How to Make Ultra-Realistic AI Avatar Videos | Wondershare Virbo

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So many people seem to  think that I'm an AI avatar.  Today, we're going to learn how you can make  your very own ultra realistic AI avatar video,   and it only takes a few minutes. Let's check out  what this even looks like. Hello cookie lovers. We   have some exciting news to share. The Kevin Cookie  Company is expanding to 100 new locations around   the world. That means you can enjoy our delicious  cookies in more places than ever before. That is   so impressive and it gets even better. You can  take an existing video of yourself just talking   and then you can translate that into a different  language and it keeps the lips in sync with all of   the speech. Here's an example of me speaking  in Hindi and keep a close eye on those lips.  All I can say is that is  some AI magic right there.  I partnered with Wondershare Virbo to show  you how you can do this step by step right   now. Best of all, you can try this out entirely  for free. All right, let's check this out. To   start making AI avatar videos, head to the  following website. You can click on the link   down below in the description or on the card in  the top right-hand corner. With a free account,   you can generate up to two minutes of AI avatar  video, which is a good amount to test it out. But   if you need more than that, there are also some  premium or paid plans that you can upgrade to.   And it looks like if you do that right now, you  get 15% off. Right down below, you can install the   app directly on your Windows PC or you could also  use it online. And in this video, I'll be using   a combination of both and I’ll start with the  desktop app. Once you finish installing the app,   you'll land in an interface that looks like this.  And right up at the top, we have a very prominent   button to create video. And this will allow us to  create a blank new video with an avatar, and in a   moment, we'll do this. But first, let's look at  some of the other things that you could do here.   Down below, we have a few other modes, and in a  moment, we'll come back to see what some of those   do. Down at the very bottom, here I can see all  the different avatars that are available to me.   And you have all different types of ethnicities,  different genders, different ages. So, you have   lots of different options to choose from. Right up  here, you could also look at various collections   to filter down the different avatars. For  example, here we have some different fixed   backgrounds. There, you'll notice the background  behind the avatar. You could also look at gender.   Here we have some female avatars, we have male.  You also have different categories like marketing,   news, or even education. So, lots of different  options to look through. You could even search   through all the different available avatars.  You could spend a bit of time to find the avatar   that will perfectly convey your message. Over on the left-hand side, let's click   into video template. Here, you'll notice some of  the same exact AI avatars, but now they're in a   complete scene. So, you'll have the background,  you have some overlaying text. Just like we saw   in the previous screen, here too, you could also  look through different collections to filter down   the videos. Here, you could also search, and you  could look at specific aspect ratios. So, are you   making a YouTube video or maybe you want to make  an Instagram Reel or TikTok video? You have that   option. Now, I just want to create a blank new  avatar video, so on the left-hand side, I'll click   back into home, and then I'll click on create  video. This opens up a prompt where I can select   my video aspect ratio. Again, I have those two  different options, a horizontal video, or here,   I have a vertical video option. I want to make a  YouTube video to announce all of our new cookie   locations for the Kevin Cookie Company. I'll  select landscape and then click on create video.   This now drops me into the editing canvas. And  right here, I could see that it's already selected   a default avatar. Now, first things first, I want  to rename this project so I could find my way back   in the future in case I need to make any tweaks  to it or if I want to continue working on it. In   the top left-hand corner, it's currently called  untitled draft, and it's not really that helpful,   so let's click to rename, and I'm going to call  this opening cookie stores. That'll make it   really clear what this is about. Right here in the  center, I see this avatar and she looks very nice,   but I had a different avatar in mind. To select  a different avatar, right up above, we have this   avatar icon. I’ll click on this, and this again  opens up that entire collection of all of these   different avatars. Just like we saw on the home  screen, I also have all these different categories   to find the exact avatar that would best convey my  message. Now I previously looked through here and   there's an avatar that I think would work really  well, and her name is Lina. I’ll click on that,   and here it shows me all of the different Lina  options. Here I have Lena in a sports outfit,   I guess a cute outfit. Here's a fashion  outfit and also customer service. This is   for a cookie company, and I want it to be somewhat  approachable, and I think this fashion one will   look kind of fun. I think that looks nice. Over  on the left-hand side, I can see a large preview.   Now, I think this looks good, so in the bottom  right-hand corner, I'll click on okay. And look   at that. We now have our new spokesperson for  the Kevin Cookie Company. Welcome on board, Lina.   With Lina on this slide here, I can reposition  her, so I could choose where I want to place   her. I could also resize her. So maybe we make  Lina, let's make her a little bit bigger right   there. I could also rotate her if she's feeling  a little loopy today, but I just want her to be   straight up and down. With Lina selected, over  on the right-hand side, I also have additional   controls. I could choose the style. I could  go with the circular view, or here we could go   back to the full body view. I could also set the  location, also the layer. And this is interesting   if you start bringing in backgrounds or other  graphics. And then I have a few additional edit   controls down below. But I'm satisfied with Lina  in this scene, so I'll stick with her as is. Next,   I want to set the background. Right up above,  I'll click on the background icon. And over here,   just like we saw with the avatars, I have many  different options. And I also have all sorts of   different collections that I can look through to  find a background that works well for this video.   I don't know about these for a cookie company,  but I think I have a really good one in mind.   Right up in the top right-hand corner, I can also  upload my own images. And when I click on this,   here I have a background of my studio that I  present in. I'll select this one. And here,   I could crop the background, but I'll stick with  this scene and then click on upload. And look at   that, that now inserts my studio in back of Lina.  And right now she looks a little bit small, given   the size of the background. So let me increase her  size and place her right down here. Look at that,   I now have an AI avatar that can present in my  studio. That looks pretty good so far. Just like   with the avatar, when I select an object on the  canvas, I get additional controls over on the   right-hand side. Right now, I have the background  selected. And here I could crop the background, I   could remove different items from the background.  Over here, you could even add background music or   subtitles. So many different options when you  select an object. Right up on top, we also have   a few additional buttons. Over here, I could click  on text. And I can add text to overlay on top of   the scene. And here too, many different options.  I could also click into stickers. And here we   have many different options of stickers that  you can include in your scene. Now, of course,   you may not find exactly what you're looking  for, or maybe you have your very own assets   that you would like to include in the scene. Over  on the right-hand side, you can click on this icon   and you can upload assets from your computer.  You can upload an image file or a video file,   and then you could bring that in directly into  your scene alongside your avatar. Now that I   have the scene all set up, I need to tell her  what I want her to say. Down below, I have two   different options. I can enter in a text script.  And with this, I can type in text, and then she'll   say all the texts that I enter in here. I can  also use what's called an audio script. Here,   I could upload audio. I could also extract audio  from an existing file, or I could also record   the audio directly in this app. And then her lips  will match that audio. Now, unfortunately for me,   I don't think my voice will work all that well for  Lina. It's just a little bit too deep. So, I think   a text script is probably the better option. With  a text script, you have a few different items down   below that can help you pull it together. Here,  I can use AI to help me write this script. Here,   I can take an existing script, and then I  can optimize it. Maybe I want to shorten   it. Maybe I want to make it a little bit happier.  I have those different options here. Back here,   I can also take existing text, and then I can  translate it into a different language, and then   I can have the avatar speak it in that language.  I just want some basic English text, so I don't   have a need for this right now, but it's good  to know that it's here. I'll close out of this,   and let me enter in just some basic text that I  want Lina to go through. Over on the right, I can   define the target language. I'll click on this,  and here I see a number of different options,   and there are all sorts of different supported  languages. Now, I want Lina to speak in English,   so I'll click on this dropdown and choose English.  And over here for the gender, let's choose female.   And here I see all these different options. I  can click on the play icon to listen to what   that voice sounds like. - Wondershare Verbo, easy  to use. - Okay, so maybe let's go through here and   let's see. Ooh, here's English classy explanation.  Let me listen to that. - Wondershare Verbo,   easy to use, no need to shoot. - Ooh, I think that  really fits well with Lena. I'm going to go with   that one. And right here, I'll select this voice  and then click on okay. Down at the very bottom,   I can now play the script to hear what it sounds  like with this voice that I selected. Let's have   a quick listen. - Hello, cookie lovers. We have  some exciting news to share. The Kevin Cookie   Company is expanding to one. - I think that voice  works well. I'm going to go with it. Over on the   left-hand side, I could add additional scenes  if I would like, but for now, I'm happy with   just this simple scene. I think this is really  good for the announcement that we're expanding   the Kevin Cookie Company. So excited about that. Once you're done configuring your video, in the   top right-hand corner, click on the export button.  And just like that, it's all finished rendering   the video. Over here, I could play the video or  I could download it directly to my computer. And   this is the exact same video that we saw in the  intro. Let's now click back into home to see what   else we can do within Virbo. Back here on the home  screen, we have a few additional tools. Here we   have the AI script assistant. And this is what we  saw previously when we pulled together our scene.   I'll close out of this. Over here, you could also  pull together what's called a talking photo. And   here you can upload a photo or you could select  from one of these preexisting photos. You can then   type in text, and here the photo will transform  into a talking avatar. So pretty cool thing   to check out. I'll close out of this. Here we  also have a video translator, and in a moment,   we'll take a look at this. Over on the right-hand  side, you also have something called a transparent   background video. This is pretty much identical  to the scene that we pulled together, but instead   of having a background, the video background will  be transparent. That way you can pull one of these   avatars into your own video editing software and  then you could work with it there. So just another   option. For now, we're going to shift gears and  for the video translator, I'm going to do this on   the web. Here I am now in the web app and you'll  notice it has very similar functionality to what   we saw in the desktop app. In the top left-hand  corner of all the different avatars, you'll get a   sneak peek of some new and upcoming functionality. Soon, you'll be able to create what's called an   instant avatar. This means that you'll be able to  create an avatar of yourself. You could then type   in text and your clone or you will then speak that  text. That's going to be very epic. Up on top,   let's click on video translator. On this screen,  I can now select a video that I would like to   translate into a different language. I'll click  here. And right here, I'll select this video and   then click on open. Now that it's finished  uploading my video, over here, I can choose   the original video language and the video was in  English. I'll select that and then I can choose   the target language or the language that I would  like the video to be in and here, I have many   different options. I think it'd be fun to hear  myself in Hindi. I'll select this. Down below,   I also have some advanced settings. For example,  I can have it be in sync with my lips. That sounds   really cool, so I'll make sure to toggle that  on. I could also turn on subtitles and I even   have the opportunity to proofread the video script  first if I want to make any tweaks. But let's just   test it out as is. Down below, I'll click on  translate this video. And it looks like it's   now all done. Let's preview how this turned out. All right. Well, let me know what you think of   the tech down below in the comments. Do you see  yourself using this in your different workflows?   And also, I'd be really curious to hear, do you  want to see additional hosts show up on this   channel? I've got lots of different options to  choose from. To watch more videos like this one,   please consider subscribing and I  hope to see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 67,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert, wondershare virbo, virbo, ai, avatar, avatar video, make ai avatar video, wondershare, ai video generator, text to video, video translation, ai video, virbo ai, ai avatar video, ai translate, ai dubbing, translate ai, ai avatar, virbo ai video generator, how to make ai, avatar ai, ai avatar video generator, ai generated video, how to make ai video, wondershare virbo ai, ai video avatar, ai video editor, ai videos, how to make ai videos, video ai
Id: NLbm_zwzmVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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