Kaley Cuoco & Elizabeth | Actors on Actors - Full Conversation

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do you think you'll do a second season of one division no oh no you're done i mean with marvel you can never say no like people die people i really thought i had a major scoop for the entire world just now but then she took it back very quickly [Music] i did research on you kaylee and i have watched your interviews lizzie i watched yours too what's even cr first of all you're in a bathroom i think i'm in a bathroom everyone know yeah my so this is my first um work from home in my home because i've been doing it and i've been in the uk for seven months and i got back two days ago and my neighbor is doing so much construction to their backyard and i can still hear it and i'm in the furthest back we can't hear it so you're gonna have to use your acting skills to pretend like you don't yes it's really crazy because when first of all you know how much i love you i've loved you forever i i want to be best friends with you i feel like we always run into each other i'm like god i love her so much i feel really feeling is mutual thank you i i just adore you but i feel even closer to you recently because i just finished both of your shows and i know you're shooting a film right now right you're showing i finished doctor strange too you're you've finished it yeah that must have been unbelievable i have so many questions for you i don't even know where to start um but how was that that's what i was shooting in the uk so i finished one division what month was it it was october during this recent october we had we did two months during the pandemic and you shot also during the pantheon yes i want to ask you about how was that for you guys luckily even though we filmed in atlanta and then we moved to la we had a lot of the same crew so the mass didn't feel as awkward there's still a fun spirit and i think we were just so excited to finish the show and we it had already been i think we had already worked about five months on it was just a long job and so we were really excited to finish it and i wrapped on in october on wednesday and they flew me to london on a friday oh my god and i've been there ever since doing doctors doing the same character for like two years almost wow what is well i know what that's like because you've done that for i don't even know how long that was i'd like to play the same character oh i did that for 12 years is it 12 years it was 12 yeah which also feels like so far away but when you were shooting i'm curious because i think so few people have had the experience recently of shooting during the height of covet did you i felt like the bubble girl like no one wanted to come near me i actually was like self-proclaimed bubble girl in my life i was like i love my youth i love my friends i love my family i need to not see any of you for two weeks yeah and while i've been working in the uk it's been locked down the whole time wow god yeah so that's unbelievable but yeah i mean so you you you filmed in new york though always right or you guys went to thailand yeah we were in thailand and rome which is so wild to say for flight attendant which i loved so much and i i looked forward to watching it i was kind of annoyed that they that they came out legally but they truly it truly was part of like my england experience we would hide our vpn and and watch it every week and it was so enjoyable i loved it so much and you are so so so good in it thank you it is such a joy joy joy joy to watch you and it was the the tone that you got to go between i don't i think only someone who says like uh it's like you can't help but be charming um and to play that character makes her so lovable that you're do that you're playing her and it really just was i had so much fun watching it and you're so vulnerable in it and you're so raw and funny and it just was it was just such a fun tone an interesting tone sorry what's going on hi hello i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you no can i can i help you i asked for a soda this is vodka oh sorry i misunderstood you i thought you said i thought you wanted both yeah can i just get a soda please absolutely what is this my husband and i binged one division together we rarely watch the same things and so we had we're like we're going to watch this together and like bond over this what we loved every we were like oh my god and i didn't know i did not see any of it coming i didn't see the cast or not how did you even keep it a secret i would have liked the instagramming and i can't like everyone has their christmas gifts in october because i can't keep it a secret you were so adorable and charming and real it felt so real to me and my husband osb loves all those marvel movies and so this was a bit of a new genre for me to experience and but i love you so much and then i went in to freaking sorry for your loss and my soul broke into a thousand pieces that was lizzy i cried and i mean this so and as a compliment you broke my heart in that thanks for watching it i really didn't have to no no i wanted to and i would watch it on my phone on my and i was just it i could cry thinking about the pain that i watched you in and then knowing you produced that as well so i knew all the things you were probably going through right like how did you feel with all the different hats i i've been getting asked that a lot and you probably got asked a lot that too i loved it i loved it i was so excited to discover how we pick a crew and how to cast and how to you know and i i've heard that you also wanted to be on all of the chemistry reads and yeah i did the same like just was so excited to find the right people for it and part of the pitching process the whole thing like i loved the i loved being a part of something from the beginning to the end and i think the the thing that was hardest for me was um saturday was my day off but sunday was truly like uh making script notes editing notes and preparing for the week and so that was and i so i really enjoyed that that kind of obsessive mode i don't know how people do it back to back like i don't know i would know how to produce something else besides that show and be in it um back to back i feel like that would be really overwhelming because i think eventually sometimes you just want to be an actor and not have all the control did you watch dailies and editing and things like that i don't watch playing i don't want to play back either no no no but but the dailies that was like a whole learning experience process of watching an edit and thinking oh no i knew there was there's something on the floor that you guys didn't put in can you try and find that take and i just i ended up being able to be objective but now if i watch playback while doing like doctor strange i just want to that would be wild yes sam rainey and i just want to scream but i got so used to watching myself and sorry for your loss as an actor though do you have do you have a process i've been asked this question a lot recently and i really don't have one and i was curious if like are you a study or like what i don't even know the word process it's just not in my vocabulary absolutely like a theater school over preparer like i want my lines memorized a week before at least something shot and so we ended up having a rule on juan division because marvel projects are always an adjustment like we always do rewrites there are constant rewrites all the time really because we're trying to thread in like tiana paris we launched her character and so marvel was getting more information what they wanted to do with her character while we were filming so like things like that had to be threatened so there's like a whole thing moving and so we just and then and then actors i think as you know love giving notes or wanting to change things and because we were doing because you're doing like seven pages a day at least and the train is just like you're saying like the train couldn't like we were just going full speed ahead it was such chaos changing this like that you know the sets had to be broken down at a certain time to put up a different decade the exteriors had to be done by a certain day to change all the fences into a different decades fence and we just couldn't really stop and ask too many questions so there's a rule that if you want any changes made that are going to affect other people it would be a week before um and so people everyone had to prepare just so that would be good yeah yeah and and then also because this was so specific to decades sitcoms and um wanting to create something that felt authentic to each time that was like a whole which you did that was such like a whole sitcom boot camp and just a continual reminder of what we had watched during our boot camp together as a company and it was really have you ever done a sitcom before have you ever done it it's so hard [Laughter] we used to work non-sequiting but we used to it's funny obviously that's my whole life is sick yeah um especially with big bang because the cast was so we were just like it was there was no gap we'd have these guest stars come on and some of them were you know wonderful actor dramatic actors or whatever and they would feel so lost for a while you know because it really is so musical and you find that if you're one second it like it can mess with the whole kind of thing but it's it's because i grew up with it and i did it for so long it's been so natural for me but i i started to see oh my god this is this is hard for some people to come in and find their footing and work with the audience and it's it's it's a weird it's very different if you haven't done the audience part was crazy because we did a live audience for the first episode and that was the first thing we shot and so we just we had one opportunity and then we had a day of pickups and that was it for the first episode and i was gonna ask i've never done that before yeah i was going to ask you about if that was an audience i was unsure how you guys did that that is interesting it was very confusing how to play to the camera but like i was like projecting because i was used to stage yeah when i watched the first episode i was so frustrated because i can see myself like you know my 10 year old theater kid self like playing out to the audience instead so i think i got away with that knock on something oh no you for sure did it it actually looked it was almost looked intentional it looked like that time it's like when i watch i love lucy or this it's a totally different way they did things and yeah we do it now well i know the apron is a bit much dear but i am doing my best to blend in no no they're on the calendar someone's drawn a little hard right above today's day oh yes the heart how young were you when you started working since i was five and i had that answer quick because everyone has asked me that i realized oh my god i've been working since i was five so your sitcom life experience picking flight attendant was the original material very dark and then you added the levity and created the tone based on what your natural inclinations are with storytelling yes so what i found the book about four years ago and i read the book and the book is extremely dark uh ver there is not one funny word in the book and even her like it's there's nothing funny about the book and i thought okay let me get the rights to this this should be interesting and maybe it's a movie and then i started sitting on i'm like no i think it's a show and then when we started obviously talking about tone which i laughed so hard because the amount of times we use the word tone i i can't ever say the word tone again five the convert the tone what's the tone what's the tone we never really had i said the tone is it's me and we're going to throw this girl into this horrible situation but you're also going to laugh and you're going to cry and then you're going to feel super awkward and then we i wanted it couldn't just be that darkness i had to bring a little the levity and we had to kind of walk that tightrope which by the way was a total challenge but that's what made it great thank you that's why i loved it because i couldn't put it in a box and that's what made it so enjoyable and um thrilling to watch because you didn't know how things are going to be solved because it didn't feel like it followed a formula oh that's so sweet thank you it definitely did not because we didn't know how we were gonna really edit this because it was such a crazy tone i was like okay i kind of found myself doing just a million different takes and one maybe this time i cried and the next i would laugh and then because i just we didn't know how we were going to edit this thing together i would go home some nights and i'm like this is the biggest mistake of my life i'm leaving okay this is horrible and then like the next day i'd like we do a scene i'm like god this is so good yeah this is so fun going through these emotions it's like it was a psycho one minute i thought we have to shut down because i'm so bad and then the next day oh we're gonna like we're nailing this so it was it was as it can really pull on the whole the stress the stress muscles will you please just let me get back to my normal life you mean normal like the rabbits because i i really want to talk about the rabbits you saw when you were running out of that building you saw that because you were such a leader on this how did you explore that world with the other cast and the crew and how did you guys communicate or work together did you all just know that you're going to be really playful and figure out lots of different takes and it's something natural that comes out of me and instead of i i i really do like to be in the moment um and actually it's funny uh mikhail heisman who played alex and flight attendant who i adore we laugh to this day because he's a big preparer he really like and wants to rehearse and block and and i would get there and be like okay can i can you just tell me where you need me to start and where you need to end and then we'll figure it out but he was like figure it out no we got it so we had to kind of meet in the middle on how we came at this because that was how he worked and kind of how i worked and i would kind of and that does come from i think my sitcom life of like you kind of flail and you're finding things and you're you don't know what that person's gonna do and it's very quick i'm a speed demon in life i'm a speed demon when i work like i want to move move and some people need that time but it was cool because a lot of the cast kind of jumped on that on that that plane with me in a way where they were kind of like okay we're gonna play and we're gonna see what happens and a lot but we had to kind of you know i had to meet them in the middle it was a new i came from 12 years of pretty much the same thing i had to kind of slow down a little too which was a learning experience for me yeah i mean it sounds a lot like how we had to film one division because it just felt like we needed the energy first off because it's funnier and we all just were trying to survive by going as like quickly as possible like there's no slowing down and there's no the only time we would slow down is when we get into marvel land so we can actually try and figure out like how you i mean marvel's just such a strange so crazy it's all just like the biggest stakes the entire world the world's gonna humans are gonna die and um but it's all about characters so that's its own tone that's hard to find but when we're in the comedy world or the comedy zone or the sitcom zone it was just like a speed demon which i loved as punishment for my reckless evening i plan on taking a quarantine style staycation a whole day just to myself did you like sitcoms growing up was there anyone any that you watched or i did from i think well the ones that we i drew from were very specific to what we were what we were referencing in each episode like the van dyke show i loved i love lucy growing up and laverne and shirley and then i love the brady bunch movies i love them there's like a bunch of movies are my are that i think i was really ripping them off and not the brady bunch um because so they love them so much growing up so there there are those kinds of um shows that i did watch a lot growing back growing up and then um like family matters everything that was on nick at night oh yeah love nick at night i saw an interview you were it was actually for sorry for your loss they were asking you about producing and stuff and you said something that i have found myself saying a lot recently and it has to do with like your crew and the tone that you set as being the number one as being the producer as being this and this i remember years ago my first sitcom my first show was with john ritter yeah who was my entire world loved him to this day i still feel like he's standing right there i remember conversations when i was 15 years old where he said you know you have to remember what your honor said it's like a tree number one's here and any act any way you act is all trickling down that tree you also said um you can be a boss you can be a great actor you can get work done but you can just be nice i i think it's weird if you are at a position of any kind of power to not realize that your biggest strength is being kind and good to the people that are holding you up i just don't understand how people think that fear is what's going to create good work it just doesn't the tone you set which will come specifically i'm sorry for your last and for me on flight attendant that exact tone you it's it's all you yeah it's all coming back to you and how you're acting and how you're treating everyone and it's it's kind of unreal the kind of set you can create for yourself yeah i mean that's everyone around you that was a big deal for paul bettany and i both on one division because we we hadn't had the opportunity to because we were always a part of the avengers um ensemble films and so it was really important to us when we were doing this show for that to be the vibe and i we had the greatest time making it even though it was impossible the whole everyday felt impossible but i think we all had snap i think we had so much fun wanda where's geraldine oh she left honey she had to rush home what do you think about all the there were a bunch of like fan theories with wanda vision did you read into that at all did you no i was filming a movie this whole time what about the what is grief scene did you did you know that was going to be like a whole thing or what is that what's the what is grief the what is grief the what is grief oh yeah if not if not if not love persevering that's so funny yes if not so this is funny because both of our shows do this um we talk about characters that have um immense trauma yes and then we we go back to the experiences that led up to that moment our shows both have that in common and i actually was very worried about that episode um the penultimate episode where we go back in time with with catherine and myself and we replay these moments that we actually haven't seen in the mcu um some of them we just kind of steal moments from but um we re-shot all these moments that we've alluded to and i just didn't know how we were going to piece it together it all felt um it all felt like oh god are they going to be with us are they going to be with us you know are we going to lose them here are they going to be with us and i thought about that when you guys were trying to explore or not trying to when you guys were exploring the relationship that she had with her father and her brother and the accident and you know all the things everything that comes out through the flashbacks and i don't know i i if you you either have your audience or you don't is is what i think and you just kind of like sweep the fences and just hope that that people are moved by it or now understand something on a deeper level that's such a good way to look at it it definitely felt that way of flightcheck and when we were doing like the mind palace and stuff i was feeling that way too it was like are they going to be like what is what but you're right they're either with you or they're not they're either you just let it go you just dive in and um yeah you got to forget about about all that or you'll make yourself crazy do you feel like there's a certain moment in your career where you found your sweet spot of um what makes you feel like oh i this this feels good like i think i finally know how to maneuver in this land confidently it's weird because i have been doing this for so long that i don't know another life and i don't know um it's weird i wasn't the actor who got kind of thrown to the wolves that at maybe did a huge project and was overnight fame and that wasn't my experience i've just kind of been like i laughed because i when flight attendant came out i there was an article that came out that said the new girl kaylee cuoco and i yeah and my my team and i laughed i was like oh that is so funny do they not know like we felt like we got away with something that all of a sudden because obviously the biggest concern was like oh you're going to be known as penny forever which by the way if i was great that was like awesome isn't it part of my biggest syndicated show in the world like that would have been fine so to be able to find yes a new girl i love that i know it was a new girl and we laughed so hard i'm like oh my god like i was almost laughing in the corner thinking i got away with something that no one saw and all of a sudden i was here i think just as a producer maybe i i feel very my feet feel on the ground as a producer like i didn't think i don't know if you always dreamed of being a producer i did not i'm like an actor and i then i go i like all my other life too you know i like my life yeah i like my personal life i don't wanna and i think i knew oh my god i'm gonna have to give so much of myself as a producer and i'd give so much in other ways that i didn't know if i could and i i felt this stride as a producer i feel like i had a strong opinion i like controlling things i like picking things i like judging yeah it's like i got an opinion about everything baby girl let me tell you about it do you find though now that you've been behind the scenes as a producer and you've seen how hard it is i have much more empathy towards everything i'm always like oh you made a show you should wonderful like i am so proud of everyone because i know how freaking hard it is i had empathy before but it has completely expanded knowing like people don't want to make things that are okay i think i had a hard time finding surprisingly my voice as a producer until james poncel was a director and producer i'm sorry for your loss and he really nurtured me into expressing myself i think it started being around like episode three of season one then i found a flow and then i found my confidence in thinking how to have my voice and now i think i actually have a hard time uh just being an actor when i see when i see things where i'm just thinking why are we doing it that way and so during one division i i really did enjoy being just an actor but also um because of the way matt schachman our director worked because of jack shaffer our creator and mary lovanos who is our marvel producer they they almost included paul and i like producers do you think you'll do a second season of one division i'm sure everyone said oh no you're done no yeah it's definitely a limited series limited series well i mean i'm saying i'm saying that i know i said it was a limited series whatever i mean with marvel you can never say no like people die people that's true no you're right you're right i really thought i had a major scoop for the entire world just now but then she took it back very quickly as you saw i don't know i don't know i don't know i would be i would be shocked the thing that i did learn um through sorry for your loss in one division is i love doing television and i do miss i think the four or five week experience of making a film and um that just it just feels so exciting and like camp for a little bit but um i think this like six-month experience of really hard work with the same people and it's exhausting it just feels really good you obviously have done film but the majority has been television i'm such a tv girl i shot a film last year right after um right after flight attendant went right to that set it was a kevin hart film and i it was such a i don't know how you because this is more normal for you to go from like tv to film sets it was i felt like the littlest fish in the ocean of them i didn't know what i'm like these trailers i was like the trailers were huge i couldn't you don't have big trailers on a big bang different man we were on oh yeah i had the dressing room only queens can imagine it was the princess room of life yeah we were like a full it was like our house oh sweet we never did the trailer thing yeah the other this is like side note though probably cut this but it makes me laugh because we never used mic packs on big bang that was this other challenge for me oh my god are they the worst i would walk and the poor sound department must have thought i despise them because i'm like yeah that's how i feel when they're trying to figure out where to put my mic pack when i'm in a superhero costume with a harness on because i have to fly and where the mic pack goes is like right where the harness and the cords need to go and i'm like you guys i i'm going to be flying there's my fake wind you're not going to hear me anyway i'm going to adr the whole thing anyway it doesn't matter but again that's their their job and they've got we need sound by the way very important but i could not i'm like i've got to find a way to make this work for all of us because so working with sitcoms when it comes to continuity are you because you have the multi camera right yeah four cameras so with um four cameras so you don't have to do as many takes i would imagine as you would when you film flight attendant that was another eye opening so did you not enjoy them the continuity part because i actually there's something about continuity that i love because i actually really love structure like i will go like i don't really like sometimes i'll care about blocking but for a lot of this sitcom stuff i was like matt shachman where do you need me at what point and i'll figure out how to get there i love structure and i think the structure you can have so much energy and i love it so with continuity and editing for flight attendant how is that with you for you especially with all the multiple takes did you then do all the multiple takes from every single angle yeah what's funny is big bang i mean by by season five on when we would shoot our show our live show tuesday night live show our audience show i mean we did like two takes and by the way there were no close-ups you don't really get close-ups so the first time you're so good in a close-up though my god those first times when they were here and i was like why are you supposed to make me think we got i'm like no no no that took that was all very eye-opening for this girl let me tell you it you're it's so brilliant you have so many subtleties you would i mean it was it was really a joy to watch well i feel the same way about you i honestly could not adore you more you are one of the good ones in this business you are going to have a very long career and i love watching you and i love running into you and i really do too i love running into you well i am so happy for you and i can't wait to see everything that comes out you're wonderful and i love doing this with you today i did too i love doing this with you today this is i want to do all my interviews like this now me too instant best friends i knew it was going to happen i was just waiting for the moment [Music] you
Channel: Variety
Views: 737,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Variety, Variety Studio, actors on actors, variety actors on actors, kaley cuoco, elizabeth olsen, wandavision, the flight attendant, kaley cuoco flight attendant, elizabeth olsen wanda, marvel wandavision, kaley cuoco actors on actors, elizabeth olsen actors on actors
Id: opefDau1kg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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