Home Makeover Secrets | Ep. 7 | Minecraft X Life SMP

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this place looks so cute and it's outside of my reach [Music] hey guys what's up ld shadow lady here and welcome back to xlife today i'm going to be giving my house a makeover transforming it from this tiny cramped mess into something that i can decorate now before i can move out i have to empty all of these chests a task i am not looking forward to because i have lived an unorganized life so far so i've put a bunch of chests out here and i will spend the next hour organizing my stuff one eternity later finally all my stuff is out here on the lawn organized nice and neatly into these individual chests and now my house is looking a lot emptier on the inside we can start removing all the furniture kind of reminds me of animal crossing when the villagers are ready to move out but it's me i'm the one ready to move out goodbye tiny home oh now we even have to get rid of these signs no babies no deaths and my block of diamond from joel for being the best lawyer ever so now that we've emptied it all out all we have to do is destroy this structure so take a good look because this is the last time you're ever gonna see this house it has served me well for six episodes but now it's time to move on and just like that it's gone so now i'm gonna build a bigger and better house but it's gonna be in a similar style to my starter home so think of this like a pokemon which is evolving from its cute small form into something much more powerful so here is my new house as you can see there's a lot more space inside now and i have an upper floor which is very pink and currently there's nothing in here at all so in this episode i'm going to be decorating my house trying to make it look all cute and oh i almost forgot to mention i do have a basement down here and this is where i'm going to keep all of my ugly chests because that is not an effective system oh my goodness i just realized i can see all of joel's amazing builds from here look at that ah they all have cute little chimneys i want a cute chimney ta-da now i have a campfire and i have to be really careful with this that i don't set myself on fire i hope i don't die doing this oh my gosh yes i have my own roaring fire and hopefully that roaring fire stays contained to the chimney i should probably check that my house isn't burning down on the inside i can't believe i just did that i nearly died doing the chimney how embarrassing well i have a cute chimney now though that was worth almost dying for okay now let's do something a little bit safer that is hopefully impossible to die from i'm just gonna move my chests into an underground basement area two hours later what do you think of my ugly basement looks on everything people organization is my number one priority and i run out of patience to make this place look good it's just a basement anyway you're meant to be ashamed of your basement now we need to do is decorate this place so i'm going to start with the bedroom so i want to put my enchanting area up here and i think it would be really cool to hide it behind a secret bookshelf door so let's grab my old bookshelves and my enchanting table and then i'm gonna make this into a huge wall with a door in the middle and now we just need to disguise the door and i have the perfect idea for how to do this some of these online picture frames hopefully we can walk through it yes and all we need to do is texture it like the bookshelves there oh okay so it looks a little bit different but that works so well wow i have a secret bookshelf room this is my ultimate dream okay now in here this looks a little bit messy we need some more bookshelves to fill this place out which means we need to take a little trip to mumu meadows for some leather wait why is this cow called cow jeremy what the heck well i'm not gonna kill you cow jeremy wait this one's called jeremy how many of these cows are called jeremy at least we've got enough leather now i can craft all the books now is this going to be enough to get all 40 enchanting levels yes now we can decorate this place a little bit let's improve the atmosphere in here with some beautiful candles maybe we also need oh a book that's cute actually i have an even better idea i made a mod that adds in some standing books and stacks of books and i think these would be perfect for in here for my secret library so i'm going to show you the new mod i've been working on we first need to make an ancient book like so then we'll make a stack so now we have a cute stack of books oh you can't read them of course but aren't they cute and now that i've crafted them once i can also make a furnishing station now everything i've crafted before is available to purchase from this hair furnishing station for the low low price of a few red yellow and blue dye now we have all the books unlocked yes this is so cute oh my gosh yes my secret library is so perfect i love how spooky and dark it looks in here but on the outside these bookshelves don't really match the rest of my pink room so i think we should try and get some of these wisteria bookshelves which are adorable i just need to find a wisteria tree somewhere out in the wild so let's take a warp scroll far away and let's keep heading north and hopefully i can find a wisteria oh you scared me hopefully i can find a wisteria tree before i die ah oh my gosh a cat why is everything scaring me in this world oh my goodness there's a huge ravine and on the other side i don't even know what that is but it's following me let's just avoid that so the reason i need to go really far away into the wilderness is because these wisteria trees are from a brand new mod that we added oh crocodile so we need to find a new fresh area that hasn't been explored yet whoa what excuse me do my eyes deceive me or did i just see ah a beautiful deer i did not expect to see that on my travels what a beautiful creature okay i think i'm gonna actually travel by sea because that feels like it might be safer but i guess we shall see so let's just keep going north oh look at that seahorse oh my gosh there were little seahorses everywhere i wonder if i can catch one in a bucket is this dangerous are there any sharks no sharks i want this pink one oh my gosh yes he's in my bucket i've got a bucket of seahorse well i'm very pleased with this i will keep that safe and now i can't wait to put a fish tank in my house okay let's go around this huge mountain because mountains are dangerous okay let's get back on land i think we must be somewhere new now because i've never seen sunflowers like this before and they have butterflies over here oh my gosh i love this place now we just need to find whoa oh my gosh i almost fell in there now we just need to find the mysterious wisteria tree oh could that be wait the border oh my gosh no this place looks so cute and it's outside of my reach why do we get stuck on this side of the border when all that is over there one day i'm gonna get in there the next day yes oh my gosh we got it unlocked oh my goodness this is just the most magical place this is my secret little paradise garden oh also these are actually the trees i was looking for see wisteria log okay let's get one of each of the saplings so we've got pink one let's get a blue one as well a white one and a purple one and now we can go home and i can make my own wisteria wonderland over here now grow my beauties so that we can have a plentiful supply of wisteria wood now let's see if these wisteria bookshelves look more fitting in my bedroom oh my gosh i love them these are definitely perfect we just need to change the door now to match boom ah perfect nobody would ever suspect that i have a spooky vibed secret library back here now i just need to decorate the rest of my bedroom so let's put a little headboard on my bed because i really like the way this looks i think it looks a little bit more realistic as a bed and then of course we need some fairy lights in here so let's make some flowery hanging lights and we'll string these up like that that is very much adequate now we need some extra decorations so up here i'm gonna keep the theme of pink and white so if i put some shelves down here and let's try and get everything pink we can make a pink dandelion from my flower mod and get a pink tv yes that fits right in with the aesthetic in here and these pink item frames too one day i'll have cool things to put in here but for now i'm just gonna put this diamond horse armor in it's kind of like a weird abstract painting of a horse modern art oh i also want to add these polaroid pictures i think they look really cute and here is a pink dandelion from my mod i love it the final thing i want to try is a cute rug in here now there aren't many carpet options except for flying carpets but one does not usually decorate with those and there are also leaf carpets which feels kind of inappropriate for a bedroom so i want to try and use online picture frames to make a rug so let's see if this works oh my gosh so i've made a pattern for a rug and now i'm going to try and test it out so this is the top corner this could be really cute this is so freaking perfect now i have the most adorable rug it kind of looks like captain america's shield if he took a turn to the kawaii side i love it now i think we are finished up here for now let's move on to the downstairs the first thing i'm gonna do is go and visit some other people's houses for some decorating inspiration so let's see what scott has got going on in his house oh cute rug and lots of cyan i should have expected this oh he's got fan art up on the walls okay let's also go and see catherine's house because apparently she's also very good at decorating so let's see what she's got happening in her little star house adorable plants oh my gosh would you look at that what is that how did she do that it looks like a real oven this is very cute too let's go and see what cpk has um this is a little bit freaky for me he's got a weird villager trapped in the corner that's kind of terrifying no thank you so now that i'm feeling all inspired i think we should make a little kitchen area here i'm gonna go for a yellow and cyan theme bold i know but i have been inspired by this texture from my crafting tables mod so let's make some yellow blocks and some cyan oh cute and now to make it look more like kitchen cabinets i have some online picture frames with some graphics of drawers on them and then up here we've got some cupboards like so what do you think i think it's very refreshing now down here on the ground i really want to use some of this plaid because that is gorgeous oh i need wool i don't have wool i have a field full of cows so i'm gonna have to take my diamonds and go and buy some wool from scott's shop i can't believe i'm so far into this series and i don't have basic things such as wool oh my gosh look at these trees okay i hope he has the colors that i want we need light blue and white thank goodness he's got plenty of light blue and still some white left now let's get out of here wait hang on a second is this man selling teeth well that's horrifying no thank you so two diamonds down but now i can make some plaid whoa oh i forgot about my basement ah i thought that was a cave okay i love this plaid it's so cute it would actually be really cute if we could make a gold furnace instead of this basic furnace because look at this it's fabulous i need it but it's going to cost me a lot of iron and a lot of gold but i'm willing so let's upgrade to an iron furnace and then a gold furnace and now we have a fabulous furnace i was also thinking we need some lights and it would be cute to have some fairy lights up here so i'll make four of these yellow fairy lights and then i'm just gonna plop them on here like this and that is yes it's perfect now for decorations we need plants plants are the givers of life plants are the givers of good vibes so let's make this huge house plant just like catherine had from a flower pot and some really jungle leaves why is it going to be so specific i guess we're going to the panda research center where the pandas really are thriving hey how y'all doing don't mind me got it bye okay now i have my dream houseplant all i have to do is keep it alive don't die on me oh yes but i think we need something a little bit more glamorous what about a gold golden apple whoa i did not know you could craft these oh how about gold play button let's proudly display this achievement okay that is my little crafting area next i'm gonna make my fish tank for my seahorse yes i still have the seahorse it's been in a bucket this whole time in a chest i should probably check that it's doing okay there he is okay so let's build the seahorse enclosure out of shingles because they kind of look like fish scales and i believe my gold furnace smelts faster than normal oh whoa furnace dude calm down look at it go wow i cannot believe how fast it is this is crazy so let's make the fish tank over here now let's fill this up with water okay let's put him in there wait we need a name tag let's call him fernando let's get him in ah there he is beautiful fernando oh my gosh he's so cute oh this is definitely not big enough for a seahorse to live in but this is minecraft so it's fine now naming fernando reminds me that i have some pandas to name from the comments of the last video so i'm just gonna take the rest of my name tags and go on a naming spree so let's give this cute one a cute name i'm gonna find the sick one and name it bam bamchu here he is this little brown one i'm gonna call brownie and let's name this one let's make a baby for the next one so let's call this one dumpling before it rolls into the pond and finally i'm gonna name this one pandora so thank you guys for these suggestions for my pandas as you can see it's complete pandemonium over here now back to the decorating there is one item this place is missing a glorious froggy chair yes for some reason i decided to add a froggy chair to my mod so i'm gonna put this over here like it's some kind of throne where i can sit and watch fernando all day now over here to match the froggy chair i think it would be really cute to do a flower wall so i'm gonna get some vines and let's see what this looks like and i'm also gonna make some glass item frames to hold some flowers onto the walls oh that's beautiful okay is it gonna look weird if i put some mud here to plant this no why are you gonna look that way stupid sunflower longing for the outside okay how about this pale rose blush i love it two hours later i went a little bit wild with the flower wall but now i have this beautiful throne to sit upon in my house and the other half of my house is very empty so over here i just want to add some shelves for now because this is where i'm gonna keep all my collections of things in the future and maybe we could put some fan art up on the walls as well so there's definitely still room to make some improvements around here but that is it for this episode of xlife i hope you guys like my new house let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions for decorating and i will see you next time [Music] oh
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 3,714,966
Rating: 4.9642782 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, x life, xlife, x-life, minecraft girl, kawaii, cute, 1.14.4, home makeover, make over, makeover, home decor, decorating, decoration, decorating ideas, house ideas
Id: VdpwTydk7cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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