NEW Best AI Video Generator? Stable Video Diffusion vs Pika vs Runway ML

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step number one drag your image in here step number two click on run step number three enjoy your free AI generated video stability AI just released stable video diffusion the first opsource AI video generator but how good is it really I'll show you how it compares to Runway ML and Pika Labs the 10 best examples I found and how you can use it right now for free first I want to start showing you the current champion of AI video generation called Runway so let's just quickly look at a video the main setback is that it's paid and it can get quite expensive [Music] so that was a video of them showing motion brush and they're the only AI company that is doing this right now but let me show you some more examples of how crazy it actually is in the unspoken world of wols things aren't always as they seem this squirrel is right in front of me oh my God oh my God okay stay calm meet Charlie who's all about welcome gifts under the guise of what's yours is mine and what's mine is also mine meet princess fluff in her world every couch is a stage and every Sunny Spot as a spotlight for her next big snoozefest I'm not spoiled I'm just selectively pampered meet Gus who about every hour or so claims he has an just look how insanely good this is right here are more realistic images look at this I don't know about you but if this was a b-roll shot in somebody's story mixed in together with other camera footage I probably couldn't tell with Runway ml you can do text to video you can do image to video or you can do video to video three different ways of generating AI videos what I found to be the best is the image to video so gener an image in mid Journey or Dolly and plug it into this software but the price here is free forever 125 credits which you're going to run through really quickly $12 a month $625 $28 a month 2250 as you can see I'm now on the inside I'm going to click on start with image and I'm going to take one of these files of a house from sort of a drone angle and then all I'm going to do is click on generate you could also use image plus description but usually it doesn't really work to add anything here it ends up warping into a different thing instead of actually what you want which is just some movement right generate 4 seconds in the settings they have upscale remove Watermark they also have General motion so you can apply more motion to it they also have camera motion that you can change if you want it horizontal vertical up down basically and now the new motion brush where we can select an area that we want to move more now I'm just going to let this render and here is the result that's really good just slight bit of movement it feels like it's from a drone that's pretty cool let's obviously try a viking woman at the top of the mountain holding an axe and I'm going to slide the general motion to 10 and this time actually let's try to do a little Zoom generate and here is the result I don't know about that wa where do you want me to look Runway damn you ain't fooling me also let's see what's going to do with this I'll put the general motion to 10 but I'm not going to put any camera motion this time and let's see what happens oh no way there is no way that's so cool I had no idea it would turn out this well yeah the prompt addiction is real guys kind of has this explosion in the beginning as well boom you're now seen the capabilities of Runway but we have two more tools that is better let's find out let's find out next up we have P Labs the best part about this is that it's completely free and very simple to use here's the first [Music] example simple straight to the point they recently had a Halloween contest where this film won government officials insist this an isol those with severe symptoms May remain infectious Beyond 10 days oh my God these things are everywhere we will Contin to keep you this [Music] story evening this is Claude Bennett reporting hey that's pretty impressive what about this shot right here [Music] all right I'm not trying to scare anybody but this first movement right here I mean such a cool establishing shot to get this in camera is so hard to do let's check out this example there's a tail that lies Beyond these walls we've never known its true name but many of us simply refer to it as of long ago of had a dream within the heart of nothingness a time before Darkness and Light had not yet been born it was a dream so profound that so felt like a witness to I just continued to be amazed by this this one they Tred to be more realistic [Music] these shots are just mindblowing hamster on the [Music] water come on Jesus this last shot here is just mindblowing I'm speechless am I the only one that's Amazed by this what makes Pika difference is that they have some features like slash encrypt image that makes a weight of for example apply this image to that image Anu tried this with the X logo they just announced that it will get Pika 1.0 coming out soon they made this awesome 3D animation teaser Pika also has text to video however from my experience it actually is way better to just put an image that you made from dolly or mid journey and you just put it into the software to make it animate but how can you do that for free right now just go to p. art and click on Join Beta this will take you to the Pika Labs Discord server now that you're on the inside all you need to do is to go into any of these generate rooms and you can see what everybody's generating like this gecko having some movement you can see the insane prompts that some people are using for this one and if we scroll all the way down just right SLC create I'll click on plus one and image and I'm going to drag this image of the house we already did for me what I found the best way to prompt is to just say how you want the camera to move or how you want the object to move let's try slight Parallax movement of house drone shot you can also add these Dash motion - FPS or GS to refine your prompt they have some really good prompting tips in this prompt tutorial room but this is our video Let's see all right slight movement for sure let's try Viking woman up top of the mountain with an axe camera zooming in woman getting close closer and we'll add some motion forward to this all right let's see what we got almost feels like she's shap shifting into a bear the movement is really cool though I'd love to see if they have more seconds and the best way to do that is actually just take a screenshot of the last frame then we can just drag that in there and we'll just do the same prompt and we got the second part yeah there is no bear in sight okay we got one last image how do we prompt this one though let's see if this one works let's see yeah maybe definitely not as good as Runway but the movement is really interesting it seems a little bit like he's moving his mouth talking and the apps are actually moving around so Pika one of my absolute favorites it does take a little prompting to get it right but it's completely free and you can just batch a bunch of images back to back to back and just wait for the result is it better than the newest stable video diffusion let me show you some examples then how you you can use it for free here's the first example as you can see an FPS shooter that looks very real almost like from the game if you didn't double look you would kind of think it is here's another example man on top of the mountain train going through this dark city ooh a nice looking car and this robot I really like the robot one the pillow blanket and the shine on the robot all looking very realistic here we got the Next Generation kind of like a miniature house zoomed all in with this blur in the background so nice here's an example of a woman in the rain very realistic and I love the camera Shake movement here gives it way more life and also very realistic faces usually turn out really wonky in some of these softwares but here it seems very consistent take a look at this one flying through the city flying through a cable hey why you got to do me like that look at these results they're so the movement and the faces and the architecture kind of stays the same even when you're moving around whoa the stylization on this is wild so is this a contender for the best D look at that there's no way this could be straight out of camera here's an example of the image that they have with mid journey and then the video on the right see the olive oil actually seems like it's moving downwards and pouring into the salad this more realistic right here seems like New York or something who almost perfect waves which is very hard to do the waterfall yeah this looks really really good guys what is this even and the last sample here look at this little two second render of some camera Shake I really like how the camera shaking and everything moves along with it well thanks to Louis C on Twitter for making a replicate page where we can just put an image in there and we can actually use it I'll leave a link to it in the description as per tradition around here let's put this house in here they have a couple of different settings like 14 frames or 25 frames they can maintain aspect ratio or change it to different things you can have a maximum of 30 frames you can also have motion bucket which basically increase the overall motion and some of these other settings as well but we're just going to click on run take a timer to see how long it actually takes but I checked it out yesterday and it didn't take that long it's starting and it's going pretty fast and that's it 33 seconds and this is the footage what can I say straight out of the box no prompting completely free 30 seconds but I'm not fully convinced yet okay we got Viking woman we got the guy with a prompt addiction let's drag her in here let's just keep the basic settings and run and here is the result yeah she's not a princess anymore that's for sure this one would more likely be a horror film last boss or something and let's try our favorite image of the day Mr prompt addict and this is the result man I love this image and how it turned out Let's cross check it with Runway all right let's see them back to back Runway is on the left and the new stable diffusion is on the right they are definitely different the runway one warps in space and the right one kind of has a 2d feel on it it doesn't move the camera around that much but to tell you which one is better I can't they're both really good for different purposes but you can test it out in the description down below for free right now I highly encourage it check all your cool images as well as being completely open source meaning people are going to put this into softwares and I'm loving every single second of it if you are too subscribe to the channel if you want me to make a full AI movie I actually made one here so check that out and I'll see you there peace
Channel: AI Andy
Views: 15,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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