Faith On Fire - Katie Souza - Day 1 || March '19

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[Music] Wow just to let you know just encourage you Ted that we had a viewer come online at the my faith TV and my faith TV on Facebook and they wrote that they had been having sharp pains in their heart but when they put their hand on their heart and sang along with you and the worship team here the pains went away amen can we give God a praise for that amen hey Jesus God is doing amazing things in men you know I feel like I've been called from America here to partner with dr. Andre and his beautiful wife Jenny to cultivate a realm of healing yes you may be seated a realm of healing in this place that miracles would always flow and flow because the presence of God [Music] is always the way that we can step into a miracle in our body our family our finances but we need to partner with God to believe and to take risks of faith and to step out and to cultivate an atmosphere and build an altar for him to come amen so I want to give him glory by having a couple of testimonies come up of people that have been healed just in the few days that we've been here so that we can honor God for the work he's doing tendo where are you dear can you come up quickly to this stage yes can we have 10 don't come quickly to the stage and can we give her a hand is she there give her a hand why she comes up please give her a big hand Danny you come up too and get ready Edward you can come up to amen and we just think we're so thankful that God that Jesus died for our healing by His stripes we are healed amen this is Edward will have him first hello precious one you're in the school here correct yes yes I am what an opportunity that must be to have a free Bible College you know available to you how long have you been with the Bible College here at faith TV I started this year and I was called to ministry last year in November I accepted my call this is one of the many things that dr. Andre then we're doing here at faith TV can we give this place a hand for educating the next generation in the Word of God now you had an issue with your knee what happened how long have you been struggling with pain in your knee so I I used to do hockey field hockey and on the astroturf I used to run a lot I was in a running position and the one day I just felt my knee click out and back in and ever since then I was about 12 years old and I went to the doctor myself and my father and I said I have osgood-schlatters disease it's a growth underneath money that builds up over time it's like lays of flesh that just piled on top of one another and whenever I used to knock it it just it would be a sharp pain for about a half an hour and well I've never heard of that before so you were born with that disease and it progressively got worse it had came from the knee clicking out and back in so it came from the injury itself a disease coming from the trauma so then go ahead continue so ever since then I've never been able to kneel in prayer in whatever I'm always uncomfortable on my knees always and while we were in the behind the faith television live television audience in my spirit God has been speaking to me about faith and growing my faith and I've been writing out a lot on faith and just pouring out so that I can receive more on what God wants to tell me about faith and he said exercise your faith right now and when Katie says something about knees you say it's you and you spoke about ankles and I was like okay that's not me and then when you said knees I felt as if the holy spirit jumped inside of me and said that's you you stand up right now and I stood up and I said that's me there's no one else here with the knee problem and once I took that step of faith and you that I was healed it took me back God took me back to mark 11:22 and he said have faith in God and when the Holy Spirit told me that I just knew that everything that God has been teaching me over the years it came to pass and God is telling me right now that he told me he gave me a word that he created the universe with the same measure of faith we have today and that is so humbling that the universe everything around us can be created with the measure that we have today that means we have the same power that God has in him and that she just make us feel so important to him that he loves us so so much you have an anointing on you to preach the Word of God amen bless you I see your eyes watering up as they're telling this testimony so I know that you've not only been healed in your body but you hadn't it you've had an encounter with God through this I remember looking down from the stage where the healing took place and I saw you crawling around on your knees was that you testing the miracle yes yes for sure because I've never been able to move around on my knee whenever I kneel I kneel on the one knee so you'd only be able to clean him but the left knee what would happen when you kneel on it was a lot of pain a lot of pain uh I couldn't physically just kneel for longer than five seconds what level pain was it between 1 and 10 that you would have if you would kneel 12 a 12 pain a 12 let's see you kneel now would you kneel now can you walk around on your knees for us how does that fit no pain whatsoever keep going let's see it come on let's give God a big praise look at this [Applause] from a 12 pain to a zero pain can we give got a big big big big big big place and father I thank you for the anointing to preach the word that you're putting on this young man he's gonna go into the nations and he will do so well because of the great faith you have developed in him and giving him freely and that this miracle has foundation that faith in him and he'll never forget it and he'll use it to work miracles wherever he goes in Jesus name give God one more big praise amen now let's be like Edward let's be like Edward if you still have knee pain and you haven't been healed yet stand up if you're at home stand up right now stand up right now if you have knee pain and you haven't been healed yet stand up if you have knee pain in here stand up if you still haven't gotten your healing and father I thank you I ask that everyone at home and everyone in this room would exercise their faith that leg just like Edward did when he heard the word of knowledge about knees because he said that's for me he heard the Holy Spirit explode inside of him so stand up and say this is for me this is my moment right now to be healed say I receive my healing Lord right now in Jesus name and I release healing to you I command the knee oh I hear crackling in the knee right now it's being healed crackling in the knee is being healed right now I command all crackling the root of why it's happening in your soul and in your body be healed now now in Jesus name now in Jesus name I hear the creative realm of the miracle realm is opening up now in the name of Jesus to form new cartilage new ligaments to grow back meniscus in the name of Jesus now I say now in the name of Jesus I just had a man fall off of a tree trunk while trying to cut down another tree I actually had a word a knowledge I said who here's somebody here fell off a tree trunk fell off a tree trunk I said who is that and the room was packed with people who people were lined up against the back wall and a woman who's standing there and she went it's him and he and I go sir is it you did you follow up a tree trunk it he goes no he goes she says yes yes it's yeah it's ad and I go she's saying you I was saying it's you is that you did you follow victory dragon he goes no and then she goes now go she's insisting sir that it's you is it you or not did you fall of ex-ranger eyes and he goes well I guess so let's go we'll get your butt up here so he comes up and I'm looking at him and I said so what happened he goes well I'm fellow up a tree trunk I'm like hello I was asking a tree trunk and it was you you can't hesitate for your miracle you gotta jump in the stream so I looked at him and I and the Holy Spirit said to me he doesn't believe in miracles and he doesn't believe that you as a woman can be preaching about him so I looked at him and I I read his mail I said you don't believe I said you don't believe that you can actually be healed and you don't believe that I should be able to touch you let me text you like you have to I'm gonna catch you anyway he goes yeah you're right I don't and I hadn't repent because God can use anyone to do a miracle amen a child a woman a man he can use anyone to do miracles amen the Bible says that in the Great Commission that we are all called to go out into the nations to baptize the nations to preach the message to drive out demons to heal the sick amen and so I said I want you to repent for not believing in your miracle and I want you to repent and say I receive my miracle and he did I commanded a creative miracle happened in his knee and bam his meniscus that he had torn in that accident when he cut down the tree and fell down off that tree trunk grew back so I said test your knee now so he leaned down he bent over and he kneel he moved as these you came up what he said Wow Thanks he was healed a man be healed right now if you don't believe repent for unbelief anything that is not of faith is sin repent for unbelief and receive your miracle and then chat in online right now what happened to your knee and how it got healed amen just go to my faith TV on Facebook right now now come on up here sugar bean tell everybody your name ten to ten oh you were in the meetings when we were shooting the higher life with Jenny yes and at the very end I had the great opportunity to be able to pray for people and we prayed for the soul which is what I'm gonna teach this morning but then I had a word of knowledge about the breast and the word a knowledge that the breast tissue was getting softer and softer tell us what happened to you okay um I noticed last year it had been over a year now that I had this huge lump in my breast so when you say huge lump can you put your finger up and show everybody how huge now can we get the camera on this this is how big let's get a Freud shot of that again that's how Wow oh yeah that's like huge that's okay so you had a very large lump in your breast how long had it been there it's been like over here over a year now it was a painful it wasn't painful but it was just growing I bet it was scary too wasn't it it was very scary and I told myself that I'm not gonna go to the doctor because I don't know what I hear what they're gonna say about it that was probably wisdom because sometimes you hear that bad report it's hard to get out of your mind so for a year you had a very large growth in the breast now what happened cuz you told me the miracles started the day before when when all the ladies were up teaching on the set with Jenny and then God finished up the miracle so how did it start oh yes so it was a big Tuesday I remember telling sunny Lynette I had this lump that is really bothering me and I'm really trusting God that he's going to heal it so on Wednesday when other people were getting healed I was like there's no way I'm getting out of this place without being healed so on our way out I noticed that it has gotten smaller because usually when I do this on my breast with my clothes on I could still feel it so when we were inside the car I was like trying to test if it was there but I noticed that I cannot feel anything and I remember saying to this i under guys I think I've gotten healed but I need to go back to my room and take off all of my clothes and really check if it's not they so I went to my room and then I had to search for aids then I realized that it's still there but it's small this was Wednesday so then on Thursday it was then when God gave Katie the word of knowledge that I had a problem like with my prayers when she called that person I was like girl that's me so I went forward she prayed for me and then I realized at the end of the program that it was gone there was nothing left can we give got a big praise come on even bigger let's give him the glory and the honor he deserves he worked a miracle for her come on bigger if you're at home raise your hands and thank the Lord and your own miracle will happen come on we gave you the honor and the glory woman we thank you Jesus thank you Jesus how does it feel to be free Oh amazing it was so amazing that's a weight off your shoulders amen yeah cause I was really fearful it's hard we try to have great faith but we're still faced with an obstacle that could be very dangerous to us but God is so good amen amen one more praise to God amen [Music] [Applause] where's Danny where's Danny where's she come on girl let's give her a hand as she comes up amen [Applause] [Music] I I've grown to know you since you've been here and I love you you're a great servant of God tell us what happened we had high life this past week on the Thursday twas the last day of her life and I was sitting on my chair because I bruised my coccyx Oh out back playing netball so it was either Maris or might be hiding and I fell on it and then I bruised it so when you say that the tailbone correct so you bruised the tailbone playing or is it called netball okay I'm from America so little bit dance all right so how long ago was that dear it was a couple of miles back like six months back okay okay about six months back what kind of trouble did it give you since that injury I couldn't sit for a while it felt like a long time on a chair even my friends can even say so because I used to like move around no like stop moving and if you had brakes you sit outside and I couldn't because I it just it was just too much for me to sit well during the shooting we were on the set for hours and hours and hours so you must have been in pain and very uncomfortable what was your level of pain and uncomfort between 1 and 10 it was like a 12 a 12 that bad so you must have been just moving around swirling around okay so what happened I'm the last day after which we did everything and then you're like you're like playing releasing the healing power and I was sitting there and I was like wait like what's going on because I don't feel any discomfort it was just like a release like I like it just it just stopped being trouble to you stop being painful and I even moved here I was like 20 my chair just got too comfortable then I moved to other chairs and I was like but I'm perfectly fine and now I just you're just yeah yeah how does it feel all of a sudden have the Lord catch you and instantly he'll that's amazing that's amazing because now I know like you can sit I don't look like I've got the tension problems I can literally sit and for my legs and not feel any pain or discomfort it's hard to focus when you're in pain isn't it yeah definitely gods can heal everybody here so you can be at paying attention for the next one hundred and eighty eight hours can we give God a big crazy man [Applause] [Music] hallelujah God is in the miracle-working business you know why because he loves you because he loves you think about that when you think you're when you're frightened and you think I can't be healed well God hasn't healed me yet so he doesn't want to heal that's a lie your time is here your time is here now amen push through the fear in the doubt and just try to do your best to extend your faith and believe cuz we're gonna walk into miracles this whole week amen now I want to raise your faith even higher by showing you some incredible videos some miracles I've seen I'm gonna be showing videos all week while I'm here because I want to show you I want to brag on God I want to show you what he's doing I want to brag on my daddy amen so is the box ready to show Larry Larry and Lucy let's see it now yes I first had a car accident where a deer tried to come through my windshield messed up two vertebrates my neck and then about three years later I fell off the porch about six feet up in the air straight on to my head messed up number three and four vertebrae in my neck split him clear in two and that's basically it now you have metal in your neck is that right are you had metal in your neck what did they do did they like like trying to foundation the the spine with the metal what is it well it was welded I have a cadaver part in there and screws and bolts and all kinds of stuff and I've just had constant tightness in my neck and shoulders ever since until last night can you check again for us right now I still don't feel it in other words ie is gone 21 years ago you had a severe accident tell us what happened I was working in the oil field i'll shore new orleans in the gulf of mexico and on a drilling rig when you pick up drill pipe to make a connection you pick it up with a chain to bring it into the Mousehole and the chain broke and fell on me it broke my neck and broke my back how big is that pipe about 32 feet long and weighs probably two three thousand pounds I've had three major back surgeries since then they take a bone out of my head go through the front of my neck and fusee four or five six and seven and then my low back I have a 15 inch scar where they did a laminectomy and put in three ten inch rods two plates and several screws tighten the plates I had asked you last night Larry if you had ever been able to actually touch and feel the plates and the rods with your hand and you said no so I we couldn't actually check to see if they were gone like we did with the other Larry you know he could feel him and then he didn't they were gone give me a quick x-ray we were hoping one of the the police could bring down one of the metal things can we do it can we do it Oh where are you where are you Larry okay I think it's right here isn't it okay sergeant explain what one of these is it's a text metal and it go through the skin also so it was legit I saw you you actually win got that we're so grateful aren't we so grateful can we give sergeant a hand are we so grateful okay what would that mean to you that with that you weren't detecting any metal and men that once had metal in their bodies it's a miracle thank you sir thank you so much give God can we give God [Applause] you know those two men that was in a prison in America and those two men had a big miracle that changed and impacted that entire facility now when that happened half the men in the room we're screaming and rejoicing and the other half we're going oh really huh somebody's trying to pull the wool over our eyes they're trying to trick us this is this is a this is a farce a lie so you know what they did they all got up and they followed those two men to where they have dinner where they serve the food is called the chow hall and in that prison there is a large metal detector that every man has to go through on their way to eat so that no one gets stabbed or shanked during the meals and everybody knew that those two guys set off the metal detector every time they went through but that day and from that day forward they never set it off again [Applause] revival hit that facility the second session men got up on stage and danced men in prison do not get up on stage and dance revival hit you know why because when God shows his goodness to his people a spirit of revival of the love and goodness of God flows in and people's faith skyrocket that's sergeant the man who ran the metal detector he wasn't an ordinary policeman he was a sergeant in America that's the highest level that you can have he still to this day when he walks the yard and he runs into the Larry with the neck because the other Larry with the back has already been released but the Larry with the neck is still in and when he sees him he pulls out his metal detector and he runs it over him again just to make sure that it was real and every time it doesn't go off and Larry says to the sergeant I guess it hasn't come back that's how good god is amen that sergeant was still astounded by that miracle then right after it happened he walked into the chaplains office and he said I don't know what I just saw but I've never seen anything like in my life but I do know this I wish my quadriplegic son was here today I cried cuz I wished he was too if God can take metal out of your body do you think he can fix your marriage do you think he can fix your finances do you think he can fix your relationships do you think he can cause your business to succeed do you think he can cause your ministry to explode that's right can we give him the praise that he deserves [Applause] [Music] we're going to cultivate cultivate cultivate the miracle-working realm all this week and we're gonna see more and more and more notable miracles manifesting but we have to take a step to begin the process you need to come before the Lord clean some of us have walked in here and you've been stressed out you've been dealing with an issue in your marriage maybe your children or not they're misbehaving maybe your boss is treating you badly and you've let yourself get angry or bitter at a situation everyone close your eyes and I invite everyone watching us now all of the earth in Africa Europe and the USA to ask yourself this question have I gotten bitter am i bitter or angry or offended at someone right now am i holding a grudge am I have I let myself become fearful have I let myself become judgmental or critical towards someone now keep your eyes closed in this room and I want you to gently lift up your hand if right now you are holding an offense or bitterness against someone that needs to be dealt with right now come on let me see those hands and I want you to be honest let's see the honesty of the crew here to this morning let's see the honesty of people here this morning raise up your hand if you are angry or bitter or offended or hurt by someone I see lots of hands across there were lots of hands across the room and I have a feeling there's even more but you might be sitting next to the person you're bitter at so you can't raise your hand I want us to start this moment right now just in the presence of his blood we're gonna sing along with Ted we're gonna sing oh the blood of Jesus and as we do I want you to lay down everything that would get in the way of your miracle right now because offense and bitterness and judgment and criticism even fear and anxiety and depression if you've let yourself become possessed with fear or anxiety or depression as you let it go and your repent and he's saying oh the blood of Jesus and you receive that blood into your soul into your body into your mind with all the words that you have cry out to God and worship him you're gonna be cleansed and then the blocks that are in the spirit that the enemy is using to prevent you from getting your miracle will be removed so can we now lift up our voice and worship the Lord this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] be in this place and you've never ever asked the Lord Jesus to come into your heart to be your personal Lord and Savior this moment's for you you might be watching at home right now on television you say you singing about the blood [Music] but you've never experienced the blood of Jesus wash and cleanse you and make you as white as snow wherever you are right now there's a call going out for you to make right with him as your Lord and Savior first and foremost maybe you wants you in a long time ago but you've back slid and you've drifted away let it let's do this at the beginning let's come back let's make a fresh start and let's say Lord Jesus this week is all about you this week is about you touching my life I'm coming back to you I'm no longer gonna run the opposite direction I'm gonna run to you run back to him today maybe you're not sure if something would have happened to you this day if you'd go and be with him in eternity for that assurance of salvation today's your day you're watching right now at home in your hospital bed your prison cell maybe your hotel room today's your day for salvation we're getting things set in place for the manifest presence of God so I want every believer to begin to pray quietly in the spirit and if you in this house today if you're at home watching by TV today and you know either you've never given your heart to Jesus or maybe you've backslidden and you've drifted away or maybe you're not at the place where you should be in knowing if something happened to you today you'd go and be with him in eternity any one of those three things if that's you ever you are whether you see that whether you standing wherever you are in this place you say pastor I need to make right with him today on the count of three I'm gonna ask you to raise a hand up above your head and say pastor would you pray for me today you at home when I make that count I want you in your living room wherever you are to lift your hand as well as a sign to say I want to make right with my Jesus today 1 2 3 now lift your hand quickly quickly god bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you lift your hand right wherever you are whether you standing whether you see that it makes no difference lift your hand say pray for me god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you hands going up all over hands going up all over if you have not yet looked at your hand and you say I want to be included in that prayer and if you anywhere in this block over here just lift a hand right now say pastor play with me I need to make right god bless you sir god bless you anyone else god bless you god bless you anyone in this block over you you say I need to make right right there up not yet lift in my hand do it now in Jesus name God bless you god bless anyone over in this block you've not yet lifted your hand do it right now come on quickly lift your hand god bless you anyone else you've not yet done it make right with him over in this block over on this side anyone else lift your hand right now you've not yet done it lift your hand god bless you god bless you I'm going to ask every one of you and you would hope if you have not yet lifted your hand at home in that living room in that bedroom just lift your hand right down and say I need Jesus it's coming to you is visiting you today in your home wherever you are every one of you that lifted your hands in this auditorium every one of you at home as well I'm gonna lead you in a prayer in a moment but if you're in this room and you looked at your hand I want you to push out and come to the front now in Jesus name come quickly come quickly from all over there's lots of you [Music] [Music] [Music] push them in quickly [Music] like coming hip clapping keep coming [Music] nice for coming [Music] now listen I want every one of you to work with me I want you to look at your neighbor look at the person behind you in front of you ever God lays in your heart and say do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior well would you like to go I'll walk with you and if they say I want to go walk with them bring them right now I don't want anyone to miss this call before I pray bring them we gonna wait we're gonna sing that song one more time you at home if you're ready we're going to pray with you in just a moment but I want you to bring those people out come on yellow come you know that come keep clapping keep clapping your neck up here they come keep clapping keep clapping thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh come on church you can do better than there Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the presence of God look at this Katie [Music] these are people desperate for God laws they had to do was receive that's right he had for them that's right you've come and you at home or watching [Music] I want to make sure you're standing in your living room at home when we pray this prayer Katie would you do me the honor of leading them to Jesus amen just close your eyes and focus on your Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ and all of you online if you've not received the Lord pray with us all here today right now just say with me Lord Jesus Lord Jesus I am a sinner I am a sinner in desperate need of a savior in desperate need of a safe I believe I believe you died for me you died on the cross and then we're resurrected were resurrected from the dead from a boat which means now which means now as I receive you into my heart as I receive you into my heart I have power over sin over sin over death over there over sickness over sickening over poverty over poverty over hopelessness hopeless over every issue over every issue you've died for them all you died for them I receive you now I receive into my heart into my heart as my Lord and Savior as my Lord and Savior and no know that from this moment on but from this moment you're watching over me you're watching to care for me to care for to love me to love me to take care to take care of me of me and my family and myself and then I live not only live a blessed life of a blessed life on this earth on this earth but I now but I'm have eternal life of eternal life in heaven in her when I pass on to glory now can we give the Lord a big shout of praise amen [Music] Wow if this is what's happening in the beginning what's gonna happen from here it's just gonna get bigger and better a man come on one more big shout to the Lord right now just as an encouragement to the worship team again here's sin I hear some edwards says I felt his presence in my house when we were worshiping Amen we'd encourage you we're all worshiping here together and we encourage you at home don't just sit on the couch and be a spectator a couch potato with your bowl of popcorn or potato chips get up and worship the Lord because it's his presence that ushers in the miracles it's his presence that ushers in the breakthrough amen so let's let's make this an interactive thing where you're playing this broadcast night and day while it's airing and you're getting involved you're responding to the calls you're worshiping you're believing for your healing there has been more healing online let's look at that Wow Sanders said I had knee pain but it's gone now exclamation exclamation thank you Jesus five exclamation points another viewer said there's no longer any pain in my knee glory to Jesus glory to you Jesus Nelson said glory to God I am healed I had a problem in my knees but now I am okay feeling blessed now and now listen to this one this is amazing turpis said my leg used to be tight as it was getting smaller as a result of a gunshot on my leg last month but now I am healed healed of a gunshot wound come on can we give God a big praise for that now remember this is happening online so you're watching online just because you're not in this room doesn't mean you're not gonna get your miracle amen put your faith on receiving every time there's a prayer every time you feel the move of the Holy Spirit agree agree with it stand up and receive your healing even just say it vocally I receive that healing amen God is gonna do amazing things and he's gonna bring a breakthrough for you everyone came with a need and God knows your need and he wants to take care of it he wants to show his goodness in his glory amen now we're gonna watch another video right now and this is an amazing story of a woman who had a surgery and their nerves were cut in her foot and she was completely healed and regained the full use of her foot in her arm and it's an amazing miracle and we're gonna watch it right now as soon as I get ready let me know if you're ready to go we're ready to go let's take a look at that miracle right now my foot and I couldn't feel my toes so I couldn't wear shoes I had to wear tennis shoes all the time and could you move the toes or or is it just that you couldn't feel them I I couldn't move them I I felt them but they feel really we are in painful whenever I was having a massage I will tell the woman please do not touch my foot so now what happened last night I came here to please my husband I didn't know you before when you've never heard me before and when he told me that we were comment coming to see you I star I went to YouTube and I started to look at you and hear about the salt eyes so I started to pray for forgiveness since one month ago I think and then I came yesterday and I was praying to God to heal my my foot and give me back my vision now when I came up to see you you were mad at me you you were saying that ladies talking about metal and I want her to talk about something else is that true is absurd because somehow I'm dealing there with my prayers asking God for healing and she's just talking about metal and bullets and all this kind of things and I just thought when is she going to talk about these soft issues and other problems I want to get healed too so it actually happened now didn't it now tell us what happened last night well it was I got tired of being on my feet so I sat down and I looked at the watch and I so 15 minutes is going to end in my miracle it's not here she didn't talk about this of things what she talked about the knees or the lady that was sitting down there and I looked at the woman and when she fell back on the chair I thought I wasn't jealous about her but I thought okay thank you God for giving her the miracle and I will be waiting for the next time well the thing is is that you were so upset about me talking my metal you never heard me say I command frozen toes to be healed okay now I didn't know what that means but you all heard me right okay so when I commanded that guess what happened you started get healed now tell me what's happened with your foot first I was sitting down and I started to feel needles in my body I mean they were making me jump and I thought what is wrong I have an allergy maybe so it couldn't be the presence it's an allergy amen okay so she said that we are going to praise Garland and I look at my watch and it was like a 15 minutes to end and I stood up when I stood up I started to feel like tingling it on my my foot like electricity did something and I thought oh what is this and I just started to to move and I thought I might I would look at my toes and I can't move him so then my batter was there and they were moving yes have you ever seen him do that before after the surgery no and I touched them and they feel weird and when I'm painting my nails I that we feel we are I didn't want to touch my foot how I can feel my toes you can feel your toes but my dad asked me yesterday mommy are you okay because I was laughing and and I say yes I'm okay and she says you look weird and I said it's a real I don't know what happened but I can't move my foot and I know how pain so can you show us can you switch foot is it babe okay the left okay can can you show me some wiggling look I was when I when I would every woman use heels and I was not able because I can understand the heels maybe five minutes and then I had to get to my platforms well because I cannot I couldn't do this one foot because the pain right there and and I I couldn't do it at all now I can do it in doesn't hurt doesn't hurt well I can't even do that give me that anointing where and I can't float away in both feet now I am NOT always doing it on one foot now I can unbalance again do both we got those toes again let me see them wiggling look at that Wow well I can feel them you can feel so thank you God thank you Holy Spirit for all my miracles for listening to me thank you so God for coming and listening to this you're welcome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now God had me specifically play that miracle for a reason it's not by far one of the biggest miracles though I think that if you had your nerves severed in your toe and they grow back that it's that's pretty impressive but he had me played for a specific reason and I feel like it's because we can learn some things from her miracle to start out our session here amen number one is she was so angry at me because I was playing all these metal miracles as you're gonna see throughout the week you're gonna see many many videos with metal disappearing from people's bodies this has become normal normal and it can become it's normal for us and it become normal for you because God's in the impossible business he does the impossible now she was angry when I first saw her she came up to me before you saw her there on stage and she went metal metal metal as you're talking about this metal she was angry and she was so angry that she wasn't getting what she wanted that she didn't hear me say a word of knowledge somebody with frozen toes is being healed right now so I want you to put your faith on no matter what kind of miracle is being shown I'm see I'm setting the stage for miracles right now for the whole week I want you to put your faith on no matter what kind of miracle you see up on stage what kind of miracle you hear online what kind of miracle you see in a video that the power of God is present to do anything and to see to any need I have so many times where I've had miracles of a certain kind break out like maybe knee miracles like today we've had many testimonies online of meet knee miracles but then later on people come up to me and say but I also was healed of and they tell me I was healed of an emotional thing I was healed in a financial thing I was healed of my body of a different place in fact I have a testimony from online from precious who says I've been healed of a skin infection somebody online out of heal precious got healed of a skin infection did I say anything about skin infections yet but yet people are getting healed of skin infections too so we need to learn something from that testimony that it doesn't matter what kind of miracle is happening and you can get any kind of miracle you need at any time you just put your faith on it amen and we also learned something else she said she started feeling like needles poking her and she said what's this it's my allergies you have to learn to recognize the power of God sometimes that power just comes in a small little way amen you might feel just a little bit of heat or a little bit of buzzing or a little bit of electricity when you feel just that littlest littlest thing start praising God start thanking him start praising him because as you do that the power will grow it will grow and it will get bigger and it will flow more and more and more I just had a woman named Amanda she had gotten into an accident snowboarding skiing and snowboarding in America she's 23 years old I believe and she was paralyzed from the waist down from this accident she couldn't feel anything from here down but in the meeting she just felt a little bit of heat and thought she kind of sensed the Holy Spirit and she began to praise God for that and then a friend of hers texted her and said I believe you're being healed right now in the meeting and she took those little things that that text and that little bit of heat she felt and she latched on to it latched on to it and used her faith see I'm educating you to get prepared for the miracles as they happen this week and she began to believe said okay I'm going to agree with these small little signs that I'm feeling I'm gonna agree that I'm getting my healing and that night she went home to her hotel and she sent me a video as she was laying in her bed with her mom and dad in the room of the hotel she for the first time could lift her legs up she has I have a video on my phone right now of her lifting her legs and since then she's been sending me more and more videos now she sent me another video of her butt standing up in the airplane as they left the meeting [Music] now she sent me a video she sent me a text that says now when I before when I would urinate I'd have to the only way I could use the bathroom was through a catheter the catheter would have the urine be able to come down because she's paralyzed she has no muscle control or anything so she has to use a catheter and she doesn't feel anything it just comes draining out she had a dream that she could urinate on her own and now when she sits on the toilet coz she likes to sit on the toilet tyranny because it makes her feel like you know I'm practicing for when it's gonna happen she actually feels she feels like a string pulling in her spine remember her spine was broken and she can feel herself as she's urinating she has step-by-step getting healed amen we have to put our faith and grab hold of the littlest signs of God when we do and we begin to give thanks and praise to God then the miracle begins to manifest and sometimes like Amanda it's not instant sometimes it's progressive sometimes like tandem and Edward it's instant they instantly got healed amen sometimes it's like Oh $10 so Danny and Edward were instant but and oh the the breast mass who is getting smaller and smaller and smaller either way if you get an instant miracle or if it takes if it's a healing that progressively happens what are you gonna do you're gonna praise God amen can we praise God right now for what he's gonna do today [Music] you
Channel: MyFaith TV
Views: 2,254
Rating: 4.7391305 out of 5
Keywords:, RBIAfrica, Beyond Adveture, FaithTv, Faith Broadcasting Network
Id: bEWeGzK3bJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 20sec (3320 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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