Kabelo Moroke: The Purpose of the Fivefold Ministry (Full Sermon)

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um amen so something about the purpose or the results so those combined are these things the purpose are the results of the five-fold ministry ephesians chapter number four verse number seven then i will take you to verse 11 [Music] ephesians 4 yes but unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of christ all right leg community grace illegally puma usually gucciaris but now when you are using it in plural the hamburger community carries mata in england community charisma amen it simply means the free gift of grace the grace gift from god now as it relates to gifts of leadership paul records in ephesians chapter number four that when christ ascended yes engineer involves his victory as well ascension involves his glorification as well yes engineer involved sitting on the right hand side of the father until the father makes his enemies his full stool and the last enemy to be destroyed being death eating the world that we are living in currently will be purified by fire so whatever you don't have right now don't worry it will go under fire in any case the fire of god is going to cleanse the world that we are living in because it's just just a rehearsal and a probation to the actual life that is coming enjoy it while it lasts the reason why god is going to purify this world with fire is so that he can totally abolish death and sin which are the true primary problems in the world the world is in the state that is in because of sin but believers are in the state that they are in because of christ so please understand that if god is going to purify everything there are some prayers he might not answer because you're already covered somewhere in the afterlife if it so happens that you feel like god is not treating you well now and there are no answers to why he's not treating you well i want to remind you that whether you have much or whether you have less exercise godliness with contentment because contentment speaks to your peace and it removes all you know fallacies that are connected to competition in this very life you were born in order to fulfill a purpose of god in this earth and you're also born to become a blessing that is why when god created you there are certain graces like giftings talents that were given before the foundations of the world some of us had or received callings ministries and others also received talents that are connected to to you as a person and those are the ones that you should use to identify your purpose in this life there is a reason why you love writing there is a reason why you can't sing there is a reason there's a reason that you are good at something there is there's a reason because when he i mean when i i read it garter james he's a father of light in whom there is no shadow of telling and every good and perfect gift comes from above if you neglect those things you are going to neglect an opportunity to be a blessing to other people and to live a life of fulfillment i know life puts its own pleasure because we are living in the system of the world that seems to drive us away from god and the things of god as far as the east is from the worst but god has given you these giftings and graces right there from the beginning for the purpose of ensuring that there's meaning in your life i was reading the book of ecclesiastes the writer of ecclesiastes dealing with wisdom literature is actually speaking from a vantage point of revelation under the sun and revelation above the sun so you should be careful when you interpret that book that there is a a language that emanates from under the sun and you can hear the philosopher making a comparison and ending his statements with words like vanity of vanity it is vanity but when you go to chapter number 12 he begins to say something that connects to the revelation that comes from above and then he begins to conclude above all things that you can worry about in this life here is the conclusion of the matter or this is the sum total that a young man ought to fear the lord and obey his commandment and that's what brings joy in this life imagine after he has engaged a number of things concerning that it's time for everything because he associates and defines wisdom not according to intellectualism no he defines wisdom connected to time to say wisdom deals with being in the right place at the right time with the right people so it's not something that you get from a university it's something that you get from grace and god positions you in right relationships right people right time and then the right things happen and then he says for under the sun there is time for for everything and then he then also say something i think for me it's interesting and i know it has been misquoted and seeing this even though i'm not going to talk about it he says the race is not for the swift the battle for strong man or wisdom for men of skill and then he says time and opportunity that's what wisdom is is given to to all men in other words in order for you to be in the right time you must connect be connected to the things that are eternal your life is based on seasons your life is based on stages your life is based on periods you will experience what we call in greek chronological time which is a combination of the time allocated which can be defined as monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday you are in the first hour and two o'clock three o'clock and things like that but what rightly positions you before god that i have seen under the sun is when your focus is on the lord who is always on time so that he can move you in the chronological time which is chronos into the kairoses of god where things that are unexpected are suddenly taking place in your life and you don't know why you can post about it brag about it and say it is because i connected a and b so it equals to only to find that that's not the case that there's a god in heaven who saw his feet that he has to communicate favor in your life this is to say we should appreciate the little things that we do or we experience whether much or less and celebrate god that is why in the epistle paul says in everything it doesn't say in all things he says in everything give thanks because you cannot de-associate sufferings from your very own life because sin invited suffering in the context of human life and there is a purpose for suffering we are not humble beings in fact it is not human to be humble but there is some experiences that will teach you humility bring you into your knees putting you or cornering you into a place where there's nothing else you can do except to trust in god but i want to tell you something when god created the world in the beginning he said by way of declaration he said heaven and the earth good the evening and the morning the first day let there be light good invested to one he says good and then he begins to see one thing that was not good he said this one is not good and he said it is not good for a man to be alone so he created the good thing so he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the lord so he saw that everything that he has made the garden is good there is no sin in the world people are living in a sinless world so if god created everything good and disobedience turned our exes into wise then god does not owe us anything he doesn't owe you a wife a car he doesn't owe you anything so if he has to do anything for you he calls it favor if he has to discipline you for something it is because his character is provoked concerning something but no one can stand before the lord and accuse the lord in judgment because he's called the righteous judge he gave you a free will you're a free moral agent you probably do the things that you want to do other people think or interpret the issue of will differently based on the teachings of predestination there's a great theological argument between that to say you do have a will yes but if sin produce a nature in you that makes you a slave how are you really deciding some of the decisions that you are making you think it is you and you are driven by the force that is above you you are a slave you are actually in captivity and salvation sets you free but god remains good nevertheless i'm saying this to say the creator of the universe stands before departed loved ones stands before corona stands before anything in this life that was ever taken from you harshly and you felt the pain the creator stands before you blameless if we are going to build it on our regions not unless you are going to argue there's an atheist then you will have a different case altogether but god stands perfect he stands holy it's the kind of god that can kill you you can't call it murder it's a kind of a god where many people have questions who created satan which came first sin or satan was lucifer turned into satan or satan has always been satan those are things that we will still have no answer for and the greatest struggle theologically it's not gifts callings and all these things that divides us the greatest tension that you could ever have in scripture is to try to balance the sovereignty of god and your personal will in deciding what you want i sometimes think there are some things we think is the devil and this the squad simply saying no luke records and he says a paul went to preach the gospel this very paul that was liberated released and commissioned to go and preach the gospel everywhere to the uttermost part mentions something and says and satan hindered us how big is this satan how strong is this satan what is he capable of kiko paulie fayaka definition i prayed to god i said lord county what is your relationship with satan what's the deal god who is who and who is big and who is great and i do think that god answered me in my context he did so the next morning i had a dream that oh i had a dream at night that i then understood in the morning for this is what the lord was actually saying in that dream after i asked that question i saw a man wearing white clothes like a man that looks like that and he had a dog on a leash and a dog i can't tell whether it was a food pool you know i feared dark soul i think that my fear also speaks into my dreams when i ran away from a dog and that's how the dream ended a man was just wearing white loads dog on a leash so when i woke up in the morning i think the still small voice of the lord in my context maybe you could see something different i had that issue with simply saying to me no matter what is happening i'm in charge of whatever is biting you and is biting with my permission but it cannot do total distraction because it is under my control that's what gave me confidence to fear god and to understand that no matter what happens in life even if your theology does not fit well into it but we have a sovereign god who is in charge of everything so brethren and that's why in kulumasu maybe it's prophetic nyan but we encourage you and to strengthen you that there's another world coming if things did not go well in this life there's another world coming where we each will stand blameless before god thanking jesus for saving grace that he has saved us appreciating the fact that we are called the sons and the daughters of god and by the way you are in this world but you're not of this world that is part of your citizenship in but not off so trust god in this journey of faith knowing that he said he will never leave you nor forsake you but he never promised that he will answer every prayer he never promised that he guarantees that everything will be on point do not be deceived by those who are making such an assumption because they will be making it without representing the truth of god's word simply because they want to preach to you something that causes inching ears bazaron suffering trials persecution are part of the gospel why would i call you more than a conqueror why would you call to me scriptures no way conformed against me shall prosper if the lord is not protecting you why would you say things like nothing will separate us from the love of god if there are no things that separate and paul is counting things like death and so on so if you are sitting there and you are not satisfied with him you must understand that he has given you faith so that you can be satisfied only by him in the agenda of heaven what matters more than anything is the gospel that before we make an exit tell other people tell other people that god has granted us grace and that is the good news we are called to be like him to emulate him to follow his example to be christ-like to be christ-centered to depend on him and to be his slaves all christians are slaves they are slaves to righteousness because they've been redeemed by god they're slaves from sin what distinguishes us and the world is that we have overcome the world by overcoming sin the holy spirit is our aid and the holy spirit continues to help us they sing shiloh lok it's believing read 11 4 11 and he gave son apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers okay let me start with the pastor again we have apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers let me start with the pastor what is the work of a pastor and can we at least not just use experience let's also attach that to scripture and what the bible says john chapter number 10 a pastor is a sharepoint le community loose food not every pastor is a teacher not every pastor is a prophet not every pastor is an evangelist not every pastor is an apostle there's a different function in the office of a pastor and i want you to see this the grace that is in this office most churches that are led by pastors are loving churches because his heart his menstruation exudes love because unailed increasio and a negative christ when christ ascended up on high he led captivity captive and he shared part of himself with certain men in ministry and one of the grace that he released was he gave his grace and character of a pastor to some people so that they can love as he loves so that they can follow as he follows so that they he can they can nurture as he does so they can nourish and they can feed as he is he does so so they they they have that grace but unfortunately not every person who needs a church has that grace some do it as a duty others do it as a calling and it is very much important where you serve to understand the kind of grace that is in that house so that you don't make expectations and be disappointed because we're not talking in jail i'm a pastor by default good pasta yes which is an administrative term you would pass because you know for me a pastor is a pastor that is why the setup of our churches is flawed because it's focused on a one-man show and then it causes a demand that is why mao tologue a pastor is supposed to be a prayer a pastor supposed to be the chairman a pastor eva superman but it was never designed that way because only christ is a good sharepoint when's that john 10 verse 1 yeah verily verily i say unto you he that entered not by the door into the shepherd fold or into the sheepfold but climb it up some other way the same as a thief and a robber a true pastor as a good shepherd will protect you from these five enemies please write them enemy number one a thief angstrom is a shepherding symbol who specialize in stealing sheep the responsibility of a pastor is to protect you from thieves uzo bafundi is about coinage but the ship stealing whatever this ship stealing by tata la for your concept but this is something metaphorical that regards second enemy a robber a thief and a rubber fan a thief comes to steal when you are not looking so that is why the office come fund this is to watch look out be a watchman so before this bulap and then i protected the ship also from the rover lawyer or rupaul who's aguero 99 when the shepherd is there by force takes the sheep sonamakama they must be the strength in the pastoral office to fight to protect and to defend the sheep from the rope so that office is a not only office for watching it is also the office for protection that's why pastors take issues personally in the church you leave they have an utter tech because they don't understand why are you living because they have that heart and christ has given them that heart they will follow they will watch the third enemy that the shepherd must protect you from is a higher limb what is the higher link somebody who does not care for the sheep but hired in order to take care of the congregation the one who is doing it for a seller hire links that speaks into the heart of the share part that a true shepherd will do it whether paid or not because he's called for it he's not invited into it or hired into it is low and then the fourth enemy that a true shepherd should protect you from is strangers there's a stranger not in the house in gulul [Music] there's a stranger a shepherd should protect the sheep from and that speaks into doctrines teachings strange doctrines if you don't know that there are strange doctrines in the bible read the book of hebrew it specifically says strange doctrines there are strange doctrines outside here that are not sound according to the teachings of god's word mar the last and the most fierce enemy that the shepherd protects the sheep from is this one which we call the wolf layer island it can chow the sheep in the shepherd now now it attacks both but in order for it to live it must feed so the shepherd protects but the sheep must feed and the duty of the shepherd is also to feed the sheep so the pastoral office and our definition of a good share part we find it in john chapter number 10. anyone can be a preacher to anyone can preach and don't try to make a mistake of studying a church because you are just a preacher good preaching is not an invitation to start a church because ministry of a pastor takes place after he preaches not when he's preaching ministry of a pastor begins just after he says amen hallelujah then his ministry begins so there's just less input in terms of feeding but there's more work of watching guarding so the pasta is given to god and this is jesus christ as a shepherd in the assembly so that a pastor who serves serves under the as an under shepherd and when it comes to ministry grief please remember you are not a you are you are not functioning in a gift like bug the gift of prophecy or descending of spirits in ministry gift you are made a gift because you are made to become because ephesians 4 11 says and he gave some to be with the intention for them to become what a challenge so that you know your pastors those who have a heart for it and the grace for it secondly prophet and i just want to say a few things about that guy jesus is a prophet and a prophet simple definition mouthpiece what is a true prophet preoccupied with cartage in order for you to understand a new testament prophet transitioning to or a foundation or standard between the the ending of a dispensation and the beginning of another you need to study john the baptist john the baptist defines the essence of prophetic ministry number one all prophets are bought by the city all bordered by the seat the reason i'm mentioning both is if you can enjoy both then you can't minister for god because there's a level of separation that god must make between you and the people you need to minister the reason why that office is associated with rejection is so that you can find god when you are rejected by men and get used to it it's a lonely place it's a scary place if you are called to be a prophet you should be in tears right now not in celebration you should not even go around telling people to give a profit because you are just inviting trouble every time you speak you are going to offend the status quo because there's something in your tongue that always goes out when we are happy when we are all saying it's good god is blessing us you always come from the left hand it starts with your dress code number one you don't dress like everybody else no angie but which one the practice was wearing camel's hair and he came in alicia in bazalon camella is an animal designed for the wilderness you are wearing your ministry chain that you must know it is going to be rough you are going to enjoy god and be in trouble with men and work give up you will say things about tandy you will say things about food you say things about mara there's cutting back to my sister over there the lord says i have called it to your prophet you were screaming and you even failed and you even rolled not understanding that you were receiving responsibility and troubles associated with that responsibility look at john the baptist repent for sensei university tasks to uphold and to promote the righteousness of god in the assembly so as a result of that his voice speaks repentance i see the israel we see it too the thing you are saying it as a warning mark you do not have this grace to bring it within the context that is pastoral and loving because if you can give the church to be only prophetic no one will be a member as guest but there's no good relationship between prophets and pastors any prophet when i'm attending these words you will win nobody has to write this where this maya well no fool would give me tv sivanny son how can you close god prayer they are already showing some of you the reason why you feel this way is because you are in these office where strange things are happening we are chabula opposite not that you are not sensitive not that you are not an emotional person not that you are not a caring person is that every time you experience and you see that people are undergoing sorrow or judgment you receive joy so that you can impart and replace that not that useless i know ours you understand been made can we can we go you also have a personality to pay like h that has nothing to do with heaven so kulumakuna angeline you'll cover and abandon because of how god has wired you plus the way you could woman or guru god and all of that has got gonna contribute to one thing rejection [Music] i will make you poor foreign after you save this but but did she really have to to say that i am a prophet was on his own shop now i pray god comforts the prophet which is the summer and our prophet putting our prophets understand the suffering of a prophet suffering connected to the prophets and suffering is not a bad thing and don't worry who would look different we're not john the baptist must be low caste and wild that's your assignment and now which of us are going to welcome good and faithful servants pastor i'll passed away i'll move past your move and i will prosper it no but thank you man of god we appreciate you your love your love you were there for me who prophet muhammed prophet amen amen i am i'm going through something give me five minutes drop food after five minutes your phone in profit ah you are not going through anything hey batu yeah man addresses disobedience whoso address is it foreign [Music] they sound like motivational speakers they proclaim good news so they proclaim the good news philippe we are who turned her into a sound who turned at the soundness of dark of doctrine to relay imperial is associated with studying the world and things like that library what does mean about grounding the same and establishing a doctrine a sound so that the children of god are free from deception and a challenge sometimes non-profit the reason having a challenge non-profit would um prophet muhammed [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] in the latter rain is the first teaching and the second teaching not people falling maru prophet muhammad there's a reign of the spirit coming that's why he's tearing the heart and the other one is provoking the minds but seven m when you understand anyone lighting you go like hey yeah because insensitive attaining is into as full desire as the affected lifestyle practice yeah so if they are not alive you are going to leave something without putting these at the demands of what god wants can't do this wrong and then we force donating the enemy actually too much i think with each other two or three and let the other charge now you pay right hey let everything be done decently in order in the future as you continue like that because you're going to get tired you're going to get messages and not and you've got to leave a series of prophetic waiting halls with me in us so there's a need for balance any including impostor but in canada listen to this this in your van what is their purpose or the result of their ministry number one they are called by god to minister the word all of them um to teach the word and more of what he is doing foundation um prophet ueza is a mouthpiece more of what he's doing is declaring the word in van gaal who has angers to proclaim it abba fun that is why they can't be in competition they can't we can't even compare them but we must appreciate that expression in the body uh whereas with ground in you in the word and then who passed away as i would feeding you with the word i will pass that they are sensitive about the meal that you are receiving number two they built the body as a five-foot ministry they build way of edification bomb capability minister of edification building up the body they may come from different angles but they come to build the body number three they equip the body according to the grace given to them so if the church is led by a teacher the house will be more or less like a bible school if the church is left by an evangelist the house will be more or less like a church that has the heart for souls and they are always thinking about going out there maruto they have no much concerns but as long as mundus by inspiring and also get they built full full ministry here another point on the five foot ministry they are assigned by god to build fruitful ministries if i fold minister merry producer three things five fold ministers massaians from seven's one melee approach you say strong leaders strong churches to those who are called for churches and strong ministries so that the believers do the work of ministry accidents are essential and become a pure warmer individual understand that you have come to be equipped and when you understand your administration and your assignment you go and do that ministry and assignment amen remember from a point of view to go and establish but uh in the context of god's assignment and calling in your lives fivefold ministry to lead uberpillar to equip but here are the results of this ministry one unity of faith our pagamisi ikarma lesson in the exclusion of the body of christ your church is part of the board so as much as we have ministry in the local church you also understand that you have ministry in the board especially within when he called you he engrafted you and made you part of the body of christ a local church melee shaped the grace shape and the gifting so that you can become a greater blessing in the booth and any part of their responsibility five-fold ministry is freedom from deception that you are not told to and fro by every wind of doctrine especially on the fundamentals masculine a trinity you must be well-versed what's going on a new path regeneration you must be well-versed masculine get resurrection as a pillar of our christian faith as well you must be wealthiest masculine about things that deals with what took place at the cross you must be well-versed masculine a virgin birth you must be well-vested that jesus was born through a virgin so our christian life is a supernatural life another result of the five-foot ministry of bazalon is not to fill churches with members but to mature the saints image you read it you start seeing things through the eye and the understanding of your spiritual growth in christ so you are equipped and you grow and things like that and one of the greatest sign that you are matured it's not that you can speak the truth i've heard and seen people speak the truth and value kuru maganjang mari pipe university to measure spiritual growth the right measurement here called is by your ability to speak the truth in love character of a christian love is the character of a christian and anything done without love null and void but in order for you to grow in love it's going to cost you seriously as a child of god lastly or two more things working together if you don't have the heart to work with other people forget ministry because the result of the fightful means is so that every joint supplies and every part plays its role maximum participation so you are going to appreciate people that perhaps you don't like or you don't want so you have to have to move in that ministry of reconciliation and be at peace with all men so that you can work together with people that you think you have problems with but lastly the intent of the fivefold ministry is strong relationships through fellowship fellowship zoom marine community fellowship nezuma his room is a wednesday zombie who's over comfortable by being on your own not having to have the responsibility of other believers you know this bluetooth fellowship that we are doing we are connecting through the airways it was never meant to be like that strong believers are built through strong fellowship and those encounters in fellowship that's where we grow that's where we learn certain things that's where we make mistakes that's where we are corrected that's where we are rebuked hence without fellowship there will never be a way where we can identify and recognize giftings confirm them in the absence of fellowship so in the context of charisma whatever group that you are in if you have an attitude against fellowship forget you don't know what you're doing here it's totally a waste of time in participation mr fellowship naband they say goodbye participation they send zofunda that stuff we can't pass that no pastor can pastor that amen business
Channel: Charisma Life Tabernacle
Views: 2,026
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: torvDPlbBoU
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Length: 58min 50sec (3530 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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