Elizabeth Olsen fridge tour

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okay guys hi i'm elizabeth olsen and this is my first we feast fridge tour [Music] i'm gonna show you um the kitchen of not my house but a house where i am living right now because i'm in england filming the new doctor strange this is my fridge so i love cooking a lot something i've loved to cook a lot during the lockdown this year because i like making bread and i was like annoyed that everyone was making bread for some reason so i started making mayonnaise there's a lot of whisking involved but i'm really proud every time i make it because it can't separate and it's a very frustrating process so this is my precious leftover aioli some pickled shallots another thing i've loved during quarantine is the anchovy toast might sound crazy but i promise you it's the best snack you can have and it's a little fake pickled shallots we've got some hummus we got tomato paste we're going to make those sauces we have a single plant-based cookie because that's the fun superheroes get to have we have blueberries and raspberries i'm just gonna clean them shoot they really splattered it's totally fine you know another thing that's fun during quarantine is cleaning all the [ __ ] time i think they seem fine they're just a little smush creme fresh left over for new year's believes left over from new years that are expired but i never believe expiration dates neither should you you should always go by the taste test we have my parsley prepped just the way martha stewart told me to bra pesto because sometimes sometimes you just need pre-made pesto and this is my superhero drawer you guys spinach lettuce celery kale broccoli and a singular carrot in this drawer a little more exciting we have some lemons and dill i have a pepper everyone's gotta have a pepper in a house you just it's important cheese drawer we got some british cheddar here we've got some parmesan some oh who could that be so very exciting butter that you spread with butter that you cook with eggs i always need eggs jams and nut butters because peanut butter and jellies are delicious a singular beer that will be had in february because we are currently not drinking which makes quarantine and lockdown in this whole entire time really fun we have these that were gifted because one division came out a tv show where i play a housewife shh but i'm a superhero her fridge is far emptier than this fridge because her husband is a robot so he doesn't consume foods let me show you my coffee we decided to do a taste test because what else is there to do in lockdown besides trying out which form of making coffee gives you more bang for your bean we decided that it was the beeline mocha express so we got a big one so we're playing around with coffee a lot it's very fun pantry i love corn nuts corn nuts and corn nuts both spicy i love these when i'm drinking if you want to make homemade pasta which is a horrible idea that i have now attempted twice and it's always much better to just buy it it's just a lot easier oh anchovies oh my god i've talked all this time about anchovies and i haven't even shown you they don't tell me so you have to get or tis these are the best anchovies and they're really good with fried bread with some of that butter toasted you zest a little lemon on it maybe the shouts you don't have to it's perfect it's really delicious and then remember we have a bunch of spices sardis whole cloves cardamom cinnamon sticks the purpose of this entire section is for hot vodka drinks or hot toddies tea anyway that's my british kitchen i hope everyone is staying safe i hope everyone's healthy out there and i hope in 2021 we all um can come together and eat this thing my lockdown life in the uk
Channel: elizabeth olsen love
Views: 1,562,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5ZVI-avVS7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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