Transformed In His Light

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hey everybody its Katie Souza and it's that time again our web stream and I'm really excited about tonight because I'm gonna go over like an old revelation but man this thing still has so much life in it it's so awesome and I revert back to this teaching all the time to help myself when I'm right in the middle of a problem when I'm dealing with stuff this revelation really breaks forth for me and that is that Dunamis power is the glory light of Jesus okay now we've always start the teaching let me just give a few announcements to get him out of the way look we were gonna have a taping here in Maricopa for the Battle of the Soul on December the 9th okay but it has been postponed so that's unusual for us but it'll actually be better because we're gonna have more time to get prepared it's gonna be at the end of January so you need to keep your eye out on the website and I'm gonna teach about the Angelica realm so I'm super excited because I haven't done that in years and I've been interacting with angels for a long time so it's gonna be super super fun oh by the way if you hear music in the background it's because we thought we needed a little glory realm can we get it to a more like instrumental track and this that we're playing in the background is Kimberly and Alberto Rivera captured one of my favorite soaking discs of all time seriously and you should go to the website Kimberly and Alberto Rivera comm and get this captured discs or any of their other selections there you'll love it but we just felt like we need a little more glory tonight your men can always use some more glory so we need to decide to play that in the background tonight okay so don't forget about ballad the soul and it has been postponed to the end of January and what's really super fun is we're gonna have a day with Katie right after this event this taping in the studio so you can come and see three amazing sessions of the teaching on the angelic realm which is going to be so amazing because I've been working with angels for years and then the next day come to our special private meeting with a day with Katie and get more intimate because on those days I actually talked to every single person that comes I spend time with every single person that comes so you should definitely sign up for those day with Katie and on this particular occasion those events are back-to-back so you can come here into town in new Maricopa and catch them both so it's gonna be super fun okay I am going to Seattle tomorrow I'm leaving I'm gonna be at Seattle revival Center and so it's gonna be amazing you should come I'm gonna teach I believe it's Friday night and just Saturday afternoon and Saturday night so I'm gonna like download a heavy referee there it's gonna be super fun so if you're in Seattle of that area you should definitely come okay and then super exciting is we have our annual holiday download sales which is 50% off 50% off downloads and there's a bunch of new stuff up there too so this is your time now to get some mp3s and some albums and some downloads from us you can get every one of my teachings in electronic form and can you put on the headphones to make sure that's not too loud Jeff just let me know what the hell the mixes and you can get like it's amazing discounts 50% off on every single track but it's old stuff new stuff whatever stuff okay so you got to check that out okay so now and also tonight's teaching the glory light is available on the website and I think what are you saying jephta it's not it's on special it's not only $40 but it's gonna be 35 and this free desk with it 35 plus this is my story this is my testimony off an awesome power purpose give this to somebody who needs to be saved amen and they'll really resonate with that yeah get it now though you can't get it on the replay it's only for the live peoples okay great now let's get into it amen let's get into it okay so you've heard me talk about Dunamis like ever okay Dunamis is the power that the Holy Spirit brought into us when we got born again in Christ Jesus okay Holy Spirit came in and he brought power with him and that that power in the Greek is that we're Dunamis and Dunamis means a lots of things it means the power to perform miracles it means excellence of soul it means power and influence that belongs to riches and wealth so you have inside of you the ability to perform miracles healing miracles miracles in your marriage miracles in your body miracles in any part of your life but you also have the power to become excellent of soul which is amazing because the Bible says you'll prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers and it also gives you the power to have influence and and riches it says power and influence that belongs with riches and wealth that's one of the meanings of the word Dunamis so that all lives inside of you okay but the Lord began to show me as I began to you know study these things that Dunamis actually manifests in different forms it manifests as resurrection power I mean Paul talks about that in Philippians 4 he says I want to know him meaning Christ and the power a sword Dunamis of his resurrection so Dunamis power is resurrection power so we actually shouldn't call it resurrection power because it has a proper name Dunamis okay so Dunamis manifests in that form and it also manifests as fire and that's a whole nother teaching I don't want to start that but it also manifests as the light of Christ and the glory of the Lord amen the light of Christ and the glory of the Lord if you could look inside your spirit man right now you'd see light and glory and fire it's all Dunamis power and it all does the same thing it performs miracles it heals your body and it also makes you what the word Dunamis means excellent of soul okay now I'm gonna prove that to you right now into in tonight's web stream okay so first of all let me show you through the word that Dunamis actually is the glory light of Jesus okay I'm gonna start in mark 1 and this is the story about the Mount of Transfiguration okay Jesus opened up this chapter by saying this truly and solemnly I say to you that there are some years standing that will in no way taste death before they see the kingdom of God come in its power so right there as they were going up on the Mount of Transfiguration Jesus says well there's some of you won't die before you get to see the kingdom come in its power that word power is the greek word do Dunamis okay so he's saying some of you here are gonna get to see what Dunamis looks like okay now we're gonna go to the same story maybe turning down just a bit in Matthews 17 and this is what it says and six days after this after Jesus said that Jesus took with him Peter and James and John his brother and led them up on a high mountain by themselves and his appearance underwent a change in their presence and his face shone clear and bright like the Sun and his clothing became as white as light and then while Jesus was staying there speaking okay he says that behold a shining cloud composed of light that's the glory cloud composed the light overshadowed them and a voice came from the cloud this is my son my beloved whom I've always been delighted listen to him okay so did you get the progression there Jesus tells his disciples on the way up to the mountain look some of you here are gonna get to see what Dunamis power looks like as the kingdom comes in its power okay then as they get up there they actually get to see a manifestation of the power called Dunamis and what it physically looked like it says that Jesus's appearance underwent a change his face shone clear and bright like the Sun I mean his face was filled with so much sunlight I mean he was like shining like the Sun itself and says and his clothing he became as white as light wow that's a lot of light going on there then it says that a shining cloud that's the glory cloud composed of light that's what the amplified classic says overshadowed them noise and you see that this is a description here of the disciples actually getting to see with their own eyes the kingdom come in its power that word is Dunamis they're getting to see what doing this looks like it look like light lots of light it look like glory it look like a cloud of glory composed of light okay you see Dunamis is light it is glory amen even in one of the parallel Gospels proves and testifies to the truth of the Dunamis power appearing as light listen what it says here it says it says in mark 9 when Jesus went up on the mountain he became transfigured before they maybe came resplendent with divine brightness and his garments became glistening intensely white as no fuller dresser cloth launderer on earth could leash them and then a cloud threw a shadow upon them and a voice came out of the cloud saying this is my son my beloved listen to him you see that even mark 9 agrees that the Dunamis power that they saw when they went up on the mountain looked like light I mean Jesus in this story was resplendent with divine brightness Wow and his garments became glistening intensely white with light it's amazing see doulas power is made of glory it is made of light okay now and and those powers heal they heal you have to understand something I'm not just teaching you some weird strange what might appear to be a new-age doctrine which I'll address in just a second but those powers heal and when Jesus went down off the mountain he ran into a boy that was being attacked by a demon he was he had a deaf spirit on him he was foaming at the mouth he was having epileptic seizures but the the Bible says in mark 9 that when Jesus came down from the mountain it actually says that his face was still covered with divine light and the resplendence of glory from the mountain and then he healed the boy I believe that the power of Dunamis that was on him that he he got a whole new level of it Jesus we see the whole new level of Dunamis power in the form of glory and light on him when he was on the mountain that when he came down that power and the presence of the Lord that was on him healed that boy amen now some people when they hear this they call car this is a new age teaching this is terrible you're a heretic Kate how can you say such things but you know I want you to really think about it all things I know the New Agers talk about the light and walk into the light and they use the light to heal and all this stuff but they're not using the right source of light you have to understand something God created everything for us first us first even the light and especially the light I mean the Bible talks about God is light and in him there is no darkness or at all that's 1 John 1:5 you see God is light it is who he is so in Genesis 1 when God created the entire universe the world and everything in it he created what first he created light the Bible says that the Holy Spirit was like hovering over you know the chaos over the void of the of the earth and then God spoke and what were the first words that he spoke recorded in the Bible it says that he said let there be light and there was light God created light first why because it's who he is because that's what 1 John 1:5 says about him God is light so he actually opened his mouth and out came what he is light and that light started the creative process in the whole earth and in the whole universe he created light first and then everything just started bring me a babe a man named bang filling in the blanks amen now you have to remember Jesus Christ is like - he said that about himself in John 8 he said I am the light of the world and whoever believes him he will not walk in the dark but will have the light which is life okay Jesus is light I mean even in Hebrews it talks about Jesus that he is the radiance of God's glory and then in the NFI it's caused him quote a light being Jesus is a light being he is the light of the world he is the radiance of God's glory he radiates like he's filled with like he is light and we have inside of us Christ the hope of glory amen amen and we have to understand that these two power is the light and the glory cloud they heal they heal your body they heal your soul okay we're gonna talk about that I'm gonna prove that through Scripture so you don't just think that I have some weird New Age doctrine okay listen to this Old Testament prophecy this is a prophecy about Jesus Christ and how he would heal people when he came into the world okay listen this is Malachi 4:2 in the amplified classic it says this but under you who - who revere and worshipfully fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and his beams and you shall go forth and Gamble like calves released from the stall and leap for joy okay so this is a prophetic word about Jesus and it says that he who is called the Sun of righteousness will arise with healing healing in his wings and his beams okay so first that we're healing there it means to be healed to be in health two five a cure that's from the Strong's Concordance but it also means as sound of mind so he arises with healing that means health a cure to become sound of mine meaning the healing that he brings us brings health and a cure to diseases in our body healing of disorders and pains and afflictions we have in our body but it also causes us to be sound of mind remember your mind is part of your soul so this healing that he arises with brings health to both body and soul now what tools does he use to heal well according to this and I was reading from the amplified he arises with healing in his wings and his beams what does that mean what does that mean okay so first the wings there's the Hebrew word Knopf and the word cannot refers to like the the prayer Shaw the wings of the prayer Shaw okay I mean in the Jewish tradition Jewish people would get married underneath a prayer shawl because it represented them getting getting married to God at the foot of Mount Orab underneath the glory cloud so the wings there when it says that he arises with healing in his wings it refers to the glory of God now let me prove that to you in the scripture in Hebrews 9 5 it says this and the ark above it and overshadowing the mercy seat were the representations of the cherubim the winged creatures which were the symbols of glory see the wings represents the glory remember up on the Mount of Transfiguration was a glory cloud and Jesus said well some of you are not gonna die before you get to see the kingdom of God come into power that's the word power is Dunamis so he said you're gonna get to see what donis looks like and he went up and one of the things they saw was the glory cloud now here in this prophetic word in Malachi 4:2 it says Jesus the Sun of righteousness will rise with healing healing for the body in the soul in his wings the word wings according to this Hebrew 9/5 Scripture means the glory it says the winged creatures were symbols of the glory so in other words the Sun of righteousness Jesus Christ arises with healing in his glory that's one of the tools that he uses to heal glory okay now where is there is there any proof of that in the Bible I mean just listen to this scripture this is awesome 2 Corinthians 3:18 it says that's in all of us as with unveiled faces because we continue to behold in the Word of God as a mirror of the Lord we are constantly being transformed into his image into his likeness from glory to glory I see that according to the scripture 2 Corinthians 3:18 we're transformed into the Lord's image from glory to glory glory is a power that brings transformation to us you know that we're transformed there means it's the same word used for the Mount of Transfiguration it's the same exact word the Mount of Transfiguration it's also the same word that talks about how we are renewed and transformed in our mind by the Lord amen you see we are transformed in our mind we are transformed in our body we are transformed into the image of Christ from glory to glory through the power of the presence of the Lord of his glory that's why that Malachi 4 scripture says that Jesus the son of righteousness arises on us with healing in his wings which are the glory amen and that's why you see that word again that word transformation while we were transformed into his image it's the same word as the Mount of Transfiguration where they went up and they saw the glory cloud that's why Jesus was transformed that's why he could go down off that mountain covered with the light in the glory of the Lord and then heal that boy that nobody else could heal by the way and and and the only other experts on the planet at the time that we're doing deliverance and healing like Jesus was his disciples and they couldn't even drive that spirit out but when Jesus came down for the mountain covered with the light and glory bamp bamp the healing then the deliverance the breakthrough amen thank you Jesus okay so now let's let's let's go back to that scripture in Mallen hi four and let's look at the second tool says the Sun of righteousness arises on us with healing in his wings and his beams that's in the amplified classic beams okay that were beams it means beams of light the light of Christ heals us Amen the light of Christ heals us when Jesus arises on us with healing in his wings remember Jesus Christ is the light of the world now I'm gonna totally teach on this light subject now but before I do I want to show you a couple of miracles that happened at my meetings when I was teaching people this very subject about the glory of God and the light of Christ and how they heal both the body and the soul so let's look at those right now picking the best of the best three-quarters Cherokee 140 Jews all right amen praise the Lord what happened actually a lot of things that happened I chickened out the first night I was in prison a witness that came forward amen yes praise God and he brought me to the place on me gospel singer evangelist around the United States and I do about 25 prisons a year praise all our girl that's what I'm talking about all right how did you get physically healed tonight yes what happened I was wondering I asked you about the thing from birth oh yes okay my mother had tried to abort me you know and and there had been a spirit and it's like every year and everywhere I go there was always this war against a death issue and like you know several years ago I was in a car auction and my neck was broken in two places and and all up and down my spine and they said I would never walk and then last year on the road I was in another car crash and my hip was broken and my leg was broken and I haven't been able to bend my knee since that crash and then this last this year I was trapped in a motor home that caught on fire and yeah you know it was one of those thing and I felt God released me from that tonight and my god what I had done they put me in prison and and I just I'm really and then and then I was sitting there and all of a sudden I realized I have to show you okay show me you can bend your knee before cream at all you could not have done that you know no because I've always used to always do my morning meditation sitting cross-legged and I couldn't do it anymore and that happened to she soaked her soul can you imagine how cool this is she was prospered in her ales even as her soul was prospered amen give God a praise we're going a girlfriend okay so let's start again tell us your name Jerry Jerry what was your affliction I explained what tonight is and three whirring and humming what year did you have it in I eighty-three so you were traumatized yes hit my head and you hit your head yes you were traumatized and from that point do you think your soul got wounded from that and then you've got an affliction on you and how long is that's been when did that happen in 83 in 1983 and it's been buzzing and ringing ever since what happened in the meeting I noticed it was gone but I wanted to make sure so it's still gone today yesterday was gone I had a word of knowledge about the ear did it happen then yes yes did it happen exactly when I released the word of knowledge I can't really tell around that time that time and the Pitts opinion the buzzing in the noise has not been back since that's not and you've had it for what almost thirty years now you've been healed can we give God a praise tonight okay go ahead when we were doing the light not the blood but the light I was feeling choking because the yoke of the Assyrian was closing in on your neck trying to stop you from doing this and I had to get up you had to give up get no get up sit up get up yeah and and what happened it went only because he she pressed through it listen to me while you're soaking demons are gonna kick up dust they're gonna make you sick to your stomach they're gonna make the pain that you have in your back or your neck or wherever worse and you're gonna be tempted to give up and that's exactly what it's doing it's trying to kick up dust it knows it's gonna eventually have to go now because you're going at the legal right it has and so it's going yeah no I want to make up a fuss and because you're gonna give up because I'm gonna make you be in so much pain that you're just gonna I quit that's exactly what it wants remember when the enemy starts kicking up dust it's on its last leg remember the boy that came to Jesus the demon as it was coming to Jesus threw him down on the ground and he foamed and he kicked in and everything else why cuz it was on its last leg it knew it was going out so it was throwing as much of a fit as it could before it went to try to stop it from happening do you hear what I'm saying when it happens press through you're almost that's your sign you're almost there you set up you press through and it broke yes it did so the Syrian yoke got broken off of your neck tonight and you got healed in your ear from a 30 year old affliction is that right let's give God our praise amen hallelujah man you know those are just a few things I mean it's hard for me to find all the videos at the last minute like this so we grabbed whatever ones we could find and that's just like the beginning I've seen all kinds of crazy miracles happened on beat people's backs being healed and legs being healed and and and feet and plantar fasciitis and had even this one lady like whole corns off her feet she had these corns like she just rubbed her foot and they came off with the roots and all I mean had another guy grow a lung when I was teaching this subject he actually grew a lung back and you know it's carried into the meeting and then like came up on the stage after he got healed told me his lung grew back and I said you know he started Belling like a bull and running around the room like a crazy person and everybody's screaming and it happened when I was teaching this subject so I mean there is a lot of power here that we're not tapping into either because we were afraid because you know talking about the late of Christ that sounds kind of new ages well get over it because God created the light first he is like Jesus Christ that I in the light of the world and and everything God made he made for us I mean you know we're gonna talk about that now let's go back into this prophecy that was spoken about Jesus Christ in math Malachi 4:2 it's an Old Testament prophecy that said the Sun of righteousness that's that's Jesus will arise with healing in his wings we talked about his wings meeting the glory and his beams and that were beams means beams of light now remember he arises with healing that word healing again means health healing a cure and it also means sound of mind the mind is part of the soul so that means that Jesus arises with healing for your body and your soul and what does he use to do it he arises with healing in his wings that's the glory and his seems the word beams as beams of light okay so the light of Christ heals now remember when Jesus said the light of Christ is Dunamis power remember Jesus said it you know some of you here will not die before you get to see the kingdom of having come in its power that were powers Dunamis and then when they went up on the mountain Transfiguration they got to see that power and it looked like light Jesus became filled with light his clothing became as white as light and brighter than the Sun his face was shiny says he came resplendent with light that's what Mark 9 says so Judas power is the light of Christ okay so now let's talk about how the light heals well first of all remember the John's scripture where Jesus says I am the light of the world he who believes in Me will not walk in the dark but will have the light which is life okay now let's talk about that so Christ that calls himself the light of the world Wow and sure enough he is and if we embrace him and the light that he is and that he brings into our life will not have to walk in the dark and what does that mean if you look up that word dark in the Strong's it means this the soul that's lost it's perceptive powers see that that's what happens when you get wounded in your soul when you when you're injured by a trauma you've been through or a stressful situation or you've had a long ended assault and attack a battle with the enemy in your just battle Warren and you're just totally burnt out and fried you know what happens is when you get wounded you start walking in the dark that word dark means a soul that's lost it's perceptive powers when we get wounded our soul starts losing its ability to really discern things and perceive things properly we start making bad decisions we start thinking wrong thoughts we started having unhealthy emotions that's why we don't want to walk in the dark we don't want to walk in the pain of our wounded soul and we don't want our soul that's lost it's perceptive powers to control our life because then we'll end up in all kinds of debacles when we make some very bad expensive dangerous decisions so Jesus says you know when you believe in me on the light of the world you won't have to walk in the dark but you'll have the light the light which is life so he's saying that the remedy for your soul when it's losing its perceptive powers because it's become wounded it's become dark is the light which brings life see it's not just a title that Jesus is the light of the world the light is a power its Christ in us the hope of glory and his light brings life remember the Sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings and his beams of light the light of Christ actually is a power it's Dunamis and it heals the body it heals the soul amen and so we won't have to walk around and you know bring us life like Jesus said the light which is life and it will bring us out of that darkness in our soul that's causing us to make these bad decisions and to have our soul loses perceptive powers now I want you to listen in this scripture this is this is amazing okay this one is in Luke 11 it starts in verse 34 and says this your eye is the lamp of your body you know what the word either means the eye is the window to the soul so it's talking about your soul your soul is a lamp of the body when your eye or your conscience your consciousness part of your soul is sound and fulfilling its office your whole body is full of light but when it's not sound and not fulfilling its office your body is full of darkness so it's saying here when you're I meaning your soul you're behind your will and your emotions are sound of fulfilling their office it's because your whole body's full of the light of Christ do that so look your mind will be sound in fulfilling its office meaning it'll make he'll think right thoughts it'll reason right the imaginations will be clean you know your memory will be clean when your mind is sound about filling its office it's because your whole being is full of the light of Christ okay then it says you know when your will when your will is sound of fulfilling this office meeting you'll make right decisions you're not gonna go off and get yourself into some crazy debacle because you made a bad decision out of there you're the darkness in your soul because you're solid lost its ability to perceive correctly but that happens your will will be sound and fulfilling its office when your whole being is full of light and even your emotions if you're feeling the crazy tone in your emotions right now and you're going nuts things are just going off the chain I mean like wow can anything else happen right now okay well if you want to heal yourself of that release the which is life from inside your spearmint because that's where it lives remember Holy Spirit came in you you bought Dunamis power with him that Dunamis is the light and glory of Jesus Christ you can release it you can cause you can command your whole being to be flooded with light and then your mind or your eye your conscious will be sound in fulfilling its office but then it says controversy it says but when your eye or your conscious is not sound and it's not fulfilling its office your body's holy darkness same word is used it means the soul that's lost is perceptive powers it's the same word dark that's used in that John 8 scripture where Jesus said I am the light of the world he who believes in Me will not have to live in the dark the darkness of their soul but will have the light which is life see the light of Christ is not just a title whatever again it's a power it is a power and that power brings healing a man it brings healing you know it says that I love this scripture it says in 2 Corinthians 4:6 that God says let light shine out of darkness and he has shone in our hearts as to beam forth the light for the illumination of the knowledge and majesty and glory of God has manifested in the person of Christ here that he says let lines shined he shines light let lines shine on a darkness in our hearts as to being forth the light see the word heart that means the soul he's saying God says let light shine in your hearts beaming the light of illumination of Christ into our souls so that we won't have lost our perception and we won't be filled in the darkness of the wounds inside of our souls amen let's just do a little practice right here amen sure most of you watching right now I have something going on that's put oppression on you maybe it's a family squabble or you're having difficulties at work or you've been totally angry and bitter about a situation lately or maybe you're just overwhelmed I mean this is a stressful planet it may be just the daily stress and everything on and the traumas and the dramas and the baby mamas stuff that's happening is just totally Oh overwhelmed you will release the light which is the light of Christ that's in you to shine forth in your entire being remember you'll be sound of fulfilling your office when your whole body is full of light so let's just practice and make that decree right now I'm in just say just say with me say Jesus you're the light of the world and I believe in you so I don't have to walk in the darkness and the pain and the agony and the trauma in my soul rather I have the light which is life so I loosen say with me say I loose that light to fill my whole being so my eye my conscience can be sound and fulfilling its office i decree Jesus Joe rising on me with healing in your wings and your beams of light and I am what the word healing means marpe a healing health and a cure and sound of mind just just say a couple of sentences with me just say I am filled with the light of Christ so I'm sound than fulfilling my office I'm filled with the light which is life I receive my healing right now think of it this way that light can penetrate into the deepest darkest areas inside your body and your soul wherever that cancers hiding wherever that bad thought is hiding where of that wound inside your mind is hiding it doesn't matter how deep and dark it is in there like and penetrate I mean look at what how they make x-rays x-rays use waves of light and they go through skin and tendons and bones and they they see through your bones and they see through the organs and everything else how does it do that because light can penetrate through anything it's a perfect healing tool the light of Christ is the perfect healing tool a man so it doesn't matter how deep or how dark the pain is or how bad it is or how bad that sickness is release the light on it the first time I ever had a miracle with the light you know what I was doing I was laying in bed in prison in my prison cell and I had a huge lump on this hand right here I have a picture of it somewhere maybe I'll find it we'll put it up but I had a huge lump on my hand and and every night ran my Hannover and pictured the light of Christ going over that lump and healing it and then I started picturing like an x-ray like a like a Xerox machine how the Xerox machine the light bar goes like this one blue and it goes back and forth to to make the copy well you know I just pictured that my mind the light of Christ acting like a Xerox machine going up and down to make a copy of Jesus Christ His image inside my entire being and then about I don't know a couple weeks later I was that mail call one day and I would rub it because it hurt and I was that mail call waiting for my mail while I was in prison and I was rubbing it in all sudden I looked down and it was gone it was gone so my very first healing miracle was from the light of Jesus Christ healing my body and my soul amen okay look we're gonna go and to a commercial really quickly and it's a short one show you about the glory light of Jesus you can get it too so you can get a full compassed teaching on this subject so you can be totally skilled and I think today if you're watching live you can get the glory light for a reduced price and what you're gonna see it on the commercial and you're gonna also get this free disc with it the awesome power purpose which is my testimony so check that out right now when I first started talking about the light of Jesus Christ people started freaking out saying witchcraft new-age well it wasn't Satan who said let there be light it was God jesus said he is the light of the world and guess what according to him his light drives out the darkness of the wounds in our soul in this series I bring major scripture to prove that the light of Jesus and His glory are two powers that can heal our inner man a great example of how effective these powers are is the story of a man in Montana who received a jaw-dropping miracle while I was teaching these biblical truths people had to carry him into the meeting because he had lost one of his lungs to cancer but during the activation in the meeting he was so dramatically healed in his lungs that when he came up to testify he like a bull which he couldn't do before then he started running around the sanctuary three months later he wrote me stating that he still had his new lungs in this CD set I show you how to get healed of all kinds of issues including soul ties physical and emotional disorders and broken relationships I even show you how to heal your wounded family and friends even the uncooperative ones who would want nothing to do with God the teaching in this CD set changed my life and I'm sure it's good to transform yours too hi I'm Katie Souza inviting you to join me at Dominion 2018 we've seen extraordinary miracles happen in our events people throwing away their leg braces and canes getting out of wheelchairs tossing their hearing aids metal coming out of people's bodies and all kinds of diseases being healed including stage 4 cancer don't miss your miracle see you there [Music] okay okay did you check out the Dominion tour ad that you should come honestly like next year's meetings that we're gonna have all over the country are gonna be off the charts I mean I'm seeing metal disappearing from people's bodies and scars dissolving for people's eyes and torn lyrics is being completely healed and restored I mean we're seeing some amazing things and Jesus is doing it he you know I'm just standing there you know letting him work through us but you should definitely check it out and if you want to and see if we're gonna be near you go to our website and check out the Dominion tours schedule as we start posting it and you'll see it's gonna be really awesome okay now we're gonna get back into the light in just a second but I do want to say something here and look I'm not trying to hound people for money at all I'm not like Oh buy my product do this do that but I'm just saying that we need help right now this is my new book healing the wounded soul we actually had so many chatting on the chatroom that said that they bought it and they couldn't put it down I thought wow I actually had to ask Shannon a couple times it's like wow did they really say that that's so awesome and she not sorry yes they did they really said that they couldn't put it down so I'm so glad that's amazing because I really wrote this to help you guys and then and this is how you can help me by getting it okay when you get this you're gonna totally get Revelation there's secrets in here that I've never taught in public it's gonna really like bring you into a whole new level okay but also when you buy one of these and I don't have one with me but we have a prison edition of this that we send in to prisoners for free so when you do this or you even make a donation which there's a donation button right you know if you scroll down you can make a donation or you if you don't want to buy the book you just want to do five ten maybe 50 or $100 I don't know what you want to do but you know you can either donate or buy the book and when you do I can send one of these a prison edition copy to a prisoner here it is right here this is so cool you know we made a special edition of this same book for prisoners and it's just amazing on the back that's me on my motorcycle I love that because then they can relate they know I've been there and I've done it okay and then it's me and my hubby too instead when you buy one of these and we send one these so and you know that my first book we gave away 300,000 free copies to over 3,500 prisons and like 300,000 prisoners and chaplains and everything else so you know we want to do the same with this book since this just came out we want to flood the prisons with this book so you know buy one buy one for yourself and we send one for free and then if you can't buy one right now you don't want to you already have it scroll down and make a donation okay cuz that was super help us support the prisons and you can even text to give if you have that set up on your phone and I think it says you text five - oh is that right Jeff five two oh two two one two one eight one is that correct couldn't do it you're the winged wind beneath my wings amen and we're shooting for half a million books to be given away even by the end of next year half a million can you imagine that half a million prisoners reading those books they're gonna be so healed they're gonna get out and rule the planet okay so now I want to do two more scriptures and then we're gonna watch a healing video so you can get your faith up because then we're gonna activate okay so look I was teaching about the light of Jesus Christ if you joined in now please back it up and watch the whole thing because I don't want you like chatting and saying oh my god you're a heretic you're talking about the light okay well I'm talking with the light of Christ and God is light and so is Jesus Christ he said I'm in the light of the world back it up and I bring all the scriptural proofs of that so um and I just taught about how the light heals our body and our soul and I really believe that this is real that God is going to cause a manifestation of his light to multiply exponentially on the earth so that we can see our physical bodies and our souls being healed by the light of his son okay now here's there's an actual promise of that in the Bible let me read it to you this is an isaiah 30:26 okay it says moreover the light of the moon will be like the light of the Sun well moonlight becoming like sunlight that's an increase in multiplication of the light okay then it says and the light of the Sun will be Sevenfold like the light of seven days concentrated in one here that that's more exponential multiplication of the light of Christ manifesting here on earth that one day of light will be like seven days concentrated into one that's how much multiplication they'll be right and it says and in that day the Lord will bind up and okay here's why God's going to multiply the light of Jesus Christ on the earth the rest of the scripture says as in that day meaning the day where the light is multiplied the light of Christ the Lord will bind up the hurt of his people and heal their wounds inflicted by him because of their sin see there's a reason why God it's gonna make the light of His Son Jesus Christ be multiplied and manifested here on earth and it's to bind it the hurt of his people that's us and to heal their wounds isn't that awesome it's so awesome I can't tell how many miracles I've had from being in the presence of the light and believing it and receiving it and it's healing powers for my soul in my body okay now here's the last thing I want to talk about okay let's go back to that wonderful Old Testament prophecy about Jesus how the Sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings and his beams okay now the New Testament fulfillment the first one of that prophetic word and the Old Testament Jesus was the story of the woman with the issue of blood remember her she'd spent all her money on doctors she'd been bleeding for 12 years she grew no better underneath her hands she suffered underneath her hands that said she spent all her money and she didn't get better she grew worse the Bible says but when she saw Jesus who is the Sun of righteousness it says that she reached out and touched the hem or the wings of his prayer sha and power was released and she was healed see remember that word wings in the Old Testament prophecy about the Sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings that word wings is that Hebrew word Knopf which is means the wings are the tallit the the the edges of the prayers sha so she was right there she she was this woman that knew this Old Testament prophecy about the Sun of righteousness when he came he would come with healing in his wings and his beam in his beams so she knew she reached on touch the wings of his prayer shawl she would be healed as the Sun of righteousness arise on her okay so this is the fulfillment of this prophetic word about the wings and the beams of glory and the light healing us okay and it's oh great because Jesus and that story of the woman with the issue of blood said he felt power come forth from him in he looked around said who just touched me I felt I felt power come out of me who just touched me and that we're power there guess what it is Dunamis it's Dunamis remember in the beginning of this this broadcast I told you Dunamis power is the light and glory of Jesus Christ and that scripture proves it amen so when Dunamis was released in the form of light in the form of glory when she touched the wings of his prayer sha the Sun of righteousness arise Don her with healing in his wings and his beans she was healed in her soul in her body and every part of her and she became with Dunamis means because it was Dunamis she became ex on his soul and Dunas performed a miracle for her isn't that awesome it's so awesome okay look I want to show you some more miracles that happened when people got healed when the Sun of righteousness arise on them with healing in his wings and his beams amen and then when we come back we're going to activate and get healed ourselves amen tell us your name Todd possible Todd what happened well when you called up the right shoulder I was praying for everybody else and I got touched my shoulder couldn't do before happened to it it's gone no I mean what how did it get injured in the first place in the prison in the prison are you a co no I was you were a co yeah I know have sown praise the Lord what what prison did you work in town can you tell me yeah I actually I worked in all the New York state prisons but I worked in central office which I covered all 70 facilities in the state and did you know the shoulder in there was in a scuffle or was it in something less dramatic I was in a scuffle clutton prison it wasn't with me was it surprisingly not okay then it wasn't with you and you got injured in the scuffle how long ago was that it's been about thirty years thirty years and you got healed tonight by Jesus and when you've got a brain hallelujah and can we give this gentleman a hand because Venus a correctional officer in in the institutions is one of the hardest jobs in the land a man can we give him a honoring clap phase the Lord I'm a pastor now say it out loud I'm a pastor now praise the Lord thank you Jesus about the subject and you know we didn't have the video ready but in that same meeting that was crazy miracles okay like all kinds of people were healed including a woman who had eight screws in her back from an accident she'd been in five years and years before and she came up on stage she had totally no pain and and she was touching your toes and stuff which goes look I can't do this I can't bend over I have eight screws in my back and she was and I go while it's amazing she was yeah but watch this and then she ran to the back wall of the stage and she did a back bend I'm serious like well we'll play the video next time or it's probably online isn't it somewhere where is it you know it's but do you remember which one miracle healing testimonies on YouTube but you know know which one okay I think if you look on the miracle healing testimonies on youtube or on our website it says back bend in the title and you can see it it's amazing she does this back bend all the way down to the floor on the wall behind on the stage I was like oh my gosh give me that anointing but she said I she came back she just I can't do that I can't do that because I have eight screws in my back so this teaching isn't just about a little bit of like oh the light of Christ heals you know it's powerful it's a weapon okay so now we're gonna we're gonna activate okay so you know I'm just thinking maybe we could even turn up the music now and a little bit more and just reminder this is Alberto and Kimberley Rivera they're amazing this album is called captured I use it to soak all the time and you should go to their website they're wonderful people I've worked with Alberto before and man it's just he's wonderful they're anointed so let's just turn that up why we why we'd make some prayers okay thank you thank you thank you God when I speak to all the people watching right now and I release the glory of God so that they can be transformed into your image Lord from glory to glory I release that glory right now you're heavy weighty presence because the Bible says that the son of righteousness our rise is on us with healing in his wings which is his glory right now I really said right now overshadows with your partner with your presence with your glory right now in Jesus name we thank you we are being transformed into your image right now in our mind and our emotions in in our will right now in Jesus name right now in the name of Jesus right now thank you god you're so good fill us with your glory God transform us Lord transform us like you did with Jesus he was transformed on the Mount of Transfiguration and the glory cloud over shattered him thank you lord we're transformed in our mind being renewed in our mind right now in the name of Jesus right now right now and I thank you lord the light of Christ just shining out from our spirit man into our soul in our body to cause us to be what Malachi 4 says mark pay the Sun of righteousness arises with healing that's Mar pay in his wings and beams of light our pay means health healing a cure right now may the light go and heal you bring a cure to disease bring healing and and removal of pain right now in your body and every part of you it also means sound of mind may that light flood into your mind and into your will and into your motions and make you sound of mine make you make right decisions make you feel balanced emotions the Sun of righteousness are rising on you with healing in his beams of light right now Angie name right now we thank you Lord that every person watching their I this is Luke 11 that I which is their conscious is sound and fulfilling its office because their whole body is full of light we decree it right now we decree our bodies our whole beings our disaccharide about the light of Christ every part of us our mind our will our emotions our physical bodies so that we can be sound and fulfilling our office because our whole body is full of light I decree it right now you are sound you're thinking right thoughts sounded fulfilling your office in your mind you're thinking about thoughts making my decisions you're feeling all the reasoning being cleansed all your imaginations being cleansed you're sounding fulfilling your office inside your will right now I decree you're filled with light right now you're filled with light in your will you're not gonna make any bad decisions anymore because you're sound of a filling in your office of your will because your whole being is full of light even your emotions your sound of a filling your office in your emotions because your body's full of light right now in Jesus name right now right now right now I remember Jesus is the light of the world and whoever believes on him will not have to walk in the dark but will have the light which is life I decree you have life because of the light of Jesus Christ you're not walking in the dark the word dark means the soul that's lost it's perceptive powers i decree everywhere you've been wounded in your soul where you've lost the ability to perceive things correctly we're not thinking right acting right feeling right talking right that the light of Christ will bring life to that area because Jesus is the light of the world so I had to creat life because of the his light life because of his light life because of his light in Jesus name I'll fill you I command you be filled with the light which is life thank you Lord thank you yeah I see the lights penetrating right now penetrating into those burial places inside you with memories and pain are being stored right now light is it's so such a perfect healing tool because it can penetrate into the deepest darkest places of your soul in your body wherever that cancer is hiding whatever that author itis is hiding whatever that pain is hiding whatever that emotional pain is hiding right now that trauma right now the light of Christ is penetrating to that place right now I'm healing you the Sun of righteousness is arising on you with healing in his beams his wings and his beams of light thank you God you're like the woman with the issue blood you've been traumatized you've been through it all you've spent all your money you've been to doctors you haven't gotten any better you've gotten worse you've been humiliated and shamed by the the disease and the disorder but you reach out and you're touching the wings you're touching the hem of his prayer shawl and Jesus is feeling that Dunamis power power virtue coming out from him it's the light and the glory of Christ it's healing you right now making you excellent a soul making you marpe a healed and whole sound of mind performing a miracle for you right now just like it did for the woman with the issue of blood right now be filled with his glory and with this light and I decree these things in Jesus name Amen now I just challenge you I would go back and listen to just the prayer again you know just receive the prayer just play this part over and over again listen to the teaching again and then start making a list of these scriptures and to Crean them over yourself when you're having trouble and you feel like wow I'm not thinking right I'm not acting line I'm not feeling right I'm sick you know release the light of Christ release his glory amen and receive it now it's already seven o'clock while we're supposed to shut down I don't know even if we have any chat time left Shannon's saying not this time guys okay we don't even have any questions I think everyone was just receiving the teaching and receiving ministry today if you if you got this revelation and it really helped you just chat in and give me your comments and thanks for tuning in this was awesome don't forget to get your copy of the glory light of jesus heals your soul and and get your copy of the book so we can send another one to prisoners and also you know I encourage you if you've had any type of success or breakthrough from this ministry consider partnering with us would you because your partnership is what enables us to help those prisons we we serve thirty five hundred prisons and hundreds of thousands of prisoners and its partners like you that help us get it done so even if you can only commit to you know five or ten dollars a month that five or ten dollars we'll do a lot more than you think it will really help us to to bring the kingdom of heaven into all the prisons that we serve and to transform all those lives there that really need transformation because they're in so much pain and sickness and disease and soul pain and everything else but we encourage you to sign up with a partner just go to our web page go to our partner portal and you can sign up right there and I thank you for your partnership for your help and for your support we love you guys I hope this web stream was awesome I loved it it was a great revisitation of a great timeless revelation okay we'll see you next month bye you
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 29,400
Rating: 4.9299474 out of 5
Keywords: katie souza
Id: umQloIYuwO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 54sec (3534 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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