Keith Moore -Abounding Ability - Pt.3 (Surplus)

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he said God is able you believe he's real you believe you say he's able to make all grace abound towards you all grace grace involves and entails gifts and giving in every area he's talking specifically about material and financial ability in the 8th and 9th chapters of second Corinthians read it and see if that's not so he's able to make all grace does God's grace include every area of our life does God have grace for the financial and material part of our life he does and he's able to make all grace abound toward you and the result of all this grace abounding toward us is that we always have all sufficiency in all things is that poverty is that lack it's not its abundance and that we may abound able to abound to every good work now the area of talking about abundance talking about prosperity as many calling is one fraught with so much controversy and I have a little bit of understanding why there are a lot of crooks around it's a fact and and there's a little there's a lot of there's a lot of preachers that the main focus is prophesying money out of your pocket into theirs and they know the scriptures to quote and the things and the buttons to push and the levers to pull them the things to do manipulative but that doesn't do away with the truth there's a lot of crooked doctors too and lawyers right there's crooked the workers grocery store owners but that didn't mean all grocery store owners are bad right and God gave you a book and he gave you the Holy Spirit for you to be able to discern and so if somebody takes you and fools you it's primarily your fault because you went along with it didn't pray enough come on are you listening didn't didn't stay in the book enough didn't pray enough because if we'd have been listening to him he would a lot of snow don't do that don't sow into that don't be a part of that don't help that even if we didn't know why hid ìletís knows to just stay out of that stay away from that but he'll never lead us when he's leading us to invest and be a part of something that's never going to be a waste hmm quiet in you we have somebody helping us if we'll listen to him do you believe that in John 10 go over there John 10:10 let me talk a little bit about what's going on right now and what always goes on in church services and meetings if people are really serious and leaving him the Spirit of God is here I said he's here the anointing is here which is a manifestation of his presence sometimes you sense it stronger than at other times but even the times when you don't sits the anointing as much doesn't mean it's not there and the anointing the Bible says teaches us teaches us and in His light we see light in his presence just sitting in here sitting there branch Center sitting there watching by the the Internet if you not focus on me and not focus so much on yourself but focus on him and yes you're hearing what I'm saying but don't limit yourself to what I'm saying he kicks we're believing him to speak through me and then also to speak to you beyond what was said said out loud he's my teacher and I talking about me we're talking about him he's my teacher and the anointing is opening my eyes enlightening my heart and my mind and in his presence you begin to see things and realize things and know things and understand things and the truth will make you free you believe it sizing that's happening it's happening tonight it's happening in these times now you can be carnal you can not believe that you can say I don't know about all that and you can sit up there and the lights can be on but nobody's home and you're thinking about what you did today and you wonder how long I'm gonna go and what you're gonna eat when you leave here and you'll get nothing and it won't be because there was nothing here to get it's just because you were toned out and you weren't tuned in mm-hmm happens all the time people be in the same place same service if the anointing is really there and the truth is really going out to people can sucide one can be bored and the other be forever changed mm-hmm and they heard the same thing and yet they didn't hear the same thing him that has ears to hear let him hear so let's pray and release our faith right now you went to the effort to come in right change your clothes or got dressed or combed your hair spent money on gas your to get something right you made the effort let's release our faith father in the name of Jesus we're agreeing together asking for utterance asking for the anointing asking for your presence asking to give us eyes that see in ears that hear in a heart that understands a supply of the spirit answers to questions direction right now an unfolding of the next part of the plan and an equipping supplying of your spirit in US and on us to accomplish it in Jesus name we ask for it we agree as touching it we believe we receive it and we thank you for it Amen thank you Lord say so be it so be it so being John 10:10 are you there you believe in with their right let me let me give you a further illustration believe in God in us in a service like this is a lot like pushing a car and I understand if most of the folks are in the car yeah and on the car it's tough to push the more people you got out pushing the car and the less people you got inside the car and if you got anybody putting their foot on the brakes more makes it hard to push right it really is tough to push so if everybody will get out the car and get involved see in the car means just along for the ride doing nothing dead weight and if everybody will take their foot off the brake come on go ahead everybody just go ahead take your foot right off the brake off the brake stay clear of the brake right and get out the car and begin to blip what do you mean by that believe you're believing you're believing you're expecting then old man brakes come off cool you just surge forward and you get somewhere you go somewhere can you save me John 10:10 Jesus said the thief comes not before to steal and to kill and destroy I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly do you believe Jesus came to this earth why did he come now you'll hear people say all kind of things that are not true and the way you decipher and get the chance from the wheat is go back to the source why did Jesus himself say that he Jesus came I came that they might have life the devil has come is there a devil yes there is believers have no reason to be afraid of the devil but you need to realize who is behind stealing who's behind killing who's behind destruction and I'll just be blunt with you it irritates me to hear Christians and preachers blame God for the works of the devil just ignore scriptures and place their traditions above the Word of God and tell good people who don't know any better that's trying to believe in God that when their children were stolen from them God did it he had some purpose in it their houses are destroyed by storms their their finances are taken away and destroyed you've got people all over the place telling believers that you don't understand it but you just need to submit to it and that God has some purpose over or some plan now it's a lie it's a tricky subtle lie I'm gonna believe what the master said what Jesus said if it's stealing if it stole something from you don't blame God it's the thief is God the thief as Jesus the thief certainly not if it killed something in your life if it destroyed something in your life don't blame God don't don't believe God is not your problem he's your answer he's not the one taking things away from you he's not if this is new to you we got a lot of materials that we've already covered a lot of these areas for weeks and weeks and weeks we finished one a while back called you choose and we go into a lot of detail about how much God has given us the ability to choose and how that affects our life and how that it is not just all up to God like people are saying and how that everything you hear this phrase God is in control and when the way people are saying that it's not true God is in control of everything and everybody and it was God who decided whether you ate cornflakes are raising buy-in this morning no that's a bunch of junk it's just not true there's a whole lot of things happening down here that God's got nothing to do with it's because people have made choices that were not his choices and so you get results that are not his will smart people choose in line with him don't they know it's the thief that steals kills and destroys why did Jesus come he said read letters you got read letters in yours he said I am come that they believers might have life and that they might have it that's not just eaten by listen to the complete Jewish Bible the complete Jewish Bible says the thief comes only in order to steal kill and destroy I am come so that they may have life life in its fullest measure don't you like that life in its fullest measure the amplified says I came that they may have life have and enjoy life and have it in abundance to the full and till it over flows now we've talked about this word abundance the reason why the amplified keeps adding words is because this word in the Greek doesn't just mean abundance to bring it in English better it means super abundance look up the words and you see what I'm talking about these words that are translated let me give you the definitions it means beyond it means over and above it means superfluous it means in excess it means surplus egde super abundance super abundance is God really the God who will run your cup over well that surplus right that's surplus when he multiplied the loaves and fishes hmm didn't God know exactly how much it would take to feed all those people do you believe you did then why did they have 12 baskets what what that's too much I'm going to say too much that's too much for what they needed but that's exactly the will of God you know what the will of God is too much too much just to meet the need more than just enough to do it people get hung up on hundredfold I've had people write me letters and all kind of stuff I didn't write that verse I don't know what they don't know that people go that's just that's just bizarre that's crazy nobody's ever raped a hundred fold off of everything that they've ever sold well it would that be God's fault huh and if you don't believe it then that should explain why it's not happening for you right we have seen numerous instances in our life where it happened but think about this little boys lunch and he brought out there that day little boy's lunch little boys don't lug around fifty pounds of food for their lunch little boy he's probably got half a pound maybe let's say his momma really packed him a lunch he's got a pound when you figure out how much food it took to feed 5,000 men plus women and other children and have 12 baskets left over you're talking about roughly 30 to 50,000 fold not hundredfold not hundredfold why didn't the multiplication just stop when everybody got full because he came that we might have life and have it to the full and till it overflows in surplus egde somebody say surpluses surpluses I can tell that we are poking and kicking sacred cows tonight so the there's a there's a big fat one that we need to knock over you ready you ready let's knock them over go can you say that now unless it's one of your cows Oh Philippians Philippians the fourth chapter if it's not the word and it's not right don't you want to get it out so one of the most dangerous things is thinking that something is the word and it's not thinking that something is truth and it's just some tradition that men came up with thinking that something is the Word of God the Bible and it's not it's just something that men invented here's something that has been a hindrance to a lot of people and something you hear actually misquoted in Philippians 4 Philippians 4 and let's see we'll start verse 4 for for of Philippians he said rejoice in the Lord all the time and again I say rejoice rejoice it's always appropriate to rejoice everywhere all the time well conversation logs and you know what to do there Joyce you get bored don't know what to do rejoice we just always appropriate it's always the will of God and verse 5 let your moderation be known unto all men the Lord is at hand and many have taken from this verse this phrase everything in moderation you the Bible teaches everything in moderation I'm going to tell you no that's not right that's not what this verse says and to base an encompassing doctrine on half a verse that you don't understand it's a very big error first of all let's talk about what moderate when people say everything in moderation what do they mean what are they talking about let me you sound quiet it is did you hear that cow Moo oh we poked a holy cow why would I say such thing well you're listening right what does moderate mean let me read you some definitions this is not the definition of this word translated in the King James moderation this is what moderate means in our modern vernacular moderate means average mediocre limited not expensive moderate not too much not too little just moderate and we need to be moderate in all things have you ever heard that in everything moderation that's not what this verse says and it's God T does the word teach us that Jesus came that you might have life and have it moderately huh did he don't get carried away we don't want you to healed moderately healed we don't want you too excited moderate moderate moderation in all things moderately blessed moderately free huh moderately anointed just moderately in everything moderation that's not true that's not true you know how healed God want you he won't you so healed that healing is overflowing splashing offer you on to other people and they're getting healed he wants you to healed too much healing have you ever read the scriptures what kind of God did Abraham know he knew a God that gave him too many cows too many goats too many camels too many sheep didn't he did it what kind of God did Peter know he knew God who gave him too many fish he gave him so many fish he couldn't get him in the plane in the boat his necks broke he had to call his his friends and their their boats are suited do you think God would know the maximum capacity of those boats and the maximum capacity breaking strength of the nets do you suppose God who creates the universe would know such things then why does he give them - why does it give Abraham and lot to many cows they can't even graze them on the same land why this is your father get to know him they're going God God we have too many cows he said that's your problem here have some more cows mer cows [Laughter] God God you know there's too many fish we can't think about he says not my building your boats too small more fish have some more I'm sommore is that moderation might see that I'm not I'm not just you know trying to beat on something here tonight there is a whole life view that is attached to that phrase everything in moderation which means don't know what you know you don't want a real expensive car you don't want a really expensive house you don't want to spend too much on that you don't you don't want why not you want to be led you want to be self-controlled you you want to be you don't want to be out of control with your your feelings and or your emotions that's temperance that's something else which basically just means you're controlling yourself but when the Lord tells you to do something you're not just supposed to do it average hmm you're supposed to do it all in the way didn't he say I would rather you were hot or cold not lukewarm hmm lukewarm sounds like moderate to me how about you too much not too little don't want to get carried away don't want to get don't want to get into excess actually you do you don't want to get into error but until you get into excess you don't have anything to bless others can you see this if all you ever have is just enough for you and yours what are you going to bless others with you don't get in to the full flow of blessing until you get into the sir Plus do you get in to the more than enough do you get into the excess if we just barely had enough for Branson church to run there would be no Sarasota Church that took a whole lot of excess millions of dollars over and above what it takes for that right if Phyllis and I and our staff and our partners and our folks believed everything in moderation all we needs what we need and that's all we need no for me and mine that's good enough that's all that's all I want I'm not greedy I'm not greedy I'm not greedy I can pay my bills I knew my thing that's all I need that's all I need then you live in a fishbowl with yourself and you're not aware of the world around you or of everything else go in order to do much for the kingdom for other people you got to have not just enough come on somebody help me not you've got to have way more so I say way more way more than just enough you gotta have some excess some surplus and if you're gonna do something serious you got to have some serious surplus anybody getting this or not can you see why the devil fights this so hard because if he can keep you tight he can keep you from doing anything from branching out from reaching from expanding from growing and you know I people fight this and I'll just tell you you know you get stirred up about this and you get to believe in this i'ma warn you not everybody's gonna be happy about it but if you're gonna be used of God and you're gonna be a part of some of the great things he's doing in the earth in our generation then you'll have to not let them dissuade you and just hold that hold on to the truth and even though we've had people that mocked us and and and you know said negative things about us but in in decades later we were able to help them because we were in a position to if we're to believe what they said we'd have never been in a position to help some of the very ones that said oh you're missing it you're wrong you're going off in the air with those other confused people 20 years later patted me on the back and said boy you did the right thing started to say not if I listen to you but I didn't say how many believe God is a big God he's a big good God and Jesus said I came that you might have life until it overflows [Music] abundance abundance abundance abundance can you be two healed - saved - free - blessed can you be too big of a blessing to other people know then you want to get rid of this idea about this average in moderation let me back up to the the second verse here and begin to see what the subject you know so many times if folks would have just read the verse before that verse and the verse after they never would have come up with some of the doctrines that they did what's he talking about in this passage I beseech you odious and sent a key that they be of the same mind in the Lord he's talking about people getting along not fighting and fussing and no strife he's told might get get together be of the same mind verse three and and those women that labored with me in the gospel he's tell about all these folks getting along verse 4 rejoicing the Lord how many of you if you could being mad and start rejoicing that helped the whole situation and verse 5 let me read this to you from other translations and you see how how you should see it the Living Bible says let everyone see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you do that's how this translation translated let your moderation be known to all men very different isn't it let everyone see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you do what is that got to do with everything in moderation nothing and yet whole doctrines have been built on that half a misunderstood phrase let me read other translations the Naas says let your gentle spirit others say let your forbearance your forbearing spirit he's not talking about being average and restricted and moderate he's talking about being easy to get along with right being considerate being gentle being sweet you mom ever tell you be sweet she's right that's what the scriptures are saying but people have taken that and twisted it and and the enemy was able to get in because of folks ignorant no in fact to do the perfect will of God we're gonna have to go beyond average we're gonna have to go beyond moderate and get into some excess you believe it or not you don't want to get into error you do want to get in to excess thank you lord thank you Lord go to Genesis how I quoted some of these things to you but you need to be a little bit more excited about it go to Genesis 13 Genesis 13 god never changes he's the same yesterday today and forever if he was away he is this.what same way he has our covenant with him has changed from the Old Testament but he has not changed he didn't need to change he's perfect then he's perfect now and notice how he was then and how he still is now Genesis 13 Genesis 13 verse 1 Abram went up out of Egypt he and his wife and all he had a lot with him keep reading and Abram was what very rich not just in his heart he was rich in cows and silver and gold who made him that way God religion has tried to tell you that if you really dedicate it and really have faith in God then you you pretty much need to take a vow of poverty then where does that leave Abraham only one of the most famous men of faith that ever lived the man that God personally called his friend was rich and married had a family keep reading he went on his journeys verse 4 he went to the place to the altar and he called on the name of the Lord verse 5 lot went with him and he had flocks and herds and tents notice an S on every one of those let me say flocks herds I can't suck they lived in tents so that's like having multiple houses that's where they lived does it make a difference who you hang with you can tell from looking at the whole story that the main reason lot was so blessed is because he was running with Abram right that was it and when he broke off from Abram and wound up over in Sodom lost everything how many think he should have stayed with Abram how many think you ought to stay where God put you stay hooked with the people he hooks you with even if they may not be your favorite people if they don't entertain you all the time you better stay where you before your hook where God puts you cuz that's where your blessing is that's where you increase that's where your success is do you believe it says so many times the enemy is able because of people's pettiness and their pride they're led into a situation and joined by the Holy Spirit but then they sever that tie and are led out by offense and anger and get out of the place where God put him and so then they struggle year after year and things don't go the way they should because they're out of their place not not a say that say not me not me lot went with Abram and he had flocks he had Hertz he had tents verse six and the land was not able to bear them that they might dwell together for their substance was so great so they could not dwell together somebody say too many cows too many sheep too many goats too many camels too many donkeys too many who gave them too many hmm too many too many skip over to the 26th chapter of Genesis Genesis 26 you still awake still hooked let this get in you these are not just the words of men I remember as a teenager when the first time I really seriously began to seek the Lord and was reading the Bible and had never read the Bible through on my own and I was reading the Old Testament through and looking back now I didn't realize what was happening then but looking back now I can see it much clearer as a teenager I'm reading about David his mighty men I'm reading about the prophets and Elijah and Elijah showdown with the prophets of bale and and all these things and I and I'd get through reading sometimes our two or three at a time and then I just felt like something was happening to me and I wouldn't know how to explain it but the things of God his character his will his ways are coming out of these anointed words honor is getting in me light is I'm beginning to understand what it even is and the glory of God and the power of God and while I'm endeavoring to yield to the spirit right now and you're endeavoring to yield to the spirit right now do be you do believe do you believe the anointing on these words is coming into US and instead of what the the goofy even stupid erroneous stuff that people say and believe about God we can get rid of that junk and seem like he really is and begin to touch who he is and what he is and this is what he is he's a too many goat too many cow too many camel god that's who he is he's always been there he always will be that man can sell all the junk they want to and tell us that that poverty pleases him if I really believed poverty pleased him I would get rid of everything I've got I would I'm convinced it doesn't please him and I found out the more I have the more I can do for you and I found out he loves you he loves me and anything I can do for you he takes it personally so what I'm doing is believing for more more than I ever had so I can do more so we can reach out further and do more so we can give hundreds of millions of gifts of the word to people all over the planet and it not custom a time you can't live a moderate life and do that you gotta have well more than enough to pay your little bills and your utilities and your inserts come on are you listening to me Saints and that's not just for me that's for you somebody needs to say that's for me that's for me come on set me that's for me my life me it's all relative it's not about amount number but it's about you having way more than you need to do beyond yourself hmm beyond yourself somebody say glory to God glory to God glory to God Genesis 26 what is this 14 put up 14 s if I got the right one here 26:14 Isaac had possession of what flocks and what else herds great stores servants we'd call them employees today and the Philistines what Envy get so much stuff they envied him then we have examples of the people of God that God blessed in the Old Testament that got so blessed that the kings came and asked them what they please leave because they're making them look bad they got more stuff than they do moolah and who gave it to him God gave it to him skip down to the 36th chapter this is a third generation now was Abraham there's Isaac here now is the third Jacob and Esau Genesis 36 and 6 Esau took his wives his sons and daughters persons of his house his cattle is beasts his substance and he went verse 7 for their riches were more then that they could dwell together and the land where and they were strangers could not bear them because they had so many cows they had so many cows there were cows everywhere there were cows in this county and cows in that County cows cows cows and people were upset going there's too many cows everywhere I could try to leave the house there's cows in the front yard there's cow whose cows are those Jacobs cows how in the world did he get all those cows because his daddy had too many cows and his daddy's daddy had too many cows he was convinced you're supposed to have too many way too many cows somebody say glory to God he's a too much God Leviticus 26 turn there if you could take this a little quicker I'd give it to you a little quicker the Word of God has a pounding effect on your spirit if you receive it it'll it'll just hit you and hit you and what it's doing is putting faith in you and it's knocking unbelief out of you and junk and ungodly tradition out of you and how many believe you need it knocked out if you need need you mind renewed so that you don't think like men ungodly men you think like God in Leviticus 26 I won't read the whole thing but he said in verse about verse 10 that if they would obey Him and keep his commands and do what he told him and do he said you will eat old store and you'll have to bring forth the old because of the new in other words your crops and your herds and flocks will be producing and as they produce you won't be clearing out the old as fast as the news coming in you won't have used and eating it all and you'll have to take the old out there's nothing wrong with it it's just last season but you got no room for it do you remember anything like that in Malachi then if you'd bring to God the tithes and offerings he had opened the windows of heaven he'd pour out a blessing on you until there was no room to receive it is that God come on is that the will of God that you you got to take out the clothes and there's nothing wrong with them they're just a few months old but it's you got you got new seats and stuff coming in you got to take that two-year-old car out of your garage because you got the new cars coming in did I lose somebody there's nothing wrong with the stuff and how many think you do you know what to do with that stuff so it so it you don't just do like the man we read earlier and build bigger barns and stockpile it for yourself forever because you're not gonna be down here forever and you don't want anything just sitting rusting rotten when somebody could be using it right but if you believe God you'll have a flow coming through you so that you have men you have to step up you're so in because it's piling up on you is that the Word of God I just make that up that's the Word of God that's what he said thanks be unto God somebody say thanks be unto God proverbs 3 and 10 we've quoted this many times but proverbs 3 and 9 and 10 let's read verse 9 he said honor the Lord with your substance and with the firstfruits of all your increase and what will happen your barns will be filled with plenty and your presses show what they will burst out with new wine so much they too much if it's busting Aptus too much right glory to God go to Luke 5 Luke 5 thank you thank you Jesus verse 1 Luke 5 and when it came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God Jesus he stood by the lake of Vanessa at keep reading he saw two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen were going out of them there washing their nets verse three he entered into one of the ships which was Simons and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land he sat down talked the people out of the ship did you know Jesus is not a moocher he's not just a taker these men sowed the use of their ship to Jesus they didn't charge him for it that made it a seed what happens when you sow a good seed into good ground it comes back to you good measure pressed down shaken together running up what what happens when you sow a great seed into the best ground that ever existed then you get this immediately verse 4 when he had left speaking he told Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught or a catch verse 5 Simon said master we toiled all night and have taken nothing nevertheless boy sure did the right thing but going continuing and saying that at your word I will let down the net verse 6 when he had this done they enclosed a great multitude of fishes come on need to say that out loud great multitude of fishes fishes and their net broke keep reading they beckoned to their partners that were in the other ship and they currently that they should come and help them and they came and filled both the ships so that the day the ships begin to sink somebody say too many fish there was too many fish for the net it was too many fish for the boat it was too many fish for the other boats who gave them all those fish whoo-hoo so would he be that way with them but he's different with you he's not way then but he changed now in 2012 he's backed it off some and he's more moderate he hadn't changed men have changed men's beliefs have changed but he hasn't changed he is a too many cow too many goat too many sheep Cup running over net breaking ship thinking too much Jesus do you believe it said out loud he's morning enough he's he's way more than enough that's his will that's just pleasure now I know that millions are living in not enough and millions are living in barely enough but it's primarily because of their wrong thinking and wrong believing if people would begin to believe this and act like it and talk like it the limitations would begin to come off increase and begin to flow can you say Amen it's not just about putting offerings now some people have left the idea if you just give enough give enough giving a knot it takes more than that you can actually give beyond your faith and me under vision anybody remember third John to put it up on the screen for us please third John - what does it say beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health how is it going to happen even as your soul prospers now some have tried to say well see the main thing is that your soul prospers well yeah but he's not saying that's more important than the other he's saying the other is tied to that that you prospering in your body and you're prospering in your finances is directly connected to your prospering in your soul what does a prosperous prosperous soul sound like look like feel like it's exactly what I've been hollering and waving my arms about all night it's a getting rid of the choking ungodly traditional junk and all this everything in moderation it's getting rid of that choking stuff and realizing he's the same God that gave Abraham Isaac and Jacob to many cows he's the same God that gave them too many fish he didn't change he didn't change and He will give me way more than enough to do everything that I'm supposed to do while I'm here on this planet you could be the brokest man or woman on the planet you could be living in a cardboard box in the most depressed city on the planet and I'm telling you if you look up to God and you say God I don't care I believe it I believe you will raise me up off of the junk pile in the garbage pile you will give me so much I can do everything you've ever made me and called me to be and do minsung if you believe it you're coming up you're coming out it'll happen if you sit there in despair and go well I guess this is just my lot I guess this is you know because God mean make some people rich and he makes some people poor nobody knows why and this is just my lot in life then you will stay there and it will get worse and you'll imagine it's God's will for you and it's not I said it's not it's believing lies and it's being trapped by deception and confusion what will the truth do for your friend the truth what is the truth Jesus came that you might have life to the fullest till it overflows glory to God glory to God Pritchard do you have to raise your voice and wave yours like this yes I do yes yes I do if you want to quiet unexcited guy you're the wrong place for one thing I know where God brought Phyllis and me from I know where I was and I know where I am and I don't claim to have arrived but I have come from complete poverty and obscurity to being able to bless others and have something to do for others and it is the joy of my life hallelujah and I know who did it and I know why it happened the day our lives begin to change was when I heard something that sounded too good to be true that God was a good god and he would bless me including the natural side of life and actually that had always been his will the first few times I heard it I thought well that can't be right you know you don't want all that stuff money is the root of all evil which is another misquote isn't it another misquote no no no just because other people are confused doesn't mean you have to be can you take a little more or how long have I gone you need another verse I know that yeah go with me to Joshua who thanks be unto God who gives us the victory who always causes us to triumph again and again and again and again thank you Lord Joshua the seventeenth chapter Joshua 17 now God gave I'm gonna set this up a little bit for next time I hope you can come back because we're not done at all you will see a parallel between God's first covenant people and us what happened to them and what now is happening with us what belongs to us the scripture tells us that what happened to them is an example it's a type of what is fulfilled now in Jesus well what happened is God chose a people and he brought them out of total bondage and darkness they were slaves they were the Egyptians property they had they owned nothing they couldn't own land they couldn't owned houses they stayed in some dilapidated place but their slaves they don't own their own body there's their their property like a cow or a horse but God brought them out with a mighty hand didn't he do it say sir he brought him out and he didn't just bring him out the psalmist said he brought him out with silver and with gold and there was not one feeble person among their tribes he healed him and he put money in their pockets and delivered him from slavery didn't he do it so they came out of that level of abject poverty not having enough and they came into a place where they were traveling through the wilderness on their journey to the promised land and in this place of wilderness living there free they got money in their pockets and they had just enough everyday thereby listening where did they come from not enough and where did God bring them to just enough on their way to what the promised land can you see that not enough just enough more than enough but they got stuck at just enough wonder if that's the type they got stuck in just enough for 40 years and most of them died in the land of just enough and never made it - more than enough didn't it and it was not God's plan it was not God's will it was because of their unbelief every day they had supernatural provision manna fell out of the sky and he that gathered extra didn't have too much he that gathered little didn't have too little it was all just enough and he told them don't save it from day to day and every day your believe in God and every day it's just what you need but that was never God's plan for them to live perpetually in just enough can you see they're having miracles they're having supernatural provision and yet it's not the place God has called them to be is everybody awake are you listening they were supposed to go through there and learn lessons they were not supposed to stay there and when you when God brings you out I don't care if you have a lot of money when you get saved you're still gonna have to learn how to live by faith and quit looking at your stuff and you're gonna have to you'll come through a season where you have to learn how to follow instructions and how to trust God and not have everything stockpiled and everything figured out hmm and if you'll learn those lessons you'll come through there into a place that flows with milk and honey mmm do you believe it well the grapes are too big it takes two men to carry the grapes that's the place God had prepared for him isn't it say it out loud I'm coming out of the Land of Nod enough and I'm not just staying in the land of just enough God's will is way more than enough hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory I know I'm taking some time but it's if everybody knew all this really good we could move a little faster but we need to hear it again and again are you convinced how would you know that this was getting in you and you're getting your mind renewed how would you know you'd be getting excited because you'd begin to realize it's not God's will it's not God's will for me to eke alone barely survive I start God's will how can I be a blessing to other people barely surviving and thank God when your needs are met but just enough is not the final place are you in Joshua 17 15 Joshua 17 15 get ready to shout some more after all those guys had died in the wilderness after Joshua began to lead the people to take the land verse 14 Joshua 17 14 the children of Joseph spoke to Joshua and they said why have you just given us one lot and one portion to inherit saying we're a great people for as much as the Lord has blessed us hitherto complainers you didn't you didn't give us enough the promised land was to be distributed and different tribes inherited different parts and Joseph the tribe of Java's Joseph is complaining they're going we just got one lot and it's not enough for us and Joshua said oh excuse me we'll get you another part immediately so sorry for the oversight now he uses their words it's a play on words he says so you're a great people huh if you be a great people get yourself up to the wood country and cut it down for yourself in the land of the parasites and the Giants take theirs away from them if mount ephraim is too narrow for you go get it you want more go get it yeah but there's Giants over there yeah but you're great people are you sense of so go get it yeah and the children of Joseph said the heels not enough for us and all the Canaanites that dwell in the land they got chariots of iron tanks and Joshua told him he said you are a great people you said it but you don't believe it but you are and you do have great power and you shall not have one lot only but the mountain will be yours it's a wood you'll cut it down and you'll go that you'll drive out these Canaanites even though they've got iron chariots you will even though they are strong go get it the blessing is ours but it's not gonna fall on you you got to take it you take it by faith I said you take it by faith verse two of the next chapter the remained among the children of Israel seven tribes which had not yet received their inheritance years and years after God gave it to him still as 12 tribes over half of God's people were not enjoying what are you giving to him because they didn't have the faith to take it and Joshua said verse 3 how long are you slack to go p-- to possess the land which the Lord God of your father's has given you what are you ain't known he says go get it and some of them hurt him some of them heard the word of the Lord and if you skip down to the 18th chapter excuse me you're in the 18th chapter if you skip down to the 19th chapter and about verse let's see 9 out of the portion of the children of Judah nineteen nine was the inheritance of the children of Simeon for the part of the children of Judah was what was what too much for them therefore the children of Simeon had their inheritance within the inheritance of them what happened years were passing they're living in in in bleak meagre circumstances just still live it's like wilderness living see it's so many times people have gotten used to a certain way of life and our needs there they're met so just thinking well like this this is it we've arrived no you're still in the wilderness you're still in the land of just enough God's got something more he's got something better he's got the promised land do you believe it or not it's not just about you amassing huge quantities of money and houses and stuff for yourself no it's about having the ability to do for beyond yourself and that's what happened with these guys when over half of God's people had not yet possessed their inheritance and Joshua said by the Spirit of the Lord what are you waiting on go get your inheritance the tribe of Judah heard him and they took off went home they said boys get your gear we're going to take our land and they went over and they took and they possessed and they possessed and they sent backward said we got that this that is ne to the left yeah take it all right they took to the left they took to the left and they took this so we got that what do you do now get any behind you yeah take it take it so they took to the south and they took to the south and they took to the west and when they got to taken come through possession they thought my word will never fill all this up we have taken too much did they did they possess too much and and did a man of God come out to him and say yeah thus saith the Lord you greedy Rascals you created Rascals you have taken too much no they're taking of too much put them into a position to where their brother tribe simian didn't have a place to live and apparently didn't have faith to take it either and they said hey guys move it over there on the west side we won't even know you're there you can have it just come on you can live with us in our land and they did and so instead of one tribe enjoying possessions two tribes enjoyed what one tribe took friend there are masses of believers who will never accept the message you and I are talking about tonight they will never accept it they'll fight it they'll fuss about us right preachers like me ugly Grahams and just because they really believe in their minds that it's only about people being money hungry and greedy and some with some people maybe it is but it doesn't do away with this and there's got to be some of us that are so unfazed by this that we actually take too much and we don't just stop pilot for ourselves we got enough to help other people who don't believe this and are not possessing their possession come on can you say Amen the tribe of juda the praise and munch hallelujah the loud music bunch come on the guys that just won't stop they just keep going and keep going and keep going and keep and you can't shame them for taking too much you so men you guys are just getting too much you go any great ain't it wonderful and what they don't know is that is just like our daddy that is just like our father can you say Amen stand on your feet
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 2,464
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Id: LH1AV3t94e0
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Length: 69min 20sec (4160 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2013
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