Keith Moore Abounding Ability - Pt.4 Canaan Land Living)

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all through the year don't we but it's it's okay to have a special time as well if if you would turn to second Corinthians the ninth chapter please and we're going to read our text and then we're going to pray and release our faith if you think about it the Lord brings it to your heart I'll be speaking a couple of different places the next few weeks other than in addition to the churches will be speaking at oru the the Assembly there where this week and the week after that we'll be speaking at a prison down in Mississippi for three days and have had some other opportunities in along that line in other states so y'all just believe with me you don't to do things you ought not do timewise but at the same time I want to be led and be open to any anything right anything and anywhere so if it comes across your heart in mind I would appreciate it that you pray of course the begging won't do us any good right so just talking about a faith pray right lord you know give them utterance strengthen them and don't don't just ask for it but when you get through praying say thank you thank you for doing it we'll get in faith and expect and then of course by doing that if you invest something of yourself and your faith in it then whatever results come out of it you have a part is that true because you were helping to believe for it right so it is there's more involved there than just us receiving help for a few weeks now we've been on this subject from our text and second Corinthians the ninth chapter and the eighth verse they'll put it on the screen for us it says God is able to make all grace abound towards you I just like the sound of that phrase he's able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work let's pray and release our faith here and in Branson and on the Internet Father in the name of Jesus we agree together as touching this right now tonight asking you for utterance I'm saying Lord speak through me let it be beyond me let it be you through us give us all eyes that see in ears that hear in a heart that receives and a mind that understands exactly what you are saying to us and the supply of the Spirit to us we pray and ask for your spirit to move in us and among us and through us and the gifts and manifestations of your spirit to be in operation and we say Lord will not be forgetful hearers are hearers only but what you show us by your grace we will do it we'll put it into practice and be doers of your word and we know when we do we will be blessed because you always watch over your word and perform it in the lives of those who do it in Jesus name Amen thank you lord this text tells us that God is able to make all grace abound toward us this word abound is an outstanding word you really I think he almost need more than one English word to describe the Greek word this comes from and you'll see that in different verses and in the different translations in John 10 it talks about the same idea of abounding in John 10 and 10 it says the thief comes not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy who should you blame when things are stolen from you who should you blame when things are killed in your life hmm destroyed in your life it didn't it's sad that so many Christians are blaming God God's not our problem never has been he's our answer and you know once what's sadder yet there's a whole lot of church-going people that's really mad at God they wouldn't just come out and say it most of them and then a lot of people that used to go to church that don't go to church anymore mad at God they they're they're convinced that God let them down somewhere they're convinced God didn't come through for them they let the devil convince them it God either either he doesn't care or he's not even real or are all kind of men are things and this lie has choked the goodness of God out of their life and they have limited the Holy One of Israel from doing things for them and on their behalf and it's not that God is is mad at them and doesn't want to do anything for them is that they got the doors closed and barred don't you remember the revelation said that the master stands at the door and knocks mm-hmm well if you're going to enjoy him and get things from him what's gonna have to happen well why would he be standing at the door and knocking because the door is closed right the door is closed now then this is something that a lot of people have not either that heard it or they haven't believed it people try to preach and teach that you know but that's got nothing to do with it that God just does stuff in people's life or he doesn't do it just win and how he wants and they have nothing to do with it that is not true there's all kind of things that God wants to do for people but they won't invite him in they won't open the door they they they believe lies they they don't believe it all they got the door but didn't he go on to say if any man will open the door I'll come in not just come in but I'll sit down and sup with him right fellowship how many believe you'd get some good and rich things from fellowshipping with the King of Kings but you got to open the door you got to open the door so God is not the thief he's not the killer he's not the destroyer there is a devil there is a destroyer hmm don't blame God what the rest of the verse go on to say but I am calm II said Jesus said he's contrasting isn't he he's not the one doing the stealing killing and destroying yeah that's the thief doing that certainly Jesus is not the thief the father's not the thief jesus said I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly this this word abounding this word abundance if you'll look up the words there's a I guess there's about seven or so different words that are actually from the same root word and they all have some of the same meaning and they mean let me let me read the definitions for you they mean like you see here abundance but let me read the definitions from these are like from vines and fairs and Strong's different definitions people that studied these languages their whole life and one says it means beyond one says it means excessive another one says enough and more one says surplus äj-- another one says super abundance and I like that because super when we hear the word super we tend our mind tends to run off on a tangent and think Superman super whatever but no super just supers a word it's not a fictitious word it's a real word that means above and beyond basically you've got something that's that that's good and then you've got something that's super super is beyond the abundance so basically it means beyond abundance and it's translated these words are translated that like like when the mo loves and fishes were multiplied they had twelve baskets over and above though these are some of the same ideas over and above that means the thousands of people were satisfied and fed and how many think that was supernatural provision but that wasn't all that you had in addition to everybody getting their fill of loaves and fishes there were twelve baskets left over surplus is this the will of God is surplus the will of God it is the amplified says it like this in John 10:10 I came that they may have an enjoy life and have it in abundance till the fall till it overflows so you can see why the amplified added that because that's what the word literally means it means not just enough not just to the brim more than that more than that can you say Amen if Asians 3:20 go over there Ephesians 3:20 talks about the same idea same concept got this word abundant in here and he says now unto him that is able to do what exceeding abundantly above that's a good description of what we're talking about isn't it exceed not just not just what you asked and not just above what you asked not just abundantly above what you asked but exceedingly abundantly above what you asked our thought gods able to do that in that our text that we read that God was able in fact I'll just I'll just read it again God is able to make all grace abound towards you so that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work and then this one says ephesians 3:20 now and to him is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask her think with these kind of verses and these kind of thoughts how is it that millions of christians then this didn't start last week or fifty years ago there are whole splinter groups of Christians I won't call names that developed back a century ago two centuries ago more than that that decided that Spartan living was godly that living with bare minimum was connected to holiness ayane's with the strong today in numerous groups that if you're really going to get close to God you you you can't have stuff and money especially you couldn't have extra stuff and money but how does that agree with these verses that we're looking at how does that agree we we must discern even though it's been around for hundreds of years that don't mean it's right just because somebody had a messed up idea 500 years ago his system has stuck was what I was going to say right isn't it and we should examine everything you should examine everything you hear me preach and teach and anybody else you should examine it closely with the written word of God and you should check it against what you what kind of witness you have in your own heart because if it's the Holy Spirit on me and through me you've got the very same Holy Spirit right in you and on you and you're gonna recognize that even if it's new to your head it's going to be familiar to your heart right the anointing teaches you and that anointing abides in you and me 24/7 now under him that's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think and it happens we'll come come back to this I believe later not just independently of us it's tied God being able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think is tied to something going on in us can you see this sighs what God is able to do for us is tied to something going on in us the power that's working in us so it's not independent of us let me say it again it's tied to something working in us go with me to first Corinthians you said you're believing with me right first corinthians the tenth chapter we touched on this and in previous services if you weren't with us let me encourage you that to get caught up with us because we can't cover everything every time and make progress you can get the previous messages download them off the internet you can go back to the word supply get a CD won't cost you anything and it's how many that were with us would tell them it'd be worth their time to get you you won't get the full measure out of this not having heard the other but if they go back and hear that and then hear this again you could get more than ever right I know jesus said take heed how you hear he said both statements take heed what you hear he also said take heed how you hear for the measure you meet to it that's hard to be measured back to you and I know one of the first times I really saw this is Phyllis and I went out to Broken Arrow Oklahoma and went to Rhema Bible Training Center brother Kenneth Hagins ministry and I we're just gonna go one year and go back home and 20 years later we finally did go the Lord had another plan but while even the first couple of years I was there I was in the prayer school in the healing school every day and then later on I was involved in the healing school counseling with people and praying for people and in eventually teaching and doing other things and at one point they sent some of the big old video stuff before there was I'm not talking my VCR I'm talking my previous y'all I mean the cassettes were like that big boy they were huge and I had to take this giant player and this thing home with me to monitor it monitor it for some things the ministry was doing with what brother Hagin had taught and so here you know five six seven years later I'm watching and hearing him teach on some things about faith and healing and I remember one day I was I was watching it and listened to that and I thought glory to God now I've never heard him say that I never that's life-changing and I thought where was I I mean that I missed that day and in a few minutes the camera pan and now I was on the front row I never heard that I was there can you hear and not hear and see it's not just that though it's I had grown I had groans you see Jesus would take heed how you hear so even though people the same sound waves are bouncing off of everybody's ears the same still not everybody's hearing the same and that means a lot of things didn't Jesus say more than once him that has ears to hear and you see that in the book of Revelation him that has the ears to hear well he's not talking much that you got a ear on the side of your head and an eardrum and all that you do you have a year that's inclined to hear are you tuned on the same frequency do you have a heart to hear it do you value it do you want it so uh just like you've eaten potatoes more than once you need to hear the same word more than once because actually you'll hear things you didn't hear before you've grown you've developed that's true with everybody in 1st Corinthians 10 and 11 notice this he said all these things and he just got through mentioning different things that had happened with God's first covenant people that he brought out of Egyptian bondage it's different things that had happened with them he said these things happen to them for in samples now we probably wouldn't say that today we'd say examples examples they happen to them for examples examples of what they are written for our admonition the things that happened to them that are recorded in the Old Testament how God delivered them out of Egyptian bondage through all those signs and wonders how he brought them through the Red Sea how he brought him to the Mount and gave the Ten Commandments and how they wandered around out there for 40 years and then finally the next generation did have the courage and faith to go in and possess the promised man all of that is typical for you and me it applies to us now many have not seen that or believed it and so you have a lot of folks neglect their old testament thinking it's not applicable now there there are tremendous examples for us right now everything had happened to them was a type and an example that finds its fulfillment in Christ these things happened four examples they're written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come let me read two other translations the easy to read says the things that happen to those people are examples they were written to be warnings for us we live in the time that all those past histories were pointing to Weymouth says all this kept happening to them with a figurative meaning but it was put on record by way of admonition to us upon whom the ends of the ages have come what are we to learn about what happened to them the list is too long to get into it one one service but we've been talking about this and the last sessions that we were begin to touch on we mentioned three different levels of living that they experienced they experienced life under Pharaoh in Egypt as a slave they experienced life in the wilderness didn't they and then eventually some of them experienced life as free men and women in Canaan land hmm is does that have anything to do with us the Bible says all these things are types and examples for what are we to learn about it well the same thing true today there are people of God that are living in Egypt as far as how they're living there are people who are living in the wilderness and there are a few who are going to Canaan's land are you interested in what it's like to live in Canaan land anybody that was four or five people Romans 12 talks about this Romans 12:2 they put it upon the screen for us it says be not conformed to this world don't take that lightly none of us should take that lightly why would he tell you don't be conformed to this world because if you don't make an effort you will be you will be conformed and you will think like the world thinks and you will talk like the world think talks and you'll have what the world has don't be conformed to this world said out loud I'm not going to be conformed to the ungodly world around me I'm in the world but I'm not of the world we're different we live different hmm be transformed and how do you get transformed by the renewing of your mind which is one of the reasons we come together like this right that's one of the reasons we poke the holy cows right huh and kick over the the the sacred traditions of men they've got nothing to do with the Word of God that are not sacred and this is how it happens your mind has to be changed and renewed and that'll keep you from being conformed to this world and in doing so when your mind gets renewed with the God's thoughts his words his ways then you can discern and prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God why would he use all these words to describe it I believe one reason is that people are living in different degrees of the will of God some people are completely out of the will of God others are living in some of the will of God others are living in more of the will of God oh but some can and are living in the perfect will of God what's the perfect will of God what does it look like what does it sound like you know what it looks like it looks like Kanaan's land that's the perfect will of God was Egypt the perfect will of God for God's people it was not it was not was the wilderness the perfect will of God for God's people it was not Kanaan's land was always God's perfect will but that whole generation I mean there went on for 400 years of people living in Egypt God's people and then when he finally did get him out of that the first generation refused to go into Kenya's land they weren't supposed to stay out there in the wilderness for 40 years or 30 years our twenty years are ten years come on are you listening they were supposed to make us a brief trip through there and learned some valuable faith lessons and how to believe God and how to trust God and obey God and go into Canaan land and live the remainder of their life as free prosperous people do you believe was the will of God is the will of God God doesn't change what's his will for us now Egyptian living wilderness living our living in Canaan land Canaan land living its what I'm going for how about you we'd have to find out what it is wouldn't we reckon we're there already getting looks all across the crowd let's talk about these these different levels of living a little bit a little bit longer what is living in Egypt we know all these things are types and examples for us today what's living in Egypt a type of when they lived in Egypt for those for centuries for centuries and 30 years 430 years when they live there they lived a life of not enough didn't not enough and when you don't have any resources they had no legal rights they had no civil rights they had no rights at all they were the property of the Egyptians just like a horse or a cow they didn't own the rags on their back they didn't own the shack they stayed in they were powerless they had no freedom they had no ability is that God's will for his people absolutely not see poverty is really about controlled the enemy is always trying to control things down here and sadly he's been far to successful at it and people who know don't know God not saved they're going to be controlled oh they like to think they're doing their own thing but they're not they're being influenced they're being manipulated do you believe they're not free they're not free and sadly many people of God are not free either sickness is about control mental oppression is about control if the devil can keep you sick enough and confused and depressed enough and broke enough it's like being in a jail cell you can't do anything no matter what you you don't have any vision if some type it's where people give up cuz I think well I don't have any money I'm never gonna have anything anyway to be able to do anything why do i what am I gonna dream about and have a vision about just disappoint myself set myself up to be disappointed it's all about control and when they're living in Egypt they had no control and they had no freedom and no ability somebody said not the will of God certainly not for his people right certainly not for his people and when God brought them out of Egyptian bondage and it took multiple signs and wonders to do it didn't it I mean Pharaoh was not gonna let them go not know how no way he's not gonna let him go now tomorrow next year next century they've been there for centuries he's not about to let him go they're the backbone of the economy and so they had to let him go they the nation was brought to its knees right and it's their fault that they drug it out alone and made it goes before they could have said yes the first day they could have said great have fun and been spared from all that loss and judgment couldn't sure they could have been but uh when they came out the Bible said in Psalms the Lord brought them out with silver and with gold and there was not one feeble person among their tribes they were free they were healed and they had money are you looking at the will of God are you hearing the will of God silver and gold and healed not one feeble person among their tribes and after four centuries their their dead mom wasn't free their grandparents weren't free their great-grandparents weren't free but they are they are by the mighty hand of God set free and they came up out of Egypt hallelujah and they they quit living in Egypt they quit living that way and they came God brought him across the Red Sea and you know brought him to the Mount and gave them his will and his loss and they've been hearing ever since Moses showed up he told them that he was bringing them into a land that flows with milk and honey the very beginning of the book of Exodus Exodus three he said I'm taking you out of here I'm taking you to a land that flows with milk and honey what does that mean what does the phrase flows with milk and honey mean this ain't rake by scrape by get by is it hmm no the land what what did God intend for this to put in these people's minds when he tells them I'm taking you out of here and I found a place for you and it's a good place it's a rich place it's a place that flows with milk and honey got so many cows you got milk and butter and ice cream everywhere right hey you got so many bees you got honey right you got to remember this is before the development of sugar refined sugar and corn syrup this kind of stuff if you wanted something sweet honey was it brother that was it he wanted something you know better than just water to drink ice-cold milk and some fresh honey huh and some fresh fruit and vegetables still the best stuff you can get right right man-made stuff is not an improvement and he's telling them that this this place I'm taking you to it just flows with it it just flows with it now in order to get there they got to live in the wilderness for a little while just to get there and that was the plan of God it was his plan all along for them to come through the wilderness and learn some valuable lessons so let's let's come up out of Egypt not enough living into the wilderness how many believe that's a step up is that a step up that's a big step up huge step you're free you healed and you got money right sure beats being a slave right sure beats being broke and sick no question about it they came up and out in the wilderness how did they live they lived day to day he told him don't save up the manna day today didn't he they had supernatural provision there was water out of the rock there was manna falling from heaven everyday there were times when he flew quail in fresh quail without an airplane God can do it Kenny but there living day today does that sound for me they're living day-to-day week-to-week sounds like check to check and it's written in this text there it's also written in Corinthians that he that gathered much didn't have anything over he that gathered little didn't lack so they all had what just enough is that a big step to come up from not enough to just enough it's such a huge step you might think you had arrived huh to go from never having enough to everyday having enough is such a big step up you could think man we're having supernatural provision we're having God meet our needs right day after day we're not running that we're not coming behind you could think we're in the perfect will of God but worthy I said were they know why are we talking about this tonight because what happened to them is an example for us it's a type for us it applies to us the New Testament says Rick and how many people of God are living just enough hmm day-to-day week-to-week check to check hmm and wonder how many see what do you think those guys after living that way for twenty years thirty years forty years you get used to it don't you you get used to it and you think was glory to God God's meeting my needs he is nor having spectacular provision we're having miracles of provision they were manna falling out of the sky but it wasn't God's best it wasn't his highest and best wasn't it wasn't his ultimate plan sure beats Egypt but it's not Canaan land is it living in the land of just enough now anybody can be satisfied living there it's not all up to God that was part of the problem in order to get into Kenan's land he's gonna take some courage wasn't it he was going to take coming over some walls it was going to take facing some giants and it's easier just to keep living check to check isn't it sure God's meeting their needs we're paying our bills don't have anything over time we get through paying everything we there's nothing left but uh go over to God God's meeting our needs no this is not good enough because if this is all we ever live at how do we help others how do we finance the gospel come on realist and how do we sin and the kingdom extend the kingdom around the world how how and this is where millions are just enough somebody say just enough what was God's God's will hmm Canaan's land what was Kenan's land what was skating about we know what kinas land is hmm you know you know the phrase it's more than enough but go with memo I want you to read some scriptures I want you to read more than one I want us to get excited about Kenan's land is it in the Bible why is it here it's not just here a time or 2 or 3 or 10 or 20 there's a lot said about Kenan's land why it's a type of something for us a type of what an example of what in numbers the 13th chapter let's let the word tell us what Kenan's land is numbers 13 when they went and spied out the land and the 12 spies bring back the report verse 25 numbers 1325 they returned from searching of the land after 40 days keep going they went and came to Moses and to Aaron and to all the congregation of the children of Israel to the wilderness / and Kadesh they brought back word to them and all the congregation and they showed them those great big bunches of grapes and all the fruit of the land and they told him he said we came to the land which you sent us and surely it flows with milk and honey they've been they they hadn't seen it until now they had just heard it but I know you can trust God if God tells you this thing flows with milk and honey this this is so rich this is this is a virtual paradise if you will and it does flow with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it here's the proof of it we saw it and here's an example of it this is not just the only one like it there were lots of great clusters over there like this this is an example of one and the people were going whoa never saw cluster grapes like that and it's proof that God's Word is true that if he tells you you can count on it verse 28 nevertheless but oh yeah it's a great land all right full of grapes and pears and peaches and such oh yeah oh it's that's off the chart yeah it is but but but we've got Giants over there and we've got walled cities keep going they described all the ones that were there you know the story they got upset and everybody started crying verse 32 they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched to the children of Israel they said the land which we have gone to search it it's a land that eats up the inhabitants thereof and all the people that we saw in it are a men of great stature so they changed the title of the land from the land that flows with milk and honey to the land that will eat you up and God said it was evil their designation of it is evil because when he calls it good you don't call it bad right and they did now why are we talking about this just to talk about how badly they messed up this applies to us right we weird to be warned and we're to be instructed that we don't do what they did is there a land available to us a land that flows with milk and honey a good land is it just gonna fall on us no we're gonna have to gird up our loins like men we're right we're gonna have to use our faiths we're gonna have to not be moved by what we see and don't see and feel and don't feel hmm make up our mind if the Lord bought it and paid for it I'm gonna have it it takes a year if it takes ten right we're not in this trying it out we're in this for the long haul where it's either true or it's not we're not going to let what we see in field convince us all men you don't want to get into that you want to play it safe back over here in fact let's go back to Egypt is that what they did it's exactly what they did they cried in their tents I won't take the time to read all that but right here in this thirteenth chapter you read this 13th and 14th chapter of numbers they cried and they got mad and they got upset they got so mad they wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb because they stood up and brazenly said it's a good land God's for us let's go get it let's go we can take it we can get it the enemy their bread forests their defense it made them it made those folks so mad they wanted to kill Joshua and Caleb for saying that why because faith makes unbelief mad you'll experience that too you get in a whole lot of faith not everybody will be glad about you being in faith and they'll tell you that you need to calm down and live in the real world and the real world they're talking about is Egypt the land of not enough and I say no I know I'm not gonna live in Egypt I'm not gonna live perpetually in the land of not enough and no control and no ability if you don't have any ability do you know what your options are you you got no freedom you got no power you got no money you got no ability if you want to do something and you got no power or freedom or ability what's your options you either number one don't do it never do it or number two what's the other option you have to go to somebody that has it and see if you can get them to help you or let you you're dependent on them is that true or not of course we know there's an option three anybody know about option three what's option three leave well leave Egypt and don't stay in the wilderness either don't live there don't live like that and don't say well yeah but you don't understand I'm from so and so and and and and I'm younger I'm older I'm a woman or or I'm a man or I'm not the right color or I'm not the right education or if you go to make excuses you're gonna stay stuck right where you are and you can never live anywhere else in Christ there is no male and there's no female there is no color come on are you listening there is no age in him you are more than a conqueror do you believe it or not more than a conquerer you're an overcomer and that's what it takes to get into Keenan's land you got to be more than a conqueror you got to be an overcomer you can't be a cry in your tent little whiny baby want to go back to Egypt you gotta be Joshua you got to be Caleb you got a strap on your gear and put your boots on and say let's go get her let's go take that mountain now what are we talking about does this have practical application for us it does we're talking about a way of living a level of living and a way of living what is wilderness living help me out again day to day month to month check not you got enough but you don't have anything over you you're paying your bills but you got nothing left mmm-hmm and even God's God's doing it supernaturally it's God but it's not his highest and best is it sure beats agent but Kanaan's land what what is it go to the go to number 16 he describes Canaan's land old friend I hope you're not snoozing I'm not just preaching I believe this is the will of God I believe this is the word of the Lord do you I believe it has direct practical application to you and me now in this year where we live and move and operate do you believe it number 16 Korah Dathan and abiram and other guys rose up against moses and spoke against him and basically said who do you think you are and who put you in charge hmm anybody know the answer to that question who put you in charge who put him in charge God picked him on the backside of the desert didn't he he picked him he put him in charge now you know it's really it shows how dull they were you really have to ask after seeing all those miracles in Egypt after crossing their heads see after all that stuff you have to ask who put you in charge so ignorant isn't it but the more unthankful you getting the more unbelieving and fearful you get you get dumbed down you get blind blinded your understanding gets darkened I'm quoting scriptures now verse 13 number 16 he called them and said come talk to me guys and they said we're not gonna do it so rebellious does anybody know what happens to these guys just a few verses later the ground opens up and they all go into it alive and all their cows and dogs and cats everything and the ground closed up and basically God said that's what I think about that rebellion is devilish as it gets it's what the devil did right and he keeps trying to breathe it into human beings he's been far too successful make up your mind that you are not going to be rebellious are y'all listening Saints said out loud I refuse to be rebellious it's the same thing you're saying I refuse to be devilish I refuse to be like the devil so that's what they were doing and so then they get smart with him and they say is it a small thing that you brought us up out of a land that flows with milk and honey not another stop right there what are they talking about Egypt they're calling Egypt the land that flows with milk and honey why would they say that because it is the best thing they've ever experienced they did have gardens and crops in Egypt and they didn't in the wilderness are y'all with me nevermind they were slaves and got beatings regularly huh but see all you know is what you know and that ain't much all you know is what you've experienced and where you've been and that ain't much when God calls you out and he calls you up to better it requires the turning roots of what you know and the leaving of what you've become comfortable with what you know what's familiar comfortable and it's something that a people could become comfortable in slavery now not completely comfortable certainly but enough to want to go back into it there's a number of cases of people who spent a lot of time in prison and we're so uncomfortable being free and being out they committed a crime so they could get back in it's happened lots of times why because it takes faith to face the unknown doesn't it it takes faith to leave your comfort zone doesn't him you've got to believe that God would not lead you astray you got to believe if he tells you I got something better for you then it is right you got to believe that even if some time passes some some weeks pass and some months pass and even some years pass and all you see is dust and hot and uncomfortable wilderness you've got to hold your faith that what God told you is true and never even let yourself look back number one the Lot's wife when she looked back when she looked back she never went forward another step she that she never would go forward another step how many know you cannot go forward looking back you can't Phyllis and I have done this more than once now in our 30-plus years of ministry we left our home our little stuff in Mississippi I know it don't sound like a whole lot now but it was everything we had and then we built and believe God for decades in Tulsa and the Lord met with us turn loose and and go here and he says like starting over and and the parts of you that wants to and in fact when the Lord is dealing with us to leave Tulsa and go to Branson and at that time I didn't know we're starting to work but I just knew that the resources weren't there that we had where we were and I didn't know anybody and basically were starting over in some ways and I remember I had win a few days and it was a you know I'm thinking about it and I'm not just rejoicing and shouting I'm looking at this we you know we we had finally after 20 years we had got the kind of house we wanted and Phyllis had just got through remodeling her kitchen she had I always wanted a kitchen with all the stainless stuff and all that stuff somebody walked up to her and handed her an envelope with money to remodel her her kitchen with just got done with it so now we're gonna leave I had just got we had just got our hanger on the airport I was ten minutes from it you know I mean in in less than an hour I could be in the air headed somewhere for a meeting and where we were the runways not half as long as it needs to be and it's got a cliff on both ends and and no hanger available and and then you we actually had to drive an hour one way just to get to a decent airport for a long time thank God they built the scenario right there in Branson I know they built it for other people but I felt like it was just for us so thankful so thankful but during that time I was I remember I shave in one morning getting ready to go and and I'm pondering these things and the Lord spoke to me I don't mean I heard a voice but inside of me like he will to any Christian any believer if you listen to him he said Keith do you believe I'm able to do better for you than this and I hadn't clarified it but when he said that to me I saw it I'm hesitating to turn loose what we've got and to go to what to go to where you know you don't know hadn't seen it yet and I laid my my razor down I said yes sir I do I do I'm sorry for for entertaining anything else I absolutely do believe you've done it already you've done it more than once I do believe you're well labeled and that what our scriptures say able to make all grace abound toward us I didn't say all that that's what the vs. I'm convinced you're well able to do better for us than what we have here when I said it immediately like this he said I'm gonna give you the best of Branson and he did I said he did he did in every way Oh somebody say glory to God but every at every juncture at every every step and face you have to turn loose of the known and the familiar and you got to be willing to endure and not be moved by what you see and things don't just happen overnight now do they everything didn't just come to pass in a month for two or three or a year and if you don't they and trust God it takes longer than it should the longer you drag your feet the more stubborn you are the more you won't listen instead of it taking three months it can take 40 years and in some cases never happen not because it wasn't the will of God but because folks wouldn't listen there's no social promotion in God's things you're the passed the test or you don't if you don't pass the test guess what you get to take it again and if you flunk it for 10 years guess what you get to take it again and again and again and that's where people get discouraged and then go god what's the problem you told me you had of land and flow in there kid only for me it's still true the problems not with him say law they said I'm reading the Living Bible you've got a few more minutes here the Living Bible said number 1613 is it a small thing they mimicked see smart-aleck even know what smart-aleck is that you brought us out of lovely Egypt Oh lovely Egypt the land that flows with milk and honey they're calling Egypt where they were treated like animals they want to go back now can you see this was happening from the time God got them out of there you remember that built up golden calf and said these are your gods and let's get somebody to lead us back I always wanted to go back I always wanted to go back there in the best shape they've ever been in right now and I know it's dry and dusty and you're not seeing the milk and honey but it's a it's a it's right over there and all you got to do is pass some tests and you'll get there but rather than do that what they say no milk and honey is where we come from if I could just get back to the good old days back when you made $1 an hour work 14-hour days good old days hmm people are so romantic about stuff and amazing how their memories get twisted how many believe the child of God just following the Lord has absolutely no reason to look back be thankful for everything God did for you but where's your best stuff where is your best days you but it's in front of you it's up ahead is it a small thing they said you brought us out of lovely Egypt to kill us here in this terrible wilderness and now you want to make yourself our King verse 14 what's more you haven't brought us into the wonderful country you promised nor given us fields and vineyards who are you trying to fool we refuse to come this is how people talk before they die in the wilderness smart-mouthed disrespectful so they didn't realize it they're not just mouthing it at Moses he's Tito them what the Lord told right the Lord took these things personally it angered him they they they slandered his beautiful land he chose from they claimed Egypt is better than what he's got for they judged themselves unworthy of it didn't they even though it was God's will all the time the complete English version says it like this CEV verse 12 verse 12 Moses sent for Dathan and abiram but they sent back this message we won't come it's bad enough you took us from our rich farmland in Egypt how about you didn't own any of it and never would to let us die here in the desert now you also want to boss us around you keep promising us rich farmlands with fertile fields and vineyards but where are they we've been out here dust wilderness Nana how many men you remember that despised the man that we're sick of this man never mind you to starve to death long ago if he hadn't had it no friends is everybody awake whose fault is it that they're still out here their fault they could already been over there but they want to leave the land of just enough and go back to the land of not enough don't think somebody say dumb dumb dumb not smart go to Deuteronomy 6 how about less saying not us not us I don't want to go back somebody needs to say it out loud I don't want to go back I'm not going back how about this next part I'm not staying where I am I'm thankful for where God has brought me from I am and man just enough is a mountain above not enough but God's got something even greater even better even better than always having your needs met God's got something even better than always having your bills paid somebody is somebody hearing this he's got something even better what is it more than enough surplus all your stuff paid paid off come on are you listening to me and ability freedom control when you can have your own you can run it the way the Lord leads you not the way some unbelieving owner tells you you have to when you got your own you don't have to ask people can you mmm when you got your own ability you don't money your own stuff your own buildings your own vehicles your own equipment your free I said you're free and you have ability free not just to do your own thing free to do what he tells you to do what the Lord tells you to do do you want that kind of freedom that kind of abilities the Lord speak to you you get up one morning you're not working three jobs because you don't need to still to work in 9 days a week you work three half-days comodo y'all listening or not and you're making 10 times what you used to working all week so you can get up in the morning and instead of Russian with the traffic you can pray for 2 hours and the Lord show you and tell you so and so is having a rough time and they need some help and they need some encouragement I want you to go over there and I want you to pay off those bills for and I want you to encourage them for three days and you can you can you got to help you got the strength you got the freedom you got the time you got the money you got the stuff come on y'all listening to me sir do you desire this at all you can't do that living in Egypt you can't go anywhere except for the unbelieving boss says you can go right even if you wanted to you got nothing to do it with you can't do it in the wilderness because you got enough to pay your bills but you've got nothing else you got nothing more what's Canaan land Deuteronomy 6 1 what's Canaan land Deuteronomy 6 1 you got not enough and then there's big step up food just enough it's a great place compared to not enough but there's another place there's another place another place called Canaan's land more than enough what does that land look like sound like feel like the Lord said these are the commandments the statutes and the judgment which the Lord your God commanded to teach you that you might do them in the land whether you go to possess it keep reading that you might fear the Lord your God and keep all the statutes as commandments which I command you and your son your son sons all the days of your life and that your days may be prolonged a big part of your wealth is your time time you can call your own and years of life hmm the Lord will satisfy you a long life prolonged days keep going here therefore Israel observe that you may it may be well with you that you may increase mightily as the Lord God your father's has promised you in the land that flows with milk and honey what are you doing the land that flows with milk and honey you increase mightily keep going he goes on to say o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and he says tremendous things I skip down to verse 7 well excuse me I'm moving too fast I'm looking at the clock but you need to hear these verses too don't you back up back up the Lord's our God is one Lord keep going you'll love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might is he describing how to get to Kenan's land here he is keep going these words which I command you this day they'll be in your heart keep going and you'll teach them diligently to your children you'll talk of and when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down when your eyes up you know Phillips now we're talking about this we we've been observing more of a Sabbath in our week now don't make me say more than I said don't get legalistic about the Sabbath but the Lord decreed a day of rest diddly and the Lord's been dealing with me that we live in a generation that never rests and includes everybody kids retired folks everybody want because what is rest you know even the day when you're not having to work at the job people some none date they're there they're traveling they're working they're doing all these hobbies are doing all this stuff when is when's the last time you rested all day you did do any business or play all you did was rest and be still and know that he was God people are not doing that on and it's taking a toll on folks - I said it's taking a toll on their scattered they don't have peace like they need to there's not clarity and you can see this that in connection with this time is prosperity that you got time you don't have to do other things making a living trying to do this just just getting the keeping the bare essentials and necessities you got time you can just wait on him you can do what he tells you to do that's being rich come on can you see that Saints that's being rich you got options you can do what he directs you to do keep going you teach them to your children the reason I got into this is because folks are so busy they're up they're out of the house they're scattered there's their six ways they come back they're doing something to midnight and they just you know pass out and jump up the next morning hit it again that there's no there's no time where we're just talking about the things of God there's no rush there's peace there's not a bunch of junk and loud noises going on we live in a media age but it's not all good all these sounds and noises and voices going all the time talk about it talk to your kids about them when you get up and when you when you walk when you lay down when you get up what are you talking about the things of God the words of the Lord what he said his ways keep going skip down to verse 10 actually for times sake it'll be when the Lord your God has brought you into the land which he swore to your father's to Abraham Isaac Jacob to give you great and goodly cities which you didn't build what's Kanaan's land huh Kanaan's land is getting whole developments that you didn't build now they're yours somebody else built them somebody helps invest it all the capital all the work all the sweat all the time and God just gave them to you now they're yours as Kanaan's land very different from Egypt very different from the wilderness kiri kiri and what houses anybody awaking here tonight house says huh full full of good things excess that word again goods not bad houses full of goods good things which what you didn't feel you didn't feel wells digged and this part of the country in any part of the country basic especially in arid places man this is worth more than gold you got a good deep well that don't run dry you rich man wells digged that what you didn't dig Wow well how'd it happen you wound up with it you didn't dig it the Lord worked it out for you right vineyards olive trees which what you didn't plant them which means you don't have to wait till they grow up produce fruit glory to God which you didn't plan it does this sound it at all like Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness what would happen not you will spend all your strength in every waking hour working working working working trying to get this trying to get that trying to get ahead a little bit no that's that's not the Canaan's land way that's something else houses full of good things does this word mean anything to us tonight does it belong to us the blessing of Abraham is ours right everything that happened to them happened as a type of as an example so you might have thought I just pulled something off the top of my head or blue and we're talking about you know we're getting our houses and our buildings in our lands and when we keep saying is this is not just about accumulating a ton of stuff this has to do with the plan of God it is house is full of good things which you filled up you didn't work and scrape for 20 years and save your pennies so you could finally get your place and put your little watt knots in there you were busy obeying God doing what he told you to do and the next thing you know he said go over here do this go over there that's yours I'm gonna give this to you next thing you know you just bought your little bags and moved in and it was already there you just started enjoying it that's already happened to fill us in I'm more than once it's already happened to us more than once God's a good god do you believe he's a good god there's different ways of living I saw a bumper sticker on the guy's car one timing reason I quote it because it's representative of so many folks it said I owe I owe so off to work I go what kind of living is that it's honorable to work hmm isn't it to be willing to work and the work is honorable but there's people work hard all their life and never have anything to show for it that's not right that's not the plan to god that's not the way there's another way oh it involves work but it's not just working for your surface working for him mm-hmm you're not just going to sit around and goof off and do nothing yeah you just going to take faith you don't have to go after it but while you're seeking Him he'll add it to you he'll add it to you how's this full of good things which you feel not Wells digged you didn't dig vineyards olive trees you didn't plant he said but now watch out when you've eaten and you're full beware lest you forget the Lord which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt and from the house of bondage don't do it verse 23 What did he say he brought us out from there that he might bring us in to give us the land which he swore to our fathers why did he bring them out of Egypt not to stay in the wilderness he brought him out of there so he could bring them into Canaan slain always this plan always is we'll go to the eleventh chapter of Deuteronomy I'm trying to close Deuteronomy 11 verse 7 he said your eyes have seen all the great acts which the Lord did keep going you'll keep all this Commandments so you can be strong go in and possess the land whether you go to possess it keep going that you may prolong your days in the land which the Lord swear your father's to give to them their sea to land that what flows with milk and honey thank you Lord going the land you go to possess it it's not like the land of Egypt that you came out of somebody said out loud it's not like that what does I mean it's different he said you sowed you seed and you watered it with your foot as a garden of herbs nothing grew unless you watered it double work I mean you had to water water break up the ground plant the seed and then water water then you had to weed it and water it and then get the crop in you had to water it he said verse 11 but the land where you go to possess it it's a land of hills and valleys and it drinks water of the rain of heaven he said I water it I take care of it will somebody say thank you lord keep going a land the Lord your God cares for the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it from the beginning of the year to the end of the year keep going it'll come to pass if you'll diligently hearken hearken diligently into my commandments which I command you this day to love the Lord your God serve him with all your heart with all your soul I'll give you the reign of your land in his new season the first rain and the latter rain the rain that gets the crop started and the rain it finishes it up and you may gather in your corn and your wine and your oil I'll send grass in your fields for your cows that you may eat and be full keep going take heed to yourself that you heart be not deceived don't turn aside serve other gods and worship them keep going then the Lord's wrath against you and the rain be shut off skip down to about verse 21 four times saying he said that your days may be multiplied and the days of your children in the land which the Lord swear to your father's to give them as what days of heaven upon the earth that's what Canaan land living is is a taste of heaven on earth you believe it or not I skipped a verse I shouldn't uh skipped yo y'all tell me to quit rushing so much back up to 18 back up to 18 he said let's see the last we read was 17 or 18 7 to 18 you lay up these words in your heart verse 19 you'll teach them to your children when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lay down same thing when you rise up and what else you ride them on the doorpost of your house and then you'll experience these days of heaven on the earth did I still read the eighth chapter did we huh back up back up else was we won't we won't have covered this adequately 8 and 1 you observe these Commandments you're going to multiply you're going to go in you're going to possess the land keep going remember all these words and say he describes to them how that they learned they should have learned lessons out there in the wilderness they should have humbled themselves they should have learned trust they should have learned faith and he gets on to describing what this promised land is going to be for the same thing we've heard over and over the land that flows with milk and honey he says in verse 13 when your herds and your flocks multiply and your silver and your gold is multiplied and all that you have is multiplied you're gonna live verse 12 and you're gonna be full and you're gonna have goodly houses and you're gonna live in them somebody say Amen and he said in verse 18 you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he that gives you power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he swore unto your father's as it is this day how does this apply to us all of it's a type for you and me today stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Free Word of God
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Id: ntDxSVySPE0
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Length: 85min 34sec (5134 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2013
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