The Try Guys $3 Food Truck Challenge

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today we are doing a food truck adventure three trucks three friends one winner i mean the winner will be us the winner will be all of us yeah the first place is kogi which is korean meth confusion the second is a poutine spot and the third is a green truck which does vegan vegetarian healthy stuff it's going to be a kaleidoscope of trucks and flavors they really will i like the colitis the word kaleidoscope i do like that word during covid one of the few things that we can still do as people to feel normal is eat the three of us are getting tested regularly we're in a quarantine bubble together however when we're out in the world we will be masked and or a safe six feet apart from everyone we're talking to i'm stoked for today guys yeah what are you expecting number one i'm looking for what does the truck look like does it catch my eye does it invite me in number two what's the flavor factor number three how much are you guys like me though where the nicer and shinier truck is the less i trust it why don't you trust it you think it's like a an applebee's food truck yeah i need my food truck to have some grit eugene's in korea yeah which is very sad because this is going to be a fun day for us we miss eugene so we're going to go eat korean food yeah we're here at kogi my favorite food truck in all of los angeles no joke there was a point in my life where i ate here once a week today we're gonna get to talk to the owner none other than our friend roy joy he doesn't like me so let's see how it goes only your dad or a dog would consider it a birthday cake do you think that he likes you less than me yes no don't you think he's gonna remember like oh cause i i don't know he left the table of cereal he did really hate yours yeah roy how's it going hey good to see you guys again welcome to my hometown we are stoked to be here what are we going to be eating today the soul of kogi is the la street taco so small uh kind of four and a half inch tortilla and then if you think of carne asada or al pastor i do all the time yeah yeah tacos or buche tacos that's the construction of the taco but then the flavor is like korean barbecue all in one bite so it's the whole meal the short rib taco that's our signature taco it's two small tortillas griddled with a marinade short rib so soy sauce ginger kiwi garlic green onions all that stuff pureed into a marinade grilled chopped recooked again so we call it double caramelization i hope it's not weird for you as you talk i'm like licking my lips i'm just staring at you going no i'm used to it okay usually all i see from that window i believe then we make a salsa roja that includes dried chilies and korean chili paste and different fruits like oranges and apples and all that stuff and lots of vinegars and then we pour that over the top we make a cilantro onion relish with lime and salt and then we make a salad like a shaved green onion cabbage that we toss in a chili powder vinaigrette from there we can change out the short rib for chicken so we do a soy marinade chicken almost like a kind of a light teriyaki style but it's spicy and then we do a spicy pork which is even spicier but that has a lot of chilies and jalapenos and chili paste and then we do a tofu which is marinated in a different type of like marinade but it's served with a green salsa which one you want to start with i think we got to start with the short rib right 27 ingredients here cheers cheers whoa i was not expecting that much flavor yeah man it's like an explosion of like spicy tangy there's a sweetness that is unbelievable and then this kick of spice ties it all together oh my god that great la street taco taste the tortilla is perfect all right let's do the chicken next wow more citrus i feel yeah a little more essentially the chicken is very tender it's a little bit spicier but it's totally handled a little spice and it sort of just coats your mouth and it doesn't get any hotter you just live in this great like comfortable heat the food bloggers were the first customers and the first people that spread the message of kogi in 08 the iphone just came out twitter just came out and the whole world economy crashed and then we sold these two dollar tacos that tasted like la i think it was the merging of technology and food together for the first time let's move on to the pork okay whoa oh my gosh that's totally different definitely has more of a kick oh but it's good it's so good i feel like there's mangoes in here right there's something like fruity but the amount of flavors in the accoutrement the way that it kind of works together well speaks to the marinades and the thought going into each of the meats you had me at accoutrement normally i would eat this kind of food drunk oh yeah i'm sad i'm not drunk but i'm also happy it's this good sober you know so we dive into the tofu in korean cuisine tofu is paired with meat we think of it as the replacement yep no it's its own thing i like this a lot this really is the most mexican of the four weirdly yeah i think it's the verde sauce it's less like dense than meat right but then it kind of melts in your mouth today this video is called finish the menu right i like that's a good we should make that show we have burritos quesadillas they're all kind of like variations off of like each other the taco bell model this is a salad yes you have five ingredients with 50 items i mean that's the way to do it you take that same construction and just extra large it yeah and it becomes a burrito i wish if you cut me open i was that beautiful you would never cheers oh my god yes oh yeah yeah yeah zach get intact you can taste the char on this beef as well and it is so unbelievably perfect and the tortilla is so soft everything just kind of melts in my mouth it's like all congealing together i've been spending more time in the kitchen trying to to cook for myself why nothing i ever do right we'll come even close to touching this greatness and for only eight dollars it's so [ __ ] good you know what mcdonald's they say that the fries and the coca-cola make you keep bouncing between them like you have a fry oh it's too salty you need sweet oh coke too sweet need to fry this has all of that bounce in every bite i'm bouncing that's the bounce it's a bouncy burrito that's the bounce kogi we got the bottles every time i take a bite of this i just want to scream few apple bees you take the same construction and then you add cheese and flatten it and becomes the quesadilla nice oh nice sharing the cookies i've never said this before we have the blackjack quesadilla the kimchi quesadilla the hot dog and the pacman burger the burger is like everything kitchen sink all the sauces all the all the proteins all the cheeses all the salads all the relishes inside the sesame seeded bun and crushed and then the hot dog is uh again the same same construction but instead of a tortilla you get a bun instead of meat you put a hotdog in let's start with the quesadillas the color on this [ __ ] oh man this makes me feel fat i love it there's a lot of cheese in here it's like getting into a bathtub when you take a bite of this thing if i only ate this i would look like president taft kimchi time oh wow oh my god you guys yeah i need you to look at me in my eyes wow yes it's so tangy wow it is crazy and so that cheese makes it luxurious it's phenomenal the whole purpose of the kogi truck is to make sure that everyone is fed and that's why we still stand here stronger than ever because of our connection to community especially now uh after covid hit and our community and our fans just rallied around us so we as americans are groomed or were raised to believe that food is somewhat legitimate when it's inside a brick and mortar um applebee's families for example which is the complete anticipate to normal you know this is normal yeah this should be the world and then that is the complete fabrication and creation of some other world [ __ ] you applebee's just buy sponsorship if they have it by now yeah yeah yeah if you haven't had it by now street dogs are a really big part of today's late night food culture is the bacon wrap hot dog so this is just honoring that but it's a beefy boy look it's a big dog bigger than me chicago 100 vienna beef i tell you you know i don't love the la classic bacon wrapped street dog no if this was the la hot dog though i would be getting this on street corners all the time all right let's have the burger are you seeing this are you seeing this are you seeing this are you serious keep going one more i ain't sick oh [ __ ] no this does have a burger taste even though it's not a burger ah they do that my god the hot dog i wasn't really into but this is way better than any burger i've ever had low income high income doesn't matter where you come from this food is incredible and it's special but we got two other spots to hit up now we're on to the next place which is the poutine brothers truck it's french fries with cheese curds and brown gravy two two all aboard the gravy train oh nice one my name is chris my name is matt and we are the poutine brothers we're gonna serve up some delicious national dish of canada poutine how long have you guys been around and why a truck we've been around let's see two years we did have a corporate background and jobs previously and this is something that we wanted to try to get away from the desk job when do people eat poutine is it ever sober we try to encourage the sober eating but to be honest majority of people in canada use it as a late night beer soaker upper i'll call it just to give you a little quick run through our menu we got the classic which is usually the home run for every canadian they don't really like to stray away from that some people think we overcook our fries but we do like them extra golden brown because as soon as that cheese gravy and whatever protein you got on there hitting it it's going to soften the fries quickly our more popular vegan option is the parmesan cauliflower that's just going to be a homemade vegan gravy also gluten-free we have vegan cheese on there and then the cauliflower is grilled on the flat top and then seasoned with nutritional yeast we have a trio of spices on top of that one as well we got a vegan parmesan we've got a classic poutine and we're going to start you off in the middle with the ketchup homemade ketchup chips oh wow oh shoot look at this is a like a perfect huge chip let me take this mask off all right let's do it let's do it [Music] oh yeah wow that's really good the sultry tango of the crunch and the smooth gravy my goodness salty like fries but then just like very heavy decadent little gravy it's basically like mashed potatoes presented differently if you just had the fries and the cheese it would be way too much yeah but the gravy adds this kind of left turn savory quality it's kind of like nachos i'm gonna move on right to this vegan one cauliflower for years got this bad rap i'm like who wants ghost broccoli and then turns out cauliflower is the most delicious thing ever it tastes like something you could just like continuously shovel into your mouth as you're like incredibly drunk this thing looks massive it looks like a maple leaf or a ginkgo leaf specifically if you're familiar with the ginkgo tree whoa ooh you know what we got to do now put it in the gravy potatoes on potato we got the bacon poutine fried cheese curds and this is an off the menu vegan special all right here goes the bacon wow that's a bite that is a bite ned i think that just put hair on my chest all right so this is the vegan special they're serving right now we're not sure what the protein is but you know when you're drunk you wouldn't care you wouldn't care i think this is satan i do love that however a mouthful of bacon yeah at a time like this you know they're covered how often do you get a mouthful it's a big old mouthful of bacon i mean [ __ ] let's go ahead and try the fried cheese curds how are cheese curds different from cheese so it's a very young part of the cheese um and especially in the process and it's very soft so early stages of the cheese making yum cheese is a great wrapper oh wow you might take a left i'm telling you i'm pretty positive this is satan because it's like a chicken nugget but then jesus did you guys know that satan is a a wheat product uh-huh how about that yeah yeah yeah can we stop saying satan move over bacon food heads tend to gravitate towards our short rib that's also a braised meat it has a ton of different ingredients in there some secrets that we don't always like to share so i'm curious if you guys can pick those out when you're trying it very savory melt in your mouth that's probably our biggest home run oh my god oh my god that is a short rib that easily can sit at a table with kogi short rib you've struck out at the bar you know you asked for numbers they didn't give it to you you tried to flirt didn't work but you know you're a friend and you found it this is probably better than any drunk sex i've had you could feed two people with this how much does this cost 14 that's the normal amount of short rub you give people you can give people half of that can we talk about the heft factor it looks crazy i'm i'm building my eyes oh my god look at that just doing this that is the best short rib i've had in la i've lived here for about six years and that did it the chicken tikka masala it's very unique with the flavors and textures going on with that one it's a little more i would say creative and out of the box you guys want to try this tikka masala let's go for it [Music] also excellent we've been having the drunk food this is the stoner food you enter the cosmos with this one we are very very full obviously after all we've eaten so far but we have one more stop we're going to the green truck which i'm for once excited to have some healthy food because i think we need it oh good eat the menu is one thing but i don't have to like move the food is sort of shoveled in the beans all the trucks come to us i'm mitchell collier one of the co-founders of green truck it's been around since 2006 and actually right where we sit this is sony animation right here behind us all right you fed the the crew of spider-verse yeah you made that you basically made that movie pretty much before i started green truck i was in the acting modeling world everywhere i went you couldn't really eat that healthy you've been on sets before m ms coca-cola i wanted to change that and bring local organic food to the set oh i love today today we're going to eat the whole menu from green truck we want to focus on local and organic we have grass fed we got grass-fed beef we got free-range chicken we have superfood salads kale yeah salads we have kale yeah kale yeah you got it and mother trucking right it's organic you're gonna have a burger today that'll hold up to any fried chicken or any uh comfort food big words right there to me i'm a big fried chicken boy it's all veggies so it's mushrooms kale beets onions garlic basil and oat flour is the binding unit so it's literally all veggies the flavor is incredible it doesn't taste like a bunch of vegetables doesn't taste like meat but it tastes just really delicious like i'm most open about complaining if something vegan doesn't taste great i believe you used to have the the motto salads yeah i've refined from that you know i'm a reformed salad but here's the thing when it tastes like this it's all good so i know that you actually have a lot of food trucks now under your brand how has your business shifted during kovit to sort of accommodate how things are changing we made a meal plan a subscription plan it's 200 a month unlimited it averages out to seven dollars a day and instead of focusing on people in their offices we're focusing on people that live here in the neighborhood and also first responders policemen firemen and teachers they all get half price and i'm reaching out to the whole community so for seven dollars a day i could come here for breakfast lunch and dinner yes sir and zach's girlfriend could get 3.50 yes that's pretty good that's amazing pretty good i might sign maggie up for right now the paleo bowl started with crossfit they all went paleo so made the bison into taco meat and then do the kale with a fresh pico and then you do two free range eggs and it's like basically a monster breakfast paleo bowl everything together is amazing this is i feel wrong calling this a salad there's a little spice on that with the pico oh thank you cilantro lime strawberry hibiscus hell yeah homemade here wow this is such a good compliment it feels like i'm still eating when i'm drinking this is the type of salad that i can get behind yeah right this salad rides a harley davidson you know as salad finishes barf bites he has a salad that like cheats on its wife you know they're just like in a lot of other businesses right now oh sure it's barely being a salad it's weird doing a post-workout meal when all i've been doing is eating all day and sitting in a car i mean it's been a job workout that's for sure it's a chipotle grass-fed beef burger with neiman ranch bacon okay you've gotta this is giving you everything you want out of a burger but all the ingredients are fresher they're sourced locally the bacon is amazing like the food tomato though i know i love it i'm gonna pass that down to my family my god we have the kale yeah which is our salad which is beets carrots mushrooms kale spring greens quinoa and a goddess dressing we've been indulging all day but this is what i would most like to eat eight times out of ten a little sweetness coming down there as well i think that might be the beets and you get the funky earthiness from the mushroom from the beets the only way you can make this good is if the vegetables themselves are of high quality and this is delicious and it just speaks to everything they're using in the kitchen and also like the fact that you can get this from a food truck it just really changes your perspective of what you could get right you feel like the farmer's market's coming to you a food affects your mood like there's so much more than just getting you the energy to like move throughout your day it's going to change your mood it's going to change how you view things that come on your plate it's going to change your work ethic it's going to change how well you can work yeah like food for your brain yeah i think that food trucks really can be that next revolution in more places that can provide healthy cheap delicious stuff to those people who can't get it anywhere else a day all three of these trucks were creating communities around them and fostering a sense of accessibility because of how it could go from place to place and because it was at a really affordable price point you're getting new interesting chefs people who are taking risks and i think it's really reducing the barrier of entry for a lot of really interesting food maybe this is a place where we can break down those walls literally and figuratively and eat like other cultures around the world like singapore you know we've been into the hawker something yeah yeah where food is just you know everywhere right so maybe that's the next level where these aren't just like isolated food festivals but all of these empty buildings and these empty lots become communal i just see a lot more opportunity to get more unique and take out is going to be up leveled into a new capacity that we kind of haven't seen before now the food trucks do have a reputation of having a lot of fun food and it is awesome if you want to make change it's where you spend your money on your food i hope maybe you've been inspired if you're a chef out there thinking like i want to get into their sound industry and i just don't know my way in maybe a food truck is the right way to go this is super fun what other types of food would you like to see us tour and sample for you guys let us know also subscribe check out the merch check out our patreon thanks for supporting us during this coveted time follow zach on instagram follow doc on instagram vote with your dollar at and follow us on tick tock if it still exists yeah we don't know we don't know we also i want to thank applebee's
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,303,713
Rating: 4.9659901 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, food truck, food truck tour, food tour, foodshow, eating show, taste test, poutine, kogi bbq, korean bbq, korean mexican fusion, ultimate food truck, green food, veggie burger, paleo diet, los angeles, food truck fanatics, street food, best food truck, mexican korean taco, mexican korean burger
Id: wUldm1v_998
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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