The six largest bee hive removals of 2019

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figaro what are you doing buddy you wanna go shoot some video alright let's go ahead back there [Music] hello mr. head here hard to believe what today is January the 13th and it's 63 degrees I mean unbelievable we've been having rain for the last four days but regardless of the rain the bees are still flying and it's raining and things are starting to bloom look at this the blackberry bushes they're already starting to get new leaves on them a red maple it's full bloom all around here and the bees bringing in pollen it's a great deal love coming out here and watching all that stuff so many people have asked how did I really begin to be come a beekeeper and I would have to say that my first experience as Steven wanting to become a beekeeper was back in 1978 a friend of mine Keith he was a beekeeper and he told me one day said Jeff there's this beehive in a house on River Road in this old abandoned house you want to come up there with me and we'll get him out of there well I didn't really know anything about it but I was always up for a good time so I said yeah let's go so we went up there and it was a probably about a 45 50 minute ride out of New Orleans to get to this place and we got there and there's his old house falling down there's an old old house probably about 150 years old it's just a little shack but it was all made out of cypress and old construction and we proceeded to finish taking off some of the siding around one of the windows and exposed the hot and that was my first real experience with bees and I was just like blown away by the cone it was it was a pretty new hive because I remember even to this day it was almost all white so it had to be brand new but what really captivated me was the configuration the shape of the comb being that was all white they would remember there were three tiers of it and it was a tear shaped come and each one of the combs these were the edge of the comb as it curved in and out the one directly behind it followed it and in that moment of seeing that I said man I got to be a beekeeper because that is just so cool so the videos that we're gonna show today I'll show today or just how cool are these hives they're very big hives so these are the biggest hives that I took out last year do a little compilation video on them and show you the six of my largest hives that I took out last year and of all all of them I'm always amazed at just still after all these years amazed at the beauty of the comb especially in these really large ones even as small ones I'm just amazed by but when you when you get one like that one that's 8 foot long it's just like blows my mind away that's why you'll see them here in a lot of the videos I say man that is just beautiful and it is so let's go ahead and take a look at what I did last year get inside and find out where these bees are located so we're gonna walk inside and I'm going to show you this mansion of a house today though this is what we're gonna be working on today is the bees up in the corner of the wall right there it's they are located right in this area right there so let me get the FLIR and show you what they look like with the thermal camera and as you can see on the camera that big red glow well every bit a six foot six foot long that's at least 20 inches wide is very atypical construction I don't even think they had because and codes back when this Shack was built long long pieces of comb [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and here's a surprise that we found so as you go up the studs these are I suppose these are eight-foot studs right here and then they just end and there's nothing between the end of the stud and that top plate at least not here and the bees are built cone over into the next section of the wall and into this section as well so you can see it you may be able to see that it on this one how the cone goes on this all the way to the top of the stud right there so we're gonna have to open up some more sheetrock and we're gonna find out what's on this side over here oh boy you love surprises huh well you gotta love this carpentry huh man if we'd just taking this sheetrock off all in one piece to expose it this would have been a magnificent looking huh it's already magnificent looking but my goodness this thing was huge it's just going on and on and on for cash that was Nancy alive I mean it was spread out it was long it was just a big guy it was a big guy but we we did get a lot of bees I mean I 40,000 bees that's that's a UH it's a bunch with the with the tree down on the ground there really isn't a lot of time that you can have to to lollygag around you really got to get on these things right around particularly right now up here at the end of September the beetles oh it's just like terrible right now you given any time those beetles start hatching as soon as that tree hit the ground that cone broke loose the honey started running the comb is wet and truthfully I don't know what I'm going to find when I go out there but I can tell you one thing when I get up there I'm not going empty-handed it's great and if I got this in my hand you know there's trouble brewing and this is what we're looking at you can stay the bees as I'm going up this crack at this point right here it doesn't seem to be any more bees so I'm gonna make my mic cut on the tree at this point right here and then I'll make it all the way back down to this point because I don't see any comb in here and I like to not hit any comb looks like I'll be able to split this pretty easily [Music] there she is in all her glory I don't know what's on the back side of this we're gonna find out as we go into it I'm gonna set up the feedback spot vacuum bees [Music] is a big piece of comb still in here something out the quarter this log one more time you split this top piece off and get to our bees because we still have a lot of them down here well I think are a few be still in there oh my word you get the vacuum start backing these girls up real quick look at a comb - wow look at that folks oh yeah thank you Jesus that is great I'm gonna go ahead and finish vacuum up these bees finish cutting out the comb but we got us a queen and awesomesauce for sure thank you Jesus [Music] well well well look at the size of this one there's a lot of bull brood right on the outside like there I don't see a lot of honeycomb in here nectar but I don't see much cap honey [Music] [Music] [Music] and did I say feels the other part of the heart yes money stores over here there's no morning [Music] another battle well fought but in the end she gave it up wow what a monster queen yeah alright we're just about done with this thing I'm going to finish back in these bees and show you what we got lots of honey lots of bees lots of comb lots of everything and a big old fat but look at the size of the heat signature on this one look at that it goes all the way to the wall right there and it comes all the way back to right there that's at least four feet right there and there's no telling how further back the cone goes Wow we this is a big one this is a big one for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wow that's a mess brother that's a big word look at this look at this odd and that's just not this part that we cut out Luke would still in the floor oh my word and I don't know how far back it goes there's more comb back here we decide to cut out more subfloor look at this hi folks oh wow we're we're talking 40,000 bees easy in this mess that's Rangel [Music] I put in the cage thank you Jesus Wow so we're gonna go ahead and wrap this thing up vacuum these bees and get this thing going [Music] right there it's another it's another big one on the side it'll it'll go right from the base of the floor in the corner all the way up to the top and you should see the light will hit on it so there's there's our light marks right there and it goes all the way to the top and there it is Wow hmm it's another nice one there is a bunch of honey stores in this one as well this looks like an older section of the comb there's still honey stores in there I can see beautiful beautiful comb on this one instead of those long thin sheets this one is slabs so this will be cutting inlays and we'll fill frames like that oh this is really nice [Music] so this is where we are we've got three quarters of it out still have all that honey up at the top are you sure that's what he looks like now we go WoW is that a hive oh my goodness I am sure that that hive runs from the end of the trail right here to the beam and I'm certainly hoping that it doesn't go beyond the beam let it very well may I mean just this is gonna be a big high there's no doubt about that oh my goodness or what and as I suspect it goes beyond the beam all the way to there this pie is every bit of eight feet all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well for size and beauty those hive certainly did deserve another looking at me that's how come I did it so that's all I got for you in this video and if you'd like to check out those videos in their full length I'll go ahead and put a link in the description of this video for those that want to check it out so thanks for watching keep on watching and I'll be making more God bless mr. ed I'm out of here until the next video [Music]
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 54,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The six largest bee hive removals of 2019, bee hives, bee hive removals, relocating a bee hive, honey bees, bees, drone bees, worker bees, queen bees, removing a bee hive from a house, removing a bee hive from a trailer, catching a queen bee, queen bee cage, honey, honey comb, brood comb, larva, bee larva, bee's wax, bee vac, using a bee vac to remove bees, queen cells, hive tools, serrated knives, vacuuming bees, eating honey, bee suits, Guardian Bee Apparel, having fun
Id: 3PItsOrxWVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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