"The right side of cheeky" | Dua Lipa's Surprise Visit To Her Old School

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welcome back to class six du [Applause] [Applause] leipa welcome back to your old school I haven't been back probably since I left so my been a long time the kids don't know you're here okay the head teacher Rob knows you're here have you met him I've met Rob okay he was my year six teacher all the things you've achieved in your life mhm Grammys Brits number ones millions of albums sold out tours a song on the biggest movie soundtrack of all time apart in Barbie there's one thing that you haven't managed to achieve in your life what is that thing well I really wanted to lead part in um the school play mhm I didn't get it no I really wanted it so bad my best friend from primary school Mia she got it let's [Music] go oh my God how are you doing you all growner so good to see you not changed at all really I just got taller gosh I must have been really small cuz I remember like looking up at you like this you were 10 11 teeny teeny teeny should we um can we sit at the I feel like we're about to be told off can we sit at your desk please tell us a bit about what du was like at school then apart from being a sensation she was a lovely lovely girl this my parents evening I love it I'm very proud of my daughter but it's true it's she was the right side of cheeky I think I think Rob's being sweet I'm not I'm not I've got a clip of you um as the part that you didn't want but you were brilliant at do you want to see it I'd love to see it yes we want to see it I haven't I haven't seen this you haven't seen it no I'll be taking you for history and English it is my job to tell you about the twists and turns of the past and how they affect our present when you wrote that note you sign's death warrant oh my God it's really good it's it's a good performance I'm not just saying that thank you thank you so much thank you twist twists and turns of the past in the past death warrant death warant D I was thinking as you're here we could give you another chance to audition for the play if you'd like to you know what it would be my absolute pleasure this time though it won't be me picking so you might be in with a better chance perfect let's do it let's do it hi George how are you good have a round of applause for George please [Applause] that's all for you that George did you really think you could fool me David when you wrote that note you signed his death warrant yes yes absolutely George take a seat fantastic thank you let's have another Isa welcome to the stage Isa woo why am I nervous when you wrote that note you signed his death warrant yes I felt it I felt that Isa thank you so much fantastic should we have another please welcome to the stage hyra everything's so small do you really think you could fool us David when you wrote that note you signed his death warrant yes really good thank you so much wow that was that was really uh I really felt the warrant there but we do have another student who wants to audition when you wrote that note you signed his death warrant it's actually someone who auditioned before and wants to come and have another go at it please welcome to class six or I should say welcome back to class six do a [Applause] leaper [Applause] hi guys so look how stunned everyone is is it I just want is everyone okay no and do you know what it's completely fine to not be okay this is your old classroom it's a little overwhelming do I think the surprise surprise worked I think the surprise worked so do the last time you were in this room yes you were studying yeah I was here I'm like trying to think I think I was sat there actually you've won the lottery it's do a leap a seat Lily is in dua's seat that seat that needs to have a a little plaque on it you got a we'll scribble on it later yeah please you must sign the seat sign the seat you got to sign the seat so do I tell want to hear in class six the play that you audition for for gram gra it's a book by Anthony Horowitz do you guys know that one so miss pedicure do you want to do it again do you want to do the do the line no I'm joking yes of course I would love to do the line did you really think you could fool us David when you wrote that note you signed his death warrant oh wow it's yeah did it feel good felt very good felt very good I'm very happy to be back it was very good but I feel like she could be more Angry okay that's good to know good to know I'll warrant slightly more Angry warrant when you wrote that note you signed his death warrant that was amazing good um any other any other feedback maybe we should get some feedback from Lily who's actually in your seat um maybe more scary more scary maybe do like a foot stomp while you're doing it oh a foot stomp adding a foot stomp into it do you remember that one I did the foot stomp in the original play when I did it so I think we we're on the same brain wave here when you wrote that note you sign one more time one more time one more time when you wrote that note you signed his death warrant better yeah very very good okay Classics we've heard the audition many times over we've seen the stomp we've seen the anger do you think du has done enough to get the rooll thanks guys you're very very kind the story is complete I know the prophecy is fulfilled you know what I'm really proud of you oh thank you well done everybody we're going to get a photo I think [Music] yeah w i wonder of [Music] [Applause] bra
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 866,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, RADIO 1
Id: QrlEJbSNgW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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