Bobby Fischer Demonstrates Famous Chess Moves | The Dick Cavett Show

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kind of a student were you mr fisher when you were in school in school so so you know yeah i flunked a couple of subjects but uh i made them up and i mean uh i got a good enough mark so i let me ahead and i passed them you know with flying colors this was in grade school high school high school yeah did you go then going to college uh no no i i didn't even high school two and a half years i didn't know that i figured you must have uh and would you do anything in your spare time to get just away from chest you ever have to just clear your head of the concentration no my head's always pretty clear so it is okay do you dream chess moves no no somebody else asked me that no dreams not that i remember you know yeah i think it would i think it would be there all the time you'd see a chessboard but uh how good are you checkers uh american checkers yeah i just you know i don't know how to play yeah no good i'm trying to get something that i might be able to beat you at slap jack you know how to play slap jack slap joke you know that you turn over cards and when a jack comes up you slap it before the other guy does oh yeah i'm pretty fast at that too i'll stand you to that sometimes i i'm fascinated know what's in your head when you're playing do you see moves in advance right yeah how far how many moves in advance can you see oh it depends on the position maybe it depends say sometimes just one or two if there are many sub-variations but if it's just a forced line say i can i see 10 20 moves even 20 moves in advance you can predict what's going to happen simple position when you do that thing where you play 20 people at once and beat them all do you carry all of them in your head or when you come back to the board to each specific board you just remember both both yeah you have it in your subconscious as you know when you leave the board you work on a little bit when you come back you sort of have the move yeah can every great chess player play multiple chess or is that a separate kind of gift just about everybody can do that yeah who plays that seems so so dazzling is that as much fun for you as one guy one one to one no it's just you know it's a thing it's a show it's nothing it's a stunt yeah yeah yeah but really something really hard is some players can play a whole lot of people blindfold like i can't do that i think the record is about 40 players blindfold how do they do that i don't know that's rough i asked the guy who did it he told me he was you know about two months after that he couldn't do anything he's just exhausted yeah can he play with the blindfold off at all or does he have to have it he plays a good game both ways yeah is there any rare book on chess that you've been trying to get a hold of that you can never get no these old books that you know they didn't know that much way back then so when did chess become the way it is today or has it changed over the years i think the rules we have about a hundred years yeah how far back does it go hundreds thousands maybe yeah back to india i think is it yeah now when will you meet what what what steps stand between you and meeting him now well i have to take on this other russian petrosian so after i take care of my place basket wasn't there a time when you uh are you related to cassius clay at all i mean muhammad ali all right you know i think that's great i don't if you have i'm not related incidentally uh i was around before clay i don't know picked up from me that's right he may have taken yeah i was u.s u.s champion before anybody heard of clay does it bug you that chess is not well what shall i say it's not like the world series or all there's been more excitement about you and this meeting with the russians probably has never been chess but but you know it isn't it doesn't sweep the country with its interests like baseball and yet it does in another in other countries yeah well we've got too many things in this country that's the problem you know we've got all these entertainments movies there's too many things people can do some of these communist countries they don't have that many entertainments yeah you won five thousand dollars something in yugoslavia can you take that money out or do you have to spend it in yugoslavia yeah you can take dollars out of you oh yeah sure i didn't know now when you beat the last two guys six to nothing six to nothing um i don't know how to ask this exactly but at the end of the game what can i say does the guy know why he lost i mean and do you know why he lost when he doesn't uh did you get in him into a position that he couldn't get out of or did you get him into a position that he could get out of this is what i want to say but he didn't see a way out of it i got a little lost here but uh i did too but i got around here yeah he he just knows something went wrong somewhere you know yeah but but but is it that you have to get a guy into a position where he can't go any farther i mean was there no possible move oh well no or is it that there's one but he doesn't have the computer in mind to see it tomorrow when they actually resign or when they resign they don't they're not getting checkmated they just give up because there's nothing left to do there is inevitable there is nothing they can do they could play on say 20 moves why waste time they figured yeah yeah could you show me some classic move uh or some tough position let's i want red give me an idea how much i know about it i think they only go on the green squares i don't think do they go are they going home yeah have slap jack ready the way you handle those pieces it's like musician handling is i don't want to go too far with this but it is beautiful now of course i have no idea what this means but i know that though to those to whom chess is a passion people hate each other over chess i know marriages that have broken up over here you're not married are you no so you're one move away from mating eh oh i i was saving man what what what what is this called uh this is a this is a position from a famous game morphy against the duke of brunswick says yeah 19th century morphe against bucca brunswick right am i in the duke's position uh yeah one second am i his grace zeke's gotta repeat yeah oh yeah i was gonna ask you about that and uh well it's a forced mate well i took off the rook checked your way he took off the rook check with the bishop and then he took back with the knight and now uh it's forced made in two moves forced mate for white check lane two moves right that's that's good or bad at the end of the game yeah now is this a puzzle that people have tried for years to work away out of and decided there isn't one right right yeah can we show it or you want to work with him no i i just assumed you showed me um check now show slowly where you went from where to where you were you took what and put it where for the people who really know what's happening here i played the queen down check see the queen moves like a rook and like you know like a bishop too now the king can't go anywhere because can't go here the bishop is going to stay i don't know right bishop is bishop is under right it's holding that square the pawn blocks this square some pieces pieces can only move in certain ways and right right yeah the knight blocks this square and nothing back here you can't go back there so you have to make you know so this move is covered by the bishop and the queen so everything's covered all you can do is take the queen and the rook comes down here and that's um how can it move from all the way down to here well that's the way the hook moves it moves in a straight line straight yeah in one move or in a number of moves in one move yeah if there's nothing in the way you shoot right down yeah yeah and now the king's in checkmate because it's he's starting to take it can't go here again because of this can't go here because of the pawn and uh not just can't go back so can't take it because the bishop protects it so actually you don't take the king off that's the game's over when you have it and when it's a position where it can't get away and this is a this is a position that occurred in that match with the duke of brunswick and morphy paul moore and morphy who was the victim the duke of brunswick connection murphy was more it was morphing well it was one of the old time greats yeah yeah has there ever been an earthquake during the match and the pieces fell off and no one could remember how they had been and there were a couple of cases where i remember when the lights went out yeah that was suspicious yeah you're supposed to grab the other guy's wrists until that's over no but i know this is a dumb question but if that happened during a quake let's suppose you'd know where everything was oh yeah yeah wish i knew what else to ask you that's fascinating how long would it take the average person or even myself to learn more to learn to last a few moves with you maybe five or six starting from zero just to learn the move oh 20 minutes yeah but i mean so that maybe i i could be i could survive for five or six months with you is there enough time a few hours hour two hours yeah not a big deal the last five moves what was that thing you told me upstairs there's a thing called a one move mate or uh oh yeah that's well i forget what the chord is a matter of fact there's like two movement two moves what does that mean you win the game the two moves checkmate two and is it is there's only one mathematical what possibility of how that could happen or other well about well two but they're basically the same just slight variations yeah and who figures those out or did they come up naturally and they probably came up sure yeah what other books do you read uh mainly magazines not too heavy on books yeah are you good in math so i never you know i never tried to develop myself in all these things yeah well there are no good women chess players are there have you ever had a grand mistress of what has there ever been a has there ever been a grand mistress of chess well the best woman player in the world i guess was vera menchik she was hungarian but they have a very good one now in russia too oh they do i thought it was got princess really it's real good yeah i'd say a master strength [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 345,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Dick Cavett Show, Talk Show, Dick Cavett, Chat Show, Interview, Bobby Fischer, chess, grandmaster, Ralph Nader, Sandy Duncan, 4th January 1972, #thedickcavettshow, Boris Spassky, Soviet Union, America, Chess championship, world chess championship 1972, Laugardalshöll arena, Match of the Century, Reykjavík, how to play chess, learn chess, Bobby Fischer teaches, checkmate, Demonstrates Famous Chess Moves, Duke Of Brunswick, Paul Morphy, queens gambit, the queens gambit
Id: _8EY4IW1HxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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