Kamp Koral New Episodes Mega Marathon! πŸ’₯ 50 Minute Compilation | Nicktoons

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hang on SpongeBob it's about to get bumpier than a swamp Toad's backside go two can play at that game we're going to take this sideways [Applause] huh a let's see how they like my Ste [Music] leg missed me missed me now you got to kiss me ha I think not my squishy yellow carbunkle W I can't see nothing through all this mud me either you're up [Applause] SpongeBob who the El Paso is that looks like we have a new Contender I don't know who it is or what cabin they're from but they sure can drive they call me driver x x as in extreme the best darn Derby driver that you've ever seen w [Applause] and my Uncle Earl would say let's tie a knot in her tail ped to the metal yeah uh-oh ha [Music] uhoh wow the still L tricky well take [Music] [Music] [Applause] this there's a baby out there go [Music] yeah M puff boo bring back driver x what is that filthy Beast doing here she has got to go oh that noise is driving me boners now look what you did here honey Ah that's much [Music] better don't worry girl there's plenty of art to eat how about some soup [Music] [Music] unbelievable yeah somebody actually likes Squidward's art the next day that's the last of it sweetie what happened she wanted a midnight snack you've been feeding her all [Music] night wa she's too big how will we get her out of here begin phase one of operation lucky [Music] lift okay ready phase two let's see how you like my pie high in the sky double blimp bubble gum pH three blow lucky blow and phase four Patrick pulls lucky gently to the ground hang on Patrick [Applause] lucky uhoh hey look the cow jumped over the [Music] moon your cow ate my stock certificate she also ate my unmentionable has anyone SE [Music] Harvey good thing I always cap with my feather pillow take that cow back to where you found her fine she's obviously too sophisticated for this Camp anyway oh come on Lucky H bye lucky stay sweet and I never even got to dip my tootsies in your good luck I'm sorry lucky but it's for your own [Music] good huh uhoh she's following us we got to loser let's run not for K put this away get this this cow out of my Camp let's Flipper on her flippers [Music] what are we all ready for an epic Monumental outdoor game of tag playing tag just the three of [Music] you that's right just the three of us all right all right go get out of my hair yeah I thought I told you to play outside we can't play tag outside it's raining well then play inside quietly very quietly very quiet [Applause] quiet it and now you're [Music] it [Music] more tea yes please have a a look baby Pearl wants to play tag with us ain't that adorable tag you're in you little cutie babies can't play tag they don't have their brains yet w a triple tag that's never been done before wow Pearl just made history thanks for nothing stupid brains well little lady it looks like instead of having one it person to deal with now you've got three ready uhoh [Music] [Music] here woohooo baby Pearl sweee pie where are you okay it doesn't count unless all three of us tagger at the same time I'm going count of three 1 2 3 what the peace and quiet canid sir I order you to play tag with your campers and keep them out of Mell well go ahead right Mr tentacles you're it I'm it well I I must confess I I've always wanted to tag with you three but you never asked me why this is a great hey guys it's stopped raining let's go swimming looks like you're it forever forever wo nothing more invigorating than a swim around the Old Camp oh yeah last one in the lake a hairy armadilla [Music] W no I don't want to what's wrong Patrick come on in yeah the water's gim dandy like sweet candy candy okay you'll do it me he S faster than a tractor in a mud puddle that's the most important rule no sinking I'm okay I'm okay no wait that's not it help wake up wake up D you miss aake right camper Patrick how in the deep blue seahorse did you get your swimming badge it was easy I made it myself of course you [Applause] [Music] did oh we made it party on the bottom of Lake yucky Mugo say what's with the bubbles those aren't mine huh music from the deep it must be an alien radio station it's not aliens it's those kids from the dingy cabin they're having a dance party didn't I tell you the most important rule of the lake is no sinking oh huh that'll keep all of you where I can see you hold on where's Patrick hey Mrs bom I think I'm finally getting the hang of the swimming thing I think I think I'm going to be sick [Music] one poor SpongeBob he can't seem to catch a single jellyfish in this camp we got to do something how about we bulldo the camp stop on it and chop it to pieces and eat it let's put a pin in there I've got a better idea there's a big ugly jellyfish there he is and the field is empty oh boy you'll have to carry me right this way I know Pat I think there's something wrong with it I kind of feel sorry for it can't make it too easy [Applause] again got it hurt is it dead nope it's alive I think it just said a bad word it's wounded now's your chance to catch [Music] it oh no this is horrible I know right I just can't catch a break no that wasn't a jellyfish that was sward in Disguise it was it was it was Squidward Tentacles is the greatest camp counselor that ever lived he can't end up as Monster poop the tacles oh SpongeBob oh please just let me die not yet because there's no problem that a bubble can't solve [Music] a it's incredible campers but the monster appears to be expanding either this is nature at its most majestic or we're all going to be blown to pieces [Music] thanks y [Applause] sorry you lost your dinner how about some of Plankton slot goodbye is it any time oh here let me [Music] help Mr Squidward you done great yeah it's SpongBob got his first jelly fish wait a minute I'm sorry but fake jellies don't count no jelly badge but what you do get he a saving a counselor from a monster badge congratulations go sports I love this gam time for G with no campers we should play Peril the game of undersea Conquest I'll destroy both of you and take over the ocean boring that game takes too long let's play something more profitable like Monopoly no thank you you always play the bank and you always win how about slot booat Racers oh no crabs accidentally ran over me last time my leg is still healing his leg I said I we sorry besides we ain't playing race cars neither we're playing lobster trap ooh lobster trap oh I like that you get the thimble like always wait what was that it couldn't be maybe it was the wind C Master crabs emergency I need your help what is it boy Patrick swallowed my teddy bear and I can't sleep without it sorry Krabs he asked for you all right let's get this over with hooray are you sure he ate it SP Mom I'm not finding anything keep plunging Mr Krabs my tedy's got to be in there somewhere Patrick want that he's a chronic sleep eater but without my daddy I won't be able to sleep or eat or shower or huh oh unless it was under my covers the whole time are you kidding me what in a name of Neptune is that annoying noise probably just jellyfish attracted to the lamb I'll go get rid of them Sho get out of here jellies Sho oh oh Mrs pup thank goodness I need your help is it a emergency what now SpongeBob will you walk me to the ouse I'm afraid to go alone at night it's so dark fine let's go all right here we are now you go right back to bed when you're finished you hear Mrs yes SpongeBob will you go inside and check for bugs I can't go if bugs are watching there aren't any bugs in the ouse SpongeBob just get in there you know on second thought I'll just hold it till morning bye he's found us time to move I need help I need help he'll never find his way out here that place sure looks creepy yeah I know SpongeBob would be terrified it's perfect [Music] hey look at this hey I told you this place was perfect there's already snacks here pretty good too H uh you don't mind do you buddy uh buddy what the why is the door lock grabs and why is the ground moving away so quickly oh no we walked into a real life Lobster tra well Krabs this is another fine mess you've gotten us into all right who's next number 37 you know we may be stuck in this dried out Bizarro world but it's nice to finally have the time to relax indeed you said it oh Mr Krabs Mrs pop Mr Plankton oh thank goodness I need your help it's an emergency my socks are too tight I lost all my comic books tonight's funniest camper will receive the Camp Coral comedy badge there's a two milk minimum tonight kids so drink up get your milk right here Pre-K for money I'd wish you to luck but you wouldn't know funny if it bit your faces off and now tonight's first comedian camper shy hey he6 God I just swam in from Atlantis and boy is my H funny stuff and now with some Impressions here's camper Spong and now with some Impressions here's Kaus SpongeBob oh no I'm pupping up again here's someone else you might recognize I like money better don't get it let them tell their stupid jokes I'm baking the world's deadliest weapon crabs how did you get in here [Music] funny it was funny then it got L then it went past them and then got again this triple crust will protect the pie and me from accidents not from earthquakes if yall ever pay 3 weeks allowance for a roll of toilet paper y'all might be a cat Coral camper hey guys did you ever notice how Mr crab walk he literally has a crab walk Mr flankton slop makes me Y and who's he kidding with that tip jar I'm going to college you're going to food jail that's it no more Mr Nice pie Karen turn on the big oven Karen release the what the hill is that get the campers Karen hit the Monster eat it fish face [Applause] yeah what happened why didn't my doomsday pie explode actually we ran out of plutonium an hour ago so that was just a pie pie a pie pie pie pie W testy testy okay I got one what did the whale cross the road why to get to the other tide seriously what did my parents feed me yellow cake I'm like a skyscraper over here and I'm the rent of the L when I was a kid my dad used to lose me in the couch cushions with the Eiffel Tower I was so tiny how tiny were you well I'll tell you I was so tiny I only ate nine fishermen for breakfast I'll tell you I was Tiny so tiny I used a great white shark for a loofah I'll tell you I was so tiny when I was born I gave the hospital stretch marks that's my time folks you're okay I'm out there's no contest he's killing me the winner of the Camp Coral comedy badge is dark craen hey all right you guys like me you really like me there your now twist his bones and teyes step from the cloud looking proud woo there do it uhoh double dutch uhoh oh we're so so so sorry Mr Tentacles when that crazy square dance beat gets in my blood something happens I'm not myself I'm an anal leave me alone good Neptune children you must leave patient be [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just realized something we don't have a counselor now yeah and no counselor means no rules we can do anything oh we're free [Music] what the free range camper back back you [Music] animals hold on there you little anarchists Camp room state that campers cannot be left alone in the cabin without a counselor I'll have to split you up between three other cabins [Music] woo what a workout so uh what do you press me I press buttons shello well try pressing [Music] this she is the alpha bro are you of the Pacific Basin or Bing sea SquarePants I'm from bikini [Music] bottom so this is my new cabin wow it's like a fun zone look at me I'm re rich rich rich it's good to go be rich oh how I seem to recall a young and green Missy upt swinging on these very same cookies her first year oo the bir Scorch I believe the term is sick burn to SpongeBob oh it's ever so good to be rich are you a wizard or are you a knight um I'm just a [Music] Patrick he's just a Patrick The Village Idiot that's kind of funny I guess hey you guys mind if I use this to scratch my butt he's released the Amber sword of tropia P who wants their butt [Music] scrench [Music] [Music] moneyyy [Applause] hey [Music] come another perfect morning I hope you all reeled in my re again the next morning like every [Music] morning [Music] listen pal R is my [Music] gig stop clapping just shut up wow takes me back to me night at the deep blue not chairs Club those were the days when people knock first you better have a good reason to come barging in [Music] here re everyone counts on me to wake them up not that har blowing [Music] [Applause] buffoon the beautiful sound of an chov an chov you gave it a special name already well yours has a special name too but I'm not supposed to use such language around the children but that's my game according to Camp rules the gig goes to the best musician and I spoken you you might want to rethink what you're about to do there coun oh sorry Z next [Music] [Music] day so groggy what time is it 12:33 what the what are you doing that an chov is too smooth to wake anyone up [Music] mean the kids won't play the parents don't pay hey [Music] wake up wake up we need to blow Boy Blow why am I not hearing anything I'm soaking up this moment of being needed okay enough soaking more blowing best Waker up [Music] forever who put popcorn in me spider you my Dreadful tale takes place one dark and stormy night when I was all alone in my cabin agitated by Thunder I needed to call all my nerds so I decided to play a solo game of lizards Wizards and gizzards I rolled a one so I moved one space and landed on go back one space and then I rolled another one I moved my wizard forward then back again and rolled another one I moved my Wizard and rolled another one then another one over and over roll after roll I was stuck in a loop was I losing my mind what's this black magic hey Patrick you know what this story means for the power to go out right about now o oh yeah and and escaped fiend should be pounding on the door excuse me this is my story we're just trying to help yeah your story needed some punching up where was I oh yes the rolling of the ones some sinister supernat natural thoughts had taken control of my dice I screamed in horror to the evil that had possessed my dice be gone but to no avail each rooll only landed on one one one what in back's Bloomers was that 111 lame lame lame you might think that a person of means such as myself wouldn't have a horror story but you'd be wrong there was one summer in Camp when I woke up in the middle of the night hungry hungry SpongeBob now I'm really scared here this should help thanks huh I don't like the eyes as I was saying I woke up hungry in the middle of the night and rang for the butler but the butler didn't answer what happened to the B something sinister no doubt I walked toward the service kitchen every step filed me with Dread I'd never been in the kitchen and I didn't know oh I didn't want to to know what I'd find there here you go you shouldn't go in there alone this fog should help with the atmosphere do you mind not at all you're doing great I have notes once I was in the kitchen the fear continued how do I make a sandwich how many pieces of bread I didn't know and what goes on a sandwich anyway kelp P how many Kelps were murdered to make this PO the spirits might be angry then everywhere I turned there was all deadly objects pointed right at me sharp deadly objects huh now we're cooking sharp deadly objects like forks spoons and butter knives butter knives that's not scary Boo and then from the corner of my eye I saw them half one thing and half another Unholy hybrids freaks of nature how did they get in my cabin I didn't want to look but I couldn't help myself there standing upright in the dishw there were spks w I thought a fork and spoon was a phon
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 286,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Rock Paper Scissors, ytao_kk
Id: Bkws8Gx6hIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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