Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett & Dua Lipa Discuss Their Weird Rituals | The Graham Norton Show

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she is this you said you she's a bunch of kind of all these different eccentricities she's a germaphobe and she's got all these kind of rituals she must do and we always think of actors are quite like that is that you are you that person yes obviously not of course I'm not I mean I certainly do oh God I certainly do weird things with scripts you must do that too surely what do you do with your scripts well you know stickers I have stickers on them no stick that's just organization brilliant go girl no I have scratching the scratch and sniff you know the don't I don't I don't too late it's out there this one smells like orange and banana no I don't um no I have a little funny little script thing but I don't have that many rituals do you have superstitions cap laun I don't look we I think you go mad you're mad enough as an actor but I do I think it's about airplanes the more you fly the more you wish you didn't fly so I I do this thing if I'm flying by myself where I have to hold my breath as soon as we start to taxi off but the problem is if you get held then I'm still holding my breath and then I read that you on avatar learned to hold your breath for seven minutes I'm thinking Winslet can do it come on and the problem is is when you're up I have to I have to hold my breath thinking of my kids and my husband and all those people I love until we level out and the problem is Quantus which is I'm Australian and if you fly Long Haul and qu they they know you they love you they keep offering you chocolates and things and they keep talking to you and I'm holding my birth gets a bit complicated but that's the only thing I do really cuz I don't like flying okay it's weird I mean come on no one likes flying I'm quite I am quite funny about flying and and I definitely as you should be it's weird I get I do get fear I definitely have Superstition things around like if I see a magpie I will always say hello Mr Magpie how's your wife and family no that's got nothing to do with flying that's no I know that it it hello Mr help me get there safely please um but no I do if I if I'm going on a plane and I'll suddenly see a whole load of Mag pies I'll be doing this all the way to the airport hello Mr mag how's your wife hello Mr I do the Magie thing as well but DOA your family do a lot of these things your family have a lot of rules well not a lot of rules we just have superstitions okay uh run us through run us so if your nose if your nose itches oh if your nose itches you're going to get angry about something but in order to combat that you have to like itch your nose and then touch your bum oh my God this is brilliant I think we should all do so like if for example you get a random itchy nose you just you it your nose and then no you touch your bum and then you no you don't unless of course they want you to which for you're getting angry because you not you're you're not allowing yourself to itch your nose you're feeling like an idiot no you're not getting angry you're not getting angry it's just like a random it itch on your nose happens okay which is like a sign that you're you're going to get angry so you just go oh hello little itch and then you just touch your bum and it's gone brilliant I think we should all do it right now actually and what's the good luck about the underwear uh so if you God this is all mad um but I'm not making these up they're yours I know I know but if you've got like a big event or something big is happening in your life and you want to protect yourself from the evil ey you just wear your knickers inside out oh my God I'm doing all of these These are brilliant you get to scratch your bum no touch your bum not scratch it scratch your nose nickers inside out this is brilliant my husband turns his nickers inside out cuz he doesn't want to wash them but okay well let's talk about the magpie thing because you go you salute The Magpie so if you see one Magpie it's one uh one Magpie is for sorrow two for Joy for girl for four for a boy five for Silver Six for gold six for gold seven for a secret never to be told oh my God no if you're in Australia you're right yes you're right know all you're worried about as Magpie they're not going to swoop on you and Peck your brains out because they're mesing yeah they're really vicious Birds well you have to salute them so you don't get the sorrow Oh yeah and if you see two then it's joyful so you're just happy about it all right I've got to change my I'm amazed you knew all that Adrian cuz I thought you were not superstitious at all I'm not I'm not that's the kids TV program Magpie that I grew up I could have just left that and said yeah I know all of that but it's actually does any remember that program get one for Sor two for yeah that's it's a song It's a song not in Australia just they just screaming and running it's a [Music] MAG
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 830,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best guests, British television, Celeb talk, Celebrity chat, Celebrity chat show, Celebrity fun, Celebrity guests, Celebrity talk, Celebrity talk show fun, Dua Lipa, Flying rituals, Fun anecdotes, Fun celebrities, Fun facts, Fun guests, Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton guests, Laughter, Talk show entertainment, Talk show moments, The Graham Norton Show
Id: I6ArK38wkSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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