Kaiber Ai Complete Tutorial - Ultimate Ai Video Generator

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kyber AI is a really powerful video generation app and it uses AI technology to create really amazing videos from a text prompt these are some of the few that I just created in the last few hours and you could also do other things besides typing in text to get a video you could upload your own existing images to turn into video you could actually take existing videos that you've shot or downloaded and turned those into animation and things like that you could also take in a music or audio file and it will create a whole video around it they also have an entire gallery on their website so you could see a lot of the different creations made with kyber here you could just hover over any one of them and see the full animation and it is searchable as well to get access to kyber go to kyber.ai I'll link it below as well and then you could press start a free trial here and then go ahead and register an account and this is credit based but you do have to subscribe the seven day free trial is available right now but after that you will will get charged I believe their plans start at five dollars a month and once you do sign up you will just have to come over here to press create a video and that will bring you to this page and over here you'll see your credits so depending on your plan you will have a number of credits here each time you create a video you will use credit so I'll point that out so you don't just keep pressing creates a video every time I use up your credits quickly it really depends on the length of the video how much credit it's going to take up now here you're going to get four different options these four different boxes the first one is uploading an image and it will start a video using that as a base transforming an existing video basically stylizing a video of turned videos of myself for example into a full animation I'm going to show you this towards the end this one is one of the most powerful ways of creating videos of ever seen and then you could also create basically these music videos using these type of hybrid AI animations with a song or audio file as your base but the most common way and the way you should get started is just writing a text prompt so this one I could click here and this one has a couple of different pages so this is the very first page that you're going to land into and the prompt section actually has two different parts to it so right on top you'll see this is what you want to see so it says describe the subject and then the style actually has a separate box one of my favorite things about this though is inside of the subject box basically describing what I want to see it gives you some ideas so if you want to see a futuristic cyberpunk that's an idea of something that you could put into this box but what's really useful is on their style look at all these different styles so cinematic photo realistic some of them have a little bit of a preview over here 3D rendering so usually I like to start with cinematic or photorealistic and it fills in the whole style photo taken on film vintage private press Masterpiece cinematic so it's using all these different descriptive words to put into my style if I click photo realistic is going to give me something totally different so this is really really useful to basically start with a prompt that's the subject of what you want to see and the style and kyber also has a guide that shows you exactly how to type in these prompts so basically these are the five things that I want you to add subject so what you want to see a futuristic cyberpunk in this case pre-position details so any additional details so spaceship in the distance for example that will be additional detail that I could add setting well futuristic is a setting so I have that already then it says to add meta modifiers and styling so a lot of these are what's considered metal modifiers and styling options so you want to have something from all those different five elements to really get the best results here so that's going to be this very page this very first page and I'm going to go to the video video settings tab now this is the second page so the first page was to kind of Define what the image that starts our video is going to look like now this is going to set up our video so duration you could go all the way up to an entire minute which is a very very useful option by default is eight seconds I'm gonna go down to six seconds to not use up so much credit aspect ratio so if you're going to tick tock for example with these vertical framing or Instagram reel on YouTube that's 16x9 I'm just gonna regular movie looking video 16x9 is good camera movements this basically changes how the camera moves in the scene so if you selected To None the camera doesn't move at all actually but I really like one of these options like zoom in or zoom out so I'll do zoom out in this case but this is the all camera movements evolve makes a big difference so this number goes from one all the way to 10. if you go all the way to 10 it gets really wild the image is going to constantly shift and evolve but if you get it really close to one or two it's not going to move all that much so I could bring it to one and it's not going to be that wild a lot of times you could just start in the middle to see what you get and then generate another version depending on which direction you want to go so for a music video for example I like something close to 7 8 for just when I'm trying to do a storyboard a regular type of previous type work or animation type work I just want it to be closer to one Boomerang this will basically play the video and reverse the video so this is an option that you could use I don't have this checked on but you can check this on or off as well now it says I'm going to use up six credits here by doing this clip so I'm going to go to preview so far by the way I'm not getting charged at all no credit is being charged even though I have 280 86 it's not gonna do anything until I understood page I press create video so now in a few seconds I should get four different frames okay so if you click on these frames this is basically going to be your starting frame how your video is going to start but you could start with any one of these you can see they're completely different this one actually has a person in it this one all these three don't have a person this one looks really cool but let me start with this one here and see what it looks like and then on this side it's going to give you all your settings so you're going to get the summary of your prompt and your style your duration size and your camera movement and then here it's going to show you that frame that is going to start the video as soon as I create the video but let me show you one more thing here before I create the video you also have storyboard so storyboard brings you back to the very first prompt page but it basically is creating a second different scene basically so I could start with that one shot and then describe a second shot then maybe now the spaceship sold Soldier walking out okay so I could do something like that and then I could go ahead and leave everything else the same and then go to video setting and then this time I'm gonna do maybe a rotate clockwise type of a scene and leave everything the same and preview this one so this way I could create a whole story shot by shot every time I create a storyboard it's going to create a shot then I could imagine the shot that should go after that one so this one is giving me the close-up on that spaceship here and I could go to it from here but let me go back to storyboard one this is the one we're gonna start with and with any of these after you're all set you could just press generate video or create video here so here I'm making both storyboard one and storyboard two so I'll could show you both of those and this process does take a bit of time sometimes it takes as long as 10 minutes in the times that I've tried it then I'll show you exactly the output but then at the end too I'm going to show you that other option where you upload and existing video and turn it into a really powerful animation okay let me go to full screen here to show you just what that looks like so you could see this is the zoom out effect so it's slowly zooming out and then it's going to transition to my second clip here which is going to slowly zoom into the bottom of that spaceship so this again is just a 12 second clip that I created here really really powerful again my slider was close to one and two so it doesn't really have that much movement to the frame except the time where I kind of had that pivot into the bottom of the spaceship for my second shot so you could create with the storyboard option many many shots and tell a story to make a one minute video for example even longer and I could press share here this creates a link I could go ahead and copy this or email it but I typically just press download and download it to my computer and this is a little bit on the low rest side so it's not kind of full HD it looks pretty good though but you can upgrade or upscale L2 4K video or 1080p video those are available here too but they do require a higher plan than I have here and if you go to the video tab here all your videos will appear over here that you create and they are also searchable now let me press create a video again I want to show you transforming an existing video this one really blew my mind and I have this video here of this model running here on a beach so it's about six seconds long I'm gonna go ahead and open this video and I'll put it over here and this basically I got this from another platform that I subscribe to so I get all my royalty free images photos music everything from here and these video files they have thousands hundreds of thousands of different video files and I got a running clip here because now I found with those other type of images if I have a copyright free image I could transform it to anything I want and it's really really powerful now I'm going to go ahead and press continue to prompt and I'm gonna get a similar boxes before so I'm going to use kind of the same thing the futuristic cyberpunk I'm not going to give any more detail here and the style I could choose lots of different styles but I'm going to choose photo realistic here but it's going to put it in the style but you could turn someone into a 3D rendering for example oil painting all kinds of different options available I'm going to go to video settings and again remember transform the lower we go the more stable this is going to be so I'm going to leave it on the most stable to kind of get a more realistic movement and here you're not going to have all the other settings the camera movements and all those things are gonna come from the video that you uploaded your own video so now I'm going to go to preview frame again this is six seconds because that's the length of my clip make sure you don't add something that's a minute long because it will take up ton of your credits so if you don't want to use up all your credits don't do that it's gonna create four different images again let me let this finish up here and here I chose one of the frames but let me go to my video Tab while that's going on and I want to show you basically the version that I did this with and look how good this looks and look at this video here it created that cyberpunk video of that model running on the beach this looks really incredible I also downloaded this other clip from envato elements of someone running and I turned them into an Egyptian Warrior let me show you this one this is a 3D model of an Egyptian Warrior look at this he even put a pyramid in the background here and this is basically that same video clip just by dragging and dropping into kyber I get this kind of style out of it really incredible we're also finishing up an entire Netflix style platform for learning AI so you'll see complete courses here on things like mid-journey with lots of different tutorials we're also adding entire courses to video creation platforms like Runway and kyber and we have complete courses on generative AI covering everything from chat GPT to image Creation with Dahlia mid-journey and a whole lot more so make sure you sign up for the wait list it is almost ready and I'll notify you via email as soon as it is I hope you found this one useful and I'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 120,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kaiber, howfinity, how to, tutorial, Youtube, ai video generator, ai video, kaiber ai, text to video, kaiber ai tutorial, artificial intelligence, ai animation, ai video editor, kaiber ai video tutorial, ai animation generator, stable diffusion, kaiber ai music video, ai art
Id: Q85d9qofuQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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