Five Fold Ministry | Dr. Matthew Stevenson

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Lord Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 and all seriousness when when it is uploaded I want all of you to go back and watch my message from this morning entitled what time it is God has given me the brain of like a philosopher so sometimes when I'm studying stuff it's wide open and I study it and hear it and see it easier than what it comes across as I was preaching this morning I felt the weight of it on many of your hearts on the absolute dire need to accurately discern what season you in I've gotten great feedback already from the five steps I gave at the end on what to do once you know what type of season you're in so we talked about times and seasons if you were here who was blessed but if you watch it online it's very important make time to do that you cannot prosper outside of season you have to know what type of season God has you in and and what that looks like for you so please please watch that take notes do whatever you need to do I'm gonna talk about a vision for Christian maturity out of Ephesians the fourth chapter today and I'm going to kind of teach preach you into this because I think that it's vitally important that we understand why ministry exists in the context of the local church and God is concerned the Holy Ghost is concerned about how well we're maturing how well we're growing up and when we talked about on ouya is a change of capacity a change of influence what all of that means to all of us is you've got to mature you've got to mature and maturing is optional can we say that together maturing it is not automatic that every birth day you become wiser there's just some black people say to make them feel better about getting older but there's a lot of people that are not getting wiser as they're getting older and God wants the body of Christ to mature now when you're dealing with maturity ministry it's not always easy ministry maturity ministry is very very very difficult and so I want to give you this in this context and then I want to talk to you a bit about what Christian maturity looks like because I said what God is using all nations to do is to call the body to maturity to call the body to maturity when you start like Jesus say netting at flies and ignoring the camels and the greater issues what we do is we make bigger issues of things that Jesus made a smaller issue uh and we select and choose the priorities of Jesus Christ but in maturity you align your priorities with what's important to God and if God didn't say it was important to him we don't make it important to us and the people of the Lord said a man I also want to talk about your individual maturity very many people in your lives are younger emotionally and psychologically than what they are naturally and then it does not help that we often don't have a vision for personal maturity if you spend time measuring yourself you are not devastated when somebody criticizes you because you spent so much time in self-reflection and in self-evaluation that you are aware of where you are and so you're saying it doesn't make me feel any better if somebody assesses you in any area you said I'll pair you it means you've not spent a lot of time in self-reflection as it makes sense so somebody says are you crazy yeah guys trust me I'm aware okay you know you take the power away from criticism say man I want to talk to you I haven't done this in a while I actually do not want to but I'm gonna work you through the power of the fivefold ministry and why it is absolutely important for you to have the impact of those ministry gifts in your life and in your development in Ephesians 4 let's start at verse 7 I'm reading this out of the New Living Translation is not necessarily my favorite but it's the New Living Translation and I'm reading this to walk you through in the principle in Ephesians 4 it says however he has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ that is why the scriptures say when he ascended to the heights he led a crowd of captives and gave gifts to people the Bible says in KJV he gave gifts to men number nine in this sec says notice that it says he ascended that clearly means that Christ also decent - our lowly world and the same one who descended is the one who ascended higher than all of the heavens so that he might feel the entire universe with what himself now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church number one the apostles number two the prophets number three the Evangelist number four the pastors and teachers their responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church the body of Christ this will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that we will be mature in the Lord measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ that is the description verse fourteen gives what that's like so I want to wait there before I get to what happens when we mature up now I want to deal with the absolute importance of having apostolic leadership around anything and I'm not talking about entitle alone or in denomination but in function one of the reasons why God gave apostles to the body of Christ is because without them we forget that we are literally in daily conflict and engagement whether it is to a culture whether it's to a city or nation the whole war consciousness the whole advancement consciousness is born and birth from apostolic ministry if you think about what happened in the book of Acts that acts of the Holy Ghost through the Apostles think about the rigor and the language the strategy that it took to go all the way through all of the 28 chapters and to make sure that momentum was never lost and think about what that took think about how Jesus birthed the original 12 and he chose 12 because he would assign one to every nation which meant that every apostolic call and give would not look like the same they would be built they would be designed to handle their audience say hey man so you're gonna find that one of the further the mentalities of God for apostles is they got somebody's got to defend somebody's got to be an apologist write that down if you have an apostolic calling on your life or on your business because I think these anointings can also be on businesses one of the things you're gonna also notice is the ability to serve as an apologist that is somebody who can debate somebody who can convince somebody who can persuade in the book of second Corinthians Paul said therefore knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men so it's persuasive ministry its ministry that confronts the Internet but it also includes power ministry what I'm sensing God is doing that all nations is he's returning us back to our intense connection to the supernatural it's not just going to be cerebral but pressing into miracles is an absolute necessity for this choice a man it may not be necessary for other churches but I'm unwilling to pastor a church that doesn't have a value for supernatural ministry I am unwilling to be a part of any vision that does not include healing and deliverance my attitude is if it's not involved in saving lives it's probably involved in ruining lives so I will cast out devils pray for the healing of the sick for the rest of my life so that apostolic grace is the building grace it's the context grace of the church and then you got the prophets board or do you have the prophets you know when somebody is born with the prophets spirit they are always walking on the line of sanity and insanity because even before they have language for who they are you're live streaming all day from everything supernatural around them and so when somebody is born with that aptitude the gift is not the information it is the ability to receive the information now in this particular church that is a dominant thing that people gravitate to because it's a part of what they often see but if I were more evangelistic in my ministry style or even if I were more of a teacher then people would probably gravitate more towards that particular thing because this was demonstrated but the prophetic is absolutely essential because it is the spirit that the Bible was written in when you're dealing with apostles and prophets those are the scripture authoring Mantle's so I actually believe that resonant within a trained apostle and a trained prophet is great command over the scripture the ability to confront the way were taught appropriated and in your life one of the reasons why people are fighting the message of grace first of all okay now calm me down there is only one gospel first of all let's be clear there is only one gospel put your hand up say there's only one gospel do you know what the name of it is called justification by faith point-blank there is only one gospel justification by faith so when people are afraid to teach the grace of God what happens is you actually increase the problem because people are in a lifetime cycle of self-discovery and they've not gone into a brutal reliance on Jesus and what he did on the cross and so you have that particular issue there because apostles and prophets are not teaching many of them are spending time doing other things but laboring in word and doctrine another problem with that is this if you don't have quality teaching you don't have a pace for and if you don't have a taste for you cannot grow when people teach and preach for responses what happens is they pull it out of content into environment and they come all the way down to get a man out of you but when you get a thug like me you ever say man I'm Oh teach because I want to teach and you have the option to connect believe and or not what that does is it puts an appetite in people and then you start to hear less than quality teaching you start to sit under the strength of a word and your inner man is built in such a way but if somebody got yeah but I wasn't the love and happiness is going on in this pulpit because what's happened is that teaching has drawn a maturity in you where you recognize the meat of the word of God let me put some balance there with as hard as y'all as shouting right now a lot of y'all ain't ready you're ready you're not meat ready we're still trying to figure out what to do with prayer and what to do it too sexual behavior and what to do a basic stuff so you can't go on and to snake until you got with this milk and that's okay because we have milk and meat ministries you don't like that every minister is not a meat minister and I come from some of you are called to give milk Mike he said he would give us pastors after our own heart so if you are a new level believer you don't need any never past if you got a stake pastor as a meat Christian you probably think he's too deep born too much who needs a little bit more applicable okay and so every church is not designed unfortunately to mature people some of them are just designed to stabilize them say man so part of what prophets do is they help to guard and protect the future of believers by combating with the past that's what real prophets do real puppets have no get no joy all right I hate it it's a soapbox nothing in me gets excited about my prophetic accuracy I don't prophesied to people to humiliate them to prove to y'all that I see and one of the state I do see but one of the stigmas that a seeing ministry has is people think if you see you're going to judge so around all nations I'm gonna tell you what I'm always fighting I'm always fighting that thing that says I'm in sin I smoked a blunt last night I got me some this morning and it was good and I'm not ready to repent yet so I would rather not go to church because if you called me out and say that I'm gonna be embarrassed but here's the deal all prophetic people are not judgmental people certainly I may know what you in but my job is redemptive in nature if I look at you and say I set the Lord you are nasty set the Lord where do we go after that there's no opening of the heart to bring healing now listen if I sense that a word from the Lord can humiliate you I know Negros so what I will do as a matter of integrity is moving this microphone out of my mouth and I say you know you've got to stop sleeping with acacia the Holy Ghost says stop it I get absolutely no joy out of saying uh-huh stand up surely Holy Ghost said you got three husbands and a fourth one ain't yours because even if it's right it's not accurate can we say that together even if it's right it ain't accurate what is God saying about my situation okay so we need prophets in the body of Christ I really do and I think we need them particularly because when people get indifferent toward God prophets our reminder that God don't stop looking at you even though you don't want him so we really need prophets in the church and they come just like apostles in different flavors some of them are musical some are more poetic some are more already scribal they write their things so there's not one size fit all and then we really do need I know you don't think so but we need pastors my god we need pastors who demonstrate the ministry of patients who can walk with people in a process 98% of you in the room especially as it pertains to your deliverance you are in process now there's certain things that can't be done with you until you get to decision but just because you're not in decision don't mean we need to throw you away when people have yet to reach the point of decision they need pastoral advocacy I know this is big but they need people who are willing to hear and support here and redirect here and and push back on that's that pastoral anointing now in this church a lot of the people who are pastoral don't want to because it doesn't look as fancy I know you want me to turn my I said a lot of you in here our full pastors through and through but you would much rather be something that gets you a bit more fog but no you must be what God has called you to be point blank period and the people of the Lord City man when you look at what God says about the past that you got to examine Psalms 23 there are your Valley ministries they are your your inspectors on your life they want to know how you're approaching friends now here's a deal i pastor some people but I don't have the bandwidth to Pastor anybody and they're just everybody there's some people with a pastoral anointing on them is so strong they'll walk up to you and meet you like so let's have a life update aside just sit hi hello I don't want to go to this and they really have an ear for how you processing that where you going what's the next season looking like have you thought about this are you grieving whoa look at you you're not really hurting very well and and they start to dig at you like lady it's been two seconds and all of a sudden I feel naked and not ashamed this is a lot okay so pastors can be invasive people they have active listening and we need them now that doesn't mean a passions don't preach and teach I think all shippers sure but they move and interpersonal ministry a lot differently from other gifts and then you've got evangelist you need evangelist now the misnomer or the idea is that evangelists are only necessary outside of the church but that is also a misconception the reason why evangelists are also necessary in the church is because they remind us that we have to be evangelistic the same reason why very many Christians in America go all of their lives and not lead nobody to the law is an evangelistic crisis that is not solely and strictly the responsibility of evangelists amen that's the responsibility of Christians I really think healthy Christianity is making a goal it's not carnal I go into every year thinking this is how many people I want to see come to the Lord as an individual believer you have the power to make goals about who you want to see set free for example if you ever ate ray and Pookie and and Lala and Nene and all of them are not saved and you are at home in your house I mean in full tongues korean-chinese lord save them save them save them number one why are you praying about what you could have a conversation about your praying about the salvation of people that you should just be inviting to the Lord so maybe some of you need to get off your knees and go say hey uh-huh life is not looking really good for you right now why don't you obey me and but you know the crisis is because all I'm pouring I'm proving that all five of these deficiencies impact one another the reason why some of you are not confident with inviting people to the Lord is because we have a teaching crisis so many of the subsequent believers don't even know the plan of salvation what do you do at a family dinner if your cousin is crying and her husband uh you know sometimes cuz I'm prophetic I'm like I'm describing if this is a real scenario nobody told me nothing and your cousin says I'm in a domestic violence situation my boyfriend is beating me up and she's gonna break down number one the heart is open be wise discern whether or not to say anything or how to support in that way if that heart is cracked open then you have the opportunity to lead that person to the Lord because of the desperation factor what you gonna do if the bathtub ain't working and you can't baptize them that day are they partially saved no some people believe this is like this is enough to keep you over till we find a river it is a teaching dilemma I know you're offended it's okay if you stare on me long enough let me get you at least once with offense Brian got to you your time to come in stay in line but the challenge is is because of the teaching crisis most believers don't know the plan of salvation so you wouldn't even know where to start and if you start by telling them what to stop you start it wrong if you tell them all right now you've been saved all the 30 seconds put them new ports down now it's dumb you got a personal a sewing machine where you start sewing up the splits around folk around you you're starting backwards you're starting on the outside really if you understood the plan of salvation what you would do is lean into what they believe about Jesus Christ and then you start to appeal to that desire until they listen I have seen people change because they wanted to and it wasn't because I told them don't eat it was because I showed them and demonstrate it to them Jesus the Christ that makes sense so we do need evangelists we need evangelists but we also need teachers we need teachers my wife and I I hope you don't mind me sharing this if you do on the head okay got a remind them pass a time they because they flex on your little bit we were having some heated discussion yesterday and it in last very long but there were about 12 times during the discussion I said I'm the most annoying person to argue with number one I said I didn't sign up for your class I'm not in a seminar I didn't pay the fee I'm not one of your students I don't care about your bullet points don't try that on me I unenroll I unenroll she kept talking I was that I'm not I said it and she just act like I said I'm not enroll I didn't roll I didn't pay my registration you take this um well come when somebody has a teaching whatever they're there their value is for the information so even in an argument mother was gonna get me point a point B with Summum bonum and I'm like the hotel shooter and then I realized it's because over the span of several weeks times I'm not in a seminar I didn't registered it's not a webinar not a webinar because teachers are gonna put that stuff on you they want you to dare go and here are the facts okay here are the facts these are the facts generally speaking teachers are very factual people so they want to protect the information and protect the fat and they are fact checkers so sometimes you gotta check them cuz they always think they right so when you come bring it when you get when you say something if you if you give a scripture or worse or something that you meet instead of listening taking those they go on a Google let me see if that's verifiable I wanna make sure that's right by the current teachers so you almost have to keep seriously the two ministry gifts that are always prone to pride our prophets and teachers because prophets live their life and then I know what I know that I know and teachers are like I've studied it so you can't tell me nothing and all y'all are ignorant is is that it's a predisposition seriously and here is a problem all three of them see the tragedy of the body of Christ through their gift so the Apostle think y'all are lazy don't want to go nowhere don't want to grow up prophets think the problem is don't nobody hear from God and everybody's just insane let's just put the record out there you don't pray enough okay the badges think the problem is we're all inside the four wall I'm so sick of people using the phrase four walls how many walls are y'all want me to have get your rebellion stale in a church somewhere yes I'm out too for long I'm out don't know what you is is unsubmitted praise the Lord you got to learn in the four walls what to do outside in a city so let's stop acting like we being beat by other four walls of the church now it is true that many of y'all do you want to be Church famous you inspire you like can't wait to sit on that stage for real change I'm gonna get up there you have three plans your outfit like when I walk up to Emily it's a real thing so they think that the Avengers think y'all are trapped among each other the pastor's think there's nothing - is will no they annoy me sometime when I developer in I'll develop an ear to hear them because when somebody has a pastor or heart they're always complaining about the lack of love feel like it's just no love just no law there ain't no law we have to be full of a love of God and the thing is there is love it's just not the way you do it and approach it so if somebody you know say let's say somebody say uh I got a homeless crisis and I bet you got a job they'd be like yeah but they pay me when I won't kind of church help me if I say no i'ma hear from their pastor their pastor like you know the problem is the Sheep must be care to pull up listen like you'll get up on my face anytime you got the backhand name because it you know but that's the reason why God never designed that that mentality run the whole things of the church when you have a pastoral spirit at the top they need to be connected to something else because the needs of those people control the emotions of that pastor when Kenny was working for me he would be let me tell you something he would be on the phone for hours were perfect strangers I mean we say and we could be laughing a joke and he was serious he would I'm a lie he would be crying again we would just walk around my poor baby lord help but you know cuz I would my attention span I would like my face a man but he's like he's like come on let me labor which is just a little longer come on God let's pass under my car don't try without the wheel the wheel the wheel my mama taught me how to steer the steering wheel right on through but ah had told pastor Kenny when I was undecided about God bless your wonderful name I would have needed that anointing I'm about to reap right now when I was back and forth between God the world what you need is that one right there you don't need a play up get there repent turn what you need is somebody to travail with you until you trust what they see in you and you turn yourself to travel sorry paint you Jesus when you sleeping around town Papa come and prophesy judgment I'm gonna tell you what it does you run that's why people are shocked when they found out that that's my gift and I'm not judgmental because ideas Oh God see me here's a stupid part even if the Prophet don't say nothing it don't mean God didn't see it's stupid he was right there so you running and go me and God don't see nothing if you want out go all the way to the back room I'm not coming today I don't think but it'll matter where you said I don't have phone call your own cell phones that make sense to you but we need all five and we need all five mentalities all five energies and we need the five to honor the five so just because you may have one Dominator and I have pray for me I have a lot of apostolic women around me and those two phrases are alive together it really is a lot hallelujah I wish they want more pastoral cuz they like get around me because they all building a strategy and a wolf man captain you know lady but we need all-father and here's what they do go to verse 14 I'm done if we build these up in our miss and you be what God has called you to be if you are one of these then we will no longer be immature like children so let's you strive for an example if you have strike in a church guess what gift is most effective in strife the past role one the past role one because what happens is if you have a shepherd listening objectively they can redirect everybody to where they went wrong in conflict I believe a major part of conflict resolution in the church should be a pastoral at a pastoral experience that makes sense now prophets maybe unless they're mature cuz they're gonna all with my wife always crushes my dream in Samson I really wanted to be a judge that was my job I want to sit on the night I even have a gavel right now in my office that I use for the end of staff meetings just just discuss so if I'm mad I get to hang in my gamble don't judge me right but my wife says I would have made a horrible attorney because she says I would have walked in every civil case like I knew what was already to add so she said you've been old for you to discern kids and put him in jail for no reason and not even heard their case and it's not your job what's the problem with that you know if God give it to me I got to give it to you how God give it to me understood but I just wouldn't have made it that way but in that in conflict like that there and also in marital issues and marital issues they need a pastoral issue you don't always want to go into a marital conflict with a teaching intention because sometimes the hurt from a marital situation prevents the reception of knowledge so until you deal with the bruises and you deal with the issues that have come as a byproduct today they don't want to know the statistics on marriage and statistically you know they the way you would go in with a teacher in marriage counselors this you know factually chemically your body starts to move and rearrange around the times of arguments and then the come on come on let's listen let's deal with people level issues alright that make sense to you do we all grow up until we are no longer immature like children and then it says we're not tossed to and fro when you notice instability in a life there is one of these impacts that they've not necessarily have in order to grow you must be stable can we say that together in order to grow you must be stable and one of the enemy's objectives for you in more than one area is to make you unstable mentally financially emotionally some of you are fine with it but you are relationally unstable and so God grows you watch me from the point of stability once you are stable let's get you stable then we can grow you but you're not going to grow beyond your stability does this make sense okay so let's let's take this subject of friendship if you are the type of individual that don't have the capacity for five or six people don't reach for it until you're stable and you like I only have the emotional tolerance for a two to three bill with them two to three now don't get possessive and almost said something possessive and inordinate and and it started looking more romantic than than friendship okay but make sure that you have the emotional bandwidth to stabilize yourself there some of you need to have a no new friends policy until you good friend to the ones you've got the answer to becoming a better friend is not adding more friends and that was a prophecy for about thirty of you 37 all right yeah so that stability tossed to and fro cuz a part of what comes what life is winds its storms and when you're mature you start to stabilize and then it says that you're not going to be easily influenced when people speak lies what that means is when you have all five of those ministries you have an ear for strange or inconsistent or dualist doctrine it heightens your ability to recognize error and it heightens your ability to know when somebody is plugging at your night Bertie's preaching things that don't make sense saying things that don't make sense pulling you in that way does it make sense now you may not want to aspire to be a theologian or aspire to be some great scripture philosophy for but as a believer you still need an ear for a sound doctrine if people are telling you stupid stuff and you're changing your life just because you trust the presenter then you're not gonna grow in that particular way you need an ear for sound doctrine I hear for the word of God so it talks about the unity of the faith but here is a goal we will not ever measure up to the full stature of Jesus Christ if we're only building on a nanu nanu form of ministry which is pastor teacher alone because what happens is if you only Beal with those two gifts those types of communities be scared to be stretched out into other ministry they just want to learn how to be good husbands good wives and and and and that'll be it till I go see mahalia and James Cleveland but I think that when you have all five what happens is there's a greater courage to see more to push the boundaries of possibility and the future does this make sense to you now let me connect this message with the first one a part of what you need to be resolving in about this season is where you fit on this spectrum let me tell you who we I wouldn't go on here but I feel it in my belly how running from your call don't work let me share it with you as a living witness that to tell God no and not resolve your calling will open you up to all and the enemy perpetuates this line if you say yes you get consequence if you say no you get consequence because the Lord protects you on the side of your obedience when you don't and a lot of you deal with fear of responsibility particularly if you feel like what I've learned in the last two years of my assignment is throw everything you call to do back on God so as a matter of prayer and practice when I'm frustrated I'm like Lord you have to figure this out and this pressure is not mine and people will come to me and say Jesus I fell in seeing yesterday what I do and I don't want to tell you cuz you was man I do like this I don't have any scars in my hand I'm not Jesus I do not take your falls and sins and mistakes personal anymore used to but I don't my blood is in my body I don't do that now we can process this but I'm not into personalizing your stuff you belong to the Lord so in terms of dealing with your calling learn how to redirect that stuff okay when God gives you visions so if you take what I taught this morning and apply it to what I'm teaching you now if the Lord highlights stuff to you that you're in a season of this or a season that I'll call you to do this don't internalize it as something you got to hurry up and figure out cat that is a care okay - set on the Lord just like you do everything else you if you want me to do this and send a thousand people to college you're gonna have to figure it out if you don't cash it back to God it becomes mental stress once it becomes mental stress it becomes discouragement once it becomes discouragement it's now gonna turn into disobedience and when it's in disobedience your only other place that goes rebellions that make sense there's a graduation of disobedience in the hearts of people because they can't figure it out okay here's the other warning please play kill and they saw it is vitally important one of my alignment meetings one of my I'm gonna meet my wife they're not gonna have a session with all of the women in our church they want to come then all of the men in our church separately and then we're gonna have a marriage maintenance for every married couple in here to talk about stuff and you get to ask both of us questions so if you've never seen that before it'll actually really bless you here's my warning one of the worst things you can do for your call is be on equally yoked and that does not mean having a mate or a spouse that does the same thing it means having a mate or a spouse that can sign up for your realm of pressure that is of God you have to that's what uh being equally yoked is about not if you have a husband or wife that's mad about or feel robbed by your pressure eventually what's gonna happen is and you gotta balance it don't be crazy I told everybody I'm not married to the church this is Jesus bride I have one so I don't be in here all types of night and day timeout I've got to turn the Royal plow no I'm not doing that I'm go home but if you don't marry equally yoke or date equally Oh sometimes you have to date to discover if somebody is capable of handling that pressure what happens is at some point your destiny may turn on you because either you're gonna walk away from it or you're gonna walk away from marriage so we don't have to be called to do the same thing but we do have to be built for similar types of pressure it takes a very secure woman to handle my schedule if I had some of your wives around here that was like it's been 30 whole minutes and you've not hugged me then you would not know me know y'all are laughing but they're wives that are like that oh you've worked three days for stay is mine it's like no but there's a man that could handle that is that not the case there's a man who maybe can handle that if you are a woman who is a visionary woman that's a whole different class in and of itself because you bear the responsibility of managing your role in a house your character as a woman and the burden of somebody who is a builder and I believe that women can be called by God to build if you have a man that has been trained to think like a woman then is going to seem like your commitment to vision is rebellion to him unelected but that's the same issue it takes a very secure man to lead us along side of a woman that got vision I if I were a bum and she doing serial businesses and and and and you know products and stuff and and my number one I don't wanted to cook for me so I can't complain about dinner not being done but if I feel neglected by her hustle and by her bustle then she wouldn't be able to flourish I have watched women not flourish because of insecure men and women are so self-sacrificing that they would rather give up on their dream and make him man besure they lazy cuz then a brother though you an out shiny yes [Applause] [Music] be equally yoked be equally yoked this is a season of maturity for all nations worship assembly he's maturing us and he's doing so through all five we are no longer in the season of if my apostle didn't say it it's not so [Applause] because unfortunate truth is at at ten thousand nine thousand eight thousand members I'm not about to be calling giving personal directors to everybody and the problem is I used to do that so now that I do not there's focus and a whole chemical meltdown but I'm leading through leaders cuz I just don't have the time to do it is y'all see all them people in New York City I can't be doing that bit like oh could you go get the paper town for Thursday you know but it's time to mature a man it's time to mature and unfortunately the way that's got to work is we've got to mature from the front to the back we will not mature from the back to the front so part of what that means is that leaders have to mature first amen I said leaders have to mature first [Applause]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 34,925
Rating: 4.8903108 out of 5
Id: hRqGGp00Fq0
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Length: 37min 39sec (2259 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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