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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story entitled father wants me to stop cooking in my own home couple nights ago i was cooking for myself which is a rare thing these days thanks depression i was making a pasta bake with a bacon white tomato sauce that i wanted to try it was going well basically all finished i was just waiting for the garlic bread to cook in the oven now the extractor fan for my kitchen is on the wall right near the pavement outside so that's where it vents the heat and what not from cooking i can also hear people's conversations through this hole like word for word if the road is quiet can be funny sometimes i'm about to check the oven when i hear a knock at my front window and see an angry looking dude staring at me like he was standing so close to my front window he could see me through the neck curtains i cautiously went to the door in my cooking apron with a large wooden spoon what was i going to do stir him entitled dad are you cooking me uh yeah some pasta can you stop the smell is making my daughter feel ill ah that's not my problem sir how dare you it's making my daughter ill now stop it right now sir i am in my own home i am allowed to cook whatever i want if the smell is making someone sick go away from the smell uh he stomps off i return to the kitchen and continue cooking from outside i hear him through the extractor fan hole saying he won't stop he was very rude to me and threatened me with a rolling pin did i rolling pin for making pasta huh sure the next part was a little hard to hear he must have walked further up or down the pavement or something as i couldn't hear it all i think he was on the phone to his poor poor wife cause not long after a woman came hurrying up to my window and tapped on it mother hello my husband said you made my daughter sick me miss i was cooking my dinner in my kitchen your other half then banged on my window saying the smell made your kid ill mother says nothing and walks away in silence heard nothing from the fan hole no idea what happened my food was nice though a little dry though i was distracted next story entitled mom excuses me of stealing her daughter's identity hi so i'm a 17-year-old female and my 19-year-old cousin is the entitled cousin and her mom is the entitled aunt i just now finally got enough post karma to share it i have always tried to culture myself in the arts i've had a strong interest in piano and painting my whole life my entitled aunt is also an artist and took piano classes when she was very little she only took them for about six months before she dropped out i on the other hand have been practicing for seven years now and i've gotten rather good i believe anyway a few months ago i started to share my art and music i love painting and feel like everyone should be able to share a common love and music just warms the soul i told my grandmother about it and she wanted to see it i showed her a video of me playing moonlight sonata she then laughed and took my phone and showed the video to my aunt my entitled aunt said you know your cousin plays the piano too right i said i thought she quit a long time ago well she did but she can still play how long have you been playing anyway about seven years oh so you must have started around the same time your cousin did she didn't say anything else to me about it until a few days later when she comes up to me and says i demand you take your tick-tock videos down my daughter showed them to me and you do nothing but copy everything she does you can't be an artist because my child is the artist you can't play the piano because my child plays the piano she was seething at the end in every word she said she seemed to have gotten more and more pissed off i started to get really uncomfortable so i went to her sister's room who is not entitled at all and talked to her about what had happened i went to sleep that night and when i woke up i could not find my phone i looked everywhere until i found it on the kitchen table it didn't have a password in it anymore i checked my snapchat and when i went to log into tiktok as said account was not found my account was deleted i had only like 200-ish followers so i am not famous in any way shape or form i just liked being a creator and sharing my art and music with the world later that day i asked my aunt about my account being gone and she said him well i don't know anything about that maybe it was the government for she snarls at me back quote back quote identify thief i had finally had enough and told her just because we have the same interest does not mean that i am stealing your daughter's identity people all over the world draw paint and sing are they also stealing her identity well no but since you guys are from the same family you are taking away from her becoming popular because you are already popular this made me so mad because that didn't even make sense people make youtube videos playing video games other people do too they have fans because people like watching the content even if it is the same as other people's it does not matter i like sharing my talent on the internet and you do not have a place to delete all of my hard work because you feel i am copying your child i gave up and ended up walking away from the conversation after she had the nerve to look at me and say you do have a habit of copying your cousin when she got a xbox for her birthday a week before christmas you got one for christmas then when she got a playstation 4 you bought one too this was not true at all and my aunt's oldest daughter and i had both bought the ps4 pro as soon as they came out my cousin did not get one until way later when my aunt bought her one i went to bed that night trying to figure out a plan i had made a different tiktok account before the deleted one just to watch videos on that night i uploaded a tick tock of an old video i had made drawing i posted it and did not tell a soul the next day it had 3 000 views on it and it had played on my entitled cousins for you paige i don't get that many views now though just that one she lost it she started screaming at me you need to find your own identity i am the artist of the family and you cannot copy me by the time she was done she was crying i just laughed and went to my other cousin's house i ended up cutting the trip early and going home the next day i think the funniest part about this whole thing is this cousin is on my mom's side my cousin's on my dad's side two of them work for disney as animators oh and by the way my cousin does realism and my art style is very different oh and those who wanted to know how she deleted my account i logged in on my grandma's computer to show her next story entitled mother an entitled kid try to take a chocolate shake for which i paid so this happened earlier today my apologies for any formatting errors i am typing this up on my phone cast neighbor me entitled mom entitled kid convenience store clerk and cashier my neighbor and his wife had a big birthday party today for their five-year-old daughter he even went and got a huge blow up water slide for the kids when he went with his wife and daughters to return the slide to the person they rented it from their car broke down i got a message from them asking if i could pick them up since i drive an suv and could accommodate all of them including two car seats i said sure no prob and headed out on the way home i asked them if they needed to stop anywhere to pick up anything i needed cigarettes so i told them it wouldn't be an issue if they needed me to stop off somewhere my neighbor said he needed cigarettes too i stopped at the local convenience store when we were getting out the oldest daughter asked if she could get a milkshake her mom told her no they didn't have the extra money for that right now what with having to pay to have their car towed home when we got inside i asked my neighbor what kind of milkshakes his girls liked that i was going to get them as a treat for being good after having to deal with the car breaking down and all he said i didn't have to do that i told him it wasn't a big deal it was just a milkshake and i wanted to do it we walked over to the order screen and he ordered two chocolate shakes one with whipped cream one without i got my order slips and headed to the cashier now at this store you place the order pay for the order then pick up your food beverage my neighbor had already bought his cigarettes so he waited there for the shakes while i went to pay i chatted with the clerk paid for my stuff and turned back to the counter to get the shakes and then things got weird my neighbor hey what were those order numbers again me 106 and 108. i thought so hey that is my shake this was directed to a kid who had grabbed a chocolate shake off of the counter entitled kid my mom said i could have a chocolate shake and this one is just sitting here it's mine now um that's not how it works kid give me the shake you didn't pay for it louder the kid says my mom said entitled mother what are you doing why are you yelling at my son me i paid for that shake you didn't i have the order slip he can't just walk up and grab something off of the counter like it's his well i haven't ordered his yet so just let him have that one you can order another one for yourself like you really need it now peeps i am a bit curvy but i am in no way shape or form obese and even if i was you don't take someone's shake my neighbor oh no excuse me what did you say convenience store clerk here is your second shake wait where is the first one is something wrong this was said as she saw me staring down the entitled mother me lady i have already paid for both of those shakes and not that it is your business but neither are for me they are for his daughters so your son can put the shake down and you can both walk away from me or you are going to see what a chocolate shake enema feels like looking at the clerk she says she just threatened me you need to call the cops i can't believe she is trying to take away my son's shake clerk lady she ordered and paid for them not you and i didn't hear a threat did you looks at the cashier cashier nope the kid i want my shake i am going to call the cops on you for threatening me me go ahead and i am sure these awesome workers will also call them on you for theft of a milkshake last chance lady either your kid puts the shake back on the counter or you will be leaking chocolate syrup out of you for days she grabs the shake from her son slams it on the counter so hard it exploded all over the clerk in the counter when she realized what she had done she grabbed her son's arm and yanked him out the door running for her car the poor clerk was covered in chocolate shake the cashier went behind the counter to make a new shake and the clerk left for the back to try and clean herself up i felt so bad for the clerk but the cashier said her shift was ending in less than 30 minutes so she was going home shortly and could get a shower i thanked them both for the shakes and for sticking up for me and my neighbor and i went out to the car he told his wife the story and she laughed so hard i thought she would fall out of the car she had seen the entitled mother and her kid running out of the store next story living with a karen so my mom currently has pneumonia and got mad at me for wearing a mask at home i told her i was just taking precautions but she threw a tantrum and started cursing me out then she locked herself in her room for the rest of the day the following day i woke up to her searching up my room i asked her what she was doing and she explained that she lost her marijuana and that she already searched all the house she ended up finding it in her own room by the way then she had the nerve to put her fat greasy fingers in my mask that was on my bedside table and raised it to see if her marijuana was there i lost it i screamed at her to get out and pushed her outside of my room now she found her marijuana and acting as if nothing happened next story my house my bills my rules alrighty folks this just happened cast mom the giver of birth mum's boyfriend and me me i wanna shave part of my head mom looked absolutely horrified absolutely not why because because why because i said so i'm 20 i can make my own decisions fine if you do it all kick you out i have nowhere else to go i'm in an argument with my dad for reasons i don't really want to say really over a haircut s no shaved heads or undercuts whilst you're under my roof because my house my bills my rules mom's boyfriend i think they'd look really cool with a partially shaved head mom starts looking for something to throw at him whilst we talk about how cool it would be she is not some skinhead thug she says this as she throws out the thermometer at him it's kinda like the ones they use at the doctor so it's electronic i left at this point next story finally trying to stand up for myself against my entitled dad i've been having issues with my dad since i can remember he is your typical old school don't talk back which basically means don't respond or defend yourself show me respect i'm always right and don't know how to communicate unless i'm yelling kind of parent as for me well i'm a bleeding heart cares too much cries too easily sensitive anxious and depressed 27 year old girl so we don't tend to agree on much and we're both stubborn which makes things really fun now over the last three years instead of shrinking away and just taking his yelling i've started to verbally fight back i've started calling him out on his nonsense and standing my ground when i feel the need today i had tried to come to my parents hat in hand about a mistake i made and apologize while asking they don't involve me in the issue anymore instead of taking my apology and respecting my wishes father dearest decided it was a good time to lecture and make me feel worse sadly getting him to stay on track wasn't working and as i was already upset i decided to remove myself from the situation and go to bed well guess who couldn't let that happen dad decided he was going to try one more time at making me feel bad and as soon as he opened the door i told him i don't want to talk to you right now something i tried to say once when i was 14 to which he picked me up by my throat and slammed me against a wall so needless to say i was actually pretty scared to say it thankfully i guess he has actually grown since then and tried to talk to me and say his part well you know what i'm tired of him disrespecting me and my feelings so i cut him off from what he was saying and simply asked why can't you respect that i don't want to talk to you right now and guess what he actually listened he finally left me alone and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 23,190
Rating: 4.8943782 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: ltzTb6hd7O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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