Chris Evans and Paul Rudd - Actors on Actors - Full Conversation

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so ask me a question really like a really interested talk about hey boss Wow what was it like what was it like what was it like working on defending Jacob um well I mean from an acting standpoint it was uh Elizabeth you were you were saying now keep keep going [Music] well Chris I'm so happy to be sitting here talking to you yeah me too buddy hey then I've been alright okay I was you know I I feel as if full disclosure I'm a little hot and sweaty because I thought that would this was in an hour but it's not are you in New York I am yeah nice upstate yeah and you're in you're in Massachusetts Massachusetts yeah it's hot and sweaty here too full disclosure I forgot this was today so I'm sure well you know you say that you're in Massachusetts and how fitting because that leads me right to this first question I have for you perfect about defending Jacob which is set in that part of the world where you're from that's right uh did you did you know this book how how did this whole thing even come about it's no I didn't know the book I was I was actually I was working in New York I was like doing my show which you so so kindly came to see me in I was doing that show and yeah my team has brought me there the pilot and you know as I'm sure you know it's actually funny because a lot of the questions I have prepared for you are kind of interchangeable because I'm assuming with your show as well you only get a pilot or so you know so it's a bit of a leap of faith they brought me the pilot and I met with Mark and Morton and you know you just I had some not concerns but but when you don't know where the characters gonna go you just got to kind of trust a little bit so we had multiple meetings multiple discussions and eventually you just kind of say you know what I like these people I just want to go work with these guys every day and they're just you know fun people to take risks with did you know the own about you what yours comes to deep did you get the the pilot or did you did you get the whole no I was in a very different situation actually all eight of the episodes were written it was a completely self-contained so I I actually was I know it's rare that you know you get to read something and it was one writer eight episodes and and so I had the complete thing to start and it is a little scary when you're starting off because you don't know where it's gonna go and you do you know it's it is in in good faith but when you're working with good people which she clearly were it's easier to take that leap did you know them before had you worked with these people and how did it not I mean so I see an imitation game which Morton directed you know I had seen some of the the Planet of the Apes films that mark bomback had been a part of writing so I knew some of their work but it really was just a fad you know it was great both of them had a fourteen-year-old son or not a fourteen exactly but but children around that age which obviously the show orbits around so you can feel the personal connection translates into great you know creative passion so these they're they're you know it's it's things like that which you can kind of grasp on and find the connective tissue to each other when you're dealing with intangibles out of the gate did you have because one of the beauties of my gig was Morton the director and Mark the writer did all of them you know what I mean every single show was they were the writer they were the director combo do you got the same thing exact same thing Dayton and Faris Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris husband-and-wife directing team they did Little Miss Sunshine and a lot of great movies and documentaries and they're terrific we kind of sought them out and they directed all eight of ours so yeah I'm lucky it is true you know when you have that kind of singular vision it makes it a lot easier I'm always amazed I I don't have that much experience with doing a show but when different directors are coming on every other week it must be a little challenging this plays my life this is my story these are my thoughts I mean what are you thinking huh are you trying to piss me off well it's my story too I have just as much of a right to live as you do excuse me lease is not boring anymore I've seen your show living with yourself and it's just it's fantastic and you really are fantastic in it I said earlier you are the perfect guy for that for that role well would you have something you want to say to me no no not really there's okay know that I do know that was yeah of course it seems it seems cheap to just kind of reciprocate it doesn't seem real but it's from the heart you're fantastic I don't offending Jaber you know you're really you're here's the thing that I think is you it's very convincing and it is a an incredibly intense situation and a character that is really with each episode getting closer and closer to this manic state I mean it how hard is it to sustain that frame of mind for eight episodes well god I mean the real question that that really should be yours especially given the content of your show but but I'm one petrasis so if you had all eight episodes up front I wonder if your shooting was different cuz we you know obviously it wasn't chronological so you might shoot something in the in one day that's episode one and then in the afternoon episode eight so you really have to hold this entire store ostensibly it's an eight hour movie you know you have to hold the whole store in your head and really kind of turn knobs to really extreme degrees you know from minute to minute from scene to scene but you know that was the beauty of having one director one I can't even imagine having to swap out directors for each episode and still try to holding that story in your head would become a solo effort you know when you have the same people involve every day they really can kind of hold your hand and walk you through they were a part of everything that was shot they know everything that still needs to be shot and they have their finger on the pulse of of the story you know what I mean so then they can kind of modulate the performance accordingly I was gonna ask you I think the thing everyone wants to know did you get paid double I think I had no no that must have been really hard though I mean I can't imagine well it was it was what was the process was you would you shoot one whole side and then no it was you know what a big great one of the appeals I'm sure that you find I found this to be true to is you know you're you when you've been doing this kind of thing a little while you want to try new and exciting things and the idea of playing two parts and having scenes with myself was something I've never done before and it was a challenge but you know as a result we are because your location dependent as well we're shooting the scene could be in SEPA sewed one and then it could be again in Episode four but we're shooting also the same scene from a different point of view so we would have to do scenes the same scene in different episodes in different ways and then have to do them again twice because it was two characters so it was a very strange thing to try and keep it all in an order and you know would you remember from moments you know obviously this is a real you know pretentious platitude but acting is you know listening and reacting so would you remember you know if if you were doing one side one one version of yourself would you have to remember the choices you made and then kind of say okay take one I did this so on the reverse don't forget take one I got a try and like little puzzle pieces you have to make sure each Jesuses respond to each choice you make would you actually have to make like mental notes of the choices you made from take to take I did I did unbelievable yeah and and it became a little bit easier you know it's a weird it's a weird thing that you just there's no one way of doing it I guess I mean I've talked to a couple of other actors that have done this kind of thing and the thing that I got before I started II was that everyone's approach was different and is different and you just kind of find what works best for you and and then yeah I found because I wouldn't I didn't use an acting double and I didn't want to be reacting to somebody I was acting opposite even though I was just gonna ask that so you're just reacting to nothing so I was reacting what I what I did the way that the way that we did it was I would record the lines I would I would read the scene act the scene with the sound guy and he would just not a boom mic or just we would just do it as an audio and then he put it into his system and then on an iPad we had each line as cues and so whatever character was driving the scene was the character that I would film first and I would rehearse the scene for the camera and the crew as though as we felt like the blocking this is the way it should be this is one look I would then act the care act it imagining I was opposite and I had an earwig in my ear and when I would say my line I would hear myself respond but we had somebody off-camera hitting the cue on the iPad that played the other characters response and then once we kind of settled on the tank I would change over and I would then watch what we had recorded we would be able to line up the shot and I was watched what I did and I tried to remember what I had done if I was moving and I was reaching for something I remember on that line I'm reaching so mine would have to follow and it became choreography and it was a real you'd almost pick words still you pick the hero take or it wouldn't be like if you did let's say you did five takes you wouldn't say okay when we flip around I'm going to you know from up for the earwig lines first take I want the lines from take one second take I want the lines from take to like you you weren't we would just kind of settle we would just kind of settle on you think the heroes that we were gonna use we because the thing is is that we did read you know we did also didn't have that much time it of course it's got a weird as I'm sure you experienced as well you know you don't have it isn't it is like shooting an eight hour movie but your she can get a normal movie length you know time the time takes its you know an hour and a half if you are you know and there's a new era when you uh when you first come out of a no spoilers right it doesn't matter when you first come out of the spa and you're driving and you actually go running through the corn as I was watching and I was like I feel like that at least once a day in Massachusetts that's just kind of my my general like I was like you know that's a real good like benchmark just a good little check-in for my life to be like that's a good sign if I feel that way without being a clone give anything to be you in fact I just did fifty thousand of two guys in a massage parlor well thank you for that it's working out just great so far alright you know what I'm sorry but to be fair when I did that you were me so in a way it's your fault too also why don't you age are you drinking baby blood I most certainly age I say especially these days oh you know what that actually bleeds nicely into this next question your first acting job was sisters in 1992 did they make the list for you a question have they made a list ask me I'm only picking a couple but I know no I think what are some this would be good what are some of that go through the questions that Davidson did they watch you guys well they had one that said what was it like being on friends and you know that I actually have a question that I specifically have always thought it's not a question so much as it is just an attaboy in terms of Hollywood you are a part of like it's amazing just to be part of any you know commune you know I'm in marvel world and you are a part of Marvel you're a part of friends and you're in the the Apatow crew like those are three real club' cliquey like benchmark II things like that's I can't think of anybody else that has such a kind of widespread affiliation with so many different genres and groups what basically what does it feel like to be awesome no well that I definitely don't know no it's a good question which which one are you most proud of and just remember who who's who's in the right well it's interesting because they do seem like kind of pockets and chapters in life and I just I guess it's a she's been around forever but there's a funny there I do there is a little bit of a kind of a Forrest Gump feel to it where I've yeah while I was in this people know and this but but at the same time in something like friends I you know it's the show was about them but it's an interesting thing to be a part of I came on at the end was only in it for just a blip but I was I felt like oh I just want to get in the way I'm like a prop on this show I just I'm Mike Hanigan but there's but there's a very interesting feeling to be a part of something that has that kind of profound impact on pop culture and and you know in the Avengers world it was kind of like you know welcoming into the to the fold but very quickly like I can't imagine you not gelling with the group so I'm assuming you kind of just you you're like you're like sorbet just like a palate cleanser you know what I mean it's an always welcome addition the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me thank you there you go I feel like we're just talking all about me and my career I haven't even yeah my god I want to talk to you and ask you all sorts of interesting things but in the meantime we'll continue with me the UH the thing is is its its it there's it is a surreal it is a surreal feeling to be a part of something that you know is seen in every country and what it was you know working with you on Avengers really on civil war for that first time now you know that carrot that scene that we had where we were the car park yeah and there were say I met you yeah and there was a real kind of oh wow nervousness about Scott Lang and I was but and I just really kind of played into that because that part of that was part of what I was feeling anyway I'd look around I think whoa there's you know there's Chris Evans and there sebastian stan and you know didn't and there's the suit yes I remember did there is we were filming that whole sequence and and we were all kind of having a change in or suits in this do you remember there was like a little like a little makeshift locker room changing into things and and and I saw the suits on the racks and it was it was like yeah it felt like being in a locker room of the of the of a Super Bowl winning football team I don't know if you remember this on that day today Mackey and I and Scarlett we got in our head that we were gonna shoot we got in our head that we were gonna make a little video just just for the Marvel gang like a little you know culmination like like it's like a yearbook video of set to that song from grease what's that one song in the end we go to whatever that's and so we were just gonna go around take little clips of videos that people just kind of dance in and cut it all together and so the first day I was like alright I'll start collecting some of this footage was the day you were on set I have you know what no I'm not gonna do I have the forever remember the first day I met you I asked you to do this I was like hi nice to meet you you don't know me but can I get this group of guy you know is you Mackey I think Renner Sebastian and I just said look everyone just dance for 30 seconds and you did it you were a great sport you willingly dance with very little explanation from me and then I never completed the video I just abandoned that's all I have but but I got that footage of our first day of meeting if you dancing and you grow Wow I may have next thing I tweeted I must have blocked it out I don't remember it at all good I'm not gonna dance that's that's a little bit you feel like you're the new kid no you have to do it you got cornered you had your kids do this I'm gonna find it right now this is this is this is more interesting than whatever I was gonna ask you anyway where I have this footage he's gonna be great all right go ask me something in the mean you know I do want to bring this back to defending Jacob but while we're on the topic of Avengers and I mean what is it like for you to play such an iconic character and in in arguably the you know the most popular movie franchise in the world in his you know intimidating at first and I'm sorry I'm still looking for oh I found it I found it I can't show it it's way too embarrassed is it bad Oh cuz I'm in it to render me Lizzy Mackie you and Sebastian oh you kill your oh this is gonna be great I'm gonna put this in some what was like it was um intimidating you know that everyone has everyone has expectations everyone kind of has in their mind most times with a character you're the first tracks in the snow you know so this is something where you have a baked in the cake connection to the character from from the people you're you know offering the movie - so it's intimidating and overwhelming but very quickly you know what it's like working at Marvel they they make you feel so comfortable and you they never it feels like such a such a group effort you know that every decision is going to kind of be vetted over endlessly and and they're always gonna come out as it's it's a real landscape of competing ideas and the best idea wins and and and that's how they end up with so many good movies so so very quickly you kind of put down your fear and just kind of recline a little bit and recognize that you're in good hands but you know that feeling I mean what is it like for you when you go outside what is it like for you if you get if you have to if you're if you find yourself it's where there's just like a bunch of kids around what what does that like uh do they just freak out you know it's yeah a little bit and it but it's it's that's so nice cuz I you know I don't know about you but I you know I grew up with Star Wars and I had certain characters that just meant the world to me and and you know we live in a much different time now you know back when I was young celebrity was far away you know what I mean and and actors were only accessible through their work and now you have this other channel where you can actually offer a little bit more of who you are which is a tricky you know tightrope to walk but but it is nice to be able to share a little bit extra especially playing a character that I respect so much and trying to you know create this nexus between the work you do and and and and the impact you might want to have on kids you know it's so nice when a kid looks up to you what a strange thing what a strange thing you know what I mean oh very undeserving in a way you know what I mean it's not like you know you're just an actor but but it's nice to kind of feel that the interaction can mean more than I don't know like I met Hulk Hogan when I was younger and it was the best thing I'd ever met seen him in my life but you know no disrespect to Hulk Hogan but but sometimes you meet people where I don't know you you get your own identity tangled up with them at all you know I mean you all you start to aspire to things and and and it's motivating in a way and it's I think the role itself kind of brings a lot of that to the table and that's that's nice because again it's it's nothing I did it's just something I get to benefit I'm downstream of something else you know so it's uh it's nice in a very serpentine lengthy answer it's nice to interact with kids especially when they walk away feeling something that the character kind of put in there had already yeah does that make sense do you feel a pressure because you know Captain America is obviously that character is perfect is a perfect person pretty much yeah yeah I mean how how well maybe not know do you feel outside of the you know in the real world it's probably not pressure put on by the world it's probably pressure maybe you you know well you know when you when you spend a lot of time with the character and when you try to find your own parallels with it you end up more often than not falling short of a character like Steve Rogers you know he's an impossible the bar is set impossibly high so you know on a very personal intimate way you kind of feel a little bit of like a pebble in your shoe that you could be doing more you can be trying harder or you know any little thing that you go through in your life if the narrative in your head for you know 10 years has been trying to think how this character would think it's hard not to absorb at least a little bit of it and and like I said end up feeling really bad about yourself no but it's it's yeah it's it's and I wouldn't say I feel pressure from outside I'd say you know you put pressure on yourself I suppose in the marble maze come on I'm hitting the ball back to you well this was this was such a tee up for a defending you were doing okay finish the shot come on because you know you have you have it's a dare opposite end of the spectrum here I mean a noble pursuit but my god this is a guy who's really tormented in different ways and is part of the appeal to play a character that is so different than what people are used to maybe seeing you in if they've owned if they only have would maybe know about Captain America yeah and so many you know I really am Mac I'm not continuously trying to just kick the ball back but I am curious as to what you would say as well because I always feel that is this anyone who talked about herself like you know Paul I think my answers were best being comforting what you have to say about what do you think I I think you never want to let the tail wag you know you don't want to cut your cloth according to perception and you won't you want to make sure your creative appetite is just what's what's driving you you can't deny that people might see you a certain way and you can't deny that you know even playing a certain role over along in a period of time you get creatively curious and restless but but I I really try to go out of my way to make sure that the choices I make within this industry the choices I make in my personal life aren't dictated by how I'm perceived because I just think that's impossible to fully know accurately and and a slippery slope I just don't I don't see the value in incorporating that data I guess I guess I shouldn't say how you feel like you're perceived and you want to do this because you may be perceived in every way I'm thinking more along the lines of you as an actor are you oh yeah how excited are you to do something that is a different kind of role because you haven't you know madly many you played many different kinds of characters alright I'm also not like one of these guys that you know I'll eat the same thing for breakfast for ten years you know I mean I I don't I don't crave I really try and let my I'm very capricious you know what I mean by nature so I wake up one day and want something and then wake up the next day and wants the complete opposite so sometimes I can hit a groove where I just only want to do the same basically it's it's not that I wake up and only want to find variety in my performance I might find a character that is in the military and is magnanimous and taciturn and all these Captain America s qualities but if there's a great director and if there's a great writer and I just feel like collaborating with them you know I'll pursue it so it's there's a real cocktail of reasons why I choose to do what I do but like I said I could be you know incredibly varied or I could be incredibly quotidian for a long time and and not really not mind how about yourself I mean people know you have no manners all those amazing words you just used in the last quotidian like daily like to do something like ritualistically you know I only know it is you know you know what's so funny Paul I can't even believe you're giving me credit about being a wordsmith because you know for a five so we got it's all you viewers out there we got we were big into boggle during the Marvel movies and I'm gonna tell you right now this is without fail it's it's without fail you could be playing with a group of 20 people the person who is gonna win it's Paul Rudd the person who's gonna come in nail-biting second is Don Cheadle and Ruffalo will be way at the although wonderful oh god Ruffalo he'll have like two words on his whole list but he got asbestos asbestos on the boggle board too real anomaly anyway he that is pretty impressive but that's because Mark fights the valiant fight he's probably out right now marching against asbestos before yeah I was gonna say he has no time for children's games he's doing it like you know I like that in between you orphan Oliver teen you were phenomenal oh you found words you never stopped writing it's incredibly infuriating you want to like knock your pad and paper away cuz you just I'm just staring at the board waiting for it to speak to me and you don't you don't stop writing your pen is moving the whole time yeah do you consider yourself a competitive person I'm about to flip this table so a little just thinking about losing this new me yeah tell you what I like I like competition I don't think like it doesn't put me in a bad mood if I lose even though I just said I was gonna flip disabled you know I think it's fun to get involved it's fun to you know be passionate about it but but I don't carry it with me no right yeah it makes me sad whenever no in those kinds of games I get super competitive and grow yeah if there was any kind of group back to him like a trivial pursuit or any kind of game kind of growing up I may be way too I'm Kennedy myself UK I care that I'm it's a lot of work like be cool during games because sometimes I would just I didn't like the way I did and I get really into it and I didn't have you ever deal with that did you get that competitive about things competitive and I mean well you know I tell you what acting is a great it's like if you're gonna like break a mayor or something acting will kind of break that in you cuz cuz you won't you won't it's very cyclical it's very never-ending even if you kind of get the medicine for that competitive nature it reinvents in a heartbeat so so acting if you want to be endlessly miserable be a competitive actor you know what I mean if you want to kind of find peace with this industry you got to kind of put that down save it for boggle you know what I mean but but when it comes to this industry I got to say I don't consider myself at all competitive I actually feel like a real champion of the other people in my profession I think everyone's phenomenal and give me three beers and I'll just go around the room congratulating everybody on just being the greatest person yeah I think I think competitiveness in this business was a it's toxic what about within your family like your brother you compete oh [ __ ] them I mean my brother and I are wildly wildly competitive in terms of he was he was doing quarantine with me and so we we we have an all-time record on our phone for for ping-pong for shuffleboard for Mario Kart for for everything so so we were really adding to our all-time list him and I take things real seriously but but again not professionally not not in the acting world and you know where it could really create a rift we put those weapons down but you know board game will you know not talk for a few days I have to tell you something something that's gonna come out soon about Jacob about me my family my father you know playing carrot Captain America obviously comes with pressure because he's so well known I didn't know ant-man as well is there pressure trying to bring a character that you kind of get it's it's it's it's not one of the name it's not Superman you know what I mean it's not like Batman was it pret was there pressure to kind of say alright this is gonna be a franchise it's not like a supporting character you're getting a standalone movie is there pressure to take a character that's one of the lesser-known comic book characters and make sure he can like be on the level of what Marvel has you know come to expect yeah I mean there's there's probably look this pressure at every single move you're making kind of in this world I think in the Marvel channeled and how much you really let it affect you is the key I figured there's probably just pressure entering the Marvel Universe and these and this film Canon that is so popular with so many people all over the world hmm yeah you don't want to you don't want to be you know the weak link to take a character like ant-man which yeah very you know few people knew was was and people would think they would ask me like I say I got this part I'm playing ant-man and then they'd say what does ant-man do and I say sure you can shrink to the size of an ant and then and then he also has but he retains you know some strength and he can also control ants and talk to and people would laugh what the character does and it was me playing it which is not I'm not the first guy that I think people would think of when it comes to playing a big superhero so you know you want to be accepted you want to take it I mean I wanted to try and make a character that was a superhero that was kind of a regular person that the whole world of it a superhero Dempsey overwhelming and what do you do with this and you know a way to make it somewhat identifiable but there yeah there's a pressure and then there's also a pressure as you as you know because you've met many people who are who do know a lot about a man in fact might know everything about it man and there's no who know everything about Captain America and you know these characters are important to many mmm just you know you want to treat them with the respect and hopefully do the character a service and certainly the character that was the way it was created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee and you know and and everyone at Marvel I mean you know they're they've been around for a while what is going on with the next hand man like I I'm not even sure what's happening with Marvel right now what's what's the future plan there is a third right well yeah we've we've we've that's that's that's the idea I mean I don't know what I'm supposed to say what I'm not supposed to say but with this quarantine who even knows anything anymore but there's no plan on is there plans on shooting anytime soon I'm not gonna be able to say anything Chris you know no of course not I mean I know the drill I don't know what I'm doing I don't know a message I might as well ask what your favorite well what's your penis I mean you know putting your own ant-man joke there so you're talking about how the creators of the show have teenage sons you don't know and you know it was what was that like playing a dad yeah I loved it I mean I had a wonderful relationship with my father so you know if you have to kind of parallels in your own life to draw from what a lovely what what a lovely you know Avenue to kind of stroll down to try and remember all the sweet moments I had with my own father and the the the depth that that love can reach and you know obviously it's a little bit of a darker subject matter in the show because obviously that love leads him to kind of bend his ethics his morals but but but for the sake of something that I would consider really really pure and and something that I would probably do as well you know for the sake of my kids so yeah you're right I don't have a kid but but it was a really enjoyable role to play I I you know even down to the the posture of you know poking your head in your kid's bedroom door and just saying goodnight and just those little kind of the physicality of that and the kind of cadence of that is something I remember so well and and contributes to such a healthy secure safe part of my childhood and it's it's so nice to kind of play the role that provides that in the face of this really really awful circumstance where that thing you love so much this not just your kid but the the family dynamic the identity that you get tangled up in being a father is this thing that you fight for and and that's obviously what the character is fighting for so in a lot sorry I'm scratching my dog I'm not like doing a weird thing under here yeah he's actually really enjoyable obviously it was it was a you know there's a lot of darkness surrounding the plot but but but just for the sake of trying to everyday think about how much you can love somebody in something and how much you can fight for something and and defy morals and you know your own personal code for the sake of someone else is uh I don't know it's kind of lovely it opens you up a little bit it was great how did how did you wait tell me again that you're you're not your detective you're really a prosecutor da da District Attorney da right right okay so so then you get this part and you're playing a DA mmm-hmm how do you you know what it's even you don't have a son but you know what that blue how do you get da do you just follow what's in the script do you talk to the director or do you talk to das how what how did you go about preparing who played it luckily a lot of the people we had hired you know it takes place in Boston so a lot of those other roles where you have you know whether it's you know the judge or the bailiff or you know all the people in the courtroom who are hired to play these you know one or two line roles we also wanted their accents so you get a lot of people who are authentic to the Boston area in this part you know that they they not only have the accent but they have the vernacular I mean they they know what to say they know what this wording is so just kind of talking about you know it's easy to get carried away with the performance of a scene like that and you know well wouldn't would a DA ever say that you know this is his Grant's as this TV or is this grounded in reality so simple things like that the writer of the book William land a was on set quite a bit he he I think he actually might have he was a DA but but yeah we actually had a nice group of people on set to kind of keep us in bounds it's like when you do a movie where you play like you know military or something like that you need someone in there who's you know you know Terry otherwise you're gonna look like what what is it like when you have the writer of the book and then the writer of the episode you know no one says I've done that I've done that before I've done some things well not quite like that but similar enough where someone who is part of the parents material is on set and it can be intimidating but but William was just what a guy so nice so friendly so accommodating I mean we changed a few things we took some liberties he couldn't have been more on board he was the nicest time in the world and and his voice actually was fantastic in the novel I mean it really mark took certain lines you know verbatim off the page but in no way was he you know it wasn't like oh Williams on set everyone you know my mind your manners he was great he couldn't have been more supportive Andy I assume you're familiar with your Fifth Amendment rights I would hope so and you've waived them I don't have any tricks up my sleeve if that's what you getting that no one was implying that yes you were so what I am here because I believe in this system I just want the truth to come out did you have one question for you that that actually I really want to ask how do you feel about Tom Brady going to the Buccaneers I knew you're gonna ask that you know what he he gave me 20 years of sports memories it's an embarrassment of riches I have seen so many Super Bowl victories in my life yeah I can peek he can go wherever he wants he you know what I mean I wish him all the best I I can't even imagine the dedication I've been watching you must be watching the last dance oh yeah yeah oh I mean it's just the commitment that the drive the focus all of it is just so unbelievable so inspiring starts from such a young age and it's so all-consuming actors you know we take breaks junks a time off where our brain shuts off these guys they never stop Tom I'm sure doesn't stop and and you know for that at his age whatever he wants to do however he wants to see his career finish out III I wish him all the best are you going to root for the Buccaneers I will never buy a Buccaneers Jersey but but you know look put it this way if the paths aren't gonna make it I'll probably be 200 some bucks games yeah how about your boys man how about you how nice is it to know you have the best quarterback in the league and he's like 16 years old like you guys are gonna be good for 15 years God willing it says this is it you're an embarrassment of riches you've only known what it's like to grow up with the Super Bowl victories yeah I do you know this is the first time in my life it's a do get used to it cuz you guys aren't going anywhere get used to it man this is the new normal for you guys case see is the benchmark and it's really because of that guy I mean the whole team is great great coach you guys are great all-around but that man he's special whoa don't believe and it grace time to watch yeah yeah and that's that's what makes it all the sweeter yeah thank you nice take care team thanks a lot good see ya guys I hate these these are it's always an awkward thing they're a nightmare they're awful yeah you made it much better thank you as it you I didn't want by the way only cuz I was right mind I didn't want to do this in front of a bunch of books we're gonna say what do you from the Cabbage Patch Kid you have on the desk cuz we all got a glimpse of that to this guy right here [Music]
Channel: Variety
Views: 2,427,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Variety, Variety Studio, Paul Rudd, Chris Evans, Actors on Actors, defending jacob, living with yourself, Paul Rudd Living with Yourself, Chris Evans Defending Jacob, Captain America, Ant Man, Marvel, Paul Rudd Ant Man, Chris Evans Captain America
Id: JckmsOmk9tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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