Just how big is that thing?

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hello mr. Wran here today is November 22nd today I'm in Abita Springs I'm only about four miles from my house and about six miles from the Abbey but we're back in the woods and Abita Springs and we're doing a removal I got Richie Richie Rich with me today and we're doing a remove from this old building right here great story behind the building beautiful setting I mean like I said we are in the woods here we were way off the highway but you still can hear the trucks rolling by as a as a go but past but this place has been here for over a hundred years now I'm saying the bees have been here for that long but they're located up up in the very top of the of the roof part right there but they're not in the roof they're in the wall and I'm going to show you a picture on the FLIR with it just a little while but we've come out here she's called me actually she called me almost eight months ago to do this job and I've been busy and she's been busy and we never could get our schedules to work right for us to do this so finally today we finally got a chance I know November you would think is not a great time of the year to remove bees but for us here in Louisiana I think it's the ideal time the number of bees and the hive has already started to reduce as we going into winter there's like hardly any brood in there at all because the Queen she shut down basically for the winter and the amount of honey year they may be honey and I think there is honey in this one but even that's starting to shrink as well the hive looked a lot bigger than it does today like six weeks ago when I came out here and looked at it really for the first time and it is it is great reduced and the bees have moved from one side of the wall to the other so this there's got to be a lot of comb in there but I don't I mean it's all guesswork at this point but we're gonna go ahead and remove the sheetrock in there and expose the B's this Shack this little building has been here for over a hundred years the homeowner told me in the summertime the mother and the father would bring their six children and they'd come and spend the summer's here in this little in this ability and I'm gonna give you a shot of it it's really small but what's really particularly interesting on this location is the artesian flow well here Abita Springs used to have literally hundreds of artesian wells on people's property in fact one time they used to call it the healing waters of evita Springs and they had groups of people that would sail across the lake or come across a lake on paddle wheels and come to OB de fort just for the water and they do their recreational vacations here because it was like far from the city and really it's only about 50 miles away but 50 miles 100 years ago that was a far piece away so by the grace of God today Richie Rich and I we're gonna go ahead and get these beads out of here and bring them up to the abbey and hopefully it's gonna be a nice-sized hub and make a welcome addition to the bees up there lets her ankle now before we get in there and show you the bees I got to show you this little shack this thing is some kind of tiny and very typical construction was in those days they didn't have to buy four walls they just did what they call a barge and VAT and construction where they just used solid planking and build walls with it and then they put the battens in between the spacing of the boards and all this siding right here is heart pine that was more likely milled right from this location because this area was very very large milling processing town then what they do is they would over the over the Pape over the board's they would put this paper right here and this stuff is like they don't make this stuff ever anymore but it's tar paper and it's got some kind of like sand or grit on the outside and they put this on the sides of the building to help protect the wood so this is the the building of course they didn't have electricity in those days and so that that kind of like out of a place but let me show you the other really cool thing about this place how about that an artesian flow well there's no pump on this that is simply the pressure from the water in the ground pushing up and it's down so that pipe is down so far that the water just comes out all on its own and it flows into the little well that they made overflows and then it goes through the little ditch and as it follows a ditch and there's the little house the little shack really really picturesque like I could imagine if the dirt routes are right here he'd be shooting stuff in black and white because it would look really really good in black and white now let me get you one shot real close to that well as the water comes out the ground and this runs all year long all the time and the water coming out that ground I believe it's like 52 degrees all year round of thematic winter summer it's always the same temperature let's get inside and find out where these bees are located so we're gonna walk inside and I'm going to show you this mansion up a house got rich in the homeowner is our homeowner Vicky and you know that is rich so this is a mansion that that they used to come spend their summers here this was the front room and the mother and father would stay in this room and Vicky told me that they used to serve cooking syrup right in here and then then and this big ol massive room right here is where the six children they would stay yep six kids could you imagine that today though this is what we're gonna be working on today is the bees up in the corner of the wall right there and I'm gonna grab the FLIR right now and shoot the image of where the bees are and let you see it it's not they are located right in this area right there so let me get the FLIR and show you what they look like with the thermal camera and as you can see on the camera that big red glow now I'm gonna shoot the laser beams up there and where they land is going to be right at the base of the bees look on the wall in the corner right up here's where we're gonna be doing it I had to turn off that light you couldn't even see the dots of the laser beam so this is where the bees are going to be right there you see the dots there's the dots right there that's where our bees are so I'm going to get the jigsaw and we're just going to cut the sheet rock out and expose these bees well this is the big in folks it's that comb just keeps on going down so we're gonna go ahead and cut open some more sheetrock and finish getting more of this comb this this this hive has been here for a long time there's some old black comb and these bees they're not really happy right now well every bit of 6 foot 6 foot long that's at least 20 inches wide is very atypical construction I don't even think they had construction codes back when this Shack was built long long pieces of comb we're gonna start removing this stuff from the bottom the bees are up at the top and that's stuff on the bottom is full of honey we're gonna vacuum and cut away and we'll this thing down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we got the big piece of the comb out and get the little piece on the top but if you remember I told you this really wasn't the typical type construction and here's a surprise that we found so as you go up the studs these are I suppose these are eight-foot studs right here and then they just end and there's nothing between the end of the stud and that top plate at least not here and the bees are built cone over into the next section of the wall and into this section as well so you can see you may be able to see that it on this one how the cone goes on to solve the way to the top of the stud right there so we're gonna have to open up some more sheetrock and we're gonna find out what's on this side over here oh boy you love surprises huh well you got to love this carpentry huh man if we'd just taking this sheetrock off all in one piece to expose it this would have been a magnificent looking Hut it's already magnificent looking but my goodness this thing was huge all right we're gonna cut down some more cone I see this one cost our bees right here that looks particularly interesting so as we go through that I am definitely gonna be paying attention to that maybe I'll get some better camera angle on this one to show y'all you ready to do some more vacuum in Richie that's good all right well that wasn't them it didn't go the way I would have wanted to go we didn't get the we didn't see the Queen with my gosh man we back in something-something there's a bunch oh yeah Leah's bees and B they just never never stop and there's just so many places in this wall for the bees to hide so we're not we're not we're finished but today I'm gonna come back to my Sunday today's Friday's I'll come back on Sunday and and vacuum up the rest of the bees that are left up in here and maybe maybe if we're lucky the Queen will show up or she might have been already the boss you gotta show what do you think what do you think about this job's a tough one that's the way Richie Rich wrangles and that's the way you grow is bad luck that was Nancy live I mean it was spread out it was long it was just a big guy it was a big guy but we we did get a lot of bees I mean I 40,000 bees that's that's a yeah it's a bunch well I think that's all we got for this or huh yes sir so anything to say that he'll gonna wrap it up let me say thanks for watching you will watch it will be more widow god bless thanks for watching keep on watching we'll be making my god last mr. n Ritchie we're out into the next video [Music] I said I wouldn't do it Vicki said they drink this water all the time pretty aggression that cone is just going on and on and on a nice wall here with you see anything else in there Jeff watch the mason jar full of cash
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 25,236
Rating: 4.9363956 out of 5
Keywords: Just how big is that thing?, bees, honey bees, bee removals, bee removal from a house, honey, honey comb, artesian well, flow well, drinking water, bee smoker, bee vac, using a bee vac to remove bees, mason jars, sheet rock, removing sheet rock, old buildings, Honey Bandit, Honey Robber, ice chests, brood comb, queen bees, worker bees, board and batten construction, tar paper, massive bee hives, bee stings, hive tools, jig saw, demolition work, renovation work
Id: dHhPaxwizds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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