Kawaii Castle | Minecraft Base Invaders Challenge

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oh this is this hang on hey guys what's up ldshadowlady here and welcome to another base invaders challenge this time I have forced some different people to take that we have Sasha aka Vic cellar loo joel AKA smallish means hello and ally also known as the orion sound hello so you know the rules we each have to build a base with traps secrets and challenges to slow down the other players as they try to invade the base and retrieve your skull hidden within so we each start off with these square plots and we build our bases in secret so the theme I am going for for this base is kawaii castle so I've got a nice selection of cute pastel colored blocks here to build out of and Lowell everyone into a false sense of security thinking this place is nice and sweet but inside it's full of traps and death [Music] okay so here is the kawaii castle it looks a little bit freaky I will admit so the first thing that we are going to start off with is a little room that will block them off from the rest of the castle in here we will have an iron door leading to the rest of the house but how do you open it you ask well there's going to be a little sheep hair in the corner just like that except he's going to be stood on a pressure plate now at the moment the pressure plate is not doing anything so we need to do some little redstone and lead it all the way to the door here there so as you can see if the sheep standing on the pressure plate will open the door but of course we want the dog to be shirt so they actually have to do something to get through so we're gonna have to reverse the signal so now the door is closed by default and it won't open again until the sheep is gone tada see so let's just cover this up to keep it a little secret for now and replace the Sheep to keep the door closed so now maybe to you and me the answer is obvious you just kill the Sheep to release the pressure plate but to everyone else I'm going to try and make it a little bit more confusing so I'm gonna add these item frames up here and put all the different teaming of foods in each one and then maybe they will think that I have to tame the Sheep but no there's actually a sword hidden right here but they will actually have to use to kill the Sheep I wonder if any of them will be able to do it who knows we should even nametag it that would make it even harder for people to be able to kill it here you go rainbow sheep that will distract them even more now let's add some pretty carpet in as well this serves no purpose it's just cute so I'm just gonna put a lever here for now for my own use I'm gonna remove it before we let everyone loose in the house but for now we need to make the next area so I am making a corridor along here and I'm going to replace the floor with lover and the whether they get across here is with trap doors but they're all gonna be faced down so if they're smart they will open up the trap door and parkour across if they're not smart they're going to make things a lot harder for themselves and now this is part two of the lava parkour so once again and they'll be using trapdoors except this time I'm going to set them all to the up position so it looks super easy to get across however I'm going to hide trip wires in the walls that when activated will cause the entire bridge to collapse oh now I'm trapped so now we just need to test to make sure we haven't made something impossible so if we jump over the first tripwire then make sure we duck under this one then it will make another jump one now I've actually figured out a way that you can kind of cheat and do this perfectly without failing and all you have to do is walk along the very left side and then you won't fall through the trapdoors so you know maybe if somebody's really smart then they'd figure it out but I doubt any of these guys are gonna get through it so I'm gonna end the lava trap door antics right here where our visitors will be greeted by a mysterious door and of course I'm gonna do a little secret door thing right here to reveal the next stage but if they aren't looking hard enough they won't find it so just to confuse them I'm just gonna put a single button here that doesn't do anything so if they manage to figure it out and get it through here then the next part is a load of cacti so let's start planting cacti everywhere the next thing I have done is created a little maze above the cactus like this and I'm just gonna make sure that there are signs on every block so that means that I can now place water up here and it will float so we just need to make sure it's all four and this water is how they are supposed to get past the cacti now how are they meant to get up to the water you ask well I thought I'd be cool to use vines and pretend that the room has been overgrown with plants so let's just fill this entire wall and put a sign that says the roof leaked always water made the plants grow like crazy and then what say I'm smart enough to work their way through the maze they just need to come out the other end and they'll be safe now I'm gonna make a weird door so it's like an iron trap door so they can't get through until they unlock it but it's not gonna be as easy as pressing a button oh no I'm actually going to make this be controlled by the button I put all the way back here so I know I said it didn't have a purpose and it was just there to confuse everyone but now it has a purpose so it's a lever which means that they will have to flick it the right way otherwise if they'll have to make their way all the way back here just to flick the lever to open the trapdoor so let's put a sign here I guess that lyric does have a purpose after all now what I think would actually be pretty funny next is to make this floor all black and in fact make this whole area black so that it's really dark so they can't really see it what's going on in there now I'm gonna add a little sign here that says you have entered a wormhole and the next bit will say please put on your protective headgear and then I'm going to hide a chest up here which will of course contain their protective headgear but that will be it kind of hard to find oh no whoa chests are very bright so as long as they have put their headgear on they will be okay when they proceed through the wormhole wormhole entry imminent so I'm gonna put a pressure plate and that is then stepping into the wormhole okay so I finished setting up via command box down here is all mold test to make sure that our astronauts are wearing their protective headgear ie the gold helmet and if they are it will tell upon them to space but not actual space of course you will see so first of all let's test it out without the helmet yep I was not allowed to go to space but if I put my helmet on then it will and as you can see space has not being completed yet construction is still ongoing so we just need to black out this entire room make a look a little more Spacey okay now we have a nice and Spacey room I'm going to fill it with some little bright planets or something and also some beautiful stars in the sky and spoiler alert I'm also going to hide my skull in here and I'm going to hide it very sneakily over here so they really have to go and look for it but I'm not gonna enter the quest here because then they will just try really hard to search for my skull in here so I'm gonna pretend that the quest is not over lead them on a little bit of a wild goose chase sorry says wow this is what space looks like the stars are so beautiful but wait who are those weird-looking traps over there and then back here I am going to put this r2d2 here and a Chewbacca because why not and we'll make them say we need your help tickle Chewbacca on the belly and they're gonna put a button here and it kind of looks like his belly so once they press that they will be teleported away from here yet again and they will end up on the roof up here so let's put in the coordinates and fill that in and then teleport up here so we need a sign now that wormhole ripped a hole in the fabric of time it's gonna put a note here not scientifically accurate because I have no idea what I'm talking about people I'm not sure how this whole kawaii castle theme got away from me and we've somehow ended up in space but that's what's happened so now that we're up here the wild goose chase begins so for the next puzzle I'm basically going to have to direct them back to space but I'm gonna try and waste as much of their time as possible so I'm going to do it in a very cryptic way so let's put five item frames here and then a sign that says collect items and put them in the correct frames to unlock the clue so I'm gonna put a block of wood above each one of these and I'm going to rename each one this is s this one's P this one's a this one C and this one's a so once they put them in the correct frames it will basically spell out the clue for them quite literally so we need to hide these around this area a little bit we'll make some of them as super obvious other ones we will hide a little bit better now we just need to kind of explain what's going on Lizzie left a clue about where to find the skull but the wormhole scattered all of the clue items all over this roof so once they figure out that this whole time they should have just gone back to space they kind of want to know how do I get back to space well let's leave a little sign here if you want to go back to space click r2d2 bum so we'll just put a button here and when we click it it will take us back to space so we can find the skull which is hidden right here so there we have it that is my base I am really interested to see if anybody can find my skull in the time and if you're interested in that too don't forget to go to everybody else's channels to check out their attempts at exploring the kawaii castle but now it's time for me to explore all of their bases first up we have Ali's base then we have my base mine looks like poop in caparison boom and now we shall reveal sash's base here it is it's very slowly very very colorful and finally Joel's base being as October is coming up I just have to do something very October II that's why oh my goodness these faces look so cool I can't wait to try them out so I am starting off with Sasha's face I'm really excited because she said that we will probably all be able to find the head in here so I might actually retrieve a head for once so let's head on in and start the timer okay so we are in a room with buttons and paintings I'm gonna first of all try the paintings because that's what you gotta do nope there's nothing behind the painting so I guess we'll try the buttons oh it's trivia time cute okay I'm just checking in case there's something I'm missing that's not very obvious so what is Accel's favorite soda dr. pepper diet coke or sprite ah I don't know I really hope that she's a dr. pepper sister because that's my favorite to know why okay maybe it's sprite yeah okay correct when did fix Ellis stop playing The Sims at the age of 11 at the age of 6 are at the age of 13 hmm let's see I think she was probably about 11 nope incorrect so we have to stop back for in the beginning maybe she was 6 yeah okay last one which game did fix Ella's dog Yoona get her name from Final Fantasy or Animal Crossing oh I think Yuna is in Final Fantasy yay well done but how are your parkour skills turn around okay they're not great you know that Sasha why do you do this to me okay I really hope that the head hasn't been hidden somewhere and I've gone right past it because that would be very annoying hopefully dang it no I have to do all this again and I'm running out of time hopefully the head is at the end of this parkour oh okay there's a button Oh No okay okay we have to open it go huh find the button okay so one of these buttons will probably unveil the head hopefully they don't kill me though which one is it oh my gosh I don't know what well I found it you found it now find your way out of this room hint think of happy little trees Ajo bar brass paintings yes that's the clue the clue is paintings we just need to figure out which painting it is which one is it Sasha I found it swim a little fishy it just keeps swimming oh okay left alright I'm gonna go right because this seems like the right way if you know what I mean nope not this way dang it okay I'll just be going back down here and up this one instead oh I'm running out of time hurry okay oh well no no no what's this carpets chests is there a head in one of these rose bush there's just random stuff is this a clue wait there's a button maybe I need that it's the head aid in one of these where is the header okay maybe it's behind a painting oh wait maybe I'm supposed to use the button on the door well I hope so let's go hehe what what does that mean there are arrows pointing this way so I'm just gonna go and then park all my way up I guess oh we have so little time left we have to make it to the top really quick I have no time for dilly-dallying oh no that was a dilly-dally so we don't have time for maybe I won't get this head in the end huh yes there it is oh my gosh I was almost out of time but I need it I'm gonna wear it on my own head yeah so next I am taking on a Joel space which is for some reason snowman themed he said to start the timer when you enter the snowman's booty so let's get our butts in the butt here it is off the majestic snowman but okay so let's assess what we have here before we start it says easy challenge and hard challenge I think well how the heck am I meant to do anything but the hard challenge or is that part of the joke oh you may need this oh I say okay there's a lever so let's try and hit these buttons first right okay that's not really doing anything oh wait that one open the door I mean hopefully I don't get trapped I think he missed something awkward did I eat this oh there's a book okay you thought it would be in this chest lmao nice try no I thought a freaking clue would be in the chest Joel maybe it's best used to sleeve er I don't know if I just cheated or not it wasn't very obvious looks like the Polar Express could help you open the door shame there is some stuff missing please only place blocks don't destroy any okay only place blocks make sure you craft the right things what what am I supposed to craft maybe rails yes I'm definitely supposed to craft rails but how do i craft rails I don't remember how do I know what the right thing to craft is what if it's supposed to be a minecart okay you know what I'm gonna craft a minecart and this is what we're gonna do get up there there we go open the door I'm not sure if I did it properly but I did it Joel I don't care okay now what ice parkour looks like a button could go here a sheep's pot but I don't have a button looks like a bit of redstone is missing yeah Joel looks like a lot of things are missing why didn't you finish your freaking builder let's get to the top of here maybe do some parkour perhaps there will be a button at the top in that chest I'm not even gonna try and get up there I'm just gonna open the chest from here there's a button okay so where does a button go here let's put a sheep where did the sheep go what where are the Sheep going wait I have redstone am I supposed to use it well I did it I think did I do it right I don't know where am i winning yes I am oh no Santa is choking quick make something that will attract the whole fish he ate out of his mouth wait a second for the pressure plate to regice okay crafts something put in his mouth what a fishing rod maybe we're supposed to make let's try this aha ah perfect now we can get out and up what's na Oh what lovely decorations indeed and which F Jules head is one of them if it was it would definitely be the one on the top because Joel is very egotistical so let's climb to the top and see if we can see Joel's head there it is I think it is it's Jules head a tada I'm Shrek and I knew it would be right at the top of the tree let's get out of here oh no wait I'm stuck Christmas is canceled finally I am moving on to Ollie space I'm really scared about this one I have a feeling this is gonna break my windscreen but let's head on in so start the timer oh no a spooky door best hunt among roses look for a chest okay we can't get in so we'll have a look around for like a button or a lever or something it's a dead end or maybe it's on this side look for a chest look for a chest there it is okay we've got levers and hoes and heads I don't know why but I'm just gonna keep them all so I'm guessing the lever should be used here and I've got a craze for the vase guess it's time for plan trivia which of these plans can be found in one biome okay and I don't know I don't know something i only found in sunflower Plains how do I say that that one is the answer do I walk through yes Congrats now to ascend to the stem okay we're in the piston room I don't like the looks of this how are visas made pistons of course I think either way go do this maze thing okay so maybe we're supposed to avoid well okay I don't know watch how do I do this how how is this done I'm very confused come on it's not difficult oh wait hang on that could have an air coach should we get out there huh yes I did it play shame Plus glowstone hope you have the right ingredients if not go put down below again I don't have a potion and glowstone ah where do I get that from where do I go oh we out there I need to get out there move out of my way stupid remind me to get potion and glowstone from a chest excuse me pistons there's potion of leaping where do I get the glowstone is there another chest yes there is come on this could be another win for me there's a poster I've got it got it got it let's get back over here oh my gosh how did I even get there in the first place there we go tada we're back up we're back up okay let's put the glowstone into a potion what will it make who knows there we go now while that's doing whatsoever look around a riddles leap for victory oh so I need the leaping potion to be able to do this got it why do I have all these leave us it's gonna help me in any way okay they're done so these give me jump boost - I see now let's drink one I guess how long do we have a minute okay we got this plenty of time to win oh man oh no come on I'm panicking I'm panicking don't panic this is fine doing it how did this happen I'm panicking a lot there's a lot of pressure to finish this one wait how am I meant to get up there his parkour is disgusting okay I made it I made it let me out whoa okay what the heck just happened why am i climbing up what okay now where am I I just keep finding new areas I don't even know where I am anymore is this it wait okay there's my head not long left climb ahead okay I've got a client let's use the heads to climb oh good good good cool I still got my jump this this is great good go go go go go yes okay now we're turn around silly the thing is my head was never up here its back at the beginning hope you kept your hope for the front door left side I left you a cute slide to use oh my gosh yes let's use this is it a water side I thought this was a water slide I guess it's not what slide oh this is this hang on okay that's that's death luckily I still have my ho um left side well let's get rid of this oh the head is down here really but where I don't see it what's up the head yeah I got it now I become the Orions sound I have received the Holy Grail all three players goals you can call me the queen of face invaders if you want you don't have to so that concludes this base invaders challenge but if you want to see how everyone else do make sure to head over to their channels to check it out if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and turn on notifications if you want to be in the early squad to my next video
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 14,010,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, minecraft base invaders, minecraft base, build a base, best base, secret base, haunted mansion, puzzle, secret passage, secret door, kawaii castle, castle base, vixella, theorionsound, ep 2, episode 2
Id: WkbFlEgioPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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