Elizabeth Olsen Takes a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair

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nothing here hurts okay I mean slightly forward I have low blood pressure okay this is your full name Elizabeth Chase Olsen yes are you an actor yes are you about to take a polygraph exam yes are you worried about failing this polygraph no am I already lying do you lie pretty often no I don't lie lie I'm lying I just lied from saying I don't I'm not I don't lie that's correct Oh weird I really don't think I lie we're going to start with the category of your life okay you once said you were intimidated by this person oh Danielle Heim because I'm so happy I didn't know these questions before yes I think I still am intimidated by that person describing her as the coolest person in the world yeah especially when you're in high school and she was like always that cool do you still think she's the coolest person in the world I think Danielle's up there um she's yeah she's a very talented person and has a very Cool vibe I think if I wanted to be a rock star one day I would want to grow up to be like her Danielle was recently a licorice pizza yes do you think you're a better actor than her yeah sorry sorry Danielle I hope she'd agree does that mean you're the coolest person in the world now no I'm very uncool did you see licorice pizza I did and you didn't think she was very good no I loved the film and I thought she was great in it but she didn't have to do much she's lying about the film what do you mean why about what liking the film that's correct oh I did like the film or about her acting oh yeah she was fine man sorry Danielle you did great I don't know what's happening it's so uncomfortable right now John Oliver claims your sisters Mary Kate and Ashley are just one person moving incredibly fast is he correct no how can you prove that they're twins my mom gave birth to both of them C-section Style and there are lots of photos since forever um that proves there's two of them in these photographs and I think the photos would prove that and you know capture a photo with babies in different places and stuff but you weren't there I was there sometimes later when I was born what about Photoshop there's yeah not then really not in the 80s have you ever used the term New York minute when talking to them no even when you lived in New York yep I don't think I've ever used that phrase actually what about you got it dude I say that a lot I like you got it dude do you do a thumbs up I do this because I'm cool and if I had to start teaching class on how to be cool I would tell people to do that that's where we would begin do they like it when you say that I don't know if I've said it to them but I do say it as a reference to Full House no I just like say I like the phrase and I also with the wink yeah sure you once said you are a plant Mom I don't think I've said that but I love plants I don't know if I've referred to them as their mother telling the truth okay do you name your plants no I don't like naming inanimate objects like cars and houses and my plants I don't know I guess they're not inanimate objects or growing living beings but no I don't like naming them would we find any funny plants in your California home oh like pot no I want to be a stoner I'm an aspiring stoner I'm trying I just started trying actually um it's it's something that I'm not very good at okay um I just started trying it again for the first time in like a decade so I'm a beginner it's legal in California what would a beginner weed smoker do they um they they take a hit really small one try not to cough they wait about 45 minutes they take another hit and then it's bedtime that's what I've done now um three times um in the last like 10 years this is definitely the second thing I teach in my cool person School you said you love to cook and have been hosting dinner parties since you were 17. yes do you think you're a better cook than this person Ina Garten no I know no she was one of my teachers I watched Food Network a lot growing up and I would think she would be one of my teachers she doesn't know that though what about this person no Giada no another one of my teachers you know she's one of your teachers nope nope I love the way she says she really likes saying her Italian words like an Italian what would you cook for them at a dinner party I like a kale Caesar salad that um and I like I like that like an anchovy dressing I'd make homemade ricotta I really like Jody Williams um cookbooks so um there are a lot of recipes that I've kind of stolen from her so Cassandra tomato toast thing I like lots of snackable things maybe roasted chicken because it's simple do you think they'd be impressed no I think they'd be like thank you you are self-proclaimed minimalist huh okay yeah sometimes these journalists I don't know what they put on there but yes maybe I I think I have not too many things so is this a jacket a minimalist would wear I think so I don't have any jewelry on not a lot of makeup I think so um you know and and that always really one piece is pretty easy to put on and take off there wasn't like you know any complicated taping or it's very easy to wear okay does preferring simple fashion make you a hard client for a stylist sometimes yeah just because I um I'm not very enthusiastic about clothes I rather wear my own clothes like I am right now would you consider yourself a tough client in general I don't think so no I'm pretty agreeable eventually I'm easy going I don't complain a lot Judd she's telling the truth cool so I've only laid once so far and it was about Daniel heim's acting that's good moving on to your career oh boy you auditioned for Spy Kids but didn't get the rule no you were quoted saying I'm very happy I didn't get it because I didn't want to be a child actor do you stand by that statement yes then do you consider yourself a liar since you were a child actor and How the West Was Fun well that was kind of like um I would be like babysat at the same time if there's a lot of kids so it's more helpful for us to all be at the same place and so I would be around set and so sometimes they would use me my character's name was girl and Carr and the credits so you were forced no I was happy to I was a ham I wanted attention so Elizabeth was it really Agatha all along yes it was really Agatha all along there's a song and everything there's a lot of Wanda fan art sure do you ever get sent any I don't know how how I would because I'm not on social media but I have in the past been sent to Fan Art and I've seen it at comic-cons and I would really hope that would never be sent to my home because that would scare me have you ever gotten fan mail from someone incarcerated I don't think so maybe people that should be but I don't know you said you're not in the Avengers group text yeah I don't even know what that is I was on some sort of chain I forgot it was some app um that's like a secret texting app where people don't record you know in this space like what you say or something I don't know what it was called but we were on some sort of like uh fantasy football and I deleted that app since and I don't know how I'm not on any other group text with anyone because I'm so cool no groups want you to join no they haven't invited me to play another fantasy league since I wonder why what would you need to do to get added back in oh I don't know I don't I don't go out much maybe if I are more social but I'm not it's just an app you don't need to go anywhere oh yes sir sure I don't have WhatsApp and I don't really know how they're communicating with one another no one's talked to me about it I don't think Benedict Cumberbatch is on the chat either so there's not a secret Avengers group with you and Benedict no we have like a one-way interaction or two-way I guess that would be two people on One interaction speaking of do you think this man looks like an excited otter a bit and I also if I I love otters so I think he I hope he would like that he looks very it's a very funny facial expression moving on do you think this man is the smartest man alive no I don't know him though but I would never assume that an actor would be the smartest man alive you don't know him at all I don't think so no I've never met him you were in the same movie I've never met him she's coming out truthful never met him and he's already told me that I've lied a couple times I've never met that man I've met his wife okay then the final category is pop culture I know lots about pop culture I'm sure you'll do fine thank you you've said you and this man Chris Evans are very close friends we were we lived very close to each other and during that time we'd hang out a lot I still like him but I don't like hanging out with him anymore you don't like hanging out with them anymore no I just like no I don't it's not that I don't like hanging out with him anymore I was doing a little more La way I don't like still hang out with him I was doing it more as a valley kid um but um yeah he's he's um he's a he has a great laugh so it makes you feel better about yourself when you tell a joke would you say you were BFFs never no but we were friends and we were friends I don't know why I'm acting like he's dead we're friends but like we just don't hang out anymore did you stop hanging out with him because he tap dances no it's one of the things I like about him did he show you I've seen him tap dance yeah he Taps a lot on set like wait around and just kind of start like tapping his feet and we're in between setups and stuff is he your favorite Chris um I don't know who my favorite Chris is that's inconclusive what about this Chris Chris Pratt yeah he's nice too I mean that's why I think I feel inconclusive about it they've all got different things to offer they're all you know nice nice people to be around none of them are divas and that's how I feel about the Chris's I think I like Chris's in general on an episode of Jimmy Kimmel celebrities read mean tweets someone commented that you have weird thumbs thumbs yes I remember that do you think you have weird thumbs I do have weird thumbs can you show us yes they um don't really oppose much what okay okay you didn't like it either no no no no [Laughter] mm-hmm they um I can't open champagne you know in the celebratory style I have to just kind of yank it off with my fist do you do that a lot open champagne um I'd like to do it more but I have done my brother told me that if I um if I kept doing it my thumb would fall off because he's my brother I would tell friends when they wanted to see it that I couldn't do it because you were scared because I was scared that it would fall off you deleted all forms of social media in 2020 do you feel disconnected from the rest of the world no so you don't have a secret Instagram account No I um well go on to like my friend's Instagram accounts and um I get logged off after like it won't let me for the rest of the day after like three photos I look at and then Instagram tells me I can't look at it anymore and then I wait for 24 more hours and sometimes it I don't know I don't actually know the timing but I get logged off if I if I try and browse what about a secret Tick Tock no I've never seen the app I've seen videos off of it from friends but I've never seen the app do you like The Tick Tock dances um there is a doctor strange one that makes me laugh every time I look at it and it's a guy who's pretending to be doctor strange and he's really intense and that gives me joy so do you know what a meme is yes well I get confused with the GIFs their ones moving and one's words do people send you one of vision memes I think I've gotten like a bunch of I think people have sent me stuff people have sent me stuff of Wanda I don't know what if it would be a meme or Jeff or whatever but your partner Robbie was in a band called Milo green correct are we allowed to call Rob your husband yes so how often do you listen to your husband's band I used to listen to them a lot I kind of listened to like one playlist for a couple years and then I move on to a new playlist and he's not on the the new playlist I've been listening to on repeat for the last two years it's like like 30 songs on there [Laughter] play Rosalia and stuff that's the most pop culture I get that's pretty pop culture yeah I love her if it's on us now I'll learn something so you watch SNL I do would you host SNL I would love to I used to be too scared to now I'm scared too but I would like to try what scares you all of it I think it's an intimidating thing to do that I've aged and I think I'm getting more confident I'm not a liar final question at any point did you lie during this interview and we didn't catch you no but I also feel like we're a bit harsh on the second lie fine Judd she's lying take her to jail that's all we need
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 2,796,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, comedy, doctor strange, doctor strange in the multiverse, doctor strange multiverse, dr strange, elizabeth olsen, elizabeth olsen 2022, elizabeth olsen doctor strange, elizabeth olsen dr strange, elizabeth olsen interview, elizabeth olsen lie, elizabeth olsen lies, elizabeth olsen vanity fair, elizabeth olsen vanity fair lie detector, in the multiverse, vanity fair, vanity fair elizabeth olsen, vanity fair lie detector, vanity fair lie detector test
Id: T-vxRbm-YoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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