Trump slams Biden's border failures in 'Hannity' exclusive

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cyberdick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whoever has an iq above 110 that is still on team retardicans or democraps and watches fox or msnbc deserve to be lobotomized. They already are anyways.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cassiorolex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you're a big fan of DDR drama I advised you to watch this insane interview of a ex-kgb who claim T.rump was groomed by the ruskies since the 80's,😳

It's really long but it's not like you have something better to listen. Starting at 10min mark.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GeminiRocket πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn his charisma took such a hit. Not speaking as loud as he was, not as charismatic.

Damn he brought up the ramp.

Does he not know that historically Russia and China have been allies?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/__TIE_Guy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

After having a daddy detox I am stuck once again by just how unhinged this whole thing is lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Maskedrussian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. I'm surprised are drama forgot abou... -,*

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnapshillBot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
and welcome to hannity and tonight we're broadcasting from the always beautiful mar-a-lago in palm beach florida where in just moments the 45th president of the united states donald j trump he will join us for his first sit-down television interview since leaving the white house no topic is off limits no question is off the table we'll cover joe biden the radical left the future of the gop in 2022 and 2024 coven 19 the crisis on our southern border the mob the media and everything in between now without a doubt president trump remains the most dominant force in american politics today even now three months removed from the washington swamp when donald trump talks the world the country listens so tonight for the hour we welcome the 45th president of the united states donald trump mr president good to see you thanks for joining us well thank you very much john all right so i know a lot of people that are around you every day this is what they're all telling me you're working as hard as you did when you were in the white house except you play a little golf more that you you're keeping an insane schedule seven days a week you really don't stop well we're seeing a lot of people we're seeing a lot of good republicans and a lot of good americans in some cases great americans and we are working very hard and a lot of things to do plus some getting more involved for a long time years i wasn't involved in the business i'm more involved in the business we'll see what i do with respect to that but the business is doing well and we're doing well it's been five and a half years of investigations and hoaxes and i see something came out just yesterday about the russia russia russia was a total phony deal and they hate to admit it but intelligence they were putting a bounty yeah the bounty the big bounty deal and now they say that it was a hoax just like everything else so it's a it's a sad thing you get impeached for doing nothing wrong then you get a second impeachment for doing nothing wrong and so it's been pretty wild when you think about it but and very unfair so we're working very hard and i think we you're going to see something that will start to take place in 22 and we'll culminate in 24 and you're going to see a lot of big things and great things for the republican party and for the country when you look at the border and all of the things that are going wrong right now what a shame at the border let me let's start with joe biden now i get criticized because the joe biden i see now i can show you tapes of him in 2016. i could show you tapes of him in 2012. and to me he looks extraordinarily weak frail i think it's very transparent he's struggling cognitively he usually averages less we follow his schedule very closely less than one event a day what do you see how do you grade him three months in so he's going to be 79 years old that is not old i know many people in their late 80s that are just as good as they were years ago i spoke to one who's 92 years old he said i feel better than i did 20 years ago 78 79 is not old uh but he you know look i i don't think it's even appropriate for me to comment on that it sort of speaks for itself maybe people can make their own determination i know that if it were me uh they would be up and down going crazy right but uh i had an instance where on a slippery slippery ramp piece of steel very steep and very long no railings no nothing and it was pouring at west point and the last thing i want to do is go down because when gerald ford went down it was not good now when biden went down the three the press didn't cover it i mean if you look at well in fairness as aids said that the wind it was very windy the wind might have blown them over did the wind ever blow you over when you well air force one is a very big plane and usually what they try and do is shield the wind you know when they park it you can turn it at angles and so you don't ever have too much i've never seen too much wind you can get a little windy but not the kind of wind that blows you over but if you look at mainstream media or as you say lame stream media they didn't cover that if that were a republican in particular it was me that would be the biggest story for the rest of the year but let me let me ask the question from this perspective because there are hostile regimes and many hostile actors on the world stage you've got a hostile regime in russia hostile act of vladimir putin hostile regime in china president xi you dealt with him a lot i know kim jong-un the mullahs in iran looks like joe's already capitulated on that now you know them well enough i'm sure they're studying joe biden do you are knowing what you know things that i wouldn't know are you concerned about their perception of an american president that seems somewhat frail and weak well something's going on because they never did this with me that i can tell you nobody was tougher on russia and frankly getting along with vladimir putin is a good thing and i got along with them very well the relationship was very good very strong but they never encircled ukraine and they never in taiwan china they never sent warships all over the place like they're doing now it looks very serious going on with taiwan and that's a long way away that's 9 000 miles away they're right next to it that's like i mean it's like very close so now there something's going on with taiwan something maybe is going on with ukraine this never was a big subject when i was president wasn't at all as far as north korea is concerned i have a great relationship with a certain man that's got great power over north korea and you take a look at kim jong-un and the relationship that i developed that's a good thing not a bad thing getting along with president putin is a great thing you know we should be doing business with russia we should be getting along with russia instead of forcing russia to go into the hands of china the worst thing you could do is put china and russia together and they're again together and they get forced together the russian hoax was very very bad for the relationship that we would have with russia but i got along well with putin i got along well with president xi until the covet came in or the china virus or whatever you want to call it when that came in it was a hold but we had it we made a great trade deal our farmers are making more money than they've ever made wheat prices are the highest they've ever been they're doing great because china is buying so much this was the trade deal that we made but after covert trade just didn't seem that important to me and we did other things but it was too bad let me go to your one of your signature issues from the first day the day you came down the escalator that had to do with immigration you instituted policies stay in mexico policy it worked you built i think by the end over 450 miles a new border wall obviously walls work worked then of course you ended the practice of catch and release now we see the exact opposite you've seen these images on tv i i i say they're biden's cages i mean the media went nuts of donald trump is putting children in cages it turned out joe biden and barack obama built those cages and the images were from 2014 not 2018. my question is this imagine well first of all your overall take on how dangerous this is and number two imagine if you're president and you have these are trump's cages overflowing with kids in the middle of a pandemic that with a high positivity of covid what do you think the media because there's been virtual silence on a lot of the aspects i would i would argue if it was a daycare center you'd be shut down and charged with child abuse they would not stand for it and they're playing it down as much as they can play it down it's a horrible situation could destroy our country people are pouring in but you'll see something as the months go by like you've never seen before already it's like you've never seen before there's never been anything like what's happened at our border and people are coming in by the tens of thousands they're walking in they they we had all he had to do was leave it alone if he left it alone we were setting record positive numbers and people would have to come in legally and you know the other thing that people don't talk about human trafficking and drugs that's double tripled and quadrupled coming in because that's pouring in right now drugs are pouring and we had it so tight we were doing so well all he had to do is leave it alone stay in mexico was a big deal you know that wasn't easy to get we went through court systems we went through everything the wall getting the wall built and the wall we were up to almost 500 miles and completing it was very easy that was going to be just routine it would have been done routinely the contracts were already there the materials there was going to be done very quickly and we got delayed for two and a half years because we were sued by nancy pelosi in congress not to build a wall i won the suits we won all of the suits we won everything and then they don't finish the wall the wall is imperative all of the things that go with the wall the technology that goes into the wall and with the wall is so imperative we had it down to a number that nobody could believe and then all of a sudden i hear this now here's something else that i stopped money going to three countries and then you have mexico where have a great relationship with the president he's actually a great guy different philosophy but a great guy he put 28 000 free of charge 28 000 soldiers on our border to stop people from coming in and if you look at guatemala honduras el salvador we were giving them 500 million dollars a year but they weren't letting us take back these incredible whether it's ms-13 but horrible people gangsters drug lords horrible they wouldn't let them come back so i stopped payment i said how much are we paying them 500 million dollars very early on and as soon as i stopped payment they called we would love to have ms-13 back in our country they wouldn't let us if a plane was flying over they'd block the runways if buses came in they wouldn't let you into the country so we couldn't get anybody back now we just bring them back he ended that now what he's doing is they want to give billions not 500 million they want to give billions and billions of dollars to these countries i get along with all three of them with the top people all three of them but they're going to be taking in billions and billions of dollars and what's going to happen is that money is going to go to people that are going to bring people into our country one other thing they're sending us not their best people they're sending us people that in many cases not in all cases are murderers drug dealers human traffickers really been rapists really bad people they're sending us people from their prisons those people are coming into our country and of course that's just common sense because all you have to do is take a look at what happened in the case of cuba take a look at what happened in the case of other countries but the three countries you have really some unbelievably dangerous people coming into our country they're not vetted you talk about covid you talk about all that's one thing but they're not vetted from a criminal standpoint so we have murderers and rapists coming into our country and they're just walking in and just to finalize it we're people from yemen in the middle east coming in and they're coming in at numbers now they can't come in through the airports they can't get on a plane and we had the policy the ban we had a ban which was a great thing from very dangerous countries they're ending the ban they've already ended it so the people can come in from dangerous countries but if you take a look at what's happening with the middle east many people from the middle east are coming in through our southern border alongside of mexico what they're doing is insane they're going to destroy our country let me ask this he's
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,996,606
Rating: 4.816494 out of 5
Keywords: border, border security, fox news border, trump biden, trump biden border, donald trump hannity, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news hannity, fox news hannity exclusive, fox news hannity interview, fox news hannity trump interview, fox news media, fox news network, hannity, hannity exclusive, hannity exclusive interview, hannity tonight, hannity trump, hannity trump exclusive, president trump, president trump interview, sean hannity donald trump, trump, trump interview
Id: jMzZ8e8kzKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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