandments and I just want to read these Ten Commandments very quickly we're just going to kind of skip skip around in these verses and and I want you to observe something look at what it says here the first commandment is found in verse 3 Exodus chapter 20 and verse 3 he says these words thou shalt have no other gods before me number 2 the second commandment thou shall not make unto thee any graven images number three is found in verse 7 thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain number four the fourth commandment found in verse eight remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy verse 12 is the fifth commandment honor your father during your mother the sixth commandment is found in verse 13 thou shalt not kill verse 14 the seventh commandment thou shalt not commit adultery the eighth commandment thou shalt not steal the ninth commandment verse 16 thou shalt not bear false witness the tenth commandment thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house I find it very interesting that the first four Commandments have to do with our relationship with God the fifth commandment in the middle of all this is our relationship with our mother and our Father and then lastly the the third the third the third third of this if you will is our relationship with one another but it starts out with a relationship with God it kind of sandwiches if you will in between these two our relationship with their mother and a father and then its sandwich if you will at the end a relationship with one another all of these things are significant they're not without design but I want you to notice here in verse three he says these words thou shalt have no other God before me verse four thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images or anything in likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is there earth beneath or that is in the water under under the earth verse five and thou shall not bow down thyself to them to serve these images that you made verse 5 for our under liner for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God I want to talk just very briefly and open up this session with the issue of jealousy the Bible says that God informs us that he is a jealous God go with me if you work to another verse right along these same lines in Exodus chapter 34 Exodus chapter 34 and I want to begin reading with verse 10 we're going to read on down through verse 14 Exodus chapter 34 verse 10 and he said behold I am make a covenant before all the people I will do Marvel's such as you have not seen done in all the earth no in any of the nations and all the people among which withour shall see the work of the Lord for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee observe now that which I command thee this day behold I will drive out the amur ice the Canaanites the hittite the pesticides the Hittites the Jebusites and take heed pay attention to yourself lest I'll make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whether thou goest lest it be a snare in the midst of thee verse 13 but you shall destroy their altars and break their images and cut down their groves and thou shalt worship Noah God underlined it for the Lord whose name is jealous is a jealous God what that tells me is this is that God experiences jealousy and not all jealousy is evil or bad or inappropriate there are times when God becomes a jealous God if you look up the word jealousy and you observe it from the Word of God it means this jealousy is founded on the knowledge that what belongs to you is being given to someone else when you begin to see things that belong to you and those things that belong to you are being given to someone else jealousy a godly jealousy will arise within your life there is an illegitimate jealousy and an illegitimate jealousy is something in other words that this feeling that something that belongs to you that's legitimate jealousy is given to someone else but there is a destructive jealousy in illegitimate jealousy when we expect when we expect things to be given to us that do not rightly belong to us when we when we endeavor to hold under things that are not rightfully ours it's an illegitimate jealousy let's just go ahead and put this down to brass tacks when when when I give you more devotion than I do my mother and father I'm giving them the the opportunity for jealousy to arise within their life because I'm giving what belongs to them to someone else I never forget when I am when I came down to Tulsa you know this I'm from Michigan and so the southern people a lot of southern people will call people that are dear to them that they respect mom and dad and so so we kind of kind of got going to talk about the Charter class of regular Bible Training Center the first the first year group there was 72 of the beginning 50 50 50 eight of us graduated and we started calling mom and dad Hagin mom and dad and so I'll never forget I came home during Christmas time in 1974 and went back up to Michigan saw my mom and dad and I happened to make a comment and said and used the phrase mom Hagin and when I did I noticed the composure of my mom changed and and after a couple days she came to me about that and said I'm having a problem and I didn't I didn't understand it at the moment but but but the more I understand the issue of jealousy I understand it now that I was giving what belonged to my mother who had earned it to someone else jealousy is the result of a recognition that what what belongs to you is being given to someone else God is a jealous God but but but but with all that said we have to understand that that implies them that there are some things that belong to God there are some things that belong to God and he knows they belong to him I want you to go with me if you will to - I'll tell you what let's go to Malachi the last book of the Old Testament Malachi chapter 1 and I'm gonna have to hurry because I'm gonna get real long-winded with this and it's gonna I'm not gonna be able to finish what I need to say Malachi chapter 1 and I want to begin reading with verse 6 Malachi chapter 1 in verse six there are two things that I found that belongs to God that when it's given to others there's a jealousy that will that will arise up within God and that is number one the issue of Honor I know that brother Tony has talked to you about the issue of Honor the reason why I know is as a friend of mine actually had done a message on honor and it caught my attention and I asked him I said would you kind of he said well I stumbled on some stuff that Tony Finley was preaching on and he said I kind of stole it from him a little bit kind of made it mine of course you know and so I went and found Tony's messages on honor and started listening to him sparks and things in me and and so how many of you know we need one another and and so and so I began to search this issue out and and so I begin to realize that there are some things that belong to God you know and one of those things that belong to God is honor and and so I found I found scriptures like this Malachi chapter chapter 1 verse 6 a son honoureth his father and a servant his master if then I'd be a father this is God speaking now if I'd be a father where is my honor this is that interesting and if I be a master then where is my fear saith the Lord of hosts and to you he's saying where's my honor I deserve honor you're not given to me how come you given it to others and you not giving it to me listen to what says here in Romans chapter 13 Romans chapter 13 Paul says some things about this issue Romans 13 Romans 13 verse 7 Paul says to the Romans render therefore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due custom to whom custom fear to whom fear underline it and honor to whom honor is due evidently there are there are there are some there's some arenas where honor is due and if you're living in one of those areas where honor is due and yet the honor is being given to someone else other than to whom it is due well then jealousy arises because the essence of jealousy is that you're giving what belongs to someone else that belongs to me and then I want you to go with me if you will to Matthew I'm sorry not matthew mark mark chapter 12 mark chapter 12 mark 12 and in mark chapter 12 Jesus is talking here and we're just kind of cut to the chase verse 17 and jesus answered and said unto them render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and to God the things that belong to God honor belongs to God now now now I've listened to Toni and I agree with him completely honor is to value honor means to esteem highly honor means to treat his weighty and to treat with significance I agree with that completely but while I was teaching this a while a while back at Rhema I heard these words on the inside honor simply gives what belongs honor simply gives what belongs there are some things that belong to God and and when you give what belongs to him you honor him now now I found I found this to be true that there are two things that God expects that God that God owns if you will and that is he expects honor he expects to be honored and we'll talk about that in a moment he also expects to be faint I want you to go with me if you will to Luke 17 listen to this this is Jesus now once again if you've seen Jesus you've seen the father if you've seen the father you know because we know the Father through Jesus Luke chapter 17 and you know the story in verse 11 the two things that belong to God are honor and Thanksgiving gratitude expressions of appreciation listen to voice this here in Luke chapter 17 verse 11 and it came to pass as he went to Jerusalem that he passed through the midst of the Samaria and Galilee and as he entered into a certain village there met him ten men who were lepers and stood afar off and they lifted up their voices and said master have mercy upon us and when he saw them he said unto them go show yourself into the priests and it came to pass that as they went they were all cleansed and one of them when he saw that he was healed turned back and with a loud voice glorified God came back and offered Thanksgiving you know the story it fell down verse 16 and fell down and he's faced and giving him thanks and he was a Samaritan let's look at verse 17 it's an amazing verse Jesus turned around to the man thanking him and said wait wait wait wait wait were there not ten cleansed where are the nine and what that tells me is is that Jesus expected the nine to come back he expected that I never forget years and years and years ago I was teaching at the school and and and while I was teaching I talked about the fact that that I had done something for someone and didn't get it and didn't get a thank-you note didn't get any expressions of gratitude whatsoever did didn't I mean no appreciation whatsoever and it ticked me off and I told them about that story made me mad and I had a little lady come up to me who was one of my students after the classes with everybody else had dismissed from the classroom and she kind of kind of found me if you will and she kind of got it and she was a little tiny little thing she kind of looked up at me and she said you need to grow up I'm expecting a thank you when you do something good for people now you realize the degree of the the degree of the confrontation determines sometimes the degree of response you know and so in so I said to her I said have you ever read your Bible then that Jesus expect the nine to come back and say thank you does he need to grow up too and she just said I never thought about that before and kind of you know it and I didn't hear anything more about it to her Jesus expected those nine to come back and say thank you now I think there's a lot of things that can be said in these verses but I will say this I was teaching on this subject years ago at a conference and and I and I thought about this isn't it kind of true that this story of the of the ten and then the one coming back it just really shows how rare gratitude will be in today's society that you're gonna have a small percentage that or ever be grateful enough thankful enough you know because I found this to be true when it comes to Thanksgiving this is not my subject but when it comes to Thanksgiving three things have to happen first of all you have to think about what that person has done for you I mean you know you're never gonna write a thank-you note you're never gonna say thank you to someone if you don't think about what they've done for you number two you got a place value on it you got a place value on it have you received something that that you taste any good and so you so you created a sign file thirteen and you put it on the trashcan and you threw it in the trash can and you wrote him a note I filed it final thirteen thank you so much you know but the thing about it is is is is is it's the rarity number one you have to think about what that person has done for you number two you have to you have to place value upon it number three you have to express it with words either through a written or thorough verbage are you all out there you know as well as I do that there's a lot of individuals that you do things for that never value what you how many times do we do we open the door for people and they never say thank you and every once awhile flesh out don't forgive me forgive me I'm so sorry I do this but everyone I'll flush out get kind of carnival about it and say you're welcome it's like I didn't have to do that you know I went out of my way you know to do that I went out of my way never mind anyway and so the thing about it is is this issue of Thanksgiving is a huge huge issue in the mind of God he expects two things to be given to him honor and he expects Thanksgiving gratitude now the thing about it is to this what I found this to be true in my study of honor is that he that he does not leave it up to us to determine who is to be honored he outlines for us who we are to honor and what we are to honor and and I found this to be true I want you to go with me if you will to John John chapter five I found this to be true that that God expects us to honor his appointed can I put it to you another way God expects us to honor his sit ones and and and to be appreciative of them he expects us to honor he is appointed he expect us he expects us to honor his representatives the things that he sins and I found this to be true listen to waste this here in in John chapter 5 in verse 23 Jesus said these words he said verse 23 of John 5 that all men should honor the son even as the thought even as they honor the father and he that honoureth not the son honoureth not the Father which has sent him evidently we are done we are to honor those whom he sins because because go to another one John chapter 13 John 13 John 13 verse 20 John 13 verse 20 he says these words verily I say to this is Jesus talking now verily I say to you he that receiveth whomsoever I sinned receiveth me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me in other words if you don't if you know you don't receive whom he sends if you don't honor whom he has sent whether you not honoring me and if you're not honoring me you're not honoring him so who so who has God sent so what has God sent that we are to honor that we are to be appreciative of I found it to be true in these categories here we go guys I find the first be the first one that he sent was Jesus now I'm going to say this well you will understand this a little bit later on but but but how many of you know that Jesus and the word are one and so in reality he sent us Jesus yes but he also sent us the word and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and so and so so there is an honor that we are to give the word and there's a degree of appreciation that we are to give the word of God and when we do they were able to benefit from the full design of the word that God has intended everything that God has ever given you and I has been given for our advancement for our benefit there is no gift that he gives us gives to us that diminishes our life they add they add to our lives they add balance to our lives they are significance to our lives everything that he gives he gives for a purpose he gave Jesus there was a design there was a God intended design there was some benefits that were attached to Jesus and and and Minar honor of that allows the benefits of that God designed areas within Jesus to come into our life and begin to bless our lives and benefit our lives same thing with the word of God there is a God designed benefit from the Word of God and and the degree of Honor that we give the Word of God and the degree of appreciation that we give the Word of God determines the amount of impact that the Word of God will have upon our life if you honor it to this degree you get this amount of impact if you honor it to this degree you get that amount of impact if you if you honor it to this degree well then within all thing you get that there is a God designed and our failure to honor the Word of God in Jesus lessons the ability for him to impact our lives and be involved in our lives there were two the second thing that I found that he gives us is the Holy Ghost he's given us the Holy Ghost and he said I will give you another comforter and our in our honor of the Spirit of God and our gratefulness for the Spirit of God in our lives not being ashamed but I mean our honor our appreciation of the Spirit of God allows all that the Spirit of God is designed to do entrance into our lives to where all of sudden it's allowed to have full impact upon our lives and to be fully involved in our lives it depends upon the degree of Honor that we give him so the thing about it is if we divert our honor that we're supposed to give the Holy Ghost or the Word of God to other things maybe the world's opinions maybe maybe maybe our own ways in spite of the Spirit of God ways then that creates a jealousy within the heart of God why because I gave me a gift and the gift was designed to operate in this fashion in your life and yet you're honoring other things more than you're honoring the things that I've given you have you ever given a gift where they just didn't honor the gift it just brought up that ah on the inside of you because we know that what we were what we gave them was was for their benefit was for their blessings number three the third thing that I find that that God's given to us is ministry gifts apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers there's a there's a God designed existence in each one of those gifts for the Apostle there's a God designed a giftings for therefore the profit for the Evangelist for the pastor for the teacher and are in our degree of honor that we give to these individual gifties m'p ends upon the amount of impact that they could have upon our lives there in our life for a purpose and I found this to be true that another God designed group it has been given to us and that's mothers and fathers that is a God designed place in life God designed the issue of a mother God designed the issue of father and and there's a place that there's a there's a designed impact upon everyone that a father touches everyone that a mother touches there's a God designed and our degree of Honor and to be honestly about is like is I teach the issue of honor at Rhema Bible Training College I stumbled on the fact that yes we are to honor our mother and father but how many of you know guys that scripture has no has no date exploration in other words when you leave the house you're no longer to honor them when you leave the come on guys when you get married you're no longer no matter what age we are as long as we have a mother and a father on the earth we are to honor them and there's much to be said about that and I'm going to teach upon that because because what I found out in teaching at the school that there was a whole lot of students sitting in my classroom that didn't respect their mother and father that didn't that when I brought up the issue of honoring your the mother and father yet brought up horrible horrible nightmares as to what how they were brought up by their mother and father and now you're expecting me to honor them and so I had to talk about the fact how do you honor mother and fathers who do not deserve it that was a main man I never realized the landmine that I touched on when I brought that subject to the plate it shocked me to this day it still rots me to my core because there's just a lot of it the effect I ask our student body probably 400 people sitting before me in one of my class I said how many of you come from broken homes and over 50% of those people raised their hands and came from broken homes so they don't have a real high opinion of their mother and father and so I had to talk to them about this issue about how do you how do you how do you honor how do you be grateful for people that wasn't so honorable don't really deserve to be but I will say this when you start talking I'm sure Tony talked about this issue honor has nothing to do with the recipient and how they have treated you honor is about what you are to do to them that doesn't mean that you overlook some things that doesn't mean you just kind of shove it underneath the thing some things need to be addressed but the thing about it is is there is some honor that we are to give our parents even the ones that do not deserve it and how much better it is to honor someone who does deserve it how much easier but but but but but just to be real honest with you about it if you're not honoring those who do deserve it you're probably not going to be anywhere in the ballpark when it comes to honoring people that don't deserve it but anyway but there's a God designed reason for a father to be in your life a God designed for reason for a mother to be in your life and we are to honor that God design because why when you allow that to happen in your life then the full impact of their of their reason for existing in your life is allowed into your life you walk out benefited your out improved you because it blesses you I also found this to be true that not only are we to honor the word and Jesus the Holy Spirit not only a way to honor our fathers and mothers but were to honor our spouses your your wife has a God designed stamped to her your husband has a God designed purpose and their spouses we are to honor our spouses because of their their purpose the wife's purpose and design in the marriage Union is not the same design that I have as a husband and I'm to recognize her design and give her room to the function in her because in her God designed arena why it allows her life to if you will to to to bring benefit to to bring impact upon my life the next one that I found that we are to give honor and to whom honor is due is civil authorities I'm sorry but government is God's idea authorities are God's idea may not be the man that's in the house but the position is God's idea and there is a God designed purpose the majority of civil authorities is to create just that civility you realize as well as I do when government does not function as they should then the loss of civility happens come on guys and there are there are nations on this earth that are no longer civil when it comes to one another why because the civil authorities are no longer in their place keeping a lid on things as they should and we won't talk too much about that and then I found this to be true there's another arena that I found and this is the last one and that is employers employers there's a god design and the reason why I know and the reason why that I that I see these things is because God in His Word has given instructions to every one of these arenas as to how to function in their position but when you see lifestyles being embraced by people and those lifestyles have no mention of instructions to improve them and to maintain them they are not a god-ordained lifestyle and if you listen to what I just said you'll understand what exactly what I'm talking about I'm going to say that again if there is not instructions in God's Word to purr to to to expose the the responsibilities of that of that of that of that of that level of that arena to improve it to maintain it than it is not a God ordained lifestyle come on but he's given in the word how ministry gifts are to function he's given in the word how the Holy Ghost is to function he's given in the word how husbands and wives are the function mothers and fathers are the function how civil authority is to function how employers are the function he's given us he's given us in the word and so there is a God designed to their purpose for existing that we must honor now where do we start I found this to be true and I stumbled on this recently that the same way we honor the top tier things are the same way we are to honor the bottom tier things same way we are to honor the word is the same way we are to honor the Holy Spirit saying we were to honor mother and father same we were to honor a spouse's saying with your honor civil authorities ministry gifts employers same thing same principles it's not it's not all over the gamma it's the same principles the same arenas now I found this to be true that when it comes to God's Word I'm gonna go very quickly here so please forgive me but time is getting away from me when it comes when it comes to the when it comes to the Word of God it's clear to me that any time that you open up your Bible that you're getting a peek into another world and what is possible if we embrace its principles it gives us a little peek every time we open up our Bibles we are accessing wisdom to live life at its best can I put it to you like this the Word of God reveals how we are to best how we are best designed to live life you cannot go to another source and find ingredients principles that can cost your life to live a better life than what is described within the Word of God this is life at its best right here when I get in the Word of God and find out how the husband is to function within the home it is that it is the highest level of of knowledge is the highest level of of a wisdom that I can receive as to how to function as a husband how to function as a father how to function as a mother how to function as a there's a wife how to function in my in every arena its life that is its best we are our wisest we are our strongest when we embrace the Word of God cannot get any wiser than that can't get any stronger than that you can't get any better than that this thing describes life at its best but I want you to go with me if you will to mark mark chapter 6 mark chapter 6 and I want to begin reading if you will with verse 1 mark 6 and verse 1 y'all doing okay this morning there is an honor that each one of these areas is to obtain there is a gratefulness that each one of us are to give to these areas and it allows their God designed purpose access into our life then you start getting to the place to where you think you're smarter and wiser than these things how many of you understand that when Lucifer fell from his place in heaven he was one of the third mighty angels Gabriel Michael and Lucifer he had a third of the angels underneath his underneath his watch how many of you know all of a sudden Lucifer started started if you will honoring his thoughts more than God's thoughts he got to the place to where God's thoughts were no longer higher than his thoughts when you get to the place where God's thoughts are no longer higher than your thoughts at the same level - I can take him or leave him then you'll fall from your place just like Lucifer fell from his place are y'all out there would it were to our to honor him or to give what belongs to him honor gives what belongs what belongs to God's word honor what belongs to God's Word gratefulness what belongs to these other gifts listen to what's this here mark chapter 6 and verse I'm sure Tony talked about this when he taught on this subject verse 1 and he went out from this it came to his own country disciples followed him sigh clothes became I began to teach in synagogue meaning hearing him were astonished from once that this men have these things what wisdom is this which is given unto him that even such money works are wrought by his hands he is not this the carpenter the son of Mary the brother James Jones to Judah Simon are not his sisters with us and they were offended at him verse 4 jesus saith unto them a prophet is not without honor lying it not without honor but in his own country among his own kin in his own household in other words he said the the the toughest area to get people to heed what you have to say is going to be those who are the closest to you have this place to get people to honor I'm gonna be those people who are the closest to you but the people who are closest to you their best life is lived when they honor those who are closest to them listen what it says here and he could there do no mighty work didn't say wouldn't said he couldn't accept that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk and healed them you know the rest of story and I wrote this down their failure to honor Jesus hindered God's design hinders God's healing involvement in their life God desired to heal them but their failure to honor the vessel he sent to heal them through short-circuited that vessel in providing them what God wanted them to have say it again can I put you like this lack of honor limits God's ability to impact our life through that vessel it's been said and I agree with it completely they treated him as if he was not anointed and he was not anointed for them and there have been husbands and fathers and husbands and wives that are that are being treated as if they were not anointed by God set by God and so therefore they're not anointed to their spouse fathers and mothers are not being treated as if they were not God's appointed set in place by God and so the impact of that is short circuited so when it comes to the Word of God and I'm going to start here and not going through all the other things I'm gonna I'm gonna hone in on a one issue so please forgive me and I just heard these words because each one of these each one of these has a voice the word has a voice the Holy Spirit has a voice ministry gifts have a voice mothers and fathers have a voice husbands and wives have a voice civil authority has a voice and employers have a voice mark chapter 4 the degree of Honor that we give to them is going to determine the degree of involvement and impact that they have upon our lives let's just go ahead and kick the cat out of the bag let's go for it the point in all this is this the first display of honor in all the areas that I've just rattled off is the issue of think time think time every one of these areas has a voice and the amount of think time that you give to that voice reveals to a great degree how much honor you have given to that voice isn't it interesting that Jesus in mark 6 was teaching and they heard him and they were astonished at what he said but their thoughts left what he said didn't give it any think time at all we grew up with this guy and they refocused their think time off of what he was saying on to their experiences with him do you see here that dishonored Jesus because the message that he spoke was not from him Jesus said it himself my doctrine is now mine the words that I speak there the father's the one that sent me and yet isn't it interesting that when he spoke God's wisdom they gave it no think time because they focused on the natural they treated him as common and gave it no think time the first the first the first the first step in honoring a mother and father is to think about what they said and not and not cast it off quickly as ridiculous unreasonable come on guys same thing with ministry gifts same thing with spouses when our spouse says something to us if we're honoring their position in our life then we should at least consider and think spend some think time on what's been said instead what do we do we normally we usually just automatically respond now that that that's not they you don't even know he's talking about blah blah blah blah and you don't give it anything time at all you're just honoring that person's position in your life when an employer comes to you and addresses a particularly and you don't give it anything thing but you just react your dishonouring that employer what you're not given anything time how did I come to this conclusion mark chapter 4 because with the word we must give it think time the degree of think time that we give the Word of God it's going to determine the degree of honor that we give that word you know Tony and I were talking about this the other day when it comes to messages I'm gonna be honest with you about of guys I've listened to thousands have been in thousands of church services and I never wait I never walk away from with a message I never walk away with the full sermon but I do have touched my heart in the sermon is usually a point one point one point that touches me and saying ooh you know and if I if I don't spend some think time on that one thought on that one principle I'm one that truth I'll let that thing get away from me come on guys and just honor what God is endeavoring to do in my life at the moment I'll give you an example I was going to use this as my closing example but I'll use it now Tony actually read the scripture I was in Tucson Arizona a while back ago and I was ministering and I was sitting on the front row the the little lady was somebody was taking an offering and and she had everybody turned to proverbs chapter 3 verses verses 5 & 6 so she started reading 5 & 6 trust the Lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him he should direct your path and she stopped right there and start talking about that scripture and while she was reading my eyes fell to verse 9 she didn't talk about that never did talk about this scripture honor the Lord with the with thy substance and with the firstfruits of that increase so shalt thou barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine the instant I read that verse the Spirit of God whom I am to honor spoke up on the inside of me and said these words there is a there's a stream of income that you've never tied done all this time and the moment he said those words to me I knew he had me I knew he had me because I was faithful and tithing off my main income Kenneth Hagin Ministries Inc um but there was another area of income that I had that I had not tied down at all and I knew that the Spirit of God was addressing that issue in my life I found this to be true that anytime the Spirit of God touches an area in your life what he's simply saying is this your life can be better you make this little bit of an adjustment the life will be better and so I knew I knew the Spirit of God had me and I knew exactly what he was talking about and so I took out a yellow piece of paper that I had in my little ashes kaykai's I didn't bring it with me in here but just didn't pastors office but I had it with me there and I wrote down anything tithe on and I did that so I could keep that in my thought life come on guys because the degree of think time that you give to the truth that you hear determines the degree of honor you give the truth that you just heard and I kept that with me but we have climbed out of a hole and there is starting to have we actually have a little fun set aside now we've never had this have extra money has been a tough thing for a long time I'm paying my bills and I'm keeping up with everything but extra money that thing said barns will be filled my barns weren't filled at all I mean I'm making it but pretty well paycheck to paycheck we now have a fund in our kitchen can't tell you where it's at say some of you all of a sudden some of my guy leaves go jumps on an airplane you don't be to be down to Tulsa you know but but but we now have to where we got money now to where we can actually go travel and see my daughter and son-in-law in North Carolina without breaking the bank we can pay cash for it now the point of the matter simply there's it all started out with the thought time that that word spoken into my life that thought think time belongs to a word spoken think time belongs to a word that's spoken into your heart an issue that's been highlighted if we don't give it anything time same thing I'm gonna go back to this issue your wife's words deserves think time we men we have the we have we have we have we have a way with us we're anything that they say that's not within our scope a plan and anything that we've got planned up no no we're not doing that no no there's times where you need to consider why there's a God designed of that woman in your life and that man in your life for that matter that if you honor that and give at least a little bit of think time this is the first area not not every area but the issue of think time to what they're saying how much better can our lives really be especially heard these words especially in the area of raising children need to be as a team this is not a solo mission it's both we teamed up with a with your wife or teamed up with your husband when it comes to raising your children and they have they have concerns about their children that you may not have did they bring those concerns up and you shoot them down every time I'm telling you men have a way of saying no easily much easier or more or more no people than we are yes people know now gonna do that no we're not gonna do that sometimes you just kind of wonder how long wise can keep on being told no it's gos parable of the sower it's very familiar passage we're gonna hurry here so our soweth the word these are they by the wayside where the word is sown when they have heard signals immediately take the word out of their hearts thus these are they which are sown upon stony ground who when they have heard mark 4 verse 16 and when they have heard the word immediately they received with gladness and have no root in themselves but endure for a time afterward when affliction or persecution rises for the words sake immediately they are offended and these are they which are sown among thorns such as hear the word cares of this world deceitfulness of riches the lost of other things entering in choke the word and it becometh unfruitful verse 20 and these are they which are sown on good ground such just hear the word and receive it and bring forth some fruit some thirtyfold some sixty and some 100 now anybody with any brains who has read this verse it's going to ask the question what determines the difference what determines the difference and there's been a lot of sermons trying to address this issue of determining they do what determines the difference between a 30 full return 60 full return and a hundredfold what what determines the difference keep reading is a candle brought to be put underneath the butcher underneath the bed not underneath a stick and a candlestick for there is nothing here which shall not be made manifest and was there anything kept secret but that should come abroad if any man have ears to hear let him hear verse 24 he's still teaching and he said unto them watch this now pay attention to what you hear look at what verse verse verse 15 and when they had heard verse 16 and when they had heard verse 18 and when they hear the word of God verse 20 such as hear the word verse 24 this is the answer what determines the 60 fold 30 fold or 100 fold return on the word that's sold into your life you pay attention to what you here for what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you and to you that here shall more be given listen to the amplified version you pay attention to what you hear for the major amplified version for the measure of thought and study that you give to the truth that you hear will be the measure of virtue in now thank you will be the measure of virtue in eyes that comes back to you and more besides will be given and he said unto them be careful what you are hearing the measure of what thought and study that you give to the truth that you hear doesn't this scripture go directly in the same in the same direction as Joshua 1:8 the book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day isn't it true that what this is saying is this meditation is the step between the hearing come on guys and the doing thou shalt meditate upon daen that thou may observe - do you hear the word of God you give it some think time and you'll end up doing it is that now right but the reason why a lot of people are not doing it they're not on this step is because they never gave it any thought time after they heard it can I put you like this guys thought always precedes action always never one time if I ever found myself in Walmart what in the world am i doing out here man I was in my lazy bored just a second ago what in the world you've never found isn't it true that before you go to Walmart you're gonna think about it for a little bit come on guys how many know before you paint your house you're gonna think about it for a while wow wow wow wow until your wife just put your foot down y'all aren't there the thing about it I said we this is the issue of think time and is it not true that we are living in a culture today that quickly dismisses anybody else's opinion suggestion idea wisdom we we I mean we toss it to the side within a if it doesn't line up with what we think with what we believe but I'm telling you right now there are God designed representatives in our life that that that are speaking into our life from the Word of God from the Spirit of God ministry gifts from husbands and wives from fathers and mothers from from civil authorities from employers there are people giving us kid bits of wisdom from from their God designed purpose in life that we cannot just continually toss aside what they've suggested are their ideas or their but we at least give it some think time what are we doing I'm honoring you how do you dishonor someone just completely ignore what they have to say we've had that happen with us as parents they just keep going no matter what that's dishonor publicist we are to honor our mother our Father I was teaching our teaching on this issue of honoring your mother father when they don't deserve it I listen to a man minister on this subject and he said something I never thought of before he said there there are mothers and fathers that are so broken so a lot of kilchers they're so dysfunctional and then he said these words even a bloke incur even a broken clock is Right twice a day and I thought about that I thought about even the most dysfunctional mom and dad even the most dysfunctional marriage still have a little bit of concern for those kids and they can see where maybe their kids are taking a wrong step and and they speak to that if that child is not real careful he'll take the accumulation of the dysfunction and discard everything they say everything they say dishonor their parents right and left but even a broken clock is Right twice a day I mean there's times when you have to stop think about what they said in the ministry arena you know we have a lot of camps this camp that camp this camp in that camp there's a lot of Ministers in this camp about ministers in this camp a lot of Ministers this camera and there's a tendency to only listen to your camp but I'm sorry there's other camps that got passengers in their camp brother Hagin taught us this long time ago they taught it hard you eat the hay you leave the sticks when I'm with other ministers of other camps man I'm taking notes I'm going back over and I'm thinking about what they said why because they have a God design and they can bring wisdom into my life that I may need but if I just cast him off are you all out there and to be honest with you about it what I really wanted to say to you which I'm not going to get to is then the parable of the sower I don't have time to teach on this but but the first ground the first ground if you go and read this thing from Luke from Matthew 13 that the reason why the devil steals the word out of the heart is because they don't understand it they don't understand it they don't know how to apply it in their life so that bears no fruit whatsoever and my thought was this he said verse 24 you pay attention to what you hear the measure of thought the study that you give to the truth that you hear will be the major of virtualize the kick do we value the do we honor the word of God enough to where you keep thinking on even something you don't understand you keep thinking on it until you do understand until I do understand how to apply how many of us have heard things taught that we didn't know how to apply you remember what what the angel said to Daniel after he knocked him to the ground he said from the first day that they'll did a set thine heart to understand your words were heard I mean you know guys there's times where something's taught within us the Word of God and we noticed the word but we don't understand how to apply it King your honor that word by keeping it in your thought life until understanding can come as to how I can apply this to my life can you honor it in spite of your lack of understand wow man I did all of us have walked out of services did you understand anything that guy said I didn't understand anything that guy said you know but so that means that but there's probably something in there that if you keep on it stay with it how many understand that some of us some of us have to get a little taller to understand some things you see what I'm saying by that how many of you know some of us are taller enough to understand adding subtracting multiplying dividing decimals percentages fractions but I'm gonna tell you right now I'm not tall enough to understand algebra a plus B equals Z give me the numbers you spell with letters you add with numbers I never could figure that out you know and that right and there's just some things there's some things that you'll have to see one principle in order to understand the next principle it's about the culture of today the reason why the culture of today is is is slowly disintegrating before our very eyes is because we no longer honor the very things that God has appointed to keep us balanced stable in place how many of you know I don't know never this was just something I got right before he picked me up but but how many of you know this world is disintegrating the honor given the word the Holy Ghost even in the church world we're seeing that ministry gifts how many of you know moms and dads and husbands and wives even come on must be real clear about this much less civil authorities and employers you failed to honor God's representatives you failed to honor God and he's designed for your life falls apart Lucifer's life fell apart because he failed to dishonor God and I want you to think about this I don't have time to teach on this but guys we need to learn from Lucifer Lucifer's the god of this world and how he came to fall with with his relation with God it's how we fall he just refused to honor God your thoughts above my thoughts your way through by my way no he said I'm gonna exalt my throne above the stars of God I'm gonna be equal with God I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna decide what's good and what's right I'm gonna decide what's bad I'm gonna decide I can do that you're doing it I can do it are y'all out there any quickly we'll go number two do you honor the Word of God to keep it in your thought life when everything around you is falling apart when you're going through hell when your life is full of challenges look at what it says here verse 16 and these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground who when they have heard the word immediately they we see with badness and they have no root in themselves and they endure for a time but when affliction and persecution arises when problems arise when chant when you're being challenged when difficulties arise immediately they give up the word that was sowed into their life and they produced no fruit the question that I had for you was this do we honor the Word of God enough that when we when we hear something we don't know how to apply can we keep it in our thought life long enough to figure out how to apply it do we honor the Word of God well enough that where we keep it in our thought life we keep thinking about what God has instructed us to do in the midst of our problem but but is it not true that a lot of our problems can so distract you from what God has said I never forget years ago I was teaching a human school and I had drawn a mountain on a chalkboard and I was talking about speaking speaking to your Mountain justö feel say into this mountain be thou removed and while I had that I was talking to the human school class and well I well I had that mountain on the on the chalkboard I heard these words there are people in this room so captivated with their mountain they forgot what I told them to do about their Mountain there are people in this room so captivated with their mountain they forgot what I told him to you about their mountain how many of you know problems can distract you from what God has said that you're supposed to do to the mountain that's what happened is the children of Israel with Jericho wall they got so caught up with the mountain they forgot about what God told him to do you can get so taken up with your problems that your thoughts your mind are on your problems and you forget about what God there was a problem that I had at home all of a sudden it's been at probably a good two hours worrying about what am I gonna do and all of a sudden on the inside I heard these words if any man lack wisdom let him ask of God and I said Lord forgive me Jones you're an idiot spend all this time how many even you're so taken out with your problem that you forget about the council God gave you through his word God's design plan is to you to ask him when you're going through difficulties the Lord the Spirit of God honored the Spirit of God in the midst of my challenges when I got my thoughts off of God off of his word I'm trying to come up with my own strength come on guys think time and in the last round verse 18 and these are they which are sown among thorns such as hear the word and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things entering choke the Word of God how many of you know guys the good life the good life can distract your thought life off of God's wisdom as much as difficult again there is a danger to being prosperous demas has forsaken me having loved the world does it danger because when you when you think you're prosperous when you got it all wrapped up in your little mind I mean if you know you stop leaning on God his wisdom provision are y'all out there I've never had anyway but the thing about it simply this is that is that we're to keep our thoughts on the word until we understand it we are to keep our thoughts on the word while we're going through difficult times we are to keep our thoughts on the on the word while we're enjoying the prosperity of life hmm we we are to keep our thoughts on our wife's opinion on our husband's opinion when all hell's broken loose and we are to value their thoughts and their opinions when we're enjoying the good life y'all out there God has a design for each one of these areas the world is the the world is dishonouring these God designed representatives there's a scripture I'm sure Tony taught on it in Romans is the downhill progression of mankind and it begins with this phrase and when they knew God they honored him not as God you can know God and not honor him as God have you ever have you ever thought about this first John ah first John beloved let us love one another think about this just for a second beloved let us love one another the lovers of God and every one that loveth is born of God he that loveth not knoweth not God are they still born again I've got people who tell me well if you don't love you're not born again because John doesn't say that listen to what's this everybody look up here if you will beloved let us love one another think you beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God he that loveth not knoweth not God are you still born again but you just don't know God okay don't like that there are people today in this world that know God as Savior but do not know God as Baptizer in the Holy Ghost they know God as Savior but they don't know him as a healer they don't know him as a guide that will guide lead you and direct you show you things to come give guidance as to what what you do which way to go they don't see him as a guide oh are they going to heaven if they were to die today absolutely confess Jesus as our Lord love God but they don't know God just because just because someone confesses Christ doesn't mean that they honor God as God and what that verse tells me I'm sure Tony talked about it but what that verse that whole that whole Romans 1 deal tells you is the disintegration of our culture is on that one on that one principle that when they knew God that's what happened to Lucifer it's really a great great picture of what happened to Lucifer that when he knew God didn't honor him as God that means my opinion is just as good as yours my ways are just as good as yours I'm just as smart as you are I can do what you could do it was the beginning of the fall for him and it's the beginning of the fall for this for today's culture but in the midst of today's culture I'm begging you in the midst of today's culture we must honor the representatives that he's given honor of the word honor the Spirit of God honor ministry gifts honor mothers and fathers honor husbands and wives honor civil authorities honor your employer come on guys how much of a better life would that bring us glory to God but but the message that I wanted to bring I don't know if I got it did a good job at it at all you're all doing okay today or if I'm doing a good job at a table but think time if you don't think about the word think about the council the Spirit of God gives you when you're in the midst of the trouble difficulties you don't think about the council God's giving you about that issue in the past then you're going to drift apart from his help in that area now become so prosperous that you never think about the principles in there and they and the thoughts that he's given you the truth that he's revealed to you don't ever get so that you forget about why you're gonna those truths in the honour those truths once again every time God reveals something to you every time God shows you something every time he reminds you of something he's simply saying if you make this a little bit of an adjustment life would be better amen honoring him and can I see it to you like this this is here again probably a whole lot more notes than what I could have delivered is it but how many of you know that once you honor and give your spouse some think time you need to you need to show them some appreciation show them how grateful you are that they're in your life that's moms and dads the Holy Ghost every wants one you need to thank God for giving you the Holy Ghost thank God for giving you the Word of God thank God for giving you a mother and a father whether there's a good bad of the other doesn't matter think you that I have one thank you that I got a spouse whether it's good but never mind and and thank you for the civil authorities thank you for my employer why you give honor to whom honor is due you give honor to whom honor is due if it's do them you give it to them if they're your employer there's an honor that belongs to them that does not have belonged to other employers in the city you give it to them that means what all right I want to teach on this so bad I can't stand it yes the thing you think about you know when you honor your employer you work as in to the Lord another's in demand here you you work when the boss's eyes are not on you as well as you work when their eyes are on you what are you doing I'm honoring you you may not deserve it but I'm honoring my god in honoring you and the way God told me to honor you are you out there father we thank you for your goodness and for your mercy
Channel: Faith Family Church Omaha
Views: 1,316
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Faith Family, Omaha, Church, Faith Family Church, Faith Family Church Omaha, Word of Faith
Id: UYuRXBjyM0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 21sec (4341 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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