Mad Piano is in Smash Bros 64

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[Music] gamers welcome to my boulders and welcome to 2021 who knows how this year is gonna go compared to last year but at least on my end we're starting with a bang so last year you might remember that i played a smash bros 64 hat called smash remix and back then this hack had i think three or four new characters had about 20 new stages and it was very very cool at the time the amount of work that has been done to this hack now is absolutely astronomical i can't even begin to describe everything that is new in this hack there are new characters new stages new game modes even new items do you know how rare it is to get new items in smash bros hacks i've personally never seen it before maybe it's happened but i've never seen it let's just start with the menu okay it's looking a little bit bigger i think this might have been here last time where there's like a crap ton of settings there's like i'm not gonna go through these settings because it's gonna spoil stuff but my god there's this is so customizable also i absolutely adore that smash remix background look at how cool that looks that looks so cool um let's just i just want to show you one player mode because this is gonna come up later look at how much extra stuff there is bonus one two three multi-man and cruel multi-man okay we're not even starting with that okay let's go into verses oh by the way just be i'm not okay i'll do this later too we'll do all the game mode stuff later um we're just gonna do one stock honestly because there's so much to go through let me show you all the new characters um as you can see we now have uh dark samus wario lucas and bowser but that's not all hidden inside the menu characters we have not even played yet metal mario that might have been there before but i i just didn't play him uh also giant dk by the way giant d literally the big one um giga bowser and as regular bowser and then on top of all that the best character mad piano for mario 64. this was originally an april fool's joke that was actually turned into a character which is freaking wild i don't know what to start with i'm so i'm like so excited okay let's start with dark samus um this is actually a little bit old the new stuff is like mad piano that's like the main new thing um but anyway oh i'm not that good i'm definitely not that good let's go let's go four i don't even care screw it go ahead call me a noob i am a noob that's fine i'll accept it anyway um last time there were a ton of stages something that is new you can turn off and on hazards and by the way the default stages now have battlefield and omega forms that's crazy that that we're not going to even play those because it's like we've already seen these stages a thousand times but if you want to there are no there are three different types of stages for the default absolutely crazy so i had to go through literally watch my video from last year and figure out what stages i haven't played because there's so many new ones so we're going to start with one of the new ones which is zebus landing let's play this check out zebes landing okay here we go all right so i don't i have no idea how to play this samus i don't know if it plays differently it's hard to say are there be sideways attacks probably not let's let's try it no i don't think so okay um something i have also turned on is the brand new items which we will see we should see pop up at some point i would assume if not we'll we'll figure it out you know it's been a while actually that's a new move oh that's a new move too oh that's cool i also don't know why the new items aren't spawning so okay i'm a little sad about that they're cheering for fox all right i i what i held okay you know what i kind of deserve that i got a little cocky also something else that i i think is new is you can look at your match stats instead of just seeing that that the kos tko and all that you can see total damage dealt and taken i think that's super cool that you can see all that stuff as well okay let's go ahead and leave so that's dark samus dark samus is very very cool very interesting character next we'll do wario okay oh apparently i lost level four fox so i'm just gonna stick with level four um let's see new stages next is bowser's stadium which that's kind of an interesting name i wonder why they went with that not really sure why so let's see how wario plays okay oh he's got a roll attack he's got a got a wah he's got a wah that's interesting so his classic like um his arm whatever whatever the hell that attack is the bombs hurt you i love that that's an attack though in the bond res the bomb response of course it does that was easy all right we'll fight curb also oh i forgot about that we're probably gonna go into training but the kirby hats also work for the new characters that is so because i think before they didn't actually work at all so those those we're also gonna have to see let's see what's next next is kitchen island speaking of wario i think this is from wario world i don't know for certain though also i love that entrance it's as plain i think that's from wario land too there's so many references in this game that like i i can't even tell what half of them are he's so thick look at that come on come on get the attack yep no wait no i'm gonna lose because i'm trying to kill him with my butt but it's worth it okay you know what my belly is kind of cool as well i like wario wario it's fun okay uh lucas okay this is some pretty good costumes let's stick with the default for now now this one diddy kong racing baby well some of that music man so what this is it's looking like it's the background from the frosty village stage um because i wouldn't have actually known how they'd go about making oh my god that's still strong i wouldn't have known how they go about making a diddy kong racing stage for smash this is a good way to do it however i feel like um his up smash goes way too fast it's either i would say make it weaker or make it slower okay well that was easy i don't know maybe they did nerf it it's hard to say but either way i like lucas okay next uh and they even have like custom sounds for giga bowser okay let's do a regular bowser to start we'll get to the cool ones in a minute all right luigi time um next i think we go to the next page so i think this is new because i think last time was pokemon stadium 2. so i don't know if they just like swapped it out with regular stadium or if this will be the same thing it also says hazards on does that mean the hazards are going to literally turn on that entrance is awesome the clown car i absolutely love that too that that can slide on the ground and then in the air it kind of okay that functions very similar to regular smash oh nice i like oh that's a new attack what is this run cycle oh they made it normal that would have been funny if they paid homage to the melee run cycle where he's just like he just like he's like literally like a woodpecker or something he looks so goofy oh that has a lot of lag that is deadly god damn but either way you know what time it is it's time for some giga bowser okay so next is smash get ball so here's what's super bizarre about this this was like a random thing that was created in smash ultimate stage builder it was just like a thing people made it's like a game and now it's like an actual stage like what are the what's the odds of that happening but anyway giga bowser i'm gonna win i mean look at how freaking big he is i think his moveset is exactly the same as bowser's see i have to hit him into this to kill him there we go he did he did that's it but speaking of big characters we're gonna do giant dk next okay uh norfair that's another one we haven't done yet okay i mean it's giant dk also i don't know why the items aren't working i'm gonna have to figure that out i might just try them in testing just because i might as well do that okay what are you doing bro oh dude look at the the bottom the lava's actually scrolling that's really cool i wonder if it goes up it goes up just as i was saying it oh that's so sick giant dk's so overpowered okay next go ahead and try metal mario i wonder if he's going to function the same as a metal character okay next peach's castle 2 butt up wait is that like a future because i'm metal does it change the music i don't know it could be just the stage but it's hard to say i don't know what it is does this metal mario look shorter than regular mario or does he just look especially chunky when he's metal i don't know bam bam bam bam i'm not used to this gravity that was sick oh you know i haven't tried taunts yet i totally forgot to try taunts telling you man this is one of the best rom hacks i've ever played and it is still getting updated but now the moment you've all been waiting for boom he doesn't even say mad piano it's just a boom that's awesome you know what you know what let's mad piano ditto let's mad piano ditto look at the red one that's so cool yellow blue green white oh my god it's sick okay next we have corneria and this is actually kind of interesting because planet zebus is already in this game right here oh wait a minute i mean i guess technically it is a different layout i don't know it's still kind of weird okay let's go ahead and try corneria oh it's like the smaller version okay the freaking spawning is the vanish cap sound effect for mario 64. that's awesome okay let's just mess they make piano sounds when you run this is the best character ever i'm meaning mad piano officially okay uh what's down b i don't know what down b is wait what oh he just ate me okay he ate me a piano ate a piano oh that's that's the recovery move what's this he sh he shoots the books he shoots the books from mario 64. yo look at that that was that's a pretty cool dare because jared's just that that's his nail his nail is the spin oh i'm dead that's the taunt i love this game i love this game they like wrote a custom piano tune for that i'm gonna still play piano like the this was just an april fool's joke and then they just made it real because enough people wanted to actually play him okay next we got big blue uh nothing's moving that i'm kind of happy with that okay so is this open it's lava oh that's actually really clever because i i don't think there's a way for them to do moving stages at least not yet hey book tom baby that's actually like a good way to like um toss this you know toss people around give them a little book and then you hit them at a different angle spacing guy do some spacing professional smasher remember that there we go look at them look at them apples but you know what mad piano is too powerful so uh we're gonna do piano versus giga bowser or geiger geiger giga giga googa okay what's next uh next is uh on it i wonder if the platforms will fall um doesn't seem like it i imagine that'd be very hard to implement i cut also i'm kind of hoping that the uh blast zone is kind of high up because we're very high on the stage already or on the screen that pit the up the um the message board is surprisingly clear i'm dead already but that's won it i mean it's won it there's not much to say about it all right he's too powerful let's uh let's just keep doing new characters let's do wario i gotta be a different color let's be a blue piano because blue is cool okay so next we have glacial river honestly where's this from i don't know what this game is from or what the stage is from i gotta say his recovery's pretty darn good as well bye-bye freaking the tongue i can't get over the tongue we gotta try another color we're going green this time okay next hyrule temple i feel like i played this last time but i don't think i actually did so oh that's cool so it's got a classic zelda two it's not even like a remix it's just straight up zelda two also how do i keep picking colors that blended with the stage i gotta stop doing that but yeah i'm just seeing how everything kind of looks it looks a little blurry but that makes sense because this stage was really detailed even in like melee so i wasn't expecting much for graphics for temple whoa so that's what down b does it's like it's kind of like a quick throw if you can get them inside that's the trick is getting them inside that could be good so i did that in the air yo that's so cool that's a really cool attack just like sucks them in oh god it's risky though dude white classic white piano uh let's see i guess new pork city i don't think we haven't done that one yet hop in baby oh my god i can camp i can just keep pushing down b he'll never escape the ledge bye bye come here come to papa let's go i'm dead oh he saved me thank you for hitting me you know what i deserve that okay i'll switch characters in a little bit i just want to try all the colors at least let's do oh no no no no i'm still you're still that what no wait a minute i'm getting confused there we go okay i just want to try writing yellow piano then i'll i'll be done yeah let's do congo falls yeah this is pretty cool the platform i was gonna say the platform is like a little bit bigger and it's closer to the stage which is kind of nice i just fell through that okay good here we go and bye-bye very small blast zone but still very neat very neat and nice okay one more character then i'll be done with the with the piano meme um let's go you know what let's let's go falco uh yeah so there's actually flat zone and flat zone two it is very i like how far away it is it's probably really easy to get kos especially with piano where i can just eat them and then he dead like he's like the blast zone's right there okay i'm not gonna lie the blast zones need to be bigger on that or way too small i'll take a break from that piano even though i don't really want to you know what actually let's do kirby i want to start trying out the new costumes because i don't think any of the uh new characters had them so we'll start with doc i just want to eat him and then we'll see from there so anyway flat zone two come here oh yeah oh i can't really zoom in dude he still looks good i like that chucking some pit let's go yeah dead just stand no chance okay next next i gotta see piano i mean come on what the hell does the piano look he's like he's got a little piano on his head look at my little man go so i guess i just chuck books he pukes books kirby puke's books i can't believe like even just making new characters must be hard imagine trying to make new kirby hats oh i'm dead oh yeah i'm dead confirmed dead dang these are really fast matches but there's a reason i'm going through these fast because there's a lot more to do still okay i don't need to do dk i'll try ganondorf yo let's go i'm looking good there we go he did young link i i can't imagine it's gonna look that different but i still want to try it and gerudo valley i think once we get through all of the stages we're probably just going to go into training mode because i still haven't even seen the new items yet i don't know why they're not working so i think the hat is slightly different but not by much still throws the boomerang okay so fairly basic but you know it's young lincoln length it's like the same thing next we've got next we got falco come here there we go oh yeah baby that's actually pretty good that's very faithful whoa oh i forgot he doesn't have laser in this game i completely forgot they changed that okay dark samus but except i'm not playing him world one one is this going to scroll okay well oh you know what it actually might be it might actually spawn in different parts of the stage every time you play i'm gonna test that because i feel like that would make the most sense and that would be more fun too than a scrolling stage i have to eat him what am i doing let's go oh that looks badass that looks so badass okay oh no i want to try it idiot okay let's play that again because i want to see if it like spawns us in a different part i'm a while i'm gonna win and it's the same thing okay well i figured i might as well test it okay yeah pretty basic it would have been hilarious if you also had his pink nose i would have kind of loved that i'm not gonna lie all right and we have one more stage to try bowser's cake spousers keep from super mario rpg yeah i was just gonna say it's too bad that we don't hear a lot of love about mario rpg like everyone's like oh juno judo but no like the actual game itself is amazing well you're dead i was gonna die right there anyway so one more kirby had to try we're just going to play a random stage let's do i know i don't want to fight you regular battles bowser gigabytes are probably the same thing anyway we'll just do random i'm curious how the bowser one's gonna look we'll be the same as like actual smash let's see yeah pretty much the same as regular smash okay breathe okay he's supposed to breathe fire let's go that's really not that useful but it is still cool that was a pretty sizable amount of new characters with custom moves and stuff new kirby hats and we're not even done yet we are not even done yet believe it or not because now um this was something that i brought up last time well let me first just show you 12 character battle basically you could do like a 12 stock thing where you can just like select a bunch of characters and this is pretty cool we're not going to do it and it also only works with the default but it is still kind of cool that this is also mode um last time we did this there were not custom stages for the new characters and now there is there are indeed custom stages so we got to try all the new ones so we'll do dr mario start with you know what no we're starting with mad piano no way what an awesome throwback it's stage one from brawl's target test what a fun throwback that's so cool wow that's that's insane i never would have would have imagined that in a million years oh it is so weird doing this without fox and falco because back in the day um when i lived in the trees there was a friend where we would play smash bros brawl and we would just do this stage over and over again like i think one of both of us were fox and we would just do you know time trial over and over and over trying to get the best time we could um that was cool that was a very cool throwback let's go ahead and do dr mario try him okay so this is the same as the melee break the targets that makes sense that's probably how it's going to be for all the melee characters which again i would completely understand why you wouldn't make new stages for that doesn't really there's no reason to okay so now this will be easy as long as i don't miss very nice okay so let's try gendorf next probably be the same as the melee one actually it is not wow this is totally different yeah the melee one it was all just like one thing it was like super dark brown there it was just like a very small stage actually and you know it actually kind of makes sense to have a different one for ganondorf because its move set is so radically different watch out for those spikes and okay that's that's not so bad actually fairly easy i thought it'd be harder okay let's try young link this oh this is cool kind of reminds me of zelda's melee stage a little bit just because of the triforce um kind of like in the middle of the stage it's very similar to that it's definitely not melees young like my god melee's young link target test is obnoxious we thrusted next we have we got falco next okay this one is basically the melee one i think it's a little different but oh i forgot i don't have lasers now okay this just got a little harder it's actually this could be interesting timing yo let's go that was cool uh yeah i think i'm gonna do this one first oh that's a problem oh okay we live in we live in okay let's just very carefully hit that and oh that's so weird to only push b now we do this complete i'm surprised how easy these are okay so i think only four more to go we got just the newer characters dark samus is next these are this is actually a very weird one i don't know something about oh i can't go through that oh i think i see what to do i probably do a little bit of uh little bit of a pop boom hold on gotta get that timing better that's very tight is that really what i had to do i have to imagine though that like even designing new target test stages on board the platforms has to be so difficult for new characters because it's like well you kind of want to try to base it off of their their moveset but that must be so hard to just like come up with the idea of how to do that yeah let's try wario's this is going to be brand new as well oh god oh that's okay i'm gonna have to use his um his arm his arm attack okay how am i gonna get that one on the bottom that's probably the last one okay so i think i'm gonna have to do a lot of okay i think i see what to do i'm gonna have to do a lot of bouncing okay so b jump b this is actually working oh that's so i was literally just talking about utilizing the moves yeah ah here we go oh that felt better there we go that's a tight jump hey next is lucas okay there's another brand new one okay that that that was yeah perfect that's that's what you're supposed to do here comes the fun part making this jump okay good and we got to get this one this will be easy surprisingly simple and last but not least is you know let's try bowser why not maybe this will just break it oh my god look how small it is it's so tiny for giga bowser he's like literally an eighth of the stage you can fit like eight you can fit probably like nine or ten of them whoa so excessive amount of height nice okay what is go oh my god so that is all the new break the targets and yes there is also brand new board of the platforms on top of that before we do that i just want to really quickly show off these other modes there's actually not a lot to say about them it's just cool over there so bonus three this is it's race to the finish let's just do one really quickly we're not gonna do this with the new characters but yeah you can practice race to the finish now next we have multi-man mode this is just basic you know multi-man mode it's the fact that again this is also in the game now is two is cool and you can even keep track of your kos so this is basically like pulled from you know classic mode except you know more than 30 um characters or more than 30 fighters it can just be until you die so another kind of cool addition i don't actually play for a little bit i'm curious if the um if the fighters are going to use any of the new character skins but i doesn't look like it but this is a very good start for sure and then of course there's cruel multi-man um so i guess they did add another one let you know let's go let's go giga we're gonna need to do it i imagine these guys will be stupidly hard oh god they're fast oh they're fast okay i don't like oh my god they're fast come on giga bowser you're supposed to be op okay i'm dead oh my god i barely hit them oh okay let's go bowser bowser bowser let's go i just want one kill okay maybe not so yeah those are basically the extra modes but we're gonna finish the video with board the platforms with the new characters dr mayro oh cool wow okay there's actually a lot going on with this one it's a pretty big stage okay nice there we go don't pass through there okay that was actually really scary i had to be really careful of how i did that recovery oh that stayed that wasn't broken yet oh there's two of them what oh that's man that's so confusing are you wow imagine going to the bottom left and you don't even realize that actually yeah let's wait a second okay then drop okay oh that's so tiny i'm glad i got that on the first try would have been a little upset if i didn't work okay mad piano time oh that's so sick the race to the finish background that's so cool okay this looks like a really easy one except he's so slow he's he's got to be the slowest character i think in the game now okay and then yeah these are the last three over here a pretty basic little stage pretty fun though okay so that's that next we got ganondorf i'm getting some kirby vibes here actually i'm getting bad bad memories from jigglypuff i hate jigglypuffs board the platforms that okay yeah no let's do this oh it goes up and down oh i was like i thought it was totally screwed there okay well that's that's not so bad another pretty easy one so next we have young links okay oh this sex looks kind of complex i have to wonder do you think they'll ever add toon link because it would be kind of easy to do um and it would be very cool i mean a lot of people like tune link oh okay one two three four i missed double checking there's no like hidden ones i literally was paying zero attention and did not notice that bumper a big idiot oh this will be a little oh okay okay okay okay okay i get it i get it you're scary oh that's not so bad you know i'm kind of surprised that like there's not a bumper at the bottom and then you have to go through them i thought they might have done something like that all right so we'll do some flacco okay it's looking kind of just like a little doing a little crescent here and that's about it okay oh i'm not i don't know the distance on that so it scares me every time oh my god we're doing this yeah okay that wasn't so bad next dark samus okay we're playing ice climbers actually i i can imagine ice climbers getting into the game eventually too might be a little weird having two players uh i don't even know if the game could handle that because what's also cool about these games is that um they're also meant to work on actual n64 so if you have the everdrive then you can play this on a real n64 like it works perfectly so i'm not sure if ice climbers would work there might be issues with that potentially but maybe not also that was like stupid easy i don't care though i just love those new stages all right do some mario this is looking a lot like i mean it's got the luigi textures um it kind of looks like captain falcons a little bit where it's very like flat no why how'd that not count there we go that was a little funky yeah oh my god oh uh okay i'm not excited about this last one we're going to do oops wait wait no i don't need to do that okay so yeah i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to jump off that bumper what oh i get it and then you do that and then you lose then you fall so my only idea is i have to get above this and then hit okay maybe that's what it is i have to do my thing super early okay we did it early then this and then this i don't know that's what i was supposed to do but it works and now we're actually getting to the end the final character the final stage now how's giga bowser oh no that's very small for him this could be a problem i mean we'll see how it goes we're gonna try it okay pal all righty this is not looking good okay wow that was an adventure there i got it i somehow got it yes get me out of there oh my god okay ah oh bumpers are scary um i gotta do more of this bumper nonsense i'm just gonna mash b i'm mash and b we're getting through this come on come on come on that's that that is actually gonna work okay let's try again come on come on oh my god this is ridiculous we did it we beat all the stages we got all the characters okay i forgot the last one we gotta try is the items okay let's go into training and we'll try them so big okay so item okay here we go so let's start with super mushroom oh my god what a big boy oh my god wow okay let's try poison now he's just normal size let's let's try to get hit uh ganondorf oh what a little ganon baby little ganon now we'll just do cloaking device okay it looks okay so it kind of looks like a motion sensor bomb but i think this is the exact picture from melee just invisible okay wait press z for custom menu i can change the character on the spot and quick reset no way it's the hitbox version this is wild this is wild this is is freaking wild dude i don't even realize this was in the game so you can even do a custom spawn it's interesting shield break mode offer on you can change the music too there's a skeleton i just realized what okay so down is what changes you can see the skeleton that is incredible literally everyone can be sans now i think that that's just the best way to end the video everyone can be sans so guys that was that was massive there was so much new stuff in this hack i mean the people are so dedicated i can only imagine what's coming next more stages maybe more items more characters there's so much more that could still happen guys i'm telling you everyone that works on this game seriously fantastic job this is absolutely incredible but yeah that is about that guys thank you all so much for watching thanks for hanging out near the boulders it's been a really awesome time and i'll see you all very soon [Music]
Channel: Bathaniel Nandy
Views: 86,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros, smash bros 64, smash 64, smash remix, mad piano, super smash bros ultiamte, super smash bros ultimate steve, smash bros 64 commercial, smash bros 64 intro, bathaniel nandy
Id: bA9qQhm4eYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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