Timothée Chalamet & Emma Stone - Actors on Actors - Full Conversation

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Oh man, normally I dont agree with these posts at all. But ya, damn

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/GoldenTakin 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Yeetometer 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] no but seriously I feel like I grew up I mean we're not too far in age but I really grew up seeing a lot of totally like kind of prep for this before getting into it too but now I never saw the new Partridge Family Oh No what's that the first gig ever that was a reality search competition that I auditioned for when I was fifteen yeah I had been in LA for three months when I was 15 and I was auditioning on it I wasn't getting any part are you staying at the apartment no I was staying at parkland Brea okay mm-hmm did you ever live at the old place no but there's a documentary about it that is terrifying it makes you have you lived in LA I shot beautiful boy in LA actually and actually shooting that here it felt like oh wow maybe I'll move out here this is a great city and a great vibe and then I don't know something I don't know like you the more you it's like the more time you spend out here I don't know I don't want to get lost in the sea almost I want to like grow as a human as a guy like in New York or Paris or anywhere really like not anywhere but like New York I have to think about but cities right people also do other yeah yeah industry yeah exactly cause you've been in no way basically since you know I moved to New York when I was 20 so I've been in New York for ten years but I spend a ton of time here okay yeah but I know what you mean and then did you get that job or that was just not addition whether you got it cuz it's either I got it yeah no I I won the role of Laurie partridge okay it's all right the furniture and we made one episode and then we were not picked up to series oh so it's just silent it didn't work out that footage doesn't like exists it does exist somewhere but you've seen it I have seen it and you're proud you could have seen it too no I said it was a reality God that you didn't get to know but you'll always pilot okay I'm gonna rattle off some last year I feel like I was cutting off to he'll have to tell me if I'm like okay then super bad which at the time for me and Ike I'm speaking for guys and girls my age everywhere like that was that is just like in the mean girls universe for me like as far as like defining a like a moment for a lot of people follow was that did that feel like I get when you got it was it insane being on that set what was like Jonah like at that age I guess he was 23 maybe 22 or 23 and I was 17 and no it was I was out of my mind with excitement I was so so I'm so happy to do that I also worked for like eight days on that movie but it felt like oh really yeah it feels like yeah do you laugh at it do you think it's funny so much have you seen it recently I just watched it like two weeks ago actually I just um I think this like Michael stars so excellent in that movie too and you still get it like not perge like he's like yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna be yeah he's so good at Martha who played Michael's love interest became my best friend please oh really and you met her on that yeah oh that's actors actresses yeah he sang say both yeah all right you can say both okay then the rocker which is not stop a movie that a ton of people have seen but I think is brilliant and let's go has one of my favorite movie quotes and it were Rainn Wilson pukes in his head before a show and you're like what are you doing and he's like some people Rock a rabbit's foot I rock a pocket of puke [Laughter] I've seen more than Superman I see four or five times drew you to that second Rainn Wilson and unsee well these know people know Kitty so I guess not like an unseen genius but he really is so funny in it and can work I asked to ask you a question now though because okay so say because Rainn Wilson leads to the office which leads just yeah we both work yes yes what was it like working what a dream like I feel I realized the more I act how important Trust is to it all yeah I think maybe that's not obvious and then I did this I just call me by the name of the army and I felt so safe yeah I feel like it's the ability to be ugly or be bad or like not be able to weep and assume you're supposed to weep or whatever and you don't feel you're getting judged or something and with Steve like it could be intimidating to being up someone very well before you have any sort of career and he was so he put me at such ease and and beyond that he's like incredibly talented and a great human and great dad a great man like he'll open and you go to set in the van he'll open the door it'll pass though it always does what does the feeling of being alienated and isolated huh I really hope thanks for the United Stan cuz you did crazy stupid love with him crazy sex of course he's been like that since I mean he was always holding the van door what was Crazy Stupid Love like it was so much fun that was things like the perfect man that was incredible and we've got to improvise so much and it was just the stuff in the house yeah it's over the house oh well like those Y shots are so FA you're like wow do people really live like this I don't know if they do it wasn't him now yeah no that's like a utopic movie we are great and night um Jonah who's the boy in them forgetting is lesson he went to high school with him really yeah really weirdly they came back and shot Crazy Stupid Love and all of us other actors were bitter what no it was easy eh did that feel like that did that feel like okay now I did you sense like a change or something because I feel like I was very aware of you after seeing the rocker and super bad and then it was like okay now I was really in love with that script but I put so much pressure I was 20 and I put so much pressure on myself okay and was just like I while we were shooting it I was just like going nuts and I was like I don't know this whole thing could fall but I have no idea as I was you know in I did be there all day every day and if I wasn't on screen I was like narrating it was just like too much me and I was like this is good okay okay all apart so it wasn't like the most enjoyable nobody because of my own right you know and what was that stress composed of like this is my shot if I mess this up and it was kind of like I just felt like it had to be well calibrated throughout it was the first time that I'd ever I had to rely on myself really to be able to carry all of that yeah I think it was just I put so much pressure on myself and then you when when you saw it you were I haven't seen it you haven't seen oh I've seen some scenes okay but I went to a friends-and-family screening to see it and I had to get up and walk out I was who wants to watch themselves for that long yeah no not can you watch your your stuff I won't know it i mean ii now if i like if i like what it is listen I had a small part and when I say it was sitting right here that's each other but when I did um I did interstellar I saw that 12 times in theaters and IMAX gear it out cuz you loved it cuz I loved it and in fact um Christopher Nolan had a screening at Lincoln Square I forgot about this I really haven't thought about this moment it was in IMAX oh yeah although I know this undergrad was the red and the fluorescent lights hum and Annie invited just some of the people from the cast which is surreal because it's a huge IMAX theater it was just like me and Hathaway Jessica Chastain and John let's go and I really had no career at this point so I was like a like the fraud a little bit in the room and I saw it and I loved it but then I went home with my dad and I like wept for how her dude I just figured my part was like bigger her son like cut anything I just figured I don't know what I figured it just felt so giant when you were you're so big also there's this monologue in space that's like McConaughey's like most brilliant acting in the movie where he's he's getting those video logs I'm season sweeping and it's really amazing and the whole thing plays on him as it should because that movements about him like I'm in the theater I was like yes John here it cuts like a grainy computer so let's talk about up until I mean obviously in the past couple of years things have been pretty electric for you but how did you feel what you're saying like that watching films like that that you were in or what like what did you feel a lot of dejection you know wasn't um wasn't dejection in some part of my brain makes me want to say immediately like there was always gratitude to be working because what I need as I grew up in an actor's building in New York and I know the privilege it is to be able like whether via commercials or anything to support yourself and yet when you see when I saw interstellar and it's like my favorite director and like McConaughey he's just killing it and he's like so good and you I was there like I was there so I don't know what it is it's a feeling of like man I feel like I'm getting close but but you know the cliches about this business or how difficult the odds are often as as they are yeah and I don't know I know what works for me really conversely because I went up for all these things and I tested for spider-man I didn't get in like something like a Tim Burton movie two in length these things weren't happening I thought okay like who knows easily crush her Alice in Wonderland I was like oh we're not getting a Tim Burton yes really devastation before I mean this is a pretty esoteric like you know that feel like I'm not getting but for me it was a miss Peregrine's home and then while ironically for me was like doing more like independent films that um and I feel like that sort of helps me not be cynical and kind of inspired about the landscape were in now as if like Studios controlled things more before that's my impression of it yeah now like people want a mirror in the things they see they want to like see things shot in a way they don't feel like the sheen of Hollywood is there so so I think you know and uh and they want to like see stories that feel real that's what I think we think I totally disagree we are the totally different pages but whatever it's I'm sorry so I think no I think you're absolutely right I think it's an exciting time there's a lot of shift happening um okay I'm gonna pull out my little piece of favor here um okay and then the help that was did you know how special I guess what's my question - did you know how special it was while you're making it there was a the book had been written for so wonderful so I think that was I mean that was the first time I had ever done something that had been adapted like that okay so that's a you know you know yeah yeah absolutely I'm gonna bring it to a little life it was different from the book in many ways or no it was no it was pretty it was pretty similar and it was it was so it was such a beautiful we were all in Mississippi together we lived like two blocks from each other everybody spent the whole it was that it was the first time I really understood I mean I'd done a movie called Paperman where we were in Montauk in the winter all together and everyone ate together every night but I really now understand what it is to have that kind of failed camaraderie okay away from home and all that time together it builds something really special yeah you're replaceable and then you feel like it helps the acting even weird like I do it's like what you were saying if you feel really safe with those people if you feel like you can be anything in front of them and that there's nothing but you know freedom brereton when you're working and did you was it crazy seeing Jessica Chester day and like be this incredible whole yeah and also when she was there when we were in Mississippi she was like yeah I have like six movies coming out next yeah it was like you're doing yeah yeah and like a most violent year I mean I was later but she's been in yeah see that movie I saw that with my sister in Times Square I'm like this seems a Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer they're all so special - and you you I guess that was another one for me - like after the rock or easy-a or else like wow this actress is amazing and and no but it's true and like I love when people I haven't like really done straight comedy yet but even we were taking these people together I do and like I could see you don't your take yourself too seriously set out for it you're right amazing well let's cook something up please we I had a question for you you worked on this is a little bit personal between us but we have another connection worked on the movie miss Stevens with oh my gosh I'm Jordan yes Julia yes Jordan Horowitz pretty slowly yes and they just really wanted me to UM bring that up no is there wonderful you they're wonderful human beings and truly like I am I dropped out of college when interstellar came out to pull up make it a little full circle cuz I was like really I was like this thing's gonna come out before it came out you dropped out yeah and I was like and I'll just I went for a year okay sounds like I'll ride the path we're just gonna coast like it was like not a thing my part wasn't that big in it I'm like and it was very presumptuous to think otherwise and and I took that year off and you know what like I don't want to it would be counterintuitive to act like it was more dramatic than it was because people go through you know these are still first world problems people go through way worse and yet for me that was like the scariest here in my life because I didn't have a career yeah I had tasted enough of this stuff where I kind of could see what it maybe could be but what there wasn't presenting itself and I wasn't in school anymore and had this complex where I was like oh my god make me one these people that was like happy when they were like 16 17 18 I expect the rest of her life like jaded high school from high school and truly miss Stevens is a movie that was really small not a lot of people have seen it but that and call me by her name up like for me um if I could speak self-referential II that's right it's really like miss Stevens is like the prelude for me I'm like call me by name is chapter wide and beautiful boys like chapter two that's like how I and miss demons you know I went to a drama high school and that kicked that movies about basically a kid a teacher and a kid and a kid who like finds herself through drama basically yeah and that was really my experience so when I read that I remember like yes how many people asked you that question no but I mean here's the thing right it was they're all like people dancing tables that is a thing that really absolutely and what at lunch at lunch and there was like there's like spirit week and I can bring this up because people find everything offline these days but like man I saw this video definitely like my freshman high school I didn't keep all my clothes but it's it's it's uh so you're just free to like really express yourself here yes and and it really opened up a lot for you you were like I can I want to do this that's yeah and a non facetious way again like I got there cuz my sister went there and I figured I want to really I mean I I had a bad time middle school in like I figured if I went to an arts high school would mean less homework or something yeah she's wrong then I got the drama class was like sitting in rows yeah I didn't realize it was like lock eyes with someone like barrier so did you do drum you ever do any training you mean a little bit like acting classes no training like in lolly act today you should not take oh no she didn't she puts she puts up a one-man show at I did not do I know you and you guys have the argument that's so I feel like so many couples go through that okay another one that I saw maybe like six or seven times in theaters in theaters you saw something Birdman oh that makes sense that movies good did it feel like I don't even know what the question is like how how special is that to work did you know how special it was yes and that one was really really like walking a tightrope the entire time because we had all this rehearsal to plan how those shots because everything was in one and then actually shooting it was just I mean I it was like it was incredible but it was also like how is this gonna I mean Michael Keaton was like I can't even believe what he pulled off and it's amazing I was that argument scene you just like the joint in there I hoped I might be employed here by you as something a monster for the children to play with perhaps yes if you like okay now this year this movie is the favorite and I want to know what what I said what I want to know what was that was it as basic as like an email with an attachment or was that or was it an agent making you aware of the project cuz I know from the outside I don't know if it came out when I was in high school but when the lobster came out I know my friends and I were like what is this movie yeah and who has made this then killing the sacred deer came out and it was like this man is a genius we don't know what he's and then the favorite like it's as I said to you last night can you arrange me try that briefly last night I was so curious I find often when there's a wild element in a movie everything else will be static so that wild element is especially accentuated yeah I mean I really liked what the favor and felt very bold was that wasn't like killing a sacred deer where it's like here's the contemporary world and here's this really weird thing happening it was like here's a period piece with this really weird trying anyway so what well I'm sorry what was the how were you made first aware of it and did you know Jurgis his work and I was my agent and met him told me about him asked if I could read the script he was not thinking of an American I think at all right about that where it happens that you that you auditioned for it I auditioned for it and and but when I met him have you seen his movie dog tooth okay bananas and so I watched dog tooth because I hadn't seen any of it the lobster hadn't come out yet oh this is why we this is in 2015 so it lobster came out in 2015 so I met him that summer and I watched dog tooth and I was like this person he's gonna be crazy like I don't know what it's gonna be like to sit with him and then we went for lunch and he's very very lovely mm-hmm and all of his madness is in his art which is a great thing but it's a lot of madness you know so um I just from then I was just like I just take me I just I want to do anything but I still do I'll do anything with him I think he's brilliant and he's like when you meet him he's really yeah he's like a man man but no he's he's really wonderful and I was that what did you feel like that was a conscious choice on your path to when I think of movies like the help or la-la land I don't know if they literally had studio financing but they don't feel like it almost or similar to the Green Book I haven't seen that yet but I think as Gretl say to me sometimes like the most important things in life for cliches and like love can be a cliche and like the help whatever it felt like sorry I felt like with the favorite I don't know was a cat owned I hadn't seen you in before like surrealist and I saw an interview where you said it was very conscious choice to have us seem nudity because you felt like it was I don't know true to the script or something or the scene so I was wondering were you like okay I'm gonna do this kind of movie now or rather was a like look this is a great director I'm just gonna work with great I truly have never in my whole time working which is I guess longer than but it's not that long I guess like 12 or 13 years now well I guess that is kind of fun um have never ever made a decision because I was like this is the kind of thing I need to do okay it's always been falling in love with either an element or now if you're lucky enough you know to get to the place where you get to start making choices it is crazy right so rare and I know will not last forever all three elements like the script the character and the director but in different times it's either I'm dying to work with this director or I am you know this script is incredible or this character but it's always been about that and not about like this idea is important or like it needs to be this big movie or I need to show my parents or whatever okay okay and you feel like would you have like an was it an agent or manager did anybody ever Wow was it you that was like I'm gonna be in Kriss paintings or did say you're I'm saying or did somebody say like look you're a great you're excellent you should only be in excellent things no no I mean I've been I've had the same manager since I was 15 which is really great because we've gotten to talk about everything he's like a member of you seen you he's amazing yeah his name's Doug and he's incredible and we but it's I just I felt and I don't know if you feel this way do you feel like you want to be part of things that you would yourself want to go see or what if that's like as an audience member not just like I've got to play this role because man I got when my best friends make over there and that's like often when we talk about is like I don't want to feel like I'm getting into opera or ballet or like an art form that is slowly becoming less viable because when people our age go to see movies are like you know it shouldn't it shouldn't but but that's where lala land or moonlight or I would hope like Lady Bird or yeah it's bad to reference to make your head but like you know but um you know that people are Adrienne people could see and go oh yeah this is right this is a mirror like I said like this is not like yelling at us or something it's not like an untouchable yes yeah oh and that's the other thing I feel like audiences respond you know it's almost like the way I think about acting like Joaquin Phoenix had a quote where he says um you know some actors are worried about different wearing different scarves or something and I think that's great but more importantly than wearing different scarves it's like chasing a certain feeling what that feeling is I don't know but I'm chasing it and I read that I was like that makes sense to me yeah and in the sense that I think it's really cool when an actor can shape-shift and certainly don't wanna play versions of yourself but what's the coolest is when an audience can see like real humanity on screen and really like learn about themselves or something rather than oh wow look at that guy go and I think I go to the movies - and for explosions and everything like that like and that's what's cool about all this content that's made now is like I think more and more stories are made about real and not like okay well that's what that person's are going through or whatever yeah god you're so much more eloquent then no I'm just sitting here like no you're talking I understand why do things it doesn't make me any different all right I'm attracted to craziness and you're just embarrassed because I was like you know I was like this amazing thing like your special creation or something and you know like who I am now yeah who are you Nick this is me dad here this is Who I am you know I want to ask you about beautiful boy okay you have to talk to me about beautiful boy tell me how that came to you and what tree I mean you are so fantastic your self anti-terror favor you were so excellent in the favorite are so fantastic in that flow you killed me and I was just like yeah I don't know how you are the way you are it's so is it just easy for you what's that acting no no I mean really it just feels like you have you're one of those people who just like you can't like Olympia Coleman who's in the favorite I was like this isn't something you can learn like this I don't know what to do because I can't be taught it just comes through her feels like it does for you and you're hearing there from you I'm gonna receive that but truly you're so alive and honest in every moment and to see you in that kind of pain was just like it was excruciating and so what was it like it wasn't like it was difficult it was really difficult and and I got I was aware of it for about a year and I really nothing I'd been in had come out yet so I knew it was gonna be like that to me was like my get like everything else i weirdly kind of stumbled into including call me by name and yeah and Lady Bird and that was like the thing that I went into the LA audition room and did it again and again and again and and there was a chemistry with Steve and if felt maybe similar to her easy anything as opposed to ease other films I worked on where I was like what's gonna be good if it happens to be good yeah this was like a script people had coveted and the books were really we round and we shot now lay on it and on a stage too so all of a sudden it felt like wow we're gonna make it's like we got a I don't know it felt like there was an added pressure yeah and then living the experience I always feel like I got to be careful like I don't want to be inaccurate like waves like like sells his struggle or something to validate the role or something because what chef actually went through is always gonna be way crazier than when I would have gone through acting it and yet just to you know sometimes I feel like your mind knows you're acting but your body doesn't know you're acting definitely and to go through those scenes like we were begging your father to come home and he says no like that's I can't I really can't imagine anything worse than that or that feeling of you are such a chaos in our life we can't allow you in our in your home anymore um and you use there's some actor a stylist do you are you more drawn to substitution or imagination or does it just depend on the role and I love that question because I think it just it depends on the role depends on the day I think sometimes I get to set and I'm like okay I feel like I'm ready to go today so if anything I'm like Joe Joe some days like if I'll get really in my head or something I've said it before but I'll really like before it take do something together you'll see I'll just be like reaching around everything just so like I'm so out of my head as possible corner what about you that's a well it totally depends on the circumstance and I guess the role but that's it's funny that you mention that because I've like insanely anxious as a child and therapist told me once panic but they said to me if you're ever in you know absolute panic and you can't you feel like you're out of your body just this is a great chair this is a table this is a plant and you just kind of look around for a minute or two and just say what's real and around you and it really does bring you back into your body yeah and they're like the grounds you or something that makes a lot of sense you're actually let's get in those moment and we don't have to like talk about that cake it's not so much movies were only meant to help and stuff and I remember reading something about that where you said that when you were younger you dealt with that kind of stuff and truly I'm not even just saying this is around when I'm getting manic I was getting it was around when I was working on Miss Stevens that I read that interview and I felt like okay you can be anxious or you can experience emotions as a human even as a guy and and have a career and like be here yeah like you can still be successful whatever that means and I don't know you ever think about like I did this roundtable yesterday with a lot of actors and so interesting because there's all these machinations that play now people have to like their representatives there and things like that and yet when it comes down to it when you're talking like the other actors we're talking right now everyone was like a quiet kid in the corner of the class I always not a quiet no I was not a quiet kid I was done I was it's weird because I confuse myself with my personality because half of me is like a total ham performer like the last clown yes and the other half of me is like a terrified like everything has to be perfect or else the whole world is gonna fall apart like those two things and it's gotten a lot easier as I've gotten older as a kid those two sides were so confusing to try to marry yes because it was like one was like way too old for how old I was and one was like just being a kid and being hammy and it's yeah it's really it was I was but I was not quiet although when you always explode it out of me regardless quieter as I got older though I'm still not but when River were you working as you were like still an adolescent I moved to LA when I was fifteen and I by the time super bad was when I was 17 and then it's pretty much going so tres and I just turned 30 Hey so yeah it's been a little bit how old were you when you started working well it's interesting because um I think that something happens in your New York or LA sometimes when you're young or they have to like cast like they the industry has to cast that is it a collective yeah I'm like so I think I know a lot of kids that were like going up for things when you were like six or seven because like everybody's parent or not literally but it's more of a common thing and I kind of worked intermittently but I never totally vibed with it and it felt kind of fake and I'm actually happy about that yes I think that was probably a good thing and when I got to that high school I was like in fact it was on a day where like kids were talking about agents and things and I was like a shoot like I know someone that has sent me on things before like I need to milk the Hat what indeed you are like auditioning as for in this capacity I did a play called the tall's in New York if I went off you walk it's about a car it's like in San Francisco in the 70s and like a kind of like neuter dad is like running for City Comptroller and like his family like low-key so it's just like a comedy various kind of thing around so much fun doing it that uh I wanted to see that I want to see that agent and I was like 15 I went to that office and I was like you know like send me home or yeah basically like I'm ready to really do this and those aged 15 yes yeah and that's when you're like I have grown 15 is like because I didn't I didn't I worked just enough so when I was 19 and I dropped out I had a weird like like like desire to be a part of that more yeah and it but it didn't stunt me and then I guess that's a bit cliche but you see it like stunt people sometimes and they work too much or it's weird you think people are actually I just realized this you think people are being very mature at a young age and then you realize oh wait you have the aesthetic of it but the substance of it they robbed you you didn't go to school yeah so did you feel like you worked did you feel like you work too much for young ladies like me question it's like I think I was really lucky that my first movie I was about to turn 18 and then things started but I will say like I'm wondering how you're feeling although you seem probably light-years more intelligence than I was at 22 but how are you feeling like in this time and you're I guess you don't know because you haven't been older than you are right now so true but because I felt like it's easy I came out when I was 21 and Spiderman came out when I was 22 and I felt really like a not time period to lose anonymity mm-hmm I didn't really understand what that would be like and I think as a kid I like had this fantasy the lego though these are cool there would be you and it was easily easily the hardest aspect of all of this even though I'm so grateful and like me I would never want to do a different job it's and it's you know I know there is a trade-off in that way it was a really intense experience for a couple years yeah to experience that how are you how are you feeling with that kind of shift I um I think partly because it's not really overpowering or dramatic anyway truthfully and like people saw me but I it hasn't been really nuts yeah and yet I must be honest too and be like I feel such pride for calling by her name and Lady Bird and yeah that the fact that we made those on like shoestring budgets and then I went in for spider-man I went in for those things and I didn't get them and those are like prepackaged you will be famous after this thing and those coming read even Lady Bird they really weren't like we were making like art house movies so I think that's what helps me is when I get stopped it's rarely um it's about the movies like so no it's been all right I'm oh yeah it was for me too it's just so funny it was just I think it was just the idea of like your external because one of the things I value so much is just being able to like be you know you yeah and I completely feel that way now it was just in that time period where I was like this is weird is all like this is so yeah it was just this range of family or just experience that all stayed the same I just yeah I think it was probably experience and that the people around me are the same and are one yeah yeah yeah and that's yeah I don't know if it's been your dad's fault I feel like the more even right now doing this with you like I have met very few bad eggs I feel like and I think it's lucked to like Steve Carell and pharming Makani and Lily rabe and Julie Hart and Greta like these are great people but I don't know that's that's I always feel like I got a voice that because I've been pretty lucky a mathlete to I've been there's been so many people and also yeah like people that you become you work on these things and I don't think I've ever worked on a film where I haven't made like well at least one lifelong friend I'm still in touch with that's awesome do you feel that way every variety actor an actor okay good we're yeah I feel yeah I do feel that way I did a Christmas movie called love the Cooper's that was awesome and if the director Jessie nelson ever happens to watch this I had a great time wasn't that with tanky yeah absolutely was she what a legend what a legend and I was going up for a Rob Reiner movie around then oh this may be like employed to even said to her but I was kind of like would you mind calling she did she call him oh that's not that's not evidence of her being a good person she didn't capture to that like she uh she's just a great also it's really cool about Diana is um like you know anytime people can be like a unicorn and then he of any sort was like they can't really and what's cool about Dana's like her fashion and influential movies influenced or fashion influenced or movies yeah I mean you're a unicorn thank you I think you're a unicorn - I got a things I wanted to say to you before we did this but I see like you which you've done in your career that sounds like so self-important or something but like but really what you've done I see like what you and Jennifer Lawrence did and I think okay this is alive and well like this industry and because you guys in your own ways you guys ways done you know have walked that line of things people are actually seeing and but then also really artistic projects and it makes me really hopeful because in unique ways and then also all your pictures together so I kind of hang out come on she's really awesome okay so um I want to talk about and you've probably talked about this a lot but I want to talk a little bit about your preparation for beautiful boy because it was so I mean what you were experiencing as that character right now he's a real person was immense so what what did that require of you well Felix the director you wanted me to lose weight at the top and how old were you there hello when did you make it you know I was 20 I was 21 okay so did you make your last year shoe no I must've been 20 I was 20 okay how could you lose weight I was like whoa I am skinny and he was like Mike you must be skinnier I lost this must be 15 whoa man it was 18 Oh No what did you just not eat I just yeah it's like very hyper concentrated portions of she snowpiercer yeah I took that protein so what did you did you yes it miss what were you saying yeah it's hard to be eating and like you said before like I feel like influence with my environment a lot when I act that's why I really only to act on stages I want to act like with actual tactile real things and to just be in that state was like yeah that was jarring and jarring for people around me especially with the makeup - I could come on scent I would see Steve and he would his face would drop he told me one day he said no more he said like he's like you can't do any more yeah and we put me aside like because you realize like sag protections a lot of things my mom works for unions so they're so important but you realize like you know it's also not somebody trying to be malicious they're like just trying to whatever like it their day done and not going to overtime or whatever maybe that's just put up so there was that there were the books that I stayed really close to like a trust process with Steve just getting to know him and then like and then the gift from Nick who said we understand and David we said like this isn't a biopic basically and like get this as right as possible and that was like a big relief because I thought okay forget mannerisms or like picking up a cup in a weird way and that's into it just do it yeah and then lastly it was like really it was saying coming into it or something the queen is taking a shine to me and I will drip poison into her ear regarding you until she is mad with hatred for you or we could have a mutually advantageous friendship count of three yes or no now if you're so close to the Queen why not just ask this favor yourself and now on the favorite what was the preparation because we work with the same I don't have joinery nobody worked the same dialect coach Joan or Neil Neil oh the best he is so fantastic and your accent is you gave me such confidence because I know was it with meola on the favorite meal yes because I'm on the King made in the summer and I want to do it so I was like wow because I feel oh I know a lot of British people that can do excellent American accent yes me too and if it's also a lot of British people have gone to drama school and I've been listening to American accent for such a long time I so the preparation for that it wasn't it wasn't too extensive because we had a long rehearsal process well here goes it's long like three like three weeks and there was a horseback riding shooting those guns all really bonding and doing kind of theater ish exercises and gun shooting see that's incredible it's like I'm shooting your face is so amazing and it's seen because I don't know and you don't have to define it for me but I don't know it looks like it's trepidation at first but then you really lean into it and it's like oh my god is she enjoying this was a layered person to get to play I mean all three of those women it was just it was such a dream to remove racially so wonderful I'd say yeah I want you I want you over there but she gave me great advice about you know kind of like your life becoming public today I met her last year and she said if you're trying to run away from it you're gonna drive yourself crazy and like you lean into it you might actually enjoy it I'll hope it yeah yeah and were you working closely with him on the character slash accent or was that a thing where you were like day one you're like here it is here goes yeah no he does not talk about that stuff okay interesting like you know he's very um cuz he's thinking about other things or because it was let's you do your thing and he can gauge it from there which I could kind of used to that process and I really enjoy it because it gives you a lot of freedom to sort I mean I love getting in there and being really you know like really digging deep yes script character everything with the director right but that is not your courses way okay it is not his MO hey it's kind of you guys find it and figure it out okay well caliber keys are giving it to you or like a sci-fi director just thinking about other things no I think he's just I think the reason he hires the people he hires is because he trusts them to do what they do with the character which is lovely because you feel trusted trusted yeah and then um yeah there's no micromanaging but then he's more specific as you start shooting and then on the and what was Felix man Felix is a dream and he made a movie called broken circle breakdown that if you want to weep all day yes I mean that's like it's it's also a beautiful movie that takes place in Belgium but has a whole bluegrass musical theme to it and know what it would it would a dream and also like I said before I read for him like six times yeah so once he gives it to you you're like on a gratitude and all so that was tough now there were little moments for the actors be like hey Felix thanks for a great day you know so he was really great with us because we were you it wasn't kind of thing we look to the coffee and you were like oh tomorrow's like a lighter day I was like oh god like then they went through this then they went through this so yeah but it was awesome working with him it's so great we wanted me to like I asked a social media thing but I was really inspired because I feel like eight years ago or ten years ago there was this thing where was all new still and everyone was like oh my god everyone has to be doing this now yet and I think what I've seen is like with you or JWoww or like Beyonce or Franco I guess group where people are like at a certain level or something you're not doing it and I think that's so badass or something and I mean honestly I think it's more because I would be overwhelmed by being like like putting something out there in the being like why did I say that what did I what were these comments I think it would just be too much of an influx for my personality okay I think it's a thing it's like a sensitivity level oh you're not like I'm better than this no okay no I do not know her that I really like it and I think it's great and I do lurk but I don't yes you look there you have it I do yeah do you like it um does it help you feel like engaged in the woods know what I like the idea of it um god I really hope this is not pretentious but I like the idea of it is like almost another expression of yourself and rather than like here's my career like being like you know why you're here some clues and here's yeah [Music] you
Channel: Variety
Views: 3,143,901
Rating: 4.9757161 out of 5
Keywords: Variety, Variety Studio
Id: 8Lj1Cx4pNUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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