Kasparov on Bill Maher Oct 19 2007

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I should go to garry kasparov he is waiting for 14 years he was the world's top chess master my old job now he's a Russian political activist whose new book is called how life imitates chess making the right moves from the board to the boardroom Garry Kasparov Garry I'm fine well we could have used the KGB here a few minutes ago I think Putin Putin is delighted if he's listening to your program because that's another proof why life television should be banned in Russia now okay Touche checkmate but in our country we complain a lot about the political process in our presidential elections but you are running in a presidential election I think you are already the opposition candidate where your life may literally be on the line is that an exaggeration do you fear for your life do you take precautions I hope it's an exaggeration but judging from our experience in Russia anything can happen to me in 2000 sow other activists in our country that are fighting the regime because this regime has no allergy for blood but you know they say in our country to run for president take some courage when I look at the field of the candidates in this country it seems that it takes even more courage not to run in the United States but I understand that your your it's family is sequestered in New Jersey my daughter was born last year you know in New York because we didn't want to take any chance in Russia but we're not residing here so we're moving back on force I spent most of the time in Russia my wife my daughter my mother-in-law now here in America but we'll move in a week back to Russia do you think your fame protects you do you think you're such an icon in Russia because of your past chess history that Putin would not kill you no I don't think my name offers me an ultimate protection but unlike many of other activists in Russia I can lie on my name and on my fame but still I take some measures to minimize the risk I have bodyguards in Russia I do not fly Aeroflot I do not I do not consume any food or liquid in the places that I am not fully aware of but again it's just minimizing the risk I know that it's may not offer me any ultimate protection if the worst come to the worst but but when you look at what's going on in Russia Putin has a very high approval rating I mean there is something I don't know how do you know I mean are you seriously who are you relying on the polling results in the police state i I think that was the same tight control of media and the pervasive security force I believe Bush and Cheney could enjoy the same approval rating here checkmate to me I'm not I'm not giving them any idea there is something in the Russian soul that loves a strong man this is this is total nonsense you know it's just it's it's refuted by history if you look for instance and two koreas you have North Korea is just one big concentration camp and South Korea it's a flourishing market economy and democracy and that it's the same people you can look at Taiwan and China and I could give many other examples for instance East German and West German 25 years ago I don't think there's anything in the national salt that makes some people are not ready for democracy and some are fitting for this quality and and when I when I look at the at this administration that is trying to build democracy in Iraq at the expense of democracy in Russia I got confused when I saw this week Putin the picture of Putin with Ahmadinejad of Iran I thought you know here once again President Bush has succeeded in uniting our enemies and dividing our friends you got to admit at least your guy isn't stupid yeah I I don't think it makes me feel comfortable just to accepting the fact that he outplay your guy because first summit Bush tried to play psychiatrists and looked at Putin's eyes searching for his song right instead of looking looking at his records yeah now and now Putin Putin just basically spitting in his face by making this open friendship with Ahmadinejad but it was obvious from the very beginning because Putin has only one item in his geopolitical agenda he needs high oil prices and tension that means in the Middle East helps him to keep the oil prices all-time high so that's why he sells nuclear technology to Iran he sells missiles to Hezbollah and Hamas why Syria because it helps Putin to stay in power if the oil price goes down Putin regime goes down and I'm surprised that White House didn't recognize it on time I found out this week I didn't realize this that the torture and of course they say it's not torture that we do but it is of course torture that our people are doing is based on Soviet models and I know you grew up under the former regime that probably looked to America as a beacon of hope and freedom when you see America why are tapping and torturing and basically doing the things the Soviets used to do what goes through your mind look I don't think it's about sad events that you just described because I think that America had set stories in the past as well but in seven is and 80s America looked as as a hope for oppressed people in the communist world while now America that is applying double standards to different countries in the world lost its credibility and that's that's bad news for all of us because it was a stronghold for democracy and now it's just the country which according to many is using democracy as a geopolitical tool to promote its own interest which is working against us in Russia and elsewhere alright Chessmaster i give [Applause] he oughta be you ever get the feeling that they're playing chess and we're playing checkers yeah that was sophisticated this audience was listening to every word our guys never get to that level of sophistication they talked down to us right you gotta follow a guy like him fishing water and he has to fight and he's thinking in Russian he's thinking of nursing and talking to us in another language imagine one of our guys talking in a foreign language at that level of sophistication no not on your show so so speaking about torture and wiretapping okay so the
Channel: Mig Greengard
Views: 2,918
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: 40tzSCSrdJI
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Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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