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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story insult my friend and he gets you and your boss is fired i heard this story 12 or so years ago from a classmate in college the story happened in the late 90s he worked at a corner store with a sandwich shop in it it was a corporate-owned chain and not a franchise-type deal he worked in the delhi on the third shift the store would close from 12 p.m till 4am and there would be only two people there from 11pm to 5am he was only there for about six weeks but had worked in food service for years he knew all the rules regulations and laws relating to food prep and storage when he started he noticed that they didn't follow them all that well and were not receptive to any mention of changing that things came to a head after he went to his shift manager about how the food was way too old to be safe to eat his manager fed up with him at this point told him to get lost and that if he didn't like how they did things he should quit and he said it sprinkled with personal insults he decided to finish out the shift as normal and return the next day with a small disposable camera and document everything he then quit at the end of that shift and went home and got the pictures developed he then made two phone calls while they were being developed first he called the state regulatory agency that was in charge of food safety in restaurants and the second call was to the corporation's hr hotline he knew that if he just called the company they might write him off as a disgruntled employee and not do anything but knowing that photographic evidence was being sent to the state would get a response and boy did it get a response the state took three weeks to get around and to check the place out but within three hours of calling the company the area manager showed up and within five an inspector from the corporate showed up it resulted in the store temporarily closing all the management staff being fired and some of the longer-term employees being fired as well next story take all my change okay this is super petty and may piss off some taxi drivers if you are uk based but i just snapped one night this was last year and i was going from my house to my friend's house i had hurt my knee before and although i normally walk it 20-minute walk five minutes in a cab i couldn't this time so i called a private hire taxi normally in a taxi to my friends it's only around three pounds and i had a 10 pounds note on me to pay please keep in mind one of the rules of this private hire taxi as they must always keep change or a loose change cash float within a space of a month i had had four taxi drivers make me get out to go into a shop to get money due to them not having change it adds more onto the journey and is just a ball ache so i got in told him my destination and just had a nice little chat he told me it was his first job of the day we reached my friend's house he told me the fare cost 3 pounds and 20 pence i handed over the money then he turned and started at me do you have any less no sorry that's all i have on me well i have no change now there's an awkward silence i'll take you to a shop and get change i said i can call my friend now and see if she will come out with change he insisted no drove me to the nearest shop told me to get out and go in the shop and get some change so with my knee injury i hobbled out as he watched me limp to the shop i was seething as he sat there basically another taxi driver making me get his change for the day as he had not bothered to bring any out with him walk up to the counter with my 10 pounds note and said to the lady behind the counter hi can you change this 10 pounds into change if that's okay with you but if it's possible could you change four pounds of it into 5ps please lady stared at me but happily passed me bags of 5p change and 2 2p bags of money equivalent to 4 pounds and the 6 pounds in 1 pound coins i thanked her hobbled back in the taxi and he dropped me off at my friends look of pure anger in his face was worth it when i sat and counted out the money he was owed for the fair in 5ps hey mate you asked for change i got you change even if it's a small change it's a change completely petty completely worth it do i need to get a life of course next story landlord asks for more rent i ask him to fix things first knowing he won't fix them so i've been living in this house share on a rolling contract for over two years the house is very run down but nothing is dangerous or inhabitable or depressing the landlord is really bad at fixing stuff and when he does he turns up unannounced against the law here and does a really botched job last september the landlord was clearly feeling very motivated as he announced he was going to renovate the kitchen the old kitchen had cupboards without doors a really cheap old oven that used to break all the time really shabby worktops etc my best guess was it was at least 20 years old he said the renovations would be done quickly as possible he quoted a week to us but it actually went on for two months and he broke some laws because he disconnected the oven for several days while there were tenants living in the house while the kitchen looks fine now it was clearly a case of get in and out and do the bare minimum as cheap as possible he also painted some of the communal areas really badly he put two new new to the property actually second hand fridge freezers in and they didn't work very well so he ended up trying to fix them himself and long story short i lost all my food in the freezer last december so by the end of it all i was feeling very annoyed with him in january 2020 the landlord sent all the tenants an email telling us he had to put the rent up and that we would have to sign new contracts my rent was only going up by 25 pounds per month as i have my own ensuite bathroom which is pretty much falling apart but he didn't renovate it and i could afford the increase so didn't bother to argue it i emailed him back and said it was fine but there were a few issues in my room that i would like him to fix but that i was happy for that to be written into the contract with a time frame for the work to be done agreed by us both so he could get the higher rent rate straight away i sent him a list of the things and most of them are really minor-like wardrobe door handle needs replacing there's a crack in the sink the biggest thing on the list was the problem he's known about for at least two years the shower leaks i knew full well that he wouldn't get round to doing any of the repairs he told me that i didn't need to sign the contract pay higher rent until he had fixed the things in my room i said okay and have never mentioned any of it to him ever again the things i asked him to fix aren't exactly impeding my enjoyment of life so i don't even get annoyed about the fact that they're broken 10 months later i'm still paying my original rent rate and every month i saved the amount my rent would have gone up by it's a really small pathetic thing to do but it makes me proud every time my rent is due because i'm 250 pounds better off and counting just wanted to clarify that i am renting a furnished room so all the furniture including the wardrobe which is built in belongs to the landlord and is his responsibility most of it is incredibly old and shabby one of my housemates has a chest of draws with a drawer completely missing and another one that's falling off the runner landlord is 100 responsible for the furniture as well as fixtures and fittings in the house unless it's deliberate damage if it is deliberate damage it was done by a previous tenant and therefore not my problem next story germophobe gets owned a while back pre-covid while traveling for work i had an interesting interaction on a flight and while exiting the airport i was a bit late to board and the guy was sitting in my seat i mentioned he was in my seat so he rolls eyes pulls out his wipes cleans the seat and tray and proceeds to switch seats he puts on his noise cancelling headphones and talks on his phone all through the safety demonstration even after being told not to and continued to talk throughout takeoff never turned off phone or switched to airplane and talked again as soon as he got signal again he only pulled off his headphones to explain to me that the armrest was his and his alone i didn't fight him much as i had the aisle my own arm rest and really plenty of room anyways we disembark and eventually end up in the same bathroom he comes in still talking on the phone grabs some toilet paper comes out gets some soap from the dispenser goes in and wipes down his seat makes his little toilet paper nest and sits to do his business i finished washing my hands and used some towels to dry my hands and instead of discarding into the waste i shot the best three-pointer of my life right into his stall and interrupted his little poop phone call and high tail it out of there his angry cursing at me has stayed with me as a cherished memory and i wanted to share with you all next story i skipped school to pass so this is an old story from my young high school days so in my second year of high school my class was kinda special because we were testing out a new curriculum and my class in particular had a new teacher who was covering for the usual teacher on maternity leave so in high school i had a weird reputation mostly as a slacker in classes i really liked or i could least like the teacher it wasn't uncommon for me to sit around an 80 but if i hated the class or teacher i would do the minimum effort to pass or just blow it off so our new curriculum was about nationalism and more importantly has a lot of french references teacher was from part of my country that tends to still believe that they are french and it has a bit of a bad reputation for being stuck up i did not like this teacher or this class he focused more on anything french related in class and even when we were past the french parts of the class he would constantly circle back to them so obviously i got bored and sick of it and just stopped coming to class apparently the class as a whole wasn't doing so well with the average going down to 45 so the class was basically failing i had a handout that had the test schedule so i would walk in do the test and leave i got called into the teacher's office one day because apparently i was doing too good i was getting about 70 on most of my tests and my classmate who sat in front of me was scoring similar so he was sure i was cheating how else could i be in the top five in the class when i hadn't shown up in two weeks he had caught me except it was all untrue i just read the textbook and apparently that was enough to pass he told me that i had two options either one i admit to cheating and turn myself in or two he will rewrite the test and i can take it during lunch i told him i picked two i came in during lunch and he sat there eating his lunch while i took the test after i finished the test he made me sit there as he smuggly grated my test his smile was gone by the time he was finished i scored 80 on the new test he looked at me and asked how i can pass when i don't show up or do any homework i looked at him and told him all i do is read the textbook the lunch bell rang and i packed up my stuff and started to walk out one of my classmates asked where i was going because his class was my next class and i looked right in the eyes of this teacher and said i'm gonna go take my lunch since someone accused me of cheating and made me miss mine he looked away and said it was fine and i only returned to his class whenever i needed to after that and wasn't accused of cheating again he knew that he had lost and when one of your best students learns more when he doesn't show up what else can he do next story neighbor antagonized me all year so i quite literally gave him a taste of his own medicine in college i had a neighbor who will henceforth be benny like that jerk from new vegas and this neighbor he was not a considerate neighbor for example he watched tiktok at 3 a.m connected to his bluetooth speaker which he so politely pointed directly at the wall to improve sound quality he piled his garbage in front of my door when it didn't fit on the sides of his door that i had to cut a path out when i wanted to leave he dumped piss from a bottle under my door when he thought i reported him for one of his many crimes against the people on the floor absolute degenerate of a neighbor i was however fairly friendly with one of his roommates on one crisp november evening this roommate let me in on a little social experiment he was conducting in benny's closet in a black garbage bag was a pumpkin from halloween originally it was just supposed to smell up the closet until benny found it but benny never did find it move out day was in late december i was packing up in my room and my roommate comes back and says hey what's up with the bag of soup outside after some initial confusion we discover that this fine bag of moldy wet desecrated remains is from the pumpkin we decided that the best course of action for this beloved sack of soup was placed caringly and carefully in front of benny's door since he must have misplaced it benny was not fond of this development he knocked on my door banging like the headboard of a wedding bed and demanded to know why i had put my garbage in front of his door so i reminded him that it was actually his garbage in fact it was actually his compost at that point obviously he apologized for the misunderstanding took out his own garbage and left me alone and we both went our separate ways since we only needed to tolerate each other for a few hours no actually believe it or not he balled it up and threw it at my head the only logical choice really this angry water balloon sailed through the sky through my door and into my bed frame i readied a nearby jar of salsa for the coming battle but he had already turned tail and waddled back to his room as quickly as his enormous girth would allow now that the history is set it's time for the revenge part you've all been waiting for i went over to the pumpkin which luckily was still contained in its fine plastic vessel so i crept ever so slowly towards benny's room pumpkin bag in hand shot put style when benny opened the door we made brief eye contact i saw him he saw me he saw us caliber in my hand and in that moment he knew his fate and as he moved to close the door i loosed the pumpkin on its most holy journey i can say that i understand how olympians feel when they break a record with a herculean act of strength as the pumpkin sailed through the door into the side of benny's chair and exploded as furiously as one might atop a toilet on taco tuesday the black fireball the stench everywhere all over everything the ceiling the floor his clothes his heater him everything like the morning after a fresh snowfall if that snow was black as night and smelled of rotting fruit best part his roommates and everything he owned was shielded by what i can only explain as angels sent to protect him from my righteous wrath next story i will take a picture and send it to you this happened this week i am an aircraft engine mechanic in this week we were attaching several engines to a wing i had never done this aircraft before so i was to assist my lead told me to get into the instruction and read up on what we needed to do after looking for it for several minutes i sent him a text and asked what publications it was in this is where the condescending comments started coming in the final one includes a picture of the section heading to give me a hint so i could figure it out the comments did not get better once i met back with him and the other lead my lead was especially proud of his comment with the picture because he kept bringing it up and bragging about it finally the petty revenge several minutes later we realized that our parts kit was missing items so the two leads and myself started searching for the part numbers in the publications as the time passed they became increasingly more frustrated finally i ended up finding the parts first and told them that i had found it both of them said finally and went to look at my screen where i promptly turned the screen away and said no i will take a picture and send it to you that way you can learn to find it on your own the look on their faces was priceless the cherry on top was when my lead said loudly well i told you what section it was in then i got to explain to everyone that he had the wrong section and i found it in an entirely different one in the end we both laughed about it but damn it felt good next story how i got revenge on a bully's brother so a few years ago in my neighborhood we had two kids one in fifth grade and one in second or third grade i can't remember the fifth grader will be known as jerk and his little brother will be the jerk's brother he was not really a jerk then there's me and my friend jerk really cared about his brother and protected him like he was everything our neighborhood had a little island of prairie we live in iowa and prairies are everywhere that split the road into two and back again in the entrance to our neighborhood it had two trees and a sign with the name of our neighborhood on it we get boiling summers and freezing winters and in the winter we get a lot of snow the snow that year was in big pieces a bit bigger than the size of a very old tv after we got off of our bus we started walking and talking while we were talking the jerk took a chunk of snow ran across the island and dumped it over my head i was pissed but i kept talking with my friend then my friend got dumped on and i was even more pissed this continued for about two minutes then the jerk's brother got in on it and that was when i struck my shoes socks pants and shirt was wet i had no snow pants on and i was done with this jerk's brother ran across the island with a chunk of snow and stopped on the sidewalk he froze and dropped his chunk when he saw me making a ball of snow and packing it together with all of my might for the people who are not familiar with snow you might not know this but when you do what i did it creates a heavy ball of hardness and pain if it hits you i am a great hitter but the worst thrower ever to play baseball so when i threw it it missed dot and hit him square where it really hurt luck has granted me a nut shot everyone's head turned i saw the life drain from his face i still think back to him dropping to his knees i have a new problem now his brother he did what was basically a bull charge from mike tyson's punch out great game and no i am not a 45 year old he tackled me and my friend had to pull me away from his weak punches he doesn't punch like a bald bull that's for sure i bolted to my driveway and caught my breath with my friend in tow we chatted for a second and i walked inside and i celebrated my victory against jerk jerk is no longer a jerk and we get along he moved away sadly and i miss him he was fun when we got along also i feel bad for the jerk's brother because he just followed the jerk's orders lesson of this story don't make me cold wet and pissed at the same time next story don't let me go to the medical room enjoy cleaning up vomit this is actually my mum's story but i thought it belonged here so here goes my mum was a pretty good student mostly b's and c's with the occasional a she would never use the toilet or medical room just to get out of lessons her french teacher all call her witch had favorite students that she was nice to and acted like the rest weren't there my mum was not one of her favorites the revenge the last lesson on a friday was french my mum was feeling nauseous but she didn't think it was anything so she just brushed it off and went to her last lesson about halfway through the lesson it got worse she was feeling dizzy and hot her friend who was on the desk next to hers lent over and asked if she was okay because she was going pale so she raised her hand and asked to go to the medical room and of course the witch thought she was trying to get out of lessons and gave her a short lecture on the importance of staying in class five minutes later my mum put her hand up again and asked to go to the medical room and again she said no she put her hand up again and this time her friend backed her up and pointed out that she was going pale the witch told my mum to come up to the front of the class to her desk so my mum did and the witch then got right in her face and yelled at her to not make another sound and if she did she would get an after-school detention with her the witch then pointed to my mum's seat and told her to sit down about 10 minutes from the end of the lesson my mum got that feeling you get when you know it's too late she vomited all over her desk the floor and her friend the witch looked shocked when it happened and there were still 10 minutes left of the lesson so the witch had to clean up her desk my mum didn't find it funny at the time as she had just thrown up and felt very ill and sorry but now she remembered it and she says it was worth it to see the look on the witch's face when all this happened suddenly dot and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 20,777
Rating: 4.9125433 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, entitled, teacher, karen, sick student, karma
Id: S_dswHVMzSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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